Source code for graphs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
  Digraph3 module
  Copyright (C)  2011-2023 Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

__version__ = "$Revision: Python 3.10"

from decimal import Decimal

[docs] class Graph(object): """ In the `graphs` module, the root :py:class:`graphs.Graph` class provides a generic graph model. A given object consists in: 1. a vertices dictionary 2. a characteristic valuation domain, {-1,0,+1} by default 3. an edges dictionary, characterising each edge in the given valuation domain 4. a gamma function dictionary, holding the neighborhood vertices of each vertex General structure:: vertices = {'v1': {'name': ...,'shortName': ...}, 'v2': {'name': ...,'shortName': ...}, 'v3': {'name': ...,'shortName': ...}, ... } valuationDomain = {'min': -1, 'med': 0, 'max': 1} edges = {frozenset({'v1','v2'}): 1, frozenset({'v1','v3'}): 1, frozenset({'v2','v3'}): -1, ...} ## links from each vertex to its neighbors gamma = {'v1': {'v2',v3'}, 'v2': {'v1'}, 'v3': {'v1'}, ... } Example python3 session: >>> from graphs import Graph >>> g = Graph(numberOfVertices=5,edgeProbability=0.5) # random instance >>> g.showShort() *----- show short --------------* *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'random' Vertices : ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5'] Valuation domain : {'med': 0, 'max': 1, 'min': -1} Gamma function : v1 -> ['v4'] v2 -> [] v3 -> ['v4'] v4 -> ['v1', 'v3'] v5 -> [] """ def __repr__(self): """ Default presentation method for Graph instances. """ reprString = '*------- Graph instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % try: reprString += 'Seed : %s\n' % str(self.seed) except AttributeError: pass try: reprString += 'Edge Probability : %s\n' % str(self.edgeProbability) except AttributeError: pass reprString += 'Graph Order : %d\n' % self.order try: reprString += 'Permutation : %s\n' % str(self.permutation) except AttributeError: pass reprString += 'Graph Size : %d\n' % self.computeSize() reprString += 'Valuation domain : [%.2f; %.2f]\n'\ % (self.valuationDomain['min'],self.valuationDomain['max']) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) return reprString def __init__(self, fileName=None, Empty=False, numberOfVertices=7, edgeProbability=0.5): """ Constructor for Graph objects. """ from decimal import Decimal if Empty: = 'emptyInstance' self.vertices = dict() self.order = len(self.vertices) self.edges = dict() self.valuationDomain = {'min': Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} self.gamma = dict() self.size = 0 elif fileName==None: g = RandomGraph(order=numberOfVertices,\ edgeProbability=edgeProbability) = self.vertices = g.vertices self.order = len(self.vertices) self.edges = g.edges self.valuationDomain = g.valuationDomain self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() else: fileNameExt = fileName+'.py' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileNameExt).read(), fileNameExt, 'exec'),argDict) = fileName self.vertices = argDict['vertices'] self.order = len(self.vertices) self.valuationDomain = argDict['valuationDomain'] self.edges = argDict['edges'] self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() def __neg__(self): """ Make the negation operator -self available for Graph instances. Returns a DualGraph instance of self. """ new = DualGraph(self) new.__class__ = self.__class__ return new #-----------Dias/Castonguay/Longo/Jradi--------*
[docs] def computeGraphCentres(self): """ Renders the vertices of minimal Neighborhood depth. """ dg = self.graph2Digraph() centres = dg.computeDigraphCentres() return centres
def _degreeLabelling(self): """ Inspired from Dias, Castonguay, Longo & Jradi, Algorithmica 2015, p 14 """ degree = {} color = {} for v in self.vertices: degree[v] = len(self.gamma[v]) color[v] = 'white' labelling = {} for i in range(1,self.order+1): minDegree = self.order for x in self.vertices: if color[x] == 'white' and degree[x] < minDegree: v = x minDegree = degree[x] labelling[v] = i color[v] = 'black' #print(v,i,minDegree) for u in self.gamma[v]: if color[u] == 'white': degree[u] -= 1 self.labelling = labelling return labelling def _triplets(self,Comments=False): """ p.15 Inspired from Dias, Castonguay, Longo & Jradi, Algorithmica 2015. """ from itertools import product labelling = self.labelling tG = [] cycles = set() for u in self.vertices: for x,y in product(self.gamma[u],repeat=2): if x != y: ## print(u,self.labelling[u], ## x,self.labelling[x], ## y,self.labelling[y]) if labelling[u] < labelling[x] and \ labelling[x] < labelling[y]: ## if u < x and x < y: if self.edges[frozenset([x,y])] < self.valuationDomain['med']: if Comments: print('inital triple:',x,u,y) tG.append((x,u,y)) else: if Comments: print('3-cycle:',x,u,y) cycles.add((x,u,y)) #self.tG = tG #self.cycles = cycles return tG,cycles
[docs] def computeChordlessCycles(self,Cycle3=False,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Renders the set of all chordless cycles observed in a Graph intance. Inspired from Dias, Castonguay, Longo & Jradi, Algorithmica 2015. .. note:: By default, a chordless cycle must have at least length 4.If the Cycle3 flag is set to True, the cyclicly closed triplets will be inserted as 3-cycles in the result. """ if Debug: Comments=True #self.visitedChordlessPathsNew = [] self._degreeLabelling() triplets,cycles3 = self._triplets(Comments=Debug) if Comments: print('# of initial triplets:',len(triplets)) print('# of 3-cycles :',len(cycles3)) if Cycle3: cycles = cycles3 else: cycles = set() self.blocked = {} for u in self.vertices: self.blocked[u] = 0 for p in triplets: if Comments: print(p,self.blocked) if Comments: print('===>>>', p) u = p[1] for x in self.gamma[u]: self.blocked[x] += 1 cycles = self._ccVisit(p,cycles,u,Comments=Comments) for x in self.gamma[u]: if self.blocked[x] > 0: self.blocked[x] -= 1 return cycles
def _ccVisit(self,p,cycles,u,Comments=False): """ p.15 """ #labelling = self.labelling #self.visitedChordlessPathsNew.append(p) ut = p[-1] u1 = p[0] ## if Comments: ## print(p,u1,u,ut) for x in self.gamma[ut]: self.blocked[x] += 1 for v in self.gamma[ut]: if self.labelling[v] > self.labelling[u] and self.blocked[v] == 1: p1 = p + tuple([v]) if self.edges[frozenset([u1,v])] > self.valuationDomain['med']: if Comments: print('Cycle certificate: ', p1) cycles.add(p1) else: if Comments: print('continue ...',p1) cycles = self._ccVisit(p1,cycles,u,Comments=Comments) for x in self.gamma[ut]: if self.blocked[x] > 0: self.blocked[x] -= 1 return cycles #---------------------------------------- def _chordlessPaths(self,Pk,v0,Cycle3=False,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ recursice chordless precycle (len > 3) construction: Pk is the current pre chordless cycle v0 is the initial vertex of the precycle vn is the last vertex of the precycle """ vn = Pk[-1] detectedChordlessCycle = False self.visitedChordlessPaths.add(frozenset(Pk)) Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] if Cycle3: minPreCycleLength = 2 else: # only cycles of length 4 and more are holes in fact minPreCycleLength = 3 #if len(e) > 1: if v0 != vn: # not a reflexive link e = frozenset([v0,vn]) if self.edges[e] > Med and len(Pk) > 2: # we close the chordless pre cycle here detectedChordlessCycle = True ## if Debug: ## print('Pk, len(Pk)', Pk, len(Pk)) if len(Pk) > minPreCycleLength: # only cycles of length 4 and more are holes in fact self.xCC.append(Pk) Pk.append(v0) if Comments: print('Chordless cycle certificate -->>> ', Pk) return detectedChordlessCycle if detectedChordlessCycle == False: NBvn = set(self.gamma[vn]) - set(Pk[1:len(Pk)]) # exterior neighborhood of vn ## if Debug: ## print('vn, NBvn, Pk, Pk[1:len(Pk)] = ', vn, NBvn, Pk, Pk[1:len(Pk)]) #while NBvn != set(): for v in NBvn: # we try in turn all neighbours of vn #v = NBvn.pop() vCP = set(Pk) vCP.add(v) vCP = frozenset(vCP) ## if Debug: ## print('v,vCP =', v,vCP) if vCP not in self.visitedChordlessPaths: # test history of paths P = list(Pk) ## if Debug: ## print('P,P[:-1] = ', P,P[:-1]) noChord = True for x in P[:-1]: ## if Debug: ## print('x = ', x) if x != v0: # we avoid the initial vertex # to stay with a chordless precycle ex = frozenset([x,v]) ## if Debug: ## print('x, v, ex = ',x,v,ex) if self.edges[ex] > Med: # there is a chord noChord = False break if noChord: P.append(v) ## if Debug: ## print('P,v0',P,v0) if self._chordlessPaths(P,v0,Cycle3=Cycle3,Comments=Comments,Debug=Debug): # we continue with the current chordless precycle detectedChordlessCycle=True ## if Debug: ## print('No further chordless precycles from ',vn,' to ',v0) return detectedChordlessCycle def _MISgen(self,S,I): """ generator of maximal independent choices (voir Byskov 2004): * S ::= remaining nodes; * I ::= current independent choice .. note:: - Initialize self.misset = set() before using ! - Inititalize S with a set of vertex keys, and I with an empty set. - See self.showMIS() for usage instructions. """ if S == set(): add = 1 self.missetit = self.misset.copy() for mis in self.missetit: if mis < I: self.misset.remove(mis) else: if I <= mis: add = 0 break if add == 1: self.misset = self.misset | frozenset([I]) yield I else: v = S.pop() Sv = S - (self.gamma[v]) Iv = I | set([v]) for choice in self._MISgen(Sv,Iv): yield choice for choice in self._MISgen(S,I): yield choice def _saveEdges(self,fileName='graphEdges',Agrum=False,Decimal=True): """ Saving graph instances as list of edges, ie node node on each line for enumChordlessCycles C++/agrum progam. """ print('*--- Saving graph edges in file: <' + fileName + '.text> ---*') verticesKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesKeys.sort() Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.text') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') for i in range( len(verticesKeys) ): for j in range(i+1, len(verticesKeys)): if self.edges[frozenset([verticesKeys[i],verticesKeys[j]])] > Med: if Agrum: fo.write('%d %d\n' % ( i+1, j+1 ) ) else: fo.write('%s %s\n' % ( str(verticesKeys[i]),str(verticesKeys[j]) ) ) fo.close() def _singletons(self): """ List of singletons in frozenset format with neighborhood and not neighbourhood sets. """ s = [] vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) for x in vertices: indep = vertices - (self.gamma[x]) s = s + [(frozenset([x]),self.gamma[x],indep)] return s def _computeChordlessCycles(self,Cycle3=False,Comments=True,Debug=False): """ Renders the set of all chordless cycles observed in a Graph intance. Obsolete home brewed version. """ verticesKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] self.visitedChordlessPaths = set() chordlessCycles = [] for v in verticesKeys: P = [v] self.xCC = [] if self._chordlessPaths(P,v,Cycle3=Cycle3,Comments=Comments,Debug=Debug): chordlessCycles += self.xCC self.chordlessCycles = chordlessCycles chordlessCyclesList = [ (x,frozenset(x)) for x in chordlessCycles] if Debug: print('Return list of chordless cycles as a tuple (path, set)') for cc in chordlessCyclesList: print(cc) return chordlessCyclesList
[docs] def computeCliques(self,Comments=False): """ Computes all cliques, ie maximal complete subgraphs in self: .. Note:: - Computes the maximal independent vertex sets in the dual of self. - Result is stored in self.cliques. """ import time,copy if Comments: print('*--- Maximal Cliques ---*') t0 = time.time() dualSelf = -self dualSelf.misset = set() vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) self.cliques = [m[0] for m in dualSelf.generateIndependent(dualSelf._singletons()) if m[0] == m[2]] t1 = time.time() n = len(vertices) v = [0 for i in range(n+1)] cliqueList = [(len(clique),clique) for clique in self.cliques] cliqueList.sort() for clq in cliqueList: # clq = (len(clique),clique) clique = list(clq[1]) clique.sort() print(clique) v[clq[0]] += 1 cliqueNumber = clq[0] self.cliqueNumber= cliqueNumber if Comments: print('number of solutions: ', len(self.cliques)) print('cardinality distribution') print('card.: ', list(range(n+1))) print('freq.: ', v) print('clique Number: ', cliqueNumber) print('execution time: %.5f sec.' % (t1-t0)) print('Results in self.cliques')
[docs] def computeComponents(self): """ Computes the connected components of a graph instance. Returns a partition of the vertices as a list """ components = [] dfs = self.depthFirstSearch() for tree in dfs: components.append(set(tree)) return components
[docs] def computeDegreeDistribution(self,Comments=False): """ Renders the distribution of vertex degrees. """ degreeDistribution = [0 for i in range(self.order)] for v in self.vertices: dv = len(self.gamma[v]) degreeDistribution[dv] += 1 if Comments: print('degrees : ', list(range(self.order))) print('distribution : ', degreeDistribution) return degreeDistribution
[docs] def computeDiameter(self, Oriented = False): """ Renders the diameter (maximal neighbourhood depth) of the digraph instance. .. Note:: The diameter of a disconnected graph is considered to be *infinite* (results in a value -1) ! """ order = self.order nbDepths = self.computeNeighbourhoodDepthDistribution() nbDepths.reverse() if nbDepths[0] != 0: diameter = -1 else: diameter = 0 for i in range(len(nbDepths)): if nbDepths[i+1] != 0: diameter = order - (i+1) break return diameter
[docs] def computeGirth(self,girthType="any",Comments=False): """ Renders the *girth* of self, i.e. the length of the shortest chordless cycle in the graph. *Parameter*: * *girthType* = "any" (default) | "odd" | "even" """ cycles = self.computeChordlessCycles() if Comments: print(cycles) girth = self.order + 1 for c in cycles: nc = len(c) if Comments: print(nc,c) if girthType == "odd": if nc % 2 == 1 and nc < girth: girth = nc elif girthType == "even": if nc % 2 == 0 and nc < girth: girth = nc else: if nc < girth: girth = nc if girth == self.order + 1: if Comments: if girthType == "any": print('the graph %s has no cycles' % ( else: print('the graph %s has no %s cycles' % (,girthType)) return if girthType == "odd": self.oddGirth = girth if Comments: print('odd girth = %d' % girth) elif girthType == "even": self.evenGirth = girth if Comments: print('even girth = %d' % girth) else: self.girth = girth if Comments: print('girth = %d' % girth) return girth
[docs] def computeMaximumMatching(self,Comments=False): """ Renders a maximum matching in *self* by computing a maximum MIS of the line graph of *self*. """ from graphs import LineGraph ls = LineGraph(self) ls.computeMIS() matchings = [(len(mis),mis) for mis in ls.misset] ms = sorted(matchings,reverse=True) if Comments: for mis in ms: print(mis) return ms[0][1] # skipping the length argument
[docs] def computeMIS(self,Comments=False): """ Prints all maximal independent vertex sets: .. Note:: - Result is stored in self.misset ! """ import time if Comments: print('*--- Maximal Independent Sets ---*') t0 = time.time() self.misset = set() vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) self.misset = [m[0] for m in self.generateIndependent(self._singletons()) if m[0] == m[2]] t1 = time.time() n = len(vertices) v = [0 for i in range(n+1)] misList = [(len(mis),mis) for mis in self.misset] misList.sort() #print(misList) for m in misList: # m = (len(mis),mis)) mis = list(m[1]) mis.sort() #print(mis) v[m[0]] += 1 stabilityNumber = m[0] self.stabilityNumber = stabilityNumber if Comments: print('number of solutions: ', len(misList)) print('cardinality distribution') print('card.: ', list(range(n+1))) print('freq.: ', v) print('stability number : ', stabilityNumber) print('execution time: %.5f sec.' % (t1-t0)) print('Results in self.misset')
