Source code for ratingDigraphs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Digraph3 collection of python3 modules for
Algorithmic Decision Theory applications.

Module for relative and absolute rating of multicriteria performance records 
with abstract *RatingDigraph* root class.

The module, better suitable for rating problems of small sizes (< 500 mulicriteria performance records), reimplements a simpler and more consistent version
of the MP optimised :py:class:`~sortingDigraphs.QuantilesSortingDigraph` and the
:py:class:`~sortingDigraphs.LearnedQuantilesRatingDigraph` classes from the
:py:mod:`sortingDigraphs` module.

Copyright (C) 2016-2023  Raymond Bisdorff.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

.. note::
    The actions attribute of RatingDigraph instances contains besides the
    standard Digraph.actions (stored in *self.actionsOrig*) also the
    quantile limit profiles (stored in *self.profiles*).

    The *ratingDigraphs* module is not optimised for *BigData* applications.
    In such cases, it is recommended to use instead the
    MP optimised *sortingDigraph* module. 

######### abstract root class
from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph
[docs] class RatingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Abstrcat root class with generic private and public methods """ def __init__(self): print('Abstract root class with private and public methods for RatingDigraph instances') def __repr__(self): """ Default presentation method for relative quantiles rating digraph instance. """ from decimal import Decimal repString = '*----- Object instance description -----------*\n' repString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ repString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % repString += 'Actions : %d\n' % len(self.actions) repString += 'Criteria : %d\n' % len(self.criteria) repString += 'Quantiles : %d\n' % len(self.categories) repString += 'Lowerclosed : %s\n' % str(self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed']) repString += 'Rankingrule : %s\n' % self.rankingRule repString += 'Size : %d\n' % self.computeSize() repString += 'Valuation domain : [%.2f;%.2f]\n'\ % (self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max']) try: if self.distribution == 'beta': repString += 'Uncertainty model : %s(a=%.1f,b=%.1f)\n' %\ (self.distribution,self.betaParameter,self.betaParameter) else: repString += 'Uncertainty model : %s(a=%s,b=%s)\n' %\ (self.distribution,'0','2w') repString += 'Likelihood domain : [-1.0;+1.0]\n' repString += 'Confidence level : %.2f (%.1f%%)\n' %\ ( self.bipolarConfidenceLevel,\ (self.bipolarConfidenceLevel+1.0)/2.0*100.0 ) repString += 'Confident majority : %.2f (%.1f%%)\n' %\ (self.confidenceCutLevel,\ (self.confidenceCutLevel+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0')) except: pass repString += 'Determinateness (%%): %.2f\n' %\ self.computeDeterminateness(InPercents=True) repString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) repString += '*------ Constructor run times (in sec.) ------*\n' try: repString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads except: self.nbrThreads = 1 repString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads repString += 'Total time : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['totalTime'] repString += 'Data input : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['dataInput'] repString += 'Compute quantiles : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['computeProfiles'] repString += 'Compute outrankings : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['outrankingRelation'] repString += 'rating-by-sorting : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['sortingRelation'] repString += 'rating-by-ranking : %.5f\n' % self.runTimes['rating-by-ranking'] return repString
[docs] def exportRatingBySortingGraphViz(self,fileName=None,direction='decreasing', Comments=True,graphType='png',bgcolor='cornsilk', graphSize='7,7', fontSize=10, relation=None, Debug=False): """ export GraphViz dot file for weak order (Hasse diagram) drawing filtering from SortingDigraph instances. """ from copy import deepcopy # backup actions and relation relationBkp = deepcopy(self.relation) actionsBkp = deepcopy(self.actions) # computing rating preorder if direction == 'decreasing': ordering = self._computeQuantileOrdering(Descending=True) else: ordering = self._computeQuantileOrdering(Descending=False) if Debug: print(ordering) # the preorder reltion being transitive # we use the exportGraphViz() method of the TransitiveDigraph class self.relation = self._computePreorderRelation(ordering) self.actions = self._getActionsKeys() if Debug: print(self.isTransitive()) from transitiveDigraphs import TransitiveDigraph TransitiveDigraph.exportGraphViz(self, fileName=fileName, direction=direction, Comments=Comments, graphType=graphType, bgcolor=bgcolor, graphSize=graphSize, fontSize=10) # restore original actions and relation self.actions = actionsBkp self.relation = relationBkp
[docs] def exportRatingByRankingGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True,graphType='png', graphSize='7,7', fontSize=10,bgcolor='cornsilk', Debug=False): """ export GraphViz dot file for Hasse diagram drawing filtering. """ import os from copy import deepcopy from decimal import Decimal def _safeName(t0,QuantileName=False): if QuantileName: # graphviz node names must not start with a digit t0 = t0[::-1] t = t0.split(sep="-") t1 = t[0] n = len(t) if n > 1: for i in range(1,n): t1 += '%s' % (t[i]) return t1 # working on a deepcopy of self digraph = deepcopy(self) if Debug: print('profile limits:\n', digraph.profileLimits) print('relative quantile contents:\n', digraph.relativeCategoryContent) # constructing rankingByBestChoosing result rankingByChoosing = [] k = len(digraph.profileLimits) if digraph.LowerClosed: i = 0 j = 1 while i < k: rankingByChoosing.append((Decimal('1'),[self.profileLimits[i]])) if self.relativeCategoryContent[str(j)] != []: rankingByChoosing.append((Decimal('1'),self.relativeCategoryContent[str(j)])) i += 1 j += 1 else: i = 0 j = 1 while i < k: if self.relativeCategoryContent[str(j)] != []: rankingByChoosing.append((Decimal('1'),self.relativeCategoryContent[str(j)])) rankingByChoosing.append((Decimal('1'),[self.profileLimits[i]])) i += 1 j += 1 if Debug: print(rankingByChoosing) if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') # install rating relation (weakly transitive) digraph.relation = digraph._computeRatingRelation() if Debug: print('digraph is transitive ?', digraph.isTransitive()) # sorting actionsKeys actionKeys = digraph.computeCopelandRanking() n = len(actionKeys) Med = digraph.valuationdomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name ='_ratbyrank' else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) # writing out graphviz instructions fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('digraph G {\n') if bgcolor is None: fo.write('graph [ ordering = out, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') else: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, ordering = out, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % bgcolor) fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz)\\n R. Bisdorff, 2020", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('",fontsize=%d];\n' % fontSize) # nodes for x in actionKeys: #print(digraphClass) if x in digraph.profiles: cat = digraph.profiles[x]['category'] if digraph.LowerClosed: nodeName = digraph.categories[cat]['lowLimit'] + ' _' else: nodeName = '_ ' +digraph.categories[cat]['highLimit'] node = '%s [shape = "box", fillcolor=lightcoral, style=filled, label = "%s", fontsize=%d];\n'\ % (_safeName(str(x),QuantileName=True),_safeName(nodeName),fontSize) else: try: nodeName = digraph.actions[x]['shortName'] except: nodeName = str(x) node = '%s [shape = "circle", label = "%s", fontsize=%d];\n'\ % (str(_safeName(x)),_safeName(nodeName),fontSize) fo.write(node) # keep only relation skeleton if Debug: print(digraph.isTransitive()) digraph.closeTransitive(Reverse=True,InSite=True) if Debug: # actionKeys = digraph.computeCopelandRanking() digraph.showRelationMap() # write out relations between nodes for i in range(n): x = actionKeys[i] if x in self.profiles: xQuantileName=True else: xQuantileName=False for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeys[j] if y in self.profiles: yQuantileName=True else: yQuantileName=False if digraph.relation[x][y] > digraph.valuationdomain['med']: arcColor = 'black' edge = '%s-> %s [style="setlinewidth(%d)",color=%s] ;\n' %\ (_safeName(x,xQuantileName),_safeName(y,yQuantileName),1,arcColor) fo.write(edge) fo.write('}\n \n') fo.close() commandString = 'dot -Grankdir=TB -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType #commandString = 'dot -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.')
[docs] def showSortingCharacteristics(self, action=None): """ Renders a bipolar-valued bi-dictionary relation representing the degree of credibility of the assertion that "action x in A belongs to category c in C", ie x outranks low category limit and does not outrank the high category limit. """ try: sorting = self.sorting except: sorting = self._computeSortingCharacteristics(action=action) self.sorting = sorting actions = self._getActionsKeys(action) categories = self._orderedCategoryKeys() try: LowerClosed = self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] except: LowerClosed = True if LowerClosed: print('x in K_k\t r(x >= m_k)\t r(x < M_k)\t r(x in K_k)') else: print('x in K_k\t r(m_k < x)\t r(M_k >= x)\t r(x in K_k)') for x in actions: for c in categories: print('%s in %s - %s\t' % (x, self.categories[c]['lowLimit'], self.categories[c]['highLimit'],), end=' ') print('%.2f\t\t %.2f\t\t %.2f' %\ (sorting[x][c]['lowLimit'], sorting[x][c]['notHighLimit'], sorting[x][c]['categoryMembership'])) print()
[docs] def showHTMLRatingByQuantileSorting(self,title='Quantiles Preordering', Descending=True,strategy='average', htmlFileName=None): """ Shows the html version of the quantile preordering in a browser window. The ordring strategy is either: * **average** (default), following the averag of the upper and lower quantile limits, * **optimistic**, following the upper quantile limits (default), * **pessimistic**, following the lower quantile limits. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self._computeQuantileOrdering(Descending=Descending, strategy=strategy, HTML=True, title=title, Comments=True)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def showHTMLSorting(self,Reverse=True,htmlFileName=None): """ shows the html version of the sorting result in a browser window. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self.showSorting(Reverse=Reverse,isReturningHTML=True)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def showSorting(self,Reverse=True,isReturningHTML=False,Debug=False): """ Shows sorting results in decreasing or increasing (Reverse=False) order of the categories. If isReturningHTML is True (default = False) the method returns a htlm table with the sorting result. """ #from string import replace from copy import copy, deepcopy try: categoryContent = self.relativeCategoryContent except: categoryContent = self._computeCategoryContents() self.relativeCategoryContent = categoryContent categoryKeys = self._orderedCategoryKeys(Reverse=Reverse) try: LowerClosed = self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] except: LowerClosed = True if Reverse: print('\n*--- Sorting results in descending order ---*\n') if isReturningHTML: html = '<h2>Sorting results in descending order</h2>' html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1"><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Quantiles</th><th>Assortment</th></tr>' else: print('\n*--- Sorting results in ascending order ---*\n') if isReturningHTML: html = '<h2>Sorting results in ascending order</h2>' html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1"><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Quantiles</th><th>Assortment</th></tr>' for c in categoryKeys: print('%s:' % (self.categories[c]['name']), end=' ') print('\t',categoryContent[c]) if isReturningHTML: #html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">[%s - %s[</td>' % (limprevc,limc) html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</td>' % (self.categories[c]['name']) catString = str(categoryContent[c]) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % catString.replace('\'','&apos;') if isReturningHTML: html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def showAllQuantiles(self): self.showCriteriaQuantileLimits()
[docs] def showCriteriaQuantileLimits(self,ByCriterion=False): """ Shows category minimum and maximum limits for each criterion. """ catLimits = self.criteriaCategoryLimits try: LowerClosed = catLimits['LowerClosed'] except: LowerClosed = True criteria = self.criteria categories = self.categories print('Quantile Class Limits (q = %d)' % len(self.categories)) if LowerClosed: print('Lower-closed classes') else: print('Upper-closed classes') if ByCriterion: nc = len(categories) for g in criteria: print(g) catg = catLimits[g] for c in range(1,nc): print('\t%.2f [%.2f; %.2f[' %\ (categories[str(c)]['quantile'], catg[c-1], catg[c]) ) else: nc = len(categories) print('crit.', end='\t ') for c in categories: print('%.2f' % (categories[c]['quantile']), end='\t ') print('\n*----------------------------------------------') for g in criteria: print(g, end='\t ') catg = catLimits[g] for c in range(1,nc+1): print('%.2f' % (catg[c-1]), end='\t ') print()
[docs] def showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(self): print('Please use the showHTMLRatingHeatmap() here !!')
[docs] def showHTMLRatingHeatmap(self,#actionsList=None, WithActionNames=False, #criteriaList=None, colorLevels=7, pageTitle=None, ndigits=2, rankingRule=None, Correlations=False, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None, Debug=False, htmlFileName=None): """ Specialisation of html heatmap version showing the performance tableau in a browser window; see :py:meth:`perfTabs.showHTMLPerformanceHeatMap` method. **Parameters**: - *ndigits* = 0 may be used to show integer evaluation values. - If no *actionsList* is provided, the decision actions are ordered from the best to the worst following the ranking of the LearnedQuatilesRatingDigraph instance. - It may interesting in some cases to use *RankingRule* = 'NetFlows'. - With *Correlations* = *True* and *criteriaList* = *None*, the criteria will be presented from left to right in decreasing order of the correlations between the marginal criterion based ranking and the global ranking used for presenting the decision alternatives. - Computing the marginal correlations may be boosted with Threading = True, if multiple parallel computing cores are available. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') if pageTitle is None: pageTitle = 'Rating-by-ranking result of \'%s\'' % #quantiles = len(self.quantilesFrequencies) fo.write(self._htmlRatingHeatmap( #argCriteriaList=criteriaList, # argActionsList=actionsList, WithActionNames=WithActionNames, #quantiles=quantiles, ndigits=ndigits, colorLevels=colorLevels, pageTitle=pageTitle, rankingRule=rankingRule, Correlations=Correlations, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=Debug)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def showRatingByQuantilesRanking(self,Descending=True,Debug=False): """ Show rating-by-ranking result. """ ratingCategories = self.ratingCategories print('*-------- rating by quantiles %s ranking result ---------' %\ (self.rankingRule) ) if self.LowerClosed: if Descending: for cat in reversed(ratingCategories): c = self.profiles[cat]['category'] print(self.categories[c]['name'],ratingCategories[cat]) else: for cat in ratingCategories: c = self.profiles[cat]['category'] print(self.categories[c]['name'],ratingCategories[cat]) else: if Descending: for cat in ratingCategories: c = self.profiles[cat]['category'] print(self.categories[c]['name'],ratingCategories[cat]) else: for cat in reversed(ratingCategories): c = self.profiles[cat]['category'] print(self.categories[c]['name'],ratingCategories[cat])
[docs] def showRatingByQuantilesSorting(self,strategy='average'): """ Dummy show method for the commenting _computeQuantileOrdering() method. """ from decimal import Decimal if strategy is None: strategy = 'average' self._computeQuantileOrdering(strategy=strategy,Comments=True)
def computeRatingByRankingCorrelation(self,Debug=False): from decimal import Decimal E = Decimal('0') D = Decimal('0') ratingRelation = self._computeRatingRelation() for q in self.ratingCategories: for x in self.actionsOrig: #print(q,x) #if self.LowerClosed: E += min( max(-self.relation[x][q],ratingRelation[x][q]), max(self.relation[x][q],-ratingRelation[x][q])) D += min(abs(self.relation[x][q]),abs(ratingRelation[x][q])) if Debug: print(E,D,E/D) nq = len(self.categories) na = len(self.actionsOrig) return {'correlation':E/D, 'determination': D/Decimal((nq*na))} ## def computeRatingBySortingCorrelation(self,strategy='average',Debug=False): ## from decimal import Decimal ## E = Decimal('0') ## D = Decimal('0') ## #qspo = self.computePreorderRelation(list(reversed(self._computeQuantileOrdering(strategy=strategy)))) ## qspo = self.computePreorderRelation(self._computeQuantileOrdering(strategy=strategy)) ## #print('qspo',qspo) ## for q in self.ratingCategories: ## for x in self.actionsOrig: ## #if self.LowerClosed: ## E -= min( max(-self.relation[x][q],qspo[x][q]),\ ## max(self.relation[x][q],-qspo[x][q])) ## D += min(abs(self.relation[x][q]),abs(qspo[x][q])) #### else: #### E += min( max(self.relation[q][x],-qspo[q][x]),\ #### max(-self.relation[q][x],qspo[q][x])) #### D += min(abs(self.relation[q][x]),abs(qspo[q][x])) ## if Debug: ## print(E,D,E/D) ## return E/D ####### private genric class methods def _getActionsKeys(self,action=None,withoutProfiles=True): """ extract normal actions keys() """ profiles = set([x for x in self.profiles]) if action is None: actionsExt = set([x for x in self.actions]) if withoutProfiles: return actionsExt - profiles else: return actionsExt | profiles else: return set([action]) def _computeCategoryContents(self,Reverse=False): """ Computes the sorting results per category. """ actions = list(self._getActionsKeys()) actions.sort() try: sorting = self.sorting except: sorting = self._computeSortingCharacteristics() self.sorting=sorting categoryContent = {} for c in self._orderedCategoryKeys(Reverse=Reverse): categoryContent[c] = [] for x in actions: if sorting[x][c]['categoryMembership'] >= self.valuationdomain['med']: categoryContent[c].append(x) self.relativeCategoryContent = categoryContent return categoryContent def _computeLimitingQuantiles(self,g,Debug=False,PrefThresholds=True): """ Renders the list of limiting quantiles on criteria g """ from math import floor from copy import copy, deepcopy from decimal import Decimal LowerClosed = self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] LowerClosed = self.LowerClosed criterion = self.criteria[g] evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA actionsOrig = self.actionsOrig gValues = [] for x in actionsOrig: if Debug: print('g,x,evaluation[g][x]',g,x,evaluation[g][x]) if evaluation[g][x] != NA: gValues.append(evaluation[g][x]) gValues.sort() if PrefThresholds: try: gPrefThrCst = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] gPrefThrSlope = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] except: gPrefThrCst = Decimal('0') gPrefThrSlope = Decimal('0') n = len(gValues) if Debug: print('g,n,gValues',g,n,gValues) ## if n > 0: ## nf = Decimal(str(n+1)) nf = Decimal(str(n)) quantilesFrequencies = copy(self.quantilesFrequencies) #limitingQuantiles.sort() if Debug: print(quantilesFrequencies) if LowerClosed: quantilesFrequencies = quantilesFrequencies[:-1] else: quantilesFrequencies = quantilesFrequencies[1:] if Debug: print(quantilesFrequencies) # computing the quantiles on criterion g gQuantiles = [] if LowerClosed: # we ignore the 1.00 quantile and replace it with +infty for q in quantilesFrequencies: r = (Decimal(str(nf)) * q) rq = int(floor(r)) if Debug: print('r,rq',r,rq, end=' ') if rq < (n-1): quantile = gValues[rq]\ + ((r-Decimal(str(rq)))*(gValues[rq+1]-gValues[rq])) if rq > 0 and PrefThresholds: quantile += gPrefThrCst + quantile*gPrefThrSlope else : if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': quantile = Decimal('100.0') else: quantile = Decimal('200.0') if Debug: print('quantile',quantile) gQuantiles.append(quantile) else: # upper closed categories # we ignore the quantile 0.0 and replace it with -\infty for q in quantilesFrequencies: r = (Decimal(str(nf)) * q) rq = int(floor(r)) if Debug: print('r,rq',r,rq, end=' ') if rq == 0: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': quantile = Decimal('-200.0') else: quantile = Decimal('-100.0') elif rq < (n-1): quantile = gValues[rq]\ + ((r-Decimal(str(rq)))*(gValues[rq+1]-gValues[rq])) if PrefThresholds: quantile -= gPrefThrCst - quantile*gPrefThrSlope else: if n > 0: quantile = gValues[n-1] else: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': quantile = Decimal('-200.0') else: quantile = Decimal('-100.0') if Debug: print('quantile',quantile) gQuantiles.append(quantile) ## else: ## gQuantiles = [] if Debug: print(g,LowerClosed,self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'],gQuantiles) return gQuantiles def _computePreorderRelation(self,preorder,Normalized=True,Debug=False): """ Renders the bipolar-valued relation obtained from a given preordering in increasing levels (list of lists) result. """ from decimal import Decimal if Normalized: Max = Decimal('1') Med = Decimal('0') Min = Decimal('-1') else: Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] actions = list(self.actions.keys()) currentActions = set(actions) preorderRelation = {} for x in actions: preorderRelation[x] = {} for y in actions: preorderRelation[x][y] = Med for eqcl in preorder: currRest = currentActions - set(eqcl) if Debug: print(currentActions, eqcl, currRest) for x in eqcl: for y in eqcl: if x != y: preorderRelation[x][y] = Med preorderRelation[y][x] = Med for x in eqcl: for y in currRest: preorderRelation[x][y] = Max preorderRelation[y][x] = Min currentActions = currentActions - set(eqcl) return preorderRelation def _computeQuantileOrdering(self,strategy='average', Descending=True, HTML=False, title='Quantiles Preordering', Comments=False, Debug=False): """ *Parameters*: * Descending: listing in *decreasing* (default) or *increasing* quantile order. * strategy: ordering in an {'optimistic' | 'pessimistic' | 'average' (default)} in the uppest, the lowest or the average potential quantile. """ from operator import itemgetter if strategy is None: strategy = 'optimistic' if HTML: html = '<h1>%s</h1>\n' % title html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">\n' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>quantile limits</th>\n' html += '<th>%s sorting</th>\n' % strategy html += '</tr>\n' actionsCategories = {} for x in self.actionsOrig: a,lowCateg,highCateg,credibility =\ self._showActionCategories(x,Comments=Debug) ilowCateg = int(lowCateg) ihighCateg = int(highCateg) if Debug: print(a,lowCateg,highCateg,credibility) if strategy == "optimistic": try: actionsCategories[(ihighCateg,ilowCateg,ilowCateg)].append(a) except: actionsCategories[(ihighCateg,ilowCateg,ilowCateg)] = [a] elif strategy == "pessimistic": try: actionsCategories[(ilowCateg,ihighCateg,ilowCateg)].append(a) except: actionsCategories[(ilowCateg,ihighCateg,ilowCateg)] = [a] elif strategy == "average": lc = float(lowCateg) hc = float(highCateg) ac = (lc+hc)/2.0 try: actionsCategories[(ac,ihighCateg,ilowCateg)].append(a) except: actionsCategories[(ac,ihighCateg,ilowCateg)] = [a] else: print('Error: %s not a valid ordering strategy !!!' % strategy) break # sorting the quantile equivalence classes actionsCategoriesKeys = [key for key in actionsCategories] actionsCategoriesKeys = sorted(actionsCategoriesKeys,key=itemgetter(0,1,2), reverse=True) actionsCategIntervals = [] for interval in actionsCategoriesKeys: actionsCategIntervals.append([interval,\ actionsCategories[interval]]) # gathering the result with output when Comments=True weakOrdering = [] if Comments and not HTML: print('*---- rating by quantiles sorting result----*') for item in actionsCategIntervals: #print(item) if Comments: if strategy == "optimistic": if self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed']: if HTML: html += '<tr><tdbgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['highLimit'], str(item[1])) ) else: if HTML: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['highLimit'],\ str(item[1])) ) elif strategy == "pessimistic": if self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed']: if HTML: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit'], str(item[1])) ) else: if HTML: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s'\ % (self.categories[str(item[0][0])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit'],\ str(item[1])) ) elif strategy == "average": if self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed']: if HTML: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][2])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][2])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit'], str(item[1])) ) else: if HTML: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s-%s</td>' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][2])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit']) html += '<td>%s</td></tr>' % str(item[1]) else: print('%s-%s : %s' \ % (self.categories[str(item[0][2])]['lowLimit'], self.categories[str(item[0][1])]['highLimit'], str(item[1])) ) weakOrdering.append(item[1]) if HTML: html += '</table>' return html else: return weakOrdering def _computeQuantilesFrequencies(self,x,Debug=False): """ renders the quantiles frequencies """ from math import floor from decimal import Decimal if isinstance(x,int): n = x elif x is None: n = 4 elif x == 'bitiles': n = 2 elif x == 'tritiles': n = 3 elif x == 'quartiles': n = 4 elif x == 'quintiles': n = 5 elif x == 'sextiles': n = 6 elif x == 'septiles': n = 7 elif x == 'octiles': n = 8 elif x == 'deciles': n = 10 elif x == 'dodeciles': n = 20 elif x == 'centiles': n = 100 elif x == 'automatic': pth = [5] for g in self.criteria: try: pref = self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0] + \ (self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1]*Decimal('100')) pth.append(pref) except: pass amp = max(Decimal('1'),min(pth)) n = int(floor(Decimal('100')/amp)) if Debug: print('Detected preference thresholds = ',pth) print('amplitude, n',amp,n) quantilesFrequencies = [] for i in range(n+1): quantilesFrequencies.append( Decimal(str(i)) / Decimal(str(n)) ) = 'sorting_with_%d-tile_limits' % n return quantilesFrequencies def _computeQuantilesRatingByRanking(self,Debug=False): """ Renders an ordered dictionary of non empty quantiles in ascending order. """ from collections import OrderedDict ranking = list(self.actionsRanking) if self.LowerClosed: # lower closed quantiles ranking.reverse() if Debug: print('9.1') print(ranking) n = len(ranking) ratingCategories = OrderedDict() if ranking[0] in self.actionsOrig: ranking[0],ranking[1] = ranking[1],ranking[0] if Debug: print('swapping',ranking) New = True for i in range(n): if ranking[i] in self.actionsOrig: if New: c = i-1 ratingCategories[ranking[c]] = [ranking[i]] New = False else: if self.LowerClosed: ratingCategories[ranking[c]].insert(0,ranking[i]) else: ratingCategories[ranking[c]].append(ranking[i]) else: New = True if Debug: print(ratingCategories) return ratingCategories def _computeRatingRelation(self,Debug=False,StoreRating=True): """ Computes a bipolar rating relation using a pre-ranking (list of lists) of the self-actions (self.newActions + self.profiles). """ try: ratingCategories = self.ratingCategories except: ratingCategories = self.computeQuantilesRating(Debug=Debug) Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] # pre-ranking self.actions profiles = self.profiles preRanking = [] if self.LowerClosed: # in ascending order for c in profiles: preRanking.insert(0,[c]) if c in ratingCategories: preRanking.insert(0,ratingCategories[c]) else: # computing in descending order for c in reversed(profiles): preRanking.append([c]) if c in ratingCategories: preRanking.append(ratingCategories[c]) if Debug: print('preRanking',preRanking) ratingRelation = self._computePreorderRelation(preRanking) if StoreRating: self.ratingRelation = ratingRelation return ratingRelation def _computeSortingRelation(self,categoryContents=None,Debug=False): """ constructs a bipolar sorting relation using the category contents. """ try: categoryContents = self.categoryContent except: pass if categoryContents is None: categoryContents = self._computeCategoryContents() Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] #actions = [x for x in self.actionsOrig] actions = self._getActionsKeys() currActions = set(actions) sortingRelation = {} for x in actions: sortingRelation[x] = {} for y in actions: sortingRelation[x][y] = Med if Debug: print('categoryContents',categoryContents) #for i in categoryKeys: for c in self.categories.keys(): ibch = set(categoryContents[c]) ribch = set(currActions) - ibch if Debug: print('ibch,ribch',ibch,ribch) for x in ibch: for y in ibch: sortingRelation[x][y] = Med sortingRelation[y][x] = Med for y in ribch: sortingRelation[x][y] = Min sortingRelation[y][x] = Max currActions = currActions - ibch return sortingRelation def _computeSortingCharacteristics(self, action=None, Comments=False): """ Renders a bipolar-valued bi-dictionary relation representing the degree of credibility of the assertion that "action x in A belongs to category c in C", ie x outranks low category limit and does not outrank the high category limit. """ Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] actions = self._getActionsKeys(action) categories = self._orderedCategoryKeys() try: #LowerClosed = self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] LowerClosed = self.LowerClosed except: LowerClosed = True if Comments: if LowerClosed: print('x in K_k\t r(x >= m_k)\t r(x < M_k)\t r(x in K_k)') else: print('x in K_k\t r(m_k < x)\t r(M_k >= x)\t r(x in K_k)') sorting = {} nq = len(self.quantilesFrequencies) - 1 for x in actions: sorting[x] = {} for c in categories: sorting[x][c] = {} if LowerClosed: cKey= c+'-m' else: cKey= c+'-M' if LowerClosed: lowLimit = self.relation[x][cKey] if int(c) < nq: cMaxKey = str(int(c)+1)+'-m' notHighLimit = Max - self.relation[x][cMaxKey] + Min else: notHighLimit = Max else: if int(c) > 1: cMinKey = str(int(c)-1)+'-M' lowLimit = Max - self.relation[cMinKey][x] + Min else: lowLimit = Max notHighLimit = self.relation[cKey][x] #if Comments: # print('%s in %s: low = %.2f, high = %.2f' % \ # (x, c,lowLimit,notHighLimit), end=' ') if Comments: print('%s in %s - %s\t' \ % (x, self.categories[c]['lowLimit'], self.categories[c]['highLimit'],), end=' ') categoryMembership = min(lowLimit,notHighLimit) sorting[x][c]['lowLimit'] = lowLimit sorting[x][c]['notHighLimit'] = notHighLimit sorting[x][c]['categoryMembership'] = categoryMembership if Comments: #print('\t %.2f \t %.2f \t %.2f' % (sorting[x][c]['lowLimit'], sorting[x][c]['notHighLimit'], sorting[x][c]['categoryMembership'])) print('%.2f\t\t %.2f\t\t %.2f\n' \ % (sorting[x][c]['lowLimit'], sorting[x][c]['notHighLimit'], sorting[x][c]['categoryMembership'])) return sorting def _htmlRatingHeatmap(self, argCriteriaList=None, argActionsList=None, WithActionNames=False, #quantiles=None, ndigits=2, contentCentered=True, colorLevels=None, pageTitle='Rating Heatmap', rankingRule=None, Correlations=False, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False): """ Renders the Brewer RdYlGn 5,7, or 9 levels colored heatmap of the performance table actions x criteria in html format. See the corresponding :py:meth:`perfTabs.showHTMLPerformanceHeatMap` method. """ print('see browser') from decimal import Decimal from operator import itemgetter brewerRdYlGn9Colors = [(Decimal('0.1111'),'"#D53E4F"'), (Decimal('0.2222'),'"#F46D43"'), (Decimal('0.3333'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4444'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.5555'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.6666'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('0.7777'),'"#A6D96A"'), (Decimal('0.8888'),'"#65BD63"'), (Decimal('1.000'),'"#1A9850"')] brewerRdYlGn7Colors = [ (Decimal('0.1429'),'"#F46D43"'), (Decimal('0.2857'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4286'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.5714'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.7143'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('0.8571'),'"#A6D96A"'), (Decimal('1.0000'),'"#65BD63"') ] brewerRdYlGn5Colors = [ (Decimal('0.2'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.6'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.8'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('1.0'),'"#A6D96A"') ] if colorLevels is None: colorLevels = 7 if colorLevels == 7: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn7Colors elif colorLevels == 9: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn9Colors elif colorLevels == 5: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn5Colors else: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn7Colors nc = len(colorPalette) backGroundColor = '"#FFFFFF"' naColor = '"#FFFFFF"' columnHeaderColor = '"#CCFFFF"' rowHeaderColor = '"#FFFFFF"' actionRowHeaderColor = '#FFF79B' html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>\n' html += '<title>%s</title>\n' % 'Rating heat map' html += '<style type="text/css">\n' #html += 'table {border-collapse: collapse;}' if contentCentered: html += 'td {text-align: center;}\n' html += ' {color: rgb(192,192,192);}\n' html += 'tr.quantile {color: rgb(100,100,100);}\n' html += '</style>\n' html += '</head>\n<body>\n' html += '<h2>%s</h2>\n' % pageTitle ## from sparseOutrankingDigraphs import PreRankedOutrankingDigraph if argCriteriaList is None: argCriteriaList = list(self.criteria.keys()) criteriaList = None else: criteriaList = argCriteriaList if rankingRule is None: if argActionsList is None: actionsList = self.actionsRanking rankingRule = self.rankingRule else: actionsList = argActionsList rankingRule = self.rankingRule else: if argActionsList is None: if rankingRule == 'Copeland': actionsList = self.computeCopelandRanking() elif rankingRule == 'NetFlows': actionsList = self.computeNetFlowsRanking() else: rankingRule = None actionsList = argActionsList na = len(actionsList) profiles = self.profiles categories = self.categories if Correlations: rankCorrelation = self.computeOrderCorrelation(list(reversed(actionsList))) if Debug: print('1',actionsList) print('2',rankCorrelation) criteria = self.criteria if criteriaList is None: if Correlations: criteriaCorrelation =\ self.computeMarginalVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations(\ actionsList,ValuedCorrelation=True,Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs) criteriaList = [c[1] for c in criteriaCorrelation] else: criteriaList = list(criteria.keys()) criteriaList.sort() criteriaWeightsList = [(abs(criteria[g]['weight']),g) for g in criteriaList] criteriaWeightsList.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) criteriaList = [g[1] for g in criteriaWeightsList] criteriaCorrelation = None else: criteriaList = list(criteria.keys()) if Correlations: criteriaCorrelation =\ self.computeMarginalVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations(\ actionsList,ValuedCorrelation=True,Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs) else: criteriaCorrelation = None quantileColor={} for x in actionsList: quantileColor[x] = {} for g in criteriaList: quantilexg = self.computeActionCriterionQuantile(x,g) if Debug: print(x,g,quantilexg) if quantilexg != 'NA': for i in range(nc): if Debug: print(i, colorPalette[i][0]) if quantilexg <= colorPalette[i][0]: quantileColor[x][g] = colorPalette[i][1] break else: quantileColor[x][g] = naColor if Debug: print(x,g,quantileColor[x][g]) # heatmap html += '<i>Ranking rule</i>: <b>%s</b>; <i>Ranking correlation</i>: <b>%.3f</b>\n'\ % (self.rankingRule,self.rankingCorrelation['correlation']) html += '<table style="background-color:%s;" border="1">\n' % (backGroundColor) html += '<tr bgcolor=%s><th>criteria</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for g in criteriaList: try: gName = self.criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<th>%s</th>' % (gName) html += '</tr>\n' html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>weights</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for g in criteriaList: html += '<td align="center">%s</td>' % (str(self.criteria[g]['weight'])) html += '</tr>\n' if criteriaCorrelation is not None: html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>tau<sup>(*)</sup></th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for cg in criteriaCorrelation: html += '<td align="center">%+.2f</td>' % (cg[0]) html += '</tr>\n' ## if Debug: ## print(html) for x in actionsList: if x in profiles: xcat = profiles[x]['category'] if self.LowerClosed: xName = categories[xcat]['lowLimit'] + ' -' else: xName = '- ' + categories[xcat]['highLimit'] else: if WithActionNames: xName = self.actions[x]['name'] else: try: xName = self.actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) if x in profiles: html += '<tr class="quantile"><th bgcolor=%s>%s</th>' % (rowHeaderColor,xName) else: html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>%s</th>' % (actionRowHeaderColor,xName) for g in criteriaList: if self.evaluation[g][x] != self.NA: formatString = '<td bgcolor=%s align="right">%% .%df</td>' \ % (quantileColor[x][g],ndigits) html += formatString % (self.evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td bgcolor=%s class="na">NA</td>' % naColor ## if Debug: ## print(html) html += '</tr>\n' html += '</table>\n' # table legend html += '<b>Color legend: </b><br/>\n' html += '<table style="background-color:%s;" border="1">\n' % (backGroundColor) html += '<tr bgcolor=%s><th>quantile</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) #html += '<td bgcolor=%s>&nbsp;[%.2f - %.2f[&nbsp;</td>' % (colorPalette[0][1],0.0,colorPalette[0][0]) for col in range(0,nc): html += '<td bgcolor=%s>&nbsp;%.2f&#037;</td>' % (colorPalette[col][1], #colorPalette[col-1][0], colorPalette[col][0]*Decimal('100.0')) html += '</tr>\n' html += '</table>\n' if criteriaCorrelation is not None: html += '<i>(*) tau: Ordinal (Kendall) correlation between</i><br/>' html += '<i>marginal criterion and global ranking relation.</i><br/>\n' ## if rankCorrelation is not None: ## html += '<i>Ordinal (Kendall) correlation between global ranking and outranking relation: %.2f.</i>' % (rankCorrelation['correlation']) html += '</body></html>' return html def _orderedCategoryKeys(self,Reverse=False): """ Renders the ordered list of category keys based on self.categories['order'] numeric values. """ orderedCategoryKeys = list(self.categories.keys()) if Reverse: orderedCategoryKeys.reverse() return orderedCategoryKeys def _showActionCategories(self,action,Debug=False,Comments=True): """ Renders the union of categories in which the given action is sorted positively or null into. Returns a tuple : action, lowest category key, highest category key, membership credibility ! """ Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] try: sorting = self.sorting except: sorting = self._computeSortingCharacteristics(action=action,\ Comments=Debug) catKeys = self._orderedCategoryKeys() keys = [catKeys[0],[catKeys[-1]]] lowLimit = sorting[action][catKeys[0]]['lowLimit'] notHighLimit = sorting[action][catKeys[-1]]['lowLimit'] for c in self._orderedCategoryKeys(): if sorting[action][c]['categoryMembership'] >= Med: if sorting[action][c]['lowLimit'] > Med: lowLimit = sorting[action][c]['lowLimit'] keys[0] = c if sorting[action][c]['notHighLimit'] > Med: notHighLimit = sorting[action][c]['notHighLimit'] keys[1] = c #keys.append(c) if Debug: print(action, c, sorting[action][c], keys) credibility = min(lowLimit,notHighLimit) if Comments: print('%s - %s: %s with credibility: %.2f = min(%.2f,%.2f)' % (\ self.categories[keys[0]]['lowLimit'],\ self.categories[keys[-1]]['highLimit'],\ action,\ credibility,lowLimit,notHighLimit) ) return action,\ keys[0],\ keys[1],\ credibility
######### relative quantiles raking from perfTabs import PerformanceTableau
[docs] class RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph(RatingDigraph,PerformanceTableau): """ Constructor for a relative quantiles rating-by sorting and rating-by-ranking digraph. See the :py:class:`sortingDigraphs.QuantilesSortingDigraph` class. **Parameters** *argPerfTab*: valid stored PerformanceTableau instance, *quantiles*: integer number of quantile classes, *LowerClosed*: {True | False (default upper closed quantiles)}, *rankingRule*: 'NetFlows' (default). *outrankingModel*: {'standard' (default) | 'confident' | 'robust'}, Parameters for the *confident* outranking model: *distribution*: {'triangular' (default)| 'uniform' | 'beta'}, *betaParameter* : 2 (default), *confidence*: alpha% confidence level (in percents, 90.0 default). Example usage: >>> # generating random multicriteria performance records >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau >>> pt = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=50,seed=3) >>> # rating-by-sorting with relative quantiles >>> from ratingDigraphs import RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph >>> g = RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph(pt,7,LowerClosed=True) >>> g.showRatingByQuantileSorting(strategy='average') *---- rating by quantiles sorting result----* [0.71-<[ : ['a07'] [0.71-0.86[ : ['a08', 'a48'] [0.57-0.71[ : ['a04', 'a06', 'a09', 'a12', 'a19', 'a23', 'a27', 'a33', 'a38', 'a39', 'a43'] [0.43-0.71[ : ['a11', 'a18'] [0.43-0.57[ : ['a03', 'a20', 'a22', 'a29', 'a30', 'a31', 'a41', 'a47', 'a49'] [0.29-0.57[ : ['a01', 'a26', 'a46', 'a50'] [0.29-0.43[ : ['a05', 'a10', 'a13', 'a16', 'a17', 'a21', 'a28', 'a32', 'a37'] [0.14-0.43[ : ['a40'] [0.14-0.29[ : ['a15', 'a24', 'a25', 'a34', 'a35', 'a36', 'a42', 'a44', 'a45'] [0.00-0.29[ : ['a14'] [0.00-0.14[ : ['a02'] >>> g.showRatingByQuantilesRanking() *-------- rating by quantiles ranking result --------- [0.57 - 0.71[ ['a48', 'a23', 'a07'] [0.43 - 0.57[ ['a04', 'a27', 'a33', 'a38', 'a09', 'a08', 'a41', 'a11', 'a06', 'a46', 'a19', 'a47', 'a49', 'a39', 'a43', 'a12', 'a22', 'a20', 'a32'] [0.29 - 0.43[ ['a01', 'a18', 'a17', 'a37', 'a16', 'a30', 'a31', 'a21', 'a50', 'a05', 'a29', 'a02', 'a13', 'a26', 'a40'] [0.14 - 0.29[ ['a03', 'a42', 'a28', 'a10', 'a36', 'a45', 'a44', 'a34', 'a25', 'a24', 'a35', 'a14', 'a15'] """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab, quantiles=None, LowerClosed=False, outrankingModel='standard', distribution='triangular', betaParameter=2, confidence=90.0, rankingRule='NetFlows', Threading=False, nbrCores=None, CopyPerfTab=True, Debug=False): from time import time from copy import copy, deepcopy if CopyPerfTab: copy2self = deepcopy else: copy2self = copy from decimal import Decimal # import the performance tableau tt = time() if argPerfTab is None: print('Error: a valid performance tableau is required!') else: perfTab = argPerfTab # naming the digraph instance = 'relative_rating_%s' % ( # normalize the actions as a dictionary construct from collections import OrderedDict if isinstance(perfTab.actions,list): actions = OrderedDict() for x in perfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} else: actions = copy2self(perfTab.actions) self.actions = actions # keep a copy of the original actions set before adding the profiles actionsOrig = OrderedDict(actions) self.actionsOrig = actionsOrig # normalizing the performance tableau from perfTabs import NormalizedPerformanceTableau normPerfTab = NormalizedPerformanceTableau(perfTab) # instantiating the performance tableau part criteria = normPerfTab.criteria self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() evaluation = normPerfTab.evaluation self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = copy2self(perfTab.NA) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.runTimes = {'dataInput': time()-tt} # compute the limiting quantiles t0 = time() if isinstance(quantiles,list): = 'sorting_with_given_quantiles' quantilesFrequencies = [] for x in quantiles: quantilesFrequencies.append(Decimal(str(x))) if Debug: print('convert to decimal!',quantilesFrequencies) else: quantilesFrequencies = self._computeQuantilesFrequencies(quantiles,Debug=Debug) self.quantilesFrequencies = quantilesFrequencies if Debug: print('quantilesFrequencies',self.quantilesFrequencies) # supposing all criteria scales between 0.0 and 100.0 # with preference direction = max self.LowerClosed = LowerClosed lowValue = 0.0 highValue = 100.00 categories = OrderedDict() k = len(quantilesFrequencies)-1 if LowerClosed: for i in range(0,k-1): categories[str(i+1)] = {'name':'[%.2f - %.2f['\ %(quantilesFrequencies[i],quantilesFrequencies[i+1]),\ 'order':i+1,\ 'lowLimit': '[%.2f' % (quantilesFrequencies[i]), 'highLimit': '%.2f[' % (quantilesFrequencies[i+1]), 'quantile': quantilesFrequencies[i]} categories[str(k)] = {'name':'[%.2f - <['\ %(quantilesFrequencies[k-1]), 'order':k,\ 'lowLimit': '[%.2f' % (quantilesFrequencies[k-1]),\ 'highLimit': '<[', 'quantile': quantilesFrequencies[k-1] } else: categories[str(1)] = {'name':']< - %.2f]'\ %(quantilesFrequencies[1]), 'order':1, 'highLimit': '%.2f]' % (quantilesFrequencies[1]),\ 'lowLimit': ']<', 'quantile': quantilesFrequencies[1]} for i in range(1,k): categories[str(i+1)] = {'name':']%.2f - %.2f]'\ %(quantilesFrequencies[i],quantilesFrequencies[i+1]), 'order':i+1, 'lowLimit': ']%.2f' % (quantilesFrequencies[i]), 'highLimit': '%.2f]' % (quantilesFrequencies[i+1]), 'quantile': quantilesFrequencies[i+1]} self.categories = categories if Debug: print('categories',self.categories) print('list',list(dict.keys(categories))) criteriaCategoryLimits = {} criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] = LowerClosed self.criteriaCategoryLimits = criteriaCategoryLimits self.limitingQuantiles = criteriaCategoryLimits for g in dict.keys(criteria): gQuantiles = self._computeLimitingQuantiles(g,\ PrefThresholds=True,Debug=Debug) ## if Debug: ## print(g,gQuantiles) criteriaCategoryLimits[g] = gQuantiles self.criteriaCategoryLimits = criteriaCategoryLimits self.limitingQuantiles = criteriaCategoryLimits if Debug: print('CriteriaCategoryLimits',criteriaCategoryLimits) # add the catogory limits to the actions set profiles = OrderedDict() #profileLimits = set() for c in categories: if LowerClosed: cKey = c+'-m' else: cKey = c+'-M' #profileLimits.add(cKey) if LowerClosed: actions[cKey] = {'name': 'categorical low limits', 'comment': 'Inferior or equal limits for category membership assessment'} profiles[cKey] = {'category': c, 'name': 'categorical low limits', 'comment': 'Inferior or equal limits for category membership assessment'} else: actions[cKey] = {'name': 'categorical high limits', 'comment': 'Lower or equal limits for category membership assessment'} profiles[cKey] = {'category': c, 'name': 'categorical high limits', 'comment': 'Lower or equal limits for category membership assessment'} for g in dict.keys(criteria): if LowerClosed: evaluation[g][cKey] = Decimal(str(criteriaCategoryLimits[g][int(c)-1])) else: evaluation[g][cKey] = Decimal(str(criteriaCategoryLimits[g][int(c)-1])) self.profiles = profiles profileLimits = list(profiles.keys()) #profileLimits.sort() self.profileLimits = profileLimits self.order = len(actions) # actionsOrig + profiles if Debug: print('self.profiles',profiles) print('self.profileLimits',profileLimits) self.runTimes['computeProfiles'] = time() - t0 # construct quantile limits extended outranking relation t0 = time() ## if nbrCores=None: ## self.nbrThreads = 1 ## else: ## self.nbrThreads = nbrCores if outrankingModel == 'standard': from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrCores) self.nbrThreads = copy2self(g.nbrThreads) self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.nbrThreads = copy2self(g.nbrThreads) elif outrankingModel == 'confident': from outrankingDigraphs import ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph g = ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph(self, distribution=distribution, betaParameter=betaParameter, confidence=confidence, ) self.nbrThreads = 1 self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.bipolarConfidenceLevel = copy2self(g.bipolarConfidenceLevel) self.confidenceCutLevel = copy2self(g.confidenceCutLevel) self.distribution = copy2self(g.distribution) self.betaParameter = copy2self(g.betaParameter) self.likelihoods = copy2self(g.likelihoods) elif outrankingModel == 'robust': from outrankingDigraphs import RobustOutrankingDigraph g = RobustOutrankingDigraph(self) self.nbrThreads = 1 self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.stability = copy2self(g.stability) self.runTimes['outrankingRelation'] = time() - t0 # compute quantiles by sorting t0 = time() self.sortingRelation = self._computeSortingRelation( Debug=Debug) self.runTimes['sortingRelation'] = time() - t0 # compute rating-by-ranking t0 = time() if rankingRule == 'best': from linearOrders import NetFlowsOrder,CopelandOrder nf = NetFlowsOrder(g) cop = CopelandOrder(g) corrnf = g.computeOrderCorrelation(nf.netFlowsOrder) #print('nf:', corrnf) corrcop = g.computeOrderCorrelation(cop.copelandOrder) #print('cop', corrcop) if corrnf['correlation'] >= corrcop['correlation']: actionsList = nf.netFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'NetFlows' self.rankingCorrelation = corrnf self.rankingScores = nf.netFlows else: actionsList = cop.copelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'Copeland' self.rankingCorrelation = corrcop self.rankingScores = cop.decCopelandScores elif rankingRule == 'Copeland': from linearOrders import CopelandOrder cop = CopelandOrder(g) actionsList = cop.copelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'Copeland' self.rankingScores = cop.decCopelandScores elif rankingRule == 'NetFlows': from linearOrders import NetFlowsOrder nf = NetFlowsOrder(g) actionsList = nf.netFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'NetFlows' self.rankingScores = nf.decnetFlowScores elif rankingRule == 'RankedPairs': from linearOrders import RankedPairsRanking rp = RankedPairsRanking(g) actionsList = rp.rankedPairsRanking self.rankingRule = 'RankedPairs' self.rankingScores = None elif rankingRule == 'IteratedCopeland': from linearOrders import IteratedCopelandRanking rp = IteratedCopelandRanking(g) actionsList = rp.iteratedCopelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'IteratedCopeland' self.rankingScores = None elif rankingRule == 'IteratedNetFlows': from linearOrders import IteratedNetFlowsRanking rp = IteratedNetFlowsRanking(g) actionsList = rp.iteratedNetFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'IteratedNetFlows' self.rankingScores = None ## elif rankingRule == 'Kemeny': ## if g.order > 12: ## print('Error: the digraph is to big for the Kemeny ranking rule üüü') ## else: ## from linearOrders import KemenyRanking ## ke = KemenyRanking(g, orderLimit=g.order) ## actionsList = ke.kemenyRanking ## self.rankingRule = 'Kemeny' ## self.rankingScores = None else: print('Errr: The ranking rule %s is not availbale !!' % rankingRule) if rankingRule != 'best': self.rankingCorrelation = g.computeRankingCorrelation(actionsList) self.actionsRanking = actionsList if Debug: print('6.') print('*',self.actionsRanking) self.ratingCategories = self._computeQuantilesRatingByRanking(Debug=Debug) if Debug: print('7.') print('Ranking rule :', self.rankingRule) print('Actions ranking :', self.actionsRanking) print('Ranking correlation :', self.rankingCorrelation) print('Rating categories:', self.ratingCategories) self.runTimes['rating-by-ranking'] = time() - t0 self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time()-tt #..... specific relative rating class methods .... def _computeMarginalRatingCorrelations(self,Debug=False): from perfTabs import PartialPerformanceTableau from digraphs import BipartitePartialDigraph from linearOrders import NetFlowsRanking,CopelandRanking #nf = NetFlowsRanking(self) #cop = CopelandRanking(self) bp = BipartitePartialDigraph(self,self.actionsOrig,self.profiles) marginalCorrelations = {} for g in self.criteria: #print(g) ptg = PartialPerformanceTableau(self,criteriaSubset=[g]) #print(ptg) q = len(self.categories) selfg = RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph(ptg,quantiles=q, LowerClosed=self.LowerClosed) #print(selfg) bpg = BipartitePartialDigraph(selfg,self.actionsOrig,self.profiles) marginalCorrelations[g] = bp.computeOrdinalCorrelation(bpg) if Debug: print(g,marginalCorrelations[g]) return marginalCorrelations def _computeRatingConsensusQuality(self,Comments=False): """ Renders the marginal criteria correlations with a given rating with summary. """ #from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph from math import sqrt from decimal import Decimal #g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True) criteria = self.criteria marginalCorrelation =\ self._computeMarginalRatingCorrelations() ncrit = Decimal(str(len(marginalCorrelation))) meanMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') varMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for cg in marginalCorrelation: sumWeights += abs(criteria[cg]['weight']) for cg in marginalCorrelation: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg]['weight'])/sumWeights meanMarginalCorrelation += marginalCorrelation[cg]['correlation']*cgw for cg in marginalCorrelation: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg]['weight'])/sumWeights varMarginalCorrelation +=\ ((marginalCorrelation[cg]['correlation']-meanMarginalCorrelation)**2)*cgw sdMarginalCorrelation = sqrt(varMarginalCorrelation) # showing the results if Comments: print('Consensus quality of rating:') print('criterion (weight): tau (deter.) equiv.') print('----------------------------------------') for cg in sorted(marginalCorrelation): print('%s (%.3f): \t %+.3f (%+.3f) %+.3f' %\ (cg,abs(criteria[cg]['weight'])/sumWeights, marginalCorrelation[cg]['correlation'], marginalCorrelation[cg]['determination'], marginalCorrelation[cg]['correlation'] *\ marginalCorrelation[cg]['determination']) ) print('Summary:') print('Weighted mean marginal correlation (a): %+.3f' % meanMarginalCorrelation) print('Standard deviation (b) : %+.3f' % sdMarginalCorrelation) print('Ranking fairness (a)-(b) : %+.3f' %\ (float(meanMarginalCorrelation) - sdMarginalCorrelation) ) return (marginalCorrelation,meanMarginalCorrelation,sdMarginalCorrelation) def showRatingConsensusQuality(self): self._computeRatingConsensusQuality(Comments=True)
######################################### ######### learned quantiles rating from performanceQuantiles import PerformanceQuantiles
[docs] class RatingByLearnedQuantilesDigraph(RatingDigraph,PerformanceQuantiles): """ Constructor for a learned quantiles rating-by sorting and rating-by-ranking digraph. See the :py:class:`sortingDigraphs.LearnedQuantilesRatingDigraph` class. **Parameters** *argPerfQuantiles*: valid stored :py:class:`~performanceQuantiles.PerformanceQuantiles` instance, *newData*: new random actions or performance tableau generated with the :py:class:`~randomPerfTabs.RandomPerformanceGenerator` class, *quantiles*: integer number of quantile classes, *LowerClosed*: {True | False (default upper closed quantiles)}, *rankingRule*: 'NetFlows' (default). *outrankingModel*: {'standard' (default) | 'confident' | 'robust'}, Parameters for the *confident* outranking model: *distribution*: {'triangular' (default)| 'uniform' | 'beta'}, *betaParameter* : 2 (default), *confidence*: alpha% confidence level (in percents, 90.0 default). Example usage: >>> # generating random historical performance records and quantiles >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau >>> hpt = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=1000,seed=1) >>> from performanceQuantiles import PerformanceQuantiles >>> pq = PerformanceQuantiles(hpt,numberOfBins=7,LowerClosed=True,Debug=False) >>> # generating new incoming performance records of the same kind >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceGenerator >>> tpg = RandomPerformanceGenerator(hpt,instanceCounter=0,seed=1) >>> newRecords = tpg.randomActions(10) >>> # updating the historical performance quantiles >>> pq.updateQuantiles(newRecords,historySize=None) >>> # rating the new set of performance records after >>> from ratingDigraphs import RatingByLearnedQuantilesDigraph >>> lqr = RatingByLearnedQuantilesDigraph(pq,newRecords,Debug=False) >>> lqr.showRatingByQuantilesSorting(strategy='average') *---- rating by quantiles sorting result----* [0.86-<[ : ['a06'] [0.71-0.86[ : ['a04'] [0.57-0.71[ : ['a07'] [0.43-0.57[ : ['a03', 'a05', 'a08'] [0.29-0.43[ : ['a02', 'a09'] [0.14-0.29[ : ['a01', 'a10'] >>> lqr.showRatingByQuantilesRanking(Descending=True) *-------- rating by quantiles ranking result --------- [0.57 - 0.71[ ['a06'] [0.43 - 0.57[ ['a07', 'a04', 'a05', 'a09'] [0.29 - 0.43[ ['a08', 'a03', 'a02', 'a01'] [0.14 - 0.29[ ['a10'] """ def __init__(self,argPerfQuantiles=None, newData=None, quantiles=None, #hasNoVeto=False, rankingRule='NetFlows', outrankingModel='standard', distribution='triangular', betaParameter=2, confidence=90.0, Threading=False, nbrCores=None, CopyPerfTab=True, Debug=False): from time import time from copy import copy, deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from decimal import Decimal if CopyPerfTab: copy2self = deepcopy else: copy2self = copy # import init parameters self.rankingRule = rankingRule self.outrankingModel = outrankingModel if outrankingModel == 'confident': self.distribution = distribution self.betaParameter = betaParameter self.confidence = confidence # import the performance quantiles self.runTimes = {} tt = time() if argPerfQuantiles is None: print('Error: valid PerformanceQuantiles instance is required!') return else: self.perfQuantiles = copy2self(argPerfQuantiles) # instantiating the performance quantiles part try: self.objectives = self.perfQuantiles.objectives except: pass self.criteria = self.perfQuantiles.criteria self.LowerClosed = self.perfQuantiles.LowerClosed self.quantilesFrequencies = self.perfQuantiles.quantilesFrequencies self.criteriaCategoryLimits = self.perfQuantiles.limitingQuantiles self.limitingQuantiles = self.perfQuantiles.limitingQuantiles self.historySizes = self.perfQuantiles.historySizes self.cdf = self.perfQuantiles.cdf self.NA = self.perfQuantiles.NA = 'learnedRatingDigraph' # import the actions to rate if newData is not None: self.newData = copy2self(newData) try: # randomActions format {'actions': .., 'evaluation':..} self.newActions = self.newData['actions'] self.evaluation = self.newData['evaluation'] ## need NA to found somewhere !!! except: try: # randomPerformanceTableau format self.newActions = self.newData.actions self.evaluation = self.newData.evaluation except: print('Error !!!: valid new Actions or valid new PerformanceTableau required') else: print('Error !!!: newly observed decision actions with performance evaluations are required !!') return self.actionsOrig = self.newActions self.actions = copy2self(self.newActions) self.runTimes['dataInput'] = time()-tt # check if new quantile limits should be interpolated t0 = time() self.quantiles = quantiles if quantiles is not None: oldFreq = self.quantilesFrequencies newFreq = self._computeQuantilesFrequencies(quantiles) newLimitingQuantiles = {} for g in self.criteria: newLimitingQuantiles[g] = [] for p in newFreq: if Debug: print('p,oldFreq',p,oldFreq) newQuantiles = self.computeQuantileProfile(p,oldFreq) for g in self.criteria: newLimitingQuantiles[g].append(newQuantiles[g]) self.criteriaCategoryLimits = newLimitingQuantiles self.limitingQuantiles = newLimitingQuantiles self.quantilesFrequencies = newFreq # rating categories t0 = time() LowerClosed = self.LowerClosed quantFreq = self.quantilesFrequencies categories = OrderedDict() k = len(quantFreq)-1 if LowerClosed: for i in range(0,k-1): categories[str(i+1)] = {'name':'[%.2f - %.2f['\ %(quantFreq[i],quantFreq[i+1]),\ 'order':i+1,\ 'lowLimit': '[%.2f' % (quantFreq[i]), 'highLimit': '%.2f[' % (quantFreq[i+1]), 'quantile': quantFreq[i]} categories[str(k)] = {'name':'[%.2f - <['\ %(quantFreq[k-1]), 'order':k,\ 'lowLimit': '[%.2f' % (quantFreq[k-1]),\ 'highLimit': '<[', 'quantile': quantFreq[k-1] } else: categories[str(1)] = {'name':']< - %.2f]'\ %(quantFreq[1]), 'order':1, 'highLimit': '%.2f]' % (quantFreq[1]),\ 'lowLimit': ']<', 'quantile': quantFreq[1]} for i in range(1,k): categories[str(i+1)] = {'name':']%.2f - %.2f]'\ %(quantFreq[i],quantFreq[i+1]), 'order':i+1, 'lowLimit': ']%.2f' % (quantFreq[i]), 'highLimit': '%.2f]' % (quantFreq[i+1]), 'quantile': quantFreq[i+1]} self.categories = categories self.runTimes['categories'] = time()-t0 ## if Debug: print('3.') print('categories',self.categories) print('list',list(dict.keys(categories))) # set the category limits type (LowerClosed = True is default) self.criteriaCategoryLimits['LowerClosed'] = self.LowerClosed criteriaCategoryLimits = self.criteriaCategoryLimits # add the profiles, ie quantile limits, to the actions set criteria = self.criteria profiles = OrderedDict() actions = self.actions for c in categories: ## if LowerClosed: ## cKey = c+'-m' ## else: ## cKey = c+'-M' if LowerClosed: cKey = c+'-m' actions[cKey] = {'name': 'categorical low limits', 'comment': 'Inferior or equal limits for category membership assessment'} profiles[cKey] = {'category': c, 'name': categories[c]['lowLimit'] + ' -',\ 'comment': 'Inferior or equal limits for category membership assessment'} else: cKey = c+'-M' actions[cKey] = {'name': 'categorical high limits', 'comment': 'Lower or equal limits for category membership assessment'} profiles[cKey] = {'category': c, 'name': '- ' + categories[c]['highLimit'],\ 'comment': 'Lower or equal limits for category membership assessment'} for g in criteria: if Debug: print('criteriaCategoryLimits[g]',criteriaCategoryLimits[g]) if LowerClosed: self.evaluation[g][cKey] = Decimal(str(criteriaCategoryLimits[g][int(c)-1])) else: self.evaluation[g][cKey] = Decimal(str(criteriaCategoryLimits[g][int(c)])) self.profiles = profiles profileLimits = list(profiles.keys()) self.profileLimits = profileLimits if Debug: print('5.') print('self.profiles',profiles) print('self.actions',self.actions) print('self.profileLimits',profileLimits) self.runTimes['computeProfiles'] = time() - t0 # construct outranking relation t0 = time() self.order = len(self.actions) if outrankingModel == 'standard': from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrCores) self.nbrThreads = copy2self(g.nbrThreads) self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.nbrThreads = copy2self(g.nbrThreads) elif outrankingModel == 'confident': from outrankingDigraphs import ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph g = ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph(self, distribution=distribution, betaParameter=betaParameter, confidence=confidence, ) self.nbrThreads = 1 self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.bipolarConfidenceLevel = copy2self(g.bipolarConfidenceLevel) self.confidenceCutLevel = copy2self(g.confidenceCutLevel) self.distribution = copy2self(g.distribution) self.betaParameter = copy2self(g.betaParameter) self.likelihoods = copy2self(g.likelihoods) elif outrankingModel == 'robust': from outrankingDigraphs import RobustOutrankingDigraph g = RobustOutrankingDigraph(self) self.nbrThreads = 1 self.relation = copy2self(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = copy2self(g.valuationdomain) self.stability = copy2self(g.stability) else: print('Errr: The outranking model %s is not availbale !!' % outrankingModel) self.runTimes['outrankingRelation'] = time() - t0 # compute quantiles by sorting t0 = time() self.sortingRelation = self._computeSortingRelation( Debug=Debug) self.runTimes['sortingRelation'] = time() - t0 # compute rating-by-ranking t0 = time() if rankingRule == 'best': from linearOrders import NetFlowsOrder,CopelandOrder nf = NetFlowsOrder(g) cop = CopelandOrder(g) corrnf = g.computeOrderCorrelation(nf.netFlowsOrder) #print('nf:', corrnf) corrcop = g.computeOrderCorrelation(cop.copelandOrder) #print('cop', corrcop) if corrnf['correlation'] >= corrcop['correlation']: actionsList = nf.netFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'NetFlows' self.rankingCorrelation = corrnf self.rankingScores = nf.netFlows else: actionsList = cop.copelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'Copeland' self.rankingCorrelation = corrcop self.rankingScores = cop.decCopelandScores elif rankingRule == 'Copeland': from linearOrders import CopelandOrder cop = CopelandOrder(g) actionsList = cop.copelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'Copeland' self.rankingScores = cop.decCopelandScores elif rankingRule == 'NetFlows': from linearOrders import NetFlowsOrder nf = NetFlowsOrder(g) actionsList = nf.netFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'NetFlows' self.rankingScores = nf.decnetFlowScores elif rankingRule == 'RankedPairs': from linearOrders import RankedPairsRanking rp = RankedPairsRanking(g) actionsList = rp.rankedPairsRanking self.rankingRule = 'RankedPairs' self.rankingScores = None elif rankingRule == 'IteratedCopeland': from linearOrders import IteratedCopelandRanking rp = IteratedCopelandRanking(g) actionsList = rp.iteratedCopelandRanking self.rankingRule = 'IteratedCopeland' self.rankingScores = None elif rankingRule == 'IteratedNetFlows': from linearOrders import IteratedNetFlowsRanking rp = IteratedNetFlowsRanking(g) actionsList = rp.iteratedNetFlowsRanking self.rankingRule = 'IteratedNetFlows' self.rankingScores = None elif rankingRule == 'Kemeny': if g.order > 12: print('Error: the digraph is to big for the Kemeny ranking rule üüü') else: from linearOrders import KemenyRanking ke = KemenyRanking(g, orderLimit=g.order) actionsList = ke.kemenyRanking self.rankingRule = 'Kemeny' self.rankingScores = None else: print('Errr: The ranking rule %s is not availbale !!' % rankingRule) if rankingRule != 'best': self.rankingCorrelation = g.computeRankingCorrelation(actionsList) self.actionsRanking = actionsList if Debug: print('6.') print('*',self.actionsRanking) self.ratingCategories = self._computeQuantilesRatingByRanking(Debug=Debug) if Debug: print('7.') print('Ranking rule :', self.rankingRule) print('Actions ranking :', self.actionsRanking) print('Ranking correlation :', self.rankingCorrelation) print('Rating categories:', self.ratingCategories) self.runTimes['rating-by-ranking'] = time() - t0 self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time()-tt
#..... specific absolute rating class methods .... # see abstract ratingDigraphs class ############### testing if __name__ == "__main__": print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 ratingDigraphs module * * Copyright (C) 2022 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') from randomPerfTabs import * MP = False nbrCores = 8 ## # relative quantiles rating ## pt = RandomCBPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=21,seed=3) ## rrq = RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph(pt,quantiles=7, ## LowerClosed=False, ## outrankingModel='standard', ## Threading=MP, ## nbrCores=nbrCores, ## Debug=False) ## print(rrq) ## rrq.showRatingByQuantilesSorting(strategy='average') ## rrq.showRatingByQuantilesRanking() ## ## corr = rrq.computeRatingByRankingCorrelation(Debug=False) ## print('*-----Global Relative-Rating-By-Ranking Quality') ## rrq.showCorrelation(corr) ## rrq.showRatingConsensusQuality() # absolute quantiles rating from randomPerfTabs import # Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau ## hpt = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=1000,seed=1) ## from performanceQuantiles import PerformanceQuantiles ## pq = PerformanceQuantiles(hpt,numberOfBins=20,LowerClosed=True,Debug=False) ## # new incoming decision actions of the same kind ## from randomPerfTabs\ ## import RandomPerformanceGenerator as PerfTabGenerator ## tpg = PerfTabGenerator(hpt,instanceCounter=0,seed=1) ## newActions = tpg.randomActions(20) ## # rating the new set of decision actions after ## # updating the historical performance quantiles ## pq.updateQuantiles(newActions,historySize=1000) ## lqr = RatingByLearnedQuantilesDigraph(pq,newData=newActions, ## quantiles=7, outrankingModel='standard', ## rankingRule='best', Threading=MP, ## nbrCores=nbrCores, Debug=False) ## print(lqr) ## lqr.showRatingByQuantilesSorting() ## lqr.showRatingByQuantilesRanking() ## print(lqr.computeRatingByRankingCorrelation(Debug=True)) ## lqr.showRankingConsensusQuality(lqr.actionsRanking) from outrankingDigraphs import * t = PerformanceTableau(filePerfTab='pmax3') qr = RatingByRelativeQuantilesDigraph(t) PerformanceTableau.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(qr,Correlations=True) print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !')