Source code for linearOrders

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python3 implementation of linear orders
Dependancy: digraphs module
Copyright (C) 2011-2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: Python 3.10 $"

from digraphsTools import *
from digraphs import *
from linearOrders import *

#--------- Decimal precision --------------
from decimal import Decimal

#--------- Partial Extended Prudent Digraph class ---------

class _ExtendedPrudentDigraph(Digraph):
    Instantiates the associated extended prudent
    codual of the digraph enstance.
    Instantiates as other.__class__ !
    Copies the case given the description, the criteria
    and the evaluation dictionary into self.

    def __init__(self,other,prudentBetaLevel=None,CoDual=False,Debug=False):
        from digraphsTools import omax, omin
        from copy import copy, deepcopy
        self.__class__ = other.__class__ = 'extprud-'
            self.description = copy(other.description)
        except AttributeError:
            self.criteria = deepcopy(other.criteria)
        except AttributeError:
            self.evaluation = copy(other.evaluation)
        except AttributeError:

        if CoDual:
            gcd = CoDualDigraph(other)
            gcd = other
        if prudentBetaLevel is None:
            level = gcd.computePrudentBetaLevel(Debug=Debug)
            level = prudentBetaLevel
        gp = PolarisedDigraph(gcd, level=level, StrictCut=False)
        if Debug:
        gcdst = StrongComponentsCollapsedDigraph(gcd)
        if Debug:
        stRelation = {}
        for x in other.actions:
            stRelation[x] = {}
            for y in other.actions:
                stRelation[x][y] = gp.valuationdomain['med']
        for cx in gcdst.actions:
            for x in cx:
                for cy in [z for z in gcdst.actions if z != cx]:
                    for y in cy:
                        if Debug:
                            print('cx, x,cy, y', cx,x,cy, y, gcdst.relation[cx][cy])
                        stRelation[x][y] = gcdst.relation[cx][cy]
        self.actions = copy(other.actions)
        self.order = len(self.actions)
        self.valuationdomain = copy(gp.valuationdomain)
        actionsList = [x for x in self.actions]
        #Max = self.valuationdomain['max']
        Med = self.valuationdomain['med']
        #Min = self.valuationdomain['min']
        relation = {}
        for x in actionsList:
            relation[x] = {}
            for y in actionsList:
                if Debug:
                relation[x][y] = omax(Med,[gp.relation[x][y],stRelation[x][y]])    
        self.relation = relation
        if Debug:
        self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
        self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()

# ------- Abstract Linear Order class

[docs] class LinearOrder(Digraph): """ abstract class for digraphs which represent linear orders. """ def __init__(self): print('Abstract root class')
[docs] def computeRanking(self): """ computes the linear ordering from lowest (best, rank = 1) to highest (worst rank=n) of an instance of the LinearOrcer class by sorting by outdegrees (gamma[x][0]). """ from operator import itemgetter degrees = [] for x in self.actions: degrees.append((len(self.gamma[x][0]),x)) degrees.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) ranking = [] for x in degrees: ranking.append(x[1]) return ranking
[docs] def computeOrder(self): """ computes the linear ordering from lowest (worst) to highest (best) of an instance of the LinearOrcer class by sorting by indegrees (gamma[x][1]). """ from operator import itemgetter degrees = [] for x in self.actions: degrees.append((len(self.gamma[x][1]),x)) degrees.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) ordering = [] for x in degrees: ordering.append(x[1]) return ordering
[docs] def showOrdering(self): """ shows the linearly ordered actions in list format. """ print(self.computeOrder())
[docs] def showRanking(self): """ shows the linearly ordered actions in list format. """ print(self.computeRanking())
[docs] def htmlOrder(self): """ returns the html encoded presentation of a linear order """ linear_order = self.computeOrder() html = '' html += '<table border = 1>' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th colspan="2">Ranking result</th></tr>' for x in linear_order: try: name = self.actions[x]['name'] except: name = x html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' \ % (x,name) html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def htmlRanking(self): """ returns the html encoded presentation of a linear order """ linear_ranking = self.computeRanking() html = '' html += '<table border = 1>' html += '<tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th colspan="2">Ranking result</th></tr>' for x in linear_ranking: try: name = self.actions[x]['name'] except: name = x html += '<tr><th bgcolor="#FFF79B">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' \ % (x,name) html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def exportDigraphGraphViz(self,fileName=None, firstChoice=set(), bestChoice=set(),lastChoice=set(), worstChoice=set(),Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7'): """ export GraphViz dot file for digraph drawing filtering. """ Digraph.exportGraphViz(self, fileName=fileName,firstChoice=set(), bestChoice=bestChoice,lastChoice=set(), worstChoice=worstChoice, Comments=Comments,graphType=graphType, graphSize=graphSize)
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None, isValued=True, firstChoice=set(),lastChoice=set(), bestChoice=set(),worstChoice=set(), Comments=True,graphType='png', graphSize='7,7',bgcolor='cornsilk'): """ export GraphViz dot file for linear order drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') #actionkeys = [x for x in self.actions] actionkeys = self.computeOrder() n = len(actionkeys) relation = self.relation Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) if firstChoice != set(): bestChoice = firstChoice if bestChoice != set(): rankBestString = '{rank=max; ' if lastChoice != set(): worstChoice = lastChoice if worstChoice != set(): rankWorstString = '{rank=min; ' fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('digraph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' \ % (bgcolor)) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2015", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): nodeName = str(actionkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' node += '];\n' fo.write(node) for i in range(n-1): for j in range(i+1,i+2): if isValued: if self.relation[actionkeys[i]][actionkeys[i+1]] < Decimal('2'): arcColor = 'grey' else: arcColor = 'black' else: arcColor = 'black' edge = 'n%s-> n%s [dir=forward,style="setlinewidth(%d)",color=%s, arrowhead=normal] ;\n' %\ (i+1,i+2,self.relation[actionkeys[i]][actionkeys[i+1]],arcColor) fo.write(edge) commandString = 'dot -Grankdir=TB -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType #commandString = 'dot -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType fo.write('}\n') fo.close() if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.')
[docs] def computeKemenyIndex(self, other): """ renders the Kemeny index of the self.relation (linear order) compared with a given bipolar-valued relation of a compatible other digraph (same nodes or actions). """ try: from math import copysign CopySign = True except: CopySign = False KemenyIndex = 0.0 actions = [x for x in self.actions] for x in actions: for y in actions: if x != y: if CopySign: KemenyIndex += float(other.relation[x][y])\ * copysign(1.0,self.relation[x][y]) else: if self.relation[x][y] > 0: KemenyIndex += float(other.relation[x][y]) elif self.relation[x][y] < 0: KemenyIndex -= float(other.relation[x][y]) return KemenyIndex
###### instantiable class of linear orders # ------- Random linear orders
[docs] class RandomLinearOrder(LinearOrder): """ Instantiates random linear orders """ def __init__(self,numberOfActions=10, Debug=False,OutrankingModel=False, Valued=False,seed=None): """ constructor for generating random instances of linear orders with a given number of actions (default=10). """ import random random.seed(seed) if OutrankingModel: from outrankingDigraphs import RandomOutrankingDigraph g = RandomOutrankingDigraph(numberOfActions=numberOfActions) else: from randomDigraphs import RandomValuationDigraph g = RandomValuationDigraph(order=numberOfActions) g.recodeValuation(-1,1) actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] random.shuffle(actionsList) if Debug: print(g.actions, actionsList) = 'randomLinearOrder' self.actions = g.actions self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = g.valuationdomain self.relation = g.relation for i in range(self.order): x = actionsList[i] self.relation[x][x] = self.valuationdomain['med'] for j in range(i+1,self.order): y = actionsList[j] if Valued: self.relation[x][y] = abs(g.relation[x][y]) self.relation[y][x] = -abs(g.relation[y][x]) else: self.relation[x][y] = self.valuationdomain['max'] self.relation[y][x] = self.valuationdomain['min'] self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notgamma = self.notGammaSets() if Debug: print(self.computeOrder())
###### instantiable class of linear orders
[docs] class RankedPairsRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the Ranked Pairs Ranking from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance """ def __init__(self,other,Dual=False, Cpp=False, Valued=False, #isExtendedPrudent=False, Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the ranked pairs (Lexmin Dias-Lamboray) rule Parameter: isExtendedPrudent """ from copy import copy, deepcopy from operator import itemgetter # construct ranked pairs if Dual: other = DualDigraph(other) if Debug: other.showRelationTable() relation = other.relation ## actions = [x for x in other.actions] ## actions.sort() actions = other.actions n = len(actions) isValued = False # obsolete listPairs = [] for x in actions: for y in (z for z in actions if z != x): linkCharacteristic = relation[x][y]-relation[y][x] listPairs.append((linkCharacteristic,(x,y),x,y)) listPairs.sort(key=itemgetter(0),reverse=True) ## listPairs.append((-linkCharacteristic,(x,y),x,y)) ## listPairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(listPairs) g = IndeterminateDigraph(order=n) g.actions = actions if isValued: g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-3'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('3')} else: g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] g.relation = {} for x in g.actions: g.relation[x] = {} for y in g.actions: g.relation[x][y] = Med if Debug: print('Starting the ranked pairs rule with the following partial order:') g.showRelationTable() isValued=False # obsolete for pair in listPairs: if Debug: print(pair) x = pair[2] y = pair[3] if g.relation[x][y] <= Med and g.relation[y][x] <= Med: if Debug: print('next pair: ', pair[1],relation[x][y]) relxy = g.relation[x][y] if isValued and relation[x][y] > Med: g.relation[x][y] = Decimal('2') else: g.relation[x][y] = Decimal('1') relyx = g.relation[y][x] if isValued and relation[y][x] < Med: g.relation[y][x] = -Decimal('2') else: g.relation[y][x] = -Decimal('1') g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() Detected = False if Cpp: Detected = g.detectCppChordlessCircuits() else: Detected = g.detectChordlessCircuits() if Detected: if Debug: print('Circuit detected !!') g.relation[x][y] = relxy g.relation[y][x] = relyx else: if Debug: print('added: (%s,%s) characteristic: %.2f (%.1f)'\ % (x,y, other.relation[x][y],g.relation[x][y])) print('added: (%s,%s) characteristic: %.2f (%.1f)'\ % (y,x, other.relation[y][x],g.relation[y][x])) = + '_ranked' self.actions = deepcopy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) if Valued: self.valuationdomain = other.valuationdomain else: self.valuationdomain = g.valuationdomain ## if Leximin: ## self.relation = (-g).relation ## else: self.relation = g.relation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() #self.rankedPairsOrder = self.computeOrder() if Dual: # inverting ranking and order rankedPairsOrder = self.computeRanking() self.rankedPairsOrder = rankedPairsOrder rankedPairsRanking = self.computeOrder() #self.rankedPairsRanking = list(reversed(rankedPairsOrder)) self.rankedPairsRanking = rankedPairsRanking else: rankedPairsRanking = self.computeRanking() self.rankedPairsRanking = rankedPairsRanking rankedPairsOrder = self.computeOrder() #self.rankedPairsOrder = list(reversed(rankedPairsRanking)) self.rankedPairsOrder = rankedPairsOrder if Valued: self.relation = other.computeValuedRankingRelation(rankedPairsRanking) if Debug: print('Ranked Pairs Ranking = ', self.rankedPairsRanking)
[docs] class RankedPairsOrder(RankedPairsRanking): """ Dummy for RankedPairsRanking class """
[docs] class KohlerRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the Kohler Order from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance. The ranking and ordering results are stored respectively in the *self.kohlerRanking* and the *self.kohlerOrder* attributes. .. note:: The Kohler ranking rule is *not* invariant under the codual transform """ def __init__(self,other, Valued=False, CoDual=False,Debug=False,Comments=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the Kohler rule. When *Valued==True*, the ranked relation keeps the concordantly riented other outranking characteristic values. The discordant characteritic values are set to the indeterminate value. .. note:: The Kohler ranking rule is *not* invariant under the codual transform """ from copy import copy, deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict # construct ranked pairs if CoDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) relation = otherCoDual.relation Max = otherCoDual.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: otherCoDual.showRelationTable() print(otherCoDual.valuationdomain) else: relation = other.relation Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: other.showRelationTable() print(other.valuationdomain) actionsList = [x for x in other.actions] #actions.sort() n = len(actionsList) # instatiates a Digraph template g = IndeterminateDigraph(order=n) g.actions = other.actions g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} g.relation = {} for x in g.actions: g.relation[x] = {} for y in g.actions: g.relation[x][y] = g.valuationdomain['med'] actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] rank = OrderedDict() k = 1 while actionsList != []: maximin = [] for x in actionsList: xmin = Max for y in actionsList: if x != y: if relation[x][y] < xmin: xmin = relation[x][y] if Debug: print('x, xmin', x, xmin) maximin.append((xmin,x)) maximin.sort() if Debug: print(maximin, maximin[-1][1]) rank[maximin[-1][1]] = {'rank':k,'majorityMargin':maximin[-1][0]} actionsList.remove(maximin[-1][1]) k += 1 if Debug: print('actionsList', actionsList) if Debug: print(rank) kohlerOrder = [] for x in rank: kohlerOrder.append((rank[x]['rank'],x)) kohlerOrder.sort() kohlerRanking = [x[1] for x in kohlerOrder] #kohlerRanking.reverse() self.kohlerRanking = kohlerRanking self.kohlerOrder = list(reversed(kohlerRanking)) if Debug: print('Kohler ranks: ', kohlerRanking) n = len(g.actions) Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] if Valued: for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = kohlerOrder[i][1] y = kohlerOrder[j][1] g.relation[x][y] = max(Med,other.relation[x][y]) g.relation[y][x] = min(Med,other.relation[y][x]) else: for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = kohlerOrder[i][1] y = kohlerOrder[j][1] g.relation[x][y] = Max g.relation[y][x] = Min = + '_ranked' self.actions = copy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) if Valued: self.valuationdomain = copy(other.valuationdomain) else: self.valuationdomain = copy(g.valuationdomain) self.relation = copy(g.relation) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() #self.kohlerOrder = self.computeOrder() if Debug: self.showRelationTable() if Comments: print('Kohler ranking: ', self.kohlerRanking) print('Kohler ordering: ', self.kohlerOrder)
[docs] class KohlerOrder(KohlerRanking): """ Dummy for KohlerRanking class """
[docs] class NetFlowsRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the *NetFlows* ranking and ordering from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance *other*. The ranking and ordering results are stored in the *self.netFlowsRanking*, respectively *self.netFlowsOrder*, attributes. When *Valued==True*, the ranked relation keeps the concordantly oriented other outranking characteristic values. The discordant characteritic values are set to the indeterminate value. .. note:: The NetFlows ranking rule is invariant under the codual transform """ def __init__(self,other,CoDual=False,Valued=False,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the net flows ordering rule. """ #from copy import deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from time import time from operator import itemgetter from copy import copy if Debug: Comments=True # prepare local variables tt = time() runTimes = OrderedDict() if CoDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) otherRelation = otherCoDual.relation else: otherRelation = other.relation n = len(other.actions) actions = other.actions selfRelation = {} Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} runTimes['prepareLocals'] = time()-tt # compute net flows tnf = time() incnetFlows = [] decnetFlows = [] if other.valuationdomain['med'] == Med: if Debug: print('standard') for x in actions: incxnetFlows = sum((otherRelation[x][y] - otherRelation[y][x])\ for y in actions) decxnetFlows = sum((otherRelation[y][x] - otherRelation[x][y])\ for y in actions) ## xnetflows = sum((otherRelation[x][y])\ ## for y in actions) incnetFlows.append((incxnetFlows,x)) decnetFlows.append((decxnetFlows,x)) if Debug: print(x,incxnetFlows,decxnetFlows) else: otherMax = other.valuationdomain['max'] otherMin = other.valuationdomain['min'] for x in actions: incxnetFlows = sum((otherRelation[x][y] +\ (otherMax - otherRelation[y][x] + otherMin))\ for y in actions) decxnetFlows = sum((otherRelation[y][x] +\ (otherMax - otherRelation[x][y] + otherMin))\ for y in actions) incnetFlows.append((incxnetFlows,x)) decnetFlows.append((decxnetFlows,x)) if Debug: print(x,incxnetflows,decxnetFlows) # sorting with keeping the actions initial ordering # in case of ties incnetFlows.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) decnetFlows.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) decnetFlows = [(-x[0],x[1]) for x in decnetFlows] self.incnetFlowScores = incnetFlows self.decnetFlowScores = decnetFlows self.netFlows = decnetFlows # backwards compatibility if Comments: print('Increasing Net Flows :') for x in incnetFlows: print( '%s : %.3f' % (x[1],x[0]) ) print('Decreasing Net Flows :') for x in decnetFlows: print( '%s : %.3f' % (x[1],x[0]) ) netFlowsOrder = [x[1] for x in incnetFlows] self.netFlowsOrder = netFlowsOrder netFlowsRanking = [x[1] for x in decnetFlows] self.netFlowsRanking = netFlowsRanking if Debug: print(self.netFlowsRanking) print(self.netFlowsOrder) if Comments: print('NetFlows Ranking:') print(netFlowsRanking) runTimes['netFlows'] = time() - tnf # init relation tr = time() actionKeys = [x for x in actions] if Valued: for x in actionKeys: xi = netFlowsRanking.index(x) selfRelation[x] = {} for y in actionKeys: yj = netFlowsRanking.index(y) if xi < yj: selfRelation[x][y] = max(Med, otherRelation[x][y]) elif xi == yj: selfRelation[x][y] = Med else: selfRelation[x][y] = min(Med, otherRelation[x][y]) else: for x in actionKeys: xi = netFlowsRanking.index(x) selfRelation[x] = {} for y in actionKeys: yj = netFlowsRanking.index(y) if xi < yj: selfRelation[x][y] = Max elif xi == yj: selfRelation[x][y] = Med else: selfRelation[x][y] = Min runTimes['relation'] = time() - tr # store self attributes = + '_ranked' self.actions = actions self.order = n if not Valued: self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain else: self.valuationdomain = copy(other.valuationdomain) self.relation = selfRelation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt self.runTimes = runTimes def showScores(self,direction='descending'): print('Net flow scores in %s order' % direction) print('action \t score') if direction == 'descending': for x in self.decnetFlowScores: print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0])) else: for x in self.incnetFlowScores: print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0]))
[docs] class NetFlowsOrder(NetFlowsRanking): """ Dummy for NetFlowsRanking class """
[docs] class IteratedNetFlowsRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the iterated NetFlows order from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance """ def __init__(self,other,CoDual=False,Valued=False, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the iterated NetFlows rules """ from copy import copy, deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from operator import itemgetter # construct ranked pairs if CoDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) relation = otherCoDual.relation Max = otherCoDual.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: otherCoDual.showRelationTable() print(otherCoDual.valuationdomain) else: relation = other.relation Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: other.showRelationTable() print(other.valuationdomain) actions = [x for x in other.actions] actions.sort() n = len(actions) # instatiates a Digraph template g = IndeterminateDigraph(order=n) g.actions = actions g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} g.relation = {} for x in g.actions: g.relation[x] = {} for y in g.actions: g.relation[x][y] = g.valuationdomain['med'] # construct ranking actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] rank = OrderedDict() order = OrderedDict() k = 1 while actionsList != []: knetFlows = [] for x in actionsList: ca = 0 kxnetFlows = Decimal('0') for y in actionsList: if x != y: kxnetFlows += relation[x][y] - relation[y][x] ca += 2 if Debug: print('k,ca,kxnetFlows', k,ca, kxnetFlows) if ca > 0: kxnetFlows = kxnetFlows / Decimal(str(ca)) if Debug: print('k,x,kxnetFlows', k,x, kxnetFlows) knetFlows.append((kxnetFlows,x)) knetFlows.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if Comments: print('k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]',k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]) rank[knetFlows[-1][1]] = {'rank':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[-1][0]} order[knetFlows[0][1]] = {'order':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[0][0]} actionsList.remove(knetFlows[-1][1]) k += 1 if Debug: print('actionsList', actionsList) self.valuedRanks = rank # construct ordering actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] order = OrderedDict() k = 1 while actionsList != []: knetFlows = [] for x in actionsList: ca = 0 kxnetFlows = Decimal('0') for y in actionsList: if x != y: kxnetFlows += relation[x][y] - relation[y][x] ca += 2 if Debug: print('k,ca,kxnetFlows', k,ca, kxnetFlows) if ca > 0: kxnetFlows = kxnetFlows / Decimal(str(ca)) if Debug: print('k,x,kxnetFlows', k,x, kxnetFlows) knetFlows.append((kxnetFlows,x)) knetFlows.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if Comments: print('k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]',k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]) order[knetFlows[0][1]] = {'order':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[0][0]} actionsList.remove(knetFlows[0][1]) k += 1 if Debug: print('actionsList', actionsList) self.valuedOrdering = order if Debug: print(rank) print(order) iteratedNetFlowsRanking = [x for x in rank] self.iteratedNetFlowsRanking = iteratedNetFlowsRanking iteratedNetFlowsOrdering = [x for x in order] self.iteratedNetFlowsOrdering = iteratedNetFlowsOrdering if Debug: print('Iterated netflows ranks: ', iteratedNetFlowsRanking) print('Iterated netflows ordering: ', iteratedNetFlowsOrdering) if Valued: n = len(g.actions) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = iteratedNetFlowsRanking[i] y = iteratedNetFlowsRanking[j] g.relation[x][y] = rank[x]['netFlows'] g.relation[y][x] = -rank[x]['netFlows'] else: n = len(g.actions) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = iteratedNetFlowsRanking[i] y = iteratedNetFlowsRanking[j] g.relation[x][y] = g.valuationdomain['max'] g.relation[y][x] = g.valuationdomain['min'] = + '_ranked' self.actions = copy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = copy(g.valuationdomain) self.relation = copy(g.relation) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() if Debug: self.showRelationTable() print('Iterated NetFlows ranking : ', self.iteratedNetFlowsRanking) print('Iterated NetFlows ordering: ', self.iteratedNetFlowsOrdering)
[docs] class IteratedCopelandRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the iterated Copeland ranking from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance """ def __init__(self,other,CoDual=False,Valued=False, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the iterated Copeland rules """ from copy import copy, deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict # construct ranked pairs if CoDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) relation = otherCoDual.relation Max = otherCoDual.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: otherCoDual.showRelationTable() print(otherCoDual.valuationdomain) else: relation = other.relation Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] if Debug: other.showRelationTable() print(other.valuationdomain) actions = [x for x in other.actions] actions.sort() n = len(actions) # instatiates a Digraph template g = IndeterminateDigraph(order=n) g.actions = actions g.valuationdomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} g.relation = {} for x in g.actions: g.relation[x] = {} for y in g.actions: g.relation[x][y] = g.valuationdomain['med'] # construct ranking actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] c = PolarisedDigraph(other) rank = OrderedDict() order = OrderedDict() k = 1 while actionsList != []: knetFlows = [] for x in actionsList: ca = 0 kxnetFlows = Decimal('0') for y in actionsList: if x != y: kxnetFlows += c.relation[x][y] - c.relation[y][x] ca += 2 if Debug: print('k,ca,kxnetFlows', k,ca, kxnetFlows) if ca > 0: kxnetFlows = kxnetFlows / Decimal(str(ca)) if Debug: print('k,x,kxnetFlows', k,x, kxnetFlows) knetFlows.append((kxnetFlows,x)) knetFlows.sort() if Comments: print('k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]',k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]) rank[knetFlows[-1][1]] = {'rank':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[-1][0]} order[knetFlows[0][1]] = {'order':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[0][0]} actionsList.remove(knetFlows[-1][1]) k += 1 if Debug: print('actionsList', actionsList) self.valuedRanks = rank # construct ordering actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] order = OrderedDict() k = 1 while actionsList != []: knetFlows = [] for x in actionsList: ca = 0 kxnetFlows = Decimal('0') for y in actionsList: if x != y: kxnetFlows += c.relation[x][y] - c.relation[y][x] ca += 2 if Debug: print('k,ca,kxnetFlows', k,ca, kxnetFlows) if ca > 0: kxnetFlows = kxnetFlows / Decimal(str(ca)) if Debug: print('k,x,kxnetFlows', k,x, kxnetFlows) knetFlows.append((kxnetFlows,x)) knetFlows.sort() if Comments: print('k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]',k,knetFlows, knetFlows[-1][1]) order[knetFlows[0][1]] = {'order':k,'netFlows':knetFlows[0][0]} actionsList.remove(knetFlows[0][1]) k += 1 if Debug: print('actionsList', actionsList) self.valuedOrdering = order if Debug: print(rank) print(order) iteratedCopelandRanking = [x for x in rank] self.iteratedCopelandRanking = iteratedCopelandRanking iteratedCopelandOrdering = [x for x in order] self.iteratedCopelandOrder = iteratedCopelandOrdering if Debug: print('Iterated Copeland ranks: ', iteratedCopelandRanking) print('Iterated Copeland ordering: ', iteratedCopelandOrdering) if Valued: n = len(g.actions) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = iteratedCopelandRanking[i] y = iteratedCopelandRanking[j] g.relation[x][y] = rank[x]['Copeland'] g.relation[y][x] = -rank[x]['Copeland'] else: n = len(g.actions) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): x = iteratedCopelandRanking[i] y = iteratedCopelandRanking[j] g.relation[x][y] = g.valuationdomain['max'] g.relation[y][x] = g.valuationdomain['min'] = + '_ranked' self.actions = copy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = copy(g.valuationdomain) self.relation = copy(g.relation) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() if Debug: self.showRelationTable() print('Iterated Copelans ranking: ', self.iteratedCopelandRanking)
class _OutFlowsOrder(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the out flows Order from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance """ def __init__(self,other,coDual=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the out flows ordering rule """ #from copy import deepcopy from linearOrders import _OutFlowsOrder from collections import OrderedDict from time import time from operator import itemgetter #timings tt = time() runTimes = OrderedDict() # prepare local variables if coDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) otherRelation = otherCoDual.relation ## if Debug: ## otherCoDual.showRelationTable() ## print(otherCoDual.valuationdomain) else: otherRelation = other.relation n = len(other.actions) actions = other.actions selfRelation = {} Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} runTimes['prepareLocals'] = time()-tt # compute net flows tnf = time() outFlows = [] if other.valuationdomain['med'] == Med: for x in actions: xoutFlows = sum((otherRelation[x][y])\ for y in actions) outFlows.append((xoutFlows,x)) else: otherMax = other.valuationdomain['max'] otherMin = other.valuationdomain['min'] for x in actions: xoutFlows = sum((otherRelation[x][y])\ for y in actions) outFlows.append((xoutFlows,x)) # reversed sorting with keeping the actions initial ordering # in case of ties outFlows.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) self.outFlows = outFlows ## if Debug: ## print(outFlows) outFlowsRanking = [x[1] for x in outFlows] self.outFlowsRanking = outFlowsRanking outFlowsOrder = list(reversed(outFlowsRanking)) self.outFlowsOrder = outFlowsOrder ## if Debug: ## print(self.outFlowsRanking) ## print(self.outFlowsOrder) runTimes['outFlows'] = time() - tnf # init relation tr = time() for i in range(n): x = outFlowsRanking[i] selfRelation[x] = {} for j in range(n): y = outFlowsRanking[j] if i < j: selfRelation[x][y] = Max else: selfRelation[x][y] = Min runTimes['relation'] = time() - tr ## if Debug: ## print(selfRelation) = + '_ranked' self.actions = actions self.order = n self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain self.relation = selfRelation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt self.runTimes = runTimes ## if Debug: ## self.showRelationTable() ## self.showOrdering() def showScores(self,direction='descending'): print('Out flow scores in %s order' % direction) print('action \t score') if direction == 'descending': for x in self.outFlows: print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0])) else: for x in reversed(self.outFlows): print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0]))
[docs] class CopelandRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the Copeland Ranking and Order from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance *other*. When *Gamma* == *True*, the Copeland scores for each action *x* are computed with the help of the *other.gamma* attribute as the difference between outdegrees *gamma[x][0]* and indegrees *gamma[x][1]*. If *False*, they are computed as the sum of the differences between the polarised *other* outranking characteristics. The Copeland ranking and the Copeland ordering are stored in the attributes *self.copelandRanking* and *self.copelandOrder*. When *Valued == *True*, the *other* outranking characteristic values, concordant with the Copeland ranking, are kept whereas the discordant ones are set to the indeterminate value. .. note:: The Copeland ranking rule is invariant under the codual transform """ def __init__(self,other,CoDual=False,Gamma=False, Valued=False, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph following the Copeland ordering rule """ #from copy import deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from time import time from operator import itemgetter if Debug: Comments=True #timings tt = time() runTimes = OrderedDict() # prepare local variables if CoDual: otherCoDual = CoDualDigraph(other) otherRelation = otherCoDual.relation if Debug: otherCoDual.showRelationTable() print(otherCoDual.valuationdomain) else: otherRelation = other.relation n = len(other.actions) actions = other.actions gamma = other.gamma selfRelation = {} Min = Decimal('-1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min,\ 'med': Med,\ 'max': Max} runTimes['prepareLocals'] = time()-tt # compute net flows tnf = time() incCopelandScores = [] decCopelandScores = [] # with gamma functions if Gamma: for x in actions: copelandScore = len(gamma[x][0]) - len(gamma[x][1]) incCopelandScores.append((copelandScore,x)) decCopelandScores.append((-copelandScore,x)) else: # with Condorcet Digraph valuation c = PolarisedDigraph(other,level=other.valuationdomain['med'],\ StrictCut=True,KeepValues=False) if Debug: print(c) c.recodeValuation() cRelation = c.relation for x in actions: copelandScore = Decimal('0') for y in actions: copelandScore += cRelation[x][y] - cRelation[y][x] incCopelandScores.append((copelandScore,x)) decCopelandScores.append((-copelandScore,x)) # reversed sorting with keeping the actions initial ordering # in case of ties incCopelandScores.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) decCopelandScores.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) decCopelandScores = [(-x[0],x[1]) for x in decCopelandScores] self.decCopelandScores = decCopelandScores self.incCopelandScores = incCopelandScores if Comments: print('Copeland decreasing scores') for x in decCopelandScores: print( '%s : %d' %( x[1],int(x[0]) ) ) print('Copeland increasing scores') for x in incCopelandScores: print( '%s : %d' %( x[1],int(x[0]) ) ) copelandRanking = [x[1] for x in decCopelandScores] self.copelandRanking = copelandRanking copelandOrder = [x[1] for x in incCopelandScores] self.copelandOrder = copelandOrder if Comments: print('Copeland Ranking:') print(copelandRanking) runTimes['copeland'] = time() - tnf # init relation tr = time() actionsList = [x for x in actions] relation = {} for x in actionsList: xi = copelandRanking.index(x) relation[x] = {} for y in actionsList: yj = copelandRanking.index(y) if xi < yj: relation[x][y] = max(Med, otherRelation[x][y]) elif xi == yj: relation[x][y] = Med else: relation[x][y] = min(Med, otherRelation[x][y]) runTimes['relation'] = time() - tr # store attributes = + '_ranked' self.actions = actions self.order = n self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain self.relation = relation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - tt self.runTimes = runTimes def showScores(self,direction='descending'): print('Copeland scores in %s order' % direction) print('action \t score') if direction == 'descending': for x in self.decCopelandScores: print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0])) else: for x in self.incCopelandScores: print('%s \t %.2f' %(x[1],x[0]))
[docs] class CopelandOrder(CopelandRanking): """ Dummy for CopelandRanking class """
######## instantiates optimal linear orderings
[docs] class MedianRanking(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the ranking of highest mean marginal correlation and lowest amplitude from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance of small order """ def __init__(self,other,orderLimit=7, Threading=False,nbrOfCPUs=1, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph by exact enumeration of all permutations of actions. """ if other.order > orderLimit: print('Digraph order %d to high. The default limit (7) may be changed with the oderLimit argument.' % (other.order) ) return from digraphs import all_perms from copy import copy,deepcopy from decimal import Decimal Min = other.valuationdomain['min'] Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] Med = other.valuationdomain['med'] #relation = copy(other.relation) medianRankings = other.computeMedianRanking(orderLimit=orderLimit, Threading=Threading, nbrOfCPUs=nbrOfCPUs, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) # [0] = ordered actions list, [1] = maximal marginal corrleation index, # [2] = minimal marginal correlation amplitude, medianRanking = medianRankings[0] maxMarginalCorrelation = medianRankings[1] minMarginalCorrelationAmplitude = medianRanking[2] maximalRankings = deepcopy(other.maximalRankings) if medianRankings is None: print('Intantiation error: unable to compute a median ranking !!!') print('Digraph order %d is required to be lower than 8!' % n) return if Debug: print(medianRankings,other.maximalRankings) # instatiates a Digraph template actions = deepcopy(other.actions) Min = Decimal('-1.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} relation = {} n = len(actions) self.order = n for i in range(n): x = medianRanking[i] relation[x] = {} for j in range(n): y = medianRanking[j] relation[x][y] = Med if i < j: relation[x][y] = Max try: relation[y][x] = Min except: relation[y] = {x: Min} elif i > j: relation[x][y] = Min try: relation[y][x] = Max except: relation[y] = {y: Max} = + '_ranked' self.actions = actions self.order = n self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain self.relation = relation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.medianRanking = medianRanking self.maxMarginalCorrelation = maxMarginalCorrelation self.minMarginalCorrelationAmplitude = minMarginalCorrelationAmplitude self.maximalRankings = maximalRankings self.medianOrder = list(reversed(list(medianRanking))) if Debug: self.showRelationTable() print('Median Ranking = ', self.medianRanking)
[docs] class KemenyRanking(LinearOrder): """ Instantiates the Kemeny Ranking wrt the outranking relation from a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance of small order. Multiple Kemeny rankings are sorted in decreasing order of their mean marginal correlations and the resulting Kemeny ranking is the first one in this list. """ def __init__(self,other,orderLimit=7,Valued=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph by exact enumeration of all permutations of actions. """ if other.order > orderLimit: print('Digraph order %d to high. The default limit (7) may be changed with the oderLimit argument.' % (other.order) ) return from digraphs import all_perms from copy import copy,deepcopy from decimal import Decimal Min = other.valuationdomain['min'] Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] Med = other.valuationdomain['med'] #relation = copy(other.relation) ## kemenyRankings = other.computeKemenyRanking(orderLimit=orderLimit,Debug=False) ## # [0] = ordered actions list, [1] = maximal Kemeny index ## ## kemenyRanking = kemenyRankings[0] ## maxKemenyIndex = kemenyRankings[1] ## maximalRankings = deepcopy(other.maximalRankings) kemenyRankings = other.computeKemenyRanking(orderLimit=orderLimit,Debug=False) if kemenyRankings is None: print('Intantiation error: unable to compute the Kemeny Order !!!') print('Digraph order %d is required to be lower than 8!' % n) return ## elif len(other.maximalRankings) == 1: ## kemenyRanking = kemenyRankings[0] ## maxKemenyIndex = kemenyRankings[1] ## maximalRankings = list(other.maximalRankings) else: from operator import itemgetter orderedMaximalRankings = [] for r in other.maximalRankings: try: margCorr = other.computeRankingConsensusQuality(r) except: kemenyRanking = kemenyRankings[0] maxKemenyIndex = kemenyRankings[1] maximalRankings = list(other.maximalRankings) break orderedMaximalRankings.append(('%.4f' % (margCorr[1]), '%.4f' \ % (margCorr[2]),r)) if len(orderedMaximalRankings) > 1: s = sorted(orderedMaximalRankings,key=itemgetter(1)) s = sorted(s,key=itemgetter(0),reverse=True) orderedMaximalRankings = s kemenyRanking = orderedMaximalRankings[0][2] else: kemenyRanking = kemenyRankings[0] maxKemenyIndex = kemenyRankings[1] maximalRankings = list(other.maximalRankings) if Debug: print(kemenyRankings,maximalRankings,orderedMaximalRankings) # instatiates a Digraph template actions = deepcopy(other.actions) Min = Decimal('-1.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} if not Valued: relation = {} n = len(actions) self.order = n for i in range(n): x = kemenyRanking[i] relation[x] = {} for j in range(n): y = kemenyRanking[j] relation[x][y] = Med if i < j: relation[x][y] = Max try: relation[y][x] = Min except: relation[y] = {x: Min} elif i > j: relation[x][y] = Min try: relation[y][x] = Max except: relation[y] = {y: Max} else: relation = other.computeValuedRankingRelation(kemenyRanking) = + '_ranked' self.actions = actions self.order = len(actions) self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain self.relation = relation self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.kemenyRanking = kemenyRanking self.maxKemenyIndex = maxKemenyIndex self.maximalRankings = maximalRankings self.orderedMaximalRankings = orderedMaximalRankings self.kemenyOrder = list(reversed(list(kemenyRanking))) if Debug: self.showRelationTable() print('Kemeny Ranking = ', self.kemenyRanking)
[docs] class KemenyOrder(KemenyRanking): """ Dummy class """
[docs] class SlaterRanking(KemenyRanking): """ Instantiates a Slater ranking by instantiating a *KemenyRanking* from the Condorcet Digraph -the median cut polarised digraph- of a given bipolar-valued Digraph instance. """ def __init__(self,other,orderLimit=7,Debug=False): """ A constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph by exact enumeration """ from digraphs import PolarisedDigraph from copy import copy,deepcopy c = PolarisedDigraph(other) sl = KemenyOrder(c,orderLimit=orderLimit,Debug=Debug) = + '_ranked' self.actions = deepcopy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = copy(sl.valuationdomain) self.relation = deepcopy(sl.relation) self.slaterOrder = copy(sl.kemenyOrder) self.slaterRanking = copy(sl.kemenyRanking) self.slaterIndex = copy(sl.maxKemenyIndex) self.maximalRankings = copy(sl.maximalRankings) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets()
[docs] class SlaterOrder(SlaterRanking): """ Dummy class """
######## instantiates principal scores' ordering
[docs] class PrincipalOrder(LinearOrder): """ instantiates the order from the scores obtained by the first princiapl axis of the eigen deomposition of the covariance of the outdegrees of the valued digraph 'other'. """ def __init__(self,other,Colwise=True,imageType=None, plotFileName="principalOrdering", tempDir=None,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ constructor for generating a linear order from a given other digraph by using the first principal eigen vector of the covariance of the indegrees (Colwise=True/default) or of the outdegrees (Colwise=False). Implemented Image types are: None/default, "pdf", "png" and "xfig". The plot file name only matters with a non None image type. """ from copy import copy, deepcopy from decimal import Decimal from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from operator import itemgetter Min = other.valuationdomain['min'] Max = other.valuationdomain['max'] Med = other.valuationdomain['med'] actionsList = [x for x in other.actions] actionsList.sort() n = len(actionsList) relation = deepcopy(other.relation) with TemporaryDirectory(dir=tempDir) as tempDirName: principalScores = other.computePrincipalScores(Colwise=Colwise, imageType=imageType, plotFileName=plotFileName, tempDir=tempDir, Debug=Debug) # [ (score1,action_(1)), (score2,action_(2)), ...] if principalScores is None: print('Intantiation error: unable to compute the principal Order !!!') return if Debug: print(principalScores) self.principalScores = principalScores if Comments: for x in principalScores: print('%s: %-3f' % (x[1],x[0]) ) # instatiates a Digraph template g = IndeterminateDigraph(order=n) actions = copy(other.actions) Min = Decimal('-1.0') Max = Decimal('1.0') Med = Decimal('0.0') valuationdomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} relation = deepcopy(other.relation) for i in range(n): x = principalScores[i][1] relation[x] = {} for j in range(n): y = principalScores[j][1] relation[x][y] = Med if i < j: relation[x][y] = Min try: relation[y][x] = Max except: relation[y] = {x: Max} elif i > j: relation[x][y] = Max try: relation[y][x] = Min except: relation[y] = {x: Min} # check principal orientation with ordinal correlation sign corr = other.computeOrdinalCorrelation(relation) if corr['correlation'] < Decimal('0'): ReverseScores = True for i in range(n): x = principalScores[i][1] for j in range(n): y = principalScores[j][1] relation[x][y] = -relation[x][y] else: ReverseScores = False = + '_ranked' self.actions = copy(other.actions) self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = valuationdomain self.relation = relation if ReverseScores == False: if Colwise: self.principalColwiseScores = principalScores else: self.principalRowwiseScores = principalScores else: if Colwise: self.principalColwiseScores =\ [(-x,y) for (x,y) in principalScores] self.principalColwiseScores.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) else: self.principalRowwiseScores =\ [(-x,y) for (x,y) in principalScores] self.principalRowwiseScores.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.principalRanking = self.computeRanking() self.principalOrder = self.computeOrder() if Debug: print('Principal Order = ', self.computeOrder()) print('principal ordered relation table:') self.showRelationTable()
##################################################### #----------test linearOrders module classes ---------------- # for testing ongoing developmens #################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import sys,array from time import time from digraphs import * from outrankingDigraphs import * from sortingDigraphs import * from linearOrders import * from transitiveDigraphs import * from randomPerfTabs import * print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 linearOrders module * * Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) import random from time import time print('*-------- Testing class and methods -------') Threading = False seed = random.randint(1,1000) ## t = CircularPerformanceTableau() #t.showHTMLPerformanceHeatmap(Correlations=True,colorLevels=5) #t = PerformanceTableau('testLin') t = RandomPerformanceTableau(numberOfActions=5,seed=450) g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(t) ke = KemenyRanking(g) ke.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(actionsList=ke.kemenyRanking) kev = KemenyRanking(g,Valued=True) kev.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(actionsList=ke.kemenyRanking) ## ko = KohlerRanking(g,Valued=True,Comments=True) ## ko.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(rankingRule='Kohler') ## nf = NetFlowsRanking(g,Valued=True) ## nf.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(rankingRule='NetFlows') ## ## nfo = NetFlowsOrder(g,Valued=True) ## nfo.showHTMLRelationHeatmap(rankingRule='NetFlows') ## cop = CopelandRanking(g,Valued=True) ## cop.showHTMLRelationHeatmap() ## ## copo = CopelandOrder(g,Valued=True) ## copo.showHTMLRelationHeatmap() ## #g.showHTMLRelationTable() ## rp = RankedPairsRanking(g,Dual=False,Debug=False) ## #rp.showNeighborhoods() print(rp.rankedPairsRanking) ## print(g.computeRankingCorrelation(rp.rankedPairsRanking)) ## print(rp.rankedPairsOrder) ## print(g.computeOrderCorrelation(rp.rankedPairsOrder)) rpd = ## RankedPairsRanking(g,Dual=True,Debug=False) #rp.showNeighborhoods() ## print(rpd.rankedPairsRanking) ## print(g.computeRankingCorrelation(rpd.rankedPairsRanking)) ## print(rpd.rankedPairsOrder) ## print(g.computeOrderCorrelation(rpd.rankedPairsOrder)) ## print('*-------- Testing MedianRanking class -------') ## cop = CopelandRanking(g,Comments=True) ## nf = NetFlowsRanking(g,Comments=True) ## print('==>> Principal ordering:') ## po = PrincipalOrder(g,Colwise=True) ## print(po.principalOrder) ## print(g.computeOrderCorrelation(po.principalOrder)) ## print(po.principalRanking) ## print(g.computeRankingCorrelation(po.principalRanking)) ## por = PrincipalOrder(g,Colwise=False) ## print(por.principalOrder) ## print(g.computeOrderCorrelation(por.principalOrder)) ## print(por.principalRanking) ## print(g.computeRankingCorrelation(por.principalRanking)) print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') print('*************************************') print('* R.B. *') print('* $Revision: Python3.10 $ *') print('*************************************') #############################