Source code for perfTabs

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Python3 implementation of digraphs
Module for working with performance tableaux  
Copyright (C) 2011-2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: Python 3.10"

from perfTabs import *
import json
import decimal
from digraphsTools import *
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import OrderedDict
from ast import literal_eval

[docs] class PerformanceTableau(object): """ In this *Digraph3* module, the root :py:class:`perfTabs.PerformanceTableau` class provides a generic **performance table model**. A given object of this class consists in: * A set of potential decision **actions** : an ordered dictionary describing the potential decision actions or alternatives with 'name' and 'comment' attributes, * An optional set of decision **objectives**: an ordered dictionary with name, comment, weight and list of concerned criteria per objective, * A coherent family of **criteria**: a ordered dictionary of criteria functions used for measuring the performance of each potential decision action with respect to the preference dimension captured by each criterion, * The **evaluation**: a dictionary of performance evaluations for each decision action or alternative on each criterion function, * The NA numerical symbol: Decimal('-999') by default representing missing evaluation data. Structure:: actions = OrderedDict([('a1', {'name': ..., 'comment': ...}), ('a2', {'name': ..., 'comment': ...}), ...]) objectives = OrderedDict([ ('obj1', {'name': ..., 'comment': ..., 'weight': ..., 'criteria': ['g1', ...]}), ('obj2', {'name': ..., 'comment', ..., 'weight': ..., 'criteria': ['g2', ...]}), ...]) criteria = OrderedDict([ ('g1', {'weight':Decimal("3.00"), 'scale': (Decimal("0.00"),Decimal("100.00")), 'thresholds' : {'pref': (Decimal('20.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'ind': (Decimal('10.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'veto': (Decimal('80.0'), Decimal('0.0'))}, 'objective': 'obj1', }), ('g2', {'weight':Decimal("5.00"), 'scale': (Decimal("0.00"),Decimal("100.00")), 'thresholds' : {'pref': (Decimal('20.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'ind': (Decimal('10.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'veto': (Decimal('80.0'), Decimal('0.0'))}, 'objective': 'obj2', }), ...]) evaluation = {'g1': {'a1':Decimal("57.28"),'a2':Decimal("99.85"), ...}, 'g2': {'a1':Decimal("88.12"),'a2':Decimal("-999"), ...}, ...} With the help of the :py:class:`perfTabs.RandomPerformanceTableau` class let us generate for illustration a random performance tableau concerning 7 decision actions or alternatives denoted *a01*, *a02*, ..., *a07*: >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau >>> rt = RandomPerformanceTableau(seed=100) >>> rt.showActions() *----- show decision action --------------* key: a01 short name: a01 name: random decision action comment: RandomPerformanceTableau() generated. key: a02 short name: a02 name: random decision action comment: RandomPerformanceTableau() generated. key: a03 short name: a03 name: random decision action comment: RandomPerformanceTableau() generated. ... ... key: a07 name: random decision action comment: RandomPerformanceTableau() generated. In this example we consider furthermore a family of seven equisignificant cardinal criteria functions *g01*, *g02*, ..., *g07*, measuring the performance of each alternative on a rational scale form 0.0 to 100.00. In order to capture the evaluation's uncertainty and imprecision, each criterion function *g1* to *g7* admits three performance discrimination thresholds of 10, 20 and 80 pts for warranting respectively any indifference, preference and veto situations: >>> rt.showCriteria(IntegerWeights=True) *---- criteria -----* g1 RandomPerformanceTableau() instance Preference direction: max Scale = (0.00, 100.00) Weight = 1 Threshold ind : 2.50 + 0.00x ; percentile: 6.06 Threshold pref : 5.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 12.12 Threshold veto : 80.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 100.00 g2 RandomPerformanceTableau() instance Preference direction: max Scale = (0.00, 100.00) Weight = 1 Threshold ind : 2.50 + 0.00x ; percentile: 7.69 Threshold pref : 5.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 14.10 Threshold veto : 80.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 100.00 g3 RandomPerformanceTableau() instance Preference direction: max Scale = (0.00, 100.00) Weight = 1 Threshold ind : 2.50 + 0.00x ; percentile: 6.41 Threshold pref : 5.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 6.41 Threshold veto : 80.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 100.00 ... ... g7 RandomPerformanceTableau() instance Preference direction: max Scale = (0.00, 100.00) Weight = 1 Threshold ind : 2.50 + 0.00x ; percentile: 3.85 Threshold pref : 5.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 11.54 Threshold veto : 80.00 + 0.00x ; percentile: 100.00 The performance evaluations of each decision alternative on each criterion are gathered in a *performance tableau*: >>> rt.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* Criteria | 'g1' 'g2' 'g3' 'g4' 'g5' 'g6' 'g7' Actions | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---------|------------------------------------------------------- 'a01' | 15.17 62.22 39.35 31.83 38.81 56.93 64.96 'a02' | 44.51 44.23 32.06 69.98 67.45 65.57 79.38 'a03' | 57.87 19.10 47.67 48.80 38.93 83.87 75.11 'a04' | 58.00 27.73 14.81 82.88 19.26 34.99 49.30 'a05' | 24.22 41.46 79.70 41.66 94.95 49.56 43.74 'a06' | 29.10 22.41 67.48 12.82 65.63 79.43 15.31 'a07' | NA 21.52 13.97 21.92 48.00 42.37 59.94 'a08' | 82.29 56.90 90.72 75.74 7.97 42.39 31.39 'a09' | 43.90 46.37 80.16 15.45 34.86 33.75 26.80 'a10' | 38.75 16.22 69.62 6.05 71.81 38.60 59.02 'a11' | 35.84 21.53 45.49 9.96 31.66 57.38 40.85 'a12' | 29.12 51.16 22.03 60.55 41.14 62.34 49.12 'a13' | 34.79 77.01 33.83 27.88 53.58 34.95 45.20 """ def __repr__(self): """ Default presentation method for PerformanceTableau instances. """ reprString = '*------- PerformanceTableau instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ try: reprString += 'Seed : %s\n' % str(self.randomSeed) except: pass reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Actions : %d\n' % len(self.actions) try: reprString += 'Objectives : %d\n' % len(self.objectives) except: pass reprString += 'Criteria : %d\n' % len(self.criteria) reprString += 'NaN proportion (%%) : %.1f\n' \ % (self.computeMissingDataProportion(InPercents=True) ) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' \ % list(self.__dict__.keys()) return reprString def __init__(self,filePerfTab=None,isEmpty=False): from decimal import Decimal from collections import OrderedDict if filePerfTab is not None: fileName = filePerfTab + '.py' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileName).read(), fileName, 'exec'),argDict) = str(filePerfTab) try: self.description = argDict['description'] except: pass ### try: self.actions = argDict['actions'] except: self.actions = argDict['actionset'] ### try: self.objectives = argDict['objectives'] for obj in self.objectives: self.objectives[obj]['weight'] = Decimal(self.objectives[obj]['weight']) except: self.objectives = OrderedDict() #### try: self.weightset = argDict['weightset'] self.thresholds = argDict['threshold'] self.criteria = {} for g in argDict['criteria']: self.criteria[g] = {'weight':Decimal(str(self.weightset[g])), 'thresholds': self.thresholds[g]} except: self.criteria = argDict['criteria'] try: self.weightPreorder = argDict['weightorder'] except: self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() self.setObjectiveWeights() ### try: self.NA = argDict['NA'] except: self.NA = Decimal('-999') evaluation = argDict['evaluation'] for g in self.criteria: for x in self.actions: if evaluation[g][x] == Decimal('-999'): evaluation[g][x] = self.NA self.evaluation = evaluation elif not isEmpty: from copy import deepcopy from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau temp = RandomPerformanceTableau() = deepcopy( self.actions = deepcopy(temp.actions) self.criteria = deepcopy(temp.criteria) self.weightPreorder = temp.computeWeightPreorder() self.evaluation = deepcopy(temp.evaluation) self.NA = deepcopy(temp.NA) else: = "empty_instance" self.actions = {} self.criteria = {} self.weightPreorder = {} self.evaluation = {} self.NA = Decimal('-999')
[docs] def replaceNA(self,newNA=None,Comments=False): """ Replaces the current self.NA symbol with the *newNA* symbol of type <Decimal>. If newNA is None, the defauklt value Decimal('-999') is used. """ if newNA is None: newNA = Decimal('-999') criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA count = 0 for g in criteria: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': if newNA >= criteria[g]['scale'][0] \ and newNA <= criteria[g]['scale'][1]: print('Warning!!: newNA included in criterion %s scale' \ % (g)) print(criteria[g]['scale'],newNA) else: if newNA >= -criteria[g]['scale'][1] \ and newNA <= -criteria[g]['scale'][0]: print('Warning!!: newNA included in criterion %s scale' \ % (g)) print(-criteria[g]['scale'][0],newNA, -criteria[g]['scale'][1]) for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] == NA: evaluation[g][x] = newNA count += 1 if Comments: print('replaced %d' % (count), NA, 'with', newNA) self.NA = newNA
[docs] def setObjectiveWeights(self,Debug=False): """ Set the objective weights to the sum of the corresponding criteria significance weights. """ objectives = self.objectives criteria = self.criteria objWeights = {} for obj in objectives: for g in objectives[obj]['criteria']: try: objWeights[obj] += criteria[g]['weight'] except: objWeights[obj] = criteria[g]['weight'] for obj in objectives: try: objectives[obj]['weight'] = objWeights[obj] except: objectives[obj]['weight'] = Decimal('0.0')
[docs] def hasOddWeightAlgebra(self,Debug=False): """ Verify if the given criteria[self]['weight'] are odd or not. Return a Boolen value. """ from digraphs import powerset criteria = self.criteria w = [] for g in criteria: w.append(criteria[g]['weight']) if Debug: print('weights = ', w) Eorig = list(range(len(w))) E = set(Eorig) OddWeightAlgebra = True for X in powerset(E): Xc = set(Eorig) - X if Debug: print(X, Xc) sumX = Decimal("0") for x in X: sumX += w[x] sumXc = Decimal("0") for x in Xc: sumXc += w[x] if Debug: print(sumX, sumXc) if sumX == sumXc: #print sumX, sumXc OddWeightAlgebra = False break return OddWeightAlgebra
[docs] def computeWeightedAveragePerformances(self,isNormalized=False, lowValue=0.0, highValue=100.0, isListRanked=False): """ Compute normalized weighted average scores by ignoring missing data. When *isNormalized* == True (False by default), transforms all the scores into a common 0-100 scale. A lowValue and highValue parameter can be provided for a specific normalisation. """ from operator import itemgetter actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria NA = self.NA if isNormalized: normSelf = NormalizedPerformanceTableau(self,lowValue=lowValue,highValue=highValue) evaluation = normSelf.evaluation else: evaluation = self.evaluation #sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') #for g in dict.keys(criteria): # sumWeights += abs(criteria[g]['weight']) weightedAverage = {} for x in dict.keys(actions): sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') weightedAverage[x] = Decimal('0.0') for g in dict.keys(criteria): if evaluation[g][x] != NA: sumWeights += abs(criteria[g]['weight']) weightedAverage[x] \ += evaluation[g][x] * criteria[g]['weight'] \ / sumWeights if isListRanked: ranked = [] for x in weightedAverage: ranked.append((weightedAverage[x],x)) ranked.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) return ranked else: return weightedAverage
[docs] def showActions(self,Alphabetic=False): """ presentation methods for decision actions or alternatives """ print('*----- show decision action --------------*') actions = self.actions if Alphabetic: actionsKeys = [x for x in self.actions.keys()] actionsKeys.sort() for x in actionsKeys: print('key: ',x) try: print(' short name:',actions[x]['shortName']) except KeyError: pass print(' name: ',actions[x]['name']) try: print(' comment: ',actions[x]['comment']) except KeyError: pass print() else: for x in self.actions: print('key: ',x) try: print(' short name:',actions[x]['shortName']) except KeyError: pass print(' name: ',actions[x]['name']) try: print(' comment: ',actions[x]['comment']) except KeyError: pass print()
[docs] def showPairwiseComparison(self,a,b, hasSymetricThresholds=True, Debug=False, isReturningHTML=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ renders the pairwise comprison parameters on all criteria in html format """ from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria if Debug: print('a,b =', a, b) if a != b: if isReturningHTML: html = '<h1>Pairwise Comparison</h1>' html += '<h2>Comparing actions : (%s,%s)</h2>' % (a,b) html += '<table style="background-color:White" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">' html += '<th>crit.</th><th>wght.</th> <th>g(x)</th> <th>g(y)</th> <th>diff</th> <th>ind</th> <th>wp</th> <th>p</th> <th>concord</th> <th>wv</th> <th>v</th> <th>polarisation</th>' html += '</tr>' else: print('*------------ pairwise comparison ----*') print('Comparing actions : (%s, %s)' % (a,b)) print('crit. wght. g(x) g(y) diff \t| ind wp p concord \t| wv v weak veto veto') print('------------------------------- \t ----------------------------- \t ----------------') concordance = 0 sumWeights = 0 criteriaList = [x for x in criteria] criteriaList.sort() for c in criteriaList: sumWeights += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy \ * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy \ * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py \ * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._localConcordance(self, d,ind, wp,p) if ind is not None: ind = round(ind,2) if wp is not None: wp = round(wp,2) if p is not None: p = round(p,2) if isReturningHTML: html += '<tr>' html += '<td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%.2f</td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td>%+2.2f</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%+.2f</td>' % (c,criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(wp),str(p),lc0*abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) else: print(c, ' %.2f %2.2f %2.2f %+2.2f \t| %s %s %s %+.2f \t|' % (criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(wp),str(p),lc0*criteria[c]['weight']), end=' ') concordance = concordance \ + (lc0 * abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) try: wvx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy \ * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy \ * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None veto = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._localVeto(self,d,wv,v) try: negativeVeto \ = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._localNegativeVeto(self, d,wv,v) hasBipolarVeto = True except: hasBipolarVeto = False if hasBipolarVeto: if v is not None: if d >= v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' \ % (v, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, negativeVeto) elif d <= -v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' \ % (v, -veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' \ % (wv, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, negativeVeto) elif d <= -wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, -veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: ## unipolar case Electre III for instance if veto > Decimal("-1.0"): if wv is not None: if v is not None: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %2.2f %+2.2f' \ % (wv, v, veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, v, veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, -veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td> <td></td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, -veto) else: if v is not None: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if evaluation[c][a] == self.NA: eval_c_a = 'NA' else: eval_c_a = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][a] if evaluation[c][b] == self.NA: eval_c_b = 'NA' else: eval_c_b = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][b] if not isReturningHTML: print(c,' %s %s' % (eval_c_a,eval_c_b)) else: html += '<td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>%.2f</td></tr>' % (c, criteria[c]['weight'],eval_c_a,eval_c_b, self.valuationdomain['med']*criteria[c]['weight']) if not isReturningHTML: print(' ----------------------------------------') print(' Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f' % (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance)) else: html += '</tr></table>' html += '<b>Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f </b>' % (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance) if isReturningHTML: return html
[docs] def showCriteria(self,IntegerWeights=False,Alphabetic=False,ByObjectives=False,Debug=False): """ print Criteria with thresholds and weights. """ criteria = self.criteria try: objectives = self.objectives except: ByObjectives = False print('*---- criteria -----*') ## sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') ## for g in criteria: ## sumWeights += criteria[g]['weight'] sumWeights = sum([abs(criteria[g]['weight']) for g in criteria]) if ByObjectives: for obj in objectives.keys(): criteriaList = [g for g in criteria if criteria[g]['objective']==obj] for g in criteriaList: try: criterionName = '%s/' % objectives[criteria[g]['objective']]['name'] except: criterionName = '' try: criterionName += criteria[g]['name'] except: pass print(g, repr(criterionName)) print(' Scale =', criteria[g]['scale']) if IntegerWeights: print(' Weight = %d ' % (criteria[g]['weight'])) else: weightg = criteria[g]['weight']/sumWeights print(' Weight = %.3f ' % (weightg)) try: for th in criteria[g]['thresholds']: if Debug: print('-->>>', th,criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][0],criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][1]) print(' Threshold %s : %.2f + %.2fx' \ % (th,criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][0], criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][1]), end=' ') print('; percentile: %.2f' \ % (self.computeVariableThresholdPercentile(g,th,Debug)*100.0) ) except: pass print() else: criteriaList = list(self.criteria.keys()) if Alphabetic: criteriaList.sort() for g in criteriaList: cg = criteria[g] print(g, cg['name']) try: prefDir = cg['preferenceDirection'] except: prefDir = 'max' print(' Preference direction:', prefDir) print(' Scale = (%.2f, %.2f)' %\ (cg['scale'][0],cg['scale'][1]) ) if IntegerWeights: print(' Weight = %d ' % (cg['weight'])) else: weightg = cg['weight']/sumWeights print(' Weight = %.3f ' % (weightg)) try: for th in cg['thresholds']: if Debug: print('-->>>', th,cg['thresholds'][th][0], cg['thresholds'][th][1]) print(' Threshold %s : %.2f + %.2fx'\ % (th,cg['thresholds'][th][0], cg['thresholds'][th][1]), end=' ') #print self.criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] print('; percentile: %.2f' \ % (self.computeVariableThresholdPercentile(g,th,Debug)*100.0) ) except: pass print()
def showObjectives(self): if 'objectives' in self.__dict__: print('*------ decision objectives -------"') for obj in self.objectives: print('%s: %s' % (obj, self.objectives[obj]['name'])) for g in self.objectives[obj]['criteria']: print(' ', g, self.criteria[g]['name'], self.criteria[g]['weight']) print(' Total weight: %.2f (%d criteria)\n'\ % (self.objectives[obj]['weight'], len(self.objectives[obj]['criteria']))) else: print('The performance tableau does not contain objectives.')
[docs] def showWeightPreorder(self): """ Renders a preordering of the the criteria signficance weights. """ print('*------- weights preordering --------*') wpo = self.computeWeightPreorder() n = len(wpo) for i in range(0,n-1): print(wpo[i], '(%s) <' % self.criteria[wpo[i][0]]['weight']) print(wpo[-1], '(%s)' % self.criteria[wpo[-1][0]]['weight'])
[docs] def convertInsite2Standard(self): """ Convert in site a bigData formated Performance tableau back into a standard formated PerformanceTableau instance. """ self.convertWeight2Decimal() self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.convertDiscriminationThresholds2Decimal()
[docs] def convertInsite2BigData(self): """ Convert in site a standard formated Performance tableau into a bigData formated instance. """ self.convertWeight2Integer() self.convertEvaluation2Float() self.convertDiscriminationThresholds2Float()
[docs] def convert2BigData(self): """ Renders a cPerformanceTableau instance, by converting the action keys to integers and evaluations to floats, including the discrimination thresholds, the case given. """ from collections import OrderedDict from cRandPerfTabs import cPerformanceTableau from copy import deepcopy t = PerformanceTableau(isEmpty=True) = 'bgd_' + att = [a for a in self.__dict__] att.remove('name') att.remove('actions') att.remove('evaluation') for a in att: t.__dict__[a] = deepcopy(self.__dict__[a]) # convert action keys to integers t.convertWeight2Integer() t.convertDiscriminationThresholds2Float() actions = self.actions newActions = OrderedDict() for i,x in enumerate(actions): newKey = i newActions[newKey] = actions[x] # convert evaluation access keys evaluation = self.evaluation newEvaluation = {} for g in t.criteria: newEvaluation[g] = {} for i,x in enumerate(actions): newKey = i newEvaluation[g][newKey] = float(evaluation[g][x]) t.actions = newActions t.evaluation = newEvaluation # change the object class t.__class__ = cPerformanceTableau return t
[docs] def convertWeight2Integer(self): """ Convert significance weights from Decimal format to int format. """ criteria = self.criteria for g in criteria: criteria[g]['weight'] = int(criteria[g]['weight']) self.criteria = criteria
[docs] def convertEvaluation2Float(self): """ Convert evaluations from decimal format to float """ from decimal import Decimal evaluation = self.evaluation actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria NA = self.NA for g in criteria: for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: evaluation[g][x] = float(evaluation[g][x]) self.evaluation = evaluation
def convertDiscriminationThresholds2Float(self): criteria = self.criteria for g in criteria: for th in criteria[g]['thresholds']: d = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] d1 = (float(d[0]),float(d[1])) criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] = d1 def convertDiscriminationThresholds2Decimal(self): from decimal import Decimal criteria = self.criteria for g in criteria: for th in criteria[g]['thresholds']: d = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] d1 = (Decimal(str(d[0])),Decimal(str(d[1]))) criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] = d1
[docs] def convertWeight2Decimal(self): """ Convert significance weights from obsolete float format to decimal format. """ from decimal import Decimal criteria = self.criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] for g in criteriaList: criteria[g]['weight'] = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['weight'])) self.criteria = criteria
[docs] def convertEvaluation2Decimal(self): """ Convert evaluations from obsolete float format to decimal format """ from decimal import Decimal evaluation = self.evaluation actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] for g in criteriaList: for x in actionsList: evaluation[g][x] = Decimal(str(evaluation[g][x])) self.evaluation = evaluation
[docs] def convertWeights2Negative(self): """ Negates the weights of criteria to be minimzed. """ from decimal import Decimal criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA for g in criteria: critg = criteria[g] if critg['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': critg['weight'] = -abs(critg['weight']) valg = evaluation[g] for x in valg: if valg[x] != NA: #print(g,x,valg[x]) valg[x] = abs(valg[x]) self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation
[docs] def convertWeights2Positive(self): """ Sets negative weights back to positive weights and negates corresponding evaluation grades. """ from decimal import Decimal criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA for g in criteria: critg = criteria[g] if critg['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': critg['weight'] = abs(critg['weight']) valg = evaluation[g] for x in valg: if valg[x] != NA: #print(g,x,valg[x]) valg[x] = -abs(valg[x]) self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = evaluation
[docs] def computePerformanceDifferences(self,Comments = False, Debug = False, NotPermanentDiffs=True, WithMaxMin=False): """ Adds to the criteria dictionary the ordered list of all observed performance differences. """ criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if Debug: Comments = True if Comments: print('Compute performance differences on each criterion') #criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] #criteriaList.sort() actionsList = list(dict.keys(actions)) n = len(actionsList) if NotPermanentDiffs: performanceDifferences = {} for c in criteria.keys(): ed = Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][1])) - Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][0])) md = Decimal('0') #diff = set() diffList = [] for i in range(n): xi = evaluation[c][actionsList[i]] if xi != NA: for j in range(i+1,n): xj = self.evaluation[c][actionsList[j]] if xj != NA: delta = abs(xi - xj) if delta < ed: ed = delta if delta > md: md = delta #diff.add(delta) diffList.append(delta) if Debug: print('-->> i,j, evaluation[actionsList[i]],evaluation[actionsList[j]], delta, ed,md',\ i,j, evaluation[c][actionsList[i]],evaluation[c][actionsList[j]],\ delta, ed,md,diffList) criteria[c]['minimalPerformanceDifference'] = ed criteria[c]['maximalPerformanceDifference'] = md #diffList = list(diff) diffList.sort() if NotPermanentDiffs: if WithMaxMin: performanceDifferences[c] = (diffList,ed,md) else: performanceDifferences[c] = diffList else: criteria[c]['performanceDifferences'] = diffList if Comments: print(' -->', c, ': ', criteria[c]['minimalPerformanceDifference'],\ criteria[c]['maximalPerformanceDifference']) print(len(criteria[c]['performanceDifferences']), criteria[c]['performanceDifferences']) print(criteria[c]['performanceDifferences'][0], criteria[c]['performanceDifferences'][-1]) if NotPermanentDiffs: return performanceDifferences
[docs] def mpComputePerformanceDifferences(self,NotPermanentDiffs=True,nbrCores=None,Debug=False): """ Adds to the criteria dictionary the ordered list of all observed performance differences. """ criteria = self.criteria #from multiprocessing import Pool #from os import cpu_count import multiprocessing as mp mpctx = mp.get_context('fork') Pool = mpctx.Pool cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count if Debug: print('Compute performance differences on each criterion in parallel') #criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] #criteriaList.sort() with Pool(nbrCores) as proc: performanceDifferences =,criteriaList) #for i in range(len(criteriaList)): # c = criteriaList[i] for c in criteria.keys(): if not NotPermanentDiffs: criteria[c]['performanceDifferences'] = performanceDifferences[i][0] criteria[c]['minimalPerformanceDifference'] = performanceDifferences[i][1] criteria[c]['maximalPerformanceDifference'] = performanceDifferences[i][2] return performanceDifferences
[docs] def computeCriterionPerformanceDifferences(self,c, Comments = False, Debug = False): """ Renders the ordered list of all observed performance differences on the given criterion. """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions if Debug: Comments = True if Comments: print('Compute performance differences on criterion %s' % c) actionsList = list(dict.keys(actions)) n = len(actionsList) ed = Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][1])) - Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][0])) md = Decimal('0') #diff = set() diffList = [] for i in range(n): xi = evaluation[c][actionsList[i]] if xi != NA: for j in range(i+1,n): xj = evaluation[c][actionsList[j]] if xj != NA: delta = abs(xi - xj) if delta < ed: ed = delta if delta > md: md = delta #diff.add(delta) diffList.append(delta) if Debug: print('-->> i,j, evaluation[actionsList[i]],evaluation[actionsList[j]], delta, ed,md', i,j, evaluation[c][actionsList[i]], evaluation[c][actionsList[j]], delta, ed,md,diffList) criteria[c]['minimalPerformanceDifference'] = ed criteria[c]['maximalPerformanceDifference'] = md #diffList = list(diff) diffList.sort() if Comments: print(' -->', c, ': ', criteria[c]['minimalPerformanceDifference'], criteria[c]['maximalPerformanceDifference']) print(len(diffList),diffList) print(diffList[0], diffList[-1]) return (diffList,ed,md)
[docs] def computeActionCriterionPerformanceDifferences(self,refAction,refCriterion,comments = False, Debug = False): """ computes the performances differences observed between the reference action and the others on the given criterion """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA actions = self.actions if Debug: comments = True if comments: print('Compute performance differences for action %s on criterion %s' % (refAction, refCriterion)) diff = [] for x in dict.keys(actions): if x != refAction: xr = evaluation[refCriterion][refAction] xo = evaluation[refCriterion][x] if xr != NA and xo != NA: delta = abs(evaluation[refCriterion][refAction] - evaluation[refCriterion][x]) diff.append(delta) if Debug: print('-->> refAction, x, evaluation[refAction], evaluation[x], delta,diff', refAction,x, evaluation[refCriterion][refAction], evaluation[refCriterion][x], delta,diff) diff.sort() return diff
[docs] def computeActionCriterionQuantile(self,action,criterion,strategy='average',Debug=False): """ renders the quantile of the performance of action on criterion """ perfsy = self.evaluation[criterion] NA = self.NA if Debug: print(action,criterion) perfx = self.evaluation[criterion][action] if perfx != NA: try: indx = self.criteria[criterion]['thresholds']['ind'][0]\ + self.criteria[criterion]['thresholds']['ind'][1]*perfx ## indx = self.criteria[criterion]['thresholds']['ind'][0] + self.criteria[criterion]['thresholds']['pref'][1]*perfx except: indx = Decimal('0') validperfsy = [y for y in perfsy\ if (y in self.actions) and (perfsy[y] != NA)] n = len(validperfsy) qhigh = [y for y in validperfsy if (perfsy[y] <= perfx)] nqhigh = len(qhigh) if strategy == 'average': qlow = [y for y in validperfsy if (perfsy[y] < perfx)] nqlow = len(qlow) quantile = (float(nqlow + nqhigh)/float(2))/float(n) else: quantile = float(nqhigh) / float(n) return quantile else: return 'NA'
def _computeLimitingQuantiles(self,g,frequencies,LowerClosed=True,Debug=False,PrefThresholds=True): """ Renders the list of limiting quantiles *q(p)* on criteria *g* for *p* in *frequencies* """ from math import floor from copy import copy, deepcopy actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA gValues = [] for x in actions: if Debug: print('g,x,evaluation[g][x]',g,x,evaluation[g][x]) if evaluation[g][x] != NA: gValues.append(evaluation[g][x]) gValues.sort() if PrefThresholds: try: gPrefThrCst = criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0] gPrefThrSlope = criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1] except: gPrefThrCst = Decimal('0') gPrefThrSlope = Decimal('0') n = len(gValues) if Debug: print('g,n,gValues',g,n,gValues) ## if n > 0: ## nf = Decimal(str(n+1)) nf = Decimal(str(n)) limitingQuantiles = [Decimal(str(q)) for q in frequencies] limitingQuantiles.sort() if Debug: print(limitingQuantiles) if LowerClosed: limitingQuantiles = limitingQuantiles[:-1] else: limitingQuantiles = limitingQuantiles[1:] if Debug: print(limitingQuantiles) # computing the quantiles on criterion g gQuantiles = [] if LowerClosed: # we ignorethe 1.00 quantile and replace it with +infty for q in limitingQuantiles: r = (Decimal(str(nf)) * q) rq = int(floor(r)) if Debug: print('r,rq',r,rq, end=' ') if rq < (n-1): quantile = gValues[rq]\ + ((r-Decimal(str(rq)))*(gValues[rq+1]-gValues[rq])) if rq > 0 and PrefThresholds: quantile += gPrefThrCst + quantile*gPrefThrSlope else : if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #quantile = Decimal('100.0') quantile = gValues[-1] else: #quantile = Decimal('200.0') quantile = gValues[-1] * 2 if Debug: print('quantile',quantile) gQuantiles.append(quantile) else: # upper closed categories # we ignore the quantile 0.0 and replace it with -\infty for q in limitingQuantiles: r = (Decimal(str(nf)) * q) rq = int(floor(r)) if Debug: print('r,rq',r,rq, end=' ') if rq == 0: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #quantile = Decimal('-200.0') quantile = gValues[0] - (gValues[-1] * 2) else: #quantile = Decimal('-100.0') quantile = gValues[0] - gValues[-1] elif rq < (n-1): quantile = gValues[rq]\ + ((r-Decimal(str(rq)))*(gValues[rq+1]-gValues[rq])) if PrefThresholds: quantile -= gPrefThrCst - quantile*gPrefThrSlope else: if n > 0: quantile = gValues[n-1] else: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': quantile = Decimal('-200.0') else: quantile = Decimal('-100.0') if Debug: print('quantile',quantile) gQuantiles.append(quantile) ## else: ## gQuantiles = [] if Debug: print(g,LowerClosed,criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'],gQuantiles) return gQuantiles
[docs] def computeQuantiles(self,Debug=False): """ renders a quantiles matrix action x criterion with the performance quantile of action on criterion """ #actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] #criteriaList = list(self.criteria.keys()) ## ## if Debug: ## print(actionsList,criteriaList) actions = self.actions quantiles = {} for x in dict.keys(actions): quantiles[x] = self.computeActionQuantile(x,Debug) self.quantiles = quantiles if Debug: print(quantiles) return quantiles
[docs] def computeActionQuantile(self,action,Debug=False): """ renders the overall performance quantile of action """ #criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteria = self.criteria criteriaQuantiles = [] sumWeights = 0 for g in dict.keys(criteria): agq = self.computeActionCriterionQuantile(action,g,Debug) if agq != 'NA': sumWeights += criteria[g]['weight'] criteriaQuantiles.append((agq,float(criteria[g]['weight']))) criteriaQuantiles.sort() i = 0 currentQuantile = 0.0 currentWeight = 0.0 minQuantile = criteriaQuantiles[i][0] minWeight = criteriaQuantiles[i][1] majority = float(sumWeights)/2.0 if Debug: print(majority,i, currentWeight,minWeight, currentQuantile, minQuantile) while minWeight < majority: i += 1 currentQuantile = minQuantile currentWeight = minWeight minQuantile = criteriaQuantiles[i][0] minWeight += criteriaQuantiles[i][1] if Debug: print(i, currentWeight,minWeight, currentQuantile, minQuantile) actionQuantile = currentQuantile + (majority-currentWeight)/(minWeight-currentWeight)*(minQuantile-currentQuantile) if Debug: print('quantile for %s = %.3f' % (action,actionQuantile)) return actionQuantile
[docs] def csvAllQuantiles(self, fileName='quantiles'): """ save quantiles matrix criterionxaction in CSV format """ actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria fileNameExt = fileName+'.csv' fo = open(fileNameExt,'w') ## criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] ## criteriaList.sort() ## actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] ## actionsList.sort() fo.write('# saved quantiles matrix from performance tableau %s \n' % fo.write('"quantiles",') n = len(actions) i = 0 for x in dict.keys(actions): #x = actionsList[i] if i < n-1: fo.write('"%s",' % x) else: fo.write('"%s"\n' % x) i += 1 print('\nweights | ', end=' ') for g in dict.keys(criteria): fo.write('"%s",' % g) i = 0 for x in dict.keys(actions): qval = self.computeActionCriterionQuantile(x,g,Debug=False) if i < n-1: if qval != 'NA': fo.write('%.2f,' % qval) else: fo.write('NA,') else: if qval != 'NA': fo.write('%.2f\n' % qval) else: fo.write('NA\n') i += 1 fo.close()
[docs] def showAllQuantiles(self,Sorted=True): """ prints the performance quantiles tableau in the session console. """ self.computeAllQuantiles(Sorted=Sorted,Comments=True)
[docs] def showHTMLPerformanceQuantiles(self,Sorted=True,htmlFileName=None): """ shows the performance quantiles tableau in a browser window. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self.computeAllQuantiles(Sorted=Sorted,Comments=False)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def computeAllQuantiles(self,Sorted=True,Comments=False): """ renders a html string showing the table of the quantiles matrix action x criterion """ criteria = self.criteria criteriaList = list(criteria.keys()) if Sorted: criteriaList.sort() actions = self.actions actionsList = list(actions.keys()) if Sorted: actionsList.sort() html = '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">\n' if Comments: print('criteria | ', end=' ') html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>criteria</th>' for g in criteriaList: if Comments: print(str(g) + '\t', end=' ') html += '<th>%s</th>' % (g) print() html += '</tr>\n' if Comments: print('\nweights | ', end=' ') html += '<tr style="text-align: center;" bgcolor="#FFF79B"><td>weights</td>' for g in criteriaList: if Comments: print(str(criteria[g]['weight']) + '\t', end=' ') html += '<td >%s</td>' % (criteria[g]['weight']) html += '</tr>\n' if Comments: print('\n-----------------------------------------------------') for x in actionsList: if Comments: print(str(x) + ' | ', end=' ') html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (x) for g in criteriaList: qval = self.computeActionCriterionQuantile(x,g,Debug=False) if qval != 'NA': if Comments: print('%.2f\t' % qval, end=' ') html += '<td>%.2f</td>' % (qval) else: if Comments: print('NA\t', end=' ') html += '<td>NA</td>' if Comments: print() html += '</tr>\n' html += '</table>\n' return html
[docs] def computeQuantileOrder(self,q0=3,q1=0,Threading=False,nbrOfCPUs=1,Comments=False): """ Renders a linear ordering of the decision actions from a simulation of pre-ranked outranking digraphs. The pre-ranking simulations range by default from quantiles=q0 to quantiles=min( 100, max(10,len(self.actions)/10]) ). The actions are ordered along a decreasing Borda score of their ranking results. """ from sparseOutrankingDigraphs import PreRankedOutrankingDigraph from operator import itemgetter n = len(self.actions) kBestFrequency = OrderedDict([(x,[0 for r in range(n+1)]) for x in self.actions]) ordering = [] if q1 <= q0: q1 = min(100,max(11,n//10)) for q in range(q0,q1): pr = PreRankedOutrankingDigraph(self,quantiles=q,LowerClosed=False, minimalComponentSize=1, CopyPerfTab=True,Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) for r in range(n): rbest = pr.boostedOrder[r] kBestFrequency[rbest][r] += 1 for x in self.actions: stats = kBestFrequency[x] for i in range(n): stats[n] += (i+1)*stats[i] Stats = [(x,-kBestFrequency[x][n],kBestFrequency[x][:-1]) for x in self.actions] bestStatistics = sorted(Stats,key=itemgetter(1,2),reverse=True) quantileOrder = [x[0] for x in bestStatistics] if Comments: print(bestStatistics) print(quantileOrder) return quantileOrder
[docs] def computeQuantileRanking(self,q0=3,q1=0,Threading=False,nbrOfCPUs=1,Comments=False): """ Renders a linear ranking of the decision actions from a simulation of pre-ranked outranking digraphs. The pre-ranking simulations range by default from quantiles=q0 to qantiles=min( 100, max(10,len(self.actions)/10) ). The actions are ordered along an increasing Borda score of their ranking results. """ ranking = self.computeQuantileOrder(q0=q0,q1=q1, Threading=Threading,nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs, Comments=Comments) ranking.reverse() if Comments: print(ranking) return ranking
[docs] def computeQuantileSort(self): """ shows a sorting of the actions from decreasing majority quantiles """ from operator import itemgetter self.computeQuantiles() actionsSorting = [] for x in list(self.actions.keys()): actionsSorting.append((self.quantiles[x],x)) actionsSorting.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) return actionsSorting
[docs] def computeQuantilePreorder(self,Comments=True,Debug=False): """ computes the preorder of the actions obtained from decreasing majority quantiles. The quantiles are recomputed with a call to the self.computeQuantileSort() method. """ from operator import itemgetter quantiles = self.computeQuantileSort() quantiles.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Debug: Comments = True if Comments: print(quantiles) actionsPreorder = [] currLevel = 0.0 currEquivalenceClass = [] for x in quantiles: if Debug: print(currLevel,x) if x[0] >= currLevel: currEquivalenceClass.append(x[1]) if Debug: print(currEquivalenceClass) else: currEquivalenceClass.sort() actionsPreorder.append(currEquivalenceClass) if Debug: print(actionsPreorder) currEquivalenceClass = [x[1]] currLevel = x[0] currEquivalenceClass.sort() actionsPreorder.append(currEquivalenceClass) if Comments: print(actionsPreorder) return actionsPreorder
[docs] def showQuantileSort(self,Debug=False): """ Wrapper of computeQuantilePreorder() for the obsolete showQuantileSort() method. """ self.computeQuantilePreorder(Debug=Debug,Comments=True)
[docs] def computeDefaultDiscriminationThresholds(self,criteriaList=None, quantile = {'ind':10,'pref':20,'weakVeto':60,'veto':80}, Debug = False, Comments = False): """ updates the discrimination thresholds with the percentiles from the performance differences. Parameters: quantile = {'ind': 10, 'pref': 20, 'weakVeto': 60, 'veto: 80}. """ import math if Debug: Comments = True if Comments: print('Installs default discrimination thresholds on each criterion') # performanceDifferences = self.computePerformanceDifferences(Debug=Debug,Comments=Comments) criteria = self.criteria if criteriaList is None: criteriaList = [x for x in dict.keys(criteria)] #criteriaList.sort() for c in criteriaList: performanceDifferences,minDiff,maxDiff = self.computeCriterionPerformanceDifferences(c, Comments=Comments,Debug=Debug) #vx = self.criteria[c]['performanceDifferences'] vx = performanceDifferences nv = len(vx) if Debug: print('=====>',c) print(vx) print(nv) threshold = {} for x in quantile: if Debug: print('-->', x, quantile[x], end=' ') if quantile[x] == -1: pass else: if quantile[x] == 0: threshold[x] = vx[0] elif quantile[x] == 100: threshold[x] = vx[nv-1] else: kq = int(math.floor(float(quantile[x]*(nv-1))/100.0)) r = ((nv-1)*quantile[x]) % 100 if Debug: print(kq,r, end=' ') ## if kq == nv-1: ## kqplus = nv-1 ## else: ## kq_1 = kq - 1 threshold[x] = vx[kq] + (Decimal(str(r))/Decimal('100.0')) * (vx[kq+1]-vx[kq]) if Debug: print(threshold[x]) criteria[c]['thresholds'] = {} for x in threshold: criteria[c]['thresholds'][x] = (threshold[x],Decimal('0.0')) if Comments: print('criteria',c,' default thresholds:') print(criteria[c]['thresholds'])
[docs] def computeThresholdPercentile(self,criterion,threshold, Debug=False): """ computes for a given criterion the quantile of the performance differences of a given constant threshold. """ criteria = self.criteria try: performanceDifferences = criteria[criterion]['performanceDifferences'] except: #self.computePerformanceDifferences(Debug=Debug) #performanceDifferences = self.criteria[criterion]['performanceDifferences'] performanceDifferences,minDiff,maxDiff = self.computeCriterionPerformanceDifferences(criterion) if Debug: print("performanceDifferences = ",performanceDifferences) try: quantile = criteria[criterion]['thresholds'][threshold][0] except: return None if Debug: print('quantile', quantile) nv = len(performanceDifferences) i = 0 while i < nv and performanceDifferences[i] <= quantile: if Debug: print(i, quantile, performanceDifferences[i]) i += 1 percentile = float(i)/float(nv) if Debug: print('i = ', i, 'nv = ', nv) print('percentile =', percentile) return percentile
[docs] def computeVariableThresholdPercentile(self,criterion, threshold, Debug=False): """ computes for a given criterion the quantile of the performance differences of a given threshold. """ try: th = self.criteria[criterion]['thresholds'][threshold] except: return None ## actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] ## actionsList.sort() actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation count = 0 total = 0 for a in dict.keys(actions): performanceDifferences = self.computeActionCriterionPerformanceDifferences(a,criterion,Debug) if Debug: print('performanceDifferences:', performanceDifferences) na = len(performanceDifferences) total += na i = 0 quantile = Decimal(str(th[0])) + abs(evaluation[criterion][a])*Decimal(str(th[1])) if Debug: print('a,na,self.evaluation[criterion][a],th[0],th[1],quantile', a,na,evaluation[criterion][a],th[0],th[1],quantile) while i < na and performanceDifferences[i] <= quantile: if Debug: print('i, quantile, performanceDifferences[i]', i, quantile, performanceDifferences[i]) i += 1 count += i if Debug: print('a,na,final i', a,na,i) percentile = float(count)/float(total) if Debug: print('count = ', count, 'total = ', total) print('percentile =', percentile) return percentile
[docs] def showPerformanceTableau(self,Transposed=False,actionsSubset=None, fromIndex=None,toIndex=None,Sorted=True,ndigits=2): """ Print the performance Tableau. """ from decimal import Decimal NA = self.NA print('*---- performance tableau -----*') criteriaList = list(self.criteria) if Sorted: criteriaList.sort() if actionsSubset is None: actionsList = list(self.actions) if Sorted: actionsList.sort() else: actionsList = list(actionsSubset) if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex=len(actionsList) # view criteria x actions if Transposed: print('criteria | weights |', end=' ') for x in actionsList: print('\''+str(x)+'\' ', end=' ') print('\n---------|-----------------------------------------') formatString = '%% .%df ' % ndigits for g in criteriaList: print(' \''+str(g) + '\' | ' + str(self.criteria[g]['weight'])\ + ' | ', end=' ') for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] evalgx = self.evaluation[g][x] if evalgx == NA: print(' NA ', end=' ') else: print(formatString % (evalgx), end=' ') print() # view actions x criteria else: print('Criteria | ', end=' ') for g in criteriaList: print('\''+str(g)+'\' ', end=' ') print('\nActions | ', end=' ') for g in criteriaList: print(' %s ' % str(self.criteria[g]['weight'] ), end=' ') print('\n---------|-----------------------------------------') formatString = '%% .%df ' % ndigits for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] try: print(' \''+str(self.actions[x]['shortName']) + '\' |' , end=' ') except KeyError: print(' \''+str(x) + '\' |' , end=' ') for g in criteriaList: evalgx = self.evaluation[g][x] if evalgx == NA: print(' NA ', end=' ') else: print(formatString % (evalgx), end=' ') print()
[docs] def saveCSV(self,fileName='tempPerfTab', Sorted=True,criteriaList=None, actionsList=None,ndigits=2,Debug=False): """1 Store the performance Tableau self Actions x Criteria in CSV format. """ import itertools as IT import collections actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation fileNameExt = fileName + '.csv' print('*Storing performance tableau in CSV format in file %s'\ % fileNameExt) if criteriaList is None: criteriaList = list(dict.keys(criteria)) if sorted: criteriaList.sort() ng = len(criteriaList) if Debug: print(criteriaList) if actionsList is None: actionsList = list(dict.keys(actions)) if sorted: actionsList.sort() else: actionsList = flatten(actionsList) if Debug: print(actionsList) na = len(actionsList) formatStr = '%%.%.df' % ndigits if Debug: print('formatString:',formatStr) fo = open(fileNameExt,'w') ## header row writeStr = '"criteria","name","weight","scale","prefDir","thresholds",' for i in range(na-1): writeStr += '"%s",' % actionsList[i] writeStr += '"%s"\n' % actionsList[na-1] if Debug: print(writeStr) fo.write(writeStr) ## writing performance data for g in criteriaList: writeStr = '"%s",' % g writeStr += '"%s",' % str(self.criteria[g]['name']) writeStr += '"%s",' % self.criteria[g]['weight'] writeStr += '"%s",' % str(self.criteria[g]['scale']) writeStr += '"%s",' % str(self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) writeStr += '"%s",' % str(self.criteria[g]['thresholds']) for i in range(na-1): writeStr += formatStr % evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] + ',' writeStr += formatStr % evaluation[g][actionsList[na-1]] + '\n' if Debug: print(writeStr) fo.write(writeStr) fo.close()
[docs] def computeMissingDataProportion(self,InPercents=False,Comments=False): """ Renders the proportion of missing data, i.e. NA == Decimal('-999') entries in self.evaluation. """ naCount = 0 entryCount = 0 NA = self.NA for g in self.criteria: for x in self.actions: entryCount += 1 if self.evaluation[g][x] == NA: naCount += 1 try: res = naCount/entryCount except: res = 0.0 if Comments: print('!!! Empty performance tableau !!!') if InPercents: res *= 100.0 if Comments: print('Missing data proportion: %.3f' % (res)) else: return res
[docs] def computeMinMaxEvaluations(self,criteria=None,actions=None): """ renders minimum and maximum performances on each criterion in dictionary form: {'g': {'minimum': x, 'maximum': x}} """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if criteria is None: criteria = self.criteria criteriaKeys = [x for x in dict.keys(criteria)] else: criteriaKeys = criteria if actions is None: actions = self.actions actionsKeys = [x for x in dict.keys(actions)] else: actionsKeys = actions result = {} for g in criteriaKeys: result[g] = {} evaluations = [] for x in actionsKeys: val = evaluation[g][x] if val != NA: evaluations.append(val) n = len(evaluations) if n > 1: evaluations.sort() result[g]['minimum'] = evaluations[0] result[g]['maximum'] = evaluations[-1] elif n == 1: result[g]['minimum'] = evaluations[0] result[g]['maximum'] = evaluations[0] else: result[g]['minimum'] = NA result[g]['maximum'] = NA return result
[docs] def showHTMLCriteria(self,criteriaSubset=None,Sorted=True, ndigits=2,title=None,htmlFileName=None): """ shows the criteria in the system browser view. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self._htmlCriteriaView(criteria=criteriaSubset, Sorted=Sorted, ndigits=ndigits, title=title)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
def _htmlCriteriaView(self,criteria=None,Sorted=False, ndigits=2,title='Family of Criteria'): """ Renders a html view of the in the XMCDA2 format. """ if title is None: html = '<h1>%s: Family of Criteria</h1>' % else: html = '<h1>%s</h1>' % title if criteria is None: criteria = self.criteria criteriaList = [x for x in criteria] if Sorted: criteriaList.sort() html += """<table border="1"> <tr bgcolor="#9acd32"> <th rowspan="2">#</th> <th rowspan="2">Identifyer</th> <th rowspan="2">Name</th> <th rowspan="2">Comment</th> <th rowspan="2">Weight</th> <th colspan="3">Scale</th> <th colspan="5">Thresholds (ax + b)</th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#9acd32"> <th>direction</th> <th>min</th> <th>max</th> <th>indifference</th> <th>preference</th> <th>veto</th> </tr>""" i = 0 for g in criteriaList: i += 1 critg = criteria[g] #print(g,critg) html += '<tr><td align="center">%s</td>' % i try: html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % critg['shortName'] except: html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % g try: html += '<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>' % (critg['name'],critg['comment']) except: html += '<td>%s</td><td>No comment</td>' % (critg['name']) formatString = '<td align="center">%%.%df</td>' % ndigits html += formatString % critg['weight'] html += '<td align="center">%s</td>' % critg['preferenceDirection'] html += formatString % critg['scale'][0] html += formatString % critg['scale'][1] formatString = '<td align="center">%%.%dfx + %%.%df</td>' % (ndigits,ndigits) try: if critg['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: html += formatString %\ (critg['thresholds']['ind'][1], critg['thresholds']['ind'][0]) except: html += '<td></td>' try: if critg['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: html += formatString %\ (critg['thresholds']['pref'][1], critg['thresholds']['pref'][0]) except: html += '<td></td>' try: if critg['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: html += formatString %\ (critg['thresholds']['veto'][1], critg['thresholds']['veto'][0]) except: html += '<td></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def showHTMLPerformanceTableau(self,actionsSubset=None, fromIndex=None,toIndex=None, isSorted=False, Transposed=False,ndigits=2, ContentCentered=True,title=None, htmlFileName=None): """ shows the html version of the performance tableau in a browser window. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self._htmlPerformanceTableau(actions=actionsSubset, fromIndex=fromIndex, toIndex=toIndex, isSorted=isSorted, Transposed=Transposed, ndigits=ndigits, ContentCentered=ContentCentered, title=title)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
def _htmlPerformanceTableau(self,actions=None, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None, isSorted=False, Transposed=False,ndigits=2, ContentCentered=True, title=None): """ Renders the performance tableau citerion x actions in html format. """ criteria = self.criteria NA = self.NA minMaxEvaluations = self.computeMinMaxEvaluations() if title is None: html = '<h1>Performance table %s</h1>' % else: html = '<h1>%s</h1>' % title criteriaKeys = list(criteria.keys()) if isSorted: criteriaKeys.sort() if actions is None: actions = self.actions actionsKeys = list(self.actions.keys()) else: actionsKeys = [x for x in actions] if isSorted: actionsKeys.sort() evaluation = self.evaluation if ContentCentered: alignFormat = 'center' else: alignFormat = 'right' if Transposed: html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>criterion</th>' if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsKeys) for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsKeys[i] try: xName = actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (xName) html += '</tr>' for g in criteriaKeys: try: gName = criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (gName) for x in actionsKeys: if self.evaluation[g][x] != NA: if minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum'] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ffddff" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td align="center"><span style="color: LightGrey;font-size:75%; ">NA</span></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</table>' else: html += '<table style="background-color:White;" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>criteria</th>' for g in criteriaKeys: try: gName = criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (gName) html += '</tr>' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>weight</th>' for g in criteriaKeys: gWeight = criteria[g]['weight'] html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%.2f</th>' % (gWeight) html += '</tr>' if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsKeys) #for x in actionsKeys: for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsKeys[i] try: xName = actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (xName) for g in criteriaKeys: if self.criteria[g]['weight'] < Decimal('0'): if self.evaluation[g][x] != NA: if minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum'] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ffddff" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td align="center"><span style="color: LightGrey;font-size:75%;">NA</span></td>' else: if self.evaluation[g][x] != NA: if minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum'] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['minimum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ffddff" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) elif self.evaluation[g][x] == minMaxEvaluations[g]['maximum']: formatString = '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd" align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: formatString = '<td align="%s">%% .%df</td>' % (alignFormat,ndigits) html += formatString % (evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td align="center"><span style="color: LightGrey;font-size:75%;">NA</span></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(self,actionsList=None, WithActionNames=False, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None, Transposed=False, criteriaList=None, colorLevels=7, pageTitle=None, ndigits=2, SparseModel=False, outrankingModel = 'standard', minimalComponentSize=1, rankingRule='NetFlows', StoreRanking=True, quantiles=None, strategy='average', Correlations=False, htmlFileName=None, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None, Debug=False): """ shows the html heatmap version of the performance tableau in a browser window (see perfTabs.htmlPerformanceHeatMap() method ). **Parameters**: * *actionsList* and *criteriaList*, if provided, give the possibility to show the decision alternatives, resp. criteria, in a given ordering. * *WithActionNames* = True (default False) will show the action names instead of the short names or the identifyers. * *ndigits* = 0 may be used to show integer evaluation values. * *colorLevels* may be 3, 5, 7, or 9. * When no *actionsList* is provided, the decision actions are ordered from the best to the worst. This ranking is obtained by default with the Copeland rule applied on a standard *BipolarOutrankingDigraph*. * When the *SparseModel* flag is put to *True*, a sparse *PreRankedOutrankingDigraph* construction is used instead. * the *outrankingModel* parameter (default = 'standard') allows to switch to alternative BipolarOutrankingDigraph constructors, like the 'confident' or 'robust' models. When called from a bipolar-valued outrankingDigraph instance, *outrankingModel* = 'this' keeps the current outranking model without recomputing by default the standard outranking model. * The *minimalComponentSize* allows to control the fill rate of the pre-ranked model. When *minimalComponentSize* = *n* (the number of decision actions) both the pre-ranked model will be in fact equivalent to the standard model. * *rankingRule* = 'NetFlows' (default) | 'Copeland' | 'Kohler' | 'RankedPairs' | 'ArrowRaymond' | 'IteratedNetFlows' | 'IteraredCopeland'. See tutorial on ranking mith multiple incommensurable criteria. * when the *StoreRanking* flag is set to *True*, the ranking result is storted in *self*. * Quantiles used for the pre-ranked decomposition are put by default to *n* (the number of decision alternatives) for *n* < 50. For larger cardinalities up to 1000, quantiles = *n* /10. For bigger performance tableaux the *quantiles* parameter may be set to a much lower value not exceeding usually 10. * The pre-ranking may be obtained with three ordering strategies for the quantiles equivalence classes: 'average' (default), 'optimistic' or 'pessimistic'. * With *Correlations* = *True* and *criteriaList* = *None*, the criteria will be presented from left to right in decreasing order of the correlations between the marginal criterion based ranking and the global ranking used for presenting the decision alternatives. * For large performance Tableaux, *multiprocessing* techniques may be used by setting *Threading* = *True* in order to speed up the computations; especially when *Correlations* = *True*. * By default, the number of cores available, will be detected. It may be efficient in a HPC context to indicate the exact number of singled threaded cores in fact allocated to the job. >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau >>> rt = RandomPerformanceTableau(seed=100) >>> rt.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(colorLevels=5,Correlations=True) .. image:: perfTabsExample.png :alt: HTML heat map of the performance tableau :width: 600 px :align: center """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') if pageTitle is None: pageTitle = 'Heatmap of Performance Tableau \'%s\'' % fo.write(self._htmlPerformanceHeatmap(argCriteriaList=criteriaList, argActionsList=actionsList, WithActionNames=WithActionNames, fromIndex=fromIndex, Transposed=Transposed, toIndex=toIndex, SparseModel=SparseModel, outrankingModel=outrankingModel, minimalComponentSize=minimalComponentSize, rankingRule=rankingRule, StoreRanking=StoreRanking, quantiles=quantiles, strategy=strategy, ndigits=ndigits, colorLevels=colorLevels, pageTitle=pageTitle, Correlations=Correlations, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs, Debug=Debug)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
def _htmlPerformanceHeatmap(self,argCriteriaList=None, argActionsList=None, WithActionNames=False, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None, Transposed=False, SparseModel=False, outrankingModel='standard', minimalComponentSize=1, rankingRule=None, StoreRanking=False, quantiles=None, strategy='average', ndigits=2, ContentCentered=True, colorLevels=None, pageTitle='Performance Heatmap', Correlations=False, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False): """ Renders the Brewer RdYlGn 3, 5, 7, or 9 levels colored heatmap of the performance table actions x criteria in html format. See the corresponding perfTabs.showHTMLPerformanceHeatMap() method. """ from decimal import Decimal from operator import itemgetter brewerRdYlGn9Colors = [(Decimal('0.1111'),'"#D53E4F"'), (Decimal('0.2222'),'"#F46D43"'), (Decimal('0.3333'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4444'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.5555'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.6666'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('0.7777'),'"#A6D96A"'), (Decimal('0.8888'),'"#65BD63"'), (Decimal('1.000'),'"#1A9850"')] brewerRdYlGn7Colors = [ (Decimal('0.1429'),'"#F46D43"'), (Decimal('0.2857'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4286'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.5714'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.7143'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('0.8571'),'"#A6D96A"'), (Decimal('1.0000'),'"#65BD63"') ] brewerRdYlGn5Colors = [ (Decimal('0.2'),'"#FDAE61"'), (Decimal('0.4'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.6'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('0.8'),'"#D9EF8B"'), (Decimal('1.0'),'"#A6D96A"') ] brewerRdYlGn3Colors = [ (Decimal('0.3333'),'"#FEE08B"'), (Decimal('0.6666'),'"#FFFFBF"'), (Decimal('1.0'),'"#D9EF8B"'), ] if colorLevels is None: colorLevels = 7 if colorLevels == 7: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn7Colors elif colorLevels == 9: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn9Colors elif colorLevels == 5: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn5Colors elif colorLevels == 3: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn3Colors else: colorPalette = brewerRdYlGn7Colors nc = len(colorPalette) backGroundColor = '"#FFFFFF"' naColor = '"#FFFFFF"' columnHeaderColor = '"#CCFFFF"' rowHeaderColor = '"#FFFFFF"' html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>\n' html += '<title>%s</title>\n' % 'Digraph3 performance heat map' html += '<style type="text/css">\n' #html += 'table {border-collapse: collapse;}' if ContentCentered: html += 'td {text-align: center;}\n' html += ' {color: rgb(192,192,192);}\n' html += '</style>\n' html += '</head>\n<body>\n' html += '<h2>%s</h2>\n' % pageTitle if argCriteriaList is None: argCriteriaList = list(self.criteria.keys()) criteriaList = None else: criteriaList = argCriteriaList ## if rankingRule is None: ## rankingRule = 'NetFlows' if argActionsList is None: # actions ranking is needed na = len(self.actions) if SparseModel: from sparseOutrankingDigraphs import PreRankedOutrankingDigraph if quantiles is None: if na < 100: q = 5 else: q = None else: q = quantiles g = PreRankedOutrankingDigraph(self,quantiles=q,LowerClosed=False, minimalComponentSize=minimalComponentSize, componentRankingRule=rankingRule,Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) actionsList = g.boostedRanking rankCorrelation = None else: # standard outranking model if outrankingModel == 'standard': from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,actionsSubset=argActionsList,Normalized=True) elif outrankingModel == 'confident': from outrankingDigraphs import ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph g = ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True) elif outrankingModel == 'robust': from outrankingDigraphs import RobustOutrankingDigraph g = RobustOutrankingDigraph(self) elif outrankingModel == 'this': g = self else: print('!!! Error: outrankingModel "%s" is not implemented !!!' % outrankingModel ) if rankingRule == 'NetFlows': actionsList = g.computeNetFlowsRanking() if StoreRanking: self.netFlowsRanking = actionsList if rankingRule == 'Copeland': actionsList = g.computeCopelandRanking() if StoreRanking: self.copelandRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule == 'Kohler': actionsList = (~(-g)).computeKohlerRanking() if StoreRanking: self.kohlerRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule == 'RankedPairs': from linearOrders import RankedPairsOrder rp = RankedPairsOrder(g) actionsList = rp.computeRanking() if StoreRanking: self.rankedPairsRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule == 'ArrowRaynaud': actionsList = g.computeArrowRaynaudRanking() if StoreRanking: self.arrowRaynaudRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule == 'IteratedNetFlows': from linearOrders import IteratedNetFlowsRanking inf = IteratedNetFlowsRanking(g) actionsList = inf.iteratedNetFlowsRanking if StoreRanking: self.iteratedNetFlowsRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule == 'IteratedCopeland': from linearOrders import IteratedCopelandRanking icop = IteratedCopelandRanking(g) actionsList = icop.iteratedCopelandRanking if StoreRanking: self.iteratedCopelandRanking = actionsList elif rankingRule is None: actionsList = list(self.actions.keys()) else: # default ranking rule actionsList = g.computeNetFlowsRanking() rankingRule='NetFlows' if StoreRanking: self.netFlowsRanking = actionsList rankCorrelation = g.computeOrderCorrelation(list(reversed(actionsList))) else: # actions list given actionsList = argActionsList rankingRule = None #Correlations = False rankCorrelation = None if SparseModel: rankCorrelation = None else: from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,actionsSubset=argActionsList,Normalized=True) rankCorrelation = g.computeOrderCorrelation(list(reversed(actionsList))) if Debug: print('1',actionsList) print('2',rankCorrelation) ########## criteria = self.criteria NA = self.NA if criteriaList is None: if Correlations: marginalCorrelations = g.computeRankingConsensusQuality(actionsList) criteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[0] meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[1] sdMarginalCriteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[2] criteriaList = [c[1] for c in criteriaCorrelation] else: criteriaList = list(criteria.keys()) criteriaList.sort() criteriaWeightsList = [(-criteria[g]['weight'],g) for g in criteriaList] criteriaWeightsList.sort(reverse=False,key=itemgetter(0)) criteriaList = [g[1] for g in criteriaWeightsList] criteriaCorrelation = None rankCorrelation = None else: criteriaList = list(criteria.keys()) if Correlations: marginalCorrelations = g.computeRankingConsensusQuality(actionsList) criteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[0] meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[1] sdMarginalCriteriaCorrelation = marginalCorrelations[2] else: criteriaCorrelation = None rankCorrelation = None quantileColor={} for x in actionsList: quantileColor[x] = {} for g in criteriaList: quantilexg = self.computeActionCriterionQuantile(x,g) if Debug: print(x,g,quantilexg) if quantilexg != 'NA': if self.criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): for i in range(nc): if Debug: print(i, colorPalette[i][0]) if quantilexg <= colorPalette[i][0]: quantileColor[x][g] = colorPalette[i][1] break else: # negative weight and reversed quatile coloring for i in range(nc): if Debug: print(i, colorPalette[nc-i-1][0]) if quantilexg <= colorPalette[i][0]: quantileColor[x][g] = colorPalette[nc-i-1][1] break else: quantileColor[x][g] = naColor if Debug: print(x,g,quantileColor[x][g]) if Transposed: html += '<table style="background-color:%s;" border="1">\n' \ % (backGroundColor) html += '<tr bgcolor=%s><th>criteria</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) html += '<th>weight</th>' if Correlations: html += '<th>tau*</th>' if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsList) for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] try: xName = actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (xName) html += '</tr>\n' gn = len(criteriaList) for i in range(gn): g = criteriaList[i] try: gName = self.criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th>' % (gName) html += '<td align="center">%+.2f</td>' % (self.criteria[g]['weight']) if criteriaCorrelation is not None: cg = criteriaCorrelation[i] html += '<td align="center">%+.2f</td>' % (cg[0]) if Debug: print(html) if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsList) for j in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[j] try: xName = self.actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) if self.evaluation[g][x] != NA: formatString = '<td bgcolor=%s align="right">%% .%df</td>' \ % (quantileColor[x][g],ndigits) html += formatString % (self.evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td bgcolor=%s class="na">NA</td>' % naColor html += '</tr>' if Debug: print(html) html += '</table>\n' else: # standard actions x criteria layout html += '<table style="background-color:%s;" border="1">\n' \ % (backGroundColor) html += '<tr bgcolor=%s><th>criteria</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for g in criteriaList: try: gName = self.criteria[g]['shortName'] except: gName = str(g) html += '<th>%s</th>' % (gName) html += '</tr>\n' html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>weights</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for g in criteriaList: html += '<td align="center">%+.2f</td>' \ % (self.criteria[g]['weight']) html += '</tr>\n' if criteriaCorrelation is not None: html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>tau<sup>(*)</sup></th>' \ % (columnHeaderColor) for cg in criteriaCorrelation: html += '<td align="center">%+.2f</td>' % (cg[0]) html += '</tr>\n' if Debug: print(html) if fromIndex is None: fromIndex=0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actionsList) for i in range(fromIndex,toIndex): x = actionsList[i] if WithActionNames: xName = '%s (%s)' % (self.actions[x]['name'],str(x)) html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s align="left">%s</th>' \ % (rowHeaderColor,xName) else: try: xName = self.actions[x]['shortName'] except: xName = str(x) html += '<tr><th bgcolor=%s>%s</th>' % (rowHeaderColor,xName) for g in criteriaList: if self.evaluation[g][x] != NA: formatString = '<td bgcolor=%s align="right">%% .%df</td>' \ % (quantileColor[x][g],ndigits) html += formatString % (self.evaluation[g][x]) else: html += '<td bgcolor=%s class="na">NA</td>' % naColor if Debug: print(html) html += '</tr>\n' html += '</table>\n' # legend html += '<i>Color legend: </i>\n' html += '<table style="background-color:%s;" border="1">\n' % (backGroundColor) html += '<tr bgcolor=%s><th>quantile</th>' % (columnHeaderColor) for col in range(0,nc): html += '<td bgcolor=%s>&nbsp;%.2f&#037;</td>' \ % (colorPalette[col][1], colorPalette[col][0]*Decimal('100.0')) html += '</tr>\n' html += '</table>\n' if criteriaCorrelation is not None: html += '<b>(*) tau:</b> <i>Ordinal (Kendall) correlation between</i><br><i>marginal criterion and global ranking relation</i><br/>\n' if rankCorrelation is not None: html += '<i>Outranking model</i>: <b>%s</b>, <i>Ranking rule</i>: <b>%s</b><br/>\n' % (outrankingModel,rankingRule) html += '<i>Ordinal (Kendall) correlation between</i><br/><i>global ranking and global outranking relation:</i> <b>%+.3f</b><br/>\n' % (rankCorrelation['correlation']) html += '<i>Mean marginal correlation (a) :</i> <b>%+.3f</b><br/>\n' % (meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation) html += '<i>Standard marginal correlation deviation (b) :</i> <b>%+.3f</b><br/>\n' % (sdMarginalCriteriaCorrelation) html += '<i>Ranking fairness (a) - (b) :</i> <b>%+.3f</b><br/>\n' % (float(meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation) - sdMarginalCriteriaCorrelation) html += '</body></html>' return html def _computeRankingConsensusQuality(self,ranking,Comments=False,Threading=False,nbrOfCPUs=1): """ Renders the marginal criteria correlations with a given ranking with summary. """ from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph from math import sqrt g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True) criteria = self.criteria marginalCorrelations \ = g.computeMarginalVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations( ranking,ValuedCorrelation=True, Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs) ncrit = Decimal(str(len(marginalCorrelations))) meanMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') varMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') moment4 = Decimal('0.0') sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): sumWeights += abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight']) for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights meanMarginalCorrelation += cg[0]*cgw for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights varMarginalCorrelation += ((cg[0]-meanMarginalCorrelation)**2)*cgw moment4 += ((cg[0]-meanMarginalCorrelation)**4)*cgw #varMarginalCorrelation += (cg[0]**2)*cgw #meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit #varMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit #varMarginalCorrelation -= meanMarginalCorrelation*meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation sdMarginalCorrelation = sqrt(varMarginalCorrelation) kurtosis = moment4 -3 # showing the results if Comments: print('Consensus quality of ranking:') print(ranking) print('criterion (weight): correlation') print('-------------------------------') for cg in marginalCorrelations: print('%s (%.3f): %+.3f' % (cg[1],abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights,cg[0]) ) print('Summary:') print('Weighted mean marginal correlation (a): %+.3f' % meanMarginalCorrelation) print('Standard deviation (b) : %+.3f' % sdMarginalCorrelation) print('Ranking fairness (Kurtosis a^4/b^4) : %+.3f' % kurtosis) return (marginalCorrelations,meanMarginalCorrelation,sdMarginalCorrelation)
[docs] def computeRankingConsensusQuality(self,ranking,Comments=False,Threading=False,nbrOfCPUs=1): """ Renders the marginal criteria correlations with a given ranking with summary. """ from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph from math import sqrt g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True) criteria = self.criteria marginalCorrelations \ = g.computeMarginalVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations( ranking,ValuedCorrelation=True,Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs) ncrit = Decimal(str(len(marginalCorrelations))) meanMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') varMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): sumWeights += abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight']) for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights meanMarginalCorrelation += cg[0]*cgw for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights varMarginalCorrelation += ((cg[0]-meanMarginalCorrelation)**2)*cgw #varMarginalCorrelation += (cg[0]**2)*cgw #meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit #varMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit #varMarginalCorrelation -= meanMarginalCorrelation*meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation sdMarginalCorrelation = sqrt(varMarginalCorrelation) # showing the results if Comments: print('Consensus quality of ranking:') print(ranking) print('criterion (weight): correlation') print('-------------------------------') for cg in marginalCorrelations: print('%s (%.3f): %+.3f' % (cg[1],abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights,cg[0]) ) print('Summary:') print('Weighted mean marginal correlation (a): %+.3f' % meanMarginalCorrelation) print('Standard deviation (b) : %+.3f' % sdMarginalCorrelation) print('Ranking fairness (a)-(b) : %+.3f' \ % (float(meanMarginalCorrelation) - sdMarginalCorrelation) ) return (marginalCorrelations, meanMarginalCorrelation, sdMarginalCorrelation)
[docs] def showRankingConsensusQuality(self,ranking): """ shows the marginal criteria correlations with a given ranking with summary. """ self.computeRankingConsensusQuality(ranking,Comments=True)
[docs] def computeWeightPreorder(self): """ renders the weight preorder following from the given criteria weights in a list of increasing equivalence lists of criteria. """ try: return self.weightorder except: pass criteria = self.criteria # generate weightslist weightslist = [] for g in criteria: weightslist.append((abs(criteria[g]['weight']),g)) weightslist.sort() # generate weightPreorder weightPreorder = [] cur = 0 i = 0 weightclass = [] for i in range(len(weightslist)): if weightslist[i][0] == weightslist[cur][0]: weightclass.append(weightslist[i][1]) else: cur = i weightPreorder.append(weightclass) weightclass = [weightslist[i][1]] i += 1 weightPreorder.append(weightclass) return weightPreorder
[docs] def showAll(self): """ Show fonction for performance tableau """ criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation print('*-------- show performance tableau -------*') print('Name :', print('Actions :', self.actions) print('Criteria :') for g in criteria: print(' criterion name :', g) print(' scale: ', criteria[g]['scale'], end=' ') print(', weight: %.3f ' % (criteria[g]['weight']), end=' ') try: print(' thresholds:', criteria[g]['thresholds']) except: pass print() print('Weights preorder :', self.weightPreorder) print('Evaluations :') for g in evaluation: print(g, evaluation[g])
[docs] def showEvaluationStatistics(self): """ renders the variance and standard deviation of the values observed in the performance Tableau. """ import math from decimal import Decimal NA = self.NA evaluation = self.evaluation criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions print('*---- Evaluation statistics ----*') average = Decimal('0.0') n = Decimal('0.0') for g in criteria: for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: average += evaluation[g][x] n += 1 average = average/n print('average : %2.2f ' % (average)) variance = Decimal('0.0') for g in criteria: for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: variance += (evaluation[g][x]-average)*(evaluation[g][x]-average) variance = variance/n print('variance : %2.2f ' % (variance)) stddev = math.sqrt(variance) print('std deviation: %2.2f ' % (stddev))
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempperftab',isDecimal=True,valueDigits=2): """ Persistant storage of Performance Tableaux. """ print('*--- Saving performance tableau in file: <' \ + str(fileName) + '.py> ---*') actions = self.actions try: objectives = self.objectives except: objectives = {} criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') fo.write('# Saved performance Tableau: \n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict\n') # actions fo.write('actions = OrderedDict([\n') for x in actions: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(x)) for it in self.actions[x].keys(): fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (it,repr(self.actions[x][it])) ) fo.write('}),\n') ## try: ## xnameString = actions[x]['name'] ## except: ## xnameString = str(x) ## try: ## xcommentString = actions[x]['comment'] ## except: ## xcommentString = '' ## fo.write('(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\',\'comment\':\'%s\'}),\n' %(x,xnameString,xcommentString)) ## fo.write('])\n') # objectives fo.write('objectives = OrderedDict([\n') for obj in objectives: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(obj)) for it in self.objectives[obj].keys(): fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (it,repr(self.objectives[obj][it]))) fo.write('}),\n') ## fo.write( '(\'%s\', {\'name\': \'%s\',\n' % (obj,objectives[obj]['name']) ) ## weightString = '%%.%df' % (valueDigits) ## objString = '\'criteria\': %s, \'weight\':'+weightString+'}),\n' ## fo.write(objString % (objectives[obj]['criteria'],\ ## objectives[obj]['weight'])) fo.write('])\n') # criteria fo.write('criteria = OrderedDict([\n') for g in criteria: fo.write('(\'%s\', {\n' % str(g)) gKeys = list(self.criteria[g].keys()) for it in gKeys: fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (it,repr(self.criteria[g][it]))) if 'preferenceDirection' not in gKeys: fo.write('\'preferenceDirection\': \'max\' \n') fo.write('}),\n') fo.write('])\n') # missing data symbol try: fo.write("NA = Decimal('%s')\n" % (str(self.NA)) ) except: fo.write("NA = Decimal('-999')\n") # evaluations fo.write('evaluation = {\n') for g in criteria: fo.write('\'' +str(g)+'\': {\n') for x in actions: if Decimal: #fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\':Decimal("' + str(evaluation[g][x]) + '"),\n') evaluationString = '\'%%s\':Decimal("%%.%df"),\n' % (valueDigits) fo.write(evaluationString % (x,evaluation[g][x]) ) else: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\':' + str(evaluation[g][x]) + ',\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
def _saveXML(self,name='temp',category='standard', subcategory='standard',author='digraphs Module (RB)', reference='saved from Python'): """ save temporary performance tableau self in XML format. """ print('*----- saving performance tableau in XML format -------------*') nameExt = name+'.xml' fo = open(nameExt,'w') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="performanceTableau.xsl"?>\n') fo.write('<!DOCTYPE digraph SYSTEM "digraphs.dtd">\n') fo.write('<performancetableau ') fo.write('category="'+str(category)+'" subcategory="'+str(subcategory)+'">\n') fo.write('<header>\n') fo.write('<name>') fo.write(nameExt) fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<author>') fo.write(author) fo.write('</author>\n') fo.write('<reference>') fo.write(reference) fo.write('</reference>\n') fo.write('</header>') listActions = list(self.actions) listActions.sort() na = len(listActions) fo.write('<actions>\n') for i in range(na): fo.write('<action>') fo.write(str(listActions[i])) fo.write('</action>\n') fo.write('</actions>\n') criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria>\n') for g in criteria: fo.write('<criterion>\n') fo.write('<critname>'+str(g)+'</critname>\n') fo.write('<scale>\n') fo.write('<min>'+str(criteria[g]['scale'][0])+'</min>\n') fo.write('<max>'+str(criteria[g]['scale'][1])+'</max>\n') fo.write('</scale>\n') fo.write('<thresholds>\n') fo.write('<indifference>'+str(criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'])\ +'</indifference>\n') fo.write('<preference>'+str(criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'])+'</preference>\n') try: fo.write('<weakVeto>'+str(criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'])+'</weakVeto>\n') except: pass fo.write('<veto>'+str(criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'])+'</veto>\n') fo.write('</thresholds>\n') #fo.write('<weight>'+str(criteria[g]['weight'])+'</weight>\n') fo.write('<weight>%.3f</weight>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') evaluation = self.evaluation fo.write('<evaluations>\n') for g in criteria: fo.write('<evaluation>\n') fo.write('<critname>'+str(g)+'</critname>\n') for i in range(na): fo.write('<evalactions>\n') fo.write('<action>') fo.write(str(listActions[i])) fo.write('</action>\n') fo.write('<value>') fo.write(str(evaluation[g][listActions[i]])) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</evalactions>\n') fo.write('</evaluation>\n') fo.write('</evaluations>\n') fo.write('</performancetableau>\n') fo.close() print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !') def _saveXMLRubis(self,name='temp',category='Rubis',subcategory='new D2 version',author='digraphs Module (RB)',reference='saved from Python'): """ save temporary performance tableau self in XML Rubis format. """ import codecs print('*----- saving performance tableau in XML Rubis format -------------*') nameExt = name+'.xml' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rubisPerformanceTableau.xsl"?>\n') #fo.write('<!DOCTYPE rubisPerformaceTableau SYSTEM "http://localhost/rubisServer/Schemas/rubisPerformanceTableau-1.0/rubisPerformanceTableau.dtd">\n') fo.write('<rubisPerformanceTableau xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="rubisPerformanceTableau.xsd" ') fo.write('category="'+str(category)+'" subcategory="'+str(subcategory)+'">\n') fo.write('<comment>Performance Tableau in XML Rubis format.</comment>\n') fo.write('<header>\n') fo.write('<name>') fo.write(nameExt) fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<author>') fo.write(author) fo.write('</author>\n') fo.write('<reference>') fo.write(reference) fo.write('</reference>\n') fo.write('</header>\n') actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() na = len(actionsList) actions = self.actions fo.write('<actions>\n') fo.write('<comment>Potential decision actions.</comment>\n') for i in range(na): fo.write('<action id="%s">\n' % (actionsList[i])) fo.write('<name>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['name'])) except: pass fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</action>\n') fo.write('</actions>\n') criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria>\n') fo.write('<comment>Rubis family of criteria.</comment>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<criterion id="%s" category="%s">\n' % (g,'performance') ) fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (criteria[g]['name']) ) fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (criteria[g]['comment']) ) fo.write('<scale>\n') #fo.write('<min>'+unicode(criteria[g]['scale'][0])+'</min>\n') #fo.write('<max>'+unicode(criteria[g]['scale'][1])+'</max>\n') fo.write('<min>%.2f</min>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][0]) ) fo.write('<max>%.2f</max>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][1]) ) fo.write('</scale>\n') fo.write('<thresholds>\n') try: fo.write('<indifference>(%.2f,%.3f)</indifference>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind']) ) except: pass try: fo.write('<weakPreference>(%.2f,%.3f)</weakPreference>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference']) ) except: pass try: fo.write('<preference>(%.2f,%.3f)</preference>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref']) ) except: pass try: fo.write('<weakVeto>(%.2f,%.3f)</weakVeto>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto']) ) except: pass try: fo.write('<veto>(%.2f,%.3f)</veto>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto']) ) except: pass fo.write('</thresholds>\n') fo.write('<weight>%.2f</weight>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') evaluation = self.evaluation fo.write('<evaluations>\n') fo.write('<comment>Rubis Performance Table.</comment>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<evaluation>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>'+str(g)+'</criterionID>\n') for i in range(na): fo.write('<performance>\n') fo.write('<actionID>') fo.write(str(actionsList[i])) fo.write('</actionID>\n') fo.write('<value>') fo.write('%.2f' % (evaluation[g][actionsList[i]]) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') fo.write('</evaluation>\n') fo.write('</evaluations>\n') fo.write('</rubisPerformanceTableau>\n') fo.close() print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !') def _saveXMCDA(self,fileName='temp',category='New XMCDA Rubis format',user='digraphs Module (RB)',version='saved from Python session',variant='Rubis',valuationType='standard',servingD3=True): """ save performance tableau object self in XMCDA format. """ import codecs print('*----- saving performance tableau in XMCDA format -------------*') nameExt = fileName+'.xmcda' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') if servingD3: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcdaDefault.xsl"? -->\n') else: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcdaDefault.xsl"?>\n') fo.write(str('<xmcda:XMCDA xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" umcda-ml-1.0.xsd" xmlns:xmcda="" instanceID="void">\n')) # write description fo.write('<caseReference>\n') fo.write('<title>Performance Tableau in XMCDA format.</title>\n') fo.write('<id>%s</id>\n' % (fileName) ) fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (nameExt) ) fo.write('<type>root</type>\n') fo.write('<author>%s</author>\n' % (user) ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % (version) ) fo.write('</caseReference>\n') # write methodData fo.write('<methodData>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Method data</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<id>%s</id>\n' % ('Rubis') ) fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % ('Rubis best choice method') ) fo.write('<type>methodData</type>\n') fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('1.0')) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<parameters>\n') fo.write('<parameter>\n') fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % ('variant') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (variant)) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('<parameter>\n') fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % ('valuationType') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (valuationType) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('<parameter>\n') fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % ('significanceThreshold') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%.2f</label>\n' % (0.5) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('</parameters>\n') fo.write('</methodData>\n') # save alternatives actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() na = len(actionsList) actions = self.actions fo.write('<alternatives>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Potential decision actions.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('alternatives')) fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(na): fo.write('<alternative id="%s">\n' % (actionsList[i])) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<name>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['name'])) except: pass fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<alternativeType>potential</alternativeType>\n') fo.write('<status>active</status>\n') fo.write('</alternative>\n') fo.write('</alternatives>\n') # save criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Family of criteria.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('criteria')) fo.write('</description>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<criterion id="%s" >\n' % (str(g)) ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (str(criteria[g]['name'])) ) except: fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (str(g)) ) fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('criterion')) try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(criteria[g]['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('performance') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<status>active</status>\n') try: if criteria[g]['IntegerWeights']: fo.write('<significance><integer>%d</integer></significance>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) else: fo.write('<significance><real>%.2f</real></significance>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) except: fo.write('<significance><real>%.2f</real></significance>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) fo.write('<criterionFunction category="%s" subCategory="%s" >\n' % ('Rubis','performance')) fo.write('<scale>\n') fo.write('<quantitative>\n') try: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % (criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) ) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #pdir = -1 pdir = 1 else: pdir = 1 except: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % ('max') ) pdir = 1 fo.write('<min><real>%.2f</real></min>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][0]) ) fo.write('<max><real>%.2f</real></max>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][1]) ) fo.write('</quantitative>\n') fo.write('</scale>\n') fo.write('<thresholds>\n') try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold><type>ind</type>\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<function><linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear></function>\n') else: fo.write('<function><constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant></function>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold><type>weakPreference</type>\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<function><linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear></function>\n') else: fo.write('<function><constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant></function>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold><type>pref</type>\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<function><linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear></function>\n') else: fo.write('<function><constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant></function>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold><type>weakVeto</type>\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<function><linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear></function>\n') else: fo.write('<function><constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant></function>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold><type>veto</type>\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<function><linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear></function>\n') else: fo.write('<function><constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant></function>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass fo.write('</thresholds>\n') fo.write('</criterionFunction>\n') fo.write('</criterion>\n') #fo.write('<majorityThreshold><value><real>0.5</real></value></majorityThreshold>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') # save performance table evaluation = self.evaluation fo.write('<performanceTable>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Rubis Performance Table.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('performanceTable')) fo.write('</description>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<criterionEvaluations>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>'+str(g)+'</criterionID>\n') try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': pdir = -1 else: pdir = 1 except: pdir = 1 for i in range(na): fo.write('<evaluation>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>') fo.write(str(actionsList[i])) fo.write('</alternativeID>\n') fo.write('<value><real>') fo.write('%.2f' % (pdir*evaluation[g][actionsList[i]]) ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</evaluation>\n') fo.write('</criterionEvaluations>\n') fo.write('</performanceTable>\n') fo.write('</xmcda:XMCDA>\n') fo.close() print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !')
[docs] def saveXMCDA2(self,fileName='temp', category='XMCDA 2.0 Extended format', user='digraphs Module (RB)', version='saved from Python session', title='Performance Tableau in XMCDA-2.0 format.', variant='Rubis', valuationType='bipolar', servingD3=False, isStringIO=False, stringNA='NA', comment='produced by saveXMCDA2()', hasVeto=True): """ save performance tableau object self in XMCDA 2.0 format including decision objectives, the case given. """ import codecs if not isStringIO: print('*----- saving performance tableau in XMCDA 2.0 format -------------*') nameExt = fileName+'.xml' if isStringIO: comment='produced by stringIO()' import io ## ms = 100 * len(self.actions) + 500 * len(self.criteria) * 20 * len(self.evaluation) ## print 'estimated mapped memory size = %d' % (ms) ##fo = mmap.mmap(-1,ms) fo = io.StringIO() else: #nameExt = fileName+'.xmcda2' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') if servingD3: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"? -->\n') else: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"?>\n') fo.write(str('<xmcda:XMCDA xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xmcda="" instanceID="void">\n')) # write description fo.write('<projectReference id="%s" name="%s">\n' % (fileName,nameExt)) fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % (str(title)) ) fo.write('<author>%s</author>\n' % (user) ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % (version) ) fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(comment)) ) fo.write('</projectReference>\n') # write methodParameters fo.write('<methodParameters id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('Rubis','Rubis best choice method','methodData')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Method parameters</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('1.0')) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<parameters>\n') fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('variant')) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (variant)) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('valuationType') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (valuationType) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('</parameters>\n') fo.write('</methodParameters>\n') # save alternatives actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() na = len(actionsList) actions = self.actions fo.write('<alternatives mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('alternatives')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Potential decision actions.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(na): try: actionName = str(actions[actionsList[i]]['name']) except: actionName = '' fo.write('<alternative id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (actionsList[i],actionName,'potentialDecisionAction')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<type>real</type>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') fo.write('</alternative>\n') fo.write('</alternatives>\n') # save objectives try: objectivesList = [x for x in self.objectives] objectivesList.sort() objectives = self.objectives fo.write('<objectives mcdaConcept="objectives">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Set of decision objectives</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for obj in objectivesList: try: objectiveName = str(objectives[obj]['name']) except: objectiveName = str(obj) fo.write('<objective id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(obj),objectiveName,'objective' ) ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(objective[obj]['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('Rubis') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') fo.write('<weight><value><real>%.2f</real></value></weight>\n' % (objectives[obj]['weight']) ) try: objCriteria = [x for x in self.criteria if self.criteria[x]['objective'] == obj] fo.write('<objectiveCriteria>%s</objectiveCriteria>\n' % (str(objCriteria)) ) except: pass fo.write('</objective>\n') fo.write('</objectives>\n') except: pass # save criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria mcdaConcept="criteria">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Family of criteria.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for g in criteriaList: try: criterionName = str(criteria[g]['name']) except: criterionName = str(g) fo.write('<criterion id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(g),criterionName,'criterion' ) ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(criteria[g]['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('performance') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') try: fo.write('<criterionObjective>%s</criterionObjective>\n' %(criteria[g]['objective']) ) except: pass try: if criteria[g]['IntegerWeights']: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><integer>%d</integer></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) else: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) except: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) fo.write('<scale>\n') fo.write('<quantitative>\n') try: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % (criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) ) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #pdir = -1 pdir = 1 else: pdir = 1 except: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % ('max') ) pdir = 1 fo.write('<minimum><real>%.2f</real></minimum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][0]) ) fo.write('<maximum><real>%.2f</real></maximum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][1]) ) fo.write('</quantitative>\n') fo.write('</scale>\n') try: if len(criteria[g]['thresholds']) != 0: fo.write('<thresholds>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="ind" name="indifference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="weakPreference" name="weak Preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="pref" name="preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass if hasVeto: try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="weakVeto" name="weak veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="veto" name="veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if len(criteria[g]['thresholds']) != 0: fo.write('</thresholds>\n') except: pass fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') # save performance table evaluation = self.evaluation fo.write('<performanceTable mcdaConcept="performanceTable">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Rubis Performance Table.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(len(actionsList)): fo.write('<alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>'+str(actionsList[i])+'</alternativeID>\n') for g in criteriaList: try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': if self.criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') except: pdir = Decimal('1') fo.write('<performance>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>') fo.write(g) fo.write('</criterionID>\n') if evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] == self.NA: val = evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] else: val = pdir*evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] if val == self.NA: fo.write('<value><NA>') fo.write('%s' % stringNA ) fo.write('</NA></value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') else: fo.write('<value><real>') fo.write('%.2f' % val ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') fo.write('</alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('</performanceTable>\n') fo.write('</xmcda:XMCDA>\n') if isStringIO: problemText = fo.getvalue() fo.close() return problemText else: fo.close() print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !')
def _saveXMCDA2(self,fileName='temp', category='XMCDA 2.0 format', user='digraphs Module (RB)', version='saved from Python session', title='Performance Tableau in XMCDA-2.0 format.', variant='Rubis', valuationType='bipolar', servingD3=True, isStringIO=False, stringNA='NA', comment='produced by saveXMCDA2()', hasVeto=True): """ save performance tableau object self in XMCDA 2.0 format. """ import codecs if not isStringIO: print('*----- saving performance tableau in XMCDA 2.0 format -------------*') nameExt = fileName+'.xml' if isStringIO: comment='produced by stringIO()' import io ## ms = 100 * len(self.actions) + 500 * len(self.criteria) * 20 * len(self.evaluation) ## print 'estimated mapped memory size = %d' % (ms) ##fo = mmap.mmap(-1,ms) fo = io.StringIO() else: #nameExt = fileName+'.xmcda2' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') if servingD3: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"? -->\n') else: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"?>\n') fo.write(str('<xmcda:XMCDA xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xmcda="" instanceID="void">\n')) # write description fo.write('<projectReference id="%s" name="%s">\n' % (fileName,nameExt)) fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % (str(title)) ) fo.write('<author>%s</author>\n' % (user) ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % (version) ) fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(comment)) ) fo.write('</projectReference>\n') # write methodParameters fo.write('<methodParameters id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('Rubis','Rubis best choice method','methodData')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Method parameters</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('1.0')) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<parameters>\n') fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('variant')) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (variant)) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('valuationType') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (valuationType) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') fo.write('</parameters>\n') fo.write('</methodParameters>\n') # save alternatives actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() na = len(actionsList) actions = self.actions fo.write('<alternatives mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('alternatives')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Potential decision actions.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(na): try: actionName = str(actions[actionsList[i]]['name']) except: actionName = '' fo.write('<alternative id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (actionsList[i],actionName,'potentialDecisionAction')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(actions[actionsList[i]]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<type>real</type>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') fo.write('</alternative>\n') fo.write('</alternatives>\n') # save criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria mcdaConcept="criteria">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Family of criteria.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for g in criteriaList: try: criterionName = str(criteria[g]['name']) except: criterionName = str(g) fo.write('<criterion id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(g),criterionName,'criterion' ) ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(criteria[g]['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('performance') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') try: if criteria[g]['IntegerWeights']: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><integer>%d</integer></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) else: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) except: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) ) fo.write('<scale>\n') fo.write('<quantitative>\n') try: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % (criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) ) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #pdir = -1 pdir = 1 else: pdir = 1 except: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % ('max') ) pdir = 1 fo.write('<minimum><real>%.2f</real></minimum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][0]) ) fo.write('<maximum><real>%.2f</real></maximum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][1]) ) fo.write('</quantitative>\n') fo.write('</scale>\n') try: if len(criteria[g]['thresholds']) != 0: fo.write('<thresholds>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="ind" name="indifference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="weakPreference" name="weak Preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="pref" name="preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass if hasVeto: try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="weakVeto" name="weak veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="veto" name="veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n') if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1] != 0.0: fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if len(criteria[g]['thresholds']) != 0: fo.write('</thresholds>\n') except: pass fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') # save performance table evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA fo.write('<performanceTable mcdaConcept="performanceTable">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Rubis Performance Table.</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(len(actionsList)): fo.write('<alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>'+str(actionsList[i])+'</alternativeID>\n') for g in criteriaList: try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') except: pdir = Decimal('1') fo.write('<performance>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>') fo.write(g) fo.write('</criterionID>\n') val = pdir*evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] if val == NA: fo.write('<value><NA>') fo.write('%s' % stringNA ) fo.write('</NA></value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') else: fo.write('<value><real>') fo.write('%.2f' % val ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') fo.write('</alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('</performanceTable>\n') fo.write('</xmcda:XMCDA>\n') if isStringIO: problemText = fo.getvalue() fo.close return problemText else: fo.close() print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !')
[docs] def saveXMCDA2String(self,fileName='temp',category='XMCDA 2.0 format', user='digraphs Module (RB)',version='saved from Python session', title='Performance Tableau in XMCDA-2.0 format.',variant='Rubis', valuationType='bipolar',servingD3=True,comment='produced by stringIO()', stringNA='NA'): """ save performance tableau object self in XMCDA 2.0 format. !!! obsolete: replaced by the isStringIO in the saveXMCDA2 method !!! """ import codecs nameExt = fileName+'.xml' fo = str('') fo += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' if servingD3: fo += '<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"? -->\n' else: fo += '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"?>\n' fo += str('<xmcda:XMCDA xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xmcda="" instanceID="void">\n') # write description fo += '<projectReference id="%s" name="%s">\n' % (fileName,nameExt) fo += '<title>%s</title>\n' % (str(title)) fo += '<author>%s</author>\n' % (str(user)) fo += '<version>%s</version>\n' % (str(version)) fo += '<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(comment)) fo += '</projectReference>\n' # write methodParameters fo += '<methodParameters id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('Rubis','Rubis best choice method','methodData') fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<subTitle>Method parameters</subTitle>\n' fo += '<version>%s</version>\n' % ('1.0') fo += '</description>\n' fo += '<parameters>\n' fo += '<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('variant') fo += '<value>\n' fo += '<label>%s</label>\n' % (variant) fo += '</value>\n' fo += '</parameter>\n' fo += '<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('valuationType') fo += '<value>\n' fo += '<label>%s</label>\n' % (valuationType) fo += '</value>\n' fo += '</parameter>\n' fo += '</parameters>\n' fo += '</methodParameters>\n' # save alternatives actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() na = len(actionsList) actions = self.actions fo += '<alternatives mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('alternatives') fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<subTitle>Potential decision actions.</subTitle>\n' fo += '</description>\n' for i in range(na): try: actionName = str(actions[actionsList[i]]['name']) except: actionName = '' fo += '<alternative id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (actionsList[i],actionName,'potentialDecisionAction') fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<comment>' try: fo += str(actions[actionsList[i]]['comment']) except: pass fo += '</comment>\n' fo += '</description>\n' fo += '<type>real</type>\n' fo += '<active>true</active>\n' fo += '</alternative>\n' fo += '</alternatives>\n' # save objectives try: objectivesList = [x for x in self.objectives] objectivesList.sort() objectives = self.objectives fo += '<objectives mcdaConcept="objectives">\n' fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<subTitle>Set of decision objectives</subTitle>\n' fo += '</description>\n' for obj in objectivesList: try: objectiveName = str(objectives[obj]['name']) except: objectiveName = str(obj) fo += '<objective id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(obj),objectiveName,'objective' ) fo += '<description>\n' try: fo += '<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(objective[obj]['comment'])) except: fo += '<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') fo += '<version>%s</version>\n' % ('Rubis') fo += '</description>\n' fo += '<active>true</active>\n' fo += '<weight><value><real>%.2f</real></value></weight>\n' % (objectives[obj]['weight']) try: objCriteria = [x for x in self.criteria if self.criteria[x]['objective'] == obj] fo += '<objectiveCriteria>%s</objectiveCriteria>\n' % (str(objCriteria)) except: pass fo += '</objective>\n' fo += '</objectives>\n' except: pass # save criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo += '<criteria mcdaConcept="criteria">\n' fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<subTitle>Family of criteria.</subTitle>\n' fo += '</description>\n' for g in criteriaList: try: criterionName = str(criteria[g]['name']) except: criterionName = str(g) fo += '<criterion id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(g),criterionName,'criterion' ) fo += '<description>\n' try: fo += '<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(criteria[g]['comment'])) except: fo += '<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') fo += '<version>%s</version>\n' % ('performance') fo += '</description>\n' fo += '<active>true</active>\n' try: fo += '<criterionObjective>%s</criterionObjective>\n' %(criteria[g]['objective']) except: pass try: if criteria[g]['IntegerWeights']: fo += '<criterionValue><value><integer>%d</integer></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) else: fo += '<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) except: fo += '<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' % (criteria[g]['weight']) fo += '<scale>\n' fo += '<quantitative>\n' try: fo += '<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % (criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #pdir = -1 pdir = 1 else: pdir = 1 except: fo += '<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % ('max') pdir = 1 fo += '<minimum><real>%.2f</real></minimum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][0]) fo += '<maximum><real>%.2f</real></maximum>\n' % (criteria[g]['scale'][1]) fo += '</quantitative>\n' fo += '</scale>\n' fo += '<thresholds>\n' try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: fo += '<threshold id="ind" name="indifference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n' if criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1] != 0.0: fo += '<linear>\n' fo += '<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][1]) fo += '<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) fo += '</linear>\n' else: fo += '<constant>\n' fo += '<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0]) fo += '</constant>\n' fo += '</threshold>\n' except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'] is not None: fo += '<threshold id="weakPreference" name="weak Preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n' if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] != 0.0: fo += '<linear>\n' fo += '<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1]) fo += '<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) fo += '</linear>\n' else: fo += '<constant>\n' fo += '<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) fo += '</constant>\n' fo += '</threshold>\n' except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: fo += '<threshold id="pref" name="preference" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n' if criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1] != 0.0: fo += '<linear>\n' fo += '<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1]) fo += '<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) fo += '</linear>\n' else: fo += '<constant>\n' fo += '<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0]) fo += '</constant>\n' fo += '</threshold>\n' except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'] is not None: fo += '<threshold id="weakVeto" name="weak veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n' if criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] != 0.0: fo += '<linear>\n' fo += '<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1]) fo += '<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) fo += '</linear>\n' else: fo += '<constant>\n' fo += '<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) fo += '</constant>\n' fo += '</threshold>\n' except: pass try: if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: fo += '<threshold id="veto" name="veto" mcdaConcept="performanceDiscriminationThreshold">\n' if criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1] != 0.0: fo += '<linear>\n' fo += '<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' % (pdir*criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][1]) fo += '<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) fo += '</linear>\n' else: fo += '<constant>\n' fo += '<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0]) fo += '</constant>\n' fo += '</threshold>\n' except: pass fo += '</thresholds>\n' fo += '</criterion>\n' fo += '</criteria>\n' # save performance table evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA fo += '<performanceTable mcdaConcept="performanceTable">\n' fo += '<description>\n' fo += '<subTitle>Rubis Performance Table.</subTitle>\n' fo += '</description>\n' for i in range(len(actionsList)): fo += '<alternativePerformances>\n' fo += '<alternativeID>'+str(actionsList[i])+'</alternativeID>\n' for g in criteriaList: fo += '<performance>\n' fo += '<criterionID>' fo += g fo += '</criterionID>\n' val = pdir*evaluation[g][actionsList[i]] if val == NA: fo += '<value><NA>' fo += '%s' % stringNA fo += '</NA></value>\n' else: try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') except: pdir = Decimal('1') fo += '<value><real>' fo += '%.2f' % (pdir*evaluation[g][actionsList[i]]) fo += '</real></value>\n' fo += '</performance>\n' fo += '</alternativePerformances>\n' fo += '</performanceTable>\n' fo += '</xmcda:XMCDA>\n' return fo
## def showStatistics(self,withOutput=False,Comments=True): ## """ ## show version of the computeStatistics method for PerformanceTableau instances ## """ ## self.computeStatistics(withOutput=withOutput,Comments=Comments)
[docs] def computeNormalizedDiffEvaluations(self,lowValue=0.0,highValue=100.0,withOutput=False,Debug=False): """ renders and csv stores (withOutput=True) the list of normalized evaluation differences observed on the family of criteria Is only adequate if all criteria have the same evaluation scale. Therefore the performance tableau is normalized to 0.0-100.0 scales. """ self.normalizeEvaluations(lowValue=lowValue,highValue=highValue) if Debug: self.showPerformanceTableau() criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA diffEvaluations = [] if withOutput: fileoutName = + '_diff.csv' fo = open(fileoutName, 'w') fo.write('# Evaluation differences statistics \n') fo.write('"diffperf"\n') for g in criteria: for x in actions: for y in actions: if x != y: if evaluation[g][x] != NA and evaluation[g][y] != NA: diffxy = evaluation[g][x] - evaluation[g][y] diffEvaluations.append(diffxy) if Debug: print('diffxy = evaluation[g][x] = evaluation[g][y]', diffxy, ' = ', evaluation[g][x], ' - ', evaluation[g][y]) if withOutput: fo.write('%.2f\n' % diffxy) if withOutput: fo.close() self.diffEvaluations = diffEvaluations return diffEvaluations
[docs] def showStatistics(self,Debug=False): """ show statistics concerning the evaluation distributions on each criteria. """ import math criteriaKeys = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaKeys.sort() nc = len(self.criteria) evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA actions = self.actions n = len(actions) print('*-------- Performance tableau summary statistics -------*') print('Instance name :', print('#Actions :', n) print('#Criteria :', nc) print('*Statistics per Criterion*') for g in criteriaKeys: print('Criterion name :', g) print('Criterion weight :', self.criteria[g]['weight']) averageEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') varianceEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal(str(self.criteria[g]['scale'][1])) Min = Decimal(str(self.criteria[g]['scale'][0])) minEvaluation = Max maxEvaluation = Min evaluationList = [] for x in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: evaluationList.append(evaluation[g][x]) averageEvaluation += evaluation[g][x] varianceEvaluation += evaluation[g][x]**Decimal('2') if evaluation[g][x] < minEvaluation: minEvaluation = evaluation[g][x] if evaluation[g][x] > maxEvaluation: maxEvaluation = evaluation[g][x] evaluationList.sort() na = len(evaluationList) if Debug: print(evaluationList) try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': print(' criterion scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (Min, Max)) else: print(' criterion scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (-Max, Min)) except: print(' criterion scale : %.2f - %.2f' % (Min, Max)) print(' # missing evaluations : %d' % (n-na)) # !! index on evaluation List goes from 0 to na -1 !! if na > 5: rankQ1 = na / 4.0 lowRankQ1 = int(math.floor(rankQ1)) proportQ1 = Decimal(str(rankQ1 - lowRankQ1)) quantileQ1 = evaluationList[lowRankQ1] + (proportQ1 * (evaluationList[lowRankQ1+1]-evaluationList[lowRankQ1]) ) #print rankQ1, lowRankQ1, proportQ1 rankQ2 = na / 2.0 lowRankQ2 = int(math.floor(rankQ2)) proportQ2 = Decimal(str(rankQ2 - lowRankQ2)) quantileQ2 = evaluationList[lowRankQ2] + (proportQ2 * ( evaluationList[lowRankQ2+1] - evaluationList[lowRankQ2]) ) rankQ3 = (na * 3.0) / 4.0 lowRankQ3 = int(math.floor(rankQ3)) proportQ3 = Decimal(str(rankQ3 - lowRankQ3)) quantileQ3 = evaluationList[lowRankQ3] + ( proportQ3 * (evaluationList[lowRankQ3+1]-evaluationList[lowRankQ3]) ) averageEvaluation /= Decimal(str(na)) varianceEvaluation = varianceEvaluation/na - averageEvaluation**Decimal('2') stdDevEvaluation = math.sqrt(varianceEvaluation) print(' mean evaluation : %.2f' % (averageEvaluation)) print(' standard deviation : %.2f' % (stdDevEvaluation)) print(' maximal evaluation : %.2f' % (maxEvaluation)) print(' quantile Q3 (x_75) : %.2f' % (quantileQ3)) print(' median evaluation : %.2f' % (quantileQ2)) print(' quantile Q1 (x_25) : %.2f' % (quantileQ1)) print(' minimal evaluation : %.2f' % (minEvaluation)) averageAbsDiffEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') varianceDiffEvaluation = Decimal('0.0') nd = 0 for x in actions: for y in actions: if evaluation[g][x] != NA and evaluation[g][y] != NA: diffxy = (evaluation[g][x] - evaluation[g][y]) averageAbsDiffEvaluation += abs(diffxy) varianceDiffEvaluation += diffxy**Decimal('2') nd += 1 # print ' Sum of evaluation differences = ', averageAbsDiffEvaluation averageAbsDiffEvaluation /= Decimal(str(nd)) ## averageDiffEvaluation == 0 per construction varianceDiffEvaluation = varianceDiffEvaluation/Decimal(str(nd)) stdDevDiffEvaluation = math.sqrt(varianceDiffEvaluation) print(' mean absolute difference : %.2f' % (averageAbsDiffEvaluation)) print(' standard difference deviation : %.2f' % (stdDevDiffEvaluation))
[docs] def normalizeEvaluations(self,lowValue=0.0,highValue=100.0,Debug=False): """ recode the evaluations between lowValue and highValue on all criteria """ ##from math import copysign criteria = self.criteria actions = self.actions evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA lowValue = Decimal(str(lowValue)) highValue = Decimal(str(highValue)) amplitude = highValue-lowValue if Debug: print('lowValue', lowValue, 'amplitude', amplitude) criterionKeys = [x for x in criteria] actionKeys = [x for x in actions] normEvaluation = {} for g in criterionKeys: #print(g, criteria[g]['weight'], criteria[g]['preferenceDirection']) normEvaluation[g] = {} glow = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][0])) ghigh = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][1])) gamp = ghigh - glow if Debug: print('-->> g, glow, ghigh, gamp', g, glow, ghigh, gamp) for x in actionKeys: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: evalx = abs(evaluation[g][x]) if Debug: print(evalx) normEvaluation[g][x] = lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude try: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'max': normEvaluation[g][x] = (lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude) #print('passing here',normEvaluation[g][x]) elif criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #else: normEvaluation[g][x] = (lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*(-amplitude)) #print('passing here',normEvaluation[g][x]) except: if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' normEvaluation[g][x] = lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude else: self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'min' normEvaluation[g][x] = -(lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude) if Debug: print(criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][x], normEvaluation[g][x]) else: normEvaluation[g][x] = NA return normEvaluation
[docs] def quantizeCriterionEvaluations(self,g,q,ndigits=2,Debug=True): """ q-tile evaluation of criterion q """ actions = self.actions criterion = self.criteria[g] evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA actionKeys = [x for x in actions] quantilesFrequencies = [] for i in range(q+1): quantilesFrequencies.append( Decimal(str(i)) / Decimal(str(q)) ) criterionActionsQuantiles = {} formatString = '%%.%df' % ndigits criterionValues = [evaluation[g][x] for x in actionKeys if evaluation[g][x] != NA] criterionValues.sort() ng = len(criterionValues) criterionActionsQuantiles = {} for x in actionKeys: indxinf = criterionValues.index(evaluation[g][x]) lx = [v for v in criterionValues if v <= evaluation[g][x]] indxsup = len(lx) indx = ((indxinf+indxsup)/2)/ng actionQuantile = Decimal(formatString % indx) aq = 0 for qfreq in quantilesFrequencies: if actionQuantile < qfreq: criterionActionsQuantiles[x] = aq break else: aq += 1 if Debug: print(g) print(criterionActionsQuantiles) self.criteria[g]['comment'] = '%s-tiled evaluations' % q self.criteria[g]['thresholds'] = {'ind': (Decimal('0.0'), Decimal('0.0')), 'pref': (Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('0.0'))} self.criteria[g]['scale'] = (1,q) self.evaluation[g] = criterionActionsQuantiles
[docs] def restoreOriginalEvaluations(self,lowValue=0.0,highValue=100.0,Debug=False): """ recode the evaluations to their original values on all criteria """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria lowValue = Decimal(str(lowValue)) highValue = Decimal(str(highValue)) amplitude = highValue-lowValue if Debug: print('lowValue', lowValue, 'amplitude', amplitude) criterionKeys = [x for x in evaluation] restoredEvaluation = {} for g in criterionKeys: restoredEvaluation[g] = {} glow = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][0])) ghigh = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][1])) gamp = ghigh - glow if Debug: print('-->> g, glow, ghigh, gamp', g, glow, ghigh, gamp) for x in evaluation[g]: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: evalx = abs(evaluation[g][x]) if Debug: print(evalx) ## normEvaluation[g][x] = lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude try: if criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': sign = Decimal('-1') else: sign = Decimal('1') #normEvaluation[g][x] = (lowValue + ((evalx-glow)/gamp)*amplitude)*sign restoredEvaluation[g][x] = (glow + ((evalx-lowValue)/amplitude)*gamp)*sign except: self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = 'max' restoredEvaluation[g][x] = glow+ ((evalx-lowValue)/amplitude)*gamp if Debug: print(criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'], evaluation[g][x], restoredEvaluation[g][x]) else: restoredEvaluation[g][x] = NA return restoredEvaluation
[docs] class EmptyPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Template for PerformanceTableau objects. """ def __init__(self): from collections import OrderedDict = 'PerfTab-template' self.objectives = OrderedDict() self.criteria = OrderedDict() self.actions = OrderedDict() self.evaluation = {} self.NA = None
[docs] class PartialPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Constructor for partial performance tableaux concerning a subset of actions and/or criteria and/or objectives """ def __init__(self,inPerfTab,actionsSubset=None,criteriaSubset=None,objectivesSubset=None): from copy import deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from randomPerfTabs import RandomCBPerformanceTableau,\ Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau,\ RandomPerformanceTableau if inPerfTab.__class__ in [RandomCBPerformanceTableau, Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau, RandomPerformanceTableau]: self.__class__ = inPerfTab.__class__ # name = 'partial-' # actions if actionsSubset is not None: actions = OrderedDict() for x in actionsSubset: actions[x] = deepcopy(inPerfTab.actions[x]) else: actions = deepcopy(inPerfTab.actions) self.actions = actions actionsTypeStatistics = {} for x in inPerfTab.actions: if type(inPerfTab) == RandomCBPerformanceTableau: xType = inPerfTab.actions[x]['type'] elif type(inPerfTab) == Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau: self.objectiveSupportingTypes = inPerfTab.objectiveSupportingTypes xType = 'Soc' + inPerfTab.actions[x]['profile']['Soc'] xType += 'Eco' + inPerfTab.actions[x]['profile']['Eco'] xType += 'Env' + inPerfTab.actions[x]['profile']['Env'] else: xType = 'NA' try: actionsTypeStatistics[xType] += 1 except: actionsTypeStatistics[xType] = 1 self.actionsTypeStatistics = actionsTypeStatistics # objectives & criteria objectives = OrderedDict() HasObjectives = True if objectivesSubset is None: try: objectives = deepcopy(inPerfTab.objectives) except: HasObjectives = False if criteriaSubset is not None: criteria = OrderedDict() if HasObjectives: for obj in objectives.keys(): objectives[obj]['criteria'] = [] for g in criteriaSubset: criteria[g] = deepcopy(inPerfTab.criteria[g]) ## if HasObjectives: try: obj = inPerfTab.criteria[g]['objective'] objectives[obj]['criteria'].append(g) except: pass else: criteria = deepcopy(inPerfTab.criteria) else: objectives = OrderedDict() criteria = OrderedDict() if criteriaSubset is None: criteriaSubset = list(inPerfTab.criteria.keys()) for obj in objectivesSubset: objectives[obj] = deepcopy(inPerfTab.objectives[obj]) objectives[obj]['criteria'] = [] for g in inPerfTab.objectives[obj]['criteria']: if g in criteriaSubset: criteria[g] = deepcopy(inPerfTab.criteria[g]) objectives[obj]['criteria'].append(g) self.objectives = objectives try: self.commonScale = perfTab.commonScale except: pass try: self.OrdinalScales = perfTab.OrdinalScales except: pass try: self.BigData = perfTab.BigData except: pass try: self.missingDataProbability = perfTab.missingDataProbability except: pass self.criteria = criteria self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() # evaluations try: self.valueDigits = perfTab.valueDigits except: self.valueDigits = 2 try: self.NA = perfTab.NA except: self.NA = Decimal('-999') evaluation = {} for g in criteria.keys(): evaluation[g] = {} for x in actions.keys(): evaluation[g][x] = deepcopy(inPerfTab.evaluation[g][x]) self.evaluation = evaluation
[docs] class ConstantPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Constructor for (partially) constant performance tableaux. *Parameter*: * *actionsSubset* selects the actions to be set at equal constant performances, * *criteriaSubset* select the concerned subset of criteria, * The *position* parameter (default = median performance) selects the constant performance in the respective scale of each performance criterion. """ def __init__(self,inPerfTab,actionsSubset=None,criteriaSubset=None, position=0.5): from copy import deepcopy = 'constant-' try: self.description = deepcopy(inPerfTab.description) except: pass self.actions = deepcopy(inPerfTab.actions) if actionsSubset is None: actionsSubset = self.actions self.criteria = deepcopy(inPerfTab.criteria) if criteriaSubset is None: criteriaSubset = self.criteria self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() self.evaluation = deepcopy(inPerfTab.evaluation) try: self.NA = deepcopy(inPerfTab.NA) except: self.NA = Decimal('-999') actionsKeys = [x for x in actionsSubset] criteriaKeys = [g for g in criteriaSubset] for g in criteriaKeys: constantPerformance = (self.criteria[g]['scale'][1] - \ self.criteria[g]['scale'][0]) * position for x in actionsKeys: self.evaluation[g][x] = Decimal(str(constantPerformance))
[docs] class CircularPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Constructor for circular performance tableaux. """ def __init__(self,order=5,scale=(0.0,100.0),NoPolarisation=True): from copy import deepcopy from randomPerfTabs import RandomPerformanceTableau = 'circular-%s-PT' % str(order) t = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=order, numberOfCriteria=order) self.actions = deepcopy(t.actions) self.criteria = deepcopy(t.criteria) if NoPolarisation: for g in self.criteria: giThs = self.criteria[g]['thresholds'] giThs.pop('veto') self.weightPreorder = t.computeWeightPreorder() self.evaluation = deepcopy(t.evaluation) self.NA = deepcopy(t.NA) step = scale[1]/order grades = [i * step for i in range(order)] criteriaList = [g for g in self.criteria] actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] for i in range(order): gi = criteriaList[i] for j in range(order): xj = actionsList[j] self.evaluation[gi][xj] = Decimal(str(grades[j])) lastGrade = grades.pop() grades.insert(0,lastGrade)
# ----------------------
[docs] class NormalizedPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ specialsation of the PerformanceTableau class for constructing normalized, 0 - 100, valued PerformanceTableau instances from a given argPerfTab instance. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,lowValue=0,highValue=100, coalition=None,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy from decimal import Decimal if isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) elif argPerfTab is None: print('Error: a valid PerformanceTableau instance is required !') perfTab = None else: perfTab = argPerfTab = 'norm_'+ try: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) except: pass self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) self.criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) try: self.NA = deepcopy(perfTab.NA) except: self.NA = Decimal('-999') self.evaluation = self.normalizeEvaluations(lowValue,highValue,Debug) criteria = self.criteria for g in criteria: if criteria[g]['weight'] < 0: criteria[g]['weight'] = -criteria[g]['weight'] try: for th in criteria[g]['thresholds']: empan = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][1]-criteria[g]['scale'][0])) intercept = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][0]/empan\ * (Decimal(str(highValue-lowValue))) slope = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][1] criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] = (intercept,slope) except: pass criteria[g]['scale'] = [lowValue,highValue] self.criteria = criteria
# ---------------------- ##class QunantizedPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): ## """ ## specialsation of the PerformanceTableau class for ## constructing quantized valued PerformanceTableau ## instances from a given argPerfTab instance. ## """ ## def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None, ## criteriaSubset=None,Debug=False): ## from copy import deepcopy ## from decimal import Decimal ## if isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): ## perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) ## elif argPerfTab is None: ## print('Error: a valid PerformanceTableau instance is required !') ## perfTab = None ## else: ## perfTab = argPerfTab ## = 'norm_'+ ## try: ## self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) ## except: ## pass ## self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) ## self.criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) ## self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) ## try: ## self.NA = deepcopy(perfTab.NA) ## except: ## self.NA = Decimal('-999') ## self.evaluation = self.normalizeEvaluations(lowValue,highValue,Debug) ## criteria = self.criteria ## for g in criteria: ## if criteria[g]['weight'] < 0: ## criteria[g]['weight'] = -criteria[g]['weight'] ## try: ## for th in criteria[g]['thresholds']: ## empan = Decimal(str(criteria[g]['scale'][1]-criteria[g]['scale'][0])) ## intercept = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][0]/empan\ ## * (Decimal(str(highValue-lowValue))) ## slope = criteria[g]['thresholds'][th][1] ## criteria[g]['thresholds'][th] = (intercept,slope) ## except: ## pass ## criteria[g]['scale'] = [lowValue,highValue] ## self.criteria = criteria ################################### # Specialisations ###################################
[docs] class XMCDA2PerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ For reading stored XMCDA 2.0 formatted instances with exact decimal numbers. Using the inbuilt module xml.etree (for Python 2.5+). Parameters: * fileName is given without the extension ``.xml`` or ``.xmcda``, * HasSeparatedWeights in XMCDA 2.0.0 encoding (default = False), * HasSeparatedThresholds in XMCDA 2.0.0 encoding (default = False), * stringInput: instantiates from an XMCDA 2.0 encoded string argument. !! *Obsolete by now* !! """ #from collections import OrderedDict def __init__(self,fileName='temp',HasSeparatedWeights=False, HasSeparatedThresholds=False,stringInput=None, Debug=False): from xml.etree import ElementTree if stringInput is None: fileNameExt = fileName + '.xmcda2' try: fo = open(fileNameExt,mode='r') except: fileNameExt = fileName + '.xml' try: fo = open(fileNameExt,mode='r') except: print("Error: file %s{.xmcda2|.xml} not found !" % (fileName)) else: from io import StringIO try: fo = StringIO(stringInput) except: print("Error: stringInput %s !" % (str(stringInput))) XMCDA = ElementTree.parse(fo).getroot() # get name try: = XMCDA.find('projectReference').attrib['name'] except: = 'temp' # get description description = {} #for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('projectReference').getchildren()]: for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('projectReference')]: if elem.tag == 'bibliography': description[elem.tag] = {'description': {'subSubTitle': 'Bibliography'}} i = 0 for bibEntry in [x for x in elem.findall('bibEntry')]: i += 1 description[elem.tag][i] = bibEntry.text else: description[elem.tag] = elem.text self.description = description try: = description['user'] except: pass try: self.reference = description['comment'] except: pass # get method Parameters parameter = {} if XMCDA.find('methodParameters').find('parameters') is not None: for elem in XMCDA.find('methodParameters').find('parameters').findall('parameter'): tag = elem.attrib['name'] try: value = elem.find('value').find('label').text except: try: value = Decimal(elem.find('value').find('real').text) except: try: value = Decimal(elem.find('value').find('integer').text) except: value = None parameter[tag] = value #print tag,value self.parameter = parameter actions = OrderedDict() # get alternatives' description description = {} #for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('alternatives').find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('alternatives').find('description')]: description[elem.tag] = elem.text self.actionsDescription = description # get alternatives for x in XMCDA.find('alternatives').findall('alternative'): try: if x.find('active').text == 'true': Active = True else: Active = False except: Active = True if Active: actions[x.attrib['id']] = {} actions[x.attrib['id']]['name'] = x.attrib['name'] try: #for elem in [y for y in x.find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [y for y in x.find('description')]: actions[x.attrib['id']][elem.tag] = elem.text except: pass self.actions = actions if XMCDA.find('objectives') is not None: # objectives are defined objectives = OrderedDict() # get objectives' description if XMCDA.find('objectives').find('description') is not None: description = {} #for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('criteria').find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('criteria').find('description')]: description[elem.tag] = elem.text self.objectivesDescription = description ## get objectives for obj in XMCDA.find('objectives').findall('objective'): if Debug: print('converting objective %s data' % obj.attrib['id']) try: if obj.find('active').text == 'true': Active = True else: Active = False except: Active = True if Active: objectives[obj.attrib['id']] = {} #name objectives[obj.attrib['id']]['name'] =obj.attrib['name'] #description #for elem in [y for y in obj.find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [y for y in obj.find('description')]: objectives[obj.attrib['id']][elem.tag] = elem.text if obj.find('weight') is not None: try: objectives[obj.attrib['id']]['weight'] = Decimal(obj.find('weight').find('value').find('real').text) except: criteria[obj.attrib['id']]['weight'] = Decimal(obj.find('weight').find('value').find('integer').text) if obj.find('objectiveCriteria') is not None: objectives[obj.attrib['id']]['criteria'] = literal_eval(obj.find('objectiveCriteria').text) self.objectives = objectives else: # no objectives are given pass criteria = OrderedDict() # get criteria' description if XMCDA.find('criteria').find('description') is not None: description = {} #for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('criteria').find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('criteria').find('description')]: description[elem.tag] = elem.text self.criteriaDescription = description ## get criteria for g in XMCDA.find('criteria').findall('criterion'): if Debug: print('converting criterion %s data' % g.attrib['id']) try: if g.find('active').text == 'true': Active = True else: Active = False except: Active = True if Active: criteria[g.attrib['id']] = {} #name criteria[g.attrib['id']]['name'] =g.attrib['name'] #description #for elem in [y for y in g.find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [y for y in g.find('description')]: criteria[g.attrib['id']][elem.tag] = elem.text try: criteria[g.attrib['id']]['objective'] = g.find('criterionObjective').text except: pass #prefrenceDirection criteria[g.attrib['id']]['preferenceDirection'] = g.find('scale').find('quantitative').find('preferenceDirection').text if criteria[g.attrib['id']]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') #scale criteria[g.attrib['id']]['scale'] = {} Min = Decimal(g.find('scale').find('quantitative').find('minimum').find('real').text) Max = Decimal(g.find('scale').find('quantitative').find('maximum').find('real').text) criteria[g.attrib['id']]['scale'] = (Min,Max) ##criteria[g.attrib['id']]['scale'] = (Min*pdir,Max*pdir) #weights if not HasSeparatedWeights: try: cv = g.find('criterionValue') try: criteria[g.attrib['id']]['weight'] = Decimal(cv.find('value').find('real').text) except: criteria[g.attrib['id']]['weight'] = Decimal(cv.find('value').find('integer').text) except: HasSeparatedWeights = True #thresholds criteria[g.attrib['id']]['thresholds'] = {} if not HasSeparatedThresholds: if g.find('thresholds') is not None: for th in g.find('thresholds').findall('threshold'): try: try: intercept = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('intercept').find('real').text) except: intercept = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('intercept').find('integer').text) slope = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('slope').find('real').text) except: try: intercept = Decimal(th.find('constant').find('real').text) except: intercept = Decimal(th.find('constant').find('integer').text) slope = Decimal('0.0') ## criteria[g.attrib['id']]['thresholds'][th.attrib['id']] = (intercept,pdir*slope) criteria[g.attrib['id']]['thresholds'][th.attrib['id']] = (intercept,slope) # get separated criteria weights if HasSeparatedWeights: for cv in XMCDA.find('criteriaValues').findall('criterionValue'): g = cv.find('criterionID').text try: w = cv.find('value').find('real').text except: w = cv.find('value').find('integer').text criteria[cv.find('criterionID').text]['weight'] = Decimal(w) # get separated criteria thresholds if HasSeparatedThresholds: try: for cth in XMCDA.find('criteriaThresholds').findall('criterionThresholds'): g = cth.find('criterionID').text for th in cth.find('thresholds').findall('threshold'): try: try: intercept = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('intercept').find('real').text) except: intercept = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('intercept').find('integer').text) slope = Decimal(th.find('linear').find('slope').find('real').text) except: try: intercept = Decimal(th.find('constant').find('real').text) except: intercept = Decimal(th.find('constant').find('integer').text) slope = Decimal('0.0') ## criteria[g]['thresholds'][th.attrib['id']] = (intercept,pdir*slope) criteria[g]['thresholds'][th.attrib['id']] = (intercept,slope) except: pass # allocate final criteria dictionary self.criteria = criteria # get coalitions # get evaluations' description NA = Decimal('-999') self.NA = NA description = {} #for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('performanceTable').find('description').getchildren()]: for elem in [x for x in XMCDA.find('performanceTable').find('description')]: description[elem.tag] = elem.text self.evaluationDescription = description # get evaluations evaluationAP = {} for v in XMCDA.find('performanceTable').findall('alternativePerformances'): a = v.find('alternativeID').text evaluationAP[a] = {} for x in v.findall('performance'): try: value = x.find('value').find('integer').text evaluationAP[a][x.find('criterionID').text]=Decimal(value) except: try: value = x.find('value').find('real').text evaluationAP[a][x.find('criterionID').text]=Decimal(value) except: evaluationAP[a][x.find('criterionID').text]=NA self.evaluationAP = evaluationAP evaluation = {} for g in self.criteria: try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': if self.criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') except: pdir = Decimal('1') evaluation[g] = {} for a in self.actions: if evaluationAP[a][g] != NA: evaluation[g][a] = evaluationAP[a][g] * pdir else: evaluation[g][a] = evaluationAP[a][g] self.evaluation = evaluation # compute weigth preoder self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder()
[docs] class CSVPerformanceTableau(PerformanceTableau): """ Reading stored CSV encoded actions x criteria PerformanceTableau instances, Using the inbuilt module csv. Param: fileName (without the extension .csv). """ def __init__(self,fileName='temp',Debug=False): from csv import reader from collections import OrderedDict try: fileNameExt = fileName + '.csv' fi = open(fileNameExt,'r') csvReader = reader(fi) csvText = [x for x in csvReader] if Debug: print('input',csvText) except: print("Error: File %s.csv not found !!" % (fileName)) = fileName self.reference = 'CSV PerformanceTableau input method.' # actions dictionary na = len(csvText[0])-1 if Debug: print(na) for i in range(6,na+1): print(i,csvText[0][i]) self.actions = OrderedDict([(csvText[0][i],{'name':csvText[0][i],'comment':'potential decision action'}) for i in range(6,na+1)]) # objectives dictionary self.objectives = OrderedDict() # criteria dictionary ng = len(csvText)-1 for j in range(1,ng+1): print(j,csvText[j][0]) self.criteria = OrderedDict([(csvText[j][0],{'comment':'performance criteria'}) for j in range(1,ng+1)]) # criteria attributes for j in range(1,ng+1): g = csvText[j][0] self.criteria[g]['name'] = csvText[j][1] self.criteria[g]['weight'] = Decimal(csvText[j][2]) self.criteria[g]['scale'] = eval(csvText[j][3]) self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] = csvText[j][4] self.criteria[g]['thresholds'] = eval(csvText[j][5]) print(self.criteria[g]) self.weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() # evaluation tableau evaluation = {} for j in range(1,ng+1): evaluation[csvText[j][0]] = {} for i in range(6,na+1): evaluation[csvText[j][0]][csvText[0][i]] = Decimal(csvText[j][i]) self.evaluation = evaluation self.NA = Decimal('-999')
#----------test Digraph class ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": from digraphs import * from perfTabs import * from outrankingDigraphs import * import sortingDigraphs from linearOrders import * from transitiveDigraphs import * from randomPerfTabs import * from time import time import random print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 perfTabs module * * Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') t = PerformanceTableau('pmax3') t.quantizeCriterionEvaluations('sn',7) t.quantizeCriterionEvaluations('de17',7) t.quantizeCriterionEvaluations('df17',7) t.quantizeCriterionEvaluations('dimc',7) ## randomSeed = random.randint(1,1000) ## t = CircularPerformanceTableau(order=7) ## t.showPerformanceTableau() # t = RandomCBPerformanceTableau(numberOfCriteria=21, # numberOfActions=13, # weightDistribution='equiobjectives', # IntegerWeights=True, # NegativeWeights=False, # missingDataProbability=0.05, # seed=randomSeed, # Debug=False) # t.computeOutrankingConsensusQuality() # t.showPerformanceTableau() # t.computeMissingDataProportion(InPercents=False,Comments=True) # t.replaceNA(Decimal('-999'),Comments=True) # t.computeMissingDataProportion(InPercents=False,Comments=True) # t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(Correlations=True,colorLevels=5, # rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) # ## t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(outrankingModel='this', # ## Correlations=True,colorLevels=5, # ## rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) # t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(outrankingModel='confident', # Correlations=True,colorLevels=5, # rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) # t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(outrankingModel='robust', # Correlations=True,colorLevels=5, # rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) # g = RobustOutrankingDigraph(t) # g.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(outrankingModel='this', # Correlations=True,colorLevels=5, # rankingRule='NetFlows',Transposed=False) #'testow') # t1 = PerformanceTableau('testow') # t1.showObjectives() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') print('*************************************') print('* R.B. August 2015 *') print('* $Revision: Python3.9 $ *') print('*************************************') ############################# # Log record for changes: # $Log:,v $ # Revision 1.37 2012/12/24 15:18:21 # compatibility patch for old (-2008) python performance tableaux #############################