Source code for randomDigraphs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python3+ implementation of some models of random digraphs
Based on Digraphs3 ressources
Copyright (C) 2015-2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: 3.10 $"

from digraphsTools import *
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import OrderedDict

#---------- Random Digraph classes -----------------
from digraphs import *

[docs] class RandomDigraph(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary crisp (irreflexive) random crisp digraphs. *Parameters*: * order (default = 10); * arcProbability (in [0.,1.], default=0.5) * IntegerValuation (default = True); * If Bipolar=True, valuation domain = {-1,1} otherwise = {0,1} * If seed is not None, the random generator is seeded """ def __init__(self,order=9,arcProbability=0.5, IntegerValuation=True, Bipolar=True, seed=None): arcProbability = Decimal(str(arcProbability)) if arcProbability > Decimal("1.0"): print('Error: arc probability too high !!') elif arcProbability < Decimal("0.0"): print('Error: arc probability too low !!') else: import random random.seed(seed) from digraphs import EmptyDigraph if Bipolar: domain = (-1.0,1.0) else: domain = (0.0,1.0) nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions ## actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] ## actionsList.sort() valuationdomain = dict() Min = Decimal(str(domain[0])) Max = Decimal(str(domain[1])) Med = Min + \ (Max-Min)/Decimal('2.0') valuationdomain['min'] = Min valuationdomain['max'] = Max valuationdomain['med'] = Med valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = IntegerValuation self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions.keys(): if x == y: rx[y] = Min else: if random.random() <= arcProbability: rx[y] = Max else: rx[y] = Min self.relation = relation self.seed = seed self.arcProbability = arcProbability self.order = order = 'randomDigraph' self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomValuationDigraph(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary uniformly valuated random digraphs. *Parameters*: * order > 0, number of arcs; * ndigits > 0, number of digits if IntegerValuation = True, otherwise number of decimals; * Normalized = True (r in [-1,1] (default), r in [0,1] if False); * IntegerValuation = False (default) * If seed is not None, the random generator is seeded Example python3 session: >>> from randomDigraphs import RandomValuationDigraph >>> dg = RandomValuationDigraph(order=5,Normalized=True) >>> dg.showAll() *----- show detail -------------* Digraph : randomValuationDigraph *---- Actions ----* ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] *---- Characteristic valuation domain ----* {'max': Decimal('1.0'), 'min': Decimal('-1.0'), 'med': Decimal('0.0'), 'hasIntegerValuation': False} * ---- Relation Table ----- S | '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' -----|----------------------------------- '1' | 0.00 0.28 0.46 -0.66 0.90 '2' | -0.08 0.00 -0.46 -0.42 0.52 '3' | 0.84 -0.10 0.00 -0.54 0.58 '4' | 0.90 0.88 0.90 0.00 -0.38 '5' | -0.50 0.64 0.42 -0.94 0.00 *--- Connected Components ---* 1: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] Neighborhoods: Gamma : '4': in => set(), out => {'1', '2', '3'} '5': in => {'1', '2', '3'}, out => {'2', '3'} '1': in => {'4', '3'}, out => {'5', '2', '3'} '2': in => {'4', '5', '1'}, out => {'5'} '3': in => {'4', '5', '1'}, out => {'5', '1'} Not Gamma : '4': in => {'5', '1', '2', '3'}, out => {'5'} '5': in => {'4'}, out => {'4', '1'} '1': in => {'5', '2'}, out => {'4'} '2': in => {'3'}, out => {'4', '1', '3'} '3': in => {'2'}, out => {'4', '2'} >>> dg.exportGraphViz() .. image:: randomValuationDigraph.png """ def __init__(self,order=9, ndigits=2, Normalized=True, IntegerValuation=False, seed = None): import random random.seed(seed) = 'randomValuationDigraph' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions ## actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] ## actionsList.sort() if IntegerValuation: precision = pow(10,ndigits) - 1 else: precision = pow(10,ndigits) if IntegerValuation: self.valuationdomain = {'min':-precision, 'med':0, 'max':precision} else: if Normalized: self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} else: self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('0'), 'med':Decimal('0.5'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = IntegerValuation Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions.keys(): if x == y: rx[y] = Med else: if IntegerValuation: rx[y] = (2*random.randrange(start=0,stop=precision)) - precision elif Normalized: rx[y] = (Decimal(str(round(float(random.randrange(start=0,stop=precision))/precision,ndigits))) * Decimal('2.0')) - Decimal('1.0') else: rx[y] = Decimal(str(round(float(random.randrange(start=0,stop=precision))/precision,ndigits))) self.relation = relation self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits) self.seed = seed self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomOutrankingValuationDigraph(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary uniform random outranking valuation digraphs. .. note:: The valuation verifies the characteristic condition: r(x,y) >= -r(y,x) for x neq y *Parameters*: - *weightsSum* := integer (default = 10), supposed sum of criteria significance weights) - *distribution* := 'uniform' (default) | 'triangular' - *incomparabilityProbability* := float (default = 0.05), - *polarizationProbability* := float (default = 0.05). """ def __init__(self,order=5,weightsSum=10, distribution='uniform', incomparabilityProbability=0.1, polarizationProbability=0.05, ndigits=4, seed=None,Debug=False): from decimal import Decimal import random # seeding the random generator random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed # setting the name = 'randomOutrankingValuationDigraph' # init decision actions self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions # setting integer valuation domain self.weightsSum = weightsSum self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal(-weightsSum), 'med':Decimal(0), 'max':Decimal(weightsSum) } self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = True Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] # init relation dictionary: relation = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} for y in actions: if x == y: relation[x][y] = Max else: relation[x][y] = Med # generate random outranking valuation: # r(x,y) >= -r(y,x) for x neq y self.incomparabilityProbability = incomparabilityProbability self.polarizationProbability = polarizationProbability self.distribution = distribution actionsList = [x for x in actions] for i in range(order): x = actionsList[i] rx = relation[x] for j in range(i+1,order): y = actionsList[j] ry = relation[y] u = random.random() if u < incomparabilityProbability: ry[x] = Med rx[y] = Med elif u < (incomparabilityProbability + polarizationProbability): choices = [weightsSum,-weightsSum] ry[x] = random.choice(choices) rx[y] = Decimal(random.randrange(start=-ry[x], stop=weightsSum+1)) elif distribution == 'uniform': u1 = random.randrange(start=-weightsSum, stop=weightsSum+1) ry[x] = Decimal(u1) rx[y] = Decimal(random.randrange(start=-u1, stop=weightsSum+1)) elif distribution == 'triangular': #from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable amplitude1 = 2 * weightsSum u1 = int(random.triangular(low=0, high=amplitude1)) #u1 = int(extr1.random()) ry[x] = Decimal(u1 - weightsSum) lowLim = amplitude1 - u1 u2 = random.randrange(start=lowLim, stop=amplitude1+1) rx[y] = Decimal(u2 - weightsSum) if Debug: print(y,x,0,amplitude1,u1,ry[x]) print(x,y,lowLim,amplitude1,u2,rx[y]) self.relation = relation #self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomWeakTournament(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary bipolar-valued weak, i.e. partially determinate, tournaments. *Parameters*: * order = n > 0 * weaknessDegree in [0.0,1.0]: proportion of indeterminate links (default = 0.25) * If IntegerValuation = True, valuation domain = [-pow(10,ndigits); + pow(10,ndigits)] else valuation domain = [-1.0,1.0] * If seed is not None, the random number generator is seeded """ def __init__(self,order=10,ndigits=2, IntegerValuation=False, weaknessDegree=0.25, indeterminatenessProbability=0.0, seed=None, Comments=False): from decimal import Decimal import random random.seed(seed) self.seed= seed self.weaknessDegree = weaknessDegree self.indeterminatenessProbability = indeterminatenessProbability = 'randomWeakTournament' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions ## actionlist = list(range(order+1)) ## actionlist.remove(0) ## actions = [] ## for x in actionlist: ## actions.append(str(x)) ## self.actions = actions Max = pow(10,ndigits) Min = - Max Med = 0 precision = Max dPrecision = Decimal(str(precision)) if IntegerValuation: self.valuationdomain = {'hasIntegerValuation':True, 'min':Decimal(str(Min)), 'med':Decimal('0'), 'max':Decimal(str(Max))} else: self.valuationdomain = {'hasIntegerValuation':False, 'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions.keys(): rx[y] = self.valuationdomain['med'] actionsList = list(actions.keys()) random.shuffle(actionsList) weaknessDegree = Decimal(str(weaknessDegree)) forwardDegree = (Decimal('1.0') - weaknessDegree)/Decimal('2') #print actionsList n = len(actionsList) for i in range(n): rai = relation[actionsList[i]] for j in range(i,n): #print i,j if i == j: #print actionsList[i],actionsList[j] rai[actionsList[j]] = Med else: u = Decimal(str(random.randint(0,precision)))/dPrecision u1 = Decimal(str(random.randint(0,precision))) u2 = Decimal(str(random.randint(0,precision))) if u < weaknessDegree: # i = j if IntegerValuation: randeval1 = u1 randeval2 = u2 else: randeval1 = u1/dPrecision randeval2 = u2/dPrecision elif u < forwardDegree: # i > j if IntegerValuation: randeval1 = u1 randeval2 = Min + u2 else: randeval1 = u1/dPrecision randeval2 = (Min + u2)/dPrecision else: # j > i if IntegerValuation: randeval1 = Min + u1 randeval2 = u2 else: randeval1 = (Min + u1)/dPrecision randeval2 = u2/dPrecision if IntegerValuation: rai[actionsList[j]] = Decimal(str(randeval1)) relation[actionsList[j]][actionsList[i]] = Decimal(str(randeval2)) else: rai[actionsList[j]] = Decimal(str(round(randeval1,ndigits))) relation[actionsList[j]][actionsList[i]] = Decimal(str(round(randeval2,ndigits))) # random weak-completeness (r(x,y) <= Med) => (r(y,x) > Med) updateRelation = {} for i in range(n): x = actionsList[i] updateRelation[x] = {} for j in range(n): y = actionsList[j] if relation[y][x] > Med: if random.random() <= indeterminatenessProbability: updateRelation[x][y] = Med else: updateRelation[x][y] = relation[x][y] else: updateRelation[x][y] = abs(relation[x][y]) self.relation = updateRelation self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() if Comments: print(self.order*(self.order-1), self.computeRelationalStructure())
[docs] class RandomPartialTournament(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary partial tournaments. *Parameter*: * order = n > 0 * If valuationDomain = None, valuation is normalized (in [-1.0,1.0]) * If is Crips = True, valuation is polarized to min and max values """ def __init__(self,order=10,ndigits=2, Crisp=True, missingRelationProbability = 0.3, seed=None, Debug=False): from decimal import Decimal import random if seed is None: seed = random.randint(0,1000) random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed = 'randomPartialTournament' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] valuationRange = Max - Min precision = pow(10,ndigits) relation = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions: rx[y] = Med ## if seed is not None: ## random.seed(seed) actionsList = list(actions.keys()) if Debug: print(actionsList) n = len(actionsList) for i in range(n): rai = relation[actionsList[i]] for j in range(i+1,n): raj = relation[actionsList[j]] u0 = random.randint(0,precision)/precision if Debug: print(i,j,u0,missingRelationProbability) if u0 >= missingRelationProbability: if Debug: print('asymmetric situation') u = Decimal(str(random.randint(0,precision)/precision)) if Debug: print(u) if Crisp: if u < Decimal('0.5'): rai[actionsList[j]] = Min raj[actionsList[i]] = Max else: rai[actionsList[j]] = Max raj[actionsList[i]] = Min else: valuation = Decimal(str(round(u,ndigits))) rai[actionsList[j]] = valuation raj[actionsList[i]] = -valuation else: # missing asymmetric relation if Debug: print('absence situation') if Crisp: rai[actionsList[j]] = Min raj[actionsList[i]] = Min else: randeval = Decimal(str(random.randint(0,precision)/precision)) valuation = -abs(Decimal(str(round(randeval,ndigits)))) rai[actionsList[j]] = valuation raj[actionsList[i]] = valuation self.relation = relation self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomTournament(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary complete tournaments. *Parameter*: * order = n > 0 * If valuationDomain = None, valuation is normalized (in [-1.0,1.0]) * If is Crips = True, valuation is polarized to min and max values """ def __init__(self,order=10,ndigits=2, Crisp=True, valuationDomain=[-1,1], seed=None): from decimal import Decimal import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed = 'randomTournament' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions ## ## actionlist = list(range(order+1)) ## actionlist.remove(0) ## actions = [] ## for x in actionlist: ## actions.append(str(x)) ## self.actions = actions if valuationDomain is None: self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} else: #print(valuationDomain) vdMax = Decimal(str(valuationDomain[0])) vdMin = Decimal(str(valuationDomain[1])) self.valuationdomain = {'min': vdMax, 'max': vdMin} self.valuationdomain['med'] = (vdMin + vdMax)/Decimal('2.0') valuationRange = self.valuationdomain['max'] - self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions: rx[y] = Decimal('0.0') ## if seed is not None: ## random.seed(seed) precision = pow(10,ndigits) actionsList = list(actions.keys()) #print actionsList n = len(actionsList) for i in range(n): rai = relation[actionsList[i]] for j in range(i,n): raj = relation[actionsList[j]] #print i,j if i == j: #print actionsList[i],actionsList[j] rai[actionsList[j]] = Med else: u = random.randint(0,precision) if Crisp: if u < Decimal(str(precision))/Decimal('2'): rai[actionsList[j]] = Min raj[actionsList[i]] = Max else: rai[actionsList[j]] = Max raj[actionsList[i]] = Min else: randeval = Min + Decimal(str(u))/Decimal(str(precision))*valuationRange valuation = Decimal(str(round(randeval,ndigits))) rai[actionsList[j]] = valuation raj[actionsList[i]] = Max - valuation + Min self.relation = relation self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomFixedSizeDigraph(Digraph): """ Generates a random crisp digraph with a fixed size, by instantiating a fixed numbers of arcs from random choices in the set of potential oriented pairs of nodes numbered from 1 to order. """ def __init__(self,order=7,size=14,seed=None): import random,copy random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed # check feasability r = (order * order) - order if size > r : print('Graph not feasable (1) !!') else: = 'randomFixedSize' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] allarcs = [] relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions.keys(): rx[y] = Min if x != y: allarcs.append((x,y)) for arc in random.sample(allarcs,size): relation[arc[0]][arc[1]] = Max self.relation = relation.copy() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomFixedDegreeSequenceDigraph(Digraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary random crisp graphs (symmetric digraphs) with a fixed sequence of degrees. *Parameters*: order=n and degreeSequence=[degree_1, ... ,degree_n]> .. warning:: The implementation is not guaranteeing a uniform choice among all potential valid graph instances. """ def __init__(self,order=7,degreeSequence=[3,3,2,2,1,1,0],seed=None): import random,copy random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed self.degreeSequence = degreeSequence # check feasability degree = max(degreeSequence) if degree >= order: print('!!! Graph not feasable (1) !!!') print('Maximum degree > order !!!') self=None else: sumdegrees = 0 for i in range(order): sumdegrees += degreeSequence[i] r = sumdegrees % 2 if r == 1: print('!!! Graph not feasable (1) !!!') print('Odd sum of degrees : ',sumdegrees,'!!') else: = 'randomFixedDegreeSequence' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} rx = relation[x] for y in actions.keys(): rx[y] = Min # create a random pairing feasable = 0 s = 0 while feasable == 0 and s < 100: s += 1 edges = [] cells = [] degreeseq = {} i = 0 for x in actions.keys(): degreeseq[x] = degreeSequence[i] cells.append((x,degree)) i += 1 while len(cells) > 1: cell = random.choice(cells) cells.remove(cell) xc = cell[0] edgescur = [] copycells = copy.copy(cells) while degreeseq[xc] > 0 and len(copycells) > 0: other = random.choice(copycells) copycells.remove(other) edgescur.append((xc,other[0])) degreeseq[other[0]] -= 1 degreeseq[xc] -= 1 edges += edgescur for c in cells: if degreeseq[c[0]] == 0: cells.remove(c) feasable = 1 for x in actions.keys(): if degreeseq[x] != 0: feasable = 0 break if feasable == 0: print('Graph not feasable (2) !!') else: for edge in edges: relation[edge[0]][edge[1]] = Max relation[edge[1]][edge[0]] = Max self.relation = relation.copy() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomRegularDigraph(Digraph): """ Specialization of Digraph class for random regular symmetric instances. *Parameters*: order and degree. """ def __init__(self,order=7,degree=2, seed=None): import random,copy random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed # check feasability r = (order * degree) % 2 if degree >= order or r == 1: print('Graph not feasable (1) !!') else: = 'randomRegular' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) actions = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): actionKey = ('a%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) actions[actionKey] = {'shortName':actionKey, 'name': 'random decision action'} self.actions = actions self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'), 'med':Decimal('0.0'), 'max':Decimal('1.0')} # create a random pairing feasable = 0 s = 0 while feasable == 0 and s < 100: s += 1 edges = [] cells = [] degreeseq = {} for x in actions.keys(): degreeseq[x] = degree cells.append((x,degree)) while len(cells) > 1: cell = random.choice(cells) cells.remove(cell) xc = cell[0] edgescur = [] copycells = copy.copy(cells) while degreeseq[xc] > 0 and len(copycells) > 0: other = random.choice(copycells) copycells.remove(other) edgescur.append((xc,other[0])) degreeseq[other[0]] -= 1 degreeseq[xc] -= 1 edges += edgescur for c in cells: if degreeseq[c[0]] == 0: cells.remove(c) feasable = 1 for x in actions: if degreeseq[x] != 0: feasable = 0 break if feasable == 0: print('Graph not feasable (2) !!') else: relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} for y in actions: relation[x][y] = self.valuationdomain['min'] for edge in edges: relation[edge[0]][edge[1]] = Decimal('1.0') relation[edge[1]][edge[0]] = Decimal('1.0') self.relation = relation.copy() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.componentslist = self.components()
[docs] class RandomGridDigraph(GridDigraph): """ Specialization of the general Digraph class for generating temporary randomly oriented Grid digraphs of dimension n time m (default 5x5). Parameters: * n,m > 0; * valuationdomain ={'min':-1 (default),'max': 1 (default)}. """ def __init__(self,n=5,m=5,valuationdomain = {'min':-1.0,'max':1.0}, seed=None,Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed = 'randomGrid-'+str(n)+'-'+str(m) self.n = n self.m = m # constructing the grid na = list(range(n+1)) na.remove(0) ma = list(range(m+1)) ma.remove(0) actions = [] gridNodes={} for x in na: for y in ma: action = str(x)+'-'+str(y) gridNodes[action]=(x,y) actions.append(action) order = len(actions) self.order = order self.actions = actions self.gridNodes = gridNodes if Debug: print(n,m,actions,gridNodes) # defining the valuation domain Min = Decimal(str(valuationdomain['min'])) Max = Decimal(str(valuationdomain['max'])) Med = (Max + Min)/Decimal('2') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} # instantiate empty relation dictionary relation = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} for y in actions: relation[x][y] = Med # instantiate random orientation for x in actions: for y in actions: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]: if gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]-1 : if random.random() > 0.5: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]+1: if random.random() > 0.5: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: relation[x][y] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]-1: if random.random() > 0.5: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max elif gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]+1: if random.random() > 0.5: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: relation[x][y] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min self.relation = relation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
############################################# #----------test Random Digraph classes ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": print('****************************************************') print('* Python randomDigraphs module *') print('* Copyright (C) 2015-2021 R. Bisdorff *') print('* The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY *') print('* to the extent permitted by the applicable law. *') print('* This is free software, and you are welcome to *') print('* redistribute it if it remains free software. *') print('****************************************************') print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') #dg = RandomPartialTournament(order=5,missingRelationProbability=0.2,seed=None) dg = RandomOutrankingValuationDigraph(order=10,weightsSum=20,seed=10, distribution='uniform', #distribution='triangular', Debug=True) dg.showRelationTable() print('Is outranking valuation ?: %s' % dg.isOutrankingDigraph() ) dg.showFirstChoiceRecommendation() (~(-dg)).exportGraphViz() dg.showChordlessCircuits() #print('seed = ',dg.seed) #dg.isAsymmetricIndeterminate() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') #############################