Source code for dynamicProgramming

Python3 implementation of a solver for **dynamic programming** problems.

Copyright (C) 2023 Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


from transitiveDigraphs import TransitiveDigraph        
[docs] class DynamicProgrammingDigraph(TransitiveDigraph): """ Implementation of the *Bellman*, *Dijkstra*, or *Viterbi* min-sum algorithm for solving the canonical dynamic programming problem (see *Numerical Recipes, the Art of Scientific Computing* 3rd Ed. (2007), W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T: Vetterling and B.P. Flannery, Cambridge Unviersity Press, ISBN 978-0-521-88068-8, pp 555-562). We provide the lowest cost, respectively highest benefit, path from a single *source* node to a single *sink* node via an integer number *nstages* of execution stages characterized by finite subsets of execution states. Each forward arc from a state *x* in stage *i* to a state *y* in stage *i+1* is labelled with a decimal value stored, like the digraph relation, in a double dictionary *self.costs* attribute. """ def __init__(self,fileName=None,Debug=False): from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy if fileName is None: print('Error: the name of a stored DPdigraph file is required') else: fileNameExt = fileName+'.py' argDict = {} exec(compile(open(fileNameExt).read(), fileNameExt, 'exec'),argDict) = fileName self.actions = argDict['actions'] self.order = len(self.actions) self.valuationdomain = argDict['valuationdomain'] self.relation = argDict['relation'] self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.source = argDict['source'] self.sink = argDict['sink'] self.stages = self.computeStages(Debug=Debug) self.costsRange = argDict['costsRange'] self.preferenceDirection = argDict['preferenceDirection'] self.costs = argDict['costs'] self.optimalPath = self.computeDynamicProgrammingSolution(Debug=Debug)
[docs] def save(self,fileName='tempDPdigraph',decDigits=2): """ Persistent storage of a dynamic programming problem in the format of a python source code file. The stored file may be reloaded with the :py:class:`~dynamicProgramming.DynamicProgrammingDigraph` class. *self.stages*, *self.optimalPath* and self.bestSum* attributes are automatically added by the class constructor. """ print('*--- Saving DP digraph in file: <' + fileName + '.py> ---*') actions = self.actions relation = self.relation costs = self.costs costsRange = self.costsRange prefDir = self.preferenceDirection Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] fileNameExt = str(fileName)+str('.py') fo = open(fileNameExt, 'w') fo.write('# Saved dynamic programming problem\n') fo.write('from decimal import Decimal\n') # write actions fo.write('from collections import OrderedDict\n') fo.write('actions = OrderedDict([\n') for x in actions: fo.write('(\'' + str(x) + '\',\n') try: fo.write(str(actions[x])+'),\n') except: fo.write('{\'name\': \'%s\'}),\n' % str(x)) fo.write('])\n') fo.write('source = \'%s\'\n' % self.source) fo.write('sink = \'%s\'\n' % self.sink) # write relation IntegerValuation = self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] if not IntegerValuation: fo.write('valuationdomain = {\'hasIntegerValuation\': False, \'min\': Decimal("'+str(Min)+'"),\'med\': Decimal("'+str(Med)+'"),\'max\': Decimal("'+str(Max)+'")}\n') else: fo.write('valuationdomain = {\'hasIntegerValuation\': True, \'min\': Decimal("'+str(Min)+'"),\'med\': Decimal("'+str(Med)+'"),\'max\': Decimal("'+str(Max)+'")}\n') fo.write('relation = {\n') for x in actions: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\': {\n') for y in actions: if not IntegerValuation: valueString = '\': Decimal(\'%%.%df\'),\n' % (decDigits) fo.write('\'' + str(y) + (valueString % relation[x][y])) #fo.write('\'' + str(y) + '\': Decimal("' + str(relation[x][y]) + '"),\n') else: fo.write('\'' + str(y) + '\':' + str(relation[x][y]) + ',\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') # write costs valueString = 'Decimal(\'%%.%df\')' % (decDigits) fo.write('costsRange = (' + (valueString % costsRange[0]) \ + ',' + (valueString % costsRange[1]) + ')\n' ) fo.write('preferenceDirection = \'%s\'\n' % prefDir) fo.write('costs = {\n') for x in actions: fo.write('\'' + str(x) + '\': {\n') for y in actions: if not IntegerValuation: valueString = '\': Decimal(\'%%.%df\'),\n' % (decDigits) fo.write('\'' + str(y) + (valueString % costs[x][y])) else: fo.write('\'' + str(y) + '\':' + str(costs[x][y]) + ',\n') fo.write('},\n') fo.write( '}\n') fo.close()
[docs] def computeStages(self,Debug=False): """ Renders the decomposition of a :py:class:`~dynamicProgramming.DynamicProgrammingDigraph` object into a list of successive stages --subsets of states-- by taking the progessive union of the *gama* sets, starting from a single *self.source* node and ending in a single *self.sink* node. """ stages = [] source = self.source sink = self.sink stages.append([source]) spl = self.computeShortestPathLengths() nstages = spl[source][sink] for i in range(1,nstages+1): if Debug: print('stage: ',i) neighbours = set() for x in stages[i-1]: nbx = self.gamma[x][0] if Debug: print(x,nbx) neighbours |= nbx nbList = list(neighbours) nbList.sort() stages.append(nbList) if Debug: print(stages) if len(stages[0]) != 1 and len(stages[-1]) != 1: print('Error: the given digraph is not a valid dynamic programming diagram') else: return stages
[docs] def computeDynamicProgrammingSolution(self,Debug=False): """ The *Bellmann*, *Dijkstra*, or *Viterbi* dynamic programming algorithms a.o., all proceed with a recursive forward-computing of best paths from stage *i-1* to stage *i*. In a second step, the overall best path is determined by backwards-selecting in each stage the best predecessor state. The resulting optimal path is stored in the *self.optimalPath* attribute and its global sum of costs (*prefernceDirection* == 'min'), respectively benefits (*prefernceDirection* == 'max', *negative* costs) is stored in the *self.bestSum* attribute. """ from decimal import Decimal sink = self.sink source = self.source stages = self.stages costsRange = self.costsRange prefDir = self.preferenceDirection nstate = [] nstages = len(stages) Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] # forward computing best paths until satge *i* for i in range(nstages): #print(i,stages[i]) nstate.append(len(stages[i])) Big = nstages * costsRange[1] best = {} best[0] = {} best[0][0] = Decimal('0') for i in range(1,nstages): best[i] = {} for k in range(nstate[i]): xk = stages[i][k] b = Big for j in range(nstate[i-1]): yj = stages[i-1][j] if self.relation[yj][xk] > Med: if prefDir == 'min': a = best[i-1][j] + self.costs[yj][xk] else: a = best[i-1][j] - self.costs[yj][xk] if a < b: b = a best[i][k] = b if Debug: = best self.bestSum = abs(best[nstages-1][0]) # Determine by backward inspec tion the best path from the sink to the source answer = [0 for i in range(nstages)] if Debug: print(answer) for i in range(nstages-2,0,-1): if Debug: print('>>>', i) k = answer[i+1] b = best[i+1][k] if Debug: print(i,b) for j in range(nstate[i]): xk = stages[i+1][k] yj = stages[i][j] if Debug: print(j,xk,yj) if self.relation[yj][xk] > self.valuationdomain['med']: if prefDir == 'min': temp = best[i][j] + self.costs[yj][xk] else: temp = best[i][j] - self.costs[yj][xk] if Debug: print('b,best,temp',b,best[i][j],temp) if b == temp: if Debug: print('b,temp',b,temp) answer[i] = j break if Debug: print(answer) optimalPath = [] for i in range(len(answer)): if Debug: print(stages[i][answer[i]]) optimalPath.append(stages[i][answer[i]]) return optimalPath
from dynamicProgramming import DynamicProgrammingDigraph
[docs] class RandomDynamicProgrammingDigraph(DynamicProgrammingDigraph): """ Generator for creating random dynamic programming digraphs. - *preferenceDirection* = 'min' (default) | 'max' - *maxStages* = maximal number of stages - *costsRange(a,b)* : integer limits (*a* < *b*) for the random generation of arc labels Example Python session: >>> from dynamicProgramming import RandomDynamicProgrammingDigraph >>> dg = RandomDynamicProgrammingDigraph( ... order=12, ... maxStages=4, ... costsRange=(5,10), ... preferenceDirection='min', ... seed=2) >>> dg *------- Digraph instance description ------* Instance class : RandomDynamicProgrammingDigraph Instance name : randomDPdigraph Digraph Order : 12 Digraph Size : 28 Valuation domain : [-1.00;1.00] Determinateness (%) : 80.30 Attributes : ['name', 'order', 'actions', 'valuationdomain', 'relation', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'costsRange', 'preferenceDirection', 'costs', 'source', 'sink', 'shortestPathLengths', 'stages', 'nstages', 'bestSum', 'optimalPath'] >>> print(dg.optimalPath) ['a01', 'a09', 'a02', 'a05', 'a12'] >>> print(dg.bestSum) 25.0 >>> dg.exportGraphViz('testDP',WithBestPathDecoration=True) *---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------* Exporting to dot -Grankdir=TB -Tpng -o testDP.png *Figure*: The path that minimizes the sum of the costs labels .. image:: testDP.png :width: 400 px :align: center :alt: The dynamic programming solution """ def __init__(self,order=12,maxStages=4,costsRange=(5,10), preferenceDirection='min', seed=None,Debug=False): from randomDigraphs import RandomDigraph from decimal import Decimal from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy import random random.seed(seed) g = RandomDigraph(order=order,seed=seed) actionsList = [x for x in g.actions] source = actionsList[0] sink = actionsList[-1] Max = g.valuationdomain['max'] Med = g.valuationdomain['med'] Min = g.valuationdomain['min'] if Debug: print(actionsList,source,sink) actionsStage = {source: 0, sink: maxStages} for i in range(1,order-1): x = actionsList[i] actionsStage[x] = random.randint(1,maxStages-1) if Debug: print(actionsStage) for i in range(order): x = actionsList[i] xst = actionsStage[x] for j in range(order): y = actionsList[j] yst = actionsStage[y] if x == y: g.relation[x][y] = Med if xst - yst == -1: g.relation[x][y] = Max elif xst - yst == 1: g.relation[x][y] = Min else: g.relation[x][y] = Med if Debug: g.showRelationTable() costs = {} for i in range(order): x = actionsList[i] costs[x] = {} for j in range(order): y = actionsList[j] if g.relation[x][y] > Med: costs[x][y] = random.randint(costsRange[0],costsRange[1]) else: costs[x][y] = Decimal('0') ## if x == y: ## costs[x][y] = Decimal('0') ## else: ## costs[x][y] = random.randint(costsRange[0],costsRange[1]) \ ## * g.relation[x][y] if Debug: print(costs) = 'randomDPdigraph' self.order = order self.actions = deepcopy(g.actions) self.valuationdomain = {'min':Min,'med':Med,'max':Max, 'hasIntegerValuation': False} self.relation = deepcopy(g.relation) self.closeTransitive(Reverse = True) self.costsRange = costsRange self.preferenceDirection = preferenceDirection self.costs = costs self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() self.source = source self.sink = sink self.stages = self.computeStages(Debug=Debug) self.nstages = len(self.stages) self.optimalPath = self.computeDynamicProgrammingSolution(Debug=Debug)
# -------------------- ############################### if __name__ == '__main__': print(""" **************************************************** * Digraph3 dynamicProgramming module * * Revision: Python3.10 * * Copyright (C) 2023 Raymond Bisdorff * * The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY * * to the extent permitted by the applicable law. * * This is free software, and you are welcome to * * redistribute it if it remains free software. * **************************************************** """) ###### scratch pad for testing the module components dg = RandomDynamicProgrammingDigraph(order=12, maxStages=4, costsRange=(5,10), preferenceDirection='min', seed=2) print(dg.optimalPath) print(dg.bestSum) print(dg.preferenceDirection) dg.exportGraphViz('testDP',WithBestPathDecoration=True) dg1 = DynamicProgrammingDigraph('tempDPdigraph') print(dg1.optimalPath) print(dg1.bestSum) print(dg1.preferenceDirection) print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') #####################################