Digraph3 Data sets

The Petersen's graph

Data type

{0,1}-valued graph (symmetric digraph)


Kernel extraction, number of kernels


The data set presents the Petersen graph. This famous graph represents the non set inclusion relation on the 10 triplets it is possible to build with 5 objects.

The Petersen graph, contructed from both the circulants {-1,1} (blue nodes) and {-2,2} (pink nodes) on a five element set X = {1, 2, 3, 4,5 } is highly symmetric and therefore supports 15 kernels, a number that is larger than its order (n = 10). These kernels may however be organized into solution types that in fact are isomorphic with respect to the automorphism group of the Petersen graph.

The Petersen graph suggests the idea that for any (sufficiently ?) connected k-regular graph, the number of unlabelled kernel solutions, i.e. solutions isomorphic modulo all possible symmetry rotations and reflections, might be lower or equal to the order of the graph.

In fact, the unlabelled kernel number of the Petersen graph is 2.


The automorphism group of the Petersen graph is generated for instance by the following four actions:
  1. a bilateral reflection: (2 6)(3 9)(7 8),
  2. a bilateral reflection: (3 7)(4 5)(8 9),
  3. a bilateral reflection: (1 4)(2 3)(6 9)(7 8),
  4. a bilateral reflection: (0 1)(2 4)(5 6)(7 9).
The total order of the automorphism group generated with these actions is 120.

These four generators of the Petersen graph automorphism group map on the kernel equation system solution space 2 orbits listed below:

{'3', '6', '5'}
{'2', '9', '5'}
{'8', '1', '9'}
{'7', '4', '6'}
{'0', '8', '7'}
{'1', '4', '5'}
{'8', '2', '4'}
{'7', '1', '3'}
{'0', '2', '6'}
{'0', '9', '3'}

{'0', '8', '2', '9'}
{'1', '9', '5', '3'}
{'2', '4', '6', '5'}
{'0', '7', '3', '6'}
{'8', '7', '1', '4'}

Both choice types are illustrated below:



Holton, D.A. & Sheehan, J., The Petersen Grpah. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

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Responsible author: R. Bisdorff, Decembre 2005