Source code for votingProfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python 3 implementation of voting digraphs
Refactored from revision 1.549 of the digraphs module
Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: Python 3.10"

from digraphsTools import * 
from digraphs import *

#--------- Decimal precision --------------
from decimal import Decimal

#---------- voting profiles

[docs] class VotingProfile(object): """ A generic class for storing voting profiles. General structure:: candidates = OrderedDict([('a', ...),('b', ...),('c', ...), ( ... ) ]) voters = OrderedDict([ ('1', {'weight':1.0}), ('2', {'weight':1.0}), ..., ]) ballot = { # voters x candidates x candidates '1': { # bipolar characteristic {-1,0,1} of each voter's 'a': { 'a':0,'b':-1,'c':0, ...}, # pairwise preferences 'b': { 'a':1,'b':0, 'c':1, ...}, 'c': { 'a':0,'b':-1,'c':0, ...}, ..., }, '2': { 'a': { 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':1, ...}, 'b': { 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':1, ...}, 'c': { 'a':-1,'b':-1,'c':0, ...}, ..., }, ..., } """ def __repr__(self): """ Default description for VotingProfile instances. """ reprString = '*------- VotingProfile instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += '# Candidates : %d\n' % len(self.candidates) reprString += '# Voters : %d\n' % len(self.voters) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) return reprString def __init__(self,fileVotingProfile=None,seed=None): if fileVotingProfile is not None: fileName = fileVotingProfile+'.py' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileName).read(), fileName, 'exec'),argDict) = str(fileVotingProfile) self.candidates = argDict['candidates'] self.voters = argDict['voters'] self.ballot = argDict['ballot'] else: print('Error: a stored voting profile is required!') return
[docs] def showAll(self, WithBallots=True): """ Show method for <VotingProfile> instances. """ print('*------ VotingProfile instance: %s ------*' % voters = [x for x in self.voters] voters.sort() print('Voters : %s' % str(voters)) candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] candidates.sort() print('Candidates : %s' % str(candidates)) if WithBallots: print('Ballots') for v in voters: print('voting of voter %s (weight = %.1f)' \ % (v,self.voters[v]['weight'])) self.showVoterBallot(v) print('----------------------')
[docs] def showVoterBallot(self, voter, hasIntegerValuation=False): """ Show the actual voting of a voter. """ candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] print(' > |', end=' ') for x in candidates: print("'"+x+"', ", end=' ') print('\n-----|------------------------------------------------------------') for x in candidates: print("'"+x+"' | ", end=' ') for y in candidates: if hasIntegerValuation: print('%d ' % (self.ballot[voter][x][y]), end=' ') else: print('%.2f ' % (self.ballot[voter][x][y]), end=' ') print() print('\n')
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempVotingProfile'): """ Persistant storage of an approval voting profile. """ print('*--- Saving voting profile in file: <' + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') candidates = self.candidates voters = self.voters ballot = self.ballot saveFileName = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(saveFileName, 'w') fo.write('# Saved voting profile: \n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict \n') fo.write('candidates = OrderedDict([\n') for x in candidates: try: candidateName = candidates[x]['name'] except: candidateName = x fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\', \'%s\'}),\n' % (x,candidateName) ) fo.write('])\n') fo.write('voters = OrderedDict([\n') for v in voters: fo.write('(\'' +str(v)+'\', {\n') fo.write('\'weight\':'+str(voters[v]['weight'])+'}),\n') fo.write('])\n') fo.write('ballot = {\n') for v in ballot: fo.write('\'' +str(v)+'\': {\n') for x in candidates: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\':{' +'\n') for y in candidates: fo.write('\'' + str(y) + '\':' +str(ballot[v][x][y])+',\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def computePrerankedBallot(self,preranking,Debug=False): """ Renders the bipolar-valued ballot obtained from given preorderings of the candidates per voter """ Max = Decimal('1') Med = Decimal('0') Min = Decimal('-1') candidates = [c for c in self.candidates] currentCandidates = set(candidates) prerankedBallot = {} for x in candidates: prerankedBallot[x] = {} for y in candidates: prerankedBallot[x][y] = Med for eqcl in preranking: currRest = currentCandidates - set(eqcl) if Debug: print(currentCandidates, eqcl, currRest) for x in eqcl: for y in eqcl: if x != y: prerankedBallot[x][y] = Max prerankedBallot[y][x] = Max for x in eqcl: for y in currRest: prerankedBallot[x][y] = Max prerankedBallot[y][x] = Min currentCandidates = currentCandidates - set(eqcl) return prerankedBallot
[docs] class RandomVotingProfile(VotingProfile): """ A subclass for generating random voting profiles. When *IntraGroup* is set to *True*, the candidates are the voters themselves """ def __init__(self,numberOfVoters=9, votersIdPrefix='v', IntraGroup=False, numberOfCandidates=5, candidatesIdPrefix='c', hasRandomWeights=False,maxWeight=10, seed=None,Debug=False): """ Random profile creation parameters: | numberOfVoters=9, | numberOfCandidates=5 """ from collections import OrderedDict import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed votersList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfVoters + 1)] voters = OrderedDict() nd = len(str(numberOfVoters)) for v in votersList: voterID = ('%s%%0%dd' % (votersIdPrefix,nd)) % (v) if hasRandomWeights: voters[voterID] = {'weight':random.randint(1,maxWeight)} else: voters[voterID] = {'weight':1} if IntraGroup: candidates = voters else: candidatesList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfCandidates + 1)] candidates = OrderedDict() na = len(str(numberOfCandidates)) for c in candidatesList: candidateID =('%s%%0%dd' % (candidatesIdPrefix,na)) % (c) candidates[candidateID] = {'name': candidateID} self.IntraGroup = IntraGroup = str('randonVotingProfile') self.candidates = candidates self.voters = voters self.ballot = self.generateRandomBallot(seed=seed,Debug=Debug) if Debug: self.showAll()
[docs] def generateRandomBallot(self,seed,Debug=False): """ Renders a randomly generated approval ballot from a list of candidates for each voter. """ from decimal import Decimal import random if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) ballot = {} voters = [x for x in self.voters] #candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] #nc = len(candidatesList) for v in voters: ballot[v] = {} candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] nc = len(candidatesList) for i in range(nc): ballot[v][candidatesList[i]] = {} for j in range(nc): ballot[v][candidatesList[i]][candidatesList[j]] = Decimal('0.0') if self.IntraGroup: candidatesList.remove(v) random.shuffle(candidatesList) if Debug: print(v, candidatesList) for i in range(nc): for j in range(i+1,nc): ballot[v][candidatesList[i]][candidatesList[j]] = Decimal('1.0') ballot[v][candidatesList[j]][candidatesList[i]] = Decimal('-1.0') return ballot
[docs] class PrerankedVotingProfile(VotingProfile): """ A specialised class for preranked voting profiles Structure:: candidates = OrderedDict([('a', ...) ,('b', ...),('c', ...), ...]) voters = OrderedDict([('1',{'weight':1.0}), ('2',{'weight':1.0}), ...]) ## each specifies a a ranked list of lists of candidates ## from the best to the worst preorderBallot = { '1' : [['b','c'],['a'], ...], '2' : [['a'],['b','c'], ...], ... } """ def __init__(self,fileVotingProfile=None): if fileVotingProfile is not None: fileName = fileVotingProfile+'.py' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileName).read(), fileName, 'exec'),argDict) = str(fileVotingProfile) self.candidates = argDict['candidates'] self.voters = argDict['voters'] self.prerankedBallot = argDict['prerankedBallot'] self.ballot = self.computeBallot() else: print('Error: a stored preranked voting profile is required!') return self.sumWeights = 0.0 for v in self.voters: self.sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight']
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempPreRankedProfile'): """ Persistant storage of a preranked voting profile. Parameter: name of file (without <.py> extension!). """ print('*--- Saving preorder profile in file: <' + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') candidates = self.candidates voters = self.voters prerankedBallot = self.prerankedBallot saveFileName = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(saveFileName, 'w') fo.write('# Saved preranked voting profile: \n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict \n') fo.write('candidates = OrderedDict([\n') for x in candidates: try: candidateName = candidates[x]['name'] except: candidateName = x #fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\': {\'name\': \'' + str(x)+ '\'},\n') fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\'}),\n' % (x,candidateName) ) fo.write('])\n') fo.write('voters = OrderedDict([\n') for v in voters: fo.write('(\'' +str(v)+'\', {\n') fo.write('\'weight\':'+str(voters[v]['weight'])+'}),\n') fo.write('])\n') fo.write('prerankedBallot = {\n') for v in prerankedBallot: fo.write('\'' +str(v)+'\': [\n') for x in prerankedBallot[v]: fo.write(str(x) + ',\n') fo.write('],\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def showPrerankedBallots(self,IntegerWeights=True): """ show the preranked ballots """ ## sumWeights = Decimal('0') if IntegerWeights: formStr = ' %s(%.0f):\t %s' else: formStr = ' %s(%.f):\t %s' print(' voters \t marginal ') print('(weight)\t candidates rankings') for v in self.voters: ## sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight'] print(formStr \ % (str(v),self.voters[v]['weight'], str(self.prerankedBallot[v]))) print('# voters: ',str(self.sumWeights))
[docs] def computeBallot(self,Debug=False): """ compute ballots from the prerankeds """ from copy import deepcopy ballot = {} for v in self.voters: preranked = self.prerankedBallot[v] ballot[v] = self.computePrerankedBallot(preranked) if Debug: print(preranked) print(ballot[v]) return ballot
[docs] class RandomPrerankedVotingProfile(PrerankedVotingProfile): """ A specialized class for generating random preranked voting profiles. *Parameters* * The *votersWeights* parameter may be a list of positive integers in order to deterministically attribute weights to the voters Is ignored when *RandomWeights* is True * When *voterWeights* are None and *RandomWeights* is False, each voter obtains a single vote (default setting) * the *lengthProbability* influences the expected cardinalities of the equivalence classes """ def __init__(self,numberOfVoters=10, numberOfCandidates=5, votersIdPrefix='v', candidatesIdPrefix='c', votersWeights=None, RandomWeights=False, lengthProbability=0.4, seed=None,Debug=False): """ """ from collections import OrderedDict import random if seed is None: seed = random.random() random.seed(seed) votersList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfVoters + 1)] voters = OrderedDict() nd = len(str(numberOfVoters)) for v in votersList: voterID = ('%s%%0%dd' % (votersIdPrefix,nd)) % (v) if votersWeights is not None: try: weight = votersWeights[v-1] except: weight = 1 else: if RandomWeights: weight = random.randint(1,numberOfVoters) else: weight = 1 voters[voterID] = {'weight':Decimal('%d' % weight)} candidatesList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfCandidates + 1)] candidates = OrderedDict() na = len(str(numberOfCandidates)) for c in candidatesList: candidateID =('%s%%0%dd' % (candidatesIdPrefix,na)) % (c) candidates[candidateID] = {'name': 'Candidate '+ candidateID} # store instance attributes = str('randprerankedProfile') self.seed = seed self.candidates = candidates self.voters = voters self.RandomWeights = RandomWeights self.sumWeights = Decimal('0') for v in self.voters: self.sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight'] self.lengthProbability = lengthProbability self.prerankedBallot = self.generateRandomPrerankedBallot( seed=seed) self.ballot = self.computeBallot()
[docs] def generateRandomPrerankedBallot(self, seed=None,Debug=False): """ Renders a randomly generated preranked ballot. """ import random random.seed(seed) prerankedBallot = {} voters = self.voters candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] n = len(candidatesList) if Debug: print(candidatesList) for v in voters: random.shuffle(candidatesList) if Debug: print(candidatesList) from randomNumbers import\ BinomialRandomVariable currIndex = 0 prerankedBallotv = [] length = BinomialRandomVariable(n,self.lengthProbability) while currIndex < n: endIndex = currIndex + length.random() if Debug: print(v,n,currIndex,endIndex) if endIndex > currIndex: if endIndex < n: prerankedBallotv.append(candidatesList[currIndex:endIndex]) currIndex = endIndex else: prerankedBallotv.append(candidatesList[currIndex:n]) currIndex = n if Debug: print(v,prerankedBallotv) prerankedBallot[v] = prerankedBallotv return prerankedBallot
[docs] class LinearVotingProfile(VotingProfile): """ A specialised class for linear voting profiles Structure:: candidates = OrderedDict([('a', ...) ,('b', ...),('c', ...), ...]) voters = OrderedDict([('1',{'weight':1.0}), ('2',{'weight':1.0}), ...]) ## each specifies a a ranked list of candidates ## from the best to the worst linearBallot = { '1' : ['b','c','a', ...], '2' : ['a','b','c', ...], ... } Sample Python3 session >>> from votingProfiles import * >>> v = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=5,numberOfCandidates=3) >>> v.showLinearBallots() voters marginal (weight) candidates rankings v1(1): ['c1', 'c3', 'c2'] v2(1): ['c2', 'c1', 'c3'] v3(1): ['c1', 'c3', 'c2'] v4(1): ['c2', 'c1', 'c3'] v5(1): ['c3', 'c1', 'c2'] # voters: 5 >>> v.computeRankAnalysis() {'c1': [Decimal('2'), Decimal('3'), 0], 'c2': [Decimal('2'), 0, Decimal('3')], 'c3': [Decimal('1'), Decimal('2'), Decimal('2')]} >>> v.showRankAnalysisTable() *---- Borda rank analysis tableau -----* candi- | alternative-to-rank | Borda dates | 1 2 3 | score average -------|------------------------------------- 'c1' | 2 3 0 | 8 1.60 'c2' | 2 0 3 | 11 2.20 'c3' | 1 2 2 | 11 2.20 >>> v.computeUninominalVotes() {'c1': Decimal('2'), 'c2': Decimal('2'), 'c3': Decimal('1')} >>> v.computeSimpleMajorityWinner() ['c1', 'c2'] >>> v.computeBordaScores() OrderedDict([ ('c1', {'BordaScore': Decimal('8'), 'averageBordaScore': Decimal('1.6')}), ('c2', {'BordaScore': Decimal('11'), 'averageBordaScore': Decimal('2.2')}), ('c3', {'BordaScore': Decimal('11'), 'averageBordaScore': Decimal('2.2')})]) >>> v.computeBordaWinners() ['a1'] >>> v.computeInstantRunoffWinner() ['c1'] """ def __init__(self,fileVotingProfile=None,numberOfCandidates=5, numberOfVoters=9): if fileVotingProfile is not None: fileName = fileVotingProfile + '.py' ## else: ## fileName = '' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileName).read(), fileName, 'exec'),argDict) = str(fileVotingProfile) self.candidates = argDict['candidates'] self.voters = argDict['voters'] try: self.seed = argDict('seed') except: pass try: self.withPolls = argDict('WithPolls') except: self.WithPolls = False try: self.RandomWeights = argDict('RandomWeights') except: pass try: self.sumWeights = argDict('sumWeights') except: pass try: self.poll1 = argDict('poll1') except: pass try: self.poll2 = argDict('poll2') except: pass try: self.other = argDict('other') except: pass try: self.partyRepartition = argDict('partyRepartition') except: pass self.linearBallot = argDict['linearBallot'] self.ballot = self.computeBallot() else: print('!!! Error: The name of a stored linear voting profile is required !!!') return self.sumWeights = 0.0 for v in self.voters: self.sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight']
[docs] def computeBallot(self): """ Computes a complete ballot from the linear Ballot. """ candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] linearBallot = self.linearBallot ballot = {} for v in linearBallot: ballot[v] = {} for x in candidates: ballot[v][x] = {} for y in candidates: ballot[v][x][y] = Decimal("0.0") n = len(linearBallot[v]) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = linearBallot[v][i] y = linearBallot[v][j] ballot[v][x][y] = Decimal("1.0") ballot[v][y][x] = Decimal("-1.0") self.ballot = ballot return ballot
[docs] def save(self,fileName='templinearprofile'): """ Persistant storage of a linear voting profile. Parameter: name of file (without <.py> extension!). """ print('*--- Saving linear profile in file: <' + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') candidates = self.candidates voters = self.voters linearBallot = self.linearBallot saveFileName = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(saveFileName, 'w') fo.write('# Saved linear voting profile: \n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict \n') fo.write('candidates = OrderedDict([\n') for x in candidates: try: candidateName = candidates[x]['name'] except: candidateName = x #fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\': {\'name\': \'' + str(x)+ '\'},\n') fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\'}),\n' % (x,candidateName) ) fo.write('])\n') fo.write('voters = OrderedDict([\n') for v in voters: fo.write('(\'' +str(v)+'\', {\n') fo.write('\'weight\':'+str(voters[v]['weight'])+'}),\n') fo.write('])\n') fo.write('linearBallot = {\n') for v in linearBallot: fo.write('\'' +str(v)+'\': [\n') for x in linearBallot[v]: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\'' +',\n') fo.write('],\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def showLinearBallots(self,IntegerWeights=True): """ show the linear ballots """ ## sumWeights = Decimal('0') if IntegerWeights: formStr = ' %s(%.0f):\t %s' else: formStr = ' %s(%.f):\t %s' print(' voters \t marginal ') print('(weight)\t candidates rankings') for v in self.voters: ## sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight'] print(formStr \ % (str(v),self.voters[v]['weight'], str(self.linearBallot[v]))) print('# voters: ',str(self.sumWeights))
[docs] def computeRankAnalysis(self): """ compute the number of ranks each candidate obtains """ ranks = {} candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] n = len(candidatesList) for x in candidatesList: ranks[x] = [0 for i in range(n)] for v in self.voters: for i in range(n): #print(v,i) try: x = self.linearBallot[v][i] #ranks[x][i] += 1 ranks[x][i] += self.voters[v]['weight'] except: pass #print ranks return ranks
[docs] def showRankAnalysisTable(self,Sorted=True,ndigits=0,Debug=False): """ Print the rank analysis tableau. If Sorted (True by default), the candidates are ordered by increasing Borda Scores. In case of decimal voters weights, ndigits allows to format the decimal precision of the numerical output. """ print('*---- Borda rank analysis tableau -----*') bordaScores = self.computeBordaScores() candidatesList = [(bordaScores[x]['BordaScore'],x) for x in self.candidates] if Sorted: candidatesList.sort() if Debug: print(candidatesList) nc = len(candidatesList) rankIndex = [i+1 for i in range(nc)] if Debug: print(nc,rankIndex) ranks = self.computeRankAnalysis() if Debug: print(ranks) if Debug: print(bordaScores) ## print table print(' candi- | alternative-to-rank | Borda') print(' dates | ', end=' ') for x in rankIndex: print( str(x) + ' ', end=' ') print('| score average') print('-------|-------------------------------------------------') for c in candidatesList: print(' \''+str(c[1])+'\' |', end=' ') for i in rankIndex: formatString = '%% .%df ' % ndigits print(formatString % (ranks[c[1]][(i-1)]), end=' ') formatString = ' | %% .%df %%.2f' % ndigits print(formatString % (bordaScores[c[1]]['BordaScore'],\ bordaScores[c[1]]['averageBordaScore']))
[docs] def computeBordaScores(self): """ compute Borda scores from the rank analysis """ from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict from operator import itemgetter ranks = self.computeRankAnalysis() scores = [] candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] n = len(candidatesList) for x in candidatesList: BordaScore_x = 0 for i in range(n): BordaScore_x += (i+1)*ranks[x][i] averageBordaScore_x = BordaScore_x/self.sumWeights scores.append((BordaScore_x,x,averageBordaScore_x)) scores.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) BordaScores = OrderedDict([(x[1], {'BordaScore':x[0], 'averageBordaScore':x[2]}) for x in scores]) return BordaScores
[docs] def showBordaRanking(self): """ show Borda ranking in increasing order of the Borda score """ BordaScores = self.computeBordaScores() print('Borda ranking of the candidates') for x in BordaScores: print(x,': ',BordaScores[x])
[docs] def computeBordaWinners(self): """ compute the Borda winner from the Borda scores, ie the list of candidates with the minimal Borda score. """ BordaScores = self.computeBordaScores() n = len(self.candidates) m = 0 for v in self.voters: m += self.voters[v]['weight'] BordaMinimum = n * m candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] for x in candidatesList: if BordaMinimum > BordaScores[x]['BordaScore']: BordaMinimum = BordaScores[x]['BordaScore'] winners = [x for x in BordaScores \ if BordaScores[x]['BordaScore'] == BordaMinimum] return winners
[docs] def computeInstantRunoffWinner(self,Comments=False): """ compute the instant runoff winner from a linear voting ballot """ from copy import deepcopy,copy from decimal import Decimal voters = copy(self.voters) votersList = [x for x in self.voters] totalWeight = Decimal("0.0") for v in votersList: totalWeight += Decimal('%.3f' % (voters[v]['weight']) ) halfWeight = totalWeight/Decimal("2.0") if Comments: print('Total number of votes = ', totalWeight) print('Half of the Votes = ', halfWeight) candidates = copy(self.candidates) candidatesList = [x for x in candidates] remainingCandidates = copy(candidatesList) remainingLinearBallot = deepcopy(self.linearBallot) stage = 1 while len(remainingCandidates) > 1: uninominalVotes = self.computeUninominalVotes( remainingCandidates,remainingLinearBallot) if Comments: print(' ==> stage = ', stage) print(' remaining candidates', remainingCandidates) print(' uninominal votes', uninominalVotes) minVotes = totalWeight maxVotes = Decimal("0.0") for x in uninominalVotes: if uninominalVotes[x] < minVotes: minVotes = uninominalVotes[x] if uninominalVotes[x] > maxVotes: maxVotes = uninominalVotes[x] if Comments: print(' minimal number of votes = ', minVotes) print(' maximal number of votes = ', maxVotes) if maxVotes <= halfWeight: currentCandidates = set(remainingCandidates) for x in currentCandidates: if uninominalVotes[x] == minVotes: if Comments: print(' candidate to remove = ', x) remainingCandidates.remove(x) for v in voters: try: remainingLinearBallot[v].remove(x) except: pass if Comments: print(' remaining candidates = ', remainingCandidates) #print ' remaining ballots = ', remainingLinearBallot stage += 1 else: for x in remainingCandidates: if uninominalVotes[x] == maxVotes: if Comments: print(' candidate %s obtains an absolute majority' % x) return [x] return remainingCandidates
[docs] def save2PerfTab(self,fileName='votingPerfTab', isDecimal=True,NA=-9999, valueDigits=2,NegativeWeights=True, Comments=False): """ Persistant storage of a linear voting profile in the format of a rank performance Tableau. For each voter *v*, the rank performance of candidate *x* corresponds to: number of candidates - linearProfile[v].index(x) """ from copy import deepcopy if Comments: print('*--- Saving as performance tableau in file: <' \ + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') objectives = {} fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') fo.write('# Saved performance Tableau: \n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict\n') # actions nc = len(self.candidates) fo.write('actions = OrderedDict([\n') for x in self.candidates: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(x)) for it in self.candidates[x].keys(): fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' \ % (it,repr(self.candidates[x][it])) ) fo.write('}),\n') fo.write('])\n') # writing objectives if WithPolls if self.WithPolls: fo.write('objectives = OrderedDict([\n') p0 = [v for v in self.voters if self.voters[v]['party'] == 0] p1 = [v for v in self.voters if self.voters[v]['party'] == 1] p2 = [v for v in self.voters if self.voters[v]['party'] == 2] n0 = len(p0) n1 = len(p1) n2 = len(p2) fo.write('(\'party0\',{\'name\':\'other\',\n') fo.write('\'weight\': %.2f,\n' % Decimal(str(n0)) ) fo.write('\'criteria\': %s }),\n' % p0) fo.write('(\'party1\',{\'name\':\'party 1\',\n') fo.write('\'weight\': %.2f,\n' % Decimal(str(n1)) ) fo.write('\'criteria\': %s }),\n' % p1) fo.write('(\'party2\',{\'name\':\'party 2\',\n') fo.write('\'weight\': %.2f,\n' % Decimal(str(n2)) ) fo.write('\'criteria\': %s }),\n' % p2) fo.write('])\n') else: fo.write('objectives = OrderedDict()\n') # criteria if self.WithPolls: NegativeWeights = False fo.write('criteria = OrderedDict([\n') for g in self.voters: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\',\n' % (str(g),str(g)) ) for it in self.voters[g].keys(): if it == 'weight': if NegativeWeights: fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' \ % (it,repr(-self.voters[g][it]))) else: fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' \ % (it,repr(self.voters[g][it]))) else: fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (it,repr(self.voters[g][it]))) fo.write("\'scale\':(Decimal(1),Decimal(%d)),\n" % nc) fo.write("\'preferenceDirection\': \'%s\'" % 'min') fo.write('}),\n') fo.write('])\n') # evaluation fo.write('evaluation = {\n') for g in self.voters: fo.write('\'' +str(g)+'\': {\n') for x in self.candidates: if Decimal: #fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\':Decimal("' + str(evaluation[g][x]) + '"),\n') evaluationString = '\'%%s\':Decimal("%%.%df"),\n' \ % (valueDigits) try: xval = (self.linearBallot[g].index(x) + 1) except: xval = NA if NegativeWeights: fo.write(evaluationString % (x,Decimal(str(xval)))) else: fo.write(evaluationString % (x,Decimal(str(-xval)))) else: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\':' \ + str(-evaluation[g][x]) + ',\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write('}\n') fo.write("NA = Decimal('%d')\n" % NA ) fo.close()
[docs] def showHTMLVotingHeatmap(self,criteriaList=None, actionsList=None, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None, Transposed=True, SparseModel=False, minimalComponentSize=1, rankingRule='Copeland', quantiles=None, strategy='average', ndigits=0, colorLevels=None, pageTitle='Voting Heatmap', Correlations=True, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False): """ Show the linear voting profile as a rank performance heatmap. The linear voting profile is previously saved to a stored Performance Tableau. (see perfTabs.PerformanceTableau.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap() ) """ from tempfile import mkdtemp tempDir = mkdtemp() perfTabFileName = '%s/votingPerfTab' % tempDir if SparseModel: self.save2PerfTab(perfTabFileName,_NegativeWeights=False) else: self.save2PerfTab(perfTabFileName) t = PerformanceTableau(perfTabFileName) t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(criteriaList=criteriaList, actionsList=actionsList, fromIndex=fromIndex,toIndex=toIndex, Transposed=Transposed, SparseModel=SparseModel, minimalComponentSize=minimalComponentSize, rankingRule=rankingRule, quantiles=quantiles, strategy=strategy, ndigits=ndigits, colorLevels=colorLevels, pageTitle=pageTitle, Correlations=Correlations, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs, Debug=Debug)
[docs] def computeUninominalVotes(self,candidates=None,linearBallot=None): """ compute uninominal votes for each candidate in candidates sublist and restricted linear ballots """ if candidates==None: candidates = self.candidates if linearBallot is None: linearBallot = self.linearBallot uninominalVotes = {} for x in candidates: uninominalVotes[x] = 0 for v in self.voters: if linearBallot[v][0] == x: uninominalVotes[x] += self.voters[v]['weight'] return uninominalVotes
[docs] def computeSimpleMajorityWinner(self,Comments=False): """ compute the winner in a uninominal Election from a linear ballot """ uv = self.computeUninominalVotes(self.candidates,self.linearBallot) if Comments: print('uninominal votes ', uv) maxVotes = 0 for x in self.candidates: if uv[x] > maxVotes: maxVotes = uv[x] if Comments: print('maxVotes ', maxVotes) simpleMajorityWinner = [] for x in self.candidates: if uv[x] == maxVotes: simpleMajorityWinner.append(x) if Comments: print('simple majority winner(s) ', simpleMajorityWinner) return simpleMajorityWinner
[docs] class RandomLinearVotingProfile(LinearVotingProfile): """ A specialized class for generating random liwear voting profiles. *Parameters* * When *WithPolls* is True, each party supporting voter's linear ballot is randomly oriented by one of two random exponential poll results. The corresponding polls are stored in self.poll1, respectively self.poll2. * The *partyRepartition* sets the theoretical distribution of the two polls over the set of voters. If set to 0.0 or 1.0, only self.poll2, resp. self.poll1, will orient the respective party supporters. * The *other* paraemter sets the theoretical proportion of non party supporters. * The *DivisivePolitics* flag provides, if True, two reversed polls for generating the random linear ballots. * The *votersWeights* parameter may be a list of positive integers in order to deterministically attribute weights to the voters. Is ignored when *RandomWeights* is True. * When *voterWeights* are None and *RandomWeights* is False, each voter obtains a single vote (default setting). * With *PartialLnearBallots* set to *True*, the linear voting ballots will be randomly shortened with the *lengthProbability* parameter. """ def __init__(self,numberOfVoters=10, numberOfCandidates=5, IntraGroup=False, votersIdPrefix='v', candidatesIdPrefix='c', PartialLinearBallots=False, lengthProbability=0.5, WithPolls=False, partyRepartition=0.5, other=0.05, DivisivePolitics=False, votersWeights=None, RandomWeights=False, seed=None,Debug=False): """ """ from collections import OrderedDict import random if seed is None: seed = random.random() random.seed(seed) votersList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfVoters + 1)] voters = OrderedDict() nd = len(str(numberOfVoters)) for v in votersList: voterID = ('%s%%0%dd' % (votersIdPrefix,nd)) % (v) if votersWeights is not None: try: weight = votersWeights[v-1] except: weight = 1 else: if RandomWeights: weight = random.randint(1,numberOfVoters) else: weight = 1 voters[voterID] = {'weight':Decimal('%d' % weight)} if IntraGroup: candidates = voters else: candidatesList = [x for x in range(1,numberOfCandidates + 1)] candidates = OrderedDict() na = len(str(numberOfCandidates)) for c in candidatesList: candidateID =('%s%%0%dd' % (candidatesIdPrefix,na)) % (c) candidates[candidateID] = {'name': 'Candidate '+ candidateID} # store instance attributes = str('randLinearProfile') self.seed = seed self.candidates = candidates self.voters = voters self.IntraGroup = IntraGroup self.WithPolls = WithPolls self.RandomWeights = RandomWeights self.sumWeights = Decimal('0') for v in self.voters: self.sumWeights += self.voters[v]['weight'] if WithPolls: self.linearBallot \ = self.generateRandomLinearBallotWithPoll( partyRepartition,other,DivisivePolitics, seed=seed,Debug=Debug) else: self.linearBallot = self.generateRandomLinearBallot( PartialLinearBallots=PartialLinearBallots, lengthProbability=lengthProbability, seed=seed) self.ballot = self.computeBallot()
[docs] def generateRandomLinearBallot(self, PartialLinearBallots=False, lengthProbability=0.5, seed=None,Debug=False): """ Renders a randomly generated linear ballot. """ from random import shuffle ## random.seed(seed) linearBallot = {} voters = self.voters if Debug: print(candidatesList) for v in voters: candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] if self.IntraGroup: candidatesList.remove(v) n = len(candidatesList) shuffle(candidatesList) if Debug: print(v,candidatesList) if PartialLinearBallots: from randomNumbers import\ BinomialRandomVariable length = BinomialRandomVariable(n,lengthProbability) linearBallot[v] = candidatesList[:length.random()] else: linearBallot[v] = candidatesList.copy() return linearBallot
[docs] def generateRandomLinearBallotWithPoll(self,partyRepartition, other,DivisivePolitics, seed=None,Debug=False): """ Renders a random linear ballot in accordance with the given polls: self.poll1 and self.poll2. Polls are distributed in the *bipartisan* proportion. """ import random random.seed(seed) from randomNumbers import DiscreteRandomVariable voters = self.voters candidatesList = [x for x in self.candidates] if Debug: print(candidatesList) nc = len(candidatesList) # divisive or independent polls poll1 = {} sumPoll = 0.0 for c in candidatesList: poll1[c] = random.expovariate(1) sumPoll += poll1[c] for c in poll1: poll1[c] /= sumPoll self.poll1 = poll1 poll2 = {} sumPoll = 0.0 if DivisivePolitics: p1 = [(poll1[c],c) for c in candidatesList] p1 = list(sorted(p1)) p2 = list(reversed(p1)) if Debug: print(p1,p2) nc = len(candidatesList) for i in range(nc): #for c in candidatesList: #c = candidatesList[i] #poll2[c] = random.expovariate(1) c = p1[i][1] poll2[c] = p2[i][0] sumPoll += poll2[c] else: for c in candidatesList: poll2[c] = random.expovariate(1) sumPoll += poll2[c] for c in poll2: poll2[c] /= sumPoll # storing polls self.poll1 = poll1 self.poll2 = poll2 self.other = other self.partyRepartition = partyRepartition if Debug: print(poll1,poll2,other,partyRepartition) # generating random linear ballots linearBallot = {} j = 1 for v in voters: # each voter is attached to one of the polls u = random.random() if u < other: # random voting otherCandidatesList = list(candidatesList) random.shuffle(otherCandidatesList) voters[v]['party'] = 0 linearBallot[v] = otherCandidatesList else: # poll driven random if partyRepartition < random.random(): pollv = poll1 voters[v]['party'] = 1 else: pollv = poll2 voters[v]['party'] = 2 # generating a random linear ranking shuffledCandidatesList = [] for i in range(nc-1): NotShuffled = True currPoll = pollv.copy() rdv = DiscreteRandomVariable(currPoll,seed=j) while NotShuffled: xc = rdv.random() if xc not in shuffledCandidatesList: NotShuffled = False shuffledCandidatesList.append(xc) currPoll.pop(xc) ## if Debug: ## print(i,shuffledCandidatesList) shc = set(shuffledCandidatesList) sc = set(candidatesList) xc = (sc-shc).pop() shuffledCandidatesList.append(xc) ## if Debug: ## print('==>>', v,shuffledCandidatesList) j += 1 linearBallot[v] = shuffledCandidatesList return linearBallot
[docs] def showRandomPolls(self,Debug=False): """ Shows the random polls, the case given. """ from operator import itemgetter try: poll1 = [(self.poll1[x],x) for x in self.poll1] except: poll1 = [] nc = len(poll1) if nc > 1: voters = self.voters nv = len(voters) supportersParty1 = [x for x in voters if voters[x]['party'] == 1] supportersParty2 = [x for x in voters if voters[x]['party'] == 2] otherSupporters = [x for x in voters if voters[x]['party'] == 0] n0 = len(otherSupporters) p0 = float(n0)/float(nv) n1 = len(supportersParty1) p1 = float(n1)/float(nv) n2 = len(supportersParty2) p2 = float(n2)/float(nv) if Debug: print(n1,p1,n2,p2,n0,p0) poll1.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) poll2 = [(self.poll2[x],x) for x in self.poll2] poll2.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) poll = [] for x in self.candidates: res = p1 * self.poll1[x] +\ p2 * self.poll2[x] poll.append( (res,x) ) poll.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) # print polls print('Random repartition of voters') print(' Party-1 supporters : %d (%05.2f%%)' % (n1,p1*100)) print(' Party-2 supporters : %d (%05.2f%%)' % (n2,p2*100)) print(' Other voters : %d (%05.2f%%)' % (n0,p0*100)) print('*---------------- random polls ---------------') print(' Party-1(%04.1f%%) | Party-2(%04.1f%%)| expected '\ % (p1*100, p2*100) ) print('-----------------------------------------------') for i in range(nc): print(" %s : %05.2f%% | %s : %05.2f%% | %s : %05.2f%%" %\ (poll1[i][1],poll1[i][0]*100.0, poll2[i][1],poll2[i][0]*100.0, poll[i][1], poll[i][0]*100.0) ) else: print('No polls defined !')
[docs] class BipolarApprovalVotingProfile(VotingProfile): """ A specialised class for approval-disapproval voting profiles. Structure:: candidates = OrderedDict([('a', {'name': ...}), ('b', {'name': ...}), ..., ... ]) voters = OrderedDict([('v1',{'weight':1.0}),('v2':{'weight':1.0}), ...]) ## each voter characterises the candidates ## he approves (+1), disapproves (-1) or ignores (0). approvalBallot = { 'v1' : {'a': Decima('1'), 'b': Decimal('0'), ...}, 'v2' : {'a': Decima('0'), 'b': Decimal('-1'), ...}, ... } ... """ def __init__(self,fileVotingProfile=None,seed=None): if fileVotingProfile is not None: fileName = fileVotingProfile + '.py' ## else: ## fileName = '' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileName).read(), fileName, 'exec'),argDict) = str(fileVotingProfile) self.candidates = argDict['candidates'] self.voters = argDict['voters'] self.approvalBallot = argDict['approvalBallot'] #self.disapprovalBallot = argDict['disapprovalBallot'] self.netApprovalScores = self.computeNetApprovalScores() self.IntraGroup = argDict['IntraGroup'] self.ballot = self.computeBallot() else: print('Error: a valid stored bipolar approval voting profile is required !') return
[docs] def showBipolarApprovals(self): """ Renders the approval and disapprovals per voter """ print('Bipolar approval ballots') print('------------------------') for v in self.voters: app = [b for b in self.approvalBallot[v]\ if self.approvalBallot[v][b] == Decimal('1')] disapp = [b for b in self.approvalBallot[v]\ if self.approvalBallot[v][b] == Decimal('-1')] print(v, ':') print('Approvals :',app) print('Disapprovals:',disapp)
[docs] def showApprovalResults(self): """ Renders the number of approvals obtained by each candidate. """ from operator import itemgetter print('Approval results') candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] voters = self.voters Max = Decimal('1') Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') #candidates.sort() votesPerCandidate = {} for c in candidates: votesPerCandidate[c] = Decimal('0.0') ballot = self.approvalBallot sumApp = Decimal('0') for v in ballot: for c in ballot[v]: if ballot[v][c] > Med: votesPerCandidate[c] += voters[v]['weight'] sumApp += voters[v]['weight'] results = [] for c in candidates: results.append((int(votesPerCandidate[c]),c)) results.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) for c in results: print(' Candidate: %s obtains %d votes' % (c[1],c[0] )) print('Total approval votes: %d' % (int(sumApp)) ) tot = len(candidates) * len(voters) print('Approval proportion: %d/%d = %.2f' \ % ( int(sumApp),tot,sumApp/Decimal(str(tot)) ) )
[docs] def showDisapprovalResults(self): """ Renders the number of disapprovals obtained by each candidate. """ from operator import itemgetter print('Disapproval results') candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] voters = self.voters Max = Decimal('1') Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') #candidates.sort() votesPerCandidate = {} for c in candidates: votesPerCandidate[c] = Decimal('0.0') ballot = self.approvalBallot sumDisapp = Decimal('0') for v in ballot: for c in ballot[v]: if ballot[v][c] < Med: votesPerCandidate[c] += voters[v]['weight'] sumDisapp += voters[v]['weight'] results = [] for c in candidates: results.append((int(votesPerCandidate[c]),c)) results.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) for c in results: print(' Candidate: %s obtains %d votes' % (c[1],c[0] )) print('Total disapproval votes: %d' % (int(sumDisapp)) ) tot = len(candidates) * len(voters) print('Disapproval proportion: %d/%d = %.2f' \ % ( int(sumDisapp),tot,sumDisapp/Decimal(str(tot)) ) )
[docs] def showHTMLVotingHeatmap(self,criteriaList=None, actionsList=None, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None, Transposed=True, rankingRule='NetFlows', quantiles=None, strategy='average', ndigits=0, colorLevels=3, pageTitle='Voting Heatmap', Correlations=True, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False): """ Show the linear voting profile as a rank performance heatmap. The linear voting profile is previously saved to a stored Performance Tableau. (see perfTabs.PerformanceTableau.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap() ) """ from tempfile import mkdtemp tempDir = mkdtemp() perfTabFileName = '%s/votingPerfTab' % tempDir self.save2PerfTab(perfTabFileName) t = PerformanceTableau(perfTabFileName) t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(criteriaList=criteriaList, actionsList=actionsList, fromIndex=fromIndex, toIndex=toIndex, Transposed=Transposed, rankingRule=rankingRule, quantiles=quantiles, strategy=strategy, ndigits=ndigits, colorLevels=colorLevels, pageTitle=pageTitle, Correlations=Correlations, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs, Debug=Debug)
[docs] def computeNetApprovalScores(self,Debug=False): """ Computes the approvals - disapprovals score obtained by each candidate. """ from operator import itemgetter candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] voters = self.voters Max = Decimal('1') Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') #candidates.sort() votesPerCandidate = {} for c in candidates: votesPerCandidate[c] = Decimal('0.0') approved = self.approvalBallot #disapproved = self.disapprovalBallot for v in voters: for c in candidates: votesPerCandidate[c] += approved[v][c]*voters[v]['weight'] results = [] for c in candidates: results.append((int(votesPerCandidate[c]),c)) results.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Debug: print('Net Approval Scores') for c in results: print('candidate: %s obtains %d net approvals' \ % (c[1],c[0]) ) return votesPerCandidate
[docs] def showNetApprovalScores(self): """ Prints the approval - disapproval scores obtained by each candidate. """ from operator import itemgetter candidates = self.candidates scores = self.netApprovalScores results = [] for c in candidates: results.append((int(scores[c]),c)) results.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) print('Net Approval Scores') for c in results: print(' Candidate: %s obtains %d net approvals' \ % (c[1],c[0]) )
[docs] def computeBallot(self,Debug=True): """ Computes a complete ballot from the approval Ballot. """ candidates = [x for x in self.candidates] n = len(candidates) app = self.approvalBallot Max = Decimal('1') Med = Decimal('0') Min = Decimal('-1') #DAVBallot = self.disapprovalBallot ballot = {} for v in app: av = app[v] ballot[v] = {} for x in candidates: ballot[v][x] = {} for y in candidates: ballot[v][x][y] = Decimal("0.0") for i in range(n): x = candidates[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = candidates[j] ## if Debug: ## print(x,av[x],y,av[y]) if av[x] > av[y]: ballot[v][x][y] = Max ballot[v][y][x] = Min elif av[x] < av[y]: ballot[v][x][y] = Min ballot[v][y][x] = Max else: ballot[v][x][y] = Med self.ballot = ballot return ballot
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempAVprofile'): """ Persistant storage of a bipolar approval voting profile. Parameter: name of file (without <.py> extension!). """ print('*--- Saving AV profile in file: <' + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') candidates = self.candidates voters = self.voters approvalBallot = self.approvalBallot #disapprovalBallot = self.disapprovalBallot saveFileName = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(saveFileName, 'w') fo.write('# Saved approval voting profile: \n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict\n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') fo.write('candidates = OrderedDict([\n') for x in candidates: try: candidateName = candidates[x]['name'] except: candidateName = x #fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\': {\'name\': \'' + str(x)+ '\'},\n') fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\'}),\n' % (x,candidateName) ) fo.write('])\n') fo.write('voters = OrderedDict([\n') for v in voters: fo.write('(\'' +str(v)+'\', {\n') fo.write('\'weight\':'+str(voters[v]['weight'])+'}),\n') fo.write('])\n') try: fo.write('IntraGroup = %s' % self.IntraGroup) except: fo.write('IntraGroup = %s' % False) fo.write('approvalProbability = %.2f\n' \ % self.approvalProbability) fo.write('disapprovalProbability = %.2f\n' \ % self.disapprovalProbability) fo.write('approvalBallot = {\n') for v in approvalBallot: fo.write('\'' +str(v)+'\': {\n') for x in approvalBallot[v]: fo.write('\'%s\': Decimal(\'%.f\'),\n' \ % (str(x),approvalBallot[v][x]) ) fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') ## fo.write('disapprovalBallot = {\n') ## for v in disapprovalBallot: ## fo.write('\'' +str(v)+'\': [\n') ## for x in disapprovalBallot[v]: ## fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\'' +',\n') ## fo.write('],\n') ## fo.write( '}\n') fo.write('netVotingScores = {\n') for c in candidates: fo.write('\'%s\': Decimal(\'%.f\'),\n' \ % (str(c), self.netApprovalScores[c])) fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def save2PerfTab(self,fileName='votingPerfTab',valueDigits=2): """ Persistant storage of an approval voting profile in the format of a standard performance tableau. For each voter *v*, the performance of candidate *x* corresponds to: 1, if approved; -1, if disapproved; NA, missing evaluation otherwise, """ from copy import deepcopy print('*--- Saving as performance tableau in file: <' \ + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') objectives = {} fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') fo.write('# Saved performance Tableau: \n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict\n') # actions fo.write('actions = OrderedDict([\n') for x in self.candidates: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(x)) for it in self.candidates[x].keys(): fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' \ % (it,repr(self.candidates[x][it])) ) fo.write('}),\n') fo.write('])\n') # no objectives fo.write('objectives = OrderedDict()\n') # criteria minScale = -1 maxScale = 1 medScale = 0 NA = 999 fo.write('criteria = OrderedDict([\n') for g in self.voters: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(g)) for it in self.voters[g].keys(): fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (it,repr(self.voters[g][it]))) fo.write("\'scale\':(Decimal(\'%d\'),Decimal(\'%d\')),\n" \ % (minScale,maxScale) ) fo.write('}),\n') fo.write('])\n') # evaluation AVballot = self.approvalBallot Max = Decimal('1') Min = Decimal('-1') #DAVBallot = self.disapprovalBallot fo.write('NA = Decimal("%d")\n' % NA) fo.write('evaluation = {\n') for g in self.voters: fo.write('\'' +str(g)+'\': {\n') approved = AVballot[g] for x in self.candidates: evaluationString = '\'%%s\':Decimal("%%.%df"),\n' \ % (valueDigits) if approved[x] == Max: xval = maxScale elif approved[x] == Min: xval = minScale else: # ignored xval = medScale fo.write(evaluationString % (x,Decimal(str(xval)))) fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
# ------------------------
[docs] class RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(BipolarApprovalVotingProfile, RandomLinearVotingProfile): """ A specialized class for generating random approval-disapproval voting profiles with the help of random linear voting profiles. *approvalProbability* determines the number of first-ranked candidates approved *disapprovalProbability* determines the number of last-ranked candidates disapproved """ def __init__(self, numberOfVoters=100, votersIdPrefix= 'v', IntraGroup=False, numberOfCandidates=15, candidatesIdPrefix='c', approvalProbability=0.25, disapprovalProbability=0.3, WithPolls=False, partyRepartition=0.5, other=0.05, DivisivePolitics=False, votersWeights=None, RandomWeights=False, seed=None,Debug=False): """ Random profile creation parameters: | numberOfVoters=9, numberOfCandidates=5, | minSizeOfBallot=1, maxSizeOfBallot=2. """ from collections import OrderedDict from votingProfiles import RandomLinearVotingProfile rlv = RandomLinearVotingProfile( numberOfVoters=numberOfVoters, votersIdPrefix=votersIdPrefix, IntraGroup=IntraGroup, numberOfCandidates=numberOfCandidates, candidatesIdPrefix=candidatesIdPrefix, WithPolls=WithPolls, partyRepartition=partyRepartition, other=other, DivisivePolitics=DivisivePolitics, votersWeights=votersWeights, RandomWeights=RandomWeights, seed=seed) if Debug: print(rlv) rlv.showRandomPolls() = str('bipolarApprovalProfile') self.IntraGroup=IntraGroup self.candidates = rlv.candidates self.voters = rlv.voters self.seed = rlv.seed self.sumWeights = rlv.sumWeights self.WithPolls = rlv.WithPolls if WithPolls: self.poll1 = rlv.poll1 self.poll2 = rlv.poll2 self.other = rlv.other self.partyRepartition = rlv.partyRepartition self.linearBallot = rlv.linearBallot if approvalProbability <= 1.0 and approvalProbability >= 0.0: self.approvalProbability = approvalProbability else: print('!!! Invalid approval probability: %.3f' % approvalProbability) return if disapprovalProbability <= 1.0 and disapprovalProbability >= 0.0: self.disapprovalProbability = disapprovalProbability else: print('!!! Invalid disapproval probability: %.3f' % disapprovalProbability) return self.approvalBallot =\ self._generateRandomApprovalBallot(rlv, approvalProbability=approvalProbability, disapprovalProbability=disapprovalProbability, seed=seed,Debug=Debug) self.netApprovalScores = self.computeNetApprovalScores() self.ballot = self.computeBallot() def _generateRandomApprovalBallot(self,rlv, approvalProbability=0.25, disapprovalProbability=0.35, seed=None,Debug=True): """ Renders a randomly generated approval ballot. """ from randomNumbers import BinomialRandomVariable approvalBallot = {} #disapprovalBallot = {} voters = self.voters candidates = self.candidates nc = len(candidates) approvalNbr = BinomialRandomVariable(nc,approvalProbability) disapprovalNbr = BinomialRandomVariable(nc,disapprovalProbability) for v in voters: ac = approvalNbr.random() dc = disapprovalNbr.random() # !!! -0 == 0 so that [-0:] does not select [] as expected # !!! but instead [0:] i.e. the complete list of n elements # !!! just like [-n:] if Debug: print(v,nc,ac,dc) candidatesList = rlv.linearBallot[v] vApprovals = candidatesList[:ac] if dc > 0: vDisapprovals = candidatesList[-dc:] else: vDisapprovals = [] for c in vApprovals: if c in vDisapprovals: vDisapprovals.remove(c) if Debug: print(vApprovals) print(vDisapprovals) approvalBallot[v] = {} for c in candidates: if c in vApprovals and c not in vDisapprovals: approvalBallot[v][c] = Decimal('1') elif c in vDisapprovals and c not in vApprovals: approvalBallot[v][c] = Decimal('-1') else: approvalBallot[v][c] = Decimal('0') return approvalBallot
[docs] class MajorityMarginsDigraph(Digraph,VotingProfile): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating bipolar-valued marginal pairwise majority margins digraphs. Parameters: | stored voting profile (fileName of valid py code) or voting profile object | optional, coalition (sublist of voters) Example Python3 session >>> from votingProfiles import * >>> v = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=101, ... numberOfCandidates=5) >>> v.showLinearBallots() voters marginal (weight) candidates rankings v001(1): ['c5', 'c3', 'c1', 'c4', 'c2'] v002(1): ['c1', 'c3', 'c2', 'c5', 'c4'] v003(1): ['c5', 'c1', 'c2', 'c4', 'c3'] v004(1): ['c5', 'c1', 'c4', 'c2', 'c3'] v005(1): ['c4', 'c5', 'c3', 'c1', 'c2'] v006(1): ['c5', 'c1', 'c2', 'c4', 'c3'] ... ... >>> g = MajorityMarginsDigraph(v,IntegerValuation=True) >>> g.showRelationTable() * ---- Relation Table ----- S | 'c1' 'c2' 'c3' 'c4' 'c5' ------|-------------------------------- 'c1' | 0 -3 -9 -11 1 'c2' | 3 0 -7 7 -3 'c3' | 9 7 0 17 -9 'c4' | 11 -7 -17 0 -1 'c5' | -1 3 9 1 0 Valuation domain: [-101;+101] >>> g.computeCondorcetWinners() ['] >>> g.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to dot -Grankdir=BT -Tpng -o rel_randLinearProfile.png .. image:: rel_randLinearProfile.png """ def __init__(self,argVotingProfile=None, coalition=None, IntegerValuation=True, Debug=False): from copy import copy if isinstance(argVotingProfile, (VotingProfile, LinearVotingProfile, BipolarApprovalVotingProfile)): votingProfile = argVotingProfile elif argVotingProfile is not None: votingProfile = VotingProfile(argVotingProfile) else: print('Error: A valid voting profile has to be given!') return = 'rel_' + self.actions = copy(votingProfile.candidates) if coalition is None: voters = copy(votingProfile.voters) else: voters = {} for g in coalition: voters[g] = votingProfile.voters[g] self.criteria = voters self.ballot = copy(votingProfile.ballot) self.relation = self._constructMajorityMarginsRelation( IntegerValuation=IntegerValuation,Debug=Debug) self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructMajorityMarginsRelation(self,IntegerValuation=True,Debug=False): """ Renders the marginal majority between candidates on the basis of an approval ballot. """ candidates = set(self.actions) voters = self.criteria sumWeight = Decimal('0.0') for v in voters: sumWeight += Decimal(str(voters[v]['weight'])) if Debug: print('sumweight',sumWeight) ballot = self.ballot relation = {} Med = Decimal('0') for x in candidates: relation[x] = {} for y in candidates: relation[x][y] = Med for v in voters: bv = ballot[v] for x in candidates: for y in candidates: relation[x][y] += Decimal(str(bv[x][y]))\ * Decimal(str(voters[v]['weight'])) if Debug: print(relation) if IntegerValuation: Min = -sumWeight Max = sumWeight Med = Decimal('0') else: Min = Decimal('-1.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max':Max, 'hasIntegerValuation': IntegerValuation} if Debug: print(self.valuationdomain) if not IntegerValuation and Max != Decimal('0'): for x in candidates: for y in candidates: relation[x][y] = relation[x][y]/sumWeight if Debug: print(relation) return relation
[docs] def showMajorityMargins(self,**args): """ Wrapper for the Digraph.showRelationTable(Sorted=True, IntegerValues=False, actionsSubset=None, relation=None, ndigits=2, ReflexiveTerms=True, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None) See the :py:meth:`digraphs.Digraph.showRelationTable` description. """ Digraph.showRelationTable(self,**args)
[docs] class CondorcetDigraph(MajorityMarginsDigraph): """ Dummy obsolete class name for MajorityMarginsDigraph class. """
#----------test voting Digraph class ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": #from transitiveDigraphs import * print('****************************************************') print('* Python voting digraphs module *') print('* $Revision: Python3.9 $ *') print('* Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Raymond Bisdorff *') print('* The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY *') print('* to the extent permitted by the applicable law. *') print('* This is free software, and you are welcome to *') print('* redistribute it if it remains free software. *') print('****************************************************') print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') adA = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=4, votersIdPrefix='a', IntraGroup=True, numberOfCandidates=5, approvalProbability=0.3, disapprovalProbability=0.3, candidatesIdPrefix='b', seed=1,Debug=True) adA.showBipolarApprovals() for a in adA.voters: adA.showVoterBallot(a) ## adB = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=5, ## votersIdPrefix='b', ## approvalProbability=0.5, ## disapprovalProbability=0.5, ## numberOfCandidates=5, ## candidatesIdPrefix='a') ## pv = RandomPrerankedVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=5, ## numberOfCandidates=15, ## votersIdPrefix='a', ## candidatesIdPrefix='b', ## lengthProbability=0.3, ## votersWeights=[1,2,3,4,5], ## seed=1) ## pv.showPrerankedBallots() k = 7 lvA = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=k,numberOfCandidates=k, votersIdPrefix='a', candidatesIdPrefix='b', PartialLinearBallots=True, lengthProbability=0.5, seed=50) ## lvB = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=k,numberOfCandidates=k, ## votersIdPrefix='b', ## PartialLinearBallots=False, ## candidatesIdPrefix='a',seed=114) ## ## lvA.showLinearBallots() ## lvB.showLinearBallots() ##'testpreorder') ## v = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=100, ## numberOfCandidates=10, ## approvalProbability=0.25, ## disapprovalProbability=0.25, ## seed=100,DivisivePolitics=True, ## WithPolls=True,Debug=False) ## print(v) ## v.showApprovalResults() ## v.showDisapprovalResults() ## v.showNetApprovalScores() ##'testAV') ## v = BipolarApprovalVotingProfile('testAV') ## print(v) ## v.save2PerfTab('testODG') ## #v.showHTMLVotingHeatmap(rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) ## from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph ## g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph('testODG') ## g.showHTMLPerformanceTableau(Transposed=True) ## print(g) ## v3 = ## RandomLinearVotingProfile(votersIdPrefix='m',candidatesIdPrefix='w') ## v3.showLinearBallots() m = MajorityMarginsDigraph(v3,Debug=True) ## print(m) m.showRelationTable() # m.showBestChoiceRecommendation() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') print('*************************************') print('* R.B. September 2008 *') print('* $Revision: 2484 $ *') print('*************************************') ############################# # Log record for changes: # $Log:,v $# #############################