Source code for pairings

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python3 implementation of solvers for fair inter- and intragroup pairing problems

Copyright (C) 2023 Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "$Revision: Python 3.11"

from graphs import BipartiteGraph
[docs] class InterGroupPairing(BipartiteGraph): """ Abstract root class with private and public methods for intergroup pairing graphs """ def __init__(self): print('Abstract root class with private and public methods for intergroup pairing graphs') def __repr__(self): """ Default description for FairPairing instances. """ reprString = '*------- InterGroupPairing instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Group sizes : %d\n' % len(self.vpA.voters) reprString += 'Graph Order : %d\n' % self.order reprString += 'Graph size : %d\n' % self.size try: reprString += 'Partners swappings : %d\n' % self.iterations except: pass reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) reprString += '---- Constructor run times (in sec.) ----\n' try: val = self.runTimes['totalTime'] reprString += 'Total time : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['dataInput'] reprString += 'Data input : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['storeData'] reprString += 'Store data : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['bipartiteGraph'] reprString += 'Bipartite graph : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['GroupCorrelations'] reprString += 'Group correlations : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['Correlations'] reprString += 'Average correlation: %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['enhancing'] reprString += 'Enhancing fairness : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['copelandGraph'] reprString += 'Copeland graph : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] reprString += 'Maximal matching : %.5f\n' % val except: pass return reprString
[docs] def computePermutation(self,matching): """ Renders the matching's permutation of *A* and *B* indexes. .. note:: The prefix of group *A* voters must preceed the prefix of the group *B* voters in alphabetic order """ permutation = [] pairs = [] aKeys = [k for k in self.vpA.voters] bKeys = [k for k in self.vpB.voters] for m in matching: pair = list(m) sortedPair = [] if pair[0] in bKeys: pairs.append([pair[1],pair[0]]) else: pairs.append([pair[0],pair[1]]) pairs.sort() for pair in pairs: a = pair[1] ai = bKeys.index(a) permutation.append(ai+1) return permutation
[docs] def computePermutationGraph(self,matching): """ Renders the permutation graph of the matching """ from graphs import PermutationGraph permutation = self.computePermutation(matching) pg = PermutationGraph(permutation) = 'matching-permutation' return pg
def showPairing(self,matching=None): print('*------------------------------*') pairs = [] aKeys = [k for k in self.vpA.voters] bKeys = [k for k in self.vpB.voters] if matching is None: matching = self.matching for m in matching: pair = list(m) sortedPair = [] if pair[0] in aKeys: pairs.append([pair[0],pair[1]]) else: pairs.append([pair[1],pair[0]]) pairs.sort() for pair in pairs: print(pair)
[docs] def showCopelandRankingScores(self): """ Print the individual Copeland ranking scores """ print('*---- Copeland ranking scores ----*') aKeys = [x for x in self.vpA.voters] bKeys = [x for x in self.vpB.voters] print('group A',end=':\t') for bj in bKeys: print(bj,end='\t') print() for ai in aKeys: print(' ',ai,end=':\t') for bj in bKeys: print('%d'% (self.copelandScores[ai][bj]), end='\t') print() print('----') print('group B',end=':\t') for ai in aKeys: print(ai,end='\t') print() for bj in bKeys: print(' ',bj,end=':\t') for ai in aKeys: print('%d'% (self.copelandScores[bj][ai]), end='\t') print()