[docs] def computeNeighbourhoodDepth(self,vertex,Debug=False): """ Renders the distribtion of neighbourhood depths. """ import copy order = self.order vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) if Debug: print('-->',vertex) nbx = 0 neighbx = set([vertex]) restVertices = vertices - neighbx while restVertices != set() and nbx < order: if Debug: print('nbx,restVertices', nbx,restVertices) nbx += 1 iterneighbx = copy.copy(neighbx) for y in iterneighbx: neighbx = neighbx | self.gamma[y] if Debug: print('y,self.gamma[y],neighbx', y,self.gamma[y],neighbx) restVertices = vertices - neighbx if Debug: print('nbx,restVertices',nbx,restVertices) if restVertices != set(): return order else: return nbx
[docs] def computeNeighbourhoodDepthDistribution(self,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Renders the distribtion of neighbourhood depths. """ import copy vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) order = self.order vecNeighbourhoodDepth = [0 for i in range(order+1)] for x in vertices: if Debug: print('-->',x) nbx = 0 neighbx = set([x]) restVertices = vertices - neighbx while restVertices != set() and nbx < order: if Debug: print('nbx,restVertices', nbx,restVertices) nbx += 1 iterneighbx = copy.copy(neighbx) for y in iterneighbx: neighbx = neighbx | self.gamma[y] if Debug: print('y,self.gamma[y],neighbx', y,self.gamma[y],neighbx) restVertices = vertices - neighbx if Debug: print('nbx,restVertices',nbx,restVertices) if restVertices != set(): vecNeighbourhoodDepth[order] += 1 else: vecNeighbourhoodDepth[nbx] += 1 if Comments: depths = list(range(self.order)) depths.append('inf.') print('nbh depths : ', depths) print('distribution : ', vecNeighbourhoodDepth) return vecNeighbourhoodDepth
[docs] def computeOrientedDigraph(self,PartiallyDetermined=False): """ Renders a digraph where each edge of the permutation graph *self* is converted into an arc oriented in increasing order of the adjacent vertices' numbers. If self is a PermutationGraph instance, the orientation will be transitive. The parameter *PartiallyDetermined*: {True|False by default], converts if *True* all absent edges of the graph into indeterminate symmetric relations in the resulting digraph. >>> from graphs import RandomGraph >>> g = RandomGraph(order=6,seed=101) >>> dg = g.computeOrientedDigraph() >>> dg *------- Digraph instance description ------* Instance class : Digraph Instance name : oriented_randomGraph Digraph Order : 6 Digraph Size : 5 Valuation domain : [-1.00; 1.00] Determinateness : 100.000 Attributes : ['name','order','actions','valuationdomain', 'relation', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'size', 'transitivityDegree'] >>> dg.transitivityDegree Decimal('0.7142857142857142857142857143') """ from digraphs import Digraph, EmptyDigraph from copy import deepcopy g = EmptyDigraph(order=self.order) g.__class__ = Digraph = 'oriented_' g.actions = deepcopy(self.vertices) g.valuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationDomain) Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} actionKeysList = [a for a in g.actions] for x in actionKeysList: relation[x] = {} for y in actionKeysList: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(actionKeysList) for i in range(n): x = actionKeysList[i] relation[x][x] = Med for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeysList[j] if self.edges[frozenset([x,y])] > Med: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif self.edges[frozenset([x,y])] < Med: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Med relation[y][x] = Med if PartiallyDetermined: for i in range(n): x = actionKeysList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeysList[j] if relation[x][y] < Med and relation[y][x] < Med: relation[x][y] = Med relation[y][x] = Med g.relation = relation g.size = g.computeSize() g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() g.transitivityDegree = g.computeTransitivityDegree() return g
[docs] def computeTransitivelyOrientedDigraph(self,PartiallyDetermined=False,Debug=False): """ Renders a digraph where each edge of the permutation graph *self* is converted into an arc oriented in increasing order of the ranks of implication classes detected with the :py:func:`digraphs.Digraph.isComparabilityGraph` test and stored in self.edgeOrientations. The parameter *PartiallyDetermined*: {True|False (by default), converts if *True* all absent edges of the graph into indeterminate symmetric relations in the resulting digraph. Verifies if the graph instance is a comparability graph. *Source*: M. Ch. Golumbic (2004) Algorithmic Graph Thery and Perfect Graphs, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 57, Elsevier, p. 129-132. >>> from graphs import RandomGraph >>> g = RandomGraph(order=6,edgeProbability=0.5,seed=100) >>> og = g.computeTransitivelyOrientedDigraph() >>> if og is not None: ... print(og) ... print('Transitivity degree: %.3f' % og.transitivityDegree) *------- Digraph instance description ------* Instance class : TransitiveDigraph Instance name : trans_oriented_randomGraph Digraph Order : 6 Digraph Size : 7 Valuation domain : [-1.00 - 1.00] Determinateness : 46.667 Attributes : ['name', 'order', 'actions', 'valuationdomain', 'relation', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'size', 'transitivityDegree'] Transitivity degree: 1.000 >>> gd = -g >>> ogd = gd.computeTransitivelyOrientedDigraph() >>> if ogd is not None: ... print(ogd) ... print('Dual transitivity degree: %.3f' % ogd.transitivityDegree) *------- Digraph instance description ------* Instance class : TransitiveOrder Instance name : trans_oriented_dual_randomGraph Digraph Order : 6 Digraph Size : 8 Valuation domain : [-1.00 - 1.00] Determinateness : 53.333 Attributes : ['name', 'order', 'actions', 'valuationdomain', 'relation', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'size', 'transitivityDegree'] Dual transitivity degree: 1.000 """ from digraphs import EmptyDigraph from transitiveDigraphs import TransitiveDigraph from copy import deepcopy if not self.isComparabilityGraph(): print('The graph %s does not admit a transitive orientation.' % else: if Debug: for arc in self.edgeOrientations: print(arc, self.edgeOrientations[arc]) g = EmptyDigraph(order=self.order) g.__class__ = TransitiveDigraph = 'trans_oriented_' g.actions = deepcopy(self.vertices) g.valuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationDomain) Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} actionKeysList = [a for a in g.actions] for x in actionKeysList: relation[x] = {} for y in actionKeysList: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(actionKeysList) for i in range(n): x = actionKeysList[i] relation[x][x] = Med for j in range(n): y = actionKeysList[j] if self.edgeOrientations[x,y] > 0: relation[x][y] = Max elif self.edgeOrientations[x,y] < 0: relation[x][y] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Med if PartiallyDetermined: for i in range(n): x = actionKeysList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeysList[j] if relation[x][y] < Med and relation[y][x] < Med: relation[x][y] = Med relation[y][x] = Med g.relation = relation g.closeTransitive() g.size = g.computeSize() g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() g.transitivityDegree = g.computeTransitivityDegree() return g
[docs] def computePermutation(self,seq1=None,seq2=None,Comments=True): """ Tests whether the graph instance *self* is a permutation graph and renders, in case the test is positive, the corresponding permutation. """ from digraphs import FusionDigraph if seq1 is None or seq2 is None: og = self.computeTransitivelyOrientedDigraph(PartiallyDetermined=True) odt = og.computeTransitivityDegree() if odt < Decimal('1'): if Comments: print('Transitivity degree %.3f < 1' % odt) print('The graph instance is not a permutation graph') return gd = -self ogd = gd.computeTransitivelyOrientedDigraph(PartiallyDetermined=True) ogdt = ogd.computeTransitivityDegree() if ogdt < Decimal('1'): if Comments: print('Dual transitivity degree %.3f < 1' % ogdt) print('The graph instance is not a permutation graph') return f1 = FusionDigraph(og,ogd,'o-max') f2 = FusionDigraph((-og),ogd,'o-max') seq1 = f1.computeCopelandRanking() if Comments: print(seq1) seq2 = f2.computeCopelandRanking() if Comments: print(seq2) permutation = [0 for j in range(self.order)] for j in range(self.order): permutation[seq2.index(seq1[j])] = j+1 return permutation
[docs] def computeSize(self): """ Renders the number of positively characterised edges of this graph instance (result is stored in self.size). """ size = 0 Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] for edge in self.edges: if self.edges[edge] > Med: size += 1 self.size = size return size
[docs] def breadthFirstSearch(self,s,alphabeticOrder=True,Warnings=True,Debug=False): """ Breadth first search through a graph in lexicographical order of the vertex keys. Renders a list of vertice keys in increasing distance from the origin *s*. Ties in the distances are resolved by alphabetic ordering of the vertice keys. A warning is issued when the graph is not connected and the resulting search does not cover the whole set of graph vertices. Source: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein, *Introduction to Algorithms* 2d Ed., MIT Press 2001. """ vertices = self.vertices components = self.computeComponents() if Debug: print(components) for comp in components: if s in comp: verticesKeys = [x for x in comp] if alphabeticOrder: verticesKeys.sort() nv = len(vertices) verticesKeys.remove(s) color = {} bfsDepth = {} parent = {} for x in verticesKeys: color[x] = 0 bfsDepth[x] = nv parent[x] = None color[s] = 1 bfsDepth[s] = 0 parent[s] = None if Debug: print(color,bfsDepth,parent) F = [s] while F != []: u = F.pop() F.append(u) for v in self.gamma[u]: if color[v] == 0: color[v] = 1 bfsDepth[v] = bfsDepth[u] + 1 parent[v] = u F.append(v) if Debug: print('u,v,F',u,v,F) F.remove(u) color[u] = 2 if Debug: print(color,bfsDepth,parent) bfs = [(bfsDepth[v],v) for v in comp] bfs.sort() self.bfs = [x[1] for x in bfs] self.bfsDepth = bfsDepth return self.bfs else: if Warnings: print('Warning: graph %s is not connected!' % print('Not with %s connected vertices: %s' % (s,str(comp)) )
[docs] def depthFirstSearch(self,Debug=False): """ Depth first search through a graph in lexicographical order of the vertex keys. """ def _visitVertex(self, x, Debug = False): """ Visits all followers of vertex x. """ self.vertices[x]['color'] = 1 ## += 1 self.vertices[x]['startDate'] = self._dfsx.append(x) if Debug: print(' dfs %s, date = %d' % (str(self.dfs), self.vertices[x]['startDate'])) nextVertices = [y for y in self.gamma[x]] nextVertices.sort() if Debug: print(' next ', nextVertices) for y in nextVertices: if self.vertices[y]['color'] == 0: += 1 _visitVertex(self,y, Debug = Debug) if self.vertices[x]['color'] == 1: self._dfsx.append(x) self.vertices[x]['color'] = 2 self.vertices[x]['endDate'] = += 1 def _visitAllVertices(self, Debug=False): """ Mark the starting date for all vertices and controls the progress of the search with vertices colors: White (0), Grey (1), Black (2) Stores the depth first search path in the *self.dfs* attribute and returns it. """ self.dfs = [] for x in self.vertices: self.vertices[x]['color'] = 0 = 0 verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesList.sort() for x in verticesList: self._dfsx = [] if self.vertices[x]['color'] == 0: if Debug: print('==>> Starting from %s ' % x) _visitVertex(self, x, Debug = Debug) self.dfs.append(self._dfsx) #self.vertices[x]['color'] = 2 #self.vertices[x]['endDate'] = # ---- main ----- _visitAllVertices(self, Debug=Debug) return self.dfs
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None,verticesSubset=None, Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', WithSpanningTree=False, WithVertexColoring=False, matching=None, layout=None, arcColor='black', bgcolor='cornsilk', lineWidth=1): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for graph drawing filtering. Example: >>> g = Graph(numberOfVertices=5,edgeProbability=0.3) >>> g.exportGraphViz('randomGraph') .. image:: randomGraph.png :alt: Random graph :width: 300 px :align: center """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') if verticesSubset is None: vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] else: vertexkeys = [x for x in verticesSubset] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) ## if bestChoice != set(): ## rankBestString = '{rank=max; ' ## if worstChoice != set(): ## rankWorstString = '{rank=min; ' fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) if WithVertexColoring: node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' node += ', style = "filled", color = %s' \ % self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['color'] else: node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' try: if self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['spin'] == 1: node += ', style = "filled", color = %s' % spinColor except: pass node += '];\n' fo.write(node) if WithSpanningTree: try: dfs = self.dfs except: print('no spanning tree yet computed. Run self.randomDepthFirstSearch() !') edgesColored = set() print(dfs) for tree in dfs: for i in range((len(tree)-1)): #print(i,tree[i],tree[i+1]) edgesColored.add(frozenset([tree[i],tree[i+1]])) #print('Spanning tree: ', edgesColored) if matching is not None: withMatching = True edgesColored = set() for edge in matching: edgesColored.add(edge) print('Matching: ', edgesColored) else: withMatching = False for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if i != j: edge = 'n'+str(i+1) if edges[frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]])] > Med: if WithSpanningTree and \ frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]]) in edgesColored: arrowFormat = \ ' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(3)",color=red, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' elif withMatching and \ frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]]) in edgesColored: arrowFormat = \ ' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(3)",color=red, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' else: arrowFormat = \ ' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(%d)",color=%s, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' % (lineWidth,arcColor) edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+arrowFormat fo.write(edge0) elif edges[frozenset([vertexkeys[i],vertexkeys[j]])] == Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+\ ' [dir=both, color=grey, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() # choose layout model if layout is None: if isinstance(self,(GridGraph,TriangulatedGrid,TreeGraph)): layout = 'neato' elif isinstance(self,(CycleGraph)): layout = 'circo' else: layout = 'fdp' commandString = layout+' -T'+graphType+' '+dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] def exportEdgeOrientationsGraphViz(self,fileName=None,verticesSubset=None, Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', layout=None, arcColor='black', lineWidth=1, palette=1, bgcolor='cornsilk', Debug=False): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for oriented graph drawing filtering. Example: >>> from graphs import * >>> g = RandomGraph(order=6,seed=100) >>> if g.isComparabilityGraph(): ... g.exportEdgeOrientationsGraphViz('orientedGraph') .. image:: orientedGraph.png :alt: Random graph :width: 300 px :align: center """ import os if Debug: Comments=True try: edgeOrientations = self.edgeOrientations except AttributeError: if not self.isComparabilityGraph(): print('The graph %s is not transitively orientable' % return if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') if verticesSubset is None: vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] else: vertexkeys = [x for x in verticesSubset] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor)) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' node += '];\n' fo.write(node) # reminder include a color palette in digraphsToold from digraphsTools import colorPalettes ## colors0 = ['black', ## 'blue', ## 'coral', ## 'gold', ## 'gray', ## 'black', ## 'pink', ## 'green', ## 'orange', ## 'skyblue', ## 'wheat', ## 'salmon'] ## colors1 = ['#EA2027', ## '#006266', ## '#1B1464', ## '#5758BB', ## '#6F1E51', ## '#EE5A24', ## '#009432', ## '#0652DD', ## '#9980FA', ## '#833471', ## '#F79F1F', ## '#A3CB38', ## '#1289A7', ## '#D980FA', ## '#B53471', ## '#FFC312', ## '#C4E538', ## '#12CBC4', ## '#FDA7DF', ## '#ED4C67', ## ] colors = colorPalettes[palette] edgeColors = {} for edge in self.edges: if edges[edge] > Med: arc = tuple(sorted([v for v in edge])) edgeColors[arc] = colors[abs(edgeOrientations[arc])] if Debug: print(self.edgeOrientations) print(edgeColors) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if i != j: edge = 'n'+str(i+1) edgeKey = frozenset([vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]]) if edges[edgeKey] > Med: arc = tuple(sorted([v for v in edgeKey])) arcColor = edgeColors[arc] if Debug: print(arcColor,lineWidth) if edgeOrientations[arc] > 0: arrowFormat = \ ' [dir=forward,style="setlinewidth(%d)",color="%s", arrowhead=normal, arrowtail=none] ;\n' %\ (lineWidth,arcColor) elif edgeOrientations[arc] < 0: arrowFormat = \ ' [dir=back,style="setlinewidth(%d)",color="%s", arrowhead=none, arrowtail=normal] ;\n' %\ (lineWidth,arcColor) edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+arrowFormat fo.write(edge0) ## elif edges[frozenset([vertexkeys[i],vertexkeys[j]])] == Med: ## edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+\ ## ' [dir=both, color=grey, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' ## fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() # choose layout model if layout is None: layout = 'fdp' commandString = layout+' -T'+graphType+' '+dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] def exportPermutationGraphViz(self,fileName=None, permutation=None, Comments=True, WithEdgeColoring=True, hspace=100, vspace=70, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', arcColor='black', bgcolor='cornsilk', lineWidth=1): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for permutation drawing filtering. Horizontal (default=100) and vertical (default=75) spaces betwen the vertices' positions may be explicitely given in *hspace* and *vspace* parameters. .. note:: If no *permutation* is provided, it is supposed to exist a self.permutation attribute. """ import os # inversions drawing if permutation is None: try: permutation = self.permutation except AttributeError: print('No permutation available !!') return colors = {'gold':'gold', 'lightblue':'blue', 'lightcoral':'coral', 'lightyellow':'yellow', 'orange':'orange', 'gray':'black', 'lightpink':'pink', 'seagreen1':'green', 'skyblue':'skyblue', 'wheat1':'wheat', 'lightsalmon':'salmon'} if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = 'perm_' else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict digraph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor)) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') # horizontally positioned initial nodes at line 100 # horinzontal space = 75 vspace = 100 hspace = 60 for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' try: if self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['spin'] == 1: node += ', style = "filled", color = %s, ' % spinColor except: pass node += 'pos="%d,%d"];\n' % (i*hspace,vspace) fo.write(node) # horizontally positionned terminal nodes at line 0 for i in range(n): k = permutation[i]-1 try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[k]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[k]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[k]) node = 'n'+str(n+k+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' try: if self.vertices[vertexkeys[k]]['spin'] == 1: node += ', style = "filled", color = %s, ' % spinColor except: pass node += 'pos="%d,%d"];\n' % (i*hspace,0) fo.write(node) for i in range(n): edge = 'n'+str(i+1) if WithEdgeColoring: try: colorKey = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['color'] except KeyError: self.computeMinimalVertexColoring() colorKey = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['color'] arrowFormat = \ edge0 = edge+'-> n'+str(n+i+1) +\ ' [dir=both, color=%s, style="setlinewidth(2)",\ arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n'\ % colors[colorKey] ## except KeyError: ## arrowFormat = \ ## edge0 = edge+'-> n'+str(n+i+1) +\ ## ' [dir=both, color=black, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' else: arrowFormat = \ edge0 = edge+'-> n'+str(n+i+1) +\ ' [dir=both, color=black, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() # choose layout model layout = 'neato' commandString = layout+' -n -T'+graphType+' '+dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] def gammaSets(self,Debug=False): """ renders the gamma function as dictionary """ vkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] if Debug: print('vkeys', vkeys) edges = self.edges gamma = dict() for v in vkeys: gamma[v] = set() for e in edges: if edges[e] > 0: if Debug: print('e', e) pair = set(e) e1 = pair.pop() e2 = pair.pop() gamma[e1].add(e2) gamma[e2].add(e1) return gamma
[docs] def generateIndependent(self,U): """ Generator for all independent vertices sets with neighborhoods of a graph instance: .. note:: * Initiate with U = self._singletons(). * Yields [independent set, covered set, all vertices - covered set)]. * If independent set == (all vertices - covered set), the given independent set is maximal ! """ if U == []: vertices = set([x for x in self.vertices]) yield [frozenset(),set(),vertices] else: x = list(U.pop()) for S in self.generateIndependent(U): yield S if x[0] <= S[2]: Sxgam = S[1] | x[1] Sxindep = S[2] & x[2] Sxchoice = S[0] | x[0] Sx = [Sxchoice,Sxgam,Sxindep] yield Sx
[docs] def graph2Digraph(self): """ Converts a Graph object into a symmetric Digraph object. """ from copy import deepcopy from digraphs import Digraph, EmptyDigraph dg = EmptyDigraph(order=self.order) dg.__class__ = Digraph = deepcopy( dg.actions = deepcopy(self.vertices) dg.order = len(dg.actions) dg.valuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationDomain) dg.convertValuationToDecimal() dg.relations = {} actionsKeys = [x for x in dg.actions] for x in actionsKeys: dg.relation[x] = {} for y in actionsKeys: if x == y: dg.relation[x][y] = dg.valuationdomain['med'] else: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) dg.relation[x][y] = self.edges[edgeKey] dg.convertRelationToDecimal() dg.gamma = dg.gammaSets() dg.notGamma = dg.notGammaSets() return dg
[docs] def isComparabilityGraph(self,Debug=False): """ Verifies if the graph instance is a comparability graph. If yes, a tranditive orientation of the edges is stored in self.edgeOrientations. *Source*: M. Ch. Golumbic (2004) Algorithmic Graph Thery and Perfect Graphs, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 57, Elsevier, p. 129-132. """ global orientation,IsComparabilityGraph,k def _explore(arc): global orientation,IsComparabilityGraph,k i = arc[0] j = arc[1] if Debug: print('arc', arc, orientation, self.gamma[i], self.gamma[j]) for m in self.gamma[i]: if Debug: print(i,j,m,self.gamma[j],orientation[(j,m)]) if (m not in self.gamma[j]) or (abs(orientation[(j,m)]) < k): if orientation[(i,m)] == 999: orientation[(i,m)] = k orientation[(m,i)] = -k _explore((i,m)) elif orientation[(i,m)] == -k: orientation[(i,m)] = k IsComparabilityGraph = False if Debug: print('is comp?',IsComparabilityGraph) #return _explore((i,m)) for m in self.gamma[j]: if Debug: print(i,j,m,self.gamma[i],orientation[(i,m)]) if (m not in self.gamma[i]) or (abs(orientation[(i,m)]) < k): if orientation[(m,j)] == 999: orientation[(m,j)] = k orientation[(j,m)] = -k _explore((m,j)) elif orientation[(m,j)] == -k: orientation[(m,j)] = k IsComparabilityGraph = False if Debug: print('is comp ?',IsComparabilityGraph) #return _explore((m,j)) if Debug: print(arc,orientation,IsComparabilityGraph) # initializing IsComparabilityGraph = True k = 0 orientation = {} n = len(self.vertices) verticesList = list(self.vertices.keys()) for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] orientation[(vi,vi)] = 0 for j in range(i+1,n): vi = verticesList[i] vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset([vi,vj]) if self.edges[edgeKey] > Decimal('0'): orientation[(vi,vj)] = 999 orientation[(vj,vi)] = 999 else: orientation[(vi,vj)] = 0 orientation[(vj,vi)] = 0 #exploring all positive edges for edge in self.edges: arc = tuple(edge) if self.edges[edge] > Decimal('0'): if orientation[arc] == 999: k += 1 orientation[arc] = k orientation[tuple(reversed(arc))] = -k _explore(arc) if Debug: print('===>>>',edge,'=',self.edges[edge],orientation) # storing the edge decomposition self.IsComparabilityGraph = IsComparabilityGraph if IsComparabilityGraph: self.edgeOrientations = orientation return IsComparabilityGraph
[docs] def isConnected(self): """ Cheks if self is a connected graph instance. """ dfs = self.depthFirstSearch() if len(dfs) == 1: return True else: return False
[docs] def isIntervalGraph(self,Comments=False): """ Checks whether the graph self is triangulated and its dual is a comparability graph. *Source*: M. Ch. Golumbic (2004) Algorithmic Graph Thery and Perfect Graphs, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 57, Elsevier, p. 16. """ if self.isTriangulated(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is triangulated.' % ds = -self if ds.isComparabilityGraph(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is transitively orientable.' % print('=> Graph \'%s\' is an interval graph.' % return True else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not transitively orientable.' % return False else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not triangulated' % return False
[docs] def isPermutationGraph(self,Comments=False): """ Checks whether the graph self and its dual are comparability graphs. *Source*: M. Ch. Golumbic (2004) Algorithmic Graph Thery and Perfect Graphs, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 57, Elsevier, p. 16. """ if self.isComparabilityGraph(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is transitively orientable.' % ds = -self if ds.isComparabilityGraph(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is transitively orientable.' % print('=> Graph \'%s\' is a permutation graph.' % return True else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not transitively orientable.' % return False else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not transitively orientable' % return False
[docs] def isTree(self): """ Checks if self is a tree by verifing the required number of edges: order-1; and the existence of leaves. """ n = self.order m = self.size if n == 1: return True elif m != n-1: return False else: nbrOfLeaves = 0 for x in self.vertices: degreex = len(self.gamma[x]) if degreex == 0: # isolated vertex return False elif degreex == 1: nbrOfLeaves += 1 if nbrOfLeaves < 2: # a cycle graph return False else: return True
[docs] def isTriangulated(self): """ Checks if a graph contains no chordless cycle of length greater or equal to 4. """ if self.computeChordlessCycles() == set(): return True else: return False
[docs] def isSplitGraph(self,Comments=False): """ Checks whether the graph ' *self* ' and its dual ' *-self* ' are triangulated graphs """ if self.isTriangulated(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is triangulated.' % ds = -self if ds.isTriangulated(): if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is triangulated.' % print('=> Graph \'%s\' is a split graph.' % return True else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not is not triangulated.' % return False else: if Comments: print('Graph \'%s\' is not triangulated' % return False
[docs] def isPerfectGraph(self,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ A graph *g* is perfect when neither *g*, nor *-g*, contain any chordless cycle of odd length. """ cycles = self.computeChordlessCycles(Comments=Debug) for c in cycles: if (len(c) % 2) != 0: if Comments: print('Graph %s contains an odd chordless circuit!' % print(c) return False cycles = (-self).computeChordlessCycles(Comments=Debug) for c in cycles: if (len(c) % 2) != 0: if Comments: print('The dual of graph %s contains an odd chordless circuit!' % print(c) return False if Comments: print('Graph %s is perfect !' % return True
[docs] def randomDepthFirstSearch(self,seed=None,Debug=False): """ Depth first search through a graph in random order of the vertex keys. .. Note:: The resulting spanning tree (or forest) is by far not uniformly selected among all possible trees. Spanning stars will indeed be much less probably selected then streight walks ! """ import random random.seed(seed) def visitVertex(self,x,Debug=False): """ Visits all followers of vertex x. """ self.vertices[x]['color'] = 1 ## += 1 self.vertices[x]['startDate'] = self._dfsx.append(x) if Debug: print(' dfs %s, date = %d' % (str(self.dfs), self.vertices[x]['startDate'])) nextVertices = [y for y in self.gamma[x]] nextVertices.sort() if Debug: print(' next ', nextVertices) while nextVertices != []: y = random.choice(nextVertices) if self.vertices[y]['color'] == 0: += 1 visitVertex(self,y,Debug=Debug) if self.vertices[x]['color'] == 1: self._dfsx.append(x) nextVertices.remove(y) self.vertices[x]['color'] = 2 self.vertices[x]['endDate'] = += 1 def visitAllVertices(self,Debug=False): """ Mark the starting date for all vertices and controls the progress of the search with vertices colors: White (0), Grey (1), Black (2) """ self.dfs = [] for x in self.vertices: self.vertices[x]['color'] = 0 = 0 verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesList.sort() while verticesList != []: x = random.choice(verticesList) self._dfsx = [] if self.vertices[x]['color'] == 0: if Debug: print('==>> Starting from %s ' % x) visitVertex(self,x,Debug=Debug) self.dfs.append(self._dfsx) verticesList.remove(x) # ---- main ----- visitAllVertices(self,Debug=Debug) return self.dfs
[docs] def recodeValuation(self,newMin=-1,newMax=1,ndigits=2,Debug=False): """ Recodes the characteristic valuation domain according to the parameters given. .. note:: Default values gives a normalized valuation domain """ from copy import deepcopy oldMax = self.valuationDomain['max'] oldMin = self.valuationDomain['min'] oldMed = self.valuationDomain['med'] oldAmplitude = oldMax - oldMin if Debug: print(oldMin, oldMed, oldMax, oldAmplitude) formatString = '%%2.%df' % ndigits newMin = Decimal(str(newMin)) newMax = Decimal(str(newMax)) newMed = Decimal(formatString % ((newMax + newMin)/Decimal('2.0'))) newAmplitude = newMax - newMin if Debug: print(newMin, newMed, newMax, newAmplitude) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] oldEdges = self.edges newEdges = {} for i in range(self.order): x = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,self.order): y = verticesList[j] edge = frozenset([x,y]) if oldEdges[edge] == oldMax: newEdges[edge] = Decimal(formatString % newMax) elif oldEdges[edge] == oldMin: newEdges[edge] = Decimal(formatString % newMin) elif oldEdges[edge] == oldMed: newEdges[edge] = Decimal(formatString % newMed) else: newEdges[edge] = Decimal(formatString % ( newMin + ((oldEdges[edge] - oldMin)/oldAmplitude)*newAmplitude)) if Debug: print(edge,oldEdges[edge],newEdges[edge]) # install new values in self self.valuationDomain['max'] = newMax self.valuationDomain['min'] = newMin self.valuationDomain['med'] = newMed if ndigits == 0: self.valuationDomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = True else: self.valuationDomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = False self.edges = deepcopy(newEdges)
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempGraph',Debug=False): """ Persistent storage of a Graph class instance in the form of a python source code file. """ print('*--- Saving graph in file: <' + fileName + '.py> ---*') verticesKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesKeys.sort() #order = len(self.vertices) edges = self.edges Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') fo.write('# Graph instance saved in Python format\n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') fo.write('vertices = {\n') for x in verticesKeys: fo.write('\'%s\': %s,\n' % (x,self.vertices[x])) fo.write('}\n') fo.write("valuationDomain = {\'min\': Decimal(\'%s\'),\'med\': Decimal(\'%s\'),\'max\': Decimal(\'%s\')}\n"\ % (str(Min), str(Med),str(Max) )) fo.write('edges = {\n') for i in range(self.order): for j in range(i+1,self.order): fo.write("frozenset([\'%s\',\'%s\']) : Decimal(\'%s\'),\n" % (verticesKeys[i],verticesKeys[j], str(edges[frozenset([verticesKeys[i],verticesKeys[j]])])) ) fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def setEdgeValue(self,edge,value,Comments=False): """ Wrapper for updating the characteristic valuation of a Graph instance. The egde parameter consists in a pair of vertices; edge = ('v1','v2') for instance. The new value must be in the limits of the valuation domain. """ from decimal import Decimal # check vertices' existance verticesIds = [x for x in self.vertices] if (edge[0] not in verticesIds) or (edge[1] not in verticesIds): #self.showShort() print('!!! Error: edge %s not found !!!' % str(edge)) return # check new edge value Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] newValue = Decimal(str(value)) if newValue > Max or value < Min: print('!!! Error: edge value %s out of range !!!' % str(value)) print(self.valuationDomain) return # set new value self.edges[frozenset(edge)] = Decimal(str(value)) self.gamma = self.gammaSets() if Comments: print('edge %s put to value %s.' % (edge,str(value)))
def showCliques(self): self.computeCliques(Comments=True)
[docs] def showEdgesCharacteristicValues(self,ndigits=2): """ Prints the edge links of the bipartite graph instance """ verticesKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] edges = self.edges try: IntegerValuation = self.valuationDomain['IntegerValuation'] except: IntegerValuation = False print('\t|', end=' ') n = len(verticesKeys) for i in range(1,n): x = verticesKeys[i] print("'"+x+"'\t", end=' ') print('\n--------|--------------------') for i in range(n-1): x = verticesKeys[i] print(" '"+x+"' | ", end=' ') for j in range(1,n): if j < (i+1): print('\t',end=' ') else: y = verticesKeys[j] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) if IntegerValuation: print('%+d\t' % (edges[edgeKey]), end=' ') else: formatString = '%%+2.%df\t' % ndigits print(formatString % (edges[edgeKey]), end=' ') print('') if IntegerValuation: print('Valuation domain: [%+d;%+d]'% (self.valuationDomain['min'], self.valuationDomain['max'])) else: formatString = 'Valuation domain: [%%+2.%df;%%+2.%df]' % (ndigits,ndigits) print( formatString % (self.valuationDomain['min'], self.valuationDomain['max']))
def showMIS(self): self.computeMIS(Comments=True)
[docs] def showMore(self): """ Generic show method for Graph instances. """ print('*---- Properties of the graph ----*') print('Name : \'%s\'' % ( ) vKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] vKeys.sort() print('Vertices : ', vKeys) print('Order : ', self.order) self.showMIS() self.showCliques()
[docs] def showShort(self): """ Generic show method for Graph instances. """ print('*---- short description of the graph ----*') print('Name : \'%s\'' % ( ) vKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] vKeys.sort() print('Vertices : ', vKeys) print('Valuation domain : ', self.valuationDomain) print('Gamma function : ') for v in vKeys: print('%s -> %s' % (v, list(self.gamma[v]))) self.computeDegreeDistribution(Comments=True) self.computeNeighbourhoodDepthDistribution(Comments=True)
[docs] class EmptyGraph(Graph): """ Intantiates graph of given order without any positively valued edge. *Parameter*: * order (positive integer) """ def __init__(self,order=5,seed=None): = 'emptyGraph' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = dict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] edges = dict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] verticesList.sort() for x in verticesList: for y in verticesList: if x != y: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class CompleteGraph(Graph): """ Instances of complete graphs bipolarly valuated in {-1,0,+1}. Each vertex x is positively linked to all the other vertices (edges[frozenset({x,y})] = +1) *Parameter*: * *order* (positive integer) * *verticesKeys* is a list of vertex keys. When given, the *order* and the *verticesIdPrefix* parameters are ignored and the order is the length of the given list. """ def __init__(self,order=5,verticesKeys=None, verticesIdPrefix='v',seed=None): from collections import OrderedDict = 'completeGraph' if verticesKeys is None: self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('%s%%0%dd' % (verticesIdPrefix,nd)) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} else: # given list of vertices keys vertices = OrderedDict() for vertexKey in verticesKeys: vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'given vertex'} self.order = len(vertices) self.vertices = vertices self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] edges = dict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] verticesList.sort() for x in verticesList: for y in verticesList: if x != y: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Max self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class BipartiteGraph(Graph): """ Abstract root class for bipartite graph instances """ def __init__(): """ Abstract class entry """ print('Abstract root class for bipartite graphs') def __repr__(self): """ Default description for bipartite graph instances. """ reprString = '*------- Bipartite graph instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Order : %d\n' % self.order reprString += 'Size : %d\n' % self.size reprString += 'Part A size : %d\n' % len(self.verticesKeysA) reprString += 'Part B size : %d\n' % len(self.verticesKeysB) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) return reprString
[docs] def computeBestDeterminedMaximalMatching(self,Comments=True,Debug=True): """ Using the ranked pairs rule for assembling a best determined maximal matching """ remainingAKeys = [a for a in self.verticesKeysA] remainingBKeys = [b for b in self.verticesKeysB] if Debug: print(remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) pairs = [] edges = self.edges na = len(remainingAKeys) nb = len(remainingBKeys) for i in range(na): for j in range(nb): edgeKey = frozenset({remainingAKeys[i], remainingBKeys[j]}) pairs.append((edges[edgeKey],edgeKey)) pairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(pairs) lmatching = [] i = 0 np = len(pairs) while i < np: edgeKeys = list(pairs[i][1]) if Debug: print(edgeKeys) if (edgeKeys[0] in remainingAKeys and edgeKeys[1] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(edgeKeys[0]) remainingBKeys.remove(edgeKeys[1]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) i += 1 if Debug: print(i,edgeKeys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) elif (edgeKeys[1] in remainingAKeys and edgeKeys[0] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(edgeKeys[1]) remainingBKeys.remove(edgeKeys[0]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) i += 1 if Debug: print(i,edgeKeys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) else: i += 1 if Debug: print(len(lmatching),lmatching) return frozenset(lmatching)
[docs] def showEdgesCharacteristicValues(self,ndigits=2): """ Prints the edge links of the bipartite graph instance """ aKeys = [x for x in self.verticesKeysA] bKeys = [y for y in self.verticesKeysB] edges = self.edges try: IntegerValuation = self.valuationDomain['IntegerValuation'] except: IntegerValuation = False print('\t|', end=' ') for y in bKeys: print("'"+y+"'\t", end=' ') print('\n--------|--------------------') for x in aKeys: print(" '"+x+"' | ", end=' ') for y in bKeys: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) if IntegerValuation: print('%+d\t' % (edges[edgeKey]), end=' ') else: formatString = '%%+2.%df\t' % ndigits print(formatString % (edges[edgeKey]), end=' ') print('') if IntegerValuation: print('Valuation domain: [%+d;%+d]'% (self.valuationDomain['min'], self.valuationDomain['max'])) else: formatString = 'Valuation domain: [%%+2.%df;%%+2.%df]' % (ndigits,ndigits) print( formatString % (self.valuationDomain['min'], self.valuationDomain['max']))
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', edgeColor='blue', bgcolor='cornsilk', lineWidth=1, Debug=True): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for bipartite graph drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') Akeys = self.verticesKeysA Bkeys = self.verticesKeysB vertexkeys = Akeys + Bkeys n = len(vertexkeys) Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] edges = self.edges matching = [edgeKey for edgeKey in edges if edges[edgeKey] > Med] if Debug: print(matching) i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2023", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') fo.write('splines=false;\n') fo.write('node[shape=circle]\n') fo.write('edge[color=%s]\n' % edgeColor) fo.write('subgraph cluster_1r {\n') n = len(Akeys) for i in range(n): fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Akeys[i],Akeys[i]) ) for i in range(n-1): fo.write(' %s--' % Akeys[i]) fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % (Akeys[n-1]) ) fo.write(' label = "part A"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') fo.write('subgraph cluster_1l {\n') n = len(Bkeys) for i in range(n): fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Bkeys[i],Bkeys[i]) ) for i in range(n-1): fo.write(' %s--' % Bkeys[i]) fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % Bkeys[n-1] ) fo.write(' label = "part B"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') for m in matching: pair = list(m) pair.sort() fo.write('%s--%s [constraint=false]\n' % (pair[0],pair[1])) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() layout = "dot" commandString = '%s -T%s %s -o %s.%s' % (layout,graphType,dotName,name,graphType) if Comments: print(commandString) try: from os import system system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] class CompleteBipartiteGraph(BipartiteGraph): """ Instances of complete bipartite graphs bipolarly valuated in {-1,0,+1}. Each vertex x in part *A* is positively linked to each vertex y in part *B*, i.e edges[frozenset({x,y})] = +1 for all *x* in part *A* and all *y* in part *B*. *Parameter*: * *verticesKeysA* is the list of vertex keys of part *A* * *verticesKeysB* is the list of vertex keys When given, """ def __init__(self,verticesKeysA,verticesKeysB,Debug=True): from collections import OrderedDict = 'bipartiteGraph' # vertices vertices = OrderedDict() for x in verticesKeysA: vertices[x] = {'shortName':x, 'name': 'vertex of part A'} for y in verticesKeysB: vertices[y] = {'shortName':y, 'name': 'vertex of part B'} self.vertices = vertices self.verticesKeysA = verticesKeysA self.verticesKeysB = verticesKeysB order = len(vertices) self.order = order # valuation domain self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] edges = dict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] for x in verticesList: for y in verticesList: if x != y: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Min na = len(verticesKeysA) nb = len(verticesKeysB) for i in range(na): x = verticesKeysA[i] for j in range(nb): y = verticesKeysB[j] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Max self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
## def exportPairingGraphViz(self,fileName=None, ## Comments=True, ## graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', ## edgeColor='blue', ## bgcolor='cornsilk', ## lineWidth=1, ## Debug=True): ## """ ## Exports GraphViz dot file for bipartite graph drawing filtering. ## """ ## import os ## if Comments: ## print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') ## Akeys = self.verticesKeysA ## Bkeys = self.verticesKeysB ## vertexkeys = Akeys + Bkeys ## n = len(vertexkeys) ## Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] ## edges = self.edges ## matching = [edgeKey for edgeKey in edges if edges[edgeKey] > Med] ## if Debug: ## print(matching) ## i = 0 ## if fileName is None: ## name = ## else: ## name = fileName ## dotName = name+'.dot' ## if Comments: ## print('Exporting to '+dotName) ## fo = open(dotName,'w') ## fo.write('graph G {\n') ## if bgcolor is not None: ## fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) ## else: ## fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') ## fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2023", size="') ## fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') ## fo.write('splines=false;\n') ## fo.write('node[shape=circle]\n') ## fo.write('edge[color=%s]\n' % edgeColor) ## ## fo.write('subgraph cluster_1r {\n') ## n = len(Akeys) ## for i in range(n): ## fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Akeys[i],Akeys[i]) ) ## for i in range(n-1): ## fo.write(' %s--' % Akeys[i]) ## fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % (Akeys[n-1]) ) ## fo.write(' label = "group A"\n') ## fo.write(' color = white\n') ## fo.write('}\n') ## ## fo.write('subgraph cluster_1l {\n') ## n = len(Bkeys) ## for i in range(n): ## fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Bkeys[i],Bkeys[i]) ) ## for i in range(n-1): ## fo.write(' %s--' % Bkeys[i]) ## fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % Bkeys[n-1] ) ## fo.write(' label = "group B"\n') ## fo.write(' color = white\n') ## ## fo.write('}\n') ## ## for m in matching: ## pair = list(m) ## pair.sort() ## fo.write('%s--%s [constraint=false]\n' % (pair[0],pair[1])) ## fo.write('}\n') ## ## fo.close() ## layout = "dot" ## ## commandString = '%s -T%s %s -o %s.%s' % (layout,graphType,dotName,name,graphType) ## if Comments: ## print(commandString) ## try: ## from os import system ## system(commandString) ## except: ## if Comments: ## print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') ## print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] class DualGraph(Graph): """ Instantiates the dual Graph object of a given other Graph instance. The relation constructor returns the dual of self.relation with formula: relationOut[a][b] = Max - self.relation[a][b] + Min where Max (resp. Min) equals valuation maximum (resp. minimum). """ def __init__(self,other): from copy import deepcopy self.__class__ = other.__class__ = 'dual_' + str( try: self.description = deepcopy(other.description) except AttributeError: pass try: # the dual of a PermutationGraph reverses the permutation permutation = list(other.permutation) permutation.reverse() self.permutation = permutation except AttributeError: pass self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(other.valuationDomain) Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] self.vertices = deepcopy(other.vertices) self.order = len(self.vertices) self.edges = {} for e in other.edges: self.edges[e] = Max - other.edges[e] + Min self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class CycleGraph(Graph): """ Instances of cycle graph characterized in [-1,1]. *Parameter*: * order (positive integer) Example of 7-cycle graph instance: .. image:: 7cycle.png :alt: 7-cycle instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,order=5,seed=None,Debug=False): from collections import OrderedDict = 'cycleGraph' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'id':i+1, 'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices verticesList = [key for key in vertices] self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] edges = OrderedDict() #verticesList = [v for v in vertices] #verticesList.sort() for x in vertices: for y in vertices: if x != y: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Min for i in range(order-1): edgeKey = frozenset(verticesList[i:i+2]) edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(edgeKey) x = verticesList[-1] y = verticesList[0] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(edgeKey) self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class IntervalIntersectionsGraph(Graph): """ Inveral graph constructed from a list of *n* intervals, ie pairs (a,b) of integer numbers where a < b. """ def __init__(self,intervals,Debug=False): from collections import OrderedDict = 'lineIntersections' self.intervals = intervals if Debug: print(intervals) order = len(intervals) self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] edges = OrderedDict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] #verticesList.sort() for i in range(order): x = verticesList[i] a = intervals[i][0] b = intervals[i][1] for j in range(i+1,order): y = verticesList[j] c = intervals[j][0] d = intervals[j][1] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) if c <= a and d >= a: edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(a,b,c,d,'=>',1) elif d >= b and c <= b: edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(a,b,c,d,'=>',2) elif c <= a and d >= a: edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(a,b,c,d,'=>',3) elif c >= a and d <= b: edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print(a,b,c,d,'=>',4) else: edges[edgeKey] = Min if Debug: print(a,b,c,d,'=>',5) if Debug: print('a,b,c,d,edgeKey,edges[edgeKey]') print(edgeKey,edges[edgeKey]) self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomIntervalIntersectionsGraph(IntervalIntersectionsGraph): """ Random generator for IntervalIntersectionsGraph intances.""" def __init__(self,order=5,seed=None,m=0,M=10,Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed = 'randIntervalIntersections' self.order = order intervals = [] for i in range(order): a = random.randint(m,M) b = random.randint(m,M) if a < b: intervals.append((a,b)) else: intervals.append((b,a)) if Debug: print(intervals) self.intervals = intervals lis = IntervalIntersectionsGraph(intervals) self.vertices = lis.vertices self.valuationDomain = lis.valuationDomain self.edges = lis.edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomGraph(Graph): """ Random instances of the Graph class *Parameters*: * order (positive integer) * edgeProbability (in [0,1]) """ def __init__(self,order=5,edgeProbability=0.4,seed=None): from collections import OrderedDict import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed self.edgeProbability = edgeProbability = 'randomGraph' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = OrderedDict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] edges = OrderedDict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] #verticesList.sort() for i in range(order): x = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,order): y = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) if random.random() > 1.0 - edgeProbability: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomValuationGraph(Graph): """ Specialization of the genuine Graph class for generating temporary randomly valuated graphs in the range [-1.0;1.0]. *Parameter*: * order (positive integer) * ndigits (decimal precision) """ def __init__(self,order=5,ndigits=2,seed=None): import random random.seed(seed) = 'randomGraph' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = dict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'id':i+1,'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} Min = float(self.valuationDomain['min']) Max = float(self.valuationDomain['max']) edges = dict() verticesList = [v for v in vertices] verticesList.sort() for i in range(order): x = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,order): y = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) weightString = ('%%.%df' % ndigits) % random.uniform(Min,Max) edges[edgeKey] = Decimal(weightString) self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomRegularGraph(Graph): """ Specialization of the general Graph class for generating temporary random regular graphs of fixed degrees. """ def __init__(self,order=7,degree=2,seed=None): from randomDigraphs import RandomRegularDigraph rdg = RandomRegularDigraph(order=order, degree=degree, seed=seed) rg = rdg.digraph2Graph() self.vertices = rg.vertices self.valuationDomain = rg.valuationDomain self.edges = rg.edges = 'randomRegularGraph' self.order = len(self.vertices) self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomFixedSizeGraph(Graph): """ Generates a random graph with a fixed size (number of edges), by instantiating a fixed numbers of arcs from random choices in the set of potential pairs of vertices numbered from 1 to order. """ def __init__(self,order=7,size=14,seed=None,Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed) # check feasability r = ((order * order) - order)//2 if size > r : print('Graph not feasable: size exceeds number of potential edges = %d !!' % r) return print(order,size,r) = 'randomFixedSize' self.order = order nd = len(str(order)) vertices = dict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = ('v%%0%dd' % nd) % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'id':i+1,'shortName':vertexKey, 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices if Debug: print(self.vertices) self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'),'med':Decimal('0'),'max':Decimal('1')} edges = dict() Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] verticesList = [v for v in vertices] verticesList.sort() for x in verticesList: for y in verticesList: if x != y: edgeKey = frozenset([x,y]) edges[edgeKey] = Min if Debug: print(edges) edgesKeys = [key for key in edges] edgesKeys.sort() if Debug: print(edgesKeys) Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] for i in range(size): edgeKey = random.choice(edgesKeys) edges[edgeKey] = Max edgesKeys.remove(edgeKey) if Debug: print(i,edgeKey,edgesKeys) self.edges = edges self.size = size self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class RandomFixedDegreeSequenceGraph(Graph): """ Specialization of the general Graph class for generating temporary random graphs with a fixed sequence of degrees. .. warning:: The implementation is not guaranteeing a uniform choice among all potential valid graph instances. """ def __init__(self,order=7,degreeSequence=[3,3,2,2,1,1,0],seed=None): from randomDigraphs import RandomFixedDegreeSequenceDigraph rdg = RandomFixedDegreeSequenceDigraph(order=order, degreeSequence=degreeSequence, seed=seed) rg = rdg.digraph2Graph() self.vertices = rg.vertices self.order = order self.valuationDomain = rg.valuationDomain self.edges = rg.edges self.size = self.computeSize() = 'randomFixedDegreeSequenceGraph' self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class GridGraph(Graph): """ Specialization of the general Graph class for generating temporary Grid graphs of dimension n times m. *Parameters*: * n,m > 0 * valuationDomain ={'min':-1, 'med':0, 'max':+1} Default instantiation (5 times 5 Grid Digraph): * n = 5, * m=5, * valuationDomain = {'min':-1.0,'max':1.0}. Example of 5x5 GridGraph instance: .. image:: grid-5-5.png :alt: 5x5 grid instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,n=5,m=5,valuationMin=-1,valuationMax=1): = 'grid-'+str(n)+'-'+str(m) self.n = n self.m = m na = list(range(n+1)) na.remove(0) ma = list(range(m+1)) ma.remove(0) vertices = {} gridNodes={} for x in na: for y in ma: vertex = str(x)+'-'+str(y) gridNodes[vertex]=(x,y) vertices[vertex] = {'name': 'gridnode', 'shortName': vertex} order = len(vertices) self.order = order self.vertices = vertices self.gridNodes = gridNodes Min = Decimal(str(valuationMin)) Max = Decimal(str(valuationMax)) Med = Decimal(str((Max + Min)/Decimal('2'))) self.valuationDomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} edges = {} # instantiate edges verticesKeys = [x for x in vertices] for x in verticesKeys: for y in verticesKeys: if x != y: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]: if gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]-1 : edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]-1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max elif gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] def showShort(self): print('*----- show short --------------*') print('Grid graph : ', print('n : ', self.n) print('m : ', self.m) print('order : ', self.order) print('size : ', self.size)
[docs] class SnakeGraph(GridGraph): """ Snake graphs S(p/q) are made up of all the integer grid squares between the lower and upper Christofel paths of the rational number p/q, where p and q are two coprime integers such that 0 <= p <= q, i.e. p/q gives an irreducible ratio between 0 and 1. *Reference*: M. Aigner, Markov's Theorem and 100 Years of the Uniqueness Conjecture, Springer, 2013, p. 141-149 S(4/7) snake graph instance:: >>> from graphs import SnakeGraph >>> s4_7 = SnakeGraph(p=4,q=7) >>> s4_7.showShort() *---- short description of the snake graph ----* Name : 'snakeGraph' Rational p/q : 4/7 Christoffel words: Upper word : BBABABA Lower word : ABABABB >>> s4_7.exportGraphViz('4_7_snake',lineWidth=3,arcColor='red') .. image:: 4_7_snake.png :alt: 4/7 snake graph instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,p,q): from math import floor, ceil = '%d_%d_snakeGraph' % (p,q) # vertices self.n = q self.m = p vertices = {} gridNodes={} for x in range(q+1): for y in range(p+1): vertex = str(x)+'-'+str(y) gridNodes[vertex]=(x,y) vertices[vertex] = {'name': 'gridnode', 'shortName': vertex} order = len(vertices) self.order = order self.vertices = vertices self.gridNodes = gridNodes # valuation domain Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} # edges edges = {} # instantiate edges verticesKeys = [x for x in vertices] for x in verticesKeys: for y in verticesKeys: if x != y: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]: if gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]-1 : edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Med elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Med else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]-1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Med elif gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Med else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min self.edges = edges # snake lower Christoffel path k = [0 for i in range(q+1)] for i in range(q+1): k[i] = floor((p/q)*i) print(k) for i in range(q): if k[i] == k[i+1]: x = '%d-%d' % (i,k[i]) y = '%d-%d' % (i+1,k[i+1]) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) else: x = '%d-%d' % (i,k[i]) y = '%d-%d' % (i+1,k[i]) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) x = '%d-%d' % (i+1,k[i]) y = '%d-%d' % (i+1,k[i+1]) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) # snake upper Christoffel path K = [0 for i in range(q+1)] for i in range(q+1): K[i] = ceil((p/q)*i) print(K) for i in range(q): if K[i] == K[i+1]: x = '%d-%d' % (i,K[i]) y = '%d-%d' % (i+1,K[i]) print(x,y) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) else: x = '%d-%d' % (i,K[i]) y = '%d-%d' % (i,K[i+1]) print(x,y) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) x = '%d-%d' % (i,K[i+1]) y = '%d-%d' % (i+1,K[i+1]) print(x,y) self.setEdgeValue((x,y),Max) # storing graph instance self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() # ChristoffelWord lcw = '' ucw = '' for i in range(1,q+1): if k[i]-k[i-1] == 0: lcw += 'A' else: lcw += 'B' if K[i]-K[i-1] == 0: ucw += 'A' else: ucw += 'B' = (lcw,ucw)
[docs] def showShort(self,WithVertices=False): """ Show method for SnakeGraph instances. """ print('*---- short description of the snake graph ----*') print('Name : \'%s\'' % ( ) print('Rational p/q : %d/%d' % (self.m,self.n)) print('Christoffel words:') print('Upper word : ',[1]) print('Lower word : ',[0]) if WithVertices: vKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] vKeys.sort() print('Vertices : ', vKeys) print('Valuation domain : ', self.valuationDomain) print('Gamma function : ') for v in vKeys: if self.gamma[v] != set(): print('%s -> %s' % (v, list(self.gamma[v])))
def __repr__(self): """ Show method for SnakeGraph instances. """ reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) reprString += '*---- Snake graph specific data ----*\n' #reprString += 'Name : \'%s\'\n' % ( reprString += 'Rational p/q : %d/%d\n' % (self.m,self.n) reprString += 'Christoffel words:\n' reprString += 'Upper word : %s\n' %[1] reprString += 'Lower word : %s\n' %[0] return reprString
[docs] class TriangulatedGrid(Graph): """ Specialization of the general Graph class for generating temporary triangulated grids of dimension n times m. *Parameters*: * n,m > 0 * valuationDomain = {'min':m, 'max':M} Example of 5x5 triangulated grid instance: .. image:: triangular-5-5.png :alt: triangulated 5x5 grid :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,n=5,m=5,valuationMin=-1,valuationMax=1): = 'triangulated-'+str(n)+'-'+str(m) self.n = n self.m = m na = list(range(n+1)) na.remove(0) ma = list(range(m+1)) ma.remove(0) vertices = {} gridNodes={} for x in na: for y in ma: vertex = str(x)+'-'+str(y) gridNodes[vertex]=(x,y) vertices[vertex] = {'name': 'gridnode', 'shortName': vertex} order = len(vertices) self.order = order self.vertices = vertices self.gridNodes = gridNodes Min = Decimal(str(valuationMin)) Max = Decimal(str(valuationMax)) Med = Decimal((Max + Min)/Decimal('2')) self.valuationDomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max} edges = {} # instantiate edges verticesKeys = [x for x in vertices] for x in verticesKeys: for y in verticesKeys: if x != y: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]: if gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]-1 : edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]-1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max elif gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]-1: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]-1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min elif gridNodes[x][0] == gridNodes[y][0]+1: if gridNodes[x][1] == gridNodes[y][1]+1: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min else: edges[frozenset([x,y])] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] def showShort(self): print('*----- show summary --------------*') print('Triangular graph : ', print('n x m : ', self.n, 'x', self.m) print('order : ', self.order) print('size : ', self.size)
# --------------------
[docs] class TreeGraph(Graph): """ Tree graphs generated from a given Prüfer code """ def __repr__(self): """ Show method for Tree instances. """ try: code = self.prueferCode reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) reprString += '*---- Tree specific data ----*\n' reprString += 'Prüfer code : %s\n' % code except AttributeError: reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) return reprString def __init__(self,graph): from graphs import Graph, TreeGraph if isinstance(graph, str): g = Graph(graph) elif isinstance(graph,Graph): g = graph else: print('Error: a tree graph instance must be given !') if g.isTree(): self.__class__ = TreeGraph = self.prueferCode = TreeGraph.tree2Pruefer(g) self.vertices = g.vertices self.edges = g.edges self.order = g.order self.size = g.size self.valuationDomain = g.valuationDomain self.gamma = g.gamma return else: print('Error: the provided graph instance is not a tree!')
[docs] def tree2Pruefer(self,vertices=None,Debug=False): """ Renders the Pruefer code of a given tree. """ if vertices is None: vertices = self.vertices verticesList = [x for x in vertices] verticesList.sort() if Debug: print('verticesList = ',verticesList) np = len(verticesList)-2 Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] edges = [e for e in self.edges if self.edges[e] > Med] degree = dict() for v in verticesList: degree[v] = len(self.gamma[v]) if Debug: print('degrees = ', degree) prueferCode = [] for i in range(np): leaves = [v for v in verticesList if degree[v] == 1] leaves.sort() leavesEdges = [e for e in edges if leaves[0] in e] for v in leavesEdges[0]: if degree[v] > 1: prueferCode.append(v) degree[v] -= 1 edges.remove(leavesEdges[0]) return prueferCode
[docs] def computeTreeCenters(self): """ Renders the centre(s) of the tree, i.e. the vertices with minimal maximal neighbourhood depths. """ dg = self.graph2Digraph() centers = dg.computeDigraphCentres() return centers
[docs] def tree2OrientedTree(self,root=None,Debug=False): """ Converts a TreeGraph object into a rooted and oriented tree digraph. When *root* == *None*, the first in alphabetic order of the tree centre(s) is chosen. """ #from copy import deepcopy #from digraphs import Digraph dg = self.graph2Digraph() = 'orientedTree' #Max = dg.valuationdomain['max'] Min = dg.valuationdomain['min'] if root is None: centres = dg.computeDigraphCentres() centralKeys = [k for k in centres] centralKeys.sort() root = centralKeys[0] dg.root=root rootFollowers = [(root,list(self.gamma[root]))] if Debug: print(rootFollowers) while rootFollowers != []: for x in rootFollowers: xFollowers = x[1] for y in xFollowers: dg.relation[y][x[0]] = Min yFollowers = list(self.gamma[y]) yFollowers.remove(x[0]) if yFollowers != []: rootFollowers.append((y,yFollowers)) rootFollowers.remove(x) if Debug: print(rootFollowers) dg.gamma = dg.gammaSets() dg.notGamma = dg.notGammaSets() if Debug: dg.showRelationTable() return dg
[docs] def exportOrientedTreeGraphViz(self,root=None, direction='downward', fileName=None, graphType='png', graphSize='7,7', fontSize=10, Comments=True): """ Graphviz drawing of the rooted and oriented tree. When *root* == *None*, the first in alphabetic order of the tree centre(s) is chosen. If *direction* = 'best', the tree grows downwards, otherwise it grows upwards. """ from transitiveDigraphs import TransitiveDigraph dg = self.tree2OrientedTree(root=root) dg.closeTransitive() TransitiveDigraph.exportGraphViz(dg,fileName=fileName, direction=direction, graphType=graphType, graphSize=graphSize, fontSize=fontSize, Comments=Comments)
# -------------------
[docs] class RandomTree(TreeGraph): """ Instance of a tree generated from a random Prüfer code. .. image:: randomTree.png :alt: radomTree instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __repr__(self): """ Show method for RandomTree instances. """ try: code = self.prueferCode reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) reprString += '*---- RandomTree specific data ----*\n' reprString += 'Prüfer code : %s\n' % code except AttributeError: reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) return reprString def __init__(self,order=None, vertices= None, prueferCode = None, seed = None, Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed)'randomTree' if order is None: if prueferCode is None: order = 6 else: order = len(prueferCode) + 2 self.order = order if Debug: print(, self.order) if vertices is None: vertices = dict() for i in range(order): vertexKey = 'v%d' % (i+1) vertices[vertexKey] = {'shortName':str(vertexKey), 'name': 'random vertex'} self.vertices = vertices if Debug: print('vertices = ', self.vertices) self.valuationDomain = {'min':Decimal('-1'), 'med':Decimal('0'), 'max':Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] if Debug: print('valuationDomain = ', self.valuationDomain) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices.keys()] verticesList.sort() if Debug: print(verticesList) edges = dict() for i in range(order): for j in range(i+1,order): edgeKey = frozenset([verticesList[i],verticesList[j]]) edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges if Debug: print('edges = ',self.edges) if prueferCode is None: prueferCode = [] for k in range(order-2): prueferCode.append( random.choice(verticesList) ) self.prueferCode = prueferCode if Debug: print('prueferCode = ', self.prueferCode) degree = {} for x in verticesList: degree[x] = 1 for i in range(order-2): degree[prueferCode[i]] += 1 if Debug: print('degrees = ', degree) for i in range(order-2): for j in range(order): if degree[verticesList[j]] == 1: edgeKey = frozenset([prueferCode[i],verticesList[j]]) self.edges[edgeKey] = Max degree[verticesList[j]] -= 1 degree[prueferCode[i]] -= 1 break lastEdgeKey = frozenset([verticesList[i] for i in range(order) if degree[verticesList[i]] > 0]) self.edges[lastEdgeKey] = Max if Debug: print('updated edges = ', self.edges) self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets(Debug) if Debug: print('gamma = ', self.gamma)
[docs] class RandomSpanningForest(RandomTree): """ Random instance of a spanning forest (one or more trees) generated from a random depth first search graph g traversal. .. image:: spanningForest.png :alt: randomSpanningForest instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,g,seed=None,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy import random random.seed(seed)'_randomSpanningTree' if Debug: print( self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) order = len(self.vertices) self.order = order self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] if Debug: print('valuationDomain = ', self.valuationDomain) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesList.sort() edges = dict() for i in range(order): for j in range(i+1,order): edgeKey = frozenset([verticesList[i],verticesList[j]]) if g.edges[edgeKey] > Med: edges[edgeKey] = Med else: edges[edgeKey] = g.edges[edgeKey] self.edges = deepcopy(edges) if Debug: print('edges = ',self.edges) self.dfs = g.randomDepthFirstSearch(seed=seed,Debug=Debug) if Debug: print('dfs = ', self.dfs) components = [] for tree in self.dfs: component = set() n = len(tree) for i in range(n-1): component.add(tree[i]) component.add(tree[i+1]) edgeKey = frozenset([tree[i],tree[i+1]]) self.edges[edgeKey] = Max if Debug: print('tree = ',tree) print('component = ',component) components.append(component) if Debug: print('updated edges = ', self.edges) self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets(Debug) if Debug: print('gamma = ', self.gamma) prueferCodes = [] for tree in self.dfs: component = set(tree) if len(component) > 2: prueferCodes.append({'component': component, 'code': self.tree2Pruefer(vertices=component) }) else: prueferCodes.append({'component': component, 'code': []}) self.prueferCodes = prueferCodes
[docs] def computeAverageTreeDetermination(self,dfs=None): """ Renders the mean average determinations of the spanning trees. """ from decimal import Decimal if dfs is None: dfs = self.dfs maxWeights = [] n = len(dfs) for i in range(n): dfsx = dfs[i] maxWeight = Decimal('0') k = len(dfsx) if k > 1: for j in range(k-1): edgeKey = frozenset([dfsx[j],dfsx[j+1]]) maxWeight += self.edges[edgeKey] maxWeights.append( maxWeight / Decimal(str(k-1)) ) else: maxWeights.append(self.valuationDomain['max']) self.averageTreeDetermination = maxWeights return
[docs] class RandomSpanningTree(RandomTree): """ Uniform random instance of a spanning tree generated with Wilson's algorithm from a connected Graph g instance. .. Note:: Wilson's algorithm only works for connecte graphs. .. image:: randomSpanningTree.png :alt: randomSpanningTree instance :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,g,seed=None,Debug=False): from copy import copy as copy if not g.isConnected(): print('Error !: Wilson\'s algorithm requires a connected graph!') return import random random.seed(seed)'_randomSpanningTree' if Debug: print( self.vertices = copy(g.vertices) order = len(self.vertices) self.order = order self.valuationDomain = copy(g.valuationDomain) Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] if Debug: print('valuationDomain = ', self.valuationDomain) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] random.shuffle(verticesList) if Debug: print(verticesList) spannedVertices = set() spanningTree = [] randomWalk = [verticesList[0]] i = 0 while randomWalk[i] != verticesList[-1]: nextVertex = random.choice(list(g.gamma[randomWalk[i]])) randomWalk.append(nextVertex) i += 1 if Debug: print('random walk: ',randomWalk) spanningBranch = self._reduceCycles(randomWalk,Debug=Debug) spanningTree.append(spanningBranch) spannedVertices = spannedVertices | set(spanningBranch) remainingVertices = set(verticesList) - set(spanningBranch) if Debug: print('spanningBranch = ', spanningBranch) print('spannedVertices = ', spannedVertices) print('remainingVertices = ',remainingVertices) print('spanningTree = ', spanningTree) while remainingVertices != set(): remainingVerticesList = list(remainingVertices) random.shuffle(remainingVerticesList) randomWalk = [random.choice(remainingVerticesList)] i = 0 while randomWalk[i] not in spannedVertices: nextVertex = random.choice(list(g.gamma[randomWalk[i]])) randomWalk.append(nextVertex) i += 1 if Debug: print('randomWalk = ',randomWalk) spanningBranch = self._reduceCycles(randomWalk,Debug=Debug) spannedVertices = spannedVertices | set(spanningBranch) remainingVertices = set(remainingVerticesList) - set(spanningBranch) spanningTree.append(spanningBranch) if Debug: print('spanningBranch = ', spanningBranch) print('spannedVertices = ', spannedVertices) print('remainingVertices = ',remainingVertices) print('spanningTree = ', spanningTree) self.edges = copy(g.edges) for edgeKey in self.edges: if self.edges[edgeKey] > Med: self.edges[edgeKey] = Med for branch in spanningTree: for i in range(len(branch)-1): edgeKey = frozenset([branch[i],branch[i+1]]) self.edges[edgeKey] = g.edges[edgeKey] if Debug: print('edges = ', self.edges) self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.dfs = self.depthFirstSearch() self.prueferCode = self.tree2Pruefer() def _reduceCycles(self,randomWalk,Debug=False): if Debug: print('randomWalk', randomWalk) reducedWalk = [randomWalk[0]] n = len(randomWalk) t = 0 while t < n-1 and t < 100: k = t+1 for j in range(t+1,n): if randomWalk[t] == randomWalk[j]: k = j+1 if Debug: print(t, k, j, n, randomWalk[t:k]) reducedWalk.append(randomWalk[k]) if Debug: print('reducedWalk', reducedWalk) t = k return reducedWalk
[docs] class BestDeterminedSpanningForest(RandomSpanningForest): """ Constructing the most determined spanning tree (or forest if not connected) using Kruskal's greedy algorithm on the dual valuation. Example Python session: >>> from graphs import * >>> g = RandomValuationGraph(seed=2) >>> g.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'randomGraph' Vertices : ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5'] Valuation domain : {'med': Decimal('0'), 'min': Decimal('-1'), 'max': Decimal('1')} Gamma function : v1 -> ['v2', 'v3'] v2 -> ['v4', 'v1', 'v5', 'v3'] v3 -> ['v1', 'v5', 'v2'] v4 -> ['v5', 'v2'] v5 -> ['v4', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> mt = BestDeterminedSpanningForest(g) >>> mt.exportGraphViz('spanningTree',WithSpanningTree=True) *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to [['v4', 'v2', 'v1', 'v3', 'v1', 'v2', 'v5', 'v2', 'v4']] neato -Tpng -o spanningTree.png .. image:: spanningTree.png :alt: Colored bes determined panning tree :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __repr__(self): """ Show method for best determined spanning forests instances. """ reprString = Graph.__repr__(self) reprString += '*---- best determined spanning tree specific data ----*\n' reprString += 'Depth first search path(s) : %s\n' % str(self.dfs) reprString += 'Average determination(s) : %s\n' %\ str(self.averageTreeDetermination) return reprString def __init__(self,g,seed=None,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter import random random.seed(seed)'_randomSpanningForest' if Debug: print( self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesList.sort() order = len(self.vertices) self.order = order self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] if Debug: print('valuationDomain = ', self.valuationDomain) edges = dict() for i in range(order): for j in range(i+1,order): edgeKey = frozenset([verticesList[i],verticesList[j]]) if g.edges[edgeKey] > Med: edges[edgeKey] = Med else: edges[edgeKey] = g.edges[edgeKey] forest = [] weightedEdgesList = [(g.edges[e],e) \ for e in g.edges if g.edges[e] > Med ] weightedEdgesList.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Debug: print(weightedEdgesList) for e in weightedEdgesList: if Debug: print('===>>> ', e) edgeKeys = set([v for v in e[1]]) Included = False connectedSubtrees = [] for tree in forest: if Debug: print(tree) test = tree[1] & edgeKeys if len(test) == 2: # already connected Included = True if Debug: print('already included') break elif len(test) == 1: # extending connectedSubtrees.append(tree) if Debug: print('extending',tree) if not Included: edges[e[1]] = e[0] if Debug: print(e[1],edges[e[1]]) print('connecting subtrees',connectedSubtrees) if connectedSubtrees == []: forest.append([set([e[1]]),edgeKeys]) if Debug: print('Add new subtree') elif len(connectedSubtrees) == 1: connectedSubtrees[0][0].add(e[1]) connectedSubtrees[0][1] = connectedSubtrees[0][1] | edgeKeys if Debug: print('Extending an existing subtree') else: connectedSubtrees[0][0].add(e[1]) connectedSubtrees[0][0] =\ connectedSubtrees[0][0] | connectedSubtrees[1][0] connectedSubtrees[0][1] =\ connectedSubtrees[0][1] | connectedSubtrees[1][1] | edgeKeys forest.remove(connectedSubtrees[1]) if Debug: print('connected two subtrees') print(forest) self.edges = deepcopy(edges) if Debug: print('edges = ',self.edges) self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets(Debug) if Debug: print('gamma = ', self.gamma) self.dfs = self.depthFirstSearch() self.computeAverageTreeDetermination()
[docs] class Q_Coloring(Graph): """ Generate a q-coloring of a Graph instance via a Gibbs MCMC sampler in nSim simulation steps (default = len(graph.edges)). Example 3-coloring of a grid 6x6 : >>> from graphs import * >>> g = GridGraph(n=6,m=6) >>> g.showShort() *----- show short --------------* Grid graph : grid-6-6 n : 6 m : 6 order : 36 size : 60 >>> g.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to neato -Tpng -o grid-6-6.png >>> qc = Q_Coloring(g,colors=['gold','lightblue','lightcoral']) Iteration: 1 Running a Gibbs Sampler for 1260 step ! The q-coloring with 3 colors is feasible !! >>> qc.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to fdp -Tpng -o grid-6-6-qcoloring.png .. image:: grid-6-6-qcoloring.png :alt: 3 coloring of a 6x6 grid :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,g,colors=['gold','lightcoral','lightblue'], nSim=None,maxIter=20,seed=None, Comments=True,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy self.gClass = g.__class__ = '%s-qcoloring' % if isinstance(g.vertices,dict): self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) else: self.vertices = dict() for v in g.vertices: self.vertices[v] = {'name':v,'shortName':v} self.order = len(self.vertices) self.colors = deepcopy(colors) self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) self.edges = deepcopy(g.edges) self.size = len(self.edges) self.gamma = deepcopy(g.gamma) ## print(self.colors[0]) ## for v in self.vertices: ## self.vertices[v]['color'] = colors[0] if nSim is None: nSim = len(self.edges)*2 self.nSim = nSim infeasibleEdges = set([e for e in self.edges]) _iter = 0 while infeasibleEdges != set() and _iter < maxIter: _iter += 1 print('Iteration:', _iter) self.generateFeasibleConfiguration(seed=seed,Reset=True,Debug=Debug) infeasibleEdges = self.checkFeasibility(Comments=Comments) def showConfiguration(self): for v in self.vertices: print(v,self.vertices[v]['color']) def generateFeasibleConfiguration(self,Reset=True,nSim=None,seed=None,Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed) if Reset: for v in self.vertices: self.vertices[v]['color'] = self.colors[0] if nSim is None: nSim = self.nSim print('Running a Gibbs Sampler for %d step !' % nSim) for s in range(nSim): verticesKeys = [v for v in self.vertices] v = random.choice(verticesKeys) neighborColors = [self.vertices[x]['color']\ for x in self.gamma[v]] feasibleColors = list(set(self.colors) - set(neighborColors)) try: self.vertices[v]['color'] = random.choice(feasibleColors) except: if Debug: print(s,v,'Warning !! Not feasible coloring') self.vertices[v]['color'] = random.choice(self.colors) if Debug: print(s, v, self.vertices[v]['color']) def checkFeasibility(self,Comments=True,Debug=False): infeasibleEdges = set() for e in self.edges: if self.edges[e] > self.valuationDomain['med']: neighborColors = set([self.vertices[x]['color'] for x in e]) if len(neighborColors) < 2: if Debug: print('Infeasible Confirguration !! See edge %s' % e) infeasibleEdges.add(e) else: if Debug: print(e,neighborColors) if Comments: if infeasibleEdges == set(): print('The q-coloring with %d colors is feasible !!'\ % len(self.colors)) else: print('The q-coloring with %d colors is apparently not feasible !!'\ % len(self.colors)) print('Either augment nSim=%d or add one more color'\ % self.nSim) return infeasibleEdges
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png', graphSize='7,7', bgcolor='cornsilk', layout=None): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for q-coloring drawing filtering. The graph drawing layout is depending on the graph type, but can be forced to either 'fdp', 'circo' or 'neato' with the layout parameter. Example: >>> g = Graph(numberOfVertices=10,edgeProbability=0.4) >>> g.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'randomGraph' Vertices : ['v1','v10','v2','v3','v4','v5','v6','v7','v8','v9'] Valuation domain : {'max': 1, 'min': -1, 'med': 0} Gamma function : v1 -> ['v7', 'v2', 'v3', 'v5'] v10 -> ['v4'] v2 -> ['v1', 'v7', 'v8'] v3 -> ['v1', 'v7', 'v9'] v4 -> ['v5', 'v10'] v5 -> ['v6', 'v7', 'v1', 'v8', 'v4'] v6 -> ['v5', 'v8'] v7 -> ['v1', 'v5', 'v8', 'v2', 'v3'] v8 -> ['v6', 'v7', 'v2', 'v5'] v9 -> ['v3'] >>> qc = Q_Coloring(g,nSim=1000) Running a Gibbs Sampler for 1000 step ! >>> qc.checkFeasibility() The q-coloring with 3 colors is feasible !! >>> qc.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to fdp -Tpng -o randomGraph-qcoloring.png .. image:: randomGraph-qcoloring.png :alt: 3-coloring of a random graph :width: 300 px :align: center """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) ## if bestChoice != set(): ## rankBestString = '{rank=max; ' ## if worstChoice != set(): ## rankWorstString = '{rank=min; ' fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor)) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' node += ', style = "filled", color = %s' \ % self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['color'] node += '];\n' fo.write(node) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if i != j: edge = 'n'+str(i+1) if edges[frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]])] > Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(1)",color=black, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) elif edges[frozenset([vertexkeys[i],vertexkeys[j]])] == Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+' [dir=both, color=grey, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() if layout is None: if self.gClass in (GridGraph,RandomTree): commandString = 'neato -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType elif self.gClass == CycleGraph: commandString = 'circo -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType else: commandString = 'fdp -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType else: commandString = layout+' -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.')
[docs] class IsingModel(Graph): """ Specialisation of a Gibbs Sampler for the Ising model Example: >>> from graphs import GridGraph, IsingModel >>> g = GridGraph(n=15,m=15) >>> g.showShort() *----- show short --------------* Grid graph : grid-15-15 n : 15 m : 15 order : 225 size : 420 >>> im = IsingModel(g,beta=0.3,nSim=100000,Debug=False) Running a Gibbs Sampler for 100000 step ! >>> im.exportGraphViz(colors=['lightblue','lightcoral']) *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to fdp -Tpng -o grid-15-15-ising.png .. image:: grid-15-15-ising.png :alt: ising configuration of a 15x15 grid with beta=0.3 :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,g,beta=0, nSim=None, Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy self.gClass = g.__class__ = '%s-ising' % if isinstance(g.vertices,dict): self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) else: self.vertices = dict() for v in g.vertices: self.vertices[v] = {'name':v,'shortName':v} self.order = len(self.vertices) self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) self.edges = deepcopy(g.edges) self.size = g.size self.gamma = deepcopy(g.gamma) for v in self.vertices: self.vertices[v]['spin'] = 0 if nSim is None: nSim = len(self.edges) self.nSim = nSim self.generateSpinConfiguration(beta=beta,Debug=Debug) self.SpinEnergy = self.computeSpinEnergy()/self.size def generateSpinConfiguration(self,beta=0,nSim=None,Debug=False): from random import choice, random from math import exp if nSim is None: nSim = self.nSim print('Running a Gibbs Sampler for %d step !' % nSim) for s in range(nSim): verticesKeys = [v for v in self.vertices] v = choice(verticesKeys) plusNeighbors = [x for x in self.gamma[v] if self.vertices[x]['spin'] == 1] nPlus = len(plusNeighbors) minusNeighbors = [x for x in self.gamma[v] if self.vertices[x]['spin'] == -1] nMinus = len(minusNeighbors) numerator = exp(2*beta*(nPlus-nMinus)) threshold = numerator/(numerator+1) U = random() if U < threshold: self.vertices[v]['spin'] = 1 else: self.vertices[v]['spin'] = -1 if Debug: print('Spin energy: %d' % (self.computeSpinEnergy()) ) print('s,v,nPlus,nMinus,numerator,threshold,U,spin\n',\ s,v,nPlus,nMinus,numerator,threshold,U,self.vertices[v]['spin'])
[docs] def computeSpinEnergy(self): """ Spin energy H(c) of a spin configuration is H(c) = -sum_{{x,y} in self.edges}[spin_c(x)*spin_c(y)] """ Hc = 0 for e in self.edges: pair = list(e) x = pair[0] y = pair[1] Hc -= self.vertices[x]['spin'] * self.vertices[y]['spin'] return Hc
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png', graphSize='7,7', edgeColor='black', bgcolor='cornsilk', colors=['gold','lightblue']): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for Ising models drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) ## if bestChoice != set(): ## rankBestString = '{rank=max; ' ## if worstChoice != set(): ## rankWorstString = '{rank=min; ' fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' if self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['spin'] == 1: color=colors[0] elif self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['spin'] == -1: color=colors[1] else: color=None if color is not None: node += ', style = "filled", color = %s' % color node += '];\n' fo.write(node) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if i != j: edge = 'n'+str(i+1) if edges[frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]])] > Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+\ ' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(1)",color='+edgeColor+\ ' arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) elif edges[frozenset([vertexkeys[i],vertexkeys[j]])] == Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+' [dir=both, color=grey, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() if self.gClass in (GridGraph,TriangulatedGrid,RandomTree): commandString = 'neato -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType elif self.gClass == CycleGraph: commandString = 'circo -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType else: commandString = 'fdp -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.')
[docs] class MetropolisChain(Graph): """ Specialisation of the graph class for implementing a generic Metropolis Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler with a given probability distribution probs = {'v1': x, 'v2': y, ...} Usage example: >>> from graphs import * >>> g = Graph(numberOfVertices=5,edgeProbability=0.5) >>> g.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'randomGraph' Vertices : ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5'] Valuation domain : {'max': 1, 'med': 0, 'min': -1} Gamma function : v1 -> ['v2', 'v3', 'v4'] v2 -> ['v1', 'v4'] v3 -> ['v5', 'v1'] v4 -> ['v2', 'v5', 'v1'] v5 -> ['v3', 'v4'] >>> probs = {} >>> n = g.order >>> i = 0 >>> verticesList = [x for x in g.vertices] >>> verticesList.sort() >>> for v in verticesList: ... probs[v] = (n - i)/(n*(n+1)/2) ... i += 1 >>> met = MetropolisChain(g,probs) >>> frequency = met.checkSampling(verticesList[0],nSim=30000) >>> for v in verticesList: ... print(v,probs[v],frequency[v]) v1 0.3333 0.3343 v2 0.2666 0.2680 v3 0.2 0.2030 v4 0.1333 0.1311 v5 0.0666 0.0635 >>> met.showTransitionMatrix() * ---- Transition Matrix ----- Pij | 'v1' 'v2' 'v3' 'v4' 'v5' -----|------------------------------------- 'v1' | 0.23 0.33 0.30 0.13 0.00 'v2' | 0.42 0.42 0.00 0.17 0.00 'v3' | 0.50 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.17 'v4' | 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.08 0.25 'v5' | 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 """ def __init__(self,g, probs = None): from copy import deepcopy from random import choice = '%s-metro' % if isinstance(g.vertices,dict): self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) else: self.vertices = dict() for v in g.vertices: self.vertices[v] = {'name':v,'shortName':v} self.order = len(self.vertices) if probs is None: for v in self.vertices: self.vertices[v]['prob'] = 1.0/self.order else: for v in self.vertices: self.vertices[v]['prob'] = probs[v] self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) self.edges = deepcopy(g.edges) self.size = g.size self.gamma = deepcopy(g.gamma) self.transition = self.computeTransitionMatrix() def computeTransitionMatrix(self): from decimal import Decimal transition = {} for si in self.vertices: transition[si] = {} di = len(self.gamma[si]) pi = self.vertices[si]['prob'] for sj in self.vertices: if si != sj: if sj in self.gamma[si]: dj = len(self.gamma[sj]) pj = self.vertices[sj]['prob'] transition[si][sj] =\ Decimal( str( min(1.0,(pj*di)/(pi*dj))/di ) ) else: transition[si][sj] = Decimal('0') else: sp = 0.0 for sx in self.gamma[si]: dx = len(self.gamma[sx]) px = self.vertices[sx]['prob'] sp += min(1.0,(px*di)/(pi*dx))/di transition[si][sj] = Decimal(str(1.0 - sp)) return transition def MCMCtransition(self,si,Debug=False): from random import random,choice neighborsSi = [x for x in self.gamma[si]] di = len(self.gamma[si]) if di == 0: return si pi = self.vertices[si]['prob'] sj = choice(neighborsSi) dj = len(self.gamma[sj]) pj = self.vertices[sj]['prob'] U = random() threshold = min(1.0,(pj*di)/(pi*dj)) if Debug: print(si,di,pi,sj,dj,pj,U,threshold) if U < threshold: return sj else: return si def checkSampling(self,si,nSim): frequency = {} for v in self.vertices: frequency[v] = 0.0 sc = si for i in range(nSim): sc = self.MCMCtransition(sc) frequency[sc] += 1.0 for x in frequency: frequency[x] /= nSim return frequency
[docs] def saveCSVTransition(self,fileName='transition',Debug=False): """Persistent storage of the transition matrix in the form of a csv file. """ import csv from decimal import Decimal if Debug: print('*--- Saving transition matrix P_ij into file: %s.csv> ---*' %\ (fileName)) fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.csv') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') csvfo = csv.writer(fo,quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) verticesList = [x for x in self.vertices] verticesList.sort() headerText = ["P_ij"] + verticesList if Debug: print(headerText) csvfo.writerow(headerText) relation = self.transition for x in verticesList: rowText = [x] for y in verticesList: rowText.append( Decimal('%.5f' % float(relation[x][y])) ) if Debug: print(rowText) csvfo.writerow(rowText) fo.close()
[docs] def showTransitionMatrix(self,Sorted=True,\ IntegerValues=False,\ vertices=None,\ relation=None,\ ndigits=2,\ ReflexiveTerms=True): """ Prints on stdout the transition probabilities in vertices X vertices table format. """ if vertices is None: vertices = self.vertices if relation is None: try: relation = self.transition except: relation = self.computeTransitionMatrix() print('* ---- Transition Matrix -----') # print(' S | ', end=' ') verticesList = [x for x in vertices] # for x in vertices: # if isinstance(x,frozenset): # try: # verticesList += [(vertices[x]['shortName'],x)] # except: # verticesList += [(verticess[x]['name'],x)] # else: # verticesList += [(str(x),x)] # if Sorted: # verticesList.sort() # print(verticesList) # verticesList.sort() print(' Pij |', end=' ') for x in vertices: print("'"+x+"'\t ", end=' ') print('\n-----|------------------------------------------') for x in vertices: print("'"+x+"' | ", end=' ') for y in vertices: if x != y: formatString = '%%2.%df\t' % ndigits print(formatString % (relation[x][y]), end=' ') else: if ReflexiveTerms: formatString = '%%2.%df\t' % ndigits print(formatString % (relation[x][y]), end=' ') else: formatString = ' - \t' print(formatString, end=' ') print() print('\n')
[docs] class MISModel(Graph): """ Specialisation of a Gibbs Sampler for the hard code model, that is a random MIS generator. Example: >>> from graphs import MISModel >>> from digraphs import CirculantDigraph >>> dg = CirculantDigraph(order=15) >>> g = dg.digraph2Graph() >>> g.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'c15' Vertices : ['1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] Valuation domain : {'med': 0, 'min': -1, 'max': 1} Gamma function : 1 -> ['2', '15'] 10 -> ['11', '9'] 11 -> ['10', '12'] 12 -> ['13', '11'] 13 -> ['12', '14'] 14 -> ['15', '13'] 15 -> ['1', '14'] 2 -> ['1', '3'] 3 -> ['2', '4'] 4 -> ['3', '5'] 5 -> ['6', '4'] 6 -> ['7', '5'] 7 -> ['6', '8'] 8 -> ['7', '9'] 9 -> ['10', '8'] >>> mis = MISModel(g) Running a Gibbs Sampler for 1050 step ! >>> mis.checkMIS() {'2','4','7','9','11','13','15'} is maximal ! >>> mis.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to fdp -Tpng -o c15-mis.png .. image:: c15-mis.png :alt: 15-cycle with colored MIS :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,g, nSim=None, maxIter=20, seed=None, Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy self.gClass = deepcopy(g.__class__) = '%s-mis' % if isinstance(g.vertices,dict): self.vertices = deepcopy(g.vertices) else: self.vertices = dict() for v in g.vertices: self.vertices[v] = {'name':v,'shortName':v} self.order = len(self.vertices) self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(g.valuationDomain) self.edges = deepcopy(g.edges) self.size = g.size self.gamma = deepcopy(g.gamma) if nSim is None: nSim = len(self.edges)*10 self.nSim = nSim unCovered = set([x for x in self.vertices]) _iter = 0 while unCovered != set() and _iter < maxIter: _iter += 1 print('Iteration: ', _iter) self.generateMIS(Reset=True, nSim=nSim,seed=seed,Debug=Debug) mis,misCover,unCovered = self.checkMIS() def generateMIS(self,Reset=True,nSim=None,seed=None,Comments=True,Debug=False): import random random.seed(seed) from math import exp if nSim is None: nSim = self.nSim verticesKeys = [v for v in self.vertices] if Reset: for v in verticesKeys: self.vertices[v]['mis'] = 0 if Comments: print('Running a Gibbs Sampler for %d step !' % nSim) for s in range(nSim): v = random.choice(verticesKeys) Potential = True for x in self.gamma[v]: if self.vertices[x]['mis'] == 1: Potential = False break if Potential: self.vertices[v]['mis'] = 1 else: self.vertices[v]['mis'] = -1 if Debug: print('s,v,neighbors,mis\n',\ s,v,self.gamma[v],self.vertices[v]['mis']) self.mis,self.misCover,self.unCovered = self.checkMIS(Comments=Debug)
[docs] def checkMIS(self,Comments=True): """ Verify maximality of independent set. .. note:: Returns three sets: an independent choice, the covered vertices, and the remaining uncovered vertices. When the last set is empty, the independent choice is maximal. """ cover = set() mis = set() for x in self.vertices: if self.vertices[x]['mis'] == 1: cover = cover | self.gamma[x] mis.add(x) misCover = mis | cover unCovered = set(self.vertices.keys()) - misCover if Comments: if unCovered == set(): print(mis,' is maximal !') else: print(mis,' is not maximal, uncovered = ',unCovered) return mis,misCover,unCovered
[docs] def exportGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png', graphSize='7,7', misColor='lightblue', bgcolor='cornsilk'): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for MIS models drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') vertexkeys = [x for x in self.vertices] n = len(vertexkeys) edges = self.edges Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) ## if bestChoice != set(): ## rankBestString = '{rank=max; ' ## if worstChoice != set(): ## rankWorstString = '{rank=min; ' fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('strict graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2022", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') for i in range(n): try: nodeName = str(self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['shortName']) except: try: nodeName = self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['name'] except: nodeName = str(vertexkeys[i]) node = 'n'+str(i+1)+' [shape = "circle", label = "' +nodeName+'"' if self.vertices[vertexkeys[i]]['mis'] == 1: color=misColor else: color=None if color is not None: node += ', style = "filled", color = %s' % color node += '];\n' fo.write(node) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if i != j: edge = 'n'+str(i+1) if edges[frozenset( [vertexkeys[i], vertexkeys[j]])] > Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+' [dir=both,style="setlinewidth(1)",color=black, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) elif edges[frozenset([vertexkeys[i],vertexkeys[j]])] == Med: edge0 = edge+'-- n'+str(j+1)+' [dir=both, color=grey, arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none] ;\n' fo.write(edge0) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() if self.gClass in (GridGraph,RandomTree): commandString = 'neato -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType elif self.gClass == CycleGraph: commandString = 'circo -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType else: commandString = 'fdp -T'+graphType+' ' +dotName+' -o '+name+'.'+graphType if Comments: print(commandString) try: os.system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.')
[docs] class LineGraph(Graph): """ Line graphs represent the **adjacencies between edges** of a graph instance. Iterated line graph constructions are usually expanding, except for chordless cycles, where the same cycle is repeated. And, for non-closed paths (interupted cycles), where iterated line graphs progressively reduce one by one the number of vertices and edges and become eventually an empty graph. >>> g = CycleGraph(order=5) >>> g *------- Graph instance description ------* Instance class : CycleGraph Instance name : cycleGraph Graph Order : 5 Graph Size : 5 Valuation domain : [-1.00; 1.00] Attributes : ['name', 'order', 'vertices', 'valuationDomain', 'edges', 'size', 'gamma'] g.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'cycleGraph' Vertices : ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5'] Valuation domain : {'min': Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} Gamma function : v1 -> ['v2', 'v5'] v2 -> ['v1', 'v3'] v3 -> ['v2', 'v4'] v4 -> ['v3', 'v5'] v5 -> ['v4', 'v1'] degrees : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] distribution : [0, 0, 5, 0, 0] nbh depths : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 'inf.'] distribution : [0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0] # the line graph of the 5-cycle graph >>> lg = LineGraph(g) >>> lg *------- Graph instance description ------* Instance class : LineGraph Instance name : line-cycleGraph Graph Order : 5 Graph Size : 5 Valuation domain : [-1.00; 1.00] Attributes : ['name', 'graph', 'valuationDomain', 'vertices', 'order', 'edges', 'size', 'gamma'] >>> lg.showShort() *---- short description of the graph ----* Name : 'line-cycleGraph' Vertices : [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v5'}), frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] Valuation domain : {'min': Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} Gamma function : frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}) -> [frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v5'})] frozenset({'v1', 'v5'}) -> [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}) -> [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v3'})] frozenset({'v4', 'v3'}) -> [frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] frozenset({'v4', 'v5'}) -> [frozenset({'v4', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v5'})] degrees : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] distribution : [0, 0, 5, 0, 0] nbh depths : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 'inf.'] distribution : [0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0] MISs in line graphs provide maximal matchings - maximal sets of independent edges - in the original graph. >>> c8 = CycleGraph(order=8) >>> lc8 = LineGraph(c8) >>> lc8.showMIS() *--- Maximal Independent Sets ---* [frozenset({'v3', 'v4'}), frozenset({'v5', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v8'})] [frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v5', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v8'})] [frozenset({'v8', 'v7'}), frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v5', 'v6'})] [frozenset({'v8', 'v7'}), frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] [frozenset({'v7', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v3', 'v4'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v8'})] [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v8', 'v7'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v7', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v7', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v3', 'v4'})] [frozenset({'v7', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v2', 'v3'}), frozenset({'v1', 'v8'}), frozenset({'v4', 'v5'})] [frozenset({'v2', 'v1'}), frozenset({'v8', 'v7'}), frozenset({'v3', 'v4'}), frozenset({'v5', 'v6'})] number of solutions: 10 cardinality distribution card.: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] freq.: [0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0] execution time: 0.00029 sec. The two last MISs of cardinality 4 (see Lines 14-15 above) give **isomorphic perfect maximum matchings** of the 8-cycle graph. Every vertex of the cycle is adjacent to a matching edge. Odd cyle graphs do not admid any perfect matching. >>> maxMatching = c8.computeMaximumMatching() >>> c8.exportGraphViz(fileName='maxMatchingcycleGraph', ... matching=maxMatching) *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to Matching: {frozenset({'v1', 'v2'}), frozenset({'v5', 'v6'}), frozenset({'v3', 'v4'}), frozenset({'v7', 'v8'}) } circo -Tpng -o maxMatchingcyleGraph.png .. image:: maxMatchingcycleGraph.png :alt: maximum matching colored c8 :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self, graph): from copy import deepcopy from collections import OrderedDict from graphs import CycleGraph from digraphsTools import omin if graph.__class__ == CycleGraph: self.__class__ = CycleGraph = 'line-' + self.graph = deepcopy(graph) self.valuationDomain = deepcopy(graph.valuationDomain) Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] vertices = OrderedDict() for edge in graph.edges: if graph.edges[edge] > Med: vertices[edge] = {'name': str(list(edge))} self.vertices = vertices self.order = len(vertices) edges = OrderedDict() for v1 in vertices: for v2 in vertices: if v1 != v2: intv = v1 & v2 unv = v1 | v2 if len(intv) > 0: edges[frozenset([frozenset(v1),frozenset(v2)])] = min(graph.edges[v1],graph.edges[v2]) else: edges[frozenset([frozenset(v1),frozenset(v2)])] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] class PermutationGraph(Graph): """ Martin Ch. Gulombic, Agorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs 2nd Ed., Annals of Discrete Mathematics 57, Elsevier, Chapter 7, pp 157-170. >>> from graphs import PermutationGraph >>> g = PermutationGraph() >>> g *------- Graph instance description ------* Instance class : PermutationGraph Instance name : permutationGraph Graph Order : 6 Permutation : [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2] Graph Size : 9 Valuation domain : [-1.00; 1.00] Attributes : ['name', 'vertices', 'order', 'permutation', 'valuationDomain', 'edges', 'size', 'gamma'] >>> g.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to fdp -Tpng -o permutationGraph.png .. image:: permutationGraph.png :alt: Default permutation graph :width: 300 px :align: center """ def __init__(self,permutation=[4,3,6,1,5,2],Debug=False): from collections import OrderedDict = 'permutationGraph' vertices = OrderedDict() order = len(permutation) for i in range(1,order+1): vertices[str(i)] = {'name': str(i)} self.vertices = vertices self.order = len(vertices) self.permutation = permutation self.valuationDomain = {'min': Decimal('-1'), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal('1')} Min = self.valuationDomain['min'] Max = self.valuationDomain['max'] edges = OrderedDict() for i in range(1,order+1): for j in range(i+1,order+1): invi = permutation.index(i) + 1 invj = permutation.index(j) + 1 if Debug: print('i,invi, j, invj',i,invi, j, invj) print((i - j)*(invi - invj)) if (i - j)*(invi - invj) < 0: edges[frozenset([str(i),str(j)])] = Max else: edges[frozenset([str(i),str(j)])] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets()
[docs] def transitiveOrientation(self): """ Renders a digraph where each edge of the permutation graph *self* is converted into an arc oriented in increasing order of the adjacent vertices' numbers. This orientation is always transitive and delivers a weak ordering of the vertices. >>> from graphs import PermutationGraph >>> g = PermutationGraph() >>> dg = g.transitiveOrientation() >>> dg *------- Digraph instance description ------* Instance class : TransitiveDigraph Instance name : oriented_permutationGraph Digraph Order : 6 Digraph Size : 9 Valuation domain : [-1.00; 1.00] Determinateness : 100.000 Attributes : ['name', 'order', 'actions', 'valuationdomain', 'relation', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'size'] >>> dg.exportGraphViz() *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to 0 { rank = same; 1; 2; } 1 { rank = same; 5; 3; } 2 { rank = same; 4; 6; } dot -Grankdir=TB -Tpng -o oriented_permutationGraph.png .. image:: oriented_permutationGraph.png :alt: Transitive orientation of a permutation graph :width: 200 px :align: center """ from digraphs import EmptyDigraph from transitiveDigraphs import TransitiveDigraph from copy import deepcopy g = EmptyDigraph(order=self.order) g.__class__ = TransitiveDigraph = 'oriented_' g.actions = deepcopy(self.vertices) g.valuationdomain = deepcopy(self.valuationDomain) Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] relation = {} for x in g.actions: relation[x] = {} for y in g.actions: if x == y: relation[x][y] = Med else: if self.edges[frozenset([x,y])] > Med: if int(x) < int(y): relation[x][y] = Max else: relation[x][y] = Min else: relation[x][y] = Min g.relation = relation g.size = g.computeSize() g.gamma = g.gammaSets() g.notGamma = g.notGammaSets() return g
[docs] def computeMinimalVertexColoring(self,colors=None,Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Computes a vertex coloring by using a minimal number of color queues for sorting the given permutation. Sets by the way the chromatic number of the graph. """ permutation = self.permutation vertexKeys = [x for x in self.vertices] n = len(permutation) if colors is None: colors = ['gold','lightblue','lightcoral','lightyellow','orange','gray',\ 'lightpink','seagreen1','skyblue','wheat1','lightsalmon','wheat'] nc = len(colors) Q = [[0,[0]] for x in range(nc)] for i in range(n): for j in range(nc): try: jQpt = Q[j][0] except IndexError: print('!!! Error: The number of available colors %d is not sufficient !!!' % nc) print(colors) return if permutation[i] > Q[j][1][jQpt]: Q[j][1].append(permutation[i]) Q[j][0] += 1 break if Debug: print(Q) vertexColor = [0 for i in range(n)] chromNumber = 0 for j in range(nc): nj = len(Q[j][1]) if nj > 1: chromNumber += 1 for i in range(1,nj): k = Q[j][1][i] - 1 vertexColor[k] = colors[j] self.chromaticNumber = chromNumber if Debug: print(vertexColor) print(chromNumber) for i in range(n): self.vertices[vertexKeys[i]]['color'] = vertexColor[i] if Comments: print('vertex %s: %s' % (vertexKeys[i],vertexColor[i]))
[docs] class RandomPermutationGraph(PermutationGraph): """ A generator for random permutation graphs. """ def __init__(self,order=6,seed=None): import random random.seed(seed) permutation = list(range(1,order+1)) random.shuffle(permutation) g = PermutationGraph(permutation=permutation) att = [a for a in g.__dict__] for a in att: self.__dict__[a] = g.__dict__[a] = 'randomPermGraph'
# --------------testing the module ---- if __name__ == '__main__': print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 graphs module * * Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) cg = CompleteGraph(order=4,verticesIdPrefix='a') cg1 = CompleteGraph(verticesKeys=['v1','v2','v3']) bpg = CompleteBipartiteGraph(['a1','a2','a3'],['b1','b2','b3','b4']) bpg.showShort() bpg.showEdgesCharacteristicValues() bpg.exportGraphViz() ## t = RandomTree(prueferCode=['v11', 'v4', 'v8', 'v7', 'v7', 'v10', 'v9', 'v10', 'v2', 'v7']) ## #print(t.computeTreeCenters()) ## #t.exportGraphViz('test') ## print(t) ## #dg = t.tree2OrientedTree(root=None,Debug=True) ## #print(dg) ## t.exportOrientedTreeGraphViz(root=None,fileName='testOr') ##'testT') ## t = TreeGraph('testT') ## print(t) ## print(t.computeGraphCentres()) ## ## ## from graphs import MetropolisChain ## g = Graph(numberOfVertices=5,edgeProbability=0.5) ## g.showShort() ## probs = {} # initialize a potential stationary probability vector ## n = g.order # for instance: probs[v_i] = n-i/Sum(1:n) for i in 1:n ## i = 0 ## verticesList = [x for x in g.vertices] ## verticesList.sort() ## for v in verticesList: ## probs[v] = (n - i)/(n*(n+1)/2) ## i += 1 ## met = MetropolisChain(g,probs) ## print(met) ## print(met.vertices) ## frequency = met.checkSampling(verticesList[0],nSim=30000) ## for v in verticesList: ## print(v,probs[v],frequency[v]) ## met.showTransitionMatrix() ## # g.exportGraphViz() ## # #print(g.breadthFirstSearch('v1',Debug=False)) ## # print(g.isPerfectGraph(Comments=True)) ## # g.computeGirth(girthType="odd",Comments=True) ## # g.computeGirth(girthType="even",Comments=True) ## # g.computeGirth(Comments=True) print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') #####################################