Source code for outrankingDigraphs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python3 implementation of outranking digraphs.
Copyright (C) 2006-2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "Revision: Py3.10"

from digraphsTools import *
from digraphs import *
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from outrankingDigraphs import *
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from io import BytesIO
from pickle import Pickler, dumps, loads, load
#from multiprocessing import Process, Lock,\
#                        active_children, cpu_count
import multiprocessing as mp
mpctx = mp.get_context('fork')
Process = mpctx.Process
active_children = mpctx.active_children
cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count

[docs] class OutrankingDigraph(Digraph,PerformanceTableau): """ Abstract root class for **outranking digraphs** inheritating methods both from the generic :py:class:`digraphs.Digraph` and from the generic :py:class:`perfTabs.PerformanceTableau` root classes. As such, our genuine outranking digraph model is a hybrid object appearing on the one side as digraph with a nodes set (the decision alternatives) and a binary relation (outranking situations) and, on the other side, as a performance tableau with a set of decision alternatives, performance criteria and a table of performance measurements. Provides common methods to all specialized models of outranking digraphs, the standard outranking digraph model being provided by the :py:class:`outrankingDigraphs.BipolarOutrankingDigraph` class. A given object of this class consists at least in: 1. a potential set of decision **actions** : an (ordered) dictionary describing the potential decision actions or alternatives with 'name' and 'comment' attributes, 2. a coherent family of **criteria**: an (ordered) dictionary of criteria functions used for measuring the performance of each potential decision action with respect to the preference dimension captured by each criterion, 3. the **evaluations**: a dictionary of performance evaluations for each decision action or alternative on each criterion function. 4. the digraph **valuationdomain**, a dictionary with three entries: the *minimum* (-100, means certainly no link), the *median* (0, means missing information) and the *maximum* characteristic value (+100, means certainly a link), 5. the **outranking relation** : a double dictionary defined on the Cartesian product of the set of decision alternatives capturing the credibility of the pairwise *outranking situation* computed on the basis of the performance differences observed between couples of decision alternatives on the given family if criteria functions. .. warning:: Cannot be called directly ! No __init__(self,...) method defined. """
[docs] def computeMarginalObjectiveCorrelation(self,args,Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None,Debug=False, Comments=False): """ Renders the ordinal correlation coefficient between the marginal criterion relation and a given normalized outranking relation. args = (objective,relation) """ objective = args[0] relation = args[1] gc = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True, #coalition=[criterion], objectivesSubset=[objective], CopyPerfTab=True, Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs, Comments=Comments) corr = gc.computeOrdinalCorrelationMP(relation, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) if Debug: print(corr) return corr
[docs] def computeMarginalCorrelation(self,args,Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None,Debug=False, Comments=False): """ Renders the ordinal correlation coefficient between the marginal criterion relation and a given normalized outranking relation. args = (criterion,relation) """ criterion = args[0] relation = args[1] gc = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True, coalition=[criterion], CopyPerfTab=True, Threading=Threading, nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs, Comments=Comments) corr = gc.computeOrdinalCorrelationMP(relation, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) if Debug: print(corr) return corr
[docs] def showOutrankingConsensusQuality(self,Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=True, Threading=False,nbrCores=None, Comments=True): """ Show method for the computeOutrankingConsensusQuality() method.""" self.computeOutrankingConsensusQuality(self,Sorted=Dorted, ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrCores, Comments=Comments)
[docs] def computeOutrankingConsensusQuality(self,Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=True, Threading=False,nbrCores=None, Comments=False): """ Renders the marginal criteria correlations with the corresponding global outranking relation with summary. """ from math import sqrt # self is an OutrankingDigraph object criteria = self.criteria marginalCorrelations=\ self.computeMarginalVersusGlobalOutrankingCorrelations( Sorted=Sorted, ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrCores, Comments=False) ncrit = Decimal(str(len(marginalCorrelations))) meanMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') varMarginalCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') sumWeights = Decimal('0.0') for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): sumWeights += abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight']) for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights meanMarginalCorrelation += cg[0]*cgw for cg in marginalCorrelations: #if cg[0] < Decimal('0'): cgw = abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights varMarginalCorrelation += ((cg[0]-meanMarginalCorrelation)**2)*cgw #varMarginalCorrelation += (cg[0]**2)*cgw # #meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit # #varMarginalCriteriaCorrelation /= ncrit # #varMarginalCorrelation -= meanMarginalCorrelation*meanMarginalCriteriaCorrelation sdMarginalCorrelation = sqrt(varMarginalCorrelation) # # showing the results if Comments: print('Consensus quality of global outranking:') if ValuedCorrelation: print('criterion (weight): valued correlation') print('--------------------------------------') else: print('criterion (weight): correlation') print('-------------------------------') for cg in marginalCorrelations: print('%s (%.3f): %+.3f' % ( cg[1],abs(criteria[cg[1]]['weight'])/sumWeights,cg[0]) ) print('Summary:') print('Weighted mean marginal correlation (a): %+.3f' %\ meanMarginalCorrelation) print('Standard deviation (b) : %+.3f' %\ sdMarginalCorrelation) print('Ranking fairness (a)-(b) : %+.3f' %\ (float(meanMarginalCorrelation) - sdMarginalCorrelation) ) return (marginalCorrelations, meanMarginalCorrelation, sdMarginalCorrelation)
[docs] def showMarginalObjectivesVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations(self,ranking, Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False,nbrCores=None): """ Corresponding compute method with Comments = True flag. """ self.computeMarginalObjectivesVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations( ranking,Sorted=Sorted,ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrCores,Comments=True)
[docs] def computeMarginalObjectivesVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations(self,ranking, Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False,nbrCores=None, Comments=False): """ Method for computing correlations between each individual objective's outranking relation and the given global ranking relation. Returns a list of tuples (correlation,objectiveKey) sorted by default in decreasing order of the correlation. If Threading is True, a multiprocessing Pool class is used with a parallel equivalent of the built-in map function. If nbrCores is not set, the os.cpu_count() function is used to determine the number of available cores. *Usage example*: >>> from outrankingDigraphs import * >>> t = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau( numberOfActions=21, numberOfCriteria=17, vetoProbability=0.2, seed=12) >>> g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(t) >>> ranking = g.computeNetFlowsRanking() >>> g.computeMarginalObjectivesVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations( ranking,Threading=False,Comments=True) Marginal objective ordinal correlation with given ranking ------------------------------------------------- Given ranking: ['p04', 'p09', 'p01', 'p08', 'p16', 'p03', 'p13', 'p20', 'p15', 'p10', 'p18', 'p19', 'p06', 'p02', 'p07', 'p11', 'p05', 'p12', 'p14', 'p21', 'p17'] Objective (weight): correlation Soc (135.00): +0.473 Eco (135.00): +0.457 Env (135.00): +0.326 """ try: objectives = [obj for obj in self.objectives] except: print('No objectives deined in this performance tableau!') return from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter preorder = ranking2preorder(ranking) preorderRelation = self.computePreorderRelation(preorder) if self.valuationdomain['min'] != Decimal('-1') or\ self.valuationdomain['max'] != Decimal('1'): origValuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(-1,1) Normalizing = True else: Normalizing = False if Threading: #from multiprocessing import Pool #from os import cpu_count import multiprocessing as mp mpctx = mp.get_context('fork') Pool = mpctx.Pool cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count if nbrCores is None: nbrCores= cpu_count() argsList = [(x,preorderRelation) for x in self.objectives] with Pool(nbrCores) as proc: correlations =,argsList) if ValuedCorrelation: objectivesCorrelation = [(correlations[i]['correlation']*correlations[i]['determination'],argsList[i][0]) for i in range(len(argsList))] else: objectivesCorrelation = [(correlations[i]['correlation'],argsList[i][0]) for i in range(len(argsList))] else: objectives = [c for c in self.objectives] objectivesCorrelation = [] for c in objectives: corr = self.computeMarginalObjectiveCorrelation((c,preorderRelation),Threading=False) if ValuedCorrelation: objectivesCorrelation.append((corr['correlation']*corr['determination'],c)) else: objectivesCorrelation.append((corr['correlation'],c)) if Sorted: objectivesCorrelation.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Normalizing: self.recodeValuation(origValuationdomain['min'],origValuationdomain['max']) if Comments: if objectivesCorrelation != []: if ValuedCorrelation: print("Marginal objective valued correlation with given ranking") else: print("Marginal objective ordinal correlation with given ranking") print('-------------------------------------------------') print('Given ranking:',ranking) print('Objective (weight): correlation') for item in objectivesCorrelation: if ValuedCorrelation: print('%s (%.2f): \t %+.3f' % ( item[2],self.objectives[item[2]]['weight'], (item[0]*item[1])) ) else: print('%s (%.2f): \t %+.3f' % ( item[1],self.objectives[item[1]]['weight'], item[0]) ) else: print('No objectives defined !') return objectivesCorrelation
def showMarginalVersusGlobalOutrankingCorrelation(self,Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None,Comments=True): """ Show method for computeCriterionCorrelation results. """ from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter if self.valuationdomain['min'] != Decimal('-1') or\ self.valuationdomain['max'] != Decimal('1'): origValuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(-1,1) Normalizing = True else: Normalizing = False criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaCorrelation = [] totCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteriaList: corr = self.computeCriterionCorrelation(c,Threading=Threading,nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) if ValuedCorrelation: totCorrelation += corr['correlation']*corr['determination'] criteriaCorrelation.append(((corr['correlation']*corr['determination']),c)) else: totCorrelation += corr['correlation'] criteriaCorrelation.append((corr['correlation'],c)) if Sorted: criteriaCorrelation.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Comments: if ValuedCorrelation: print('Marginal versus global outranking valued correlation') else: print('Marginal versus global outranking correlation') print('criterion | weight\t correlation') print('----------|---------------------------') for x in criteriaCorrelation: c = x[1] print('%9s | %.2f \t %.3f' % ( c,self.criteria[c]['weight'],x[0])) print('Sum(Correlations) : %.3f' % (totCorrelation)) print('Determinateness : %.3f' % (corr['determination'])) if Normalizing: self.recodeValuation(origValuationdomain['min'], origValuationdomain['max']) return criteriaCorrelation #---------------
[docs] def computeMarginalVersusGlobalRankingCorrelations(self, ranking, Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False,nbrCores=None, Comments=False): """ Method for computing correlations between each individual criterion relation with the corresponding global ranking relation. Returns a list of tuples (correlation,criterionKey) sorted by default in decreasing order of the correlation. If Threading is True, a multiprocessing Pool class is used with a parallel equivalent of the built-in map function. If nbrCores is not set, the os.cpu_count() function is used to determine the number ofavailable cores. """ from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter preorder = ranking2preorder(ranking) preorderRelation = self.computePreorderRelation(preorder) if self.valuationdomain['min'] != Decimal('-1') or\ self.valuationdomain['max'] != Decimal('1'): origValuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(-1,1) Normalizing = True else: Normalizing = False if Threading: #from multiprocessing import Pool #from os import cpu_count import multiprocessing as mp mpctx = mp.get_context('fork') Pool = mpctx.Pool cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count if nbrCores is None: nbrCores= cpu_count() argsList = [(x,preorderRelation) for x in self.criteria] with Pool(nbrCores) as proc: correlations =,argsList) if ValuedCorrelation: criteriaCorrelation = [(correlations[i]['correlation']*correlations[i]['determination'],argsList[i][0]) for i in range(len(argsList))] else: criteriaCorrelation = [(correlations[i]['correlation'],argsList[i][0]) for i in range(len(argsList))] else: #criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteria = self.criteria criteriaCorrelation = [] for c in dict.keys(criteria): corr = self.computeMarginalCorrelation((c,preorderRelation),Threading=False) if ValuedCorrelation: criteriaCorrelation.append((corr['correlation']*corr['determination'],c)) else: criteriaCorrelation.append((corr['correlation'],c)) if Sorted: criteriaCorrelation.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Normalizing: self.recodeValuation(origValuationdomain['min'],origValuationdomain['max']) return criteriaCorrelation
[docs] def computeCriterionCorrelation(self,criterion,Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None,Debug=False, Comments=False): """ Renders the ordinal correlation coefficient between the global outranking and the marginal criterion relation. Uses the digraphs.computeOrdinalCorrelationMP(). .. note:: Renders a dictionary with the key 'correlation' containing the actual bipolar correlation index and the key 'determination' containing the minimal determination level D of the self outranking and the marginal criterion relation. D = sum_{x != y} min(abs(self.relation(x,y)),abs(marginalCriterionRelation(x,y)) / n(n-1) where n is the number of actions considered. The correlation index with a completely indeterminate relation is by convention 0.0 at determination level 0.0 . """ gc = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,Normalized=True,coalition=[criterion],CopyPerfTab=True, Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs, Comments=Comments) corr = self.computeOrdinalCorrelationMP(gc,Threading=Threading,nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) if Debug: print(corr) return corr
[docs] def computeMarginalVersusGlobalOutrankingCorrelations(self,Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False,nbrCores=None, Comments=False): """ Method for computing correlations between each individual criterion relation with the corresponding global outranking relation. Returns a list of tuples (correlation,criterionKey) sorted by default in decreasing order of the correlation. If Threading is True, a multiprocessing Pool class is used with a parallel equivalent of the built-in map function. If nbrCores is not set, the os.cpu_count() function is used to determine the number of available cores. """ from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter if self.valuationdomain['min'] != Decimal('-1') or\ self.valuationdomain['max'] != Decimal('1'): origValuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(-1,1) Normalizing = True else: Normalizing = False if Threading: #from multiprocessing import Pool #from os import cpu_count import multiprocessing as mp mpctx = mp.get_context('fork') Pool = mpctx.Pool cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count if nbrCores is None: nbrCores= cpu_count() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] with Pool(nbrCores) as proc: correlations =,criteriaList) if ValuedCorrelation: criteriaCorrelation = [ (correlations[i]['correlation']\ * correlations[i]['determination'], criteriaList[i]) for i in range(len(criteriaList))] else: criteriaCorrelation = [ (correlations[i]['correlation'], criteriaList[i]) for i in range(len(criteriaList))] else: #criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteria = self.criteria criteriaCorrelation = [] for c in dict.keys(criteria): corr = self.computeCriterionCorrelation(c,Threading=False) if ValuedCorrelation: criteriaCorrelation.append( ( (corr['correlation']*corr['determination']) ,c) ) else: criteriaCorrelation.append((corr['correlation'],c)) if Sorted: criteriaCorrelation.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Normalizing: self.recodeValuation(origValuationdomain['min'], origValuationdomain['max']) return criteriaCorrelation
[docs] def showMarginalVersusGlobalOutrankingCorrelation(self, Sorted=True,ValuedCorrelation=False, Threading=False, nbrOfCPUs=None,Comments=True): """ Show method for computeCriterionCorrelation results. """ from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter if self.valuationdomain['min'] != Decimal('-1') or\ self.valuationdomain['max'] != Decimal('1'): origValuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(-1,1) Normalizing = True else: Normalizing = False criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaCorrelation = [] totCorrelation = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteriaList: corr = self.computeCriterionCorrelation(c,Threading=Threading,nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs) if ValuedCorrelation: totCorrelation += corr['correlation']*corr['determination'] criteriaCorrelation.append(((corr['correlation']*corr['determination']),c)) else: totCorrelation += corr['correlation'] criteriaCorrelation.append((corr['correlation'],c)) if Sorted: criteriaCorrelation.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Comments: if ValuedCorrelation: print('Marginal versus global outranking valued correlation') else: print('Marginal versus global outranking correlation') print('criterion | weight\t correlation') print('----------|---------------------------') for x in criteriaCorrelation: c = x[1] print('%9s | %.2f \t %.3f' % ( c,self.criteria[c]['weight'],x[0]) ) print('Sum(Correlations) : %.3f' % (totCorrelation) ) print('Determinateness : %.3f' % (corr['determination']) ) if Normalizing: self.recodeValuation( origValuationdomain['min'],origValuationdomain['max']) return criteriaCorrelation
[docs] def computeQuantileSortRelation(self,Debug=False): """ Renders the bipolar-valued relation obtained from the self quantile sorting result. """ quantileSorting = self.computeQuantileSort() if Debug: print(quantileSorting) Max = Decimal('1') Med = Decimal('0') Min = Decimal('-1') actions = list(self.actions.keys()) n = len(actions) rankingRelation = {} for x in actions: rankingRelation[x] = {} rrx = rankingRelation[x] for y in actions: rrx[y] = Med for i in range(n): x = quantileSorting[i][1] for j in range(i+1,n): y = quantileSorting[j][1] if Debug: print(x, y, quantileSorting[i][0], quantileSorting[j][0]) if quantileSorting[i][0] > quantileSorting[j][0]: rankingRelation[x][y] = Max rankingRelation[y][x] = Min elif quantileSorting[i][0] < quantileSorting[j][0]: rankingRelation[x][y] = Min rankingRelation[y][x] = Max else: rankingRelation[x][y] = Max rankingRelation[y][x] = Max if Debug: print(rankingRelation[x][y],rankingRelation[y][x]) return rankingRelation
[docs] def showCriterionRelationTable(self,criterion, actionsSubset= None): """ prints the relation valuation in actions X actions table format. """ if actionsSubset is None: actions = self.actions else: actions = actionsSubset print('* ---- Criterion %s Relation Table -----\n' % ( criterion), end=' ') print(' S | ', end=' ') #actions = [x for x in actions] actionsList = [x for x in actions] actionsList.sort() for x in actionsList: print("'"+x+"', ", end=' ') print('\n-----|------------------------------------------------------------') for x in actionsList: print("'"+x+"' | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: #print '%2.2f ' % (self.relation[x[1]][y[1]]), print('%2.2f ' % ( self.computeCriterionRelation(criterion,x,y)), end=' ') print() print('\n')
[docs] def computeAMPLData(self,OldValuation=False): """ renders the ampl data list """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: print(str(x)+str(y), end=' ') for c in self.criteria: value = self.computeCriterionRelation(c,x,y) if OldValuation: value = (value + Decimal("1.0"))/Decimal("2.0") else: value = self.computeCriterionRelation(c,x,y) print('%.1f' % (value), end=' ') print()
[docs] def computeCriterionRelation(self,c,a,b): """ compute the outranking characteristic for actions x and y on criterion c. """ criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation try: NA = self.NA except: NA = Decimal('-999') if a == b: return Decimal("1.0") else: if self.evaluation[c][a] != NA and self.evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = indx +indy * self.evaluation[c][a] except: ind = None try: wpx = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] wp = wpx + wpy * self.evaluation[c][a] except: wp = None try: px = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] p = px + py * self.evaluation[c][a] except: p = None if self.criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = self.evaluation[c][a] - self.evaluation[c][b] else: d = self.evaluation[c][b] - self.evaluation[c][a] if ind is None: return self._localConcordance(d,wp,p) else: return self._localConcordance(d,ind,p) else: return Decimal("0.5")
[docs] def computeSingletonRanking(self,Comments = False, Debug = False): """ Renders the sorted bipolar net determinatation of outrankingness minus outrankedness credibilities of all singleton choices. res = ((netdet,singleton,dom,absorb)+) """ import copy from operator import itemgetter valuationdomain = copy.deepcopy(self.valuationdomain) self.recodeValuation(0.0,100.0) sigs = [x[0] for x in self.singletons()] res = [] for i in range(len(sigs)): if Debug: print(sigs[i], self.domin(sigs[i]) - self.absorb(sigs[i])) res.append((self.domin(sigs[i]) - self.absorb(sigs[i]),sigs[i],self.domin(sigs[i]),self.absorb(sigs[i]))) res.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Comments: for x in res: print("{%s} : %.3f " % ( [y for y in x[1]][0], (float(x[0]) + 100.0)/2.0 )) if Debug: print(res) self.recodeValuation(valuationdomain['min'],valuationdomain['max']) return res
[docs] def showSingletonRanking(self,Comments = True, Debug = False): """ Calls self.computeSingletonRanking(comments=True,Debug = False). Renders and prints the sorted bipolar net determinatation of outrankingness minus outrankedness credibilities of all singleton choices. res = ((netdet,sigleton,dom,absorb)+) """ res = self.computeSingletonRanking(Comments,Debug) return res
[docs] def defaultDiscriminationThresholds(self, quantile = {'ind':10,'pref':20,'weakVeto':60,'veto':80}, Debug = False, comments = False): """ updates the discrimination thresholds with the percentiles from the performance differences. Parameters: quantile = {'ind': 10, 'pref': 20, 'weakVeto': 60, 'veto: 80}. """ self.computeDefaultDiscriminationThresholds(quantile,Debug,comments) self.relation = self._constructRelation(self.criteria,self.evaluation)
[docs] def computeWeightsConcentrationIndex(self): """ Renders the Gini concentration index of the weight distribution Based on the triangle summation formula. """ import copy weightSum = Decimal('0.0') p= len(self.criteria) #p = Decimal(str(len(self.criteria))) criteriaList = list(copy.deepcopy(self.criteria)) criteria = [] for i in range(p): criteria.append((self.criteria[criteriaList[i]]['weight'],criteriaList[i])) criteria.sort() for i in range(p): weightSum += abs(self.criteria[criteriaList[i]]['weight']) if weightSum != Decimal('0.0'): Q = [Decimal('0.0') for i in range(p)] F = [Decimal('0.0') for i in range(p)] F[0] = Decimal('1.0')/Decimal(str(p)) i = 1 Q[0] = self.criteria[criteria[0][1]]['weight']/weightSum for i in range(1,p): qi = self.criteria[criteria[i][1]]['weight']/weightSum Q[i] += Q[i-1] + qi fi = Decimal('1.0')/Decimal(str(p)) F[i] += F[i-1] + fi i += 1 gini = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(p-1): gini += (F[i]*Q[i+1]) - (Q[i]*F[i+1]) else: gini = Decimal('-1') return gini
def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasNoVeto=False): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions NA = self.NA Min = Decimal(str(self.valuationdomain['min'])) Max = Decimal(str(self.valuationdomain['max'])) totalweight = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteria: totalweight = totalweight + abs(criteria[c]['weight']) vetos = [] relation = {} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a == b: relation[a][b] = Min else: nc = len(criteria) counter = Decimal('0.0') veto = Decimal('0') abvetos = [] for c in criteria: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: ax = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] ay = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = ax + ay * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: ind = None try: ax = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] ay = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] wp = ax + ay * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: wp = None try: bx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] by = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] p = bx + by * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: p = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: v = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) counter = counter + (lc0 * abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) testveto = self._localVeto(d,v) if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): veto = veto + testveto if testveto == Decimal('1'): abvetos.append((c,v,d)) else: counter = counter + Decimal('0.5') * abs(criteria[c]['weight']) concordindex = ((counter / totalweight) * (Max-Min)) + Min discordindex = Min if veto == Decimal('0'): relation[a][b] = concordindex else: relation[a][b] = discordindex vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex],abvetos)) for a in actions: relation[a][a] = Min self.vetos = vetos return relation
[docs] def computePairwiseOddsMatrix(self): """ renders a double dictionary with odds: (positive chaacteristics, negative characteristics) per actions pair. """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] n = len(actionsList) criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] oddsMatrix = {} for a in actionsList: oddsMatrix[a] = {} for b in actionsList: if a == b: oddsMatrix[a][b] = (Decimal('0.0'),Decimal('0.0')) else: plusOdds = Decimal('0.0') minusOdds = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteriaList: cab = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,a,b) if cab > Decimal('0'): plusOdds += cab else: minusOdds += -cab #print(c,plusodds,minusodds) oddsMatrix[a][b] = (plusOdds,minusOdds) return oddsMatrix
[docs] def computePairwiseCompleteComparison(self,a,b,c): """ renders pairwise complete comparison parameters for actions a and b on criterion c. """ Debug = False evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] # initialize Degenne vector pairwiseComparison = {'v':0, 'wv':0, 'lt':0, 'leq':0, 'eq':0, 'geq':0, 'gt':0, 'gwvt':0, 'gvt':0} # main loop if evaluation[c][a] != NA or evaluation[c][b] != NA: # compute discrimination thresholds try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: ind = Decimal('0') try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: p = None try: wvx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: wv = Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][1])) + Decimal('1') try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: v = Decimal(str(criteria[c]['scale'][1])) + Decimal('1') # compute performance difference if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] # compute characteristic if d > Decimal('0'): # positive difference if d >= v: pairwiseComparison['gvt'] = 1 elif d >= wv: pairwiseComparison['gwvt'] = 1 elif p is not None: if d >= p: pairwiseComparison['gt'] = 1 elif wp is not None: if d >= wp: pairwiseComparison['geq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['eq'] = 1 else: if d > ind: pairwiseComparison['geq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['eq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['geq'] = 1 elif d == Decimal('0'): # zero difference pairwiseComparison['eq'] = 1 else: # negative difference if d <= -v: pairwiseComparison['v'] = 1 elif d <= -wv: pairwiseComparison['wv'] = 1 elif p is not None: if d <= -p: pairwiseComparison['lt'] = 1 elif wp is not None: if d <= -wp: pairwiseComparison['leq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['eq'] = 1 else: if d < -ind: pairwiseComparison['leq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['eq'] = 1 else: pairwiseComparison['leq'] = 1 else: # missing evaluation(s) d = None pairwiseComparison = None if Debug: print('>>> c,a,b,d', c,a,b,d) print('ind,wp,p,wv,v', ind,wp,p,wv,v) print('pairwiseComparison', pairwiseComparison) return pairwiseComparison
[docs] def computeActionsComparisonCorrelations(self): """ renders the comparison correlations between the actions """ from decimal import Decimal criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] #nPairs = Decimal(str(len(criteriaList)*((len(criteriaList)-1)))) actionsCorrelationIndex = {} for a in actionsList: #for gi in criteriaList: actionsCorrelationIndex[a] = {} #for gj in criteriaList: for b in actionsList: actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] = Decimal('0.0') nPairs = Decimal('0.0') #for a in actionsList: for gi in criteriaList: #for b in actionsList: for gj in criteriaList: if gi != gj: nPairs += Decimal('1.0') compi = self.computePairwiseCompleteComparison(a,b,gi) compj = self.computePairwiseCompleteComparison(a,b,gj) if compi is not None and compj is not None: if compi == compj: actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] += Decimal('1.0') elif (compi['gvt']==1 or compi['gwvt']==1 or compi['gt']==1) and (compj['gvt']==1 or compj['gwvt']==1 or compj['gt']==1): actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] += Decimal('0.5') elif (compi['v']==1 or compi['wv']==1 or compi['lt']==1) and (compj['v']==1 or compj['wv']==1 or compj['lt']==1): actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] += Decimal('0.5') else: actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] += Decimal('0.5') #print nPairs,criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] = (Decimal('2.0') * actionsCorrelationIndex[a][b] - nPairs) / nPairs return actionsCorrelationIndex
[docs] def computeCriteriaCorrelations(self,ValuedCorrelation=False): """ renders the relation equivalence or correlation between the criteria """ from digraphs import EquivalenceDigraph criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] nPairs = self.order*(self.order-1) #nPairs = self.order*(self.order) tau = {} d = {} for gi in criteriaList: tau[gi] = {} d[gi] = {} Pgi = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,coalition=[gi]) for gj in criteriaList: M = Decimal('0.0') D = Decimal('0.0') Pgj = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,coalition=[gj]) EQ = EquivalenceDigraph(Pgi,Pgj) #nPairs = 0.0 for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: #if x != y: M += EQ.relation[x][y] D += abs(EQ.relation[x][y]) if ValuedCorrelation: tau[gi][gj] = M / nPairs elif D != Decimal('0.0'): tau[gi][gj] = M / D else: tau[gi][gj] = Decimal('0.0') d[gi][gj] = D / nPairs return tau, d
[docs] def computeCriteriaComparisonCorrelations(self): """ renders the comparison correlations between the criteria """ criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] nPairs = Decimal(str(len(actionsList)*((len(actionsList)-1)))) criteriaCorrelationIndex = {} for gi in criteriaList: criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi] = {} for gj in criteriaList: criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] = Decimal('0.0') #nPairs = 0.0 for a in actionsList: for b in actionsList: if a != b: #nPairs += 1.0 compi = self.computePairwiseCompleteComparison(a,b,gi) compj = self.computePairwiseCompleteComparison(a,b,gj) if compi is not None and compj is not None: if compi == compj: criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] += Decimal('1.0') elif (compi['gvt']==1 or compi['gwvt']==1 or compi['gt']==1) and (compj['gvt']==1 or compj['gwvt']==1 or compj['gt']==1): criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] += Decimal('0.5') elif (compi['v']==1 or compi['wv']==1 or compi['lt']==1) and (compj['v']==1 or compj['wv']==1 or compj['lt']==1): criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] += Decimal('0.5') else: criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] += Decimal('0.5') #print nPairs,criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] = (Decimal('2.0') * criteriaCorrelationIndex[gi][gj] - nPairs) / nPairs return criteriaCorrelationIndex
[docs] def showCriteriaCorrelationTable(self,ValuedCorrelation=False,isReturningHTML=False,ndigits=3): """ prints the ordinal correlation index tau between criteria in table format. """ criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() n = len(self.actions) nPairs = n*n corr,deter = self.computeCriteriaCorrelations(ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation) html = '' # title if isReturningHTML: if ValuedCorrelation: html += '<h1>Criteria valued ordinal correlation index</h1>' else: html += '<h1>Criteria ordinal correlation index</h1>' else: if ValuedCorrelation: print('Criteria valued ordinal correlation index') else: print('Criteria ordinal correlation index') # header row if isReturningHTML: html += '<table border=1><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>&tau;</th>' else: print(' |', end=' ') for x in criteriaList: if isReturningHTML: html += '<th bgcolor="#FFEEAA">%s</th>' % (x) else: print('%5s ' % (x), end=' ') if isReturningHTML: html += '</tr>' else: print() hline = '-----|' for i in range(len(criteriaList)+1): hline += '-------' print(hline) # table body for i in range(len(criteriaList)): if isReturningHTML: html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFEEAA">%s</th>' % (criteriaList[i]) else: print('%4s |' %(criteriaList[i]), end=' ') for j in range(len(criteriaList)): if i <= j: gi = criteriaList[i] gj = criteriaList[j] index = corr[gi][gj] if isReturningHTML: if index >= 0: html += '<td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' %\ (index) else: html += '<td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' %\ (index) else: print(('%%+2.%df ' % ndigits) % (index), end=' ') else: if isReturningHTML: html += '<td>&nbsp;</td>' else: index = ' ' print(index, end=' ') if isReturningHTML: html += '</tr>' else: print() if isReturningHTML: html += '</table>' # render the result return html
[docs] def computeActionsCorrelationDigraph(self): """ renders the pairwise actions comparison digraph """ from digraphs import Digraph from copy import deepcopy corr = self.computeActionsComparisonCorrelations() n = self.order g = EmptyDigraph(order=n) g.__class__ = Digraph = 'actCorrGraph' g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'),'med':Decimal('0.0'),'max':Decimal('1.0')} Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] g.actions = deepcopy(self.actions) g.relation = self.computeActionsComparisonCorrelations() g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() return g
[docs] def computeCriteriaCorrelationDigraph(self,ValuedCorrelation=True,WithMedian=False): """ renders the ordinal criteria correlation digraph. """ from digraphs import Digraph criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() corr,d = self.computeCriteriaCorrelations(ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation) n = len(criteriaList) g = EmptyDigraph(order=n) g.__class__ = Digraph if ValuedCorrelation: = 'valCorrGraph' else: gname = 'corrGraph' g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'),'med':Decimal('0.0'),'max':Decimal('1.0')} Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] if WithMedian: criteriaList.append('m') relation = {} for i in range(n): relation[criteriaList[i]] = {} for j in range(n): relation[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] = corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] if WithMedian: margCorr = self.computeOutrankingConsensusQuality(ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation) #print(margCorr) relation['m'] = {} relation['m']['m'] = self.computeDeterminateness() for item in margCorr[0]: relation[item[1]]['m'] = item[0] relation['m'][item[1]] = item[0] g.actions = criteriaList g.relation = relation #g.gamma = g.gammaSets() #g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() return g
[docs] def showCriteriaHierarchy(self): """ shows the Rubis clustering of the ordinal criteria correlation table """ criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() corr,d = self.computeCriteriaCorrelations() n = len(criteriaList) g = RandomValuationDigraph(order=n) = 'corrGraph' g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1.0'),'med':Decimal('0.0'),'max':Decimal('1.0')} Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] g.actions = criteriaList relation = {} for i in range(n): relation[criteriaList[i]] = {} for j in range(n): relation[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] = -corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] g.relation = relation g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() g.computePreKernels() actions = set(g.actions) criteriaHierarchy = [] for ker in g.dompreKernels: cluster = [y for y in ker] cluster.sort() degintstab = g.intstab(ker) degextstab = g.domin(ker) cred = min(degintstab,degextstab) criteriaHierarchy.append((-cred,degintstab,degextstab,cluster)) criteriaHierarchy.sort() print('*------ criteria clustering hierarchy ------*') clustered = set() hierarchy = [] for ch in criteriaHierarchy: hierarchy = hierarchy + [ch[3]] clustered |= set(ch[3]) rest = actions - clustered print('Cluster: %s\n Credibility level: %2.2f%%; Exterior stability: %2.2f%%; Interior stability: %2.2f%%' % (str(ch[3]), (-ch[0]+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0'), (ch[2]+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0'), (ch[1]+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0'))) print(' Hierarchy: ', hierarchy) print()
[docs] def saveActionsCorrelationTable(self,fileName='tempcorr.prn',delimiter=' ',Bipolar=True,Silent=False,Centered=False): """ Delimited save of correlation table """ import math actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) nd = Decimal(str(n)) corr = self.computeActionsComparisonCorrelations() if not Bipolar: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]] = Decimal('1.0') - (corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]] + Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0') if Centered: centcorr = [Decimal('0.0') for x in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): centcorr[i] += corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]]/nd #print centcorr for i in range(n): for j in range(n): corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]] = (corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]]-centcorr[i])/Decimal.sqrt(nd) #print i, corr[actionsList[i]] fo = open(fileName,'w') for i in range(n): for j in range(n-1): ## if Bipolar: value = corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]] ## else: ## value = 1.0 - (corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[j]] + 1.0)/2.0 fo.write('%2.2f %s' % (value,delimiter)), ## if Bipolar: value = corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[n-1]] ## else: ## value = 1.0 - (corr[actionsList[i]][actionsList[len(actionsList)-1]] + 1.0)/2.0 fo.write('%2.2f\n' % (value)) fo.close() if not Silent: print('Actions Correlation saved on file %s' % (fileName))
[docs] def saveCriteriaCorrelationTable(self,fileName='tempcorr.prn',delimiter=' ', ValuedCorrelation=False,Bipolar=True, Silent=False,Centered=False): """ Delimited save of correlation table """ import math criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() #print(criteriaList) n = len(criteriaList) nd = Decimal(str(n)) corr,d = self.computeCriteriaCorrelations(ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation) #print(corr) if not Bipolar: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] = Decimal('1.0') - (corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] + Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0') if Centered: centcorr = [Decimal('0.0') for x in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): centcorr[i] += corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]]/nd #print centcorr for i in range(n): for j in range(n): corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] = (corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]]-centcorr[i])/Decimal.sqrt(nd) #print i, corr[criteriaList[i]] fo = open(fileName,'w') for i in range(n): for j in range(n-1): ## if Bipolar: value = corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] ## else: ## value = 1.0 - (corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[j]] + 1.0)/2.0 fo.write('%2.2f %s' % (value,delimiter)), ## if Bipolar: value = corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[n-1]] ## else: ## value = 1.0 - (corr[criteriaList[i]][criteriaList[len(criteriaList)-1]] + 1.0)/2.0 fo.write('%2.2f\n' % (value)) fo.close() if not Silent: print('Criteria Correlation saved on file %s' % (fileName))
[docs] def export3DplotOfCriteriaCorrelation(self,plotFileName="critCorr", tempDir='.', graphType=None, pictureFormat='pdf', bgcolor='cornsilk', ValuedCorrelation=False, WithMedian=False, Comments=False): """ Using R for producing a plot (pdf format by default) of the principal components of the criteria ordinal correlation table. *Parameters*: * *plotFileName* := name of the created R plot image, * *pictureFormat* := 'png' (default) | 'pdf' | 'jpeg' | 'xfig', * *graphType* := deprecated * *bgcolor* := 'cornsilk' by default | None, * *ValuedCorrelation* := False (tau by default) | True (r(<=>) otherwise, * *WithMedian* includes the marginal correlation with the global outranking relation * *tempDir* := '.' : default current working directory. """ cg = CriteriaCorrelationDigraph(self,ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation,WithMedian=WithMedian) if graphType is not None: pictureFormat = graphType cg.exportPrincipalImage(plotFileName=plotFileName, tempDir=tempDir, pictureFormat=pictureFormat, bgcolor=bgcolor, Comments=Comments)
def _export3DplotOfCriteriaCorrelation(self,plotFileName="correlation", ValuedCorrelation=False,Type="pdf", graphType='pdf',bgcolor='cornsilk', Comments=False,bipolarFlag=False, _dist=True,_centeredFlag=False, tempDir=None): """ Obsolete and deprecated use Calmat and R for producing a plot of the principal components of the criteria ordinal correlation table. *Parameters*; * *plotFileName* := name of the created R plot image. * deprecated ! *Type*, * *graphType* := format of graphics file: pdf, png, jpeg, xfig, * *bgcolor* := 'cornsilk' by default | None * *ValuedCorrelation* := False (tau by default) | True (r(<=>) otherwise * *tempDir* : if None the tempfile.gettempdir() is used to get the platform independent temporary directory. * *bipolarFlag*: obsolete * *_dist*: internal Calmat flag * *_centeredFlag* : internal Calmat flag """ import time from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, gettempdir import os currentDir = os.getcwd() #print(currentDir) plotFileName = '%s/%s' % (currentDir,plotFileName) Type = graphType if Comments: print('3DplotFileName: %s' % plotFileName) if tempDir is None: tempDir = gettempdir() with TemporaryDirectory(dir=tempDir) as tempDirName: if Comments: print('*---- export 3dplot of type %s -----' % (Type)) os.chdir(tempDirName) criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() n = len(criteriaList) fo = open('criteriaLabels.prn','w') for key in criteriaList: fo.write('%s ' % (key)) fo.close() self.saveCriteriaCorrelationTable(fileName='tempcorr.prn',Silent=True, ValuedCorrelation=ValuedCorrelation, Bipolar=bipolarFlag,Centered=_centeredFlag) # create Calmat script and calmat execution (the prn extension is standard) try: if Comments: if _dist: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n) else: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n) else: if _dist: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n)+' > /dev/null' else: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n)+' > /dev/null' os.system(cmd) if Comments: os.system('env calmat tempcorr.prg') else: os.system('env calmat tempcorr.prg > /dev/null') except: print('Error: You need to install calmat !!!') return # create R 3d scatter plot script if Type == "interactive": fo = open('scatter.r','w') fo.write('# 3d scatter plot RB April 2008\n') fo.write('test.mat <- matrix(scan("compolg.prn"),ncol=%d,byrow=T)\n' % (n)) ## fo.write('choose<-c(%d,%d,%d)\n' % (1,2,3)) fo.write('choose<-c(%d,%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-1,n-2)) fo.write('test.labels <- scan("criteriaLabels.prn",what="character")\n') fo.write('valprop <- matrix(scan("val_prlg.prn"),ncol=2,byrow=T)\n') fo.write('require(rgl)\n') fo.write('open3d()\n') fo.write('points3d(test.mat[,choose])\n') fo.write('text3d(test.mat[,choose],text=test.labels,col="red3")\n') fo.write('axes3d(edges=c("x","y","z"),pos=c(0,0,0),labels=F,ticks=F)\n') fo.write('axes3d(edges=c("x","y","z"))\n') fo.write('title3d(main="Criteria Ordinal Correlation",xlab=valprop[choose,2][1],ylab=valprop[choose,2][2],zlab=valprop[choose,2][3],col="blue",line=4)\n') fo.write('rgl.viewpoint(1,1/4,interactive=T)\n') fo.write('rgl.snapshot("%s.png")\n' % (plotFileName+'.png') ) fo.close() else: fo = open('scatter.r','w') fo.write('# scatter plot RB April 2008\n') fo.write('test.mat <- matrix(scan("compolg.prn"),ncol=%d,byrow=T)\n' % (n)) fo.write('lim1 <- max(test.mat)\n') fo.write('lim2 <- min(test.mat)\n') if _centeredFlag: fo.write('choose12<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (1,2)) fo.write('choose23<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (2,3)) fo.write('choose13<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (1,3)) fo.write('choose21<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (2,1)) else: fo.write('choose12<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-1)) fo.write('choose23<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n-1,n-2)) fo.write('choose13<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-2)) fo.write('choose21<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n-1,n)) fo.write('test.labels <- scan("criteriaLabels.prn",what="character")\n') fo.write('valprop <- matrix(scan("val_prlg.prn"),ncol=2,byrow=T)\n') if Type == "png": fo.write('png("%s.png",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "jpeg": fo.write('jpeg("%s.jpg",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "xfig": fo.write('xfig("%s.fig",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "pdf": if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('pdf("%s.pdf",width=6,height=6,bg="%s",title="PCA of Criteria Correlation Index")\n' % (plotFileName,bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('pdf("%s.pdf",width=6,height=6,title="PCA of Criteria Correlation Index")\n' % (plotFileName) ) else: print('Error: Plotting device %s not defined !' % (Type)) return fo.write('par(mfrow=c(2,2))\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose12,2][1]+valprop[choose12,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 1 and 2",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose12],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') ## fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose23,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 3:",valprop[choose23,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose23,2][1]+valprop[choose23,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 2 and 3",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose23],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') ## fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose13,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 3:",valprop[choose13,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose13,2][1]+valprop[choose13,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 1 and 3",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose13],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') if _centeredFlag: fo.write('barplot(valprop[1:nrow(valprop)-1,2]*100,names.arg=c(1:%d),main="Axis inertia (in %%)",col="orangered")\n' % (n-1)) else: fo.write('barplot(valprop[nrow(valprop):2,2]*100,names.arg=c(1:%d),main="Axis inertia (in %%)",col="orangered")\n' % (n-1)) fo.write('\n') fo.close() try: ## if Comments: ## os.system('/usr/bin/R -q --vanilla --verbose < scatter.r 2>&1') ## else: ## os.system('/usr/bin/R -q --vanilla < scatter.r > /dev/null 2> /dev/null') if Comments: os.system('env R -q --vanilla --verbose < scatter.r 2>&1') else: os.system('env R -q --vanilla < scatter.r > /dev/null 2> /dev/null') time.sleep(3) if Comments: print('See %s.%s ! ' % (plotFileName,Type)) except: print('Error: You need to install R !!!') # reset current working dir !!! os.chdir(currentDir)
[docs] def export3DplotOfActionsCorrelation(self,plotFileName="actCorr", graphType=None, pictureFormat='pdf', bgcolor='cornsilk', Comments=False): """ Using R for producing a plot -pdf format by default- of the principal components of the actions ordinal correlation table. See export3DplotCriteriaCorrelation() """ from copy import deepcopy relationOrig = deepcopy(self.relation) self.relation = self.computeActionsComparisonCorrelations() self.exportPrincipalImage(plotFileName=plotFileName, pictureFormat=pictureFormat, bgcolor=bgcolor, Comments=Comments) self.relation = relationOrig
def _export3DplotOfActionsCorrelation(self,plotFileName="actionsCorrelati", Type="pdf",graphType='pdf', pictureFormat=None,bgcolor='cornsilk', Comments=False,bipolarFlag=False, _dist=True,_centeredFlag=False): """ use Calmat and R for producing a png plot of the principal components of the the actions ordinal correlation table. See export3DplotCriteriaCorrelation() """ import time #from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory #with TemporaryDirectory(dir=tempDir) as tempDirName: if pictureFormat is not None: Type = pictureFormat else: Type = graphType if Comments: print('*---- export 3dplot of type %s -----' % (graphType)) import os actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) fo = open('actionsLabels.prn','w') for key in actionsList: fo.write('%s ' % (key)) fo.close() self.saveActionsCorrelationTable( fileName='tempcorr.prn',Silent=True, Bipolar=bipolarFlag,Centered=_centeredFlag) # create Calmat script and calmat execution # (the prn extension is standard) try: if Comments: if _dist: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n) else: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n) else: if _dist: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n)+' > /dev/null' else: cmd = 'env tempcorr '+str(n)+' '+str(n)+' > /dev/null' os.system(cmd) if Comments: os.system('env calmat tempcorr.prg') else: os.system('env calmat tempcorr.prg > /dev/null') except: print('Error: You need to install calmat !!!') return # create R 3d scatter plot script if Type == "interactive": fo = open('scatter.r','w') fo.write('# 3d scatter plot RB April 2008\n') fo.write('test.mat <- matrix(scan("compolg.prn"),ncol=%d,byrow=T)\n' % (n)) ## fo.write('choose<-c(%d,%d,%d)\n' % (1,2,3)) fo.write('choose<-c(%d,%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-1,n-2)) fo.write('test.labels <- scan("actionsLabels.prn",what="character")\n') fo.write('valprop <- matrix(scan("val_prlg.prn"),ncol=2,byrow=T)\n') fo.write('require(rgl)\n') fo.write('open3d()\n') fo.write('points3d(test.mat[,choose])\n') fo.write('text3d(test.mat[,choose],text=test.labels,col="red3")\n') fo.write('axes3d(edges=c("x","y","z"),pos=c(0,0,0),labels=F,ticks=F)\n') fo.write('axes3d(edges=c("x","y","z"))\n') fo.write('title3d(main="Actions Ordinal Correlation",xlab=valprop[choose,2][1],ylab=valprop[choose,2][2],zlab=valprop[choose,2][3],col="blue",line=4)\n') fo.write('rgl.viewpoint(1,1/4,interactive=T)\n') fo.write('rgl.snapshot("%s.png")\n' % (plotFileName+'.png') ) fo.close() else: fo = open('scatter.r','w') fo.write('# scatter plot RB April 2008\n') fo.write('test.mat <- matrix(scan("compolg.prn"),ncol=%d,byrow=T)\n' % (n)) fo.write('lim1 <- max(test.mat)\n') fo.write('lim2 <- min(test.mat)\n') if _centeredFlag: fo.write('choose12<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (1,2)) fo.write('choose23<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (2,3)) fo.write('choose13<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (1,3)) fo.write('choose21<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (2,1)) else: fo.write('choose12<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-1)) fo.write('choose23<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n-1,n-2)) fo.write('choose13<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n,n-2)) fo.write('choose21<-c(%d,%d)\n' % (n-1,n)) fo.write('test.labels <- scan("actionsLabels.prn",what="character")\n') fo.write('valprop <- matrix(scan("val_prlg.prn"),ncol=2,byrow=T)\n') if Type == "png": fo.write('png("%s.png",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "jpeg": fo.write('jpeg("%s.jpg",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "xfig": fo.write('xfig("%s.fig",width=480,height=480,bg="cornsilk")\n' % (plotFileName) ) elif Type == "pdf": if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('pdf("%s.pdf",width=6,height=6,bg="%s",title="PCA of Actions Correlation Index")\n' % (plotFileName,bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('pdf("%s.pdf",width=6,height=6,title="PCA of Actions Correlation Index")\n' % (plotFileName) ) else: print('Error: Plotting device %s not defined !' % (Type)) return fo.write('par(mfrow=c(2,2))\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose12,2][1]+valprop[choose12,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 1 and 2",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose12],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') ## fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose23,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 3:",valprop[choose23,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose23,2][1]+valprop[choose23,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 2 and 3",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose23],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') ## fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose12,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 2:",valprop[choose12,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('plot(test.mat[,choose12],xlab=paste("axis 1:",valprop[choose13,2][1]*100,"%"),ylab=paste("axis 3:",valprop[choose13,2][2]*100,"%"),type="n",asp=1)\n') fo.write('abline(h=0,v=0,col="grey",lty="dotted")\n') fo.write('title(sub=paste("total inertia:",(valprop[choose13,2][1]+valprop[choose13,2][2])*100,"%"),main="factors 1 and 3",col="blue")\n') fo.write('text(test.mat[,choose13],labels=test.labels,col="red3",cex=1.0)\n') if _centeredFlag: fo.write('barplot(valprop[1:nrow(valprop)-1,2]*100,names.arg=c(1:%d),main="Axis inertia (in %%)",col="orangered")\n' % (n-1)) else: fo.write('barplot(valprop[nrow(valprop):2,2]*100,names.arg=c(1:%d),main="Axis inertia (in %%)",col="orangered")\n' % (n-1)) fo.write('\n') fo.close() try: ## if Comments: ## os.system('/usr/bin/R -q --vanilla --verbose < scatter.r 2>&1') ## else: ## os.system('/usr/bin/R -q --vanilla < scatter.r > /dev/null 2> /dev/null') if Comments: os.system('env R -q --vanilla --verbose < scatter.r 2>&1') else: os.system('env R -q --vanilla < scatter.r > /dev/null 2> /dev/null') time.sleep(3) if Comments: print('See %s.%s ! ' % (plotFileName,Type)) except: print('Error: You need to install R !!!')
[docs] def computePairwiseComparisons(self,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ renders pairwise comparison parameters for all pairs of actions """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] pairwiseComparisons = {} for x in actionsList: pairwiseComparisons[x] = {} for y in actionsList: pairwiseComparisons[x][y] = {'lt':0, 'leq':0, 'eq':0, 'geq':0, 'gt':0} for a in actionsList: for b in actionsList: for c in criteria: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx + indy *\ max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx + indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = Decimal('0') try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy *\ max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = ind + Decimal("0.00000000000001") try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = wp if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] if evaluation[c][a] - p >= evaluation[c][b]: pairwiseComparisons[a][b]['gt'] += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) elif evaluation[c][a] - wp >= evaluation[c][b]: pairwiseComparisons[a][b]['geq'] += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) elif evaluation[c][a] + ind >= evaluation[c][b]: pairwiseComparisons[a][b]['eq'] += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) elif evaluation[c][a] + p > evaluation[c][b]: pairwiseComparisons[a][b]['leq'] += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) elif evaluation[c][a] + p <= evaluation[c][b]: pairwiseComparisons[a][b]['lt'] += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) else: print("Error: a,b,c,d,ind,wp,p",a,b,c,d,ind,wp,p) return pairwiseComparisons
[docs] def showPairwiseComparisonsDistributions(self): """ Renders the lt,leq, eq, geq, gt distributions for all pairs """ a = [x for x in self.actions] a.sort() pc = self.computePairwiseComparisons() print(' distribution of pairwise comparisons') print(' a b | "<" "<=" "==" ">=" ">" | "S"') print('-----------------------------') for i in range(len(a)): for j in range(i+1,len(a)): print(' %s %s | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f' % ( a[i],a[j],pc[a[i]][a[j]]['lt'], pc[a[i]][a[j]]['leq'],pc[a[i]][a[j]]['eq'], pc[a[i]][a[j]]['geq'],pc[a[i]][a[j]]['gt'], self.relation[a[i]][a[j]])) print(' %s %s | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f' % ( a[j],a[i],pc[a[j]][a[i]]['lt'], pc[a[j]][a[i]]['leq'],pc[a[j]][a[i]]['eq'], pc[a[j]][a[i]]['geq'],pc[a[j]][a[i]]['gt'], self.relation[a[j]][a[i]]))
[docs] def showOldPairwiseComparison(self,a,b, Debug=False,isReturningHTML=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Obsolete: Renders the pairwise comprison parameters on all criteria with weak preference and weak veto thresholds. """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria if Debug: print('a,b =', a, b) if a != b: if isReturningHTML: html = '<h1>Pairwise Comparison</h1>' html += '<h2>Comparing actions : (%s,%s)</h2>' % (a,b) html += '<table style="background-color:White" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">' html += '<th>crit.</th><th>wght.</th> <th>g(x)</th> <th>g(y)</th> <th>diff</th> <th>ind</th> <th>wp</th> <th>p</th> <th>concord</th> <th>wv</th> <th>v</th> <th>polarisation</th>' html += '</tr>' else: print('*------------ pairwise comparison ----*') print('Comparing actions : (%s, %s)' % (a,b)) print('crit. wght. g(x) g(y) diff \t| ind wp p concord \t| wv v weak veto veto') print('------------------------------- \t ----------------------------- \t ----------------') concordance = 0 sumWeights = 0 criteriaList = [x for x in criteria] criteriaList.sort() for c in criteriaList: sumWeights += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if self.criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) if ind is not None: ind = round(ind,2) if wp is not None: wp = round(wp,2) if p is not None: p = round(p,2) if isReturningHTML: html += '<tr>' html += '<td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%.2f</td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td>%+2.2f</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%+.2f</td>' % (c,criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(wp),str(p),lc0*abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) else: print(c, ' %.2f %2.2f %2.2f %+2.2f \t| %s %s %s %+.2f \t|' % (criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(wp),str(p),lc0*abs(criteria[c]['weight'])), end=' ') concordance = concordance + (lc0 * abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) try: wvx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None veto = self._localVeto(d,wv,v) try: negativeVeto = self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v) hasBipolarVeto = True except: hasBipolarVeto = False if hasBipolarVeto: if v is not None: if d >= v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, negativeVeto) elif d <= -v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, -veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, negativeVeto) elif d <= -wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, -veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: ## unipolar case Electre III for instance if veto > Decimal("-1.0"): if wv is not None: if v is not None: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, v, veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, v, veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, -veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td> <td></td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, -veto) else: if v is not None: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if evaluation[c][a] == NA: eval_c_a = 'NA' else: eval_c_a = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][a] if evaluation[c][b] == NA: eval_c_b = 'NA' else: eval_c_b = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][b] if not isReturningHTML: print(c,' %s %s' % (eval_c_a,eval_c_b)) else: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%.2f</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>%.2f</td></tr>' %\ (c, criteria[c]['weight'],eval_c_a,eval_c_b, self.valuationdomain['med']*criteria[c]['weight']) if not isReturningHTML: print(' ----------------------------------------') print(' Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f' % (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance)) else: html += '</tr></table>' html += '<b>Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f </b>' % (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance) if isReturningHTML: return html
[docs] def showPairwiseComparison(self,a,b, Debug=False,isReturningHTML=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the pairwise comprison parameters on all criteria in html format """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criteria = self.criteria if Debug: print('a,b =', a, b) if a != b: if isReturningHTML: html = '<h1>Pairwise Comparison</h1>' html += '<h2>Comparing actions : (%s,%s)</h2>' % (a,b) html += '<table style="background-color:White" border="1">' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">' html += '<th>crit.</th><th>wght.</th> <th>g(x)</th> <th>g(y)</th> <th>diff</th> <th>ind</th> <th>pref</th> <th>concord</th> <th>v</th> <th>polarisation</th>' html += '</tr>' else: print('*------------ pairwise comparison ----*') print('Comparing actions : (%s, %s)' % (a,b)) print('crit. wght. g(x) g(y) diff \t| ind pref r() \t| v veto') print('------------------------------- \t ----------------------------- \t ----------------') concordance = 0 sumWeights = 0 criteriaList = [x for x in criteria] criteriaList.sort() for c in criteriaList: sumWeights += abs(criteria[c]['weight']) if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if self.criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) if ind is not None: ind = round(ind,2) if wp is not None: wp = round(wp,2) if p is not None: p = round(p,2) if isReturningHTML: html += '<tr>' html += '<td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%.2f</td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td>%+2.2f</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%+.2f</td>' %\ (c,criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a], evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(p), lc0*abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) else: print(c, ' %.2f %2.2f %2.2f %+2.2f \t| %s %s %+.2f \t|' %\ (criteria[c]['weight'],evaluation[c][a], evaluation[c][b],d, str(ind),str(p), lc0*abs(criteria[c]['weight'])), end=' ') concordance = concordance + (lc0 * abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) wv = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None veto = self._localVeto(d,wv,v) try: negativeVeto = self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v) hasBipolarVeto = True except: hasBipolarVeto = False if hasBipolarVeto: if v is not None: if d >= v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, negativeVeto) elif d <= -v: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, -veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td> %2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, negativeVeto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ddffdd">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, negativeVeto) elif d <= -wv: if not isReturningHTML: print('%2.2f %+2.2f' % (wv, -veto)) else: html += '<td>%2.2f</td><td></td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (wv, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: ## unipolar case Electre III for instance if veto > Decimal("-1.0"): if v is not None: if not isReturningHTML: print(' %2.2f %+2.2f' % (v, veto)) else: html += '<td></td> <td>%2.2f</td> <td bgcolor="#ffddff">%+2.2f</td>' % (v, -veto) else: if not isReturningHTML: print() else: html += '</tr>' else: if evaluation[c][a] == NA: eval_c_a = 'NA' else: eval_c_a = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][a] if evaluation[c][b] == NA: eval_c_b = 'NA' else: eval_c_b = '%2.2f' % evaluation[c][b] if not isReturningHTML: print(c,' %s %s' % (eval_c_a,eval_c_b)) else: html += '<tr><td bgcolor="#FFEEAA" align="center">%s</td> <td>%.2f</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>%.2f</td></tr>' %\ (c, criteria[c]['weight'],eval_c_a,eval_c_b, self.valuationdomain['med']*criteria[c]['weight']) if not isReturningHTML: print(' ----------------------------------------') print(' Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f' %\ (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance)) else: html += '</tr></table>' html += '<b>Valuation in range: %+.2f to %+.2f; global concordance: %+.2f </b>' %\ (-sumWeights,sumWeights,concordance) if isReturningHTML: return html
[docs] def showHTMLPairwiseComparison(self,a,b,htmlFileName=None): """ Exporting the pairwise comparison table of actions a and b in the default system browser. A specific file name may be provided. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName # if fileName is None: # fileName = 'pairwiseComparison_%s_%s.html' % (a,b) fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self.showPairwiseComparison(a,b,isReturningHTML=True)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def showPairwiseOutrankings(self,a,b, Debug=False,isReturningHTML=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the pairwise outrankings table for actions *a* and *b*. """ self.showPairwiseComparison(a,b,\ Debug=Debug,isReturningHTML=isReturningHTML,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) self.showPairwiseComparison(b,a,\ Debug=Debug,isReturningHTML=isReturningHTML,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds)
[docs] def showHTMLPairwiseOutrankings(self,a,b,htmlFileName=None): """ Exporting the pairwise outrankings table of actions a and b in the default system browser. A specific file name may be provided. """ import webbrowser if htmlFileName == None: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile fileName = (NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False,dir='.')).name else: from os import getcwd fileName = getcwd()+'/'+htmlFileName fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(self.showPairwiseComparison(a,b,isReturningHTML=True)) fo.write(self.showPairwiseComparison(b,a,isReturningHTML=True)) fo.close() url = 'file://'+fileName,new=2)
[docs] def showShort(self): """ specialize the general showShort method with the criteria. """ Digraph.showShort(self) self.showCriteria() self.showPerformanceTableau()
[docs] def showAll(self): """ specialize the general showAll method with criteria and performance tableau output """ print('*----- show detail -------------*') print('Digraph :', print('*---- Actions ----*') print(self.actions) self.showCriteria() self.showPerformanceTableau() print('*---- Valuation domain ----*') print(self.valuationdomain) self.showRelationTable() self.showComponents() self.showPreKernels()
[docs] def showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=False, actionsSubset= None, rankingRule=None, Sorted=False, hasLPDDenotation=False, OddsDenotation=False, StabilityDenotation=False, hasLatexFormat=False, hasIntegerValuation=False, relation=None, ReflexiveTerms=True, fromIndex=None, toIndex=None): """ Prints the relation valuation in actions X actions table format. Copeland and NetFlows ranking rule may be applied. """ if hasLPDDenotation: try: largePerformanceDifferencesCount = self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount except: hasLPDDenotation = False if OddsDenotation: try: oddsMatrix = self.computePairwiseOddsMatrix() except: OddsDenotation = False if StabilityDenotation: try: stability = self.stability except AttributeError: robustg = RobustOutrankingDigraph(self) stability = robustg.stability #except: # hasStabilityDenotation = False ## if actionsSubset is None: ## actions = self.actions ## else: ## actions = actionsSubset if actionsSubset is None: if rankingRule is None: actions = self.actions else: if rankingRule == 'Copeland': computeRanking = self.computeCopelandRanking elif rankingRule == 'NetFlows': computeRanking = self.computeNetFlowsRanking actions = computeRanking() Sorted = False else: actions = actionsSubset if relation is None: if hasLPDDenotation: relation = self.relation else: relation = self.relation print('* ---- Relation Table -----\n', end=' ') if OddsDenotation: print('r/(pro:con)| ', end=' ') elif StabilityDenotation: print('r/(stab)| ', end=' ') elif hasLPDDenotation: print('r/(lh)| ', end=' ') else: print(' r | ', end=' ') actions = [x for x in actions] if fromIndex is None: fromIndex = 0 if toIndex is None: toIndex = len(actions) actionsList = [] for x in actions[fromIndex:toIndex]: if isinstance(x,frozenset): try: actionsList += [(actions[x]['shortName'],x)] except: actionsList += [(actions[x]['name'],x)] else: try: actionsList += [(actions[x]['shortName'],x)] except: actionsList += [(str(x),x)] if Sorted: actionsList.sort() #print actionsList #actionsList.sort() try: hasIntegerValuation = self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] except KeyError: hasIntegerValuation = IntegerValues for x in actionsList: print("'"+x[0]+"' ", end=' ') print('\n-----|------------------------------------------------------------') for x in actionsList: if hasLatexFormat: print("$"+x[0]+"$ & ", end=' ') else: print("'"+x[0]+"' | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: if x == y: if not ReflexiveTerms: if hasLPDDenotation: print(' - ', end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$\\;-\\;$ &', end=' ') else: print(' - ', end=' ') else: Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] if hasLPDDenotation: print(' %+.2f ' % Max, end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$%.2f$ &' % Max, end=' ') else: print(' %+.2f ' % Max, end=' ') else: if hasIntegerValuation: if hasLPDDenotation: print('%+d ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$%+d$ &' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print('%+d ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: if hasLPDDenotation: print('%+2.2f ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$%+2.2f$ & ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print('%+2.2f ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') if hasLatexFormat: print(' \\cr') else: print() if hasLPDDenotation: print(" | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: print('(%+d,%+d)' % (largePerformanceDifferencesCount[x[1]][y[1]]['positive'], largePerformanceDifferencesCount[x[1]][y[1]]['negative']), end=' ') print() elif OddsDenotation: print(" | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: print('(%.0f:%.0f)' % (oddsMatrix[x[1]][y[1]][0],oddsMatrix[x[1]][y[1]][1]), end=' ') print() elif StabilityDenotation: print(" | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: if x == y and StabilityDenotation: print(' (+4) ', end=' ') else: print(' (%+d) ' % stability[x[1]][y[1]], end=' ') print('') print('Valuation domain: [%.3f; %.3f]' %\ (self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max']) ) if rankingRule is not None: print('RankingRule = %s' % rankingRule) if StabilityDenotation: print('Stability denotation semantics:') print(' +4|-4 : unanimous outranking | outranked situation;') print(' +3|-3 : validated outranking | outranked situation') print(' in each coalition of equisignificant criteria;') print(' +2|-2 : outranking | outranked situation validated') print(' with all potential significance weights that are') print(' compatible with the given significance preorder;') print(' +1|-1 : validated outranking | outranked situation with') print(' the given significance weights;') print(' 0 : indeterminate relational situation.') print()
[docs] def showPerformanceTableau(self,actionsSubset=None): """ Print the performance Tableau. """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA print('*---- performance tableau -----*') criteriaList = list(self.criteria) criteriaList.sort() if actionsSubset is None: actionsList = list(self.actions) #actionsList.sort() else: actionsList = list(actionsSubset) print('criteria | ', end=' ') for x in actionsList: print('\''+str(x)+'\' ', end=' ') print('\n---------|-----------------------------------------') for g in criteriaList: print(' \''+str(g)+'\' |', end=' ') for x in actionsList: if evaluation[g][x] != NA: print('% .1f, ' % (evaluation[g][x]), end=' ') else: print(' NA, ', end=' ') print()
[docs] def computeVetosShort(self): """ renders the number of vetoes and real vetoes in an OutrankingDigraph. """ Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] nv = len(self.vetos) realveto = 0 for i in range(nv): if self.vetos[i][0][2] > Med: realveto += 1 return nv,realveto
[docs] def computeVetoesStatistics(self,level=None): """ renders the cut level vetos in dictionary format: vetos = {'all': n0, 'strong: n1, 'weak':n2}. """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] if level is None: level = Med else: level = Decimal(str(level)) negLevel = Max - level + Min nv = len(self.vetos) weakVeto = 0 strongVeto = 0 for i in range(nv): if self.vetos[i][0][2] > level: strongVeto += 1 elif self.vetos[i][0][2] > negLevel: weakVeto += 1 vetos = {} vetos['all'] = nv vetos['strong'] = strongVeto vetos['weak'] = weakVeto return vetos
[docs] def showConsiderablePerformancesPolarisation(self): """ prints all considerable performance polarisations. """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] vet = self.vetos negVet = self.negativeVetos vp = [(x[0][0],x[0][1]) for x in vet] nvp = [(x[0][0],x[0][1]) for x in negVet] #print(vp) #print(nvp) nv = len(vp) nnv = len(nvp) i = 0 j = 0 while i < nv or j < nnv: if i < nv and j < nnv: if vp[i] == nvp[j]: print('*----- Consirable contradictory performance difference! ------*') print('r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in vet[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable negative performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Veto discrimination threshold : %.2f' % -lpd[1][3] ) for lpd in negVet[j][1]: print('criteria: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable positive performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Counter-veto threshold : %.2f' % lpd[1][3] ) print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2],Med) ) i += 1; j +=1 elif vp[i] < nvp[j]: print('*------ Considerable negative performance difference -----"') print('r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in vet[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable negative performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Veto discrimination threshold : %.2f' % -lpd[1][3] ) if vet[i][0][2] > Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2],Min) ) i += 1 else: print('*------ Considerable positive performance difference -----"') print('r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in negVet[j][1]: print('criteria: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable positive performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Counter-veto threshold : %.2f' % lpd[1][3] ) if negVet[j][0][2] < Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[j][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[j][0][2],Max) ) j += 1 else: break while i < nv: print('*------ Considerable negative performance difference -----"') print('r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in vet[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable negative performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Veto discrimination threshold : %.2f' % -lpd[1][3] ) if vet[i][0][2] > Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (vet[i][0][0],vet[i][0][1],vet[i][0][2],Min) ) i +=1 while j < nnv: print('*------ Considerable positive performance difference -----"') print('r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[j][0][2]) ) for lpd in negVet[j][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable positive performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Counter-veto threshold : %.2f' % lpd[1][3] ) if negVet[j][0][2] < Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[j][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negVet[j][0][0],negVet[j][0][1],negVet[j][0][2],Max) ) j += 1
[docs] def showPolarisations(self,cutLevel=None,realVetosOnly = False): """ prints all negative and positive polarised situations observed in the OutrankingDigraph instance. """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] lpdCount = self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount try: vetos = self.vetos except: vetos = [] print('*---- Negative polarisations ----*') #nv, realveto = self.computeVetosShort() #vetos.sort() nv = len(vetos) print('number of negative polarisations : %d ' % (nv)) for i in range(nv): print('%d: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (i+1,vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in vetos[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Veto discrimination threshold : %.2f' % -lpd[1][3] ) if lpdCount[vetos[i][0][0]][vetos[i][0][1]]['positive'] == 0: if vetos[i][0][2] > Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Min) ) else: print('Consirable contradictory performance differences!') print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Med) ) #print('number of real vetos: %d' % (realveto)) #return nv,realveto try: negativeVetos = self.negativeVetos except: negativeVetos = [] print('\n*---- Positive polarisations ----*') #vetos.sort() cv = len(negativeVetos) print('number of positive polarisations: %d ' % (cv)) for i in range(cv): print('%d: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (i+1,negativeVetos[i][0][0], negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in negativeVetos[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Counter-veto threshold : %.2f' % lpd[1][3] ) if lpdCount[negativeVetos[i][0][0]][negativeVetos[i][0][1]]['negative'] == 0: if negativeVetos[i][0][2] < Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0], negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0], negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Max) ) else: print('Consirable contradictory performance differences!') print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0], negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Med) )
[docs] def showVetos(self,cutLevel=None,realVetosOnly = False): """ prints all veto and counter-veto situations observed in the OutrankingDigraph instance. """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] lpdCount = self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount print('*---- Veto situations ---') #nv, realveto = self.computeVetosShort() vetos = self.vetos #vetos.sort() nv = len(vetos) print('number of veto situations : %d ' % (nv)) for i in range(nv): print('%d: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (i+1,vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in vetos[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Veto discrimination threshold : %.2f' % -lpd[1][3] ) if lpdCount[vetos[i][0][0]][vetos[i][0][1]]['positive'] == 0: if vetos[i][0][2] > Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Min) ) else: print('Consirable contradictory performance differences!') print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (vetos[i][0][0],vetos[i][0][1],vetos[i][0][2],Med) ) #print('number of real vetos: %d' % (realveto)) #return nv,realveto print('\n*---- Counter-veto situations ---') negativeVetos = self.negativeVetos #vetos.sort() cv = len(negativeVetos) print('number of counter-veto situations : %d ' % (nv)) for i in range(cv): print('%d: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f' %\ (i+1,negativeVetos[i][0][0],\ negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2]) ) for lpd in negativeVetos[i][1]: print('criterion: ' + str(lpd[0])) print('Considerable performance difference : %.2f' % lpd[1][1] ) print('Counter-veto threshold : %.2f' % lpd[1][3] ) if lpdCount[negativeVetos[i][0][0]][negativeVetos[i][0][1]]['negative'] == 0: if negativeVetos[i][0][2] < Med: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0],\ negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Med) ) else: print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %+.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0],\ negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Max) ) else: print('Consirable contradictory performance differences!') print('Polarisation: r(%s >= %s) = %.2f ==> %.2f' %\ (negativeVetos[i][0][0],\ negativeVetos[i][0][1],negativeVetos[i][0][2],Med) )
[docs] def saveXMCDA2RubisChoiceRecommendation(self,fileName='temp', category='Rubis',subcategory='Choice Recommendation', author='digraphs Module (RB)',reference='saved from Python', comment=True,servingD3=False,relationName='Stilde', graphValuationType='bipolar',variant='standard', instanceID='void',stringNA='NA',_OldCoca=True, Debug=False): """ save complete Rubis problem and result in XMCDA 2.0 format with unicode encoding. *Warning*: obsolete now! """ import codecs,copy # save a copy of self selfOrig = copy.deepcopy(self) if Debug: print('Debug sel orig:', self.__dict__.keys()) # the next command augments self with chordless circuits, # the case given ! _OldCoca is True by default for compatibility reasons # with the old Rubis web services in D3 and D4 for instance ! self.computeRubyChoice(_OldCoca=_OldCoca) if Debug: print('Debug after computeRubyChoice:', self.__dict__.keys()) if isinstance(self,RobustOutrankingDigraph): category = 'Robust Rubis' if comment: print('*----- saving digraph in XMCDA 2.0 format -------------*') nameExt = fileName+'.xmcda2' #nameExt = fileName+'.xml' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') if category=='Rubis': if not servingD3: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2RubisChoice.xsl"?>\n') else: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2RubisChoice.xsl"? -->\n') elif category=='Robust Rubis': if not servingD3: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2RubisRobustChoice.xsl"?>\n') else: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2RubisRobustChoice.xsl"? -->\n') else: if not servingD3: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"?>\n') else: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmcda2Rubis.xsl"? -->\n') fo.write('<xmcda:XMCDA xmlns:xsi=""\n xsi:schemaLocation=""\n xmlns:xmcda="" instanceID="%s">\n' % str(instanceID) ) # write description try: projectName = self.description['name'] except: projectName = try: projectID = self.description['id'] except: projectID = fileName fo.write('<projectReference id="%s" name="%s">\n' % (str(projectID),str(projectName))) # titles if category == 'Rubis': title = 'Rubis Best Choice Recommendation' elif category == 'Robust Rubis': title = 'Condorcet Robustness of a Rubis Best Choice Recommendation' fo.write('<%s>%s</%s>\n' % ('title', str(title),'title') ) try: fo.write('<%s>%s</%s>\n' % ('subTitle', str(self.description['title']),'subTitle') ) except: pass try: fo.write('<%s>%s</%s>\n' % ('subSubTitle', str(self.description['subTitle']),'subSubTitle') ) except: pass # rest of case description including the bibliography try: for entry in self.description: if entry == 'bibliography': fo.write('<bibliography>\n') for bibEntry in [x for x in self.description[entry]]: if bibEntry == 'description': fo.write('<description><subSubTitle>%s</subSubTitle></description>\n' %\ (str(self.description['bibliography']['description']['subSubTitle'])) ) else: fo.write('<bibEntry>%s</bibEntry>\n' %\ (str(self.description['bibliography'][bibEntry])) ) fo.write('</bibliography>\n') elif entry != 'title' and entry != 'subTitle' and entry != 'subSubTitle' and entry != 'name' and entry != 'id' and entry != 'type': fo.write('<%s>%s</%s>\n' % (entry, str(self.description[entry]),entry) ) except: fo.write('<author>%s</author>\n' % (str(author)) ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % (str(reference)) ) fo.write('</projectReference>\n') # write methodParameters if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<methodParameters id="%s" name="%s">\n' % ('Robust Rubis','Robustness analysis of Rubis best choice method')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Method data</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<comment>Results of Condorcet robustness analysis in XMCDA format.</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<methodParameters id="%s" name="%s">\n' % ('Rubis','Rubis best choice method') ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Method data</subTitle>\n') fo.write('<comment>Rubis best choice recommendation in XMCDA format.</comment>\n') fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('1.0')) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<parameters>\n') try: variant = self.methodData['parameter']['variant'] fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('variant')) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (variant) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') except: pass try: valuationType = self.methodData['parameter']['valuationType'] fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('valuationType') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (valuationType) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') except: pass try: vetoType = self.methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] fo.write('<parameter name="%s">\n' % ('vetoType') ) fo.write('<value>\n') fo.write('<label>%s</label>\n' % (vetoType) ) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</parameter>\n') except: pass fo.write('</parameters>\n') fo.write('</methodParameters>\n') # write potential actions origActionsList = [x for x in self.actions_orig] origActionsList.sort() fo.write('<alternatives mcdaConcept="alternatives">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('List of Alternatives')) fo.write('<subTitle>Potential decision actions.</subTitle>\n') #fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('alternatives')) fo.write('</description>\n') for x in origActionsList: try: alternativeName=self.actions_orig[x]['name'] except: alternativeName=x fo.write('<alternative id="%s" name="%s">\n' % (str(x),str(alternativeName)) ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(self.actions_orig[x]['comment'])) except: fo.write('potential decision actions') fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<type>real</type>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') fo.write('</alternative>\n') fo.write('</alternatives>\n') # coca actions if any cocaActionsList = [x for x in self.actions if isinstance(x,frozenset)] if Debug: print('Debug: cocaActionsList',cocaActionsList) if cocaActionsList != []: cocaActionsList.sort() fo.write('<alternatives mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('cocaActions')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>%s</subTitle>\n' % ('Coca digraph actions')) #fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('cocaActions')) fo.write('<comment>Chordless odd circuits added to the original outranking digraph.</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for x in cocaActionsList: fo.write('<alternative id="%s" name="%s">\n' %\ (str(self.actions[x]['name']),str(self.actions[x]['name'])) ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(self.actions[x]['comment'])) ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<type>fictive</type>\n') fo.write('</alternative>\n') fo.write('</alternatives>\n') # save objectives if there are any try: objectivesList = [x for x in self.objectives] objectivesList.sort() objectives = self.objectives fo.write('<objectives mcdaConcept="objectives">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>Set of decision objectives</subTitle>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for obj in objectivesList: try: objectiveName = str(objectives[obj]['name']) except: objectiveName = str(obj) fo.write('<objective id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (str(obj),objectiveName,'objective' ) ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(objective[obj]['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('No comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('Rubis') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') fo.write('<weight><value><real>%.2f</real></value></weight>\n' %\ (objectives[obj]['weight']) ) try: objCriteria = [x for x in self.criteria if self.criteria[x]['objective'] == obj] fo.write('<objectiveCriteria>%s</objectiveCriteria>\n' %\ (str(objCriteria)) ) except: pass fo.write('</objective>\n') fo.write('</objectives>\n') except: pass # save criteria criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteria mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('criteria')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>Rubis family of criteria.</title>\n') #fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('criteria')) fo.write('</description>\n') for g in criteriaList: critg = criteria[g] try: criterionName = str(critg['name']) except: criterionName = 'nameless' fo.write('<criterion id="%s" name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' %\ (g,criterionName,'criterion') ) fo.write('<description>\n') try: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % (str(critg['comment'])) ) except: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('no comment') ) fo.write('<version>%s</version>\n' % ('performance') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<active>true</active>\n') try: fo.write('<criterionObjective>%s</criterionObjective>\n' %\ critg['objective']) except: pass try: if critg['IntegerWeights']: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><integer>%d</integer></value></criterionValue>\n' %\ (critg['weight']) ) else: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' %\ (critg['weight']) ) except: fo.write('<criterionValue><value><real>%.2f</real></value></criterionValue>\n' %\ (critg['weight']) ) #fo.write('<criterionFunction category="%s" subCategory="%s" >\n' % ('Rubis','performance')) fo.write('<scale>\n') fo.write('<quantitative>\n') try: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' %\ (critg['preferenceDirection']) ) if critg['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': #pdir = -1 pdir = 1 else: pdir = 1 except: fo.write('<preferenceDirection>%s</preferenceDirection>\n' % ('max') ) pdir = 1 fo.write('<minimum><real>%.2f</real></minimum>\n' % (critg['scale'][0]) ) fo.write('<maximum><real>%.2f</real></maximum>\n' % (critg['scale'][1]) ) fo.write('</quantitative>\n') fo.write('</scale>\n') fo.write('<thresholds>\n') try: if critg['thresholds']['ind'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="%s">\n' % ('ind')) if critg['thresholds']['ind'][1] != Decimal('0.0'): fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' %\ (pdir*critg['thresholds']['ind'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' % (critg['thresholds']['ind'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if critg['thresholds']['weakPreference'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="%s">\n' % ('weakPreference')) if critg['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] != Decimal('0.0'): fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' %\ (pdir*critg['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if critg['thresholds']['pref'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="%s">\n' % ('pref')) if critg['thresholds']['pref'][1] != Decimal('0.0'): fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' %\ (pdir*critg['thresholds']['pref'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['pref'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if critg['thresholds']['weakVeto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="%s">\n' % ('weakVeto')) if critg['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] != Decimal('0.0'): fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' %\ (pdir*critg['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass try: if critg['thresholds']['veto'] is not None: fo.write('<threshold id="%s">\n' % ('veto')) if critg['thresholds']['veto'][1] != Decimal('0.0'): fo.write('<linear>\n') fo.write('<slope><real>%.2f</real></slope>\n' %\ (pdir*critg['thresholds']['veto'][1]) ) fo.write('<intercept><real>%.2f</real></intercept>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</linear>\n') else: fo.write('<constant>\n') fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>\n' %\ (critg['thresholds']['veto'][0]) ) fo.write('</constant>\n') fo.write('</threshold>\n') except: pass fo.write('</thresholds>\n') #fo.write('</criterionFunction>\n') fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') # save performance table evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA fo.write('<performanceTable mcdaConcept="%s">\n' %('performanceTable') ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>Rubis Performance Table</title>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for i in range(len(origActionsList)): fo.write('<alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>'+str(origActionsList[i])+'</alternativeID>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<performance>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>') fo.write(g) fo.write('</criterionID>\n') val = evaluation[g][origActionsList[i]] if val == NA: fo.write('<value><NA>') fo.write('%s' % stringNA ) fo.write('</NA></value>\n') else: try: if self.criteria[g]['preferenceDirection'] == 'min': if self.criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): pdir = Decimal('-1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') else: pdir = Decimal('1') except: pdir = Decimal('1') fo.write('<value><real>') fo.write('%.2f' % (pdir*evaluation[g][origActionsList[i]]) ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') fo.write('</alternativePerformances>\n') fo.write('</performanceTable>\n') # criteria ordinal correlation analysis if category != 'Robust Rubis': corr,d = selfOrig.computeCriteriaCorrelations() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] cn = len(criteriaList) criteriaList.sort() criteria = self.criteria fo.write('<criteriaComparisons mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('correlationTable')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Ordinal Criteria Correlation Index')) fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' %\ ('Generalisation of Kendall&apos;s &#964; to nested homogeneous semiorders.') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<comparisonType>%s</comparisonType>' % ('correlation')) fo.write('<pairs>\n') for ci in range(cn): for cj in range(cn): fo.write('<pair>\n') fo.write('<initial><criterionID>') fo.write(str(criteriaList[ci])) fo.write('</criterionID></initial>\n') fo.write('<terminal><criterionID>') fo.write(str(criteriaList[cj])) fo.write('</criterionID></terminal>\n') fo.write('<value><real>%2.2f' %\ (corr[criteriaList[ci]][criteriaList[cj]]) ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</pair>\n') fo.write('</pairs>\n') fo.write('</criteriaComparisons>\n') # outranking digraph if category != 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<alternativesComparisons name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' %\ (relationName,'outrankingDigraph')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Bipolar-valued Outranking Relation')) #fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (relationName) ) #fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('outrankingDigraph')) fo.write('<comment>%s %s Relation</comment>\n' % (category,subcategory) ) else: fo.write('<alternativesComparisons name="%s" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' %\ (relationName,'CondorcetRobustness') ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Valued Outranking Relation')) #fo.write('<name>%s</name>\n' % (relationName) ) #fo.write('<type>%s</type>\n' % ('outrankingDigraph')) fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('with Condorcet Robustness denotation') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<valuation>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>%s</subTitle>\n' % ('Valuation Domain')) if category != 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('Significance degrees') ) else: fo.write('<comment>%s</comment>\n' % ('Condorcet robustness degrees') ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<valuationType>%s</valuationType>\n' % (graphValuationType) ) Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] fo.write('<quantitative>') if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<minimum><real>%d</real></minimum>' % (Min)) fo.write('<maximum><real>%d</real></maximum>' % (Max)) else: fo.write('<minimum><real>%2.2f</real></minimum>' % (Min)) fo.write('<maximum><real>%2.2f</real></maximum>' % (Max)) fo.write('</quantitative>\n') fo.write('</valuation>\n') fo.write('<pairs>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>%s</subTitle>\n' % ('Valued Adjacency Table')) try: category = self.category subcategory = self.subcategory except: pass if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<comment>Pairwise outranking significance degrees in the range: %d to %d with Condorcet robustness degrees shown in brackets. </comment>\n' %\ (self.cardinalValuationdomain['min'],self.cardinalValuationdomain['max']) ) else: fo.write('<comment>Pairwise outranking significance degrees in the range: %2.2f to %2.2f</comment>\n' % (Min,Max) ) fo.write('</description>\n') relation = self.relation if category == 'Robust Rubis': cardinalRelation = self.cardinalRelation for x in origActionsList: for y in origActionsList: fo.write('<pair>\n') fo.write('<initial><alternativeID>') fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</alternativeID></initial>\n') fo.write('<terminal><alternativeID>') fo.write(str(y)) fo.write('</alternativeID></terminal>\n') try: if self.methodData['parameter']['valuationType'] == 'integer': fo.write('<value><integer>%d</integer></value>' % (relation[x][y]) ) elif category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<values>\n') if x != y: fo.write('<value name="outranking"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %\ (cardinalRelation[x][y]) ) fo.write('<value name="robustness"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %\ (relation[x][y]) ) else: fo.write('<value name="outranking"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' % (100) ) fo.write('<value name="robustness"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' % (3) ) fo.write('</values>\n') else: fo.write('<value><real>%2.2f</real></value>' % (relation[x][y]) ) except: if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<values>\n') fo.write('<value name="outranking"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' % (cardinalRelation[x][y]) ) if x == y: fo.write('<value name="outranking"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' % (100) ) fo.write('<value name="robustness"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' % (3) ) else: fo.write('<value name="outranking"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %\ (cardinalRelation[x][y]) ) fo.write('<value name="robustness"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %\ (int(relation[x][y])) ) fo.write('</values>\n') else: fo.write('<value><real>%2.2f' % (relation[x][y]) ) fo.write('</real></value>\n') fo.write('</pair>\n') fo.write('</pairs>\n') fo.write('</alternativesComparisons>\n') # vetos if any try: vetos = self.vetos if vetos != []: Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] fo.write('<alternativesComparisons mcdaConcept="Vetoes">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Vetoes')) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<pairs>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>%s</subTitle>\n' % ('Effective and potential veto situations')) fo.write('</description>\n') for veto in vetos: arc = veto[0] fo.write('<pair>\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>concordance degree:%.2f</comment>\n' % (arc[2]) ) fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<initial><alternativeID>') fo.write(str(arc[0])) fo.write('</alternativeID></initial>\n') fo.write('<terminal><alternativeID>') fo.write(str(arc[1])) fo.write('</alternativeID></terminal>\n') situations = veto[1] for v in situations: fo.write('<values id="%s">\n' % ( str(v[0]) ) ) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<comment>') if arc[2] > Med: if v[1][0] > Decimal('0'): fo.write('effective veto') else: fo.write('effective weak veto') elif arc[2] == Med: if v[1][0] > Decimal('0'): fo.write('effective veto') else: fo.write('potential weak veto') else: if v[1][0] > Decimal('0'): fo.write('potential veto') else: fo.write('potential weak veto') fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') fo.write('<value name="%s">\n' % ('performanceDifference')) fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>' % (v[1][1])) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('<value name="%s">\n' % ('vetoCharacteristic')) fo.write('<real>%.2f</real>' % (v[1][0])) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</values>\n') fo.write('</pair>\n') fo.write('</pairs>\n') fo.write('</alternativesComparisons>\n') except: pass # good choices amplitude = (Max - Min) / Decimal('100.0') fo.write('<alternativesSets mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % ('goodChoices')) fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Rubis Choice Recommendation')) if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<comment>In decreasing order of determinateness.</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<comment>In decreasing order of determinateness. All values expressed in %. </comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') nb = Decimal('0') maxDet = Decimal('0.0') for ch in self.goodChoices: maxDet = max(maxDet,ch[0]) for ch in self.goodChoices: #if ch[3] > -ch[4]: nb += 1 fo.write('<alternativesSet id="good_%d" mcdaConcept="%s">\n' % (nb,'goodChoice') ) fo.write('<description>\n') if category == 'Robust Rubis': determ = (ch[0]*Decimal('6')) - Decimal('3') if determ > Decimal('1'): fo.write('<comment>Robust good choice</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<comment>Potential good choice</comment>\n') else: if maxDet == ch[0]: fo.write('<comment>Best choice</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<comment>Potential good choice</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for x in ch[5]: fo.write('<element>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>') if isinstance(x,frozenset): #print(self.actions[x]) fo.write(str(self.actions[x]['name'])) else: fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</alternativeID>\n') fo.write('</element>\n') if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<values>\n') independent = ch[2] fo.write('<value name="choiceSet independence"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %(independent) ) outranking = ch[3] fo.write('<value name="outranking"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %(outranking) ) outranked = ch[4] fo.write('<value name="outranked"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' % (outranked) ) determ = (ch[0]*Decimal('6'))-Decimal('3') fo.write('<value name="determinateness"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' % (determ) ) fo.write('</values>\n') else: fo.write('<values>\n') independent = (ch[2] - Min) / amplitude fo.write('<value name="choiceSet independence"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(independent) ) outranking = (ch[3] - Min) / amplitude fo.write('<value name="outranking"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(outranking) ) outranked = (ch[4] - Min) / amplitude fo.write('<value name="outranked"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(outranked) ) determ = ch[0]*Decimal('100.0') fo.write('<value name="determinateness"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(determ) ) fo.write('</values>\n') fo.write('</alternativesSet>\n') fo.write('</alternativesSets>\n') # bad choices if any if self.badChoices != []: #amplitude = float(Max - Min)/float(100.0) fo.write('<alternativesSets mcdaConcept="badChoices">\n') fo.write('<description>\n') fo.write('<subTitle>%s</subTitle>\n' % ('Potentially Bad Choices')) if category != 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<comment>All values expressed in %.</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') nb = 0 for ch in self.badChoices: #if -ch[3] > ch[4]: nb += 1 fo.write('<alternativesSet id="bad_%d" mcdaConcept="badChoice">\n' % (nb) ) fo.write('<description>\n') if category == 'Robust Rubis': determ = (ch[0]*Decimal('6'))-Decimal('3') if determ > Decimal('1'): fo.write('<comment>Robust bad choice</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<comment>Potential bad choice</comment>\n') else: if ch[4] > ch[3]: fo.write('<comment>Bad choice</comment>\n') else: fo.write('<comment>Ambiguous choice</comment>\n') fo.write('</description>\n') for x in ch[5]: fo.write('<element>\n') fo.write('<alternativeID>') if isinstance(x,frozenset): fo.write(str(self.actions[x]['name'])) else: fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</alternativeID>\n') fo.write('</element>\n') if category == 'Robust Rubis': fo.write('<values>\n') independent = ch[2] fo.write('<value name="choiceSet independence"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %\ (independent) ) outranking = ch[3] fo.write('<value name="outranking"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %\ (outranking) ) outranked = ch[4] fo.write('<value name="outranked"><integer>%d</integer></value>\n' %(outranked) ) determ = (ch[0]*Decimal('6')) - Decimal('3') fo.write('<value name="determinateness"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(determ) ) fo.write('</values>\n') else: fo.write('<values>\n') independent = (ch[2] - Min)/amplitude fo.write('<value name="choiceSet independence"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %\ (independent) ) outranking = (ch[3] - Min)/amplitude fo.write('<value name="outranking"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(outranking) ) outranked = (ch[4] - Min)/amplitude fo.write('<value name="outranked"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(outranked) ) determ = ch[0]*Decimal('100.0') fo.write('<value name="determinateness"><real>%2.2f</real></value>\n' %(determ) ) fo.write('</values>\n') fo.write('</alternativesSet>\n') fo.write('</alternativesSets>\n') # end of XMCDA 2.0 file fo.write('</xmcda:XMCDA>\n') fo.close() if comment: print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !') # restore self to its original content self.__dict__ = selfOrig.__dict__
class _Electre3OutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Specialization of the standard OutrankingDigraph class for generating classical Electre III outranking digraphs (with vetoes and no counter-vetoes). Parameters: | performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) | optional, coalition (sublist of criteria) """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None,hasNoVeto=False): import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) = 'rel_' + self.actions = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('0') Med = Decimal('50') Max = Decimal('100') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} if coalition is None: criteria = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) try: self.description = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.description) except: pass methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'normalized' variant = 'electre3' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':valuationType,'variant':variant} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def showVetos(self,cutLevel=None,realVetosOnly = False,Comments=True): """ prints all veto situations observed in the OutrankingDigraph instance. """ if Comments: print('*---- Veto situations ---') nv, realveto = self.computeVetosShort() vetos = self.vetos vetos.sort() if realVetosOnly: if Comments: print(self.valuationdomain) cutveto = 0 if cutLevel is None: cutLevel = self.valuationdomain['med'] else: cutLevel = Decimal(str(cutLevel)) if cutLevel > self.valuationdomain['max']: if Comments: print("Error! min = %.3f, max = %.3f" %\ (self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max'])) return None if Comments: print('Real vetos at cut level: %.3f' % (cutLevel)) for i in range(nv): if self.vetos[i][0][2] > cutLevel: if Comments: print('self.vetos[i][0][2]=',self.vetos[i][0][2]) print(str(i)+': relation: '+str(vetos[i][0])+', criteria: ' + str(vetos[i][1])) cutveto += 1 return nv,realveto,cutveto else: if Comments: print('number of potential vetos: %d ' % (nv)) for i in range(nv): if Comments: print(str(i)+': relation: '+str(vetos[i][0])+', criteria: ' + str(vetos[i][1])) if Comments: print('number of real vetos: %d' % (realveto)) return nv,realveto def computeVetos(self,cutLevel=None,realVetosOnly = False): """ prints all veto situations observed in the OutrankingDigraph instance. """ nv, realveto = self.computeVetosShort() vetos = self.vetos vetos.sort() if realVetosOnly: cutveto = 0 if cutLevel is None: cutLevel = self.valuationdomain['med'] else: cutLevel = Decimal(str(cutLevel)) if cutLevel > self.valuationdomain['max']: return None for i in range(nv): if self.vetos[i][0][2] > cutLevel: cutveto += 1 return nv,realveto,cutveto else: return nv,realveto def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasNoVeto=False): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions NA = self.NA totalweight = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteria: totalweight = totalweight + abs(criteria[c]['weight']) relation = {} vetos = [] for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a == b: relation[a][b] = Decimal('0.0') else: nc = len(criteria) counter = Decimal('0.0') veto = {} for c in criteria: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: ax = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] ay = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] h = ax + ay * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: h = None try: ax = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] ay = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] h = ax + ay * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: if h is None: h = Decimal('0.0') try: bx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] by = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] p = bx + by * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasNoVeto: v = None else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,h,h,p) counter = counter + (lc0 * abs(criteria[c]['weight'])) veto[c] = (self._localVeto(d,p,v),d,v) else: counter = counter + Decimal('0.5') * criteria[c]['weight'] veto[c] = (Decimal('0.0'),None,None) concordindex = counter/totalweight discordindex = Decimal('1.0') abvetos=[] for c in criteria: if veto[c][0] > concordindex: discordindex = discordindex * (Decimal('1.0') - veto[c][0])/(Decimal('1.0') - concordindex) abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) if abvetos != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Decimal('100.0'),discordindex*Decimal('100.0')],abvetos)) outrankindex = concordindex * discordindex relation[a][b] = outrankindex*Decimal('100.0') self.vetos = vetos return relation def computeCriterionRelation(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=False): """ compute the outranking characteristic for actions x and y on criterion c. """ criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if a == b: return Decimal("1.0") else: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx + indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx + indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = Decimal("0.0") try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = wp except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal("0.5") def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, ind := indifference threshold, wp := weak prefrence threshold, p := prefrence threshold, Renders the concordance index per criteria. """ Debug = False if Debug: print('d,ind,wp,p', d,ind,wp,p) if p is not None: if d < -p: return Decimal('0') elif ind is not None: if d < -ind: return (p + d)/(p - ind) else: return Decimal('1') else: return Decimal('1') else: if ind is not None: if d < -ind: return Decimal('0') else: return Decimal('1') else: if d < Decimal('0'): return Decimal('0') else: return Decimal('1') def _localVeto(self, d, p, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v := veto threshold. Renders the local veto state """ if v is not None: if p is not None: if d > -p: return Decimal('0.0') elif d < -v: return Decimal('1.0') else: return (Decimal('-1'))*(d+p)/(v+p) else: if d < -v: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') # multiprocessing thread for BipolarOutrankingDigraph class class _myBODGThread(Process): def __init__(self, threadID,digraph, InitialSplit, tempDirName, splitActions, hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto, hasSymmetricThresholds, Debug): Process.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.digraph = digraph self.InitialSplit = InitialSplit self.workingDirectory = tempDirName self.splitActions = splitActions self.hasNoVeto = hasNoVeto self.hasBipolarVeto = hasBipolarVeto, self.hasSymmetricThresholds = hasSymmetricThresholds, self.Debug = Debug def run(self): from io import BytesIO from pickle import Pickler, dumps, loads from os import chdir chdir(self.workingDirectory) ## if Debug: ## print("Starting working in %s on thread %s" % (self.workingDirectory, str(self.threadId))) ## fi = open('','rb') ## digraph = loads( ## fi.close() digraph = self.digraph splitActions = self.splitActions ## fiName = 'splitActions-'+str(self.threadID)+'.py' ## fi = open(fiName,'rb') ## splitActions = loads( ## fi.close() # compute partiel relation #if (not self.hasBipolarVeto) or WithConcordanceRelation or WithVetoCounts: # constructRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelation #else: constructRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelationSimple if self.InitialSplit: #splitRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelation( splitRelation = constructRelation( digraph,digraph.criteria,\ digraph.evaluation, initial=splitActions, #terminal=terminal, hasNoVeto=self.hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto=self.hasBipolarVeto, WithConcordanceRelation=False, WithVetoCounts=False, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=self.hasSymmetricThresholds) else: #splitRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelation( splitRelation = constructRelation( digraph,digraph.criteria,\ digraph.evaluation, #initial=initial, terminal=splitActions, hasNoVeto=self.hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto=self.hasBipolarVeto, WithConcordanceRelation=False, WithVetoCounts=False, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=self.hasSymmetricThresholds) # store partial relation foName = 'splitRelation-'+str(self.threadID)+'.py' fo = open(foName,'wb') fo.write(dumps(splitRelation,-1)) fo.close() # .......
[docs] class BipolarOutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Specialization of the abstract OutrankingDigraph root class for generating bipolarly-valued outranking digraphs. Parameters: * argPerfTab: instance of PerformanceTableau class. If a file name string is given, the performance tableau will directly be loaded first. * coalition: subset of criteria to be used for contructing the outranking digraph. * hasNoVeto: veto desactivation flag (False by default). * hasBipolarVeto: bipolar versus electre veto activation (true by default). * Normalized: the valuation domain is set by default to [-100,+100] (bipolar percents). If True, the valuation domain is recoded to [-1.0,+1.0]. * WithConcordanceRelation: True by default when not threading. The self.concordanceRelation contains the significance majority margin of the "at least as good relation as" without the large performance difference polarization. * WithVetoCounts: True by default when not threading. All vetos and countervetos are stored in self.vetos and self.negativeVetos slots, as well the counts of large performance differences in self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount slot. * Threading: False by default. Allows to profit from SMP machines via the Python multiprocessing module. * nbrCores: controls the maximal number of cores that will be used in the multiprocessing phases. If None is given, the os.cpu_count method is used in order to determine the number of availble cores on the SMP machine. .. warning:: If Threading is True, WithConcordanceRelation and WithVetoCounts flags are automatically set both to False. """ def __repr__(self): """ Default presentation method for BipolarOutrankingDigraph instance. """ reprString = '*------- Object instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Actions : %d\n' % self.order reprString += 'Criteria : %d\n' % len(self.criteria) reprString += 'Size : %d\n' % self.computeSize() try: oppDeg = self.computeOppositeness(InPercents=True) reprString += 'Oppositeness (%%) : %.2f\n' % (oppDeg['oppositeness']) except: pass try: if self.distribution == 'beta': reprString += 'Uncertainty model : %s(a=%.1f,b=%.1f)\n' %\ (self.distribution,self.betaParameter,self.betaParameter) else: reprString += 'Uncertainty model : %s(a=%s,b=%s)\n' %\ (self.distribution,'0','2w') reprString += 'Likelihood domain : [-1.0;+1.0]\n' reprString += 'Confidence level : %.2f (%.1f%%)\n' %\ (self.bipolarConfidenceLevel,\ (self.bipolarConfidenceLevel+1.0)/2.0*100.0) reprString += 'Confident majority : %.2f (%.1f%%)\n' %\ (self.confidenceCutLevel,\ (self.confidenceCutLevel+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0')) except: pass reprString += 'Determinateness (%%) : %.2f\n' %\ self.computeDeterminateness(InPercents=True) reprString += 'Valuation domain : [%.2f;%.2f]\n' \ % (self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max']) #reprString += 'Valuation domain : %s\n' % str(self.valuationdomain) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) try: val1 = self.runTimes['totalTime'] val2 = self.runTimes['dataInput'] val3 = self.runTimes['computeRelation'] val4 = self.runTimes['gammaSets'] reprString += '---- Constructor run times (in sec.) ----\n' reprString += 'Total time : %.5f\n' % val1 reprString += 'Data input : %.5f\n' % val2 reprString += 'Compute relation : %.5f\n' % val3 reprString += 'Gamma sets : %.5f\n' % val4 try: reprString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads except: self.nbrThreads = 1 reprString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads except: pass return reprString def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None, objectivesSubset=None, criteriaSubset=None, coalition=None, actionsSubset=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Normalized=True, ndigits=4, CopyPerfTab=True, BigData=False, Threading=False, tempDir=None, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, nbrCores=None, Debug=False,Comments=False): from copy import deepcopy from time import time #from digraphsTools import omax, omin # set initial time stamp tt = time() # ---- performance tableau data input if argPerfTab is None: print('Performance tableau required !') #perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab # set Threading parameters if Threading: WithConcordanceRelation = False WithVetoCounts = False # transfering the performance tableau data to self = 'rel_' + # actions if actionsSubset is None: if isinstance(perfTab.actions,list): actions = {} for x in perfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions else: if CopyPerfTab: self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) else: self.actions = perfTab.actions else: actions = {} for x in actionsSubset: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions # valuation domain self.ndigits=ndigits if Normalized: Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') else: Min = Decimal('-100.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min, 'med':Med, 'max':Max, 'hasIntegerValuation':False} try: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = \ perfTab.valuationPrecision except: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = \ Decimal('1')/Decimal(str(ndigits)) # objectives if objectivesSubset is None: try: if CopyPerfTab: self.objectives = deepcopy(perfTab.objectives) else: self.objectives = perfTab.objectives except: pass else: objectives = OrderedDict() for obj in objectivesSubset: if CopyPerfTab: objectives[obj] = deepcopy(perfTab.objectives[obj]) else: objectives[obj] = perfTab.objectives[obj] self.objectives = objectives # criteria coalition if criteriaSubset is None and objectivesSubset is None and coalition is None: if CopyPerfTab: self.criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: self.criteria = perfTab.criteria else: criteria = OrderedDict() if criteriaSubset is None: if objectivesSubset is None and coalition is None: if criteriaSubset is None: coalition = list(perfTab.criteria.keys()) else: coalition = criteriaSubset elif objectivesSubset is not None and coalition is None: coalition = [] for obj in objectivesSubset: objCrit = self.objectives[obj]['criteria'] coalition += objCrit elif objectivesSubset is not None and coalition is not None: print('Error: Objectives Subset and coalition given') return else: for g in coalition: if CopyPerfTab: criteria[g] = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria[g]) else: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] else: for g in criteriaSubset: if CopyPerfTab: criteria[g] = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria[g]) else: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria # convert criteria weights to Decimal format criteria = OrderedDict() if objectivesSubset is None: if coalition is None: if criteriaSubset is None: coalition = list(perfTab.criteria.keys()) else: coalition = criteriaSubset else: coalition = [] for obj in objectives: objCrit = self.objectives[obj]['criteria'] coalition += objCrit for g in coalition: if CopyPerfTab: criteria[g] = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria[g]) else: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() # install method Data and parameters methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'bipolar' variant = 'standard' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType': valuationType, 'variant': variant} try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType if vetoType == 'bipolar': hasBipolarVeto = True self.methodData = methodData # insert performance Data if CopyPerfTab: self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) self.NA = deepcopy(perfTab.NA) else: self.evaluation = perfTab.evaluation self.NA = perfTab.NA if not BigData: self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() try: if CopyPerfTab: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) elif not BigData: self.description = perfTab.description except: pass # init general digraph Data self.order = len(self.actions) # finished data input time stamp self.runTimes = {'dataInput': time()-tt } # ---------- construct outranking relation # initial time stamp tcp = time() actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation actionsKeys = list(dict.keys(actions)) self.relation = self._constructRelationWithThreading(criteria,\ evaluation,\ initial=actionsKeys,\ terminal=actionsKeys,\ hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=True,\ Threading=Threading,\ tempDir=tempDir,\ WithConcordanceRelation=WithConcordanceRelation,\ WithVetoCounts=WithVetoCounts,\ nbrCores=nbrCores,\ Debug=Debug,Comments=Comments) # rounding up to ndigits Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] self.recodeValuation(Min,Max,ndigits) # finished relation computing time stamp self.runTimes['computeRelation'] = time() - tcp # ---- computing the gamma sets tg = time() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.runTimes['gammaSets'] = time() - tg # total constructor time self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt if Comments: print(self)
[docs] def computeCriterionRelation(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Compute the outranking characteristic for actions x and y on criterion c. """ criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if a == b: return Decimal("1.0") else: if self.evaluation[c][a] != NA and self.evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if self.criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal("0.0"): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal("0.0")
def _constructRelationWithThreading(self,criteria, evaluation, initial=None, terminal=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True, Threading=False, tempDir=None, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, nbrCores=None,Comments=False): """ Specialization of the corresponding BipolarOutrankingDigraph method """ from multiprocessing import cpu_count ## if not Threading or cpu_count() < 2: # set threading parameter if Comments: print('Computing without threading ...') self.nbrThreads = 1 # !! concordance relation and veto counts need a complex constructor if (not hasBipolarVeto) or WithConcordanceRelation or WithVetoCounts: constructRelation = self._constructRelation else: constructRelation = self._constructRelationSimple return constructRelation(criteria,\ evaluation,\ initial=initial,\ terminal=terminal,\ hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ WithConcordanceRelation=WithConcordanceRelation,\ WithVetoCounts=WithVetoCounts,\ Debug=Debug,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) ## else: # parallel computation from copy import copy, deepcopy from io import BytesIO from pickle import Pickler, dumps, loads, load #from multiprocessing import Process, Lock,\ # active_children, cpu_count #Debug=True if Comments: print('Threading ...') from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory(dir=tempDir) as tempDirName: from copy import copy, deepcopy ## #selfDp = copy(self) ## selfFileName = tempDirName +'/' ## if Debug: ## print('temDirName, selfFileName', tempDirName,selfFileName) ## fo = open(selfFileName,'wb') ## fo.write(dumps(self,-1)) ## fo.close() if nbrCores is None: nbrCores = cpu_count() if Comments: print('Nbr of cpus = ',nbrCores) # set number of threads self.nbrThreads = nbrCores ni = len(initial) nt = len(terminal) if ni < nt: n = ni actions2Split = list(initial) InitialSplit = True else: n = nt actions2Split = list(terminal) InitialSplit = False ## if Debug: ## print('InitialSplit, actions2Split', InitialSplit, actions2Split) nit = n//nbrCores nbrOfJobs = nbrCores if nit*nbrCores < n: nit += 1 while nit*(nbrOfJobs-1) >= n: nbrOfJobs -= 1 if Comments: print('nbr of actions to split',n) print('nbr of jobs = ',nbrOfJobs) print('nbr of splitActions = ',nit) relation = {} for x in initial: relation[x] = {} for y in terminal: relation[x][y] = self.valuationdomain['med'] i = 0 actionsRemain = set(actions2Split) splitActionsList = [] for j in range(nbrOfJobs): if Comments: print('Thread = %d/%d' % (j+1,nbrOfJobs),end=" ") splitActions=[] for k in range(nit): if j < (nbrOfJobs -1) and i < n: splitActions.append(actions2Split[i]) else: splitActions = list(actionsRemain) i += 1 if Comments: print('%d' % (len(splitActions)) ) ## if Debug: ## print(splitActions) actionsRemain = actionsRemain - set(splitActions) ## if Debug: ## print(actionsRemain) splitActionsList.append(splitActions) ## foName = tempDirName+'/splitActions-'+str(j)+'.py' ## fo = open(foName,'wb') ## spa = dumps(splitActions,-1) ## fo.write(spa) ## fo.close() splitThread = _myBODGThread(j,self,InitialSplit, tempDirName,splitActions, hasNoVeto,hasBipolarVeto, hasSymmetricThresholds,Debug) splitThread.start() while active_children() != []: pass if Comments: print('Exiting computing threads') for j in range(len(splitActionsList)): #print('Post job-%d/%d processing' % (j+1,nbrOfJobs)) ## if Debug: ## print('job',j) ## fiName = tempDirName+'/splitActions-'+str(j)+'.py' ## fi = open(fiName,'rb') ## splitActions = loads( ## fi.close() splitActions = splitActionsList[j] ## if Debug: ## print('splitActions',splitActions) fiName = tempDirName+'/splitRelation-'+str(j)+'.py' fi = open(fiName,'rb') splitRelation = loads( ## if Debug: ## print('splitRelation',splitRelation) fi.close() #relation update with splitRelation) if InitialSplit: #for x,y in product(splitActions,terminal): for x in splitActions: rx = relation[x] sprx = splitRelation[x] for y in terminal: rx[y] = sprx[y] else: #for x,y in product(initial,splitActions): for x in initial: rx = relation[x] sprx = splitRelation[x] for y in splitActions: rx[y] = sprx[y] return relation def _constructRelationSimple(self,criteria, evaluation, initial=None, terminal=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, WithConcordanceRelation=False, WithVetoCounts=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True, Debug=False): """ Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. Parameters: * PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation, * inital nodes, terminal nodes, for restricted purposes """ ## default setting for digraphs if initial is None: initial = self.actions if terminal is None: terminal = self.actions ## totalweight = Decimal('0.0') ## for c in dict.keys(criteria): ## totalweight = totalweight + criteria[c]['weight'] totalweight = sum(abs(crit['weight']) for crit in criteria.values()) relation = {} vetos = [] negativeVetos = [] #nc = len(criteria) NA = self.NA Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] for a in initial: relation[a] = {} ra = relation[a] for b in terminal: if a == b: ra[b] = Med else: concordance = Decimal('0.0') veto = {} abvetos=[] negativeVeto = {} abNegativeVetos=[] for c,crit in criteria.items(): evalca = evaluation[c][a] evalcb = evaluation[c][b] maxAB = max(abs(evalca),abs(evalcb)) if evalca != NA and evalcb != NA: try: indx = crit['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = crit['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = indx +indy * maxAB except KeyError: ind = None try: wpx = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * maxAB else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evalca) except KeyError: wp = None try: px = crit['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = crit['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * maxAB else: p = px + py * abs(evalca) except KeyError: p = None if crit['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evalca - evalcb else: d = evalcb - evalca lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) ## print 'c,a,b,d,ind,wp,p,lco = ',c,a,b,d, ind,wp,p,lc0 concordance = concordance + (lc0 * abs(crit['weight'])) try: wvx = crit['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = crit['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasNoVeto: wv = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * maxAB else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evalca) except KeyError: wv = None try: vx = crit['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = crit['thresholds']['veto'][1] v = vx + vy * maxAB except KeyError: v = None veto[c] = (self._localVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) negativeVeto[c] = (self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) else: concordance = concordance + Decimal('0.0') * crit['weight'] veto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) negativeVeto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) concordindex = concordance / totalweight ## init vetoes lists and indexes abVetoes=[] abNegativeVetoes=[] # contradictory vetoes for c in criteria.keys(): if veto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abVetoes.append((c,veto[c])) if negativeVeto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abNegativeVetoes.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if not hasNoVeto: vetoes = [-veto[c][0] for c in veto if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] negativeVetoes = [negativeVeto[c][0] for c in negativeVeto\ if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] else: vetoes = [] negativeVetoes = [] ## if Debug: ## print('vetoes = ', vetoes) ## print('negativeVetoes = ', negativeVetoes) omaxList = [concordindex] + vetoes + negativeVetoes outrankindex = omax(Med,omaxList,Debug=Debug) if abVetoes != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abVetoes)) if abNegativeVetoes != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abNegativeVetoes)) ra[b] = outrankindex*Max # return outranking relation return relation def _constructRelation(self,criteria, evaluation, initial=None, terminal=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. Parameters: * PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation, * inital nodes, terminal nodes, for restricted purposes Flags: * hasNoVeto = True inhibits taking into account large performances differences * hasBipolarVeto = False allows to revert (if False) to standard Electre veto handling """ from digraphsTools import omax,omin ## default setting for digraphs if initial is None: initial = self.actions if terminal is None: terminal = self.actions ## totalweight = Decimal('0.0') ## for c in dict.keys(criteria): ## totalweight = totalweight + criteria[c]['weight'] totalweight = sum(abs(criteria[c]['weight']) for c in criteria) relation = {} concordanceRelation = {} vetos = [] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetos = [] largePerformanceDifferencesCount = {} for a in initial: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a] = {} lpda = largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a] for b in terminal: lpda[b] = {'positive':0,'negative':0} #nc = len(criteria) Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] NA = self.NA for a in initial: relation[a] = {} ra = relation[a] concordanceRelation[a] = {} crda = concordanceRelation[a] for b in terminal: if a == b: ra[b] = Med crda[b] = Decimal('0.0') else: concordance = Decimal('0.0') veto = {} abvetos=[] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto = {} abNegativeVetos=[] for c,crit in criteria.items(): evalca = evaluation[c][a] evalcb = evaluation[c][b] maxAB = max(abs(evalca),abs(evalcb)) if evalca != NA and evalcb != NA: try: indx = crit['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = crit['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = indx +indy * maxAB except KeyError: ind = None try: wpx = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * maxAB else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evalca) except KeyError: wp = None try: px = crit['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = crit['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * maxAB else: p = px + py * abs(evalca) except KeyError: p = None if crit['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evalca - evalcb else: d = evalcb - evalca lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) ## print 'c,a,b,d,ind,wp,p,lco = ',c,a,b,d, ind,wp,p,lc0 concordance = concordance + (lc0 * abs(crit['weight'])) try: wvx = crit['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = crit['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasNoVeto: wv = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * maxAB else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evalca) except KeyError: wv = None try: vx = crit['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = crit['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasNoVeto: v = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * maxAB else: v = vx + vy * abs(evalca) except KeyError: v = None veto[c] = (self._localVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['negative'] -= 1 ## if d < -wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,veto[c]',d,wv,v,veto[c] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['positive'] += 1 ## if d > wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,negativeVeto[c]',d,wv,v,negativeVeto[c] else: concordance = concordance + Decimal('0.0') * crit['weight'] veto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) if totalweight != Decimal('0.0'): concordindex = concordance / totalweight else: concordindex = concordance crda[b] = concordindex ## init vetoes lists and indexes abVetoes=[] abNegativeVetoes=[] # contradictory vetoes for c in criteria.keys(): if veto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abVetoes.append((c,veto[c])) if hasBipolarVeto: if negativeVeto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abNegativeVetoes.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if hasBipolarVeto: vetoes = [-veto[c][0] for c in veto if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] negativeVetoes = [negativeVeto[c][0] for c in negativeVeto if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] if Debug: print('vetoes = ', vetoes) print('negativeVetoes = ', negativeVetoes) omaxList = [concordindex] + vetoes + negativeVetoes outrankindex = omax(Med,omaxList,Debug=Debug) if Debug: print('a b outrankindex = ', a,b, outrankindex) else: # hasBipolarVeto == False vetoIndex = Decimal('-1.0') for c in criteria: vetoIndex = max(vetoIndex,veto[c][0]) outrankindex = min(concordindex,-vetoIndex) if abVetoes != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abVetoes)) if hasBipolarVeto: if abNegativeVetoes != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abNegativeVetoes)) ra[b] = outrankindex*Max # storing concordance relation and vetoes if WithConcordanceRelation: self.concordanceRelation = concordanceRelation if WithVetoCounts: self.vetos = vetos if hasBipolarVeto: self.negativeVetos = negativeVetos self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = largePerformanceDifferencesCount # return outranking relation return relation
[docs] def criterionCharacteristicFunction(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the characteristic value of the comparison of a and b on criterion c. """ evalca = self.evaluation[c][a] evalcb = self.evaluation[c][b] maxAB = max(abs(evalca),abs(evalcb)) crit = self.criteria[c] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] NA = self.NA if evalca != NA and evalcb != NA: try: indx = crit['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = crit['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * maxAB else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evalca) except: ind = None try: wpx = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = crit['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * maxAB else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evalca) except: wp = None try: px = crit['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = crit['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * maxAB else: p = px + py * abs(evalca) except: p = None if crit['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evalca - evalcb else: d = evalcb - evalca return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal('0.0')
[docs] def computeSingleCriteriaNetflows(self): """ renders the Promethee single criteria netflows matrix M """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() matrixM = {} for a in actionsList: matrixM[a] = {} for c in criteriaList: netflow= Decimal('0.0') for b in actionsList: if a != b: cab = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,a,b) cba = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,b,a) netflow += cab - cba netflow = float(netflow)/float(n-1) matrixM[a][c] = netflow return matrixM
[docs] def saveSingleCriterionNetflows(self,fileName='tempnetflows.prn',delimiter=' ',Comments=True): """ Delimited save of single criteria netflows matrix """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() M = self.computeSingleCriteriaNetflows() fo = open(fileName,'w') for a in actionsList: for c in criteriaList: fo.write('%2.2f ' % (M[a][c])) fo.write('\n') fo.close() if Comments: print('Single Criteria Netflows saved on file %s' % (fileName))
def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, wp := weak preference threshold, ind := indiffrence threshold, p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criteria (-1,0,1) """ if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Decimal('-1.0') elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if d < Decimal('0.0'): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') def _localVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d <= - v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= - wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= -wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') def _localNegativeVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local negative veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d >= v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0')
class _BipolarOutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Specialization of the abstract OutrankingDigraph root class for generating bipolarly-valued outranking digraphs. Parameters: * argPerfTab: instance of PerformanceTableau class. If a file name string is given, the performance tableau will directly be loaded first. * coalition: subset of criteria to be used for contruction the outranking digraph. * hasNoVeto: veto desactivation flag (False by default). * hasBipolarVeto: bipolar versus electre veto activation (true by default). * Normalized: the valuation domain is set by default to [-100,+100] (bipolar percents). If True, the valuation domain is recoded to [-1.0,+1.0]. * WithConcordanceRelation: True by default when not threading. The self.concordanceRelation contains the significance majority margin of the "at least as good relation as" without the large performance difference polarization. * WithVetoCounts: True by default when not threading. All vetos and countervetos are stored in self.vetos and self.negativeVetos slots, as well the counts of large performance differences in self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount slot. * Threading: False by default. Allows to profit from SMP machines via the Python multiprocessing module. * nbrCores: controls the maximal number of cores that will be used in the multiprocessing phases. If None is given, the os.cpu_count method is used in order to determine the number of availble cores on the SMP machine. .. warning:: If Threading is True, WithConcordanceRelation and WithVetoCounts flags are automatically set both to False. Removing this limitation is on the todo list and will be done soon. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None, coalition=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Normalized=False, CopyPerfTab=True, Threading=False, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, nbrCores=None, Debug=False,Comments=False): from copy import deepcopy if argPerfTab is None: print('Performance tableau required !') #perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab # set Threading parameters if Threading: WithConcordanceRelation = False WithVetoCounts = False #self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'rel_' + if isinstance(perfTab.actions,list): actions = {} for x in perfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions else: if CopyPerfTab: self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) else: self.actions = perfTab.actions if Normalized: Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') else: Min = Decimal('-100.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} if coalition is None: try: if CopyPerfTab: self.objectives = deepcopy(perfTab.objectives) else: self.objectives = perfTab.objectives except: pass if CopyPerfTab: self.criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: self.criteria = perfTab.criteria else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() # install method Data and parameters methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'bipolar' variant = 'standard' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType': valuationType, 'variant': variant} try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType if vetoType == 'bipolar': hasBipolarVeto = True self.methodData = methodData # insert performance Data if CopyPerfTab: self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) else: self.evaluation = perfTab.evaluation self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() try: if CopyPerfTab: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) else: self.description = perfTab.description except: pass # init general digraph Data self.order = len(self.actions) # construct outranking relation actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation actionsKeys = list(dict.keys(actions)) self.relation = self._constructRelationWithThreading(criteria,\ evaluation,\ initial=actionsKeys,\ terminal=actionsKeys,\ hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=True,\ Threading=Threading,\ WithConcordanceRelation=WithConcordanceRelation,\ WithVetoCounts=WithVetoCounts,\ nbrCores=nbrCores,\ Debug=Debug,Comments=Comments) ## if Normalized: ## self.recodeValuation(-1.0,1.0) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def computeCriterionRelation(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Compute the outranking characteristic for actions x and y on criterion c. """ criterion = self.criteria[c] evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA if a == b: return Decimal("1.0") else: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = self.criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]), abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if self.criteriion['weight'] > Decimal('0.0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal("0.0") def _constructRelationWithThreading(self,criteria, evaluation, initial=None, terminal=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True, Threading=False, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, nbrCores=None,Comments=False): """ Specialization of the corresponding BipolarOutrankingDigraph method """ from multiprocessing import cpu_count ## if not Threading or cpu_count() < 6: return self._constructRelation(criteria,\ evaluation,\ initial=initial,\ terminal=terminal,\ hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ WithConcordanceRelation=WithConcordanceRelation,\ WithVetoCounts=WithVetoCounts,\ Debug=Debug,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) ## else: # parallel computation from copy import copy, deepcopy from io import BytesIO from pickle import Pickler, dumps, loads, load #from multiprocessing import Process, Lock,\ # active_children, cpu_count import multiprocessing as mp mpctx = mp.get_context('fork') Process = mpctx.Process active_children = mpctx.active_children cpu_count = mpctx.cpu_count #Debug=True class myThread(Process): def __init__(self, threadID, InitialSplit, tempDirName, hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto, hasSymmetricThresholds, Debug): Process.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.InitialSplit = InitialSplit self.workingDirectory = tempDirName self.hasNoVeto = hasNoVeto self.hasBipolarVeto = hasBipolarVeto, hasSymmetricThresholds = hasSymmetricThresholds, self.Debug = Debug def run(self): from io import BytesIO from pickle import Pickler, dumps, loads from os import chdir chdir(self.workingDirectory) if Debug: print("Starting working in %s on thread %s" %\ (self.workingDirectory, str(self.threadId))) fi = open('','rb') digraph = loads( fi.close() fiName = 'splitActions-'+str(self.threadID)+'.py' fi = open(fiName,'rb') splitActions = loads( fi.close() foName = 'splitRelation-'+str(self.threadID)+'.py' fo = open(foName,'wb') if self.InitialSplit: splitRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelation( digraph,digraph.criteria, digraph.evaluation, initial=splitActions, hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto, WithConcordanceRelation=False, WithVetoCounts=False, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) else: splitRelation = BipolarOutrankingDigraph._constructRelation(digraph,digraph.criteria,\ digraph.evaluation, terminal=splitActions, hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto, hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto, WithConcordanceRelation=False, WithVetoCounts=False, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) buff = BytesIO() pickler = Pickler(buff, -1) = 1 pickler.dump(splitRelation) buff.flush() fo.write(buff.getvalue()) fo.close() # ....... if Comments: print('Threading ...') from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tempDirName: from copy import copy, deepcopy #selfDp = copy(self) selfFileName = tempDirName +'/' if Debug: print('temDirName, selfFileName', tempDirName,selfFileName) fo = open(selfFileName,'wb') pd = dumps(self,-1) fo.write(pd) ## buff = BytesIO() ## pickler = Pickler(buff, -1) ## = 1 ## pickler.dump(self) ## buff.flush() ## fo.write(buff.getvalue()) fo.close() if nbrCores is None: nbrCores = cpu_count()-1 if Comments: print('Nbr of cpus = ',nbrCores) ni = len(initial) nt = len(terminal) if ni < nt: n = ni actions2Split = list(initial) InitialSplit = True else: n = nt actions2Split = list(terminal) InitialSplit = False if Debug: print('InitialSplit, actions2Split', InitialSplit, actions2Split) nit = n//nbrCores nbrOfJobs = nbrCores if nit*nbrCores < n: nit += 1 while nit*(nbrOfJobs-1) >= n: nbrOfJobs -= 1 if Debug: print('nbr of actions to split',n) print('nbr of jobs = ',nbrOfJobs) print('nbr of splitActions = ',nit) relation = {} for x in initial: relation[x] = {} for y in terminal: relation[x][y] = self.valuationdomain['med'] i = 0 actionsRemain = set(actions2Split) for j in range(nbrOfJobs): if Comments: print('Thread = %d/%d' % (j+1,nbrOfJobs),end=" ") splitActions=[] for k in range(nit): if j < (nbrOfJobs -1) and i < n: splitActions.append(actions2Split[i]) else: splitActions = list(actionsRemain) i += 1 if Comments: print(len(splitActions)) if Debug: print(splitActions) actionsRemain = actionsRemain - set(splitActions) if Debug: print(actionsRemain) foName = tempDirName+'/splitActions-'+str(j)+'.py' fo = open(foName,'wb') spa = dumps(splitActions,-1) fo.write(spa) ## buff = BytesIO() ## pickler = Pickler(buff, -1) ## = 1 ## pickler.dump(splitActions) ## buff.flush() ## fo.write(buff.getvalue()) fo.close() fo.close() splitThread = myThread(j,InitialSplit, tempDirName,hasNoVeto,hasBipolarVeto, hasSymmetricThresholds,Debug) splitThread.start() while active_children() != []: pass if Comments: print('Exiting computing threads') for j in range(nbrOfJobs): #print('Post job-%d/%d processing' % (j+1,nbrOfJobs)) if Debug: print('job',j) fiName = tempDirName+'/splitActions-'+str(j)+'.py' fi = open(fiName,'rb') splitActions = loads( if Debug: print('splitActions',splitActions) fi.close() fiName = tempDirName+'/splitRelation-'+str(j)+'.py' fi = open(fiName,'rb') splitRelation = loads( if Debug: print('splitRelation',splitRelation) fi.close() #relation.update(splitRelation) from itertools import product if InitialSplit: for x,y in product(splitActions,terminal): #for x in splitActions: # for y in terminal: relation[x][y] = splitRelation[x][y] else: for x,y in product(initial,splitActions): #for x in initial: # for y in splitActions: relation[x][y] = splitRelation[x][y] return relation def _constructRelation(self,criteria, evaluation, initial=None, terminal=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, WithConcordanceRelation=True, WithVetoCounts=True, Debug=False, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. Parameters: * PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation, * inital nodes, terminal nodes, for restricted purposes Flags: * hasNoVeto = True inhibits taking into account large performances differences * hasBipolarVeto = False allows to revert (if False) to standard Electre veto handling """ ## default setting for digraphs if initial is None: initial = self.actions if terminal is None: terminal = self.actions ## totalweight = Decimal('0.0') ## for c in dict.keys(criteria): ## totalweight = totalweight + criteria[c]['weight'] totalweight = sum([abs(criteria[c]['weight']) for c in criteria]) relation = {} concordanceRelation = {} vetos = [] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetos = [] largePerformanceDifferencesCount = {} for a in initial: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a] = {} for b in terminal: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b] = {'positive':0,'negative':0} Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] NA = self.NA for a in initial: relation[a] = {} concordanceRelation[a] = {} for b in terminal: if a == b: relation[a][b] = Med concordanceRelation[a][b] = Decimal('0.0') else: nc = len(criteria) concordance = Decimal('0.0') veto = {} abvetos=[] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto = {} abNegativeVetos=[] for c in criteria: if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['ind'][1] ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) except: ind = None try: wpx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criteria[c]['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criteria[g]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) ## print 'c,a,b,d,ind,wp,p,lco = ',c,a,b,d, ind,wp,p,lc0 concordance += (lc0 * criteria[c]['weight']) try: wvx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasNoVeto: wv = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criteria[c]['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasNoVeto: v = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None veto[c] = (self._localVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['negative'] -= 1 ## if d < -wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,veto[c]',d,wv,v,veto[c] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1.0'): abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['positive'] += 1 ## if d > wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,negativeVeto[c]',d,wv,v,negativeVeto[c] else: concordance += Decimal('0.0') * criteria[c]['weight'] veto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) concordindex = concordance / totalweight concordanceRelation[a][b] = concordindex ## init vetoes lists and indexes abVetoes=[] abNegativeVetoes=[] # contradictory vetoes for c in criteria: if veto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abVetoes.append((c,veto[c])) if hasBipolarVeto: if negativeVeto[c][0] >= Decimal('0'): abNegativeVetoes.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if hasBipolarVeto: vetoes = [-veto[c][0] for c in veto if veto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] negativeVetoes = [negativeVeto[c][0] for c in negativeVeto if negativeVeto[c][0] > Decimal('-1')] if Debug: print('vetoes = ', vetoes) print('negativeVetoes = ', negativeVetoes) omaxList = [concordindex] + vetoes + negativeVetoes outrankindex = omax(Med,omaxList,Debug=Debug) if Debug: print('a b outrankindex = ', a,b, outrankindex) else: # hasBipolarVeto == False vetoIndex = Decimal('-1.0') for c in criteria: vetoIndex = max(vetoIndex,veto[c][0]) outrankindex = min(concordindex,-vetoIndex) if abVetoes != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abVetoes)) if hasBipolarVeto: if abNegativeVetoes != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Max],abNegativeVetoes)) relation[a][b] = outrankindex*Max # storing concordance relation and vetoes if WithConcordanceRelation: self.concordanceRelation = concordanceRelation if WithVetoCounts: self.vetos = vetos if hasBipolarVeto: self.negativeVetos = negativeVetos self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = largePerformanceDifferencesCount # return outranking relation return relation def criterionCharacteristicFunction(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the characteristic value of the comparison of a and b on criterion c. """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criterion = self.criteria[c] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criterion['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal('0.0') def computeSingleCriteriaNetflows(self): """ renders the Promethee single criteria netflows matrix M """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() matrixM = {} for a in actionsList: matrixM[a] = {} for c in criteriaList: netflow= Decimal('0.0') for b in actionsList: if a != b: cab = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,a,b) cba = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,b,a) netflow += cab - cba netflow = float(netflow)/float(n-1) matrixM[a][c] = netflow return matrixM def saveSingleCriterionNetflows(self,fileName='tempnetflows.prn',delimiter=' ',Comments=True): """ Delimited save of single criteria netflows matrix """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() M = self.computeSingleCriteriaNetflows() fo = open(fileName,'w') for a in actionsList: for c in criteriaList: fo.write('%2.2f ' % (M[a][c])) fo.write('\n') fo.close() if Comments: print('Single Criteria Netflows saved on file %s' % (fileName)) def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, wp := weak preference threshold, ind := indiffrence threshold, p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criteria (-1,0,1) """ if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Decimal('-1.0') elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if d < Decimal('0.0'): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') def _localVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d <= - v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= - wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= -wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') def _localNegativeVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local negative veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d >= v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') class _BipolarPreferenceDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph,PerformanceTableau): """ Parameters: | performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) | optional, coalition (sublist of criteria) Specialization of the standard BipolarOutrankingDigraph class for generating new bipolar ordinal-valued outranking digraphs. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None): import copy if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'rel_' + self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('-2.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('2.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} if coalition is None: criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria[g]) self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() # install method Data and parameters methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'bipolar' variant = 'standard' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType': valuationType, 'variant': variant} try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType if vetoType == 'bipolar': hasBipolarVeto = True self.methodData = methodData # construct outranking relation self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto) # insert performance Data self.evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() try: self.description = copy.copy(perfTab.description) except: pass # init general digraph Data self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasNoVeto=False,hasBipolarVeto=False,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions NA = self.NA totalweight = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteria: totalweight = totalweight + abs(criteria[c]['weight']) relation = {} vetos = [] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetos = [] for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a == b: relation[a][b] = Decimal('0.0') else: nc = len(criteria) concordance = Decimal('0.0') veto = {} if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto = {} for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criterion['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) ## print 'c,a,b,d,ind,wp,p,lco = ',c,a,b,d, ind,wp,p,lc0 concordance = concordance + (lc0 * criterion['weight']) try: wvx = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasNoVeto: wv = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasNoVeto: v = None else: if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None veto[c] = (self._localVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) ## if d < -wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,veto[c]',d,wv,v,veto[c] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v),d,wv,v) ## if d > wv: ## print 'd,wv,v,negativeVeto[c]',d,wv,v,negativeVeto[c] else: concordance = concordance + Decimal('0.0') * criterion['weight'] veto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (Decimal('-1.0'),None,None,None) concordindex = concordance / totalweight ## init vetoes lists and indexes abvetos=[] abNegativeVetos=[] vetoIndex = Decimal('-1.0') negativeVetoIndex = Decimal('-1.0') ## compute bipolar vetoes indexes for c in criteria: vetoIndex = max(vetoIndex,veto[c][0]) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetoIndex = max(negativeVetoIndex,negativeVeto[c][0]) # contradictory vetoes if hasBipolarVeto: # contradictory vetoes if vetoIndex > Decimal('-1.0') and negativeVetoIndex > Decimal('-1.0'): abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) outrankindex = Decimal('0.0') # veto elif vetoIndex > Decimal('-1.0'): abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) if concordindex > Decimal('0.0'): outrankindex = Decimal('0.0') else: outrankindex = min(concordindex,-vetoIndex) # dictator elif negativeVetoIndex > Decimal('-1.0'): abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if concordindex < Decimal('0.0'): outrankindex = Decimal('0.0') else: outrankindex = max(concordindex,negativeVetoIndex) else: # no vetoes or dictators outrankindex = concordindex else: # hasBipolarVeto == False outrankindex = min(concordindex,-vetoIndex) if abvetos != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Decimal('100.0')],abvetos)) if hasBipolarVeto: if abNegativeVetos != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,concordindex*Decimal('100.0')],abNegativeVetos)) relation[a][b] = outrankindex*Decimal('100.0') self.vetos = vetos if hasBipolarVeto: self.negativeVetos = negativeVetos return relation def criterionCharacteristicFunction(self,c,a,b,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Renders the characteristic value of the comparison of a and b on criterion c. """ evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA criterion = self.criteria[c] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wp = None try: px = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = px + py * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = px + py * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criterion['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] return self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) else: return Decimal('0.0') def computeSingleCriteriaNetflows(self): """ renders the Promethee single criteria netflows matrix M """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() matrixM = {} for a in actionsList: matrixM[a] = {} for c in criteriaList: netflow= Decimal('0.0') for b in actionsList: if a != b: cab = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,a,b) cba = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,b,a) netflow += cab - cba netflow = float(netflow)/float(n-1) matrixM[a][c] = netflow return matrixM def saveSingleCriterionNetflows(self,fileName='tempnetflows.prn',delimiter=' ',Comments=True): """ Delimited save of single criteria netflows matrix """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() M = self.computeSingleCriteriaNetflows() fo = open(fileName,'w') for a in actionsList: for c in criteriaList: fo.write('%2.2f ' % (M[a][c])) fo.write('\n') fo.close() if Comments: print('Single Criteria Netflows saved on file %s' % (fileName)) def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, wp := weak preference threshold, ind := indiffrence threshold, p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criteria (-1,0,1) """ if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Decimal('-1.0') elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if d < Decimal('0.0'): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') def _localVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d <= - v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= - wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= -wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') def _localNegativeVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local negative veto state (-1,0,1). """ if v is not None: if d >= v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') class _MedianBipolarOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph,PerformanceTableau): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) optional: coalition (sublist of criteria) percentile as rational (n,d) for instance (50,100) or (1,2) renders Q2, (1,4) = Q1 (1,10) = D1, (3,4) = Q3 Specialization of the standard OutrankingDigraph class for generating a median bipolar outranking digraph. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None,percentile=(1,2),Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) = 'rel_' + if isinstance(argPerfTab.actions,list): actions = {} for x in argPerfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions else: self.actions = copy.copy(argPerfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('-100.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} if coalition is None: criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.relation = self._constructRelation(perfTab,percentile,Debug) self.criteria = criteria self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) try: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) except: pass methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'normalized' variant = 'median' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':valuationType,'variant':variant} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,t,percentile,Debug=False): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, quantile (0 - 100) Renders the quantile-outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ from copy import deepcopy Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] #criteriaKey = [x for x in t.criteria] criteriaRelation = {} criteriaWeight = {} criteriaVeto = {} for x in criteria.keys(): gx = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(t,coalition=[x]) if Debug: print('criterion : ', x, t.criteria[x]['weight']) gx.showRelationTable() print(gx.vetos) else: pass criteriaRelation[x] = deepcopy(gx.relation) criteriaWeight[x] = t.criteria[x]['weight'] criteriaVeto[x] = deepcopy(gx.vetos) veto = {} for x in criteria.keys(): for v in criteriaVeto[x]: if Debug: print('===>>>> v :', v,v[0][1],v[0][2]) else: pass try: veto[v[0][0]][v[0][1]] = min(veto[v[0][0]][v[0][1]],v[0][2]) except: try: veto[v[0][0]][v[0][1]] = v[0][2] except: veto[v[0][0]] = {} veto[v[0][0]][v[0][1]] = v[0][2] if Debug: print('Vetoes ', veto) else: pass #actionsKey = [x for x in t.actions] relation = {} for x in actions.keys(): relation[x] = {} for y in actions.keys(): try: if veto[x][y] == Decimal("-1.0"): relation[x][y] = Min except: pass characteristics = [] for c in criteria.keys(): for i in range(int(criteriaWeight[c])): characteristics.append(criteriaRelation[c][x][y]) characteristics.sort(reverse=False) n = len(characteristics) ## if n % 2 == 1: m = (n+1)*percentile[0] if m % percentile[1] == 0: k = m // percentile[1] quantile = characteristics[k-1] else: k = (m//percentile[1]) quantile0 = characteristics[k-1] quantile1 = characteristics[k] if quantile1 <= Med: quantile = quantile1 elif quantile0 >= Med: quantile = quantile0 else: quantile = Med if Debug: print('x,y,n,k', x,y,n,k) print(characteristics, end=' ') else: pass try: relation[x][y] = min(quantile,veto[x][y]) except: relation[x][y] = characteristics[k-1] #print relation[x][y] return relation class _BipolarIntegerOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph,PerformanceTableau): """ Parameters: | performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) | optional, coalition (sublist of criteria) Specialization of the standard OutrankingDigraph class for generating bipolar integer-valued outranking digraphs. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None, hasBipolarVeto=True, hasSymmetricThresholds=True): import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(integerWeights=True) else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) = 'rel_' + #self.performanceTableau = copy.deepcopy(perfTab) self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) if coalition is None: criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] totalWeight = Decimal('0') for c in criteria: totalWeight += abs(Decimal(str(criteria[c]['weight']))) self.criteria = criteria try: self.description = copy.copy(perfTab.description) except: pass methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] except: valuationType = 'integer' try: variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: variant = 'standard' try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':valuationType,\ 'variant':variant, 'vetoType':vetoType} self.methodData = methodData Min = -totalWeight Med = Decimal('0') Max = totalWeight self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max, 'hasIntegerValuation':True} evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) if vetoType == "bipolar": hasBipolarVeto = True self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,evaluation,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ hasSymmetricThresholds=hasSymmetricThresholds) self.evaluation = evaluation self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasBipolarVeto=False,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] NA = self.NA relation = {} vetos = [] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetos = [] largePerformanceDifferencesCount = {} for a in actions: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a] = {} for b in actions: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b] = {'positive':0,'negative':0} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a == b: relation[a][b] = Decimal('0') else: nc = len(criteria) concordance = Decimal('0') veto = {} abvetos=[] if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto = {} abNegativeVetos=[] for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) wp = None except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = None except: wp = None try: prefx = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] prefy = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = prefx + prefy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = prefx + prefy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) #print 'a,b,c,w,d,ind,wp,p,localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p)',a,b,c,criteria[c]['weight'],d,ind,wp,p,lc0 concordance = concordance + (lc0 * criteria[c]['weight']) try: wvx = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None vetoindex = self._localVeto(d,wv,v) veto[c] = (vetoindex,d,wv,v) if veto[c][0] > Min: abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['negative'] -= 1 if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetoindex = self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v) negativeVeto[c] = (negativeVetoindex,d,wv,v) if negativeVeto[c][0] > Min: abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['positive'] += 1 #if d < -wv: # print 'd,wv,v,veto[c]',d,wv,v,veto[c] else: veto[c] = (Min,None,None,None) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVeto[c] = (Min,None,None,None) #outrankindex = concordance concordindex = concordance ## init vetoes lists and indexes #abvetos=[] #abNegativeVetos=[] vetoIndex = Min negativeVetoIndex = Min ## compute bipolar vetoes indexes for c in criteria: vetoIndex = max(vetoIndex,veto[c][0]) if hasBipolarVeto: negativeVetoIndex = max(negativeVetoIndex,negativeVeto[c][0]) # contradictory vetoes if hasBipolarVeto: # contradictory vetoes if vetoIndex > Min and negativeVetoIndex > Min: #abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) #abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) outrankindex = Med # veto elif vetoIndex > Min: #abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) if concordindex > Med: outrankindex = Med else: outrankindex = min(concordindex,Max - vetoIndex + Min) # dictator elif negativeVetoIndex > Min: #abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if concordindex < Med: outrankindex = Med else: outrankindex = max(concordindex,negativeVetoIndex) else: # no vetoes or dictators outrankindex = concordindex else: # hasBipolarVeto == False outrankindex = min(concordindex,Max - vetoIndex + Min) if abvetos != []: vetos.append(([a,b,concordance],abvetos)) if hasBipolarVeto: if abNegativeVetos != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,concordance],abNegativeVetos)) relation[a][b] = outrankindex #print 'relation[a][b]', a,b, relation[a][b] self.vetos = vetos if hasBipolarVeto: self.negativeVetos = negativeVetos self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = largePerformanceDifferencesCount return relation def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: | d := diff observed, h := weak preference threshold, | p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criteria (Min,Med,Max) """ Max = 1 Med = 0 Min = -1 if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Min elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Max else: return Med elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Max else: return Med else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Min else: return Max else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Max else: return Min elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Max else: return Min else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Min else: return Max def _localVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: | d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local veto state (Min,Med,Max). """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] if v is not None: if d <= - v: return Max elif wv is not None: if d <= - wv: return Med else: return Min else: return Min elif wv is not None: if d <= -wv: return Med else: return Min else: return Min def _localNegativeVeto(self, d, wv, v): """ Parameters: | d := diff observed, v (wv) := (weak) veto threshold. Renders the local negative veto state (Min,Med,Max). """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] if v is not None: if d >= v: return Max elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Med else: return Min else: return Min elif wv is not None: if d >= wv: return Med else: return Min else: return Min def showRelation(self): """ prints the relation valuation in ##.## format. """ print('* ---- Relation -----', end=' ') for x in self.actions: print() for y in self.actions: print('('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+') = '+' %d ' % (self.relation[x][y])) print() def savePy2Gprolog(self,name='temp'): """ save digraph in gprolog version """ print('*----- saving digraph in gprolog format -------------*') Name = name+'.pl' fo = open(Name,'w') fo.write('/*------- data set ---------*\n') fo.write(' * digraph pl export *\n') fo.write(' * RB May 2007 *\n') fo.write(' * ---------------------....*/\n') fo.write('% data set: ') fo.write(Name) fo.write('\n') actions = list(self.actions) fo.write('actions(') fo.write(str(actions)) fo.write(').\n') criteria = self.criteria listCriteriaNames = [] for g in criteria: listCriteriaNames.append(g) criteriaScale = criteria[g]['scale'][1] try: weakPreferenceThreshold = criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'][0] except: weakPreferenceThreshold = criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] preferenceThreshold = criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0] vetoThreshold = criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'][0] weakVetoThreshold = criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] fo.write('criteria(') fo.write(str(listCriteriaNames)) fo.write(').\n') fo.write('criteriaScale(') fo.write(str(criteriaScale)) fo.write(').\n') # changing valuation from a bipolar to a positive one # Med = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] + Med Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] + Med fo.write('valuationDomain([') fo.write(str(Min)+', '+str(Med)+', '+str(Max)) fo.write(']).\n') fo.write('sumWeights(') fo.write(str(Max)) fo.write(').\n') fo.write('weakPreferenceThreshold(') fo.write(str(weakPreferenceThreshold)) fo.write(').\n') fo.write('preferenceThreshold(') fo.write(str(preferenceThreshold)) fo.write(').\n') fo.write('weakVetoThreshold(') fo.write(str(weakVetoThreshold)) fo.write(').\n') fo.write('vetoThreshold(') fo.write(str(vetoThreshold)) fo.write(').\n') relation = self.relation for x in actions: resx = 'relation('+str(x)+',' for y in actions: if x == y: value = Min else: value = relation[x][y] + Med resxy = resx + str(y)+','+str(value)+').\n' fo.write(resxy) fo.close() class _RandomElectre3OutrankingDigraph(_Electre3OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: | n := nbr of actions, p := number criteria, scale := [Min,Max], | thresholds := [h,q,v] Specialization of the OutrankingDigraph class for generating temporary Digraphs from random performance tableaux. """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions=7, numberOfCriteria=7, weightDistribution='random', weightScale = [1,10], commonScale=[0.0,100.0], commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0)], commonMode=['uniform',None,None]): import random,time = 'rel_randomperftab' # generate random performance tableau tb = RandomS3PerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=numberOfActions,numberOfCriteria=numberOfCriteria, weightDistribution=weightDistribution, weightScale=weightScale, commonScale=commonScale,commonThresholds = commonThresholds, commonMode=commonMode) self.actions = tb.actions self.criteria = tb.criteria self.evaluation = tb.evaluation # instantiate default valuation domain Min = Decimal('0.0') Med = Decimal('50.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} # generate relation self.relation = self._constructRelation(tb.criteria,tb.evaluation) # standard Digraph parameters initialization self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomBipolarOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Specialization of the BipolarOutrankingDigraph class for generating temporary Digraphs from RandomPerformanceTableau instances. *Parameters*: See :py:class:`randomPerfTabs.RandomPerformanceTableau` class. """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions=7, numberOfCriteria=7, weightDistribution='random', weightScale = [1,10], commonScale=[0.0,100.0], commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0)], commonMode=('uniform',None,None), hasBipolarVeto=True, Normalized=True, seed=None): # generate random performance tableau from copy import deepcopy tb = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=numberOfActions,\ numberOfCriteria=numberOfCriteria,\ weightDistribution=weightDistribution,\ weightScale=weightScale,\ commonScale=commonScale,\ commonThresholds = commonThresholds,\ commonMode=commonMode,\ seed=seed) g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(tb,Normalized=Normalized,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto) = deepcopy( self.actions = deepcopy(g.actions) self.criteria = deepcopy(g.criteria) self.evaluation = deepcopy(g.evaluation) self.relation = deepcopy(g.relation) self.valuationdomain = deepcopy(g.valuationdomain) self.NA = deepcopy(g.NA) self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class RandomOutrankingDigraph(RandomBipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Dummy for obsolete RandomOutrankingDigraph Class """
[docs] class PolarisedOutrankingDigraph(PolarisedDigraph,OutrankingDigraph): """ Specilised :py:class:`digraphs.PolarisedDigraph` instance for Outranking Digraphs. .. warning:: If called with argument *digraph=None*, a RandomBipolarOutrankingDigraph instance is generated first. """ def __init__(self,digraph=None,level=None,KeepValues=True,AlphaCut=False,StrictCut=False): import copy if digraph is None: digraph = RandomBipolarOutrankingDigraph() PolarisedDigraph.__init__(self,digraph=digraph, level=level,KeepValues=KeepValues, AlphaCut=AlphaCut,StrictCut=StrictCut) self.criteria = copy.copy(digraph.criteria) self.evaluation = copy.copy(digraph.evaluation) self.NA = copy.copy(digraph.NA) #self.vetos = self.computeVetos(digraph,level) try: self.vetos = copy.copy(digraph.vetos) except: pass
[docs] class EquiSignificanceMajorityOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for temporary outranking digraphs with equisignificant criteria. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None,hasNoVeto=False): import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) #self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'eqsignmajrel_' + self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('+1') self.valuationdomain = {'hasIntegerValuation':True, 'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} #self.weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() if coalition is None: criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria[g]) #self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation, self.weightPreorder) self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() self.evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.relation = self._constructRelation(perfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) methodData = {} methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':'integer','variant':'bipolar'} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,perfTab,hasNoVeto=False): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ Debug = False Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() k = len(weightPreorder) actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] characteristicVector = {} for x in actionsList: characteristicVector[x] = {} for y in actionsList: characteristicVector[x][y] = [] if Debug: print(characteristicVector) coalitionsRelation = {} for i in range(k): _g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(perfTab,coalition=weightPreorder[i],hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) _g.recodeValuation(-1,1) coalitionsRelation[i] = _g.relation relation = {} for x in actionsList: relation[x] = {} for y in actionsList: isPosStable = True isNegStable = True for i in range(k): if coalitionsRelation[i][x][y] <= Med: isPosStable = False if coalitionsRelation[i][x][y] >= Med: isNegStable = False if isPosStable: relation[x][y] = Max elif isNegStable: relation[x][y] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Med if Debug: print(x,y,relation[x][y]) return relation
# ------------ class _OutrankingOddsDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for temporary outranking digraphs with odds valuation, i.e. ratio of the number of positive over the number of negative marginal outranking situations. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None): import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) #self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'eqsignmajrel_' + self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('0') Med = Decimal('1') Max = Decimal('Infinity') self.valuationdomain = {'hasIntegerValuation':False, 'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} #self.weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) #self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation, self.weightPreorder) self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() self.NA = perfTab.NA self.evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.relation = self._constructRelation() methodData = {} methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':'exponential','variant':'standard'} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,hasSymmetricThresholds=True): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the outranking ods relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation valuationdomain = self.valuationdomain Max = Decimal('1') Med = Decimal('0') Min = Decimal('-1') NA = self.NA relation = {} vetos = [] negativeVetos = [] largePerformanceDifferencesCount = {} for a in actions: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a] = {} for b in actions: largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b] = {'positive':0,'negative':0} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a == b: relation[a][b] = valuationdomain['med'] else: nc = len(criteria) concordance = Decimal('0') discordance = Decimal('0') veto = {} abvetos=[] negativeVeto = {} abNegativeVetos=[] for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) wp = None except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = None except: wp = None try: prefx = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] prefy = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = prefx + prefy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = prefx + prefy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criteria[c]['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] else: d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) #print 'a,b,c,w,d,ind,wp,p,localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p)',a,b,c,criteria[c]['weight'],d,ind,wp,p,lc0 if lc0 > Med: concordance = concordance + (lc0 * criteria[c]['weight']) elif lc0 < Med: discordance = discordance - (lc0 * criteria[c]['weight']) try: wvx = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wv = None try: vx = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: v = None vetoindex = self._localVeto(d,wv,v) veto[c] = (vetoindex,d,wv,v) if veto[c][0] > Med: abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['negative'] -= 1 negativeVetoindex = self._localNegativeVeto(d,wv,v) negativeVeto[c] = (negativeVetoindex,d,wv,v) if negativeVeto[c][0] > Med: abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) largePerformanceDifferencesCount[a][b]['positive'] += 1 #if d < -wv: # print 'd,wv,v,veto[c]',d,wv,v,veto[c] else: veto[c] = (Min,None,None,None) negativeVeto[c] = (Min,None,None,None) #outrankindex = oddsindex oddsindex = concordance / discordance ## init vetoes lists and indexes #abvetos=[] #abNegativeVetos=[] vetoIndex = Med negativeVetoIndex = Med ## compute bipolar vetoes indexes for c in criteria: vetoIndex = max(vetoIndex,veto[c][0]) negativeVetoIndex = max(negativeVetoIndex,negativeVeto[c][0]) # contradictory vetoes if vetoIndex > Med and negativeVetoIndex > Med: #abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) #abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) outrankindex = valuationdomain['med'] # veto elif vetoIndex > Med: #abvetos.append((c,veto[c])) if oddsindex > valuationdomain['med']: outrankindex = valuationdomain['med'] else: if vetoIndex < Med: outrankindex = valuationdomain['min'] else: outrankindex = oddsindex # dictator elif negativeVetoIndex > Med: #abNegativeVetos.append((c,negativeVeto[c])) if oddsindex < Med: outrankindex = valuationdomain['med'] else: if negativeVetoIndex < Med: outrankindex = valuationdomain['max'] else: outrankindex = oddsindex if abvetos != []: vetos.append(([a,b,oddsindex],abvetos)) if abNegativeVetos != []: negativeVetos.append(([a,b,oddsindex],abNegativeVetos)) else: outrankindex = oddsindex relation[a][b] = outrankindex #print 'relation[a][b]', a,b, relation[a][b] self.vetos = vetos self.negativeVetos = negativeVetos self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = largePerformanceDifferencesCount return relation # ------------
[docs] class OrdinalOutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for temporary ordinal outranking digraphs """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None,hasNoVeto=False): """Generic constructor for many outranking digraph models.""" import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'rel_' + self.actions = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('0.0') Med = Decimal('50.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} #self.weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() if coalition is None: criteria = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() self.evaluation = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) self.NA = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.NA) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) methodData = {} methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':'decimal','variant':'none'} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasSymmetricThresholds=True,hasNoVeto=False): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ Debug = False weightPreorder = self.computeWeightPreorder() if Debug: print('weightPreorder=', weightPreorder) # constructing the bipolar semiotical references lsr lsr = [] for c in criteria: ci = c + '+' cj = c + '-' lsr.append(ci) lsr.append(cj) # constructing the bipolar ordering of lsr losr = [] k = 1 for w in weightPreorder: lowp = [] lown = [] for i in w: wp = i + '+' wn = i + '-' lowp.append(wp) lown.append(wn) losr.append((k,lowp)) losr.append((-k,lown)) k = k + 1 losr.sort() if Debug: print('lsr', lsr) print('losr', losr) actions = [x for x in self.actions] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] NA = self.NA # computing weight distributions relation = {} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: # positive distribution ---------------------- veto = Decimal('0') v = {} for i in lsr: v[i] = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) wp = None except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = None except: wp = None try: prefx = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] prefy = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = prefx + prefy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = prefx + prefy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None try: wvx = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][0] wvy = criterion['thresholds']['weakVeto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wvv = wvx + wvy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wvv = wvx + wvy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: wvv = None if hasNoVeto: wvv = None try: vx = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: vv = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: vv = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: vv = None if hasNoVeto: vv = None if criterion['weight'] < Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] else: d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] veto = veto + self._localVeto(d,wvv,vv) counter = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) if Debug: print('--> c,a,b,evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b], d', c,a,b,evaluation[c][a],evaluation[c][b], d) print('ind, wp, p, counter, veto', ind, wp, p, counter, veto) v[c + '+'] = v[c + '+'] + counter v[c + '-'] = v[c + '-'] + (Decimal('1.0') - counter) else: v[c + '+'] = v[c + '+'] + Decimal('0.5') v[c + '-'] = v[c + '-'] + Decimal('0.5') da = [] for w in losr: d = Decimal('0') for i in w[1]: d = d + v[i] da.append((w, d)) nc = len(losr) dcd = [da[0]] k = 1 while k < nc: dcv = dcd[k-1][1]+da[k][1] dcd.append((da[k][0],dcv)) k = k + 1 if Debug: print('dcd', dcd) # negative distribution ------------------------ vn = {} for i in lsr: vn[i] = Decimal('0.0') for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) wp = None except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = None except: wp = None try: prefx = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] prefy = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = prefx + prefy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = prefx + prefy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criterion['weight'] < Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] else: d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] counter = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) vn[c + '+'] = vn[c + '+'] - counter + Decimal('1.0') vn[c + '-'] = vn[c + '-'] + counter else: vn[c + '+'] = vn[c + '+'] + Decimal('0.5') vn[c + '-'] = vn[c + '-'] + Decimal('0.5') dan = [] for w in losr: d = Decimal('0') for i in w[1]: d = d + vn[i] dan.append((w, d)) nc = len(losr) dcg = [dan[0]] k = 1 while k < nc: dcv = dcg[k-1][1]+dan[k][1] dcg.append((dan[k][0],dcv)) k = k + 1 if Debug: print('dcg' , dcg) # first order stochastic dominance i = 0 j = 0 while i < nc: if dcd[i][1] > dcg[i][1]: break elif dcd[i][1] < dcg[i][1]: j += 1 i += 1 if i >= nc: if j > 0 and veto == Decimal('0'): relation[a][b] = Max elif veto == Decimal('0'): relation[a][b] = Med else: relation[a][b] = Min else: i = 0 j = 0 while i < nc: if dcd[i][1] < dcg[i][1]: break elif dcd[i][1] > dcg[i][1]: j += 1 i += 1 if i >= nc: if j > 0 or veto == Decimal('1'): relation[a][b] = Min elif veto < Decimal('1'): relation[a][b] = Med else: if veto > Decimal('0'): relation[a][b] = Min else: relation[a][b] = Med for a in actions: relation[a][a] = Min return relation def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: | d := diff observed, h := indifference threshold, | p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criterion. """ Debug = False if Debug: print('ordinal concordance locla concordance') print('d,ind,wp,p', d,ind,wp,p) if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Decimal('0.0') elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.5') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.5') else: if d > Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.5') else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') def _localVeto(self, d, wv,v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v := veto threshold. Renders the local veto state """ if v is not None: if d <= - v: return Decimal('1.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= - wv: return Decimal('0.5') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wv is not None: if d <= -wv: return Decimal('0.5') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('0.0')
[docs] class UnanimousOutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for temporary unanimous outranking digraphs """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,coalition=None,hasNoVeto=False): """Generic constructor for many outranking digraph models.""" import copy if isinstance(argPerfTab, (PerformanceTableau,RandomPerformanceTableau)): perfTab = argPerfTab else: if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau() else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) self.performanceTableau = perfTab = 'rel_' + self.actions = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('0.0') Med = Decimal('50.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} #self.weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() if coalition is None: criteria = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: criteria = {} for g in coalition: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() self.evaluation = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) self.NA = copy.deepcopy(perfTab.NA) self.convertEvaluation2Decimal() self.relation = self._constructRelation(criteria,perfTab.evaluation,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) methodData = {} methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType':'decimal','variant':'none'} self.methodData = methodData self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,criteria,evaluation,hasSymmetricThresholds=True,hasNoVeto=True): """ Parameters: PerfTab.criteria, PerfTab.evaluation. Renders the biploar valued outranking relation from the data of a given performance tableau instantiation PerfTab. """ actions = self.actions Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] NA = self.NA relation = {} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: nc = len(criteria) nvc = nc counter = 0 veto = 0 for c in criteria: criterion = criteria[c] if evaluation[c][a] != NA and evaluation[c][b] != NA: #d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] try: indx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] indy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: ind = indx +indy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: ind = indx +indy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) wp = None except: ind = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPreference'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: wp = wpx + wpy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: wp = wpx + wpy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) ind = None except: wp = None try: prefx = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] prefy = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: p = prefx + prefy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: p = prefx + prefy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) except: p = None if criterion['weight'] < Decimal('0'): d = evaluation[c][b] - evaluation[c][a] else: d = evaluation[c][a] - evaluation[c][b] lc0 = self._localConcordance(d,ind,wp,p) counter += lc0 if not hasNoVeto: try: vx = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][0] vy = criterion['thresholds']['veto'][1] if hasSymmetricThresholds: v = vx + vy * max(abs(evaluation[c][a]),abs(evaluation[c][b])) else: v = vx + vy * abs(evaluation[c][a]) veto = veto + self._localVeto(d, v) except: veto = veto + Decimal("0") else: nvc = nvc - 1 # under the universality condition nvc not to be used. if not hasNoVeto: if veto == Decimal("0"): if counter == nc: relation[a][b] = Max elif counter == -nc: relation[a][b] = Min else: relation[a][b] = Med else: relation[a][b] = Min else: if counter == nc: relation[a][b] = Max elif counter == -nc: relation[a][b] = Min else: relation[a][b] = Med for a in actions: relation[a][a] = Min return relation def _localConcordance(self,d,ind,wp,p): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, h := indifference threshold, p := prefrence threshold. Renders the concordance index per criterion. """ Debug = False if Debug: print('ordinal concordance locla concordance') print('d,ind,wp,p', d,ind,wp,p) if p is not None: if d <= -p: return Decimal('-1.0') elif ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if d > Decimal("-1.0"): return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: if ind is not None: if d >= -ind: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') elif wp is not None: if d > -wp: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0') else: if d < Decimal("0.0"): return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') def _localVeto(self, d, v): """ Parameters: d := diff observed, v := veto threshold. Renders the local veto state """ if d > -v: return Decimal("0") else: return Decimal("1")
[docs] class RobustOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ *Parameters*: performanceTableau (fileName or valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for new robustness analysis distinguishing between three nested stability levels: * +4 (resp. -4) : unanimous outranking (resp. outranked; * +3 (resp. -3) : majority outranking (resp. outranked) situation in all coalitions of equi-ignificant citeria; * +2 (resp. -2) : validated outranking (resp. outranked) situation with all potential weights compatible with the criteria significance preorder; * +1 (resp. -1) : validated outranking (resp. outranked) situation with the given criteria significances; * 0 : indeterminate preferential situation- *Sematics*: * alternative *x* robustly outranks alternative *y* when the outranking situation is qualified greater or equal to level +2 and there is no considerable counter-performance observed on a discordant criteria; * alternative *x* robustly does not outrank alternative *y* when the outranking situation is qualified lower or equal to level -2 and there is no considerable performance observed on a discordant criteria. *Usage example*: >>> from outrankingDigraphs import * >>> t = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=7,weightDistribution='random',seed=100) >>> t.showPerformanceTableau() *---- performance tableau -----* Criteria | 'g1' 'g2' 'g3' 'g4' 'g5' 'g6' 'g7' Actions | 4 6 2 7 4 4 2 ---------|------------------------------------------------------- 'a1' | 44.51 43.90 19.10 16.22 14.81 45.49 41.66 'a2' | NA 38.75 27.73 21.53 79.70 22.03 12.82 'a3' | 58.00 35.84 41.46 51.16 67.48 33.83 21.92 'a4' | 24.22 29.12 22.41 NA 13.97 31.83 75.74 'a5' | 29.10 34.79 21.52 39.35 NA 69.98 15.45 'a6' | 96.58 62.22 56.90 32.06 80.16 48.80 6.05 'a7' | 82.29 44.23 46.37 47.67 69.62 82.88 9.96 >>> t.showWeightPreorder() *------- weights preordering --------* ['g3', 'g7'] (2) < ['g1', 'g5', 'g6'] (4) < ['g2'] (6) < ['g4'] (7) >>> g = RobustOutrankingDigraph(t) >>> g *------- Object instance description ------* Instance class : RobustOutrankingDigraph Instance name : robust_randomperftab Actions : 7 Criteria : 7 Size : 19 Determinateness (%) : 67.53 Valuation domain : [-1.00;1.00] Attributes : ['name', 'methodData', 'actions', 'order', 'criteria', 'evaluation', 'vetos', 'valuationdomain', 'relation', 'concordanceRelation', 'largePerformanceDifferencesCount', 'ordinalRelation', 'equisignificantRelation', 'unanimousRelation', 'stability', 'gamma', 'notGamma'] >>> g.showRelationTable(StabilityDenotation=True) * ---- Relation Table ----- r/(stab) | 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' 'a4' 'a5' 'a6' 'a7' ---------|------------------------------------------------------------ 'a1' | +1.00 -0.03 -0.17 +0.55 +0.00 -0.72 -0.45 | (+4) (-2) (-2) (+2) (+1) (-2) (-2) 'a2' | +0.03 +1.00 -0.17 +0.21 -0.10 -0.45 -0.45 | (+2) (+4) (-2) (+2) (-2) (-2) (-2) 'a3' | +0.17 +0.38 +1.00 +0.62 +0.59 +0.00 +0.00 | (+2) (+2) (+4) (+2) (+2) (-1) (-1) 'a4' | -0.21 -0.21 -0.34 +1.00 -0.21 -0.62 -0.62 | (-2) (-2) (-2) (+4) (-2) (-2) (-2) 'a5' | +0.03 +0.38 -0.17 +0.48 +1.00 +0.03 -0.72 | (+2) (+2) (-2) (+2) (+4) (+2) (-2) 'a6' | +0.86 +0.72 +0.00 +0.62 -0.03 +1.00 +0.00 | (+2) (+2) (+1) (+2) (-2) (+4) (+1) 'a7' | +0.86 +0.52 +0.62 +0.62 +0.72 +0.00 +1.00 | (+2) (+2) (+2) (+2) (+2) (-1) (+4) """ def __init__(self, filePerfTab = None,Debug=False,hasNoVeto=True): import copy if filePerfTab is None: filePerfTab = 'randomPerf' t = RandomPerformanceTableau()'newrobust_randomPerf' else: = 'robust_' + cardinal = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,Normalized=True,WithConcordanceRelation=True,WithVetoCounts=True) ordinal = OrdinalOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) ordinal.recodeValuation(-1,1) equisignificant = EquiSignificanceMajorityOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) equisignificant.recodeValuation(-1,1) unanimous = UnanimousOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) unanimous.recodeValuation(-1,1) if Debug: print('unanimous') print(unanimous.valuationdomain) unanimous.showRelationTable(hasIntegerValuation=True) print('equisignificant') print(equisignificant.valuationdomain) equisignificant.showRelationTable() print('ordinal') print(ordinal.valuationdomain) ordinal.showRelationTable() print('cardinal') print(cardinal.valuationdomain) cardinal.showRelationTable(hasLPDDenotation=True) try: self.description = copy.copy(cardinal.description) except: pass try: self.methodData = copy.copy(cardinal.methodData) except: pass self.actions = copy.copy(cardinal.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) try: self.objectives = copy.copy(cardinal.objectives) except: pass self.criteria = copy.copy(cardinal.criteria) self.evaluation = copy.copy(cardinal.evaluation) self.NA = copy.copy(cardinal.NA) self.vetos = copy.copy(cardinal.vetos) self.valuationdomain = copy.copy(cardinal.valuationdomain) self.relation = copy.copy(cardinal.relation) self.concordanceRelation = copy.copy(cardinal.concordanceRelation) self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = copy.copy(cardinal.largePerformanceDifferencesCount) self.ordinalRelation = copy.copy(ordinal.relation) self.equisignificantRelation = copy.copy(equisignificant.relation) self.unanimousRelation = copy.copy(unanimous.relation) self.stability = self._constructRelation() if Debug: self.showRelationTable(hasStabilityDenotation=True) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self): """ Help method for constructing robust outranking relation. """ Debug = False unanimousRelation = self.unanimousRelation equisignificantRelation = self.equisignificantRelation ordinalRelation = self.ordinalRelation concordanceRelation = self.concordanceRelation if Debug: print(self.valuationdomain) Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] One = Decimal("1") MinusOne = Decimal("-1") actions = [x for x in self.actions] stability = {} relation = {} for a in actions: stability[a] = {} relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a != b: if unanimousRelation[a][b] == One: stability[a][b] = 4 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif unanimousRelation[a][b] == MinusOne: stability[a][b] = -4 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif equisignificantRelation[a][b] == One: stability[a][b] = 3 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif equisignificantRelation[a][b] == MinusOne: stability[a][b] = -3 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif ordinalRelation[a][b] == One: stability[a][b] = 2 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif ordinalRelation[a][b] == MinusOne: stability[a][b] = -2 relation[a][b] = self.relation[a][b] elif concordanceRelation[a][b] > Med: stability[a][b] = 1 relation[a][b] = Med elif concordanceRelation[a][b] < Med: stability[a][b] = -1 relation[a][b] = Med else: stability[a][b] = 0 relation[a][b] = Med else: stability[a][b] = 0 relation[a][b] = Med self.relation = relation return stability
[docs] def showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=False, actionsSubset= None, rankingRule=None, Sorted=True, hasLPDDenotation=False, StabilityDenotation=True, hasLatexFormat=False, hasIntegerValuation=False, relation=None, ReflexiveTerms=True): """ prints the relation valuation in actions X actions table format by default with the stability denotation in brackets: +4 | -4 : unanimous outranking | outranked situation; +3 | -3 : validated outranking | outranked situation in each coalition of equisignificant criteria; +2 | -2 : outranking | outranked situation validated with all potential significance weights that are compatible with the given significance preorder; +1 | -1 : validated outranking | outranked situation with the given significance weights; 0 : indeterminate relational situation. """ OutrankingDigraph.showRelationTable(self, IntegerValues=IntegerValues, actionsSubset= actionsSubset, rankingRule=rankingRule, Sorted=Sorted, hasLPDDenotation=hasLPDDenotation, StabilityDenotation=StabilityDenotation, hasLatexFormat=hasLatexFormat, hasIntegerValuation=hasIntegerValuation, relation=relation, ReflexiveTerms=ReflexiveTerms)
[docs] class OldRobustOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the general OutrankingDigraph class for robustness analysis distinguishing 3 levels of stability. """ def __init__(self, filePerfTab = None,Debug=False,hasNoVeto=True): import copy if filePerfTab is None: filePerfTab = 'randomPerf' t = RandomPerformanceTableau()'robust_randomPerf' else: = 'robust_' + cardinal = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) ordinal = OrdinalOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) unanimous = UnanimousOutrankingDigraph(filePerfTab,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) if Debug: print('unanimous') print(unanimous.valuationdomain) unanimous.showRelationTable() print('ordinal') print(ordinal.valuationdomain) ordinal.showRelationTable() print('cardinal') print(cardinal.valuationdomain) cardinal.showRelationTable() try: self.description = copy.deepcopy(cardinal.description) except: pass try: self.methodData = copy.deepcopy(cardinal.methodData) except: pass self.actions = copy.copy(cardinal.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.criteria = copy.copy(cardinal.criteria) self.evaluation = copy.copy(cardinal.evaluation) self.NA = copy.copy(cardinal.NA) self.vetos = copy.copy(cardinal.vetos) self.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal("-3"), 'med':Decimal("0"), 'max':Decimal("3")} self.cardinalRelation = copy.copy(cardinal.relation) self.cardinalValuationdomain = copy.copy(cardinal.valuationdomain) self.relation = self._constructRelation(unanimous, ordinal, cardinal,hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self, unanimous, ordinal, cardinal,hasNoVeto=True): """ Parameters: normal -, ordinal -, and unanimous outranking relation. Help method for constructing robust outranking relation. """ Debug = False if Debug: print(self.valuationdomain) uMin = unanimous.valuationdomain['min'] uMed = unanimous.valuationdomain['med'] uMax = unanimous.valuationdomain['max'] oMin = ordinal.valuationdomain['min'] oMed = ordinal.valuationdomain['med'] oMax = ordinal.valuationdomain['max'] cMin = cardinal.valuationdomain['min'] cMed = cardinal.valuationdomain['med'] cMax = cardinal.valuationdomain['max'] rMin = self.valuationdomain['min'] rMed = self.valuationdomain['med'] rMax = self.valuationdomain['max'] actions = [x for x in self.actions] relation = {} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a != b: if unanimous.relation[a][b] == uMax: relation[a][b] = rMax elif unanimous.relation[a][b] == uMin: relation[a][b] = rMin elif ordinal.relation[a][b] == oMax: relation[a][b] = Decimal('2.0') elif ordinal.relation[a][b] == oMin: relation[a][b] = Decimal('-2.0') elif cardinal.relation[a][b] > cMed: relation[a][b] = Decimal('1.0') elif cardinal.relation[a][b] < cMed: relation[a][b] = Decimal('-1.0') else: relation[a][b] = rMed else: relation[a][b] = rMed return relation
[docs] def showRelationTable(self): """ specialisation for integer values """ Digraph.showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=True)
[docs] def saveAMPLDataFile(self,name='temp',Unique=False,Comments=True): """ save the ampl reverse data for cplex """ actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] actionsList.sort() criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() nc = len(criteriaList) relation = self.relation fileName = 'amplReverse'+name+'.dat' fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write('data;\n\n') fo.write('set CRITERIA := ') for i in range(nc): fo.write(str(criteriaList[i])+' ') fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('set ALLPAIRS := \n') for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: fo.write(str(x)+str(y)+' ') fo.write('\n') fo.write(';\n\n') if Unique: pairwiseComparison = {} for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: xy = str(x)+str(y) lineString = '' for i in range(nc): value = self.computeCriterionRelation(criteriaList[i],x,y) value = (value + Decimal("1.0"))/Decimal("2.0") lineString += '%.1f ' % (value) pairwiseComparison[xy] = lineString self.pairwiseComparison = pairwiseComparison p2 = [] pm2 = [] p1 = [] pm1 = [] p0 = [] if Unique: setP2 = set() setPm2 = set() setP1 = set() setPm1 = set() setP0 = set() count2 = 0 countm2 = 0 count1 = 0 countm1 = 0 count0 = 0 countSave2 = 0 countSavem2 = 0 countSave1 = 0 countSavem1 = 0 countSave0 = 0 for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: xy = str(x)+str(y) if relation[x][y] == Decimal("2.0"): count2 += 1 if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in setP2: countSave2 += 1 p2.append(str(x)+str(y)) setP2.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("-2.0"): countm2 += 1 if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in setPm2: countSavem2 += 1 pm2.append(str(x)+str(y)) setPm2.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("1.0"): count1 += 1 if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in setP1: countSave1 += 1 p1.append(str(x)+str(y)) setP1.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("-1.0"): countm1 += 1 if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in setPm1: countSavem1 += 1 pm1.append(str(x)+str(y)) setPm1.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("0.0"): count0 += 1 if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in setP0: countSave0 += 1 p0.append(str(x)+str(y)) setP0.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) if Comments: print('counts: 2 \t-2 \t1 \t-1 \t0') print(' %d \t%d \t%d \t%d \t%d\n' % (count2,countm2,count1,countm1,count0)) print(' %d \t%d \t%d \t%d \t%d\n' % (countSave2,countSavem2,countSave1,countSavem1,countSave0)) print(' -----------------------------------------------------------') print(' %d \t%d \t%d \t%d \t%d\n' % (count2-countSave2,countm2-countSavem2,count1-countSave1,countm1-countSavem1,count0-countSave0)) totalcount = count2+ countm2+count1+ countm1+count0 totalcountSave = countSave2+countSavem2+countSave1+countSavem1+countSave0 print('totals: counts: %d, countsUnique: \t%d, reduction: %d\n' %(totalcount,totalcountSave,totalcount-totalcountSave)) else: for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: xy = str(x)+str(y) if relation[x][y] == Decimal("2.0"): p2.append(str(x)+str(y)) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("-2.0"): pm2.append(str(x)+str(y)) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("1.0"): p1.append(str(x)+str(y)) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("-1.0"): pm1.append(str(x)+str(y)) elif relation[x][y] == Decimal("0.0"): p0.append(str(x)+str(y)) fo.write('set PAIRS2 :=\n') i = 0 for x in p2: i += 1 if i < 7: fo.write(x+' ') else: fo.write('\n'+x+' ') i = 0 fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('set PAIRSm2 :=\n') i = 0 for x in pm2: i += 1 if i < 7: fo.write(x+' ') else: fo.write('\n'+x+' ') i = 0 fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('set PAIRS1 :=\n') for x in p1: fo.write(x+' ') fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('set PAIRSm1 :=\n') for x in pm1: fo.write(x+' ') fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('set PAIRS0 :=\n') for x in p0: fo.write(x+' ') fo.write(';\n\n') fo.write('param S : ') for i in range(nc): fo.write(str(criteriaList[i])+' ') fo.write(':= \n') if Unique: Sset = set() for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: xy = str(x)+str(y) if pairwiseComparison[xy] not in Sset: fo.write(xy+' '+pairwiseComparison[xy]+'\n') Sset.add(pairwiseComparison[xy]) fo.write(';\n') else: for x in actionsList: for y in actionsList: if x != y: fo.write(str(x)+str(y)+' ') for i in range(nc): value = self.computeCriterionRelation(criteriaList[i],x,y) value = (value + Decimal("1.0"))/Decimal("2.0") fo.write('%.1f ' % (value)) fo.write('\n') fo.write(';\n') fo.close()
[docs] def saveXMLRubisOutrankingDigraph(self,name='temp',category='Rubis outranking robustness digraph',subcategory='Choice recommendation',author='digraphs Module (RB)',reference='saved from Python',comment=True,servingD3=True): """ save complete robust Rubis problem and result in XML format with unicode encoding. """ import codecs self.computeRubyChoice() if comment: print('*----- saving outranking robustness digraph in XML format -------------*') nameExt = name+'.xml' fo =,'w',encoding='utf-8') fo.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') fo.write('<!DOCTYPE rubisOutrankingDigraph SYSTEM "http://localhost/rubisServer/Schemas/rubisOutrankingDigraph-1.0/rubisOutrankingDigraph.dtd">\n') if not servingD3: fo.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rubisOutrankingDigraph.xsl"?>\n') else: fo.write('<!-- ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="robustRubisOutrankingDigraph.xsl"? -->\n') fo.write('<rubisOutrankingDigraph xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="rubisOutrankingDigraph.xsd"') fo.write(' category="' + str(category)+'" subcategory="'+str(subcategory)+'">\n') fo.write('<header>\n') fo.write('<comment>header declaration </comment>\n') fo.write('<name>') fo.write(str(nameExt)) fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<author>') fo.write(str(author)) fo.write('</author>\n') fo.write('<reference>') fo.write(str(reference)) fo.write('</reference>\n') fo.write('</header>') actionsOrigList = [x for x in self.actions_orig] actionsOrigList.sort() fo.write('<actions>\n') fo.write('<comment>Potential decision actions </comment>\n') for x in actionsOrigList: fo.write('<action id="'+str(x)+'">\n') fo.write('<name>') try: fo.write(str(self.actions_orig[x]['name'])) except: pass fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(self.actions_orig[x]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</action>\n') fo.write('</actions>\n') fo.write('<criteria>\n') fo.write('<comment>List of performance criteria </comment>\n') criteriaList = [g for g in self.criteria] criteriaList.sort() for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<criterion id="'+str(g)+'" category="performance">\n') fo.write('<name>') try: fo.write(str(self.criteria[g]['name'])) except: pass fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<comment>') try: fo.write(str(self.criteria[g]['comment'])) except: pass fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('<scale>') fo.write('<min>') fo.write('%.2f' % (self.criteria[g]['scale'][0])) fo.write('</min>') fo.write('<max>') fo.write('%.2f' % (self.criteria[g]['scale'][1])) fo.write('</max>') fo.write('</scale>\n') fo.write('<thresholds>\n') try: th1,th2 = self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind'] fo.write('<indifference>'),fo.write('(%.2f,%.2f)' % (th1,th2) ), fo.write('</indifference>\n') except: try: th1,th2 = self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakPreference'] fo.write('<weakPreference>'),fo.write('(%.2f,%.2f)' % (th1,th2) ),fo.write('</weakPreference>\n') except: pass fo.write('<preference>') fo.write('(%.2f,%.2f)' % (self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][0],self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref'][1])) fo.write('</preference>\n') try: th1,th2 = self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['weakVeto'] fo.write('<weakVeto>'),fo.write('(%.2f,%.2f)' % (th1,th2) ),fo.write('</weakVeto>\n') except: pass try: th1,th2 = self.criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto'] fo.write('<veto>'),fo.write('(%.2f,%.2f)' % (th1,th2) ),fo.write('</veto>\n') except: pass fo.write('</thresholds>') fo.write('<weight>') ## fo.write(str(self.criteria[g]['weight'])) fo.write('%.2f' % (self.criteria[g]['weight'])) fo.write('</weight>') fo.write('</criterion>\n') fo.write('</criteria>\n') evaluation = self.evaluation fo.write('<evaluations>\n') fo.write('<comment>performance table </comment>\n') for g in criteriaList: fo.write('<evaluation>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>'+str(g)+'</criterionID>\n') for x in actionsOrigList: fo.write('<performance>\n') fo.write('<actionID>') fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</actionID>\n') fo.write('<value>') ## fo.write(str(evaluation[g][x])) fo.write('%.2f' % (evaluation[g][x])) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</performance>\n') fo.write('</evaluation>\n') fo.write('</evaluations>\n') Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] fo.write('<valuationDomain category="bipolar" subcategory="robustness">\n') fo.write('<comment>valuation domain declaration </comment>') fo.write('<min>') fo.write('%1d' % (int(Min))) fo.write('</min>\n') fo.write('<med>') fo.write('%1d' % (int(Med))) fo.write('</med>\n') fo.write('<max>') fo.write('%1d' % (int(Max))) fo.write('</max>\n') fo.write('</valuationDomain>\n') fo.write('<relation>\n') relation = self.relation_orig fo.write('<comment>valued outranking relation declaration. </comment>') for x in actionsOrigList: for y in actionsOrigList: fo.write('<arc>\n') fo.write('<initialActionID>') fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</initialActionID>\n') fo.write('<terminalActionID>') fo.write(str(y)) fo.write('</terminalActionID>\n') fo.write('<value>') ## fo.write(str(relation[x][y])) fo.write('%1d' % (int(relation[x][y]))) fo.write('</value>\n') fo.write('</arc>\n') fo.write('</relation>\n') fo.write('<vetos>\n') fo.write('<comment>Effective and potential weto situations.</comment>\n') try: vetos = self.vetos for veto in vetos: fo.write('<veto>\n') arc = veto[0] fo.write('<arc>\n') fo.write('<initialActionID>') fo.write(str(arc[0])) fo.write('</initialActionID>\n') fo.write('<terminalActionID>') fo.write(str(arc[1])) fo.write('</terminalActionID>\n') fo.write('<concordanceDegree>') fo.write('%.2f' % (arc[2])) fo.write('</concordanceDegree>\n') fo.write('</arc>\n') situations = veto[1] fo.write('<vetoSituations>\n') for v in situations: fo.write('<vetoSituation>\n') fo.write('<criterionID>') fo.write(str(v[0])) fo.write('</criterionID>\n') fo.write('<performanceDifference>') fo.write('%.2f' % (v[1][1])) fo.write('</performanceDifference>\n') fo.write('<vetoCharacteristic>') fo.write('%.2f' % (v[1][0])) fo.write('</vetoCharacteristic>\n') fo.write('<comment>') if arc[2] > Med: if v[1][0] > 0: fo.write('effective veto') else: fo.write('effective weak veto') elif arc[2] == Med: if v[1][0] > 0: fo.write('effective veto') else: fo.write('potential weak veto') else: if v[1][0] > 0: fo.write('potential veto') else: fo.write('potential weak veto') fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</vetoSituation>\n') fo.write('</vetoSituations>\n') fo.write('</veto>\n') except: pass fo.write('</vetos>\n') fo.write('<choiceRecommendation category="Rubis">\n') fo.write('<comment>List of good and bad choices following the Rubis methodology.</comment>\n') cocaActionsList = [x for x in self.actions if isinstance(x,frozenset)] if cocaActionsList != []: cocaActionsList.sort() fo.write('<cocaActions>') fo.write("<comment>weak COCA digraph actions' declaration </comment>\n") for x in cocaActionsList: fo.write('<cocaAction id="'+str(self.actions[x]['name'])+'">\n') fo.write('<name>') fo.write('chordless odd circuit') fo.write('</name>\n') fo.write('<comment>') fo.write('Rubis construction') fo.write('</comment>\n') fo.write('</cocaAction>\n') fo.write('</cocaActions>\n') amplitude = float(Max - Min)/float(100.0) fo.write('<goodChoices>\n') for ch in self.goodChoices: ## fo.write('<choiceSet independence="'+str(ch[2])+'" outranking="'+str(ch[3])+'" outranked="'+str(ch[4])+'" determinateness="'+str(-ch[0])+'" >') if ch[3] > ch[4]: #independent = float(ch[2])/amplitude #outranking = float(ch[3])/amplitude #outranked = float(ch[4])/amplitude independent = ch[2] outranking = ch[3] outranked = ch[4] #determ = -ch[0]*100.0 determ = -(ch[0]*6) - 3 fo.write('<choiceSet independence="%1d" outranking="%1d" outranked="%1d" determinateness="%1.2f" >\n' % (int(independent),int(outranking),int(outranked),determ)) fo.write('<choiceActions>\n') for x in ch[5]: fo.write('<actionID>') fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</actionID>\n') fo.write('</choiceActions>\n') fo.write('</choiceSet>\n') fo.write('</goodChoices>\n') fo.write('<badChoices>\n') for ch in self.badChoices: ## fo.write('<choiceSet independence="'+str(ch[2])+'" outranking="'+str(ch[3])+'" outranked="'+str(ch[4])+'" determinateness="'+str(-ch[0])+'" >') if ch[4] >= ch[3]: #independent = float(ch[2])/float(amplitude) #outranking = float(ch[3])/float(amplitude) #outranked = float(ch[4])/float(amplitude) independent = ch[2] outranking = ch[3] outranked = ch[4] #determ = -ch[0]*100.0 determ = -(ch[0]*6) - 3 fo.write('<choiceSet independence="%1d" outranking="%1d" outranked="%1d" determinateness="%1.2f" >\n' % (int(independent),int(outranking),int(outranked),determ)) fo.write('<choiceActions>\n') for x in ch[5]: fo.write('<actionID>') fo.write(str(x)) fo.write('</actionID>\n') fo.write('</choiceActions>\n') fo.write('</choiceSet>\n') fo.write('</badChoices>\n') fo.write('</choiceRecommendation>\n') fo.write('</rubisOutrankingDigraph>\n') fo.close() if comment: print('File: ' + nameExt + ' saved !')
[docs] class DissimilarityOutrankingDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the OutrankingDigraph class for generating temporary dissimilarity random graphs """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None,Debug=False): if argPerfTab is None: print('Performance tableau required !') perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab import sys,copy ## if filePerfTab is None: ## t = RandomPerformanceTableau() ## filePerfTab = 'randomPerf' ## ## perfTab = PerformanceTableau(filePerfTab) = 'rel_' self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) self.criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) self.evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() self.NA = copy.copy(perfTab.NA) self.relation = self._constructRelation(Debug=Debug) # for g in perfTab.actions: # actions.append(g) self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self,Debug=False): """ Renders the valued dissimilarity relation between criteria. """ actions = self.actions if Debug: print(actions) criteria = self.criteria if Debug: print(criteria) evaluation = self.evaluation if Debug: print(evaluation) NA = self.NA Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} for ga in criteria: criteriona = criteria[ga] relation[ga] = {} for gb in criteria: criterionb = criteria[gb] if ga != gb: na = len(actions) counter = Decimal('0') for x in actions: if evaluation[ga][x] != NA and evaluation[gb][x] != NA: d = abs(evaluation[ga][x] - evaluation[gb][x]) hgax = criteriona['thresholds']['ind'][0] hgay = criteriona['thresholds']['ind'][1] hga = hgax + hgay * evaluation[ga][x] hgbx = criterionb['thresholds']['ind'][0] hgby = criterionb['thresholds']['ind'][1] hgb = hgbx + hgby * evaluation[gb][x] qgax = criteriona['thresholds']['pref'][0] qgay = criteriona['thresholds']['pref'][1] qga = qgax + qgay * evaluation[ga][x] qgbx = criterionb['thresholds']['pref'][0] qgby = criterionb['thresholds']['pref'][1] qgb = qgbx + qgby * evaluation[gb][x] h = max(hga,hgb) q = max(qga,qgb) counter = counter + self._localDissimilarity(d, h, q) else: counter = counter + Decimal('0.5') relation[ga][gb] = Decimal(str((round((counter/na*(Max-Min)))))) + Min else: relation[ga][ga] = Min return relation def _localDissimilarity(self, d, h, q): """ Renders local dissimilarity between two criterial evaluations """ dn = q - h if d <= h: return Decimal('0.0') elif dn == Decimal('0'): return Decimal('1.0') elif d <= q: return (d-h)/(q-h) else: return Decimal('1.0')
[docs] def showAll(self): """ specialize the general showAll method for the dissimilarity case """ print('*----- show detail -------------*') print('Digraph :', print('Criteria :', self.actions) print('Valuation domain :', self.valuationdomain) print('*---- evaluated actions per criteria -----*') print(self.criteria) print('*---- evaluation tableau -----*') for g in self.actions: print(g, ': ', self.evaluation[g]) print('*---- dissimilarity between criteria -----*') print(self.relation) self.showComponents() print('*---- neighbourhoods -----*') print('Gamma :', self.gamma) print('Not Gamma :', self.notGamma)
[docs] class MultiCriteriaDissimilarityDigraph(OutrankingDigraph): """ Parameters: performanceTableau (fileName of valid py code) Specialization of the OutrankingDigraph class for generating temporary multiple criteria based dissimilarity graphs. """ def __init__(self,perfTab=None,filePerfTab=None): import sys,copy if perfTab is None: if filePerfTab is None: perftab = RandomPerformanceTableau() filePerfTab = 'randomPerf' else: perfTab = PerformanceTableau(filePerfTab) = 'rel_' self.actions = copy.copy(perfTab.actions) Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} weightPreorder = perfTab.computeWeightPreorder() self.criteria = copy.copy(perfTab.criteria) self.evaluation = copy.copy(perfTab.evaluation) self.NA = copy.copy(perfTab.NA) self.relation = self._constructRelation() self.order = len(self.actions) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _constructRelation(self): """ Renders the valued dissimilarity relation between criteria. """ actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria evaluation = self.evaluation NA = self.NA maxWeight = Decimal('0.0') for g in criteria: maxWeight += abs(criteria[g]['weight']) Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} for a in actions: relation[a] = {} for b in actions: if a != b: nc = len(criteria) counter = Decimal('0.0') for g in criteria: criterion = criteria[g] if evaluation[g][a] != NA and evaluation[g][b] != NA: if criterion['weight'] > Decimal('0'): d = abs(evaluation[g][a] - evaluation[g][b]) else: d = abs(evaluation[g][b] - evaluation[g][a]) try: hx = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][0] hy = criterion['thresholds']['ind'][1] h = hx + hy * evaluation[g][a] except: h = None try: wpx = criterion['thresholds']['weakPref'][0] wpy = criterion['thresholds']['weakPref'][1] wp = wpx + wpy * evaluation[g][a] except: wp = None try: px = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][0] py = criterion['thresholds']['pref'][1] p = px + py * evaluation[g][a] except: p = None index = self._localDissimilarity(d,h,wp,p) ## print d,h,wp,p ## print counter, index, criteria[g]['weight'] counter += index * criterion['weight'] else: counter += Decimal('0.0') ## relation[a][b] = counter/maxWeight*(Max-Min) + Min relation[a][b] = counter/maxWeight else: relation[a][b] = Med return relation def _localDissimilarity(self, d, h, wp, p): """ Renders local dissimilarity between two criterial evaluations """ if h is not None: if d <= h: return Decimal('-1.0') elif p is not None: if d < p: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') elif d > h: return Decimal('1.0') else: print('Error: should never come here !!!') elif wp is not None: if d < wp: return Decimal('-1.0') elif p is not None: if d < p: return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('0.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') elif p is not None: if d < p: return Decimal('-1.0') else: return Decimal('1.0') else: if d > Decimal('0.0'): return Decimal('1.0') else: return Decimal('-1.0')
[docs] class ConfidentBipolarOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Confident bipolar outranking digraph based on multiple criteria of uncertain significance. The digraph's bipolar valuation represents the bipolar outranking relation based on a sufficient likelihood of the at least as good as relation that is outranking without veto and counterveto. By default, each criterion i' significance weight is supposed to be a triangular random variable of mode w_i in the range 0 to 2*w_i. *Parameters*: * argPerfTab: PerformanceTableau instance or the name (without extension) of a stored one. If None, a random instance is generated. * distribution: {triangular|uniform|beta}, probability distribution used for generating random weights * betaParameter: a = b (default = 2) * confidence: required likelihood (in %) of the outranking relation * other standard parameters from the BipolarOutrankingDigraph class (see documentation). """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None, distribution = 'triangular', betaParameter = 2, confidence = 90.0, coalition=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Normalized=True, #Threading=False, #nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False,): # getting module ressources and setting the random seed from copy import copy, deepcopy # getting performance tableau if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = copy(argPerfTab) # initializing the bipolar outranking digraph bodg = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(argPerfTab=perfTab,coalition=coalition,\ hasNoVeto=hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto=hasBipolarVeto,\ Normalized=Normalized,\ #Threading=Threading,\ #nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs,\ ) = + '_CLT' self.bipolarConfidenceLevel = (confidence/100.0)*2.0 -1.0 self.distribution = distribution self.betaParameter = betaParameter self.actions = copy(bodg.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = copy(bodg.valuationdomain) self.criteria = copy(bodg.criteria) self.evaluation = copy(bodg.evaluation) self.NA = copy(bodg.NA) #if not Threading: self.concordanceRelation = copy(bodg.concordanceRelation) self.vetos = copy(bodg.vetos) self.negativeVetos = copy(bodg.negativeVetos) self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount =\ copy(bodg.largePerformanceDifferencesCount) self.likelihoods = self.computeCLTLikelihoods(distribution=distribution, betaParameter=betaParameter, #Threading=Threading, Debug=Debug) self.relation = self._computeConfidentRelation( bodg.relation, #likelihoodLevel=confidence, Debug=Debug) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() def _computeConfidentRelation(self, outrankingRelation, likelihoodLevel=None, Debug=False): """ Renders the relation cut at likelihood level. """ Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] if likelihoodLevel is None: likelihoodLevel = self.bipolarConfidenceLevel if Debug: print('Likelihood level = %.2f%%' % ( (likelihoodLevel + 1.0)/2.0*100.0) ) confidenceCutLevel = Med confidentRelation = {} actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] for x in actionsList: confidentRelation[x] = {} for y in actionsList: if abs(self.likelihoods[x][y]) >= likelihoodLevel: confidentRelation[x][y] = outrankingRelation[x][y] else: confidentRelation[x][y] = Med level = abs(outrankingRelation[x][y]) if level < Max and level > confidenceCutLevel: confidenceCutLevel = level if Debug: print(x,y,outrankingRelation[x][y],self.likelihoods[x][y]) self.confidenceCutLevel = confidenceCutLevel return confidentRelation def _recodeConcordanceValuation(self,oldRelation,sumWeights,Debug=False): """ Recodes the characteristic valuation according to the parameters given. """ if Debug: print(oldRelation,sumWeights) from copy import copy as deepcopy ## oldMax = Decimal('1') ## oldMin = Decimal('-1') ## oldMed = Decimal('0') oldMax = self.valuationdomain['max'] oldMin = self.valuationdomain['min'] oldMed = self.valuationdomain['med'] oldAmplitude = oldMax - oldMin if Debug: print('old: ',oldMin, oldMed, oldMax, oldAmplitude) newMin = -sumWeights newMax = sumWeights newMed = Decimal('%.3f' % ((newMax + newMin)/Decimal('2.0'))) newAmplitude = newMax - newMin if Debug: print('new: ', newMin, newMed, newMax, newAmplitude) actions = [x for x in self.actions] newRelation = {} for x in actions: newRelation[x] = {} for y in actions: if oldRelation[x][y] == oldMax: newRelation[x][y] = newMax elif oldRelation[x][y] == oldMin: newRelation[x][y] = newMin elif oldRelation[x][y] == oldMed: newRelation[x][y] = newMed else: newRelation[x][y] = newMin +\ ((oldRelation[x][y] - oldMin)/oldAmplitude)*newAmplitude if Debug: print(x,y,oldRelation[x][y],newRelation[x][y]) return newRelation def _myGaussCDF(self,mean,sigma,x,Bipolar=True): """ Bipolar error function of z = (x-mu)/sigma) divided by sqrt(2). If Bipolar = False, renders the Gauss cdf(z) = [erf( z ) + 1] / 2 sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623731 """ from math import sqrt,erf try: z = (x - mean) / (sigma * 1.4142135623731) except ZeroDivisionError: z = 0.0 if Bipolar: return erf(z) else: return 0.5 + 0.5*erf(z)
[docs] def computeCLTLikelihoods(self,distribution="triangular", betaParameter=None, #Threading=False, #nbrOfCPUs=1, Debug=False): """ Renders the pairwise CLT likelihood of the at least as good as relation neglecting all considerable large performance differences polarisations. """ from copy import copy as deepcopy from decimal import Decimal from math import sqrt from random import gauss actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] sumWeights = Decimal('0') criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] m = len(criteriaList) weightSquares = {} for g in criteriaList: gWeight = abs(self.criteria[g]['weight']) ## if Debug: ## print(g,gWeight) weightSquares[g] = gWeight*gWeight sumWeights += gWeight ## if Debug: ## print(sumWeights) ## print(weightSquares) ## if Threading: ## g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,hasNoVeto=True, ## Threading=Threading,nbrCores=nbrOfCPUs) ## concordanceRelation = g.relation ## else: concordanceRelation = self._recodeConcordanceValuation(\ self.concordanceRelation,sumWeights,Debug=Debug) ccf = {} if distribution == 'uniform': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('3') elif distribution == 'triangular': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('6') elif distribution == 'beta': if betaParameter is not None: a = Decimal(str(betaParameter)) else: a = self.betaParameter varFactor = Decimal('1')/(Decimal('2')*a + Decimal('1')) ## elif distribution == 'beta(4,4)': ## varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('9') for x in actionsList: ccf[x] = {} for y in actionsList: ccf[x][y] = {'std': Decimal('0.0')} for c in criteriaList: ccf[x][y][c] = self.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,x,y) ccf[x][y]['std'] += abs(ccf[x][y][c])*weightSquares[c] ## if Debug: ## print(c,x,y,ccf[x][y][c]) ccf[x][y]['std'] = sqrt(varFactor*ccf[x][y]['std']) ## if Debug: ## print(x,y,ccf[x][y]['std']) lh = {} for x in actionsList: lh[x] = {} for y in actionsList: mean = float(concordanceRelation[x][y]) std = float(ccf[x][y]['std']) lh[x][y] = -self._myGaussCDF(mean,std,0.0) if Debug: print(x,y,lh[x][y]) return lh
[docs] def showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=False, actionsSubset= None, Sorted=True, LikelihoodDenotation=True, hasLatexFormat=False, hasIntegerValuation=False, relation=None, Debug=False): """ prints the relation valuation in actions X actions table format. """ if LikelihoodDenotation: try: likelihoods = self.likelihoods except: LikelihoodDenotation = False if Debug: print(LikelihoodDenotation) if actionsSubset is None: actions = self.actions else: actions = actionsSubset if relation is None: relation = self.relation print('* ---- Outranking Relation Table -----') if LikelihoodDenotation: print('r/(lh) | ', end=' ') else: print(' r() | ', end=' ') #actions = [x for x in actions] actionsList = [] for x in actions: if isinstance(x,frozenset): try: actionsList += [(actions[x]['shortName'],x)] except: actionsList += [(actions[x]['name'],x)] else: actionsList += [(x,x)] if Sorted: actionsList.sort() try: hasIntegerValuation = self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] except KeyError: hasIntegerValuation = IntegerValues for x in actionsList: print("'"+x[0]+"'\t", end=' ') print('\n-------|------------------------------------------------------------') for x in actionsList: if hasLatexFormat: print("$"+x[0]+"$ & ", end=' ') else: print(" '"+x[0]+"' |", end=' ') for y in actionsList: if hasIntegerValuation: if hasLatexFormat: print('$%+d$ &' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print('%+d' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: if hasLatexFormat: print('$%+.2f$ & ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print(' %+.2f ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') if hasLatexFormat: print(' \\cr') else: print() if LikelihoodDenotation: headString = "' "+x[0]+"' " formatStr = ' ' * len(headString) print(formatStr+'|', end=' ') for y in actionsList: if x != y: print('(%+.2f)' % (likelihoods[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print(' ( - ) ', end=' ') print() print('Valuation domain : [%+.3f; %+.3f] ' % (self.valuationdomain['min'], self.valuationdomain['max'])) if self.distribution == 'beta': print('Uncertainty model : %s(a=%.1f,b=%.1f) ' % (self.distribution, self.betaParameter, self.betaParameter) ) else: print('Uncertainty model : %s(a=%s,b=%s) ' % (self.distribution,'0','2w') ) print('Likelihood domain : [-1.0;+1.0] ') print('Confidence level : %.2f (%.1f%%) ' % (self.bipolarConfidenceLevel, (self.bipolarConfidenceLevel+1.0)/2.0*100.0)) print('Confident majority : %.2f (%.1f%%) ' % (self.confidenceCutLevel,\ (self.confidenceCutLevel+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0'))) deter = self.computeDeterminateness(InPercents=False) print('Determinateness : %.2f (%.1f%%)' % (deter,\ (deter+Decimal('1.0'))/Decimal('2.0')*Decimal('100.0'))) print('\n')
[docs] class StochasticBipolarOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ Stochastic bipolar outranking digraph based on multiple criteria of uncertain significance. The digraph's bipolar valuation represents the median of sampled outranking relations with a sufficient likelihood (default = 90%) to remain positive, repectively negative, over the possible criteria significance ranges. Each criterion i' significance weight is supposed to be a triangular random variables of mode w_i in the range 0 to 2*w_i. *Parameters*: * argPerfTab: PerformanceTableau instance or the name of a stored one. If None, a random instance is generated. * sampleSize: number of random weight vectors used for Monte Carlo simulation. * distribution: {triangular|extTriangular|uniform|beta(2,2)|beta(4,4)}, probability distribution used for generating random weights * spread: weight range = weight mode +- (weight mode * spread) * likelihood: 1.0 - frequency of valuations of opposite sign compared to the median valuation. * other standard parameters from the BipolarOutrankingDigraph class (see documentation). """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab=None, sampleSize = 50, samplingSeed = None, distribution = 'triangular', spread = 1.0, likelihood = 0.9, coalition=None, hasNoVeto=False, hasBipolarVeto=True, Normalized=False, Debug=False, SeeSampleCounter=False): # getting module ressources and setting the random seed from copy import copy, deepcopy if distribution == 'extTriangular': from randomNumbers import ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable else: from random import triangular, uniform, betavariate if samplingSeed is not None: from random import seed seed = samplingSeed # getting performance tableau if argPerfTab is None: perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = deepcopy(argPerfTab) # initializing the bipolar outranking digraph bodg = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(argPerfTab=perfTab,coalition=coalition,\ hasNoVeto = hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto = hasBipolarVeto,\ Normalized=Normalized) = + '_MC' self.sampleSize = sampleSize self.likelihood = likelihood self.actions = copy(bodg.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = copy(bodg.valuationdomain) self.criteria = copy(bodg.criteria) self.evaluation = copy(bodg.evaluation) self.NA = copy(bodg.NA) self.relation = copy(bodg.relation) # normalize valuation to percentages self.recodeValuation(-100.0,100.0) Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] # bin breaks per percent unit breaks = [(x,i) for i,x in enumerate(range(-100,101))] # quantiles for cdf calls quantilesId = dict(breaks) if Debug: print(quantilesId) # initialize frequency and observation dictionaries frequency = {} valuationObservations = {} for x in self.actions: valuationObservations[x] = {} frequency[x] = {} for y in self.actions: valuationObservations[x][y] = [] frequency[x][y] = [0 for i in range(len(breaks))] # initialize the weight modes weights = dict([(g,self.criteria[g]['weight']) for g in self.criteria]) spread = Decimal(spread) if Debug: print(weights) for sample in range(sampleSize): if SeeSampleCounter: print(sample) if Debug: print('===>>> sample %d ' % (sample+1) ) for g in self.criteria: lowerWeightLimit = float(weights[g]- (weights[g]*spread)) upperWeightLimit = float(weights[g] + (weights[g]*spread)) weightMode = float(weights[g]) weightRange = upperWeightLimit - lowerWeightLimit if distribution == 'triangular': rw = Decimal( '%.2f' % triangular(lowerWeightLimit,upperWeightLimit,weightMode) ) elif distribution == 'uniform': rw = Decimal( '%.2f' % uniform(lowerWeightLimit,upperWeightLimit) ) elif distribution == 'beta(2,2)': rw = Decimal( '%.2f' % (lowerWeightLimit+(betavariate(2,2)*weightRange)) ) elif distribution == 'beta(4,4)': rw = Decimal( '%.2f' % (lowerWeightLimit+(betavariate(4,4)*weightRange)) ) elif distribution == 'extTriangular': extTrRdv = ExtendedTriangularRandomVariable(lowLimit=float(weights[g])/2.0, highLimit=float(weights[g])*2.0, mode=weightMode, seed=samplingSeed) rw = Decimal( '%.2f' % ( extTrRdv.random() ) ) else: print('Error: wrong distribution %s. Available laws: triangular (default), uniform, beta(2,2), beta(12,12)' % distribution) perfTab.criteria[g]['weight'] = rw ## if Debug: ## print(self.criteria[g]['weight'],rw) srelation = self._constructRelation(perfTab.criteria,\ perfTab.evaluation,\ hasNoVeto = hasNoVeto,\ hasBipolarVeto = hasBipolarVeto,\ ) for x in self.actions: for y in self.actions: valuationObservations[x][y].append(srelation[x][y]) for i in range(len(breaks)): if srelation[x][y] <= breaks[i][0]: frequency[x][y][i] += 1 self.relationStatistics = {} for x in self.actions: self.relationStatistics[x] = {} for y in self.actions: self.relationStatistics[x][y] = {} valuationObservations[x][y].sort() ## if Debug and x == 'a04' and y == 'a05': ## print(x,y) ## print(valuationObservations[x][y]) ## q = sampleSize//2 ## if (sampleSize % 2) == 0: ## median = (valuationObservations[x][y][q] + valuationObservations[x][y][q+1])/Decimal('2') ## else: ## median = (valuationObservations[x][y][q]) ## print(median,self._computeQuantile(0.5,valuationObservations[x][y])) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['median'] = self._computeQuantile(0.5,valuationObservations[x][y]) if Debug and x == 'a04' and y == 'a05': print(frequency[x][y]) print(quantilesId) print(frequency[x][y][quantilesId[0]]) if self.relation[x][y] > Med: self.relationStatistics[x][y]['likelihood'] = 1.0 - float(frequency[x][y][quantilesId[0]])/float(sampleSize) elif self.relation[x][y] <= Med: self.relationStatistics[x][y]['likelihood'] = float(frequency[x][y][quantilesId[0]])/float(sampleSize) self._computeRelationStatistics(x,y,valuationObservations[x][y]) if Debug: print(self.relationStatistics[x][y]) requiredLikelihood = likelihood if self.relationStatistics[x][y]['likelihood'] < requiredLikelihood: self.relation[x][y] = self.valuationdomain['med'] else: self.relation[x][y] = Decimal('%.3f' % self.relationStatistics[x][y]['median']) #self.relationStatistics = deepcopy(relationStatistics) if Normalized: self.recodeValuation(-1,1) if Debug: self.valuationObservations = deepcopy(valuationObservations) # sampled valuations r(x,y) are observed in standard bipolar percentages, i.e. [-100,100] # the breaks are left closed integers and go from -100 to 100 # the quantileId disctionary gives the self.frequency = frequency self.quantilesId = quantilesId ## if Debug: ## print(self.valuationObservations) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] def computeCDF(self,x,y,rValue): """ computes by interpolation the likelihood of a given rValue with respect to the sampled r(x,y) valuations. *Parameters*: * action key x * action key y * r(x,y) """ from math import floor fval = (-100.0 + (float(rValue) - float(self.valuationdomain['min']))\ /(float(self.valuationdomain['max'] - self.valuationdomain['min']))*200.0) val = int(floor(fval)) #print(fval,val) if val < 100: #print(self.frequency[x][y][self.quantilesId[val]],self.frequency[x][y][self.quantilesId[val+1]]) Fval = float(self.frequency[x][y][self.quantilesId[val]])/float(self.sampleSize) Fval1 = float(self.frequency[x][y][self.quantilesId[val+1]])/float(self.sampleSize) prob = Fval + ((fval - val)*(Fval1 - Fval)) else: Fval = float(self.frequency[x][y][self.quantilesId[val]])/float(self.sampleSize) prob = Fval return prob
def _computeQuantile(self,p,observations): """ computes by interpolation the quantile of probability p of a list of sorted observations. """ from math import floor,ceil n = len(observations) if p <= 0.0: quantile = observations[0] elif p >= 1.0: quantile = observations[-1] else: q = (n)*p flq = floor(q) clq = ceil(q) quantile = float(observations[int(flq)])\ + (q-flq) * float(observations[int(clq)]- observations[int(flq)]) return quantile def _computeRelationStatistics(self,x,y,observations): """ Computes the pairwise relation statistics from the sampled observations. Results are stored in the self.relationStatistics[x][y] dictionary with keys = 'sd','Q0,'Q1,'Q3','Q4'. """ from math import sqrt n = len(observations) fn = float(n) mean = 0.0 meansq2 = 0.0 for v in observations: fv = float(v) mean += fv meansq2 += (fv * fv) mean /= fn self.relationStatistics[x][y]['mean'] = mean variance = (meansq2 / fn) - (mean*mean) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['sd'] = sqrt(variance) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['Q0'] = float(min(observations)) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['Q1'] = self._computeQuantile(0.25,observations) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['Q3'] = self._computeQuantile(0.75,observations) self.relationStatistics[x][y]['Q4'] = float(max(observations))
[docs] def showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=False, actionsSubset= None, hasLPDDenotation=False, hasLatexFormat=False, hasIntegerValuation=False, relation=None): """ specialising BipolarOutrankingDigraph.showRelationTable() for stochstic instances. """ print('Stochastic outranking digraph %s' % print('Sampling size: %d' % self.sampleSize) print('Likelihood of Condorcet digraph: %.2f' % self.likelihood) BipolarOutrankingDigraph.showRelationTable(self,IntegerValues=IntegerValues, actionsSubset= actionsSubset, hasLPDDenotation=hasLPDDenotation, hasLatexFormat=hasLatexFormat, hasIntegerValuation=hasIntegerValuation, relation=relation)
[docs] def computeCLTLikelihoods(self,distribution="triangular",Debug=False): """ Renders the pairwise CLT likelihood of the at least as good as relation neglecting all considerable large performance differences polarisations. """ from decimal import Decimal from math import sqrt from scipy import stats from scipy.stats import norm actionsList = [x for x in self.actions] sumWeights = Decimal('0') criteriaList = [x for x in self.criteria] m = len(criteriaList) weightSquares = {} for g in criteriaList: gWeight = abs(self.criteria[g]['weight']) ## if Debug: ## print(g,gWeight) weightSquares[g] = gWeight*gWeight sumWeights += gWeight ## if Debug: ## print(sumWeights) ## print(weightSquares) g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self,hasNoVeto=True) g.recodeValuation(-sumWeights,sumWeights) if Debug: g.showRelationTable() ccf = {} if distribution == 'uniform': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('3') elif distribution == 'triangular': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('6') elif distribution == 'beta(2,2)': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('5') elif distribution == 'beta(4,4)': varFactor = Decimal('1')/Decimal('9') for x in actionsList: ccf[x] = {} for y in actionsList: ccf[x][y] = {'std': Decimal('0.0')} for c in criteriaList: ccf[x][y][c] = g.criterionCharacteristicFunction(c,x,y) ccf[x][y]['std'] += abs(ccf[x][y][c])*weightSquares[c] ## if Debug: ## print(c,x,y,ccf[x][y][c]) ccf[x][y]['std'] = sqrt(varFactor*ccf[x][y]['std']) ## if Debug: ## print(x,y,ccf[x][y]['std']) lh = {} for x in actionsList: lh[x] = {} for y in actionsList: n = norm(float(g.relation[x][y]),float(ccf[x][y]['std'])) lh[x][y] = {} if g.relation[x][y] > g.valuationdomain['med']: lh[x][y] = 1.0 - n.cdf(0.0) else: lh[x][y] = n.cdf(0.0) if Debug: print(x,y,lh[x][y]) return lh
[docs] def showRelationStatistics(self,argument='likelihoods', actionsSubset= None, hasLatexFormat=False, Bipolar=False): """ prints the relation statistics in actions X actions table format. """ from math import copysign ## if hasLPDDenotation: ## try: ## largePerformanceDifferencesCount = self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount ## gnv = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self.performanceTableau,hasNoVeto=True) ## recodeValuation(self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max']) ## except: hasLPDDenotation = False if actionsSubset is None: actions = self.actions else: actions = actionsSubset relation = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} for y in actions: if argument == 'likelihoods': if Bipolar: relation[x][y] =\ copysign( ((2.0 * self.relationStatistics[x][y]['likelihood']) - 1.0), self.relation[x][y]) else: relation[x][y] = self.relationStatistics[x][y]['likelihood'] elif argument == 'medians': relation[x][y] = self.relationStatistics[x][y]['median'] elif argument == 'means': relation[x][y] = self.relationStatistics[x][y]['mean'] print('* ---- Relation statistics -----\n', end=' ') if argument == 'likelihoods': print(' 0 p-val | ', end=' ') elif argument == 'means': print(' mean | ', end=' ') elif argument == 'medians': print(' med | ', end=' ') #actions = [x for x in actions] actionsList = [] for x in actions: if isinstance(x,frozenset): try: actionsList += [(actions[x]['shortName'],x)] except: actionsList += [(actions[x]['name'],x)] else: actionsList += [(x,x)] actionsList.sort() ## try: ## hasIntegerValuation = self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] ## except KeyError hasIntegerValuation = False for x in actionsList: print("'"+x[0]+"', ", end=' ') print('\n-----|------------------------------------------------------------') for x in actionsList: if hasLatexFormat: print("$"+x[0]+"$ & ", end=' ') else: print("'"+x[0]+"' | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: if hasIntegerValuation: if hasLPDDenotation: print('%+d ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$%+d$ &' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print('%+d ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: if hasLPDDenotation: print('%+2.2f ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') elif hasLatexFormat: print('$%+2.2f$ & ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') else: print('%+2.2f ' % (relation[x[1]][y[1]]), end=' ') if hasLatexFormat: print(' \\cr') else: print() if hasLPDDenotation: print("'"+x[0]+"' | ", end=' ') for y in actionsList: print('(%+d,%+d)' % (largePerformanceDifferencesCount[x[1]][y[1]]['positive'],\ largePerformanceDifferencesCount[x[1]][y[1]]['negative']), end=' ') print() print('\n')
[docs] class CoalitionsOutrankingsFusionDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ With a list of criteria coalitions, a fusion digraph is constructed form the fusion of the corresponding marginal coalitions restricted bipolar outranking digraphs. When *coalitionsList* is None, an 'o-average' fusion of the decision objectives restricted outranking digraphs is produced (see *UnOpposedBipolarOutrankingDigraph* class). """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab, coalitionsList=None, actionsSubset=None, CopyPerfTab=True, Comments=False): from copy import deepcopy from time import time # set initial time stamp tt = time() # ---- performance tableau data input if argPerfTab is None: print('Performance tableau required !') #perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab # transfering the performance tableau data to self = 'objectivesFusion_' + # actions if actionsSubset is None: if isinstance(perfTab.actions,list): actions = {} for x in perfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions else: if CopyPerfTab: self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) else: self.actions = perfTab.actions else: actions = {} for x in actionsSubset: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions # valuation domain Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} try: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = perfTab.valuationPrecision except: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = Decimal('0') # objectives and criteria try: if CopyPerfTab: self.objectives = deepcopy(perfTab.objectives) self.criteria = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria) else: self.objectives = perfTab.objectives self.criteria = perfTab.criteria except: pass # install method Data and parameters methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'bipolar' variant = 'standard' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType': valuationType, 'variant': variant} try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType if vetoType == 'bipolar': hasBipolarVeto = True self.methodData = methodData # insert performance Data if CopyPerfTab: self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) else: self.evaluation = perfTab.evaluation try: if CopyPerfTab: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) except: pass # init general digraph Data self.order = len(self.actions) # finished data input time stamp self.runTimes = {'dataInput': time()-tt } # ---------- construct outranking relation # initial time stamp tcp = time() actions = self.actions if coalitionsList is None: try: objectives = self.objectives coalitionsList = [objectives[obj]['criteria'] for obj in objectives] #print(coalitionsList) except: print('!!! Error: No coalitions given and performance tableau has no objectives') return marginalRelations = {} marginalDigraphs = [] for coalition in coalitionsList: mg = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(perfTab,criteriaSubset=coalition) marginalRelations[tuple(coalition)] = deepcopy(mg.relation) marginalDigraphs.append(mg) weights = [] for coalition in coalitionsList: sumMarginalWeights = Decimal('0') for g in coalition: sumMarginalWeights += self.criteria[g]['weight'] weights.append(sumMarginalWeights) #weights = [objectives[obj]['weight'] for obj in objectives] fg = FusionLDigraph(marginalDigraphs,'o-average',weights) self.relation = deepcopy(fg.relation) self.marginalRelationsRelations = marginalRelations # finished relation computing time stamp self.runTimes['computeRelation'] = time() - tcp # ---- computing the gamma sets tg = time() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.runTimes['gammaSets'] = time() - tg # total constructor time self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt if Comments: print(self)
[docs] class UnOpposedBipolarOutrankingDigraph(CoalitionsOutrankingsFusionDigraph): """ When operating an *o-average* fusion of the mariginal outranking digraphs restricted to the coalition of criteria supporting each decision objective, we obtain **unopposed** outranking situtations, namely *validated* by one or more decision objectives without being *invalidated* by any other decision objective. These positive, as well as negative outranking characteristics, appear hence stable with respect to the importance of the decision objectives when proportional criteria significances are given. Furthermore, polarising the outranking digraph with considerable performance differences is here restricted to each decision objective, which makes it easier to decide on veto discrimination thresholds. """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionsSubset=None, CopyPerfTab=True,Comments=False): from copy import deepcopy for att in argPerfTab.__dict__: self.__dict__[att] = argPerfTab.__dict__[att] try: coalitions = [self.objectives[obj]['criteria'] for obj in self.objectives] if Comments: print('coalitions:',coalitions) except: print('!! Error: the given performance tableau does not contain objectives.') return uoo = CoalitionsOutrankingsFusionDigraph(argPerfTab,\ CopyPerfTab=False,\ coalitionsList=coalitions,\ actionsSubset=actionsSubset,\ Comments=Comments) for att in uoo.__dict__: self.__dict__[att] = uoo.__dict__[att] += '_unopposed_outrankings' if Comments: print(self)
[docs] def computeOppositeness(self,InPercents=False): """ Computes the degree in *[0.0, 1.0]* of oppositeness --**preferential disagreement**-- of the multiple decision objectives. Renders a dictionary with three entries: - *standardSize* : size of the corresponding standard bipolar-valued outranking digraph; - *unopposedSize* : size of the the corresponding unopposed bipolar-valued outranking digraph; - *oppositeness* : (1.0 - unopposedSize/standardSize); if *InPercents* has value True, the *oppositeness* is rendered in percents format. """ from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph du = self.computeSize() g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(self) d = g.computeSize() if InPercents: op = (1.0 -(du/d))*100.0 else: op = (1.0 -(du/d)) return {'standardSize': d, 'unopposedSize': du, 'oppositeness': op}
[docs] class SymmetricAverageFusionOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ in development ! """ def __init__(self,argPerfTab,actionsSubset=None,coalition=None, CopyPerfTab=True,Normalized=True,Comments=False): from copy import deepcopy from time import time # set initial time stamp tt = time() # ---- performance tableau data input if argPerfTab is None: print('Performance tableau required !') #perfTab = RandomPerformanceTableau(commonThresholds = [(10.0,0.0),(20.0,0.0),(80.0,0.0),(101.0,0.0)]) elif isinstance(argPerfTab,(str)): perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab # transfering the performance tableau data to self = 'symAvFusion_' + # actions if actionsSubset is None: if isinstance(perfTab.actions,list): actions = {} for x in perfTab.actions: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions else: if CopyPerfTab: self.actions = deepcopy(perfTab.actions) else: self.actions = perfTab.actions else: actions = {} for x in actionsSubset: actions[x] = {'name': str(x)} self.actions = actions # valuation domain if Normalized: Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') else: Min = Decimal('-100.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('100.0') self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} try: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = perfTab.valuationPrecision except: self.valuationdomain['precision'] = Decimal('0') # objectives and criteria try: if CopyPerfTab: self.objectives = deepcopy(perfTab.objectives) else: self.objectives = perfTab.objectives except: pass criteria = OrderedDict() if coalition is None: coalition = perfTab.criteria.keys() for g in coalition: if CopyPerfTab: criteria[g] = deepcopy(perfTab.criteria[g]) else: criteria[g] = perfTab.criteria[g] self.criteria = criteria self.convertWeight2Decimal() # install method Data and parameters methodData = {} try: valuationType = perfTab.parameter['valuationType'] variant = perfTab.parameter['variant'] except: valuationType = 'bipolar' variant = 'standard' methodData['parameter'] = {'valuationType': valuationType, 'variant': variant} try: vetoType = perfTab.parameter['vetoType'] methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType except: vetoType = 'normal' methodData['parameter']['vetoType'] = vetoType if vetoType == 'bipolar': hasBipolarVeto = True self.methodData = methodData # insert performance Data if CopyPerfTab: self.evaluation = deepcopy(perfTab.evaluation) else: self.evaluation = perfTab.evaluation try: if CopyPerfTab: self.description = deepcopy(perfTab.description) except: pass # init general digraph Data self.order = len(self.actions) # finished data input time stamp self.runTimes = {'dataInput': time()-tt } # ---------- construct outranking relation # initial time stamp tcp = time() actions = self.actions criteria = self.criteria margG = [] for g in criteria: gg = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(perfTab,coalition=[g],\ CopyPerfTab=CopyPerfTab,\ Normalized=True) margG.append(gg) weights = [criteria[g]['weight'] for g in criteria] fg = FusionLDigraph(margG,'o-average',weights) self.relation = deepcopy(fg.relation) # finished relation computing time stamp self.runTimes['computeRelation'] = time() - tcp # ---- computing the gamma sets tg = time() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.runTimes['gammaSets'] = time() - tg # total constructor time self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt if Comments: print(self)
class _RubisRestServer(ServerProxy): """ xmlrpc-cgi Proxy Server for accessing on-line a Rubis Rest Solver. Deprecated ! """ def __init__(self,host="",Debug=False): """ Rubis Rest Server connection. """ import sys,xmlrpc.client,ssl self._server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(host) if Debug: print("host=%s" % host) try: response = self._server.hello() print (response['message']) print("available service ports") for m in self._server.system.listMethods(): if 'system' not in m: print (m, self._server.system.methodHelp(m)) except xmlrpc.client.Fault as faultobj: print ("Rubis Server error:", faultobj.faultCode) print (">>> %s <<<" % faultobj.faultString) return None except: print ("Client Error: '%s/%s'" % (sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1])) return None def ping(self,Debug=False): response = self._server.hello() print(response['message']) if Debug: print("available service ports") for m in self._server.system.listMethods(): if 'system' not in m: print (m, self._server.system.methodHelp(m)) def submitProblem(self,perfTab,\ valuation='bipolar',\ hasVeto=True,\ argTitle='XMCDA 2.0 encoding',\ Debug=False): """ Submit PerformanceTableau class instances. *Parameters*: * valuation: 'bipolar', 'robust', 'integer' * hasVeto: Switch on or off vetoes * argTitle: set specific application title """ = self.problemText = perfTab.saveXMCDA2(isStringIO=True,\ valuationType=valuation,\ servingD3=False,\ comment='Rubis Rest Server generated',\ hasVeto = hasVeto, title = argTitle) self.valuation = valuation arg = {'problemFile': self.problemText} if Debug: print(arg) answer = self._server.submitProblem(arg) self.ticket = answer['ticket'] print(answer['message']) print('Server ticket: %s' % answer['ticket']) fileNameTicket ='Ticket.txt' fo = open(fileNameTicket,'w') fo.write(answer['ticket']) fo.close() def submitXMCDA2Problem(self,fileName,valuation=None,Debug=False): """ Submit stored XMCDA 2.0 encoded performance tableau. .. warning:: An <_.xml> file extension is assumed ! """ print("Calling submitXMCDA2Problem(%s)" % fileName) = fileName fileNameExt = fileName + '.xml' fi = open(fileNameExt,'r') self.problemText = fi.close() self.valuation = valuation arg = {'problemFile': self.problemText} if Debug: print(arg) answer = self._server.submitProblem(arg) self.ticket = answer['ticket'] print(answer['message']) print(answer['ticket']) fileNameTicket = fileName+'Ticket.txt' fo = open(fileNameTicket,'w') fo.write(answer['ticket']) fo.close() def saveXMCDA2Solution(self,fileName=None,Debug=False): """ Save the solution in XMCDA 2.0 encoding. """ if fileName is None: fileNameExt = "Solution"+str(self.ticket)+".xml" else: fileNameExt = fileName+"Solution.xml" arg = {'ticket': self.ticket} answer = self._server.requestSolution(arg) try: self.solution = answer['solution'] if Debug: print(self.solution) fo = open(fileNameExt,'w') fo.write(self.solution) fo.close() print("saving solution in file %s" %fileNameExt) except: print(answer['message']) def showHTMLSolution(self,ticket=None,valuation='bipolar'): """ Show XMCDA 2.0 solution in a default browser window. The valuation parameter may set the correct style sheet. *Parameter*: * valuation: 'bipolar' or 'robust'. By default the valuation type is set automatically at problem submission. """ import os,webbrowser newTab = 2 # open in a new tab if possible if ticket is not None: self.ticket = ticket if valuation is None: try: valuation = self.valuation if valuation is None: valuation = 'bipolar' except: if valuation is None: valuation = 'bipolar' arg = {'ticket': self.ticket, 'valuation': valuation} answer = self._server.requestSolutionHTML(arg) try: fileName = str("Solution.html" fo = open(fileName,'w') fo.write(answer['html']) fo.close() url = "file://"+os.getcwd()+"/%s" % fileName,new=newTab) except: print(answer['message']) ################################################################ #----------test outrankingDigraphs classes ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": import copy from time import time, sleep from random import randint from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph from transitiveDigraphs import RankingByChoosingDigraph print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 outrankingDigraphs module * * Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') from randomPerfTabs import Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau t = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau( numberOfActions=21,\ numberOfCriteria=7,\ vetoProbability=0.2,\ seed=1) g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(t) #g.showObjectives() ranking = g.computeNetFlowsRanking() sizeOfDiagonal = 5 quasiRelation = {} Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] for x in g.actions: quasiRelation[x] = {} xi = ranking.index(x) for y in g.actions: yj = ranking.index(y) #if abs(xi-yj) > sizeOfDiagonal: # quasiRelation[x][y] = g.relation[x][y] if xi >= yj: quasiRelation[x][y] = min(Med, g.relation[x][y]) else: quasiRelation[x][y] = max(Med, g.relation[x][y]) g.relation = quasiRelation gcd = ~(-g) gcd.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(actionsList=ranking,colorLevels=9) ############################# ############################