def showMatchingFairness(self,matching=None, WithGroupCorrelations=True, WithIndividualCorrelations=True): #from decimal import Decimal from statistics import mean,stdev vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB groupA = [a for a in vpA.voters] groupB = [b for b in vpB.voters] if matching is None: matching = self.matching self.showPairing(matching) print('-----') fitness = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(matching) groupAScores = fitness[4] groupBScores = fitness[5] if WithIndividualCorrelations: print('group A correlations:') for pers in groupAScores: print(' \'%s\': %+.3f' % (pers,groupAScores[pers])) if WithGroupCorrelations: corrs = [ groupAScores[pers] for pers in groupAScores] print('group A average correlation (a) : %.3f' % (mean(corrs))) print('group A standard deviation : %.3f' % (stdev(corrs))) print('-----') if WithIndividualCorrelations: print('group B correlations:') for pers in groupBScores: print(' \'%s\': %+.3f' % (pers,groupBScores[pers])) if WithGroupCorrelations: corrs = [ groupBScores[pers] for pers in groupBScores] print('group B average correlation (b) : %.3f' % (mean(corrs))) print('group B standard deviation : %.3f' % (stdev(corrs))) print('-----') print('Average correlation : %.3f' % fitness[1]) print('Standard Deviation : %.3f' % fitness[2]) print('Unfairness |(a) - (b)| : %.3f' % fitness[6])
[docs] def exportPairingGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', matching=None, edgeColor='blue', bgcolor='cornsilk', lineWidth=1): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for bipartite graph drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') Akeys = [x for x in self.vpA.voters] Bkeys = [x for x in self.vpB.voters] vertexkeys = Akeys + Bkeys n = len(vertexkeys) if matching is None: matching = self.matching edges = matching #Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2023", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') fo.write('splines=false;\n') fo.write('node[shape=circle]\n') fo.write('edge[color=%s]\n' % edgeColor) fo.write('subgraph cluster_1r {\n') n = len(Akeys) for i in range(n): fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Akeys[i],Akeys[i]) ) for i in range(n-1): fo.write(' %s--' % Akeys[i]) fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % (Akeys[n-1]) ) fo.write(' label = "group A"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') fo.write('subgraph cluster_1l {\n') n = len(Bkeys) for i in range(n): fo.write(' %s [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (Bkeys[i],Bkeys[i]) ) for i in range(n-1): fo.write(' %s--' % Bkeys[i]) fo.write(' %s [style=invis]\n' % Bkeys[n-1] ) fo.write(' label = "group B"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') for m in matching: pair = list(m) pair.sort() fo.write('%s--%s [constraint=false]\n' % (pair[0],pair[1])) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() layout = "dot" commandString = '%s -T%s %s -o %s.%s' % (layout,graphType,dotName,name,graphType) if Comments: print(commandString) try: from os import system system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] def computeGaleShapleyMatching(self,Reverse=False): """ Documentation: Our implementation is inspired by When *Reverse==False*, group *A* is proposing. Otherwise, group *B* is proposing """ if Reverse: vpA = self.vpB vpB = self.vpA else: vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB def pref_to_rank(pref): # helper fct return { a: {b: idx for idx, b in enumerate(a_pref)} for a, a_pref in pref.items()} from collections import deque A = [a for a in vpA.voters] B = [b for b in vpB.voters] A_pref = vpA.linearBallot B_pref = vpB.linearBallot B_rank = pref_to_rank(B_pref) # lvA candidates are the proposers ask_list = {a: deque(bs) for a, bs in A_pref.items()} pair = {} # remaining_A = set(A) while len(remaining_A) > 0: a = remaining_A.pop() b = ask_list[a].popleft() if b not in pair: pair[b] = a else: a0 = pair[b] b_prefer_a0 = B_rank[b][a0] < B_rank[b][a] if b_prefer_a0: remaining_A.add(a) else: remaining_A.add(a0) pair[b] = a # return [frozenset([a, b]) for b, a in pair.items()]
[docs] def isStableMatching(self,matching,Comments=True,Debug=False): """ Test for the existance of matching instabilities. Our implementation is inspired by """ def pref_to_rank(pref): # helper fct return { a: {b: idx for idx, b in enumerate(a_pref)} \ for a, a_pref in pref.items()} from collections import namedtuple vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["groupA", "groupB"]) groupA = {a for a in vpA.voters} groupB = {b for b in vpB.voters} A_rank = pref_to_rank(vpA.linearBallot) B_rank = pref_to_rank(vpB.linearBallot) pairedMatching = [] for pair in matching: pl = list(pair) pl.sort() pairedMatching.append(Pair(groupA=pl[0], groupB=pl[1])) if Debug: print(pairedMatching) match_A = {pair.groupA : pair for pair in pairedMatching} match_B = {pair.groupB : pair for pair in pairedMatching} #print(match_B) Unstable = False for a in groupA: for b in groupB: if a != match_B[b].groupA and b != match_A[a].groupB: if A_rank[a][b] < A_rank[a][match_A[a].groupB]\ and B_rank[b][a] < B_rank[b][match_B[b].groupA]: if Comments: print('Unstable match: ',\ a,match_A[a],b,match_B[b]) print(a,b,'<--', match_A[a].groupB) print(A_rank[a][b],\ A_rank[a][match_A[a].groupB]) print(b,a,'<--',match_B[b].groupA) print(B_rank[b][a], \ B_rank[b][match_B[b].groupA]) Unstable = True if Unstable: if Comments: self.showPairing(matching) print(' is unstable!') return False else: if Comments: self.showPairing(matching) print(' is stable!') return True
[docs] def computeIndividualCorrelations(self,matching,Debug=False): """ Individual correlations for groups A and B returns a tuple called fitness with following content fitness=(matching,avgCorr,stdCorr,avgCorr-stdCorr, groupAScores,groupBScores, abs(avgCorrA-avgCorrB)) """ # computing groupA's scores from digraphs import IndeterminateDigraph from decimal import Decimal from statistics import mean, stdev groupAScores = {} vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB groupA = [a for a in vpA.voters] groupB = [b for b in vpB.voters] for m in groupA: edg = IndeterminateDigraph(order=len(vpA.candidates)) edg.actions = groupB Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] mmatch = [x for x in matching if m in x] mmatch = [x for x in mmatch[0] if x != m] relation = {} for x in groupB: relation[x] = {} for y in groupB: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(edg.actions) for i in range(n): x = groupB[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = groupB[j] if x == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() #corr = edg.computeRankingCorrelation(vpA.linearBallot[m]) corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(vpA.ballot[m]) groupAScores[m] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) # computing groupB's scores groupBScores = {} for w in groupB: edg.actions = groupA Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] wmmatch = [x for x in matching if w in x] wmmatch = [x for x in wmmatch[0] if x != w] relation = {} for x in groupA: relation[x] = {} for y in groupA: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(edg.actions) for i in range(n): x = groupA[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = groupA[j] if x == wmmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == wmmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() #corr = edg.computeRankingCorrelation(vpB.linearBallot[w]) corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(vpB.ballot[w]) groupBScores[w] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) # computing matching fitness scores fitness = [] aCorrelations = [] for w in groupAScores: aCorrelations.append(groupAScores[w]) ACorr = mean(aCorrelations) bCorrelations = [] for m in groupBScores: bCorrelations.append(groupBScores[m]) BCorr = mean(bCorrelations) fairness = abs(ACorr-BCorr) matchingCorrelations = aCorrelations + bCorrelations if Debug: print(matching) print(matchingCorrelations) avgCorr = mean(matchingCorrelations) stdCorr = stdev(matchingCorrelations) if Debug: print(avgCorr,stdCorr) fitness=(matching,avgCorr,stdCorr,avgCorr-stdCorr, groupAScores,groupBScores,fairness) return fitness
[docs] def enhanceMatchingLVFairness(self,matching,Reversed=False, maxIterations=10, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Enhance fairness of given matching by using reciprocal linear voting profiles """ vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB fg = matching pairs = [] aKeys = [k for k in self.vpA.voters] bKeys = [k for k in self.vpB.voters] for m in matching: pair = list(m) sortedPair = [] if pair[0] in aKeys: pairs.append([pair[0],pair[1]]) else: pairs.append([pair[1],pair[0]]) pairs.sort() ## pairs = [] ## for p in fg: ## pair = list(p) ## pair.sort(reverse=Reversed) ## pairs.append(pair) ## pairs.sort() if Comments: print(pairs) n = len(pairs) newPairs = pairs.copy() t = 1 Enhanced = True history = [] maxIterations = maxIterations while Enhanced: Enhanced = False if Comments: print('==>>> Iteration: ', t) if Debug: print(pairs) enhanceFitness = [] for i in range(n): pair1 = pairs[i] for j in range(i+1,n): if Debug: print(i,j) pair2 = pairs[j] if [pair1,pair2] not in history: # exchange right hands rankDifA1 = -(vpA.linearBallot[pair1[0]].index(pair2[1]) \ -vpA.linearBallot[pair1[0]].index(pair1[1])) rankDifA2 = -(vpA.linearBallot[pair2[0]].index(pair1[1]) \ - vpA.linearBallot[pair2[0]].index(pair2[1])) difGroupA = rankDifA1 + rankDifA2 rankDifB1 = -(vpB.linearBallot[pair1[1]].index(pair2[0]) \ - vpB.linearBallot[pair1[1]].index(pair1[0])) rankDifB2 = - (vpB.linearBallot[pair2[1]].index(pair1[0]) \ - vpB.linearBallot[pair2[1]].index(pair2[0])) difGroupB = rankDifB1 + rankDifB2 if difGroupA <= difGroupB: # enhance group A correlations enhanceFitness.append(((difGroupA + difGroupB),(difGroupB-difGroupA),(i,j))) else: # enhance group B correlations enhanceFitness.append(((difGroupA + difGroupB),(difGroupA-difGroupB),(i,j))) if Debug: print(enhanceFitness) from operator import itemgetter enhanceFitness.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0,1)) if Debug: print(enhanceFitness[0]) i = enhanceFitness[0][2][0] j = enhanceFitness[0][2][1] if Comments: print(i,pairs[i]) print(j,pairs[j]) pair1 = pairs[i] pair2 = pairs[j] npair1 = [pair1[0],pair2[1]] npair2 = [pair2[0],pair1[1]] if [npair1,npair2] in history: print('!!!! Cycling :', [npair1,npair2]) if Debug: print(history) Enhanced = False elif (enhanceFitness[0][0] >= 0): # and (enhanceFitness[0][1] >= 0): if Comments: print(pair1,npair1) print(pair2,npair2) if Debug: print(pair1[0],self.vpA.linearBallot[pair1[0]]) print(pair1[1],self.vpB.linearBallot[pair1[1]]) print(pair2[0],self.vpA.linearBallot[pair2[0]]) print(pair2[1],self.vpB.linearBallot[pair2[1]]) print(npair1,npair2) print(newPairs) newPairs.pop(i) newPairs.insert(i,npair1) newPairs.pop(j) newPairs.insert(j, npair2) if Debug: print(newPairs) history.append([npair1,npair2]) Enhanced = True pairs = newPairs.copy() t += 1 if t > maxIterations: print('!!!! Too many iterations (max=%d): %d\n' % (maxIterations,t)) print('You may adjust the *maxIterations* parameter') Enhanced = False nfg = [] for pair in newPairs: nfg.append(frozenset(pair)) if Comments: print('Given matching') self.showMatchingFairness(fg) print('Fairness enhanced matching') self.showMatchingFairness(nfg) print('number of iterations:',t) return nfg,t,history
[docs] def computeCopelandScore(self,vpA,a,b): """ Replacement for the linear voting profiles information when searching for promising swapping candidates """ from decimal import Decimal ba = vpA.ballot[a] score = Decimal('0') candidates = [b for b in vpA.candidates] k = len(candidates) for i in range(k): score += ba[b][candidates[i]] - ba[candidates[i]][b] return score
[docs] def enhanceMatchingGeneralFairness(self,matching, maxIterations=10, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Enahance fairness of a given matching using any reciprocal voting profiles """ vpA = self.vpA vpB = self.vpB fg = matching pairs = [] aKeys = [k for k in self.vpA.voters] bKeys = [k for k in self.vpB.voters] for m in matching: pair = list(m) sortedPair = [] if pair[0] in aKeys: pairs.append([pair[0],pair[1]]) else: pairs.append([pair[1],pair[0]]) pairs.sort() if Comments: print(pairs) n = len(pairs) newPairs = pairs.copy() t = 1 Enhanced = True history = [] maxIterations = maxIterations while Enhanced: Enhanced = False if Comments: print('==>>> Iteration: ', t) if Debug: print(pairs) enhanceFitness = [] for i in range(n): pair1 = pairs[i] for j in range(i+1,n): if Debug: print(i,j) pair2 = pairs[j] if [pair1,pair2] not in history: rankDifA1 = self.copelandScores[pair1[0]][pair2[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair1[0]][pair1[1]] rankDifA2 = self.copelandScores[pair2[0]][pair1[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair2[0]][pair2[1]] difGroupA = rankDifA1 + rankDifA2 rankDifB1 = self.copelandScores[pair1[1]][pair2[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair1[1]][pair1[0]] rankDifB2 = self.copelandScores[pair2[1]][pair1[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair2[1]][pair2[0]] difGroupB = rankDifB1 + rankDifB2 if difGroupA <= difGroupB: # enhance group B correlations enhanceFitness.append(((difGroupA + difGroupB),(difGroupB-difGroupA),(i,j))) else: # enhance group A correlations enhanceFitness.append(((difGroupA + difGroupB),(difGroupA-difGroupB),(i,j))) else: if Debug: print([pair1,pair2], ' in history !') ## if Debug: ## print(enhanceFitness) from operator import itemgetter enhanceFitness.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Debug: print(enhanceFitness) ie = enhanceFitness[0][2][0] je = enhanceFitness[0][2][1] if Comments: print(ie,pairs[ie]) print(je,pairs[je]) pair1 = pairs[ie] pair2 = pairs[je] npair1 = [pair1[0],pair2[1]] npair2 = [pair2[0],pair1[1]] if [npair1,npair2] in history: if Debug: print(history) print('!!!! Cycling :', [npair1,npair2]) Enhanced = False ## elif (enhanceFitness[0][0] >= 0) \ ## and (enhanceFitness[0][1] >= 0): elif (enhanceFitness[0][0] >= 0): if Comments: print(pair1,npair1) print(pair2,npair2) if Debug: print(npair1,npair2) print(newPairs) newPairs.pop(ie) newPairs.insert(ie,npair1) newPairs.pop(je) newPairs.insert(je, npair2) if Debug: print(newPairs) history.append([npair1,npair2]) Enhanced = True pairs = newPairs.copy() t += 1 if Debug: nfgt = [] for pair in newPairs: nfgt.append(frozenset(pair)) fitness = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(nfgt) print( '%.3f, %.3f, %.3f' \ % (fitness[1],fitness[2],fitness[6]) ) if t > maxIterations: print('!!!! Too many iterations (max=%d): %d\n' % (maxIterations,t)) print('You may adjust the *maxIterations* parameter') Enhanced = False nfg = [] for pair in newPairs: nfg.append(frozenset(pair)) fitness = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(nfg) if Comments: print('Given matching') self.showMatchingFairness(fg) print('Fairness enhanced matching') self.showMatchingFairness(nfg) print('number of iterations:',t) return nfg,t,history,fitness
#------ specialized pairing classes -------
[docs] class FairnessEnhancedInterGroupMatching(InterGroupPairing): """ The class enhances the fairness of a given matching. *Parameters*: * *vpA* : any VotingProfile instance * *vpB* : reciprocal VotingProfile instance * *initialMatching* : a given perfect matching if *None* a matching is being previously constructed elif 'bestCopeland' a best Copeland intergroup matching is used, elif 'Random' a shuffled version of the bi is matched to the ai, * The *seed* parameter is used for allowing to repete the same experiment See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,vpB, initialMatching=None, #RandomInit=False, seed=None, maxIterations=None, Comments=False,Debug=False): from time import time from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy self.runTimes = {} t0 = time() