Source code for randomPerfTabs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python implementation of digraphs
Module for generating random performance tableaux  
Copyright (C) 2015-2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: python3.10 $"
# $Source: /home/cvsroot/Digraph/,v $

from perfTabs import PerformanceTableau
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import OrderedDict

# generators for random PerformanceTableaux

[docs] class RandomPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ For generating a random standard performance tableau. Parameters: * numberOfActions := nbr of decision actions. * numberOfCriteria := number performance criteria. * weightDistribution := 'random' (default) | 'fixed' | 'equisignificant'. | If 'random', weights are uniformly selected randomly | form the given weight scale; | If 'fixed', the weightScale must provided a corresponding weights | distribution; | If 'equisignificant', all criterion weights are put to unity. * weightScale := [Min,Max] (default =[1,numberOfCriteria]. * IntegerWeights := True (default) | False (normalized to proportions of 1.0). * commonScale := [Min;Max]; common performance measuring scales (default = [0;100]) * commonThresholds := [(q0,q1),(p0,p1),(v0,v1)]; common indifference(q), preference (p) and considerable performance difference discrimination thresholds. q0, p0 and v0 are expressed in percentige of the common scale amplitude: Max - Min. * commonMode := common random distribution of random performance measurements (default = ('beta',None,(2,2)) ): | ('uniform',None,None), uniformly distributed between min and max values. | ('normal',mu,sigma), truncated Gaussion distribution. | ('triangular',mode,repartition), generalized triangular distribution | ('beta',mod,(alpha,beta)), mode in ]0,1[. * valueDigits := <integer>, precision of performance measurements (2 decimal digits by default). * missingDataProbability := 0 <= x <= 1.0; probability of missing performance evaluation on a criterion for an alternative (default 0.025). * Default NA symbol == Decimal('-999') Code example: >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau >>> t = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=3,numberOfCriteria=1,seed=100) >>> t.actions {'a1': {'comment': 'RandomPerformanceTableau() generated.', 'name': 'random decision action'}, 'a2': {'comment': 'RandomPerformanceTableau() generated.', 'name': 'random decision action'}, 'a3': {'comment': 'RandomPerformanceTableau() generated.', 'name': 'random decision action'}} >>> t.criteria {'g1': {'thresholds': {'ind' : (Decimal('10.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'veto': (Decimal('80.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'pref': (Decimal('20.0'), Decimal('0.0'))}, 'scale': [0.0, 100.0], 'weight': Decimal('1'), 'name': 'digraphs.RandomPerformanceTableau() instance', 'comment': 'Arguments: ; weightDistribution=random; weightScale=(1, 1); commonMode=None'}} >>> t.evaluation {'g01': {'a01': Decimal('45.95'), 'a02': Decimal('95.17'), 'a03': Decimal('17.47') } } """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions = 13, actionNamePrefix = 'a', numberOfCriteria = 7, weightDistribution = 'equisignificant', weightScale=None, IntegerWeights=True, commonScale = (0.0,100.0), commonThresholds = ((2.5,0.0),(5.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0)), commonMode = ('beta',None,(2,2)), valueDigits = 2, missingDataProbability = 0.025, NA = -999, BigData=False, seed = None, Debug = False): import sys,time,math from copy import copy # fixing the seed (None by default) self.randomSeed = seed import random random.seed(seed) from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr # seeting tableau name = 'randomperftab' self.BigData = BigData # generate actions nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(1,numberOfActions+1): if BigData: actionName = ('%s%%0%dd' % (actionNamePrefix,nd)) % (i) actions[i] = {'name': actionName} else: actionKey = ('%s%%0%dd' % (actionNamePrefix,nd)) % (i) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'action #%d' % i, 'comment': 'RandomPerformanceTableau() generated.' } # # generate weights if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) if weightDistribution == 'random': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append( Decimal(str(random.randint(weightScale[0], weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'fixed': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOCriteria): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant' \ or weightDistribution == 'equiobjectives': weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() else: print('!!! Error: wrong criteria weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' \ % (weightDistribution)) self.sumWeights = sumWeights # generate criteria dictionary if commonMode is None: #commonMode = ['uniform',None,None] commonMode = ['beta',None,(2,2)] ngd = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criteria = OrderedDict() commentString = 'Arguments: ' commentString += '; weightDistribution='+str(weightDistribution) commentString += '; weightScale='+str(weightScale) commentString += '; commonMode='+str(commonMode) digits = valueDigits commonAmplitude = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0] for i in range(numberOfCriteria): g = ('g%%0%dd' % ngd) % (i+1) criteria[g] = {} criteria[g]['name'] = 'RandomPerformanceTableau() instance' criteria[g]['comment'] = commentString criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' try: veto = round(commonThresholds[3][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) ind = round(commonThresholds[0][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) pref = round(commonThresholds[1][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) weakVeto = round(commonThresholds[2][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) indThresholds=(Decimal(str(ind)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[0][1]))) prefThresholds=(Decimal(str(pref)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[1][1]))) weakVetoThresholds=(Decimal(str(weakVeto)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[2][1]))) vetoThresholds=(Decimal(str(veto)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[3][1]))) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {'ind':indThresholds, 'pref':prefThresholds, 'weakVeto':weakVetoThresholds, 'veto':vetoThresholds} except: ind = round((commonThresholds[0][0]/100.0)\ * commonAmplitude,digits) pref = round(commonThresholds[1][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) veto = round(commonThresholds[2][0]\ * commonAmplitude/100.0,digits) indThresholds=(Decimal(str(ind)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[0][1]))) prefThresholds=(Decimal(str(pref)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[1][1]))) vetoThresholds=(Decimal(str(veto)), Decimal(str(commonThresholds[2][1]))) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {'ind':indThresholds, 'pref':prefThresholds, 'veto':vetoThresholds} criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i]/sumWeights #self.criteria = criteria # generate evaluations digits=valueDigits self.digits = digits self.commonScale = commonScale self.commonMode = commonMode evaluation = {} if str(commonMode[0]) == 'uniform': for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} for a in actions: ## randeval = random.randint(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]) randeval = random.uniform(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]) evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'triangular': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if commonMode[1] is None: xm = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/2.0 else: xm = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: r = 0.5 else: r = commonMode[2] rdseed = random.random() rng = RNGTr(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} for a in actions: ## u = random.random() ## if u < r: ## randeval = m + math.sqrt(u/r)*(xm-m) ## else: ## randeval = M - math.sqrt((1-u)/(1-r))*(M-xm) ## evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(rng.random(),digits))) elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'beta': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if commonMode[1] is None: xm = 0.5 else: xm = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0/xm else: alpha = commonMode[2][0] beta = commonMode[2][1] if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} for a in actions: u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) if Debug: print('xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval', xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'normal': if commonMode[1] is None: mu = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/2.0 else: mu = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: sigma = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/4.0 else: sigma = commonMode[2] for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} for a in actions: notfound = True while notfound: randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) if randeval >= commonScale[0] \ and randeval <= commonScale[1]: notfound = False evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: print('mode error in random evaluation generator !!') print(str(commonMode[0])) #sys.exit(1) # randomly insert missing data NA = Decimal(NA) self.NA = NA self.missingDataProbability = missingDataProbability for c in criteria: for x in actions: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[c][x] = NA # store object dict self.actions = actions self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation # store weights preorder self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder()
[docs] class RandomPerformanceGenerator(object): """ Generic wrapper for generating new decision actions or performance tableaux with random evaluations generated with a given performance tableau model of type: RandomPerformanceTableau, RandomCBPerformanceTableau, or Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau. The return format of generated new set of random actions is schown below. This return may be directly feeded to the PerformanceQuantiles.updateQuantiles() method. >>> from randomPerfTabs import * >>> t = RandomPerformanceTableau(seed=100) >>> t *------- PerformanceTableau instance description ------* Instance class : RandomPerformanceTableau Seed : 100 Instance name : randomperftab Actions : 13 Criteria : 7 Attributes : [ 'randomSeed', 'name', 'BigData', 'sumWeights', 'digits', 'commonScale', 'commonMode', 'missingDataProbability', 'actions', 'criteria', 'evaluation', 'weightPreorder'] >>> rpg = RandomPerformanceGenerator(t,seed= 100) >>> newActions = rpg.randomActions(2) >>> print(newActions) {'actions': OrderedDict([ ('a14', {'shortName': 'a14', 'name': 'random decision action', 'comment': 'RandomPerformanceGenerator'}), ('a15', {'shortName': 'a15', 'name': 'random decision action', 'comment': 'RandomPerformanceGenerator'})]), 'evaluation': { 'g1': {'a14': Decimal('15.17'), 'a15': Decimal('80.87')}, 'g2': {'a14': Decimal('44.51'), 'a15': Decimal('62.74')}, 'g3': {'a14': Decimal('57.87'), 'a15': Decimal('64.24')}, 'g4': {'a14': Decimal('58.0'), 'a15': Decimal('26.99')}, 'g5': {'a14': Decimal('24.22'), 'a15': Decimal('21.18')}, 'g6': {'a14': Decimal('29.1'), 'a15': Decimal('73.09')}, 'g7': {'a14': Decimal('96.58'), 'a15': Decimal('-999')}}} >>> newTab = rpg.randomPerformanceTableau(2) >>> newTab.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* criteria | weights | 'a17' 'a18' ---------|----------------------------------------- 'g1' | 1 | 55.80 22.03 'g2' | 1 | 57.78 33.83 'g3' | 1 | 80.54 31.83 'g4' | 1 | 31.15 69.98 'g5' | 1 | 46.25 48.80 'g6' | 1 | 42.24 82.88 'g7' | 1 | 57.31 41.66 """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionNamePrefix='a', instanceCounter=None,seed=None): from randomPerfTabs import _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator,\ _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator,\ _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator from performanceQuantiles import PerformanceQuantiles if argPerfTab.__class__ == RandomPerformanceTableau: self.__class__ = _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator return _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed) elif argPerfTab.__class__ == RandomCBPerformanceTableau: self.__class__ = _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator return _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed) elif argPerfTab.__class__ == Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau: self.__class__ = _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator return _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed) elif argPerfTab.__class__ == PerformanceQuantiles: if argPerfTab.perfTabType == 'RandomPerformanceTableau': self.__class__ = _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator return _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed) elif argPerfTab.perfTabType == 'RandomCBPerformanceTableau': self.__class__ = _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator return _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed) elif argPerfTab.perfTabType == 'Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau': self.__class__ = _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator return _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator.__init__(self,argPerfTab, actionNamePrefix=actionNamePrefix, instanceCounter=instanceCounter,seed=seed)
[docs] def randomActions(self,nbrOfRandomActions=1): """ Generates nbrOfRandomActions. """ from collections import OrderedDict criteria = self.perfTab.criteria n = self.counter + nbrOfRandomActions self.nd = len(str(n)) newActions = OrderedDict() newEvaluation ={} for g in criteria: newEvaluation[g] = {} for i in range(nbrOfRandomActions): newAction = self._randomAction() newKey = newAction['action'].pop('key') newActions[newKey] = newAction['action'] for g in criteria: newEvaluation[g][newKey] = newAction['evaluation'][g] return {'actions': newActions, 'evaluation': newEvaluation}
[docs] def randomPerformanceTableau(self,nbrOfRandomActions=1): """ Generates nbrOfRandomActions. """ from collections import OrderedDict from perfTabs import EmptyPerformanceTableau from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau,\ RandomCBPerformanceTableau,\ Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau newPerfTab = EmptyPerformanceTableau() try: if self.perfTab.perfTabType == 'PerformanceQuantiles': if self.perfTab.perfTabType != 'RandomPerformanceTableau': newPerfTab.__class__ = RandomPerformanceTableau elif self.perfTab.perfTabType != 'RandomCBPerformanceTableau': newPerfTab.__class__ = RandomCBPerformanceTableau elif self.perfTab.perfTabType != 'Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau': newPerfTab.__class__ = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau else: print('Error') return None except: newPerfTab.__class__ = self.perfTab.__class__ = try: newPerfTab.objectives = self.perfTab.objectives except: newPerfTab.objectives = OrderedDict() criteria = self.perfTab.criteria newPerfTab.criteria = criteria newPerfTab.NA = self.perfTab.NA newActions = OrderedDict() newEvaluation ={} for g in criteria: newEvaluation[g] = {} n = self.counter + nbrOfRandomActions self.nd = len(str(n)) for i in range(nbrOfRandomActions): newAction = self._randomAction() newKey = newAction['action'].pop('key') newActions[newKey] = newAction['action'] for g in criteria: newEvaluation[g][newKey] = newAction['evaluation'][g] newPerfTab.actions = newActions newPerfTab.evaluation = newEvaluation return newPerfTab
class _RandomStdPerformanceGenerator(RandomPerformanceGenerator): """ Generator for genrating new decision actions from a given <RandomPerformanceTableau> model. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionNamePrefix='a', instanceCounter=0,seed=None): """ Set the initial state of the random generator. """ import random random.seed(seed) self.random = random self.perfTab = argPerfTab self.actionNamePrefix = actionNamePrefix if instanceCounter is None: self.counter = len(argPerfTab.actions) else: self.counter = instanceCounter self.nd = len(str(self.counter)) self.commonMode = argPerfTab.commonMode if str(self.commonMode[0]) == 'triangular': from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr rdseed = random.random() self.rng = RNGTr(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) self.commonScale = argPerfTab.commonScale def _randomAction(self,Debug=False): """ Returns ``{'action': key, 'evaluation': {'g1': Decimal(...), 'g2': Decimal(...), ... }}`` """ # generate action key self.counter += 1 actionKey = ('%s%%0%dd' % (self.actionNamePrefix,self.nd)) % (self.counter) action = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action %s' % (actionKey), 'comment': 'RandomPerformanceGenerator', #'type': actionType, 'key': actionKey} # generate random evaluation random = self.random commonMode = self.commonMode commonScale = self.commonScale digits = self.perfTab.digits criteria = self.perfTab.criteria evaluation = {} if str(commonMode[0]) == 'uniform': for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} randeval = random.uniform(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]) evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(self.commonMode[0]) == 'triangular': for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(rng.random(),digits))) elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'beta': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if commonMode[1] is None: xm = 0.5 else: xm = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0/xm else: alpha = commonMode[2][0] beta = commonMode[2][1] if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) for g in criteria: u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'normal': if commonMode[1] is None: mu = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/2.0 else: mu = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: sigma = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/4.0 else: sigma = commonMode[2] for g in criteria: notfound = True while notfound: randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) if randeval >= commonScale[0] and randeval <= commonScale[1]: notfound = False evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # randomly insert missing data missingDataProbability = self.perfTab.missingDataProbability NA = self.perfTab.NA for c in criteria: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[c] = NA # return a new random decision alternative return {'action': action,'evaluation':evaluation} ## def randomUpdate(self,nbrOfRandomActions=1): ## """ ## Updates *self.perfTab* with *n* = *nbrOfActions* new random decision alternatives. ## ## .. note:: ## ## The update will modify the generator's given performance tableau instance by, ## either adding new actions with their random evaluations, ## or updating the performances of already existing decision actions. ## """ ## actions = self.perfTab.actions ## criteria = self.perfTab.criteria ## evaluation = self.perfTab.evaluation ## for i in range(nbrOfRandomActions): ## newAction = self._randomAction() ## newEvaluation = newAction['evaluation'] ## newKey = newAction['action']['key'] ## actions[newKey] = newAction['action'] ## for g in criteria: ## evaluation[g][newKey] = newEvaluation[g] ################## #-----------------
[docs] class RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ For generating a temporary academic performance tableau with random grading results performances of a number of students in different academic courses (see Lecture 4: Grading of the Algorithmic decision Theory Course ) *Parameters*: * number of students, * number of courses, * weightDistribution := equisignificant | random (default, see RandomPerformanceTableau) * weightScale := (1, 1 | numberOfCourses (default when random)) * IntegerWeights := Boolean (True = default) * commonScale := (0,20) (default) * ndigits := 0 * WithTypes := Boolean (False = default) * commonMode := ('triangular',xm=14,r=0.25) * commonThresholds (default) := { | 'ind':(0,0), | 'pref':(1,0), | } (default) When parameter *WithTypes* is set to *True*, the students are randomly allocated to one of the four categories: *weak* (1/6), *fair* (1/3), *good* (1/3), and *excellent* (1/3), in the bracketed proportions. In a default 0-20 grading range, the random range of a weak student is 0-10, of a fair student 4-16, of a good student 8-20, and of an excellent student 12-20. The random grading generator follows a double triangular probablity law with *mode* equal to the middle of the random range and *median repartition* of probability each side of the mode. >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau >>> t = RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau(numberOfStudents=7, ... numberOfCourses=5, missingDataProbability=0.03, ... WithTypes=True, seed=100) >>> t *------- PerformanceTableau instance description ------* Instance class : RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau Seed : 100 Instance name : randstudPerf Actions : 7 Criteria : 5 Attributes : ['randomSeed', 'name', 'actions', 'criteria', 'evaluation', 'weightPreorder'] >>> t.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* Courses | 'm1' 'm2' 'm3' 'm4' 'm5' ECTS | 5 1 5 4 3 ---------|-------------------------- 's1f' | 12 10 14 14 13 's2g' | 14 12 16 12 14 's3g' | 13 10 NA 12 17 's4f' | 10 13 NA 13 12 's5e' | 17 12 16 17 12 's6g' | 17 17 12 16 14 's7e' | 12 13 13 16 NA >>> t.weightPreorder [['m2'], ['m5'], ['m4'], ['m1', 'm3']] The random instance generated here with seed = 100 results in a set of only excellent (2), good (3) and fair (2) student performances. We observe 3 missing grades (NA). We may show a statistical summary per course (performance criterion) with more than 5 grades. >>> t.showStatistics() *-------- Performance tableau summary statistics -------* Instance name : randstudPerf #Actions : 7 #Criteria : 5 *Statistics per Criterion* Criterion name : g1 Criterion weight : 5 criterion scale : 0.00 - 20.00 # missing evaluations : 0 mean evaluation : 13.57 standard deviation : 2.44 maximal evaluation : 17.00 quantile Q3 (x_75) : 17.00 median evaluation : 13.50 quantile Q1 (x_25) : 12.00 minimal evaluation : 10.00 mean absolute difference : 2.69 standard difference deviation : 3.45 Criterion name : g2 Criterion weight : 1 criterion scale : 0.00 - 20.00 # missing evaluations : 0 mean evaluation : 12.43 standard deviation : 2.19 maximal evaluation : 17.00 quantile Q3 (x_75) : 14.00 median evaluation : 12.50 quantile Q1 (x_25) : 11.50 minimal evaluation : 10.00 mean absolute difference : 2.29 standard difference deviation : 3.10 Criterion name : g3 Criterion weight : 5 criterion scale : 0.00 - 20.00 # missing evaluations : 2 Criterion name : g4 Criterion weight : 4 criterion scale : 0.00 - 20.00 # missing evaluations : 0 mean evaluation : 14.29 standard deviation : 1.91 maximal evaluation : 17.00 quantile Q3 (x_75) : 16.25 median evaluation : 15.00 quantile Q1 (x_25) : 12.75 minimal evaluation : 12.00 mean absolute difference : 2.12 standard difference deviation : 2.70 Criterion name : g5 Criterion weight : 3 criterion scale : 0.00 - 20.00 # missing evaluations : 1 mean evaluation : 13.67 standard deviation : 1.70 maximal evaluation : 17.00 quantile Q3 (x_75) : 15.50 median evaluation : 14.00 quantile Q1 (x_25) : 12.50 minimal evaluation : 12.00 mean absolute difference : 1.78 standard difference deviation : 2.40 """ def __init__(self,numberOfStudents = 10, numberOfCourses = 5, weightDistribution = 'random', weightScale = (1,5), commonScale = (0,20), ndigits = 0, WithTypes = False, commonMode = ('triangular',12,0.25), commonThresholds = None, IntegerWeights = True, BigData = False, missingDataProbability = 0.0, NA = -999, seed = None, Debug = False): """ """ # didactic if WithTypes: types = ['weak','fair','fair','good','good','excellent'] nt = len(types) # set random seed self.randomSeed = seed import random random.seed(seed) # set name = 'randstudPerf' # generate actions numberOfActions = numberOfStudents nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(numberOfActions): if WithTypes: ri = random.randint(0,nt-1) if BigData: actionName = ('s%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) actions[i] = {'name': actionName} if WithTypes: actions[i]['type'] = types[ri] actions[i]['name'] = '%s%s' % (actions[i]['name'],(actions[i]['type'])[0]) else: actionKey = ('s%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) if WithTypes: actions[actionKey]= {'type': types[ri], 'shortName': '%s%s' % (actionKey,types[ri][0]), 'name': 'student %s%s' % (actionKey,types[ri][0]), 'comment': 'RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau() generated.'} else: actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'student %s' % actionKey, 'comment': 'RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau() generated.' } # generate the criteria weights numberOfCriteria = numberOfCourses if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) if weightDistribution == 'random': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') i = 0 for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(random.randint(weightScale[0],weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant': weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [Decimal(str(weightScale[0])) for i in range(numberOfCriteria)] sumWeights = sum(weightsList) else: print('!!! Error: wrong course weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' % (weightDistribution)) # generate criteria dictionary ngd = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criteria = OrderedDict() commentString = 'Arguments: ' commentString += '; weightDistribution='+str(weightDistribution) commentString += '; weightScale='+str(weightScale) commentString += '; IntegerWeights='+str(IntegerWeights) commentString += '; commonThresholds='+str(commonThresholds) commentString += '; missingDataProbability='+str(missingDataProbability) commentString += '; WithTypes=='+str(WithTypes) for i in range(numberOfCriteria): g = ('m%%0%dd' % ngd) % (i+1) criteria[g] = {} criteria[g]['name']='Master course %d' % (i+1) criteria[g]['comment']=commentString try: indThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['ind'][0])), Decimal(str(commonThresholds['ind'][1]))) prefThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['pref'][0])), Decimal(str(commonThresholds['pref'][1]))) ## vetoThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['veto'][0])), ## Decimal(str(commonThresholds['veto'][1]))) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {'ind':indThreshold, 'pref':prefThreshold} ## 'veto':vetoThreshold} except: indThreshold = ( Decimal("0"), Decimal("0") ) prefThreshold = ( Decimal("1"), Decimal("0") ) # vetoThreshold = ( Decimal(str(numberOfActions)), Decimal("0") ) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = { 'ind':indThreshold, 'pref':prefThreshold, # 'veto': vetoThreshold } criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i]/sumWeights # generate evaluations digits = ndigits evaluation = {} # evaluation ranges for student types if WithTypes: randEvalRanges = {'weak':(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]*0.5), 'fair':(commonScale[0]+commonScale[1]*0.2,commonScale[1]*0.8), 'good':(commonScale[0]+commonScale[1]*0.4,commonScale[1]), 'excellent':(commonScale[0]+commonScale[1]*0.6,commonScale[1])} # install the triangular RNG if necessary if str(commonMode[0]) == 'triangular': from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr # generate all individual random evaluations for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} for x in actions: if WithTypes: rangex = randEvalRanges[actions[x]['type']] if Debug: print(actions[x],rangex) #-------- if str(commonMode[0]) == 'uniform': if WithTypes: randeval = random.uniform(rangex[0],rangex[1]) else: randeval = random.uniform(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]) evaluation[g][x] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # --------- elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'triangular': #from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr if WithTypes: rdseed = random.random() rng = RNGTr(rangex[0],rangex[1],min(rangex[1], commonMode[1]),commonMode[2],seed=rdseed) else: rdseed = random.random() rng = RNGTr(commonScale[0],commonScale[1], commonMode[1],commonMode[2],seed=rdseed) evaluation[g][x] = Decimal(str(round(rng.random(),digits))) #------------------- elif str(commonMode[0]) == 'beta': if WithTypes: m = rangex[0] M = rangex[1] else: m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if commonMode[1] is None: xm = 0.5 else: xm = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0/xm else: alpha = commonMode[2][0] beta = commonMode[2][1] if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m evaluation[g][x] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # randomly insert missing data # self.missingDataProbability = missingDataProbability NA = Decimal(NA) for c in criteria: for x in actions: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[c][x] = NA # install object items self.actions = actions self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = NA self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder()
[docs] def showStudents(self,WithComments=False): """ Print a list of the students. """ actions = self.actions print('"------------ Registered students -------*') print('key: \t Name \t\t Type') print('----------------------------------') for st in actions: x = actions[st] if WithComments: print('%s: \t %s \t %s\n %s' %\ (st,x['name'],x['type'],x['comment']) ) else: print('%s: \t %s \t %s' %\ (st,x['name'],x['type']) )
[docs] def showCourses(self,coursesSubset=None,ndigits=0, pageTitle='List of Courses'): """ Print a list of the courses. """ self.showHTMLCriteria(criteriaSubset=coursesSubset,ndigits=ndigits, title=pageTitle)
[docs] def showPerformanceTableau(self,Transposed=False,studentsSubset=None, fromIndex=None,toIndex=None,Sorted=True,ndigits=0): """ Print the performance Tableau. """ from decimal import Decimal actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria print('*---- performance tableau -----*') criteriaList = list(criteria) if Sorted: criteriaList.sort() if studentsSubset is None: actionsList = list(actions) if Sorted: actionsList.sort() else: actionsList = list(studentsSubset) if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex=len(actionsList) # view criteria x actions if Transposed: print(' Courses | ETCS |', end=' ') for x in actionsList: xName = self.actions[x]['shortName'] print('\''+xName+'\'', end=' ') print('\n---------|-----------------------------------------') formatString = ' %%0%d.%df ' % (2,ndigits) for g in criteriaList: print(' \'' +str(g)+'\' | '+str(criteria[g]['weight'])+' |', end=' ') for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] evalgx = evaluation[g][x] if evalgx == NA: print(' NA ', end=' ') else: print(formatString % (evalgx), end=' ') print() # view actions x criteria else: print(' Courses | ', end=' ') for g in criteriaList: print('\''+str(g)+'\'', end=' ') print('\n ECTS | ', end=' ') for g in criteriaList: print(' %s ' % str(criteria[g]['weight'] ), end=' ') print('\n---------|-----------------------------------------') formatString = ' %%0%d.%df ' % (2,ndigits) for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] print(' \''+str(actions[x]['shortName'])+'\' |' , end=' ') for g in criteriaList: evalgx = evaluation[g][x] if evalgx == NA: print(' NA ', end=' ') else: print(formatString % (evalgx), end=' ') print()
[docs] def showHTMLPerformanceTableau(self,studentsSubset=None,isSorted=True, Transposed=False,ndigits=0, ContentCentered=True,title=None, fromIndex=None,toIndex=None, htmlFileName=None): """ shows the html version of the academic performance tableau in a browser window. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html',delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self._htmlPerformanceTable(actions=studentsSubset,isSorted=isSorted, Transposed=Transposed, ndigits=ndigits, ContentCentered=ContentCentered, title=title,fromIndex=fromIndex, toIndex=toIndex)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
def _htmlPerformanceTable(self,actions=None,criteria=None,isSorted=False, Transposed=False,ndigits=0, ContentCentered=True, title=None,fromIndex=None,toIndex=None): """ Renders the performance table citerion x actions in html format. """ minMaxEvaluations = self.computeMinMaxEvaluations() if title is None: html = '<h1>Random Student Gradings</h1>' else: html = '<h1>%s</h1>' % title # criteria if criteria is None: criteria = self.criteria criteriaKeys = list(criteria.keys()) else: criteriaKeys = [g for g in criteria] if isSorted: criteriaKeys.sort() # actions if actions is None: actions = self.actions actionsKeys = list(self.actions.keys()) else: actionsKeys = [x for x in actions] if isSorted: actionsKeys.sort() if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsKeys) # evaluations evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if ContentCentered: alignFormat = 'center' else: alignFormat = 'right' if Transposed: html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Courses<br/>(ECTS)</th>' for x in actionsKeys[fromIndex:toIndex]: try: xName = actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (xName) html += '</tr>' for g in criteriaKeys: try: gName = '%s (%d)' % (criteria[g]['shortName'],criteria[g]['weight']) except: gName = '%s (%d)' % (g,int(criteria[g]['weight'])) html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (gName) for x in actionsKeys[fromIndex:toIndex]: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: if evaluation[g][x] < Decimal('10'): formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ffddff" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum'] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td align="center"><span style="color: LightGrey;font-size:75%; ">NA</span></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</table>' else: html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Courses</th>' for g in criteriaKeys: try: gName = criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (gName) html += '</tr>' html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#9acd32" >ECTS</th>' for g in criteriaKeys: gweight = criteria[g]['weight'] html += '<td align="center" bgcolor="#FFF79B" ><i>%d</i></td>' % (int(gweight)) html += '</tr>' for x in actionsKeys[fromIndex:toIndex]: try: xName = actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (xName) for g in criteriaKeys: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: if evaluation[g][x] < Decimal('10'): formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ffddff" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum'] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) #elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum']: elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td align="center"><span style="color: LightGrey;font-size:75%;">NA</span></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def showCourseStatistics(self,courseID,Debug=False): """ show statistics concerning the grades' distributions in the given course. """ import math criteriaKeys = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaKeys.sort() nc = len(self.criteria) evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA actions = self.actions g = courseID n = len(actions) print('*----- Summary performance statistics ------*') print(' Course name :', g) print(' Course weight :', self.criteria[g]['weight']) print(' # Students :', n) averageEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') varianceEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal(str(self.criteria[g]['scale'][1])) Min = Decimal(str(self.criteria[g]['scale'][0])) minEvaluation = Max maxEvaluation = Min evaluationList = [] for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: evaluationList.append(evaluation[g][x]) averageEvaluation += evaluation[g][x] varianceEvaluation += evaluation[g][x]**Decimal('2') if evaluation[g][x] < minEvaluation: minEvaluation = evaluation[g][x] if evaluation[g][x] > maxEvaluation: maxEvaluation = evaluation[g][x] evaluationList.sort() na = len(evaluationList) if Debug: print(evaluationList) try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': print(' grading scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (Min, Max)) else: print(' grading scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (-Max, Min)) except: print(' grading scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (Min, Max)) print(' # missing evaluations : %d' % (n-na)) # !! index on evaluation List goes from 0 to na -1 !! if na > 5: rankQ1 = na / 4.0 lowRankQ1 = int(math.floor(rankQ1)) proportQ1 = Decimal(str(rankQ1 - lowRankQ1)) quantileQ1 = evaluationList[lowRankQ1] + (proportQ1 * (evaluationList[lowRankQ1+1]-evaluationList[lowRankQ1]) ) #print rankQ1, lowRankQ1, proportQ1 rankQ2 = na / 2.0 lowRankQ2 = int(math.floor(rankQ2)) proportQ2 = Decimal(str(rankQ2 - lowRankQ2)) quantileQ2 = evaluationList[lowRankQ2] + (proportQ2 * ( evaluationList[lowRankQ2+1] - evaluationList[lowRankQ2]) ) rankQ3 = (na * 3.0) / 4.0 lowRankQ3 = int(math.floor(rankQ3)) proportQ3 = Decimal(str(rankQ3 - lowRankQ3)) quantileQ3 = evaluationList[lowRankQ3] + ( proportQ3 * (evaluationList[lowRankQ3+1]-evaluationList[lowRankQ3]) ) averageEvaluation /= Decimal(str(na)) varianceEvaluation = varianceEvaluation/na - averageEvaluation**Decimal('2') stdDevEvaluation = math.sqrt(varianceEvaluation) print(' mean evaluation : %.2f' % (averageEvaluation)) print(' standard deviation : %.2f' % (stdDevEvaluation)) print(' maximal evaluation : %.2f' % (maxEvaluation)) print(' quantile Q3 (x_75) : %.2f' % (quantileQ3)) print(' median evaluation : %.2f' % (quantileQ2)) print(' quantile Q1 (x_25) : %.2f' % (quantileQ1)) print(' minimal evaluation : %.2f' % (minEvaluation)) averageAbsDiffEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') varianceDiffEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') nd = 0 for x in actions: for y in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA and evaluation[g][y] != NA: diffxy = (evaluation[g][x] - evaluation[g][y]) averageAbsDiffEvaluation += abs(diffxy) varianceDiffEvaluation += diffxy**Decimal('2') nd += 1 # print ' Sum of evaluation differences = ', averageAbsDiffEvaluation averageAbsDiffEvaluation /= Decimal(str(nd)) ## averageDiffEvaluation == 0 per construction varianceDiffEvaluation = varianceDiffEvaluation/Decimal(str(nd)) stdDevDiffEvaluation = math.sqrt(varianceDiffEvaluation) print(' mean absolute difference : %.2f' % (averageAbsDiffEvaluation)) print(' standard difference deviation : %.2f' % (stdDevDiffEvaluation)) else: print(' !! not enough evaluations !!')
[docs] def showStatistics(self): """ Obsolete """ print('Obsolete ! use instaed self.showCourseStatistics(courseID)')
[docs] class RandomRankPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ For generating multiple-criteria ranked (without ties) performances of a given number of decision actions. On each criterion, all decision actions are hence lineraly ordered. The :py:class:`randomPerfTabs.RandomRankPerformanceTableau` class is matching the :py:class:`votingDigraphs.RandomLinearVotingProfiles` class (see Lecture 2 : Voting of the Algorithmic Decision Theory Course) *Parameters*: * number of actions, * number of performance criteria, * weightDistribution := equisignificant | random (default, see RandomPerformanceTableau) * weightScale := (1, 1 | numberOfCriteria (default when random)) * IntegerWeights := Boolean (True = default). Weights are negative, as all the criteria preference directions are 'min', as the rank performance is to be minimized. * commonThresholds (default) := { | 'ind':(0,0), | 'pref':(1,0), | 'veto':(numberOfActions,0) | } (default) >>> t = RandomRankPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=3,numberOfCriteria=2) >>> t.showObjectives() The performance tableau does not contain objectives. >>> t.showCriteria() *---- criteria -----* g1 'Random criteria (voter)' Scale = (Decimal('0'), Decimal('3')) Weight = -1 # ranks to be minimal Threshold ind : 0.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.0 Threshold pref : 1.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.667 Threshold veto : 3.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 1.0 g2 'Random criteria (voter)' Scale = (Decimal('0'), Decimal('3')) Weight = -1 # ranks to be minimal Threshold ind : 0.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.0 Threshold pref : 1.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.667 Threshold veto : 3.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 1.0 >>> t.showActions() *----- show decision action --------------* key: a1 short name: a1 name: random decision action (candidate) comment: RandomRankPerformanceTableau() generated. key: a2 short name: a2 name: random decision action (candidate) comment: RandomRankPerformanceTableau() generated. key: a3 short name: a3 name: random decision action (candidate) comment: RandomRankPerformanceTableau() generated. >>> t.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* criteria | weights | 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' ---------|-------------------------- 'g1' | -1 | 3 1 2 'g2' | -1 | 2 1 3 """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions = 13, numberOfCriteria = 7, weightDistribution = 'equisignificant', weightScale=None, commonThresholds = None, IntegerWeights=True, BigData=False, seed = None, Debug = False): """ Constructor of random ranks performance tableaux. """ # set random seed self.randomSeed = seed import random random.seed(seed) # set name = 'randrankperftab' # generate actions nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(numberOfActions): if BigData: actionName = ('a%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) actions[i] = {'name': actionName} else: actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision actions (candidate)', 'comment': 'Random Ranks' } # generate the criteria weights if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) if weightDistribution == 'random': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') i = 0 for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(random.randint(weightScale[0],weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant': weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [Decimal(str(weightScale[0])) for i in range(numberOfCriteria)] sumWeights = sum(weightsList) else: print('!!! Error: wrong criteria weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' % (weightDistribution)) # generate criteria dictionary ngd = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criteria = OrderedDict() commentString = 'Arguments: ' commentString += '; weightDistribution='+str(weightDistribution) commentString += '; weightScale='+str(weightScale) commentString += '; IntegerWeights='+str(IntegerWeights) commentString += '; commonThresholds='+str(commonThresholds) for i in range(numberOfCriteria): g = ('g%%0%dd' % ngd) % (i+1) criteria[g] = {} criteria[g]['name']='Random criteria (voter)' criteria[g]['comment']=commentString criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'min' try: indThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['ind'][0])), Decimal(str(commonThresholds['ind'][1]))) prefThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['pref'][0])), Decimal(str(commonThresholds['pref'][1]))) vetoThreshold =(Decimal(str(commonThresholds['veto'][0])), Decimal(str(commonThresholds['veto'][1]))) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {'ind':indThreshold, 'pref':prefThreshold, 'veto':vetoThreshold} except: indThreshold = ( Decimal("0"), Decimal("0") ) prefThreshold = ( Decimal("1"), Decimal("0") ) vetoThreshold = ( Decimal(str(numberOfActions)), Decimal("0") ) criteria[g]['thresholds'] = { 'ind':indThreshold, 'pref':prefThreshold, 'veto': vetoThreshold } commonScale = ( Decimal("0"), Decimal(numberOfActions) ) criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale # weights are negative if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = -weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = -weightsList[i]/sumWeights # generate evaluations evaluation = {} for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} choiceRange = list(range(1,numberOfActions+1)) for a in actions: randeval = random.choice(choiceRange) evaluation[g][a] = Decimal( str(randeval) ) choiceRange.remove(randeval) # install object items self.actions = actions self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = Decimal('-999') self.sumWeights = sumWeights self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder()
# ------------------------------ class _FullRandomPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Full automatic generation of random performance tableaux """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions = None, numberOfCriteria = None, weightDistribution = None, weightScale=None, IntegerWeights = True, commonScale = None, commonThresholds = None, commonMode = None, valueDigits=2, seed = None, Debug = False): # import OrderedDict container from collections import OrderedDict # set name = 'fullrandomperftab' # set random seaad self.randomSeed = seed import random random.seed(seed) # generate random actions if numberOfActions is None: numberOfActions = random.randint(7,30) nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(numberOfActions): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action', 'comment': 'RandomRankPerformanceTableau() generated.' } self.actions = actions actionsList = [x for x in actions.keys()] # generate criterialist if numberOfCriteria is None: numberOfCriteria = random.randint(5,21) ng = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criteriaList = [('g%%0%dd' % ng) % (i+1) \ for i in range(numberOfCriteria)] criteriaList.sort() # generate random weights if weightDistribution is None: majorityWeight = numberOfCriteria + 1 weightModesList = [('fixed',[1,1],1), ('random',[1,3],2), ('random',[1,numberOfCriteria],3)] weightMode = random.choice(weightModesList) weightDistribution = weightMode[0] weightScale = weightMode[1] else: if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] if weightDistribution == 'random': weightsList = [] sumWeights = 0.0 for i in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[i] weightsList.append(random.randint(weightScale[0],weightScale[1])) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'fixed': weightsList = [] sumWeights = 0.0 for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if i == 0: weightsList.append(weightScale[1]) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(weightScale[0]) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant' or weightDistribution == 'equiobjectives': weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [] sumWeights = 0.0 for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if i == 0: weightsList.append(weightScale[1]) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(weightScale[0]) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() else: print('!!! Error: wrong criteria weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' % (weightDistribution)) # generate criteria dictionary with random thresholds if commonScale is None: commonScale = [0.0,100.0] criteria = OrderedDict() for i in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[i] criteria[g] = {} criteria[g]['name'] = 'random criterion' #t = time.time() if commonThresholds is None: thresholds = [] thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(0.0,commonScale[1]/5.0),valueDigits),0.0)) thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(thresholds[0][0],commonScale[1]/3.0),valueDigits),0.0)) thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(commonScale[1]*2.0/3.0,commonScale[1]),valueDigits),0.0)) thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(thresholds[2][0],commonScale[1]),valueDigits),0.0)) else: thresholds = commonThresholds ## print thresholds try: criteria[g]['thresholds'] = { 'ind':(Decimal(str(thresholds[0][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[0][1]))), 'pref':(Decimal(str(thresholds[1][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[1][1]))), 'weakVeto':(Decimal(str(thresholds[2][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[2][1]))), 'veto':(Decimal(str(thresholds[3][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[3][1]))), } except: criteria[g]['thresholds'] = { 'ind':(Decimal(str(thresholds[0][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[0][1]))), 'pref':(Decimal(str(thresholds[1][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[1][1]))), 'veto':(Decimal(str(thresholds[2][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[2][1]))), } criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = Decimal(str(weightsList[i])) else: criteria[g]['weight'] = Decimal(str(weightsList[i]))/Decimal(str(sumWeights)) # generate random evaluations x30=commonScale[1]*0.3 x50=commonScale[1]*0.5 x70=commonScale[1]*0.7 randomLawsList = [['uniform',commonScale[0],commonScale[1]], ('triangular',x30,0.33),('triangular',x30,0.50),('triangular',x30,0.75), ('triangular',x50,0.33),('triangular',x50,0.50),('triangular',x50,0.75), ('triangular',x70,0.33),('triangular',x70,0.50),('triangular',x70,0.75), ('normal',x30,20.0),('normal',x30,25.0),('normal',x30,30.0), ('normal',x50,20.0),('normal',x50,25.0),('normal',x50,30.0), ('normal',x70,20.0),('normal',x70,25.0),('normal',x70,30.0)] evaluation = {} for i in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[i] evaluation[g] = {} if commonMode is None: randomMode = random.choice(randomLawsList) else: randomMode = commonMode if randomMode[0] == 'uniform': randomMode[1] = commonScale[0] randomMode[2] = commonScale[1] criteria[g]['randomMode'] = randomMode if randomMode[0] != 'beta': if randomMode[1] is None and randomMode[2] is None: commentString = randomMode[0] + ', default, default' elif randomMode[1] is not None and randomMode[2] is None: commentString = randomMode[0]+', %.2f, default' % float(randomMode[1]) elif randomMode[1] is None and randomMode[2] is not None: commentString = randomMode[0]+', default, %.2f' % (float(randomMode[2])) else: commentString = randomMode[0]+', %.2f, %.2f' % (float(randomMode[1]),float(randomMode[2])) else: if randomMode[1] is not None and randomMode[2] is not None: commentString = randomMode[0]+', %.2f, (%.4f,%.4f)' % (float(randomMode[1]),float(randomMode[2][0]),float(randomMode[2][1])) elif randomMode[1] is None and randomMode[2] is not None: commentString = randomMode[0]+', default, (%.4f,%.4f)' % (float(randomMode[2][0]),float(randomMode[2][1])) if randomMode[1] is not None and randomMode[2] is None: commentString = randomMode[0]+', %.2f, default' % (float(randomMode[1])) else: commentString = randomMode[0]+', default,default' criteria[g]['comment'] = 'Evaluation generator: '+commentString digits = valueDigits if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': evaluation[g] = {} for a in actionsList: randeval = random.uniform(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]) evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNG m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] try: if commonMode[1] is None: xm = (M-m)/2.0 else: xm = commonMode[1] except: xm = (M-m)/2.0 try: if commonMode[2] is None: r = 0.5 else: r = commonMode[2] except: r = 0.5 rdseed = random.random() rng = RNG(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) for a in actionsList: ## u = random.random() ## if u < r: ## randeval = m + math.sqrt(u/r)*(xm-m) ## else: ## randeval = M - math.sqrt((1-u)/(1-r))*(M-xm) ## evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(rng.random(),digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'normal': try: if commonMode[1] is None: mu = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/2.0 else: mu = commonMode[1] except: mu = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/2.0 try: if commonMode[2] is None: sigma = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/4.0 else: sigma = commonMode[2] except: sigma = (commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])/4.0 for a in actionsList: notfound = True while notfound: randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) if randeval >= commonScale[0] and randeval <= commonScale[1]: notfound = False evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if commonMode[1] is None: xm = 0.5 else: xm = commonMode[1] if commonMode[2] is None: if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1.0 - xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0/xm else: alpha = commonMode[2][0] beta = commonMode[2][1] if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) for a in actionsList: u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) if Debug: print('xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) # install self object attributes self.criteriaWeightMode = weightMode self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = Decimal('-999') self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() def showAll(self): """ Show fonction for performance tableau of full random outranking digraph. """ criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation print('*-------- show performance tableau -------*') print('Name :', print('Actions :', self.actions) print('Criteria :') for g in criteria: print(' criterion name:', g, end=' ') print(', scale: ', criteria[g]['scale'], end=' ') print(', weight: %.3f ' % (criteria[g]['weight'])) print(' thresholds:', criteria[g]['thresholds']) print(' evaluations generation mode: ', criteria[g]['randomMode']) print() print(' Weights generation mode: ', self.criteriaWeightMode) print(' Weights preorder : ', self.weightPreorder) print('Evaluations :') for g in evaluation: print(g, evaluation[g]) class _RandomCoalitionsPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Full automatic generation of performance tableaux with random coalitions of criteria Parameters: | numberOf Actions := 20 (default) | number of Criteria := 13 (default) | weightDistribution := 'equisignificant' (default with all weights = 1.0), 'random', 'fixed' (default w_1 = numberOfCriteria-1, w_{i!=1} = 1 | weightScale := [1,numerOfCriteria] (random default), [w_1, w_{i!=1] (fixed) | IntegerWeights := True (default) / False | commonScale := (0.0, 100.0) (default) | commonThresholds := [(1.0,0.0),(2.001,0.0),(8.001,0.0)] if OrdinalSacles, [(0.10001*span,0),(0.20001*span,0.0),(0.80001*span,0.0)] with span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0]. | commonMode := ['triangular',50.0,0.50] (default), ['uniform',None,None], ['beta', None,None] (three alpha, beta combinations (5.8661,2.62203) chosen by default for high('+'), medium ('~') and low ('-') evaluations. | valueDigits := 2 (default, for cardinal scales only) | Coalitions := True (default)/False, three coalitions if True | VariableGenerators := True (default) / False, variable high('+'), medium ('~') or low ('-') law generated evaluations. | OrdinalScales := True / False (default) | Debug := True / False (default) | RandomCoalitions = True / False (default) zero or more than three coalitions if Coalitions == False. | vetoProbability := x in ]0.0-1.0[ / None (default), probability that a cardinal criterion shows a veto preference discrimination threshold. | Electre3 := True (default) / False, no weakveto if True (obsolete) """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions = None, numberOfCriteria = None, weightDistribution = None, weightScale=None, IntegerWeights = True, commonScale = None, commonThresholds = None, commonMode = None, valueDigits=2, Coalitions=True, VariableGenerators=True, OrdinalScales=False, Debug=False, RandomCoalitions=False, vetoProbability=None, BigData=False, seed= None, Electre3=True): # naming = 'randomCoalitionsPerfTab' # randomizer init self.randomSeed = seed import random random.seed(seed) if RandomCoalitions: Coalitions=False from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr from collections import OrderedDict from operator import itemgetter # generate actions if numberOfActions is None: numberOfActions = 13 nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(numberOfActions): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i+1) if BigData: actions[i] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': actionKey, 'generators': {}} else: actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action', 'comment': 'RandomCoalitionsPerformanceTableau() generated.', 'generators': {}} self.actions = actions actionsList = [x for x in actions.keys()] #actionsList.sort() # generate criterialist if numberOfCriteria is None: numberOfCriteria = 7 ng = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criteriaList = [('g%%0%dd' % ng) % (i+1) \ for i in range(numberOfCriteria)] #criteriaList.sort() # generate random weights if weightDistribution is None: ## majorityWeight = numberOfCriteria + 1 ## #weightModesList = [('fixed',[1,1],1),('random',[1,3],2), ('random',[1,numberOfCriteria],3),('fixed',[1,majorityWeight],4)] ## weightModesList = [('fixed',[1,1],1),('random',[1,3],2), ('random',[1,numberOfCriteria],3)] ## weightMode = random.choice(weightModesList) weightMode = ('equisignificant',(1,1)) weightDistribution = weightMode[0] weightScale = weightMode[1] else: weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] if weightDistribution == 'random': if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(len(criteriaList)): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(random.randint(weightScale[0], weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'fixed': if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant' \ or weightDistribution == 'equiobjectives' \ or weightDistribution == 'equicoalitions': weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() else: print('!!! Error: wrong criteria weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' \ % (weightDistribution)) # generate criteria dictionary with random thresholds if commonScale is None: commonScale = (0.0,100.0) if Coalitions: criterionCoalitionsList=[('A',None),('B',None),('C',None)] elif RandomCoalitions: bin = {} nbrcrit = len(criteriaList) for i in range(nbrcrit): bin[i] = set() for i in range(nbrcrit): p = random.randint(0,nbrcrit-1) bin[p].add(criteriaList[i]) partition = [] for i in range(nbrcrit): ni = len(bin[i]) if ni > 0: partition.append((ni,bin[i])) partition.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) criterionCoalitionsList = [] for i in range(len(partition)): criterionCoalitionsList.append((chr(ord("A")+i),partition[i][1])) Coalitions = True if Debug: print(criterionCoalitionsList) criteria = OrderedDict() for gi in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[gi] criteria[g] = {} if RandomCoalitions: for criterionCoalition in criterionCoalitionsList: if g in criterionCoalition[1]: criteria[g]['coalition'] = criterionCoalition[0] if Debug: print('==>>>', criteria[g]['coalition']) elif Coalitions: criterionCoalition = random.choice(criterionCoalitionsList) criteria[g]['coalition'] = criterionCoalition[0] criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' if Coalitions: criteria[g]['name'] = 'random criterion of coalition %s' \ % (criteria[g]['coalition']) else: criteria[g]['name'] = 'random criterion' if commonThresholds is None: ## thresholds = [] ## thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(0.0,commonScale[1]/5.0),valueDigits),0.0)) ## thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(thresholds[0][0],commonScale[1]/3.0),valueDigits),0.0)) ## thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(commonScale[1]*2.0/3.0,commonScale[1]),valueDigits),0.0)) ## thresholds.append((round(random.uniform(thresholds[2][0],commonScale[1]),valueDigits),0.0)) if OrdinalScales: thresholds = [(1.0,0.0),(2.001,0.0),(8.001,0.0)] else: span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0] thresholds = [(0.05001*span,0),(0.10001*span,0.0),(0.60001*span,0.0)] else: thresholds = commonThresholds ## print thresholds if Electre3: thitems = ['ind','pref','veto'] else: thitems = ['ind','pref','weakVeto','veto'] if vetoProbability is not None: randVeto = random.uniform(0.0,1.0) if randVeto > vetoProbability: thitems = ['ind','pref'] criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {} for t in range(len(thitems)): criteria[g]['thresholds'][thitems[t]] \ = (Decimal(str(thresholds[t][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[t][1]))) criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[gi] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[gi] / sumWeights # determine equisignificant coalitions coalitionsCardinality = {} for gi in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[gi] try: coalitionsCardinality[criteria[g]['coalition']] += 1 except: coalitionsCardinality[criteria[g]['coalition']] = 1 if Debug: print(coalitionsCardinality) weightsProduct = 1 for coalition in coalitionsCardinality: weightsProduct *= coalitionsCardinality[coalition] if Debug: print(weightsProduct) if weightDistribution == 'equicoalitions': for gi in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[gi] criteria[g]['weight'] \ = weightsProduct // coalitionsCardinality[criteria[g]['coalition']] if Debug: print(criteria[g]['weight']) # allocate (criterion,action) to coalition supporting type if Coalitions and VariableGenerators: coalitionSupportingType = ['+','~','-'] for x in actionsList: for c in criterionCoalitionsList: if Debug: print(criterionCoalitionsList,c) self.actions[x][str(c[0])]=random.choice(coalitionSupportingType) self.actions[x]['name'] \ = self.actions[x]['name'] + ' '+ str(c[0]) \ + str(self.actions[x][str(c[0])]) # generate evaluations evaluation = {} for gi in range(len(criteriaList)): g = criteriaList[gi] evaluation[g] = {} if commonMode is None: #randomMode = random.choice(randomLawsList) randomMode = ['triangular',50.0,0.50] else: randomMode = commonMode if randomMode[0] == 'uniform': randomMode[1] = commonScale[0] randomMode[2] = commonScale[1] criteria[g]['randomMode'] = randomMode if Coalitions: commentString = 'Variable '+randomMode[0]+(' performance generator with random low (-), medium (~) or high (+) parameters.') else: if randomMode[0] == 'triangular': if VariableGenerators: commentString = 'triangular law with variable mode (m) and probability repartition (p).' else: commentString = 'triangular law with constant mode (m) and probability repartition (p).' else: if VariableGenerators: commentString = 'Variable '+randomMode[0]+(' law with randomly chosen low, medium or high parameters.') ## elif Coalitions: ## commentString = 'Coalition : %s ' % (criteria[g]['coalition']) else: commentString = 'Constant '+randomMode[0]+(' law with parameters = %s, %s' % (str(randomMode[1]),str(randomMode[2]))) criteria[g]['comment'] = commentString digits = valueDigits if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': for a in actionsList: if VariableGenerators: randomRangesList = [(commonScale[0],commonScale[1]), (commonScale[0],commonScale[0]+0.3*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])), (commonScale[0],commonScale[0]+0.7*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0]))] randomRange = random.choice(randomRangesList) randeval = random.uniform(randomRange[0],randomRange[1]) else: randomRange = (randomMode[1],randomMode[2]) randeval = random.uniform(randomMode[1],randomMode[2]) self.actions[a]['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],randomRange) if OrdinalScales: randeval /= 10.0 if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': for a in actionsList: m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if Coalitions: if self.actions[a][criteria[g]['coalition']] == '+': # mode = 75, stdev = 15 #xm = 75 alpha = 5.8661 beta = 2.62203 elif self.actions[a][criteria[g]['coalition']] == '~': # nmode = 50, stdev = 15 #xm = 50 alpha = 5.05556 beta = 5.05556 elif self.actions[a][criteria[g]['coalition']] == '-': # mode = 25, stdev = 15 # xm = 25 alpha = 2.62203 beta = 5.8661 else: if VariableGenerators: randomModesList = [0.3,0.5,0.7] xm = random.choice(randomModesList) else: xm = randomMode[1] if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0 / xm if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m if Debug: print('xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) self.actions[a]['generators'][g] = ('beta',alpha,beta) if OrdinalScales: randeval /= 10.0 if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': for a in actionsList: m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if VariableGenerators: span = commonScale[1]-commonScale[0] randomModesList = [0.3*span,0.5*span,0.7*span] xm = random.choice(randomModesList) else: xm = randomMode[1] r = randomMode[2] self.actions[a]['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],xm,r) # setting a speudo random seed rdseed = random.random() rngtr = RNGTr(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) randeval = rngtr.random() if OrdinalScales: randeval /= 10.0 if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #print randeval, criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][a] ## elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'normal': ## mu = randomMode[1] ## sigma = randomMode[2] ## for a in actionsList: ## notfound = True ## while notfound: ## randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) ## if randeval >= commonScale[0] and randeval <= commonScale[1]: ## notfound = False ## evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # install self object attributes self.criteriaWeightMode = weightMode self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = Decimal('-999') self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder()
[docs] class Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ For geneating random 3 objectives: *Eco*, *Soc* and *Env* multile-criteria performance records. Each decision action is qualified randomly as weak (-), fair (~) or good (+) on each of the three objectives. Generator arguments: * numberOf Actions := 20 (default) * shortNamePrefix := 'a' (default) * number of Criteria := 13 (default) * weightDistribution := 'equiobjectives' (default) | 'equisignificant' (weights set all to 1) | 'random' (in the range 1 to numberOfCriteria) * weightScale := [1,numerOfCriteria] (random default) * IntegerWeights := True (default) / False * OrdinalScales := True / False (default), if True commonScale is set to (0,10) * NegativeWeights := True (default) / False. If False, evaluations to be minimized are negative. * negativeWeightProbability := [0,1] (default 0.10), 'min' preference direction probability * commonScale := (Min, Max) | when commonScale is None, (Min=0.0,Max=10.0) by default if OrdinalScales == True and (Min=0.0,Max=100.0) by default otherwise * commonThresholds := ((Ind,Ind_slope),(Pref,Pref_slope),(Veto,Veto_slope)) with | Ind < Pref < Veto in [0.0,100.0] such that | (Ind/100.0*span + Ind_slope*x) < (Pref/100.0*span + Pref_slope*x) < (Pref/100.0*span + Pref_slope*x) | By default [(0.05*span,0.0),(0.10*span,0.0),(0.60*span,0.0)] if OrdinalScales=False | By default [(0.1*span,0.0),(0.2*span,0.0),(0.8*span,0.0)] otherwise | with span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0]. * commonMode := ['triangular','variable',0.50] (default), A constant mode may be provided. | ['uniform','variable',None], a constant range may be provided. | ['beta','variable',None] (three alpha, beta combinations: | (5.8661,2.62203),(5.05556,5.05556) and (2.62203, 5.8661) | chosen by default for 'good', 'fair' and 'weak' evaluations. | Constant parameters may be provided. * valueDigits := 2 (default) * vetoProbability := x in ]0.0-1.0[ (0.5 default), probability that a cardinal criterion shows a veto preference discrimination threshold. * Debug := True / False (default) .. warning:: Minimal number required of criteria is 3! >>> from randomPerfTabs import Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau >>> t = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=5,numberOfCriteria=3,seed=1) >>> t *------- PerformanceTableau instance description ------* Instance class : Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau Seed : 1 Instance name : random3ObjectivesPerfTab # Actions : 5 # Objectives : 3 # Criteria : 3 Attributes : ['name', 'valueDigits', 'BigData', 'OrdinalScales', 'missingDataProbability', 'negativeWeightProbability', 'randomSeed', 'sumWeights', 'valuationPrecision', 'commonScale', 'objectiveSupportingTypes', 'actions', 'objectives', 'criteriaWeightMode', 'criteria', 'evaluation', 'weightPreorder'] >>> t.showObjectives() *------ show objectives -------" Eco: Economical aspect ec1 criterion of objective Eco 1 Total weight: 1.00 (1 criteria) Soc: Societal aspect so2 criterion of objective Soc 1 Total weight: 1.00 (1 criteria) Env: Environmental aspect en3 criterion of objective Env 1 Total weight: 1.00 (1 criteria) >>> t.showActions() *----- show decision action --------------* key: p1 short name: p1 name: random public policy Eco+ Soc- Env+ profile: {'Eco': 'good', 'Soc': 'weak', 'Env': 'good'} key: p2 short name: p2 name: random public policy Eco~ Soc+ Env~ profile: {'Eco': 'fair', 'Soc': 'good', 'Env': 'fair'} key: p3 short name: p3 name: random public policy Eco~ Soc~ Env- profile: {'Eco': 'fair', 'Soc': 'fair', 'Env': 'weak'} key: p4 short name: p4 name: random public policy Eco~ Soc+ Env+ profile: {'Eco': 'fair', 'Soc': 'good', 'Env': 'good'} key: p5 short name: p5 name: random public policy Eco~ Soc+ Env~ profile: {'Eco': 'fair', 'Soc': 'good', 'Env': 'fair'} >>> t.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* criteria | weights | 'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' ---------|--------------------------------------------- 'ec1' | 1 | 36.29 85.17 34.49 NA 56.58 'so2' | 1 | 55.00 56.33 NA 67.36 72.22 'en3' | 1 | 66.58 48.71 21.59 NA NA >>> """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions=20,shortNamePrefix='p',numberOfCriteria=13, weightDistribution='equiobjectives',weightScale=None, IntegerWeights=True,OrdinalScales=False, NegativeWeights=False,negativeWeightProbability=0.0, commonScale=None,commonThresholds=None,commonMode=None, valueDigits=2, vetoProbability=0.5, missingDataProbability = 0.05, NA = -999, BigData=False, seed=None, Debug=False): # naming = 'random3ObjectivesPerfTab' self.valueDigits = valueDigits self.BigData = BigData self.OrdinalScales = OrdinalScales self.missingDataProbability = missingDataProbability self.negativeWeightProbability = negativeWeightProbability # randomizer init self.randomSeed = seed from random import Random _random = Random(seed) _random1 = Random(seed) _random2 = Random(seed) from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr # generate actions nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(1, numberOfActions+1): actionKey = shortNamePrefix+('%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i) if BigData: actions[i] = {'name': actionKey,'generators': {}} else: actions[actionKey] = {'shortName': '%s' % (actionKey), 'name': 'action %s' % actionKey, 'comment': 'random public policy', 'generators': {}} ## self.actions = actions ## actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] ## actionsList.sort() # generate random weights if weightDistribution == 'equisignificant': weightMode = ('equisignificant',(1,1)) weightScale = weightMode[1] weightsList = [weightScale[0] for i in range(numberOfCriteria)] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): sumWeights += Decimal(str(weightScale[0])) elif weightDistribution == 'random': weightMode = ('random',(1,numberOfCriteria)) if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(_random.randint(weightScale[0], weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() else: weightDistribution = 'equiobjectives' weightMode = (weightDistribution,None) weightScale = (1,1) weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] # store sum of weights and precision level self.sumWeights = sumWeights self.valuationPrecision = Decimal('0.1')/sumWeights # generate objectives dictionary objectives = OrderedDict([( 'Eco', {'name':'Economical aspect', 'comment': 'Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau generated'}), ('Soc', {'name': 'Societal aspect', 'comment': 'Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau generated'}), ('Env',{'name':'Environmental aspect', 'comment': 'Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau generated'}) ]) # generate criteria dictionary with random thresholds ng = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) if commonScale is None: if OrdinalScales: commonScale = (0,10) else: commonScale = (0.0,100.0) self.commonScale = commonScale criteria = OrderedDict() objectivesKeys = [key for key in objectives] #objectivesKeys.sort() #randChoice1 = Random(seed) ng = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) for i in range(numberOfCriteria): if i == 0: criterionObjective = 'Eco' elif i == 1: criterionObjective = 'Soc' elif i == 2: criterionObjective = 'Env' else: #criterionObjective = _random.choice(objectivesKeys) objInd = _random1.randint(1,len(objectivesKeys)) criterionObjective = objectivesKeys[objInd-1] if criterionObjective == 'Eco': g = ('ec%%0%dd' % ng) % (i+1) elif criterionObjective == 'Soc': g = ('so%%0%dd' % ng) % (i+1) else: g = ('en%%0%dd' % ng) % (i+1) criteria[g] = {} #print(g,criterionObjective,objectivesKeys) criteria[g]['objective'] = criterionObjective if _random.random() > negativeWeightProbability: criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' else: criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'min' criteria[g]['name'] = 'criterion of objective %s' % (criterionObjective) criteria[g]['shortName'] = g #criteria[g]['shortName'] = g + criterionObjective[0:2] span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0] if commonThresholds is None: if OrdinalScales: thresholds = [(0.1001*span,0.0),(0.2001*span,0.0),(0.8001*span,0.0)] else: #span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0] thresholds = [(0.05001*span,0.0),(0.10001*span,0.0),(0.60001*span,0.0)] else: #span = commonScale[1] - commonScale[0] thresholds = [(commonThresholds[0][0]/100.0*span,commonThresholds[0][1]), (commonThresholds[1][0]/100.0*span,commonThresholds[1][1]), (commonThresholds[2][0]/100.0*span,commonThresholds[2][1])] if Debug: print(g,thresholds) thitems = ['ind','pref','veto'] randVeto = _random.uniform(0.0,1.0) if randVeto > vetoProbability or vetoProbability is None: thitems = ['ind','pref'] criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {} for t in range(len(thitems)): criteria[g]['thresholds'][thitems[t]] \ = (Decimal(str(thresholds[t][0])),Decimal(str(thresholds[t][1]))) criteria[g]['scale'] = commonScale if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] / sumWeights else: if NegativeWeights: if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] / sumWeights else: if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = -weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = -weightsList[i] / sumWeights # determine equisignificant objectives if weightMode[0] == 'equiobjectives': objectivesCardinality = {} for g in criteria: try: objectivesCardinality[criteria[g]['objective']] += 1 except: objectivesCardinality[criteria[g]['objective']] = 1 if Debug: print(objectivesCardinality) weightsProduct = 1 for oi in objectivesCardinality: weightsProduct *= objectivesCardinality[oi] if Debug: print(weightsProduct) for g in criteria: gweight = weightsProduct // objectivesCardinality[criteria[g]['objective']] if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': criteria[g]['weight'] = gweight else: if NegativeWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = -gweight else: criteria[g]['weight'] = gweight if Debug: print(weightsProduct) print(objectivesCardinality[criteria[g]['objective']]) print(criteria[g]['weight']) # allocate (criterion,action) to coalition supporting type objectiveSupportingTypes = [('good','+'),('fair','~'),('weak','-')] self.objectiveSupportingTypes = objectiveSupportingTypes #randChoice2 = Random(seed) for x in actions: profile = {} for obj in objectives: if Debug: print(objectives,obj) ostInd = _random2.randint(1,len(objectiveSupportingTypes)) ost = objectiveSupportingTypes[ostInd-1] actions[x][obj]=ost[0] actions[x]['name'] \ = actions[x]['name'] + ' '+ str(obj) + ost[1] profile[obj] = actions[x][obj] actions[x]['profile'] = profile if Debug: print(x,actions[x]) # generate evaluations evaluation = {} for g in criteria: evaluation[g] = {} if commonMode is None: randomMode = ['triangular','variable',0.50] else: randomMode = commonMode if randomMode[0] == 'uniform' and randomMode[1] is None: randomMode[1] = commonScale[0] randomMode[2] = commonScale[1] criteria[g]['randomMode'] = randomMode if randomMode[1] == 'variable': commentString = 'Variable '+randomMode[0]+(' performance generator with low (-), medium (~) or high (+) parameters.') else: commentString = 'Constant '+randomMode[0]+(' law with parameters = %s, %s' % (str(randomMode[1]),str(randomMode[2]))) criteria[g]['comment'] = commentString digits = valueDigits if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': for a in actions: if randomMode[1] == 'variable': aobj = criteria[g]['objective'] if actions[a]['profile'][aobj] == 'weak': randomRange = (commonScale[0], commonScale[0]+0.7*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])) elif actions[a]['profile'][aobj] == 'fair': randomRange = (commonScale[0]+0.3*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0]), commonScale[0]+0.7*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])) elif actions[a]['profile'][aobj] == 'good': randomRange = (commonScale[0]+0.3*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0]), commonScale[1]) actions[a]['comment'] += ': %s %s' % (randomMode[0],randomRange) else: randomRange = (commonScale[1],commonScale[2]) randeval = _random.uniform(randomRange[0],randomRange[1]) actions[a]['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],randomRange) if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': for a in actions: m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if randomMode[1] == 'variable': if actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'good': # mode = 75, stdev = 15 #xm = 75 alpha = 5.8661 beta = 2.62203 elif actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'fair': # nmode = 50, stdev = 15 #xm = 50 alpha = 5.05556 beta = 5.05556 elif actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'weak': # mode = 25, stdev = 15 # xm = 25 alpha = 2.62203 beta = 5.8661 else: xm = randomMode[1] if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0 / xm if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) u = _random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m if Debug: print('xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) actions[a]['generators'][g] = ('beta',alpha,beta) if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': for a in actions: m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] span = commonScale[1]-commonScale[0] if randomMode[1] == 'variable': if actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'good': xm = 0.7*span elif actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'fair': xm = 0.5*span elif actions[a][criteria[g]['objective']] == 'weak': xm = 0.3*span else: xm = randomMode[1] r = randomMode[2] actions[a]['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],xm,r) # setting a speudo random seed if seed is None: rdseed = _random.randint(1,pow(2,32)) else: try: rdseed += 1 except: rdseed = seed rngtr = RNGTr(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) randeval = rngtr.random() if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) if Debug: print(randeval, criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][a]) else: print('Error: invalid random number generator %s !!!' % commonPar) # install self object attributes for obj in objectives: objCriteria = [g for g in criteria if criteria[g]['objective'] == obj] objectives[obj]['criteria'] = objCriteria objWeight = Decimal('0') for g in objCriteria: objWeight += abs(criteria[g]['weight']) objectives[obj]['weight'] = objWeight # insert missing data NA = Decimal(NA) for g in criteria: sevalg = evaluation[g] for x in actions: if _random.random() < missingDataProbability: sevalg[x] = NA # instantiate the peformance tableau slots self.actions = actions self.objectives = objectives self.criteriaWeightMode = weightMode self.criteria = criteria self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = NA def showObjectives(self): print('*------ show objectives -------"') for obj in self.objectives: print('%s: %s' % (obj, self.objectives[obj]['name'])) for g in self.objectives[obj]['criteria']: print(' ', g, self.criteria[g]['name'], self.criteria[g]['weight']) print(' Total weight: %.2f (%d criteria)\n' \ % (self.objectives[obj]['weight'], len(self.objectives[obj]['criteria'])))
[docs] def showActions(self,Alphabetic=False): print('*----- show decision action --------------*') actions = self.actions if Alphabetic: actionsKeys = [x for x in dict.keys(actions)] actionsKeys.sort() for x in actionsKeys: print('key: ',x) try: print(' short name: ',actions[x]['shortName']) except: pass print(' name: ',actions[x]['name']) print(' profile: ',actions[x]['profile']) else: for x in actions.keys(): print('key: ',x) try: print(' short name: ',actions[x]['shortName']) except: pass print(' name: ',actions[x]['name']) print(' profile: ',actions[x]['profile'])
class _Random3ObjectivesPerformanceGenerator(RandomPerformanceGenerator): """ Generator for new decision actions with random evaluation following a given Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau model. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionNamePrefix='a', instanceCounter=0,seed=None,Debug=False): """ Set the initial state of the random generator. """ import random random.seed(seed) self.random = random from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable as RNGTr self.RNGTr = RNGTr self.perfTab = argPerfTab self.actionNamePrefix = actionNamePrefix if instanceCounter is None: try: self.counter = len(argPerfTab.actions) except: self.counter = 0 else: self.counter = instanceCounter self.nd = len(str(self.counter)) self.Debug = Debug def _randomAction(self): """ Returns a dictionary with following content: { 'action': { 'key': actionKey, 'shortName': ..., 'name': ..., ... }, 'evaluation': {'g1': Decimal(...), 'g2': Decimal(...), ... } } """ # generate random evaluation Debug = self.Debug random = self.random try: digits = self.perfTab.valueDigits except: digits = 2 criteria = self.perfTab.criteria objectives = self.perfTab.objectives objectiveSupportingTypes = self.perfTab.objectiveSupportingTypes commonScale = self.perfTab.commonScale OrdinalScales = self.perfTab.OrdinalScales # generate action key and record self.counter += 1 if self.perfTab.BigData: actionName = ('%s%%0%dd' % (self.actionNamePrefix,self.nd)) % (self.counter) actionKey = self.counter action = {'shortName': actionName, 'name': actionName, 'key': actionKey, 'generators': {}} else: actionKey = ('%s%%0%dd' % (self.actionNamePrefix,self.nd)) % (self.counter) action = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action', 'comment': '3 Objectives', 'key': actionKey, 'generators': {}} # allocate coalition supporting types profile = {} for obj in objectives: if Debug: print(objectives,obj) ost = random.choice(objectiveSupportingTypes) action[obj]=ost[0] action['name'] \ = action['name'] + ' '+ str(obj) + ost[1] profile[obj] = action[obj] action['profile'] = profile if Debug: print(action) # generate random evaluations evaluation = {} for g in criteria: randomMode= criteria[g]['randomMode'] aobj = criteria[g]['objective'] # uniform distribution if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': if randomMode[1] == 'variable': #aobj = criteria[g]['objective'] if actions['profile'][aobj] == 'weak': randomRange = (commonScale[0], commonScale[0]+0.7*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])) elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'fair': randomRange = (commonScale[0]+0.3*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0]), commonScale[0]+0.7*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0])) elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'good': randomRange = (commonScale[0]+0.3*(commonScale[1]-commonScale[0]), commonScale[1]) action['comment'] += ': %s %s' % (randomMode[0],randomRange) else: randomRange = (commonScale[1],commonScale[2]) randeval = random.uniform(randomRange[0],randomRange[1]) action['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],randomRange) if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # beta distribution elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] if randomMode[1] == 'variable': if action['profile'][aobj] == 'good': # mode = 75, stdev = 15 #xm = 75 alpha = 5.8661 beta = 2.62203 elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'fair': # nmode = 50, stdev = 15 #xm = 50 alpha = 5.05556 beta = 5.05556 elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'weak': # mode = 25, stdev = 15 # xm = 25 alpha = 2.62203 beta = 5.8661 else: xm = randomMode[1] if xm > 0.5: beta = 2.0 alpha = 1.0/(1-xm) else: alpha = 2.0 beta = 1.0 / xm if Debug: print('alpha,beta', alpha,beta) u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m if Debug: print('xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',xm,alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) action['generators'][g] = ('beta',alpha,beta) if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) # triangular elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': m = commonScale[0] M = commonScale[1] span = commonScale[1]-commonScale[0] if randomMode[1] == 'variable': if action['profile'][aobj] == 'good': xm = 0.7*span elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'fair': xm = 0.5*span elif action['profile'][aobj] == 'weak': xm = 0.3*span else: xm = randomMode[1] r = randomMode[2] action['generators'][g] = (randomMode[0],xm,r) # setting a speudo random seed rdseed = random.random() rngtr = self.RNGTr(m,M,xm,r,seed=rdseed) randeval = rngtr.random() if OrdinalScales: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,0))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,0))) else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) if Debug: print(randeval, criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g]) if Debug: print(evaluation) # randomly insert missing data NA = self.perfTab.NA missingDataProbability = self.perfTab.missingDataProbability for g in criteria: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[g] = NA # return a new random decision alternative return {'action': action,'evaluation':evaluation} #---------------
[docs] class RandomCBPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Full automatic generation of random multiple-criteria Cost-Benefit performance tableaux. Parameters: * If numberOfActions is None, a uniform random number between 10 and 31 of cheap, neutral or advantageous actions (equal 1/3 probability each type) actions is instantiated. * If numberOfCriteria is None, a uniform random number between 5 and 21 of cost or benefit criteria. Cost criteria have probability 1/3, whereas benefit criteria respectively 2/3 probability to be generated. However, at least one criterion of each kind is always instantiated. * weightDistribution := {'equiobjectives' (default)|'fixed'|'random'|'equisignificant'} By default, the sum of significance of the cost criteria is set equal to the sum of the significance of the benefit criteria. * Default weightScale for 'random' weightDistribution is 1 - numberOfCriteria. * If NegativeWeights = True | False (default), the performance evaluation of the criteria with a 'min' preference direction will be positive, otherwise they will be negative. * Parameter commonScale is not used. The scale of cost criteria is cardinal or ordinal (0-10) with probability 1/4, respectively 3/4, whereas the scale of benefit criteria is ordinal or cardinal with probabilities 2/3, respectively 1/3. * All cardinal criteria are evaluated with decimals between 0.0 and 100.0 wheras all ordinal criteria are evaluated with integers between 0 and 10. * commonThresholds parameter is not used. Preference discrimination is specified as percentiles of concerned performance differences (see below). * CommonPercentiles = {'ind':0.05, 'pref':0.10, 'veto':'95} are expressed in percentiles of the observed performance differences and only concern cardinal criteria. .. note:: Minimal number required of criteria is 2, and minimal number required of decision actions is 3 ! >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomCBPerformanceTableau >>> t = RandomCBPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=5,numberOfCriteria=3,seed=1) >>> t *------- PerformanceTableau instance description ------* Instance class : RandomCBPerformanceTableau Seed : 1 Instance name : randomCBperftab # Actions : 5 # Objectives : 2 # Criteria : 3 Attributes : ['randomSeed', 'name', 'digits', 'BigData', 'missingDataProbability', 'commonPercentiles', 'samplingSize', 'Debug', 'actionsTypesList', 'sumWeights', 'valuationPrecision', 'actions', 'objectives', 'criteriaWeightMode', 'criteria', 'evaluation', 'weightPreorder'] >>> t.showObjectives() *------ show objectives -------" C: Costs c1 random ordinal cost criterion 2 Total weight: 2.00 (1 criteria) B: Benefits b1 random ordinal benefit criterion 1 b2 random cardinal benefit criterion 1 Total weight: 2.00 (2 criteria) >>> t.showCriteria() *---- criteria -----* c1 'Costs/random ordinal cost criterion' Scale = (0, 10) Weight = 2 b1 'Benefits/random ordinal benefit criterion' Scale = (0, 10) Weight = 1 b2 'Benefits/random cardinal benefit criterion' Scale = (0.0, 100.0) Weight = 1 Threshold ind : 4.70 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.1 Threshold pref : 4.70 + 0.00x ; percentile: 0.1 Threshold veto : 30.84 + 0.00x ; percentile: 1.0 >>> t.showActions() *----- show decision action --------------* key: a1 short name: a1c name: random cheap decision action comment: Cost-Benefit key: a2 short name: a2a name: random advantageous decision action comment: Cost-Benefit key: a3 short name: a3c name: random cheap decision action comment: Cost-Benefit key: a4 short name: a4n name: random neutral decision action comment: Cost-Benefit key: a5 short name: a5c name: random cheap decision action comment: Cost-Benefit >>> t.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* criteria | weights | 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' 'a4' 'a5' ---------|----------------------------------------- 'b1' | 1 | 4.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 'b2' | 1 | 36.70 31.65 23.90 10.56 41.40 'c1' | 2 | NA -5.00 -3.00 -8.00 -3.00 >>> ... """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions = 13, numberOfCriteria = 7, name = 'randomCBperftab', weightDistribution = 'equiobjectives', weightScale=None, IntegerWeights = True, NegativeWeights = False, #commonScale = None, commonThresholds = None, commonPercentiles= None, samplingSize = 100000, commonMode = None, valueDigits = 2, missingDataProbability = 0.01, NA = -999, BigData=False, seed = None, Threading = False, nbrCores = None, Debug=False,Comments=False): """ Constructor for RadomCBPerformanceTableau instances. """ import sys,math,copy import random # randomizer init self.randomSeed = seed random.seed(seed) # store argument values = name self.digits = valueDigits self.BigData = BigData self.missingDataProbability = missingDataProbability self.NA = Decimal(NA) self.commonPercentiles = commonPercentiles self.samplingSize = samplingSize self.Debug = Debug # generate actions if numberOfActions is None: numberOfActions = random.randint(10,31) nd = len(str(numberOfActions)) self.actionsTypesList = ['cheap','neutral','advantageous'] actions = OrderedDict() actionsTypesList = self.actionsTypesList for i in range(1,numberOfActions+1): actionType = random.choice(actionsTypesList) if BigData: actionName = ('%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i) actions[i] = {'shortName':actionName+actionType[0], 'name':actionName+actionType[0], 'type': actionType} else: actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % (nd)) % (i) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey+actionType[0], 'name': 'action %s' % (actionKey), 'comment': 'Cost-Benefit', 'type': actionType} # generate objectives objectives = OrderedDict([ ('C', {'name': 'Costs', 'criteria':[]}), ('B', {'name': 'Benefits', 'criteria':[]}), ]) # generate criteria if numberOfCriteria is None: numberOfCriteria = random.randint(5,21) ng = len(str(numberOfCriteria)) criterionTypesList = ['max','max','min'] minScaleTypesList = ['cardinal','cardinal','cardinal','ordinal'] maxScaleTypesList = ['ordinal','ordinal','cardinal'] criterionTypeCounter = {'min':0,'max':0} criteria = OrderedDict() for i in range(numberOfCriteria): # at least one cost and one benefit criterion is selected if i == 0: criterionType = 'min' elif i == 1: criterionType = 'max' else: criterionType = random.choice(criterionTypesList) criterionTypeCounter[criterionType] += 1 if criterionType == 'min': g = ('c%%0%dd' % ng) % (criterionTypeCounter[criterionType]) else: g = ('b%%0%dd' % ng) % (criterionTypeCounter[criterionType]) criteria[g] = {} criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = criterionType if criterionType == 'min': scaleType = random.choice(minScaleTypesList) else: scaleType = random.choice(maxScaleTypesList) criteria[g]['scaleType'] = scaleType if criterionType == 'min': criteria[g]['objective'] = 'C' criteria[g]['shortName'] = g objectives['C']['criteria'].append(g) if scaleType == 'ordinal': criteria[g]['name'] = 'random ordinal cost criterion' else: criteria[g]['name'] = 'random cardinal cost criterion' else: criteria[g]['objective'] = 'B' objectives['B']['criteria'].append(g) criteria[g]['shortName'] = g if scaleType == 'ordinal': criteria[g]['name'] = 'random ordinal benefit criterion' else: criteria[g]['name'] = 'random cardinal benefit criterion' if Debug: print("g, criteria[g]['scaleType'], criteria[g]['scale']", g, criteria[g]['scaleType'], end=' ') # commonScale parameter is obsolete commonScale = None if criteria[g]['scaleType'] == 'cardinal': criterionScale = (0.0, 100.0) elif criteria[g]['scaleType'] == 'ordinal': criterionScale = (0, 10) else: criterionScale = (0.0, 100.0) criteria[g]['scale'] = criterionScale if Debug: print(criteria[g]['scale']) # generate random weights if weightDistribution is None: weightDistribution = 'equiobjectives' #weightDistribution = 'fixed' weightScale = (1,1) weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] else: if weightScale is None: weightScale = (1,numberOfCriteria) weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] if weightDistribution == 'random': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): weightsList.append(Decimal(str(random.randint(weightScale[0],weightScale[1])))) sumWeights += weightsList[i] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'fixed': weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(numberOfCriteria): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equisignificant': weightScale = (1,1) weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if i == 0: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] weightsList.reverse() elif weightDistribution == 'equiobjectives': weightScale = (max(1,criterionTypeCounter['min']),max(1,criterionTypeCounter['max'])) weightMode=[weightDistribution,weightScale] weightsList = [] sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for g in criteria: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[1]))) sumWeights += weightScale[1] else: weightsList.append(Decimal(str(weightScale[0]))) sumWeights += weightScale[0] else: print('!!! Error: wrong criteria weight distribution mode: %s !!!!' % (weightDistribution)) if Debug: print(weightsList, sumWeights) # store sum of weights and valuation precision self.sumWeights = sumWeights self.valuationPrecision = Decimal('0.1')/sumWeights for i,g in enumerate(criteria): ## if Debug: ## print 'criterionScale = ', criterionScale if NegativeWeights: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == "max": Sgn = Decimal('1.0') else: Sgn = Decimal('-1.0') if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = Sgn * weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = Sgn * weightsList[i] / sumWeights i += 1 else: if IntegerWeights: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] else: criteria[g]['weight'] = weightsList[i] / sumWeights i += 1 if Debug: print(criteria[g]) for obj in objectives: objectives[obj]['weight'] = sum([criteria[g]['weight'] \ for g in criteria if criteria[g]['objective'] == obj]) # generate random evaluations evaluation = {} for g in criteria: criterionScale = criteria[g]['scale'] amplitude = criterionScale[1] - criterionScale[0] x30=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.3 x50=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.5 x70=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.7 if Debug: print('g, criterionx30,x50,x70', g, criteria[g], x30,x50,x70) evaluation[g] = {} if commonMode is None: #randomMode = random.choice(randomLawsList) randomMode = ['triangular',x50,0.50] elif commonMode[0] is None: #randomMode = random.choice(randomLawsList) randomMode = ['triangular',x50,0.50] else: randomMode = commonMode if randomMode[0] == 'uniform': randomMode[1] = criterionScale[0] randomMode[2] = criterionScale[1] criteria[g]['randomMode'] = randomMode if randomMode[0] == 'triangular': commentString = 'triangular law with variable mode (m) and probability repartition (p = 0.5). Cheap actions: m = 30%; neutral actions: m = 50%; advantageous actions: m = 70%.' elif randomMode[0] == 'normal': commentString = 'truncated normal law with variable mean (mu) and standard deviation (stdev = 20%). Cheap actions: mu = 30%; neutral actions: mu = 50%; advantageous actions: mu = 70%.' elif randomMode[0] == 'beta': commentString = 'beta law with variable mode xm and standard deviation (stdev = 15%). Cheap actions: xm = 30%; neutral actions: xm = 50%; advantageous actions: xm = 70%.' if Debug: print('commonMode = ', commonMode) print('randomMode = ', randomMode) criteria[g]['comment'] = 'Evaluation generator: ' + commentString digits = valueDigits if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': evaluation[g] = {} for a in actions: randeval = random.uniform(criterionScale[0],criterionScale[1]) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if NegativeWeights: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': for a in actions: m = criterionScale[0] M = criterionScale[1] #r = randomMode[2] #xm = randomMode[1] if actions[a]['type'] == 'advantageous': xm = x70 r = 0.50 elif actions[a]['type'] == 'cheap': xm = x30 r = 0.50 else: xm = x50 r = 0.50 deltaMinus = 1.0 - (criterionScale[0]/xm) deltaPlus = (criterionScale[1]/xm) - 1.0 u = random.random() #print 'm,xm,M,r,u', m,xm,M,r,u if u < r: #randeval = m + (math.sqrt(r*u*(m-xm)**2))/r randeval = m + math.sqrt(u/r)*(xm-m) else: #randeval = (M*r - M + math.sqrt((-1+r)*(-1+u)*(M-xm)**2))/(-1+r) randeval = M - math.sqrt((1-u)/(1-r))*(M-xm) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if NegativeWeights: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #print randeval, criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][a] elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'normal': #mu = randomMode[1] #sigma = randomMode[2] for a in actions: ## amplitude = criterionScale[1]-criterionScale[0] ## x70 = criterionScale[0] + 0.7 * amplitude ## x50 = criterionScale[0] + 0.5 * amplitude ## x30 = criterionScale[0] + 0.3 * amplitude if actions[a]['type'] == 'advantageous': mu = x70 sigma = 0.20 * amplitude elif actions[a]['type'] == 'cheap': mu = x30 sigma = 0.20 * amplitude else: mu = x50 sigma = 0.25 * amplitude notfound = True while notfound: randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) ## if Debug: ## print 'g,commonScale,randeval', g,commonScale,randeval if randeval >= criterionScale[0] and randeval <= criterionScale[1]: notfound = False if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if NegativeWeights: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': m = criterionScale[0] M = criterionScale[1] for a in actions: if actions[a]['type'] == 'advantageous': # xm = 0.7 sdtdev = 0.15 alpha = 5.8661 beta = 2.62203 elif actions[a]['type'] == 'cheap': # xm = 0.3, stdev = 0.15 alpha = 2.62203 beta = 5.8661 else: # xm = 0.5, stdev = 0.15 alpha = 5.05556 beta = 5.05556 u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if NegativeWeights: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) ## if Debug: ## print 'alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval if Debug: print(evaluation) # restrict ordinal criteria to integer values for g in criteria: if criteria[g]['scaleType'] == 'ordinal': for a in actions: if Debug: print('-- >>', evaluation[g][a], end=' ') evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(evaluation[g][a],0))) if Debug: print(evaluation[g][a]) # randomly insert missing data NA = Decimal(NA) for g in criteria: for x in actions: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[g][x] = NA # final storage self.actions = actions self.objectives = objectives self.criteriaWeightMode = weightMode self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = NA self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() # compute discrimination thresholds from commonPercentiles n = len(self.actions) n2 = (n*n) - n if n < 1000: nbuf = 1000 else: nbuf = n if n2 < samplingSize: samplingSize = n2 from randomNumbers import IncrementalQuantilesEstimator est = IncrementalQuantilesEstimator(nbuf=nbuf) if Debug: print('commonPercentiles=', commonPercentiles) if commonPercentiles is None: quantile = OrderedDict({'ind':0.05, 'pref':0.10 , 'veto':0.95}) else: quantile = commonPercentiles for g in criteria: criteria[g]['thresholds'] = OrderedDict() if criteria[g]['scaleType'] == 'cardinal' and len(actions) > 1: est.reset() sample = 0 for x in actions.keys(): evx = self.evaluation[g][x] if evx != NA: for y in actions.keys(): evy = self.evaluation[g][y] if x != y and evy != NA: est.add( float( abs(evx-evy) ) ) sample += 1 if sample > samplingSize: break est._update() for q in quantile: if Comments: print('-->', q, quantile[q], end=' ') criteria[g]['thresholds'][q] = (Decimal(str([q]))),Decimal('0')) if Comments: print('criteria',g,' default thresholds:') print(criteria[g]['thresholds']) # update criteria self.criteria = criteria
[docs] def updateDiscriminationThresholds(self,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Recomputes performance discrimination thresholds from commonPercentiles. .. note:: Overwrites all previous criterion discrimination thresholds ! """ actions = self.actions n = len(actions) n2 = (n*n) - n if n < 1000: nbuf = 1000 else: nbuf = n samplingSize = self.samplingSize if n2 < samplingSize: samplingSize = n2 from randomNumbers import IncrementalQuantilesEstimator est = IncrementalQuantilesEstimator(nbuf=nbuf) commonPercentiles = self.commonPercentiles if Debug: print('commonPercentiles=', commonPercentiles) if commonPercentiles is None: quantile = OrderedDict({'ind':0.05, 'pref':0.10 , 'veto':0.95}) else: quantile = commonPercentiles criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA for g in criteria: criteria[g]['thresholds'] = OrderedDict() if criteria[g]['scaleType'] == 'cardinal' and n > 1: est.reset() sample = 0 for x in actions.keys(): evx = evaluation[g][x] if evx != NA: for y in actions.keys(): evy = evaluation[g][y] if x != y and evy != NA: est.add( float( abs(evx-evy) ) ) sample += 1 if sample > samplingSize: break est._update() for q in quantile: if Comments: print('-->', q, quantile[q], end=' ') criteria[g]['thresholds'][q] = (Decimal(str([q]))),Decimal('0')) if Comments: print('criteria',g,' default thresholds:') print(criteria[g]['thresholds'])
class _RandomCBPerformanceGenerator(RandomPerformanceGenerator): """ Generator of new decision actions with random evaluations using the model parameters provided by a given RandomCBPerformanceTableau instance. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionNamePrefix='a', instanceCounter=None,seed=None): """ Set the initial state of the random generator. """ import random random.seed(seed) self.random = random self.perfTab = argPerfTab self.actionNamePrefix = actionNamePrefix if instanceCounter is None: self.counter = len(argPerfTab.actions) else: self.counter = instanceCounter self.nd = len(str(self.counter)) def _randomAction(self): """ Returns a dictionary with following content:: { 'action': { 'key': actionKey, 'shortName': ..., 'name': ..., 'type': 'neutral'|'advantageous'|'cheap'}, 'evaluation': {'g1': Decimal(...), 'g2': Decimal(...), ... }}. """ # generate action key self.counter += 1 actionType = self.random.choice(self.perfTab.actionsTypesList) if self.perfTab.BigData: actionName = ('%s%%0%dd' % (self.actionNamePrefix,self.nd)) % (self.counter) actionKey = self.counter action = {'shortName': actionName+actionType[0], 'name': actionName+actionType[0], 'type': actionType, 'key': actionKey} else: actionKey = ('%s%%0%dd' % (self.actionNamePrefix,self.nd)) % (self.counter) action = {'shortName':actionKey+actionType[0], 'name': 'random %s decision action' % (actionType), 'comment': 'Cost-Benefit', 'type': actionType, 'key': actionKey} # generate random evaluation random = self.random digits = self.perfTab.digits criteria = self.perfTab.criteria # generate random evaluations Debug = self.perfTab.Debug evaluation = {} for g in criteria: criterionScale = criteria[g]['scale'] amplitude = criterionScale[1] - criterionScale[0] if amplitude < Decimal('11.0'): digits = 0 x30=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.3 x50=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.5 x70=criterionScale[0] + amplitude*0.7 if Debug: print('g, criterionx30,x50,x70', g, criteria[g], x30,x50,x70) evaluation[g] = {} randomMode = criteria[g]['randomMode'] if str(randomMode[0]) == 'uniform': randeval = random.uniform(criterionScale[0],criterionScale[1]) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g][a] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) #evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'triangular': from math import sqrt m = criterionScale[0] M = criterionScale[1] #r = randomMode[2] #xm = randomMode[1] if action['type'] == 'advantageous': xm = x70 r = 0.50 elif action['type'] == 'cheap': xm = x30 r = 0.50 else: xm = x50 r = 0.50 deltaMinus = 1.0 - (criterionScale[0]/xm) deltaPlus = (criterionScale[1]/xm) - 1.0 u = random.random() #print 'm,xm,M,r,u', m,xm,M,r,u if u < r: #randeval = m + (math.sqrt(r*u*(m-xm)**2))/r randeval = m + sqrt(u/r)*(xm-m) else: #randeval = (M*r - M + math.sqrt((-1+r)*(-1+u)*(M-xm)**2))/(-1+r) randeval = M - sqrt((1-u)/(1-r))*(M-xm) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) #print randeval, criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][a] elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'normal': ## amplitude = criterionScale[1]-criterionScale[0] ## x70 = criterionScale[0] + 0.7 * amplitude ## x50 = criterionScale[0] + 0.5 * amplitude ## x30 = criterionScale[0] + 0.3 * amplitude if action['type'] == 'advantageous': mu = x70 sigma = 0.20 * amplitude elif action['type'] == 'cheap': mu = x30 sigma = 0.20 * amplitude else: mu = x50 sigma = 0.25 * amplitude notfound = True while notfound: randeval = random.normalvariate(mu,sigma) ## if Debug: ## print 'g,commonScale,randeval', g,commonScale,randeval if randeval >= criterionScale[0] and randeval <= criterionScale[1]: notfound = False if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) elif str(randomMode[0]) == 'beta': m = criterionScale[0] M = criterionScale[1] if action['type'] == 'advantageous': # xm = 0.7 sdtdev = 0.15 alpha = 5.8661 beta = 2.62203 elif action['type'] == 'cheap': # xm = 0.3, stdev = 0.15 alpha = 2.62203 beta = 5.8661 else: # xm = 0.5, stdev = 0.15 alpha = 5.05556 beta = 5.05556 u = random.betavariate(alpha,beta) randeval = (u * (M-m)) + m if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) else: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(-round(randeval,digits))) else: evaluation[g] = Decimal(str(round(randeval,digits))) if Debug: print('alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval',alpha,beta,u,m,M,randeval) if Debug: print(evaluation) # randomly insert missing data NA = self.perfTab.NA missingDataProbability = self.perfTab.missingDataProbability for g in criteria: if random.random() < missingDataProbability: evaluation[g] = NA # return a new random decision alternative return {'action': action,'evaluation':evaluation} ## def randomUpdate(self,nbrOfRandomActions=1): ## """ ## Updates *self.perfTab* with *n* = *nbrOfActions* new random decision alternatives. ## ## .. note:: ## ## The update will modify the generator's given performance tableau instance by, ## either adding new actions with their random evaluations, ## or updating the performances of already existing decision actions. ## """ ## actions = self.perfTab.actions ## criteria = self.perfTab.criteria ## evaluation = self.perfTab.evaluation ## for i in range(nbrOfRandomActions): ## newAction = self._randomAction() ## newEvaluation = newAction['evaluation'] ## newKey = newAction['action'].pop('key') ## actions[newKey] = newAction['action'] ## for g in criteria: ## evaluation[g][newKey] = newEvaluation[g] ############################## class _RandomS3PerformanceTableau(_RandomCoalitionsPerformanceTableau): """ Obsolete dummy class for backports. """ #----------test Digraph class ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 randomPerfTabs module * * depends on BipolarOutrankingDigraph and * * Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') from digraphs import * from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph from randomPerfTabs import * ## t = RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau(numberOfStudents=10,numberOfCourses=5, ## commonMode=('uniform',None,None), ## missingDataProbability=0.01) t = RandomAcademicPerformanceTableau(numberOfStudents=10,numberOfCourses=10, commonMode=('triangular',14,0.4), missingDataProbability=0.01, WithTypes=True, seed=1) t.showStudents() t.showCourses() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') #############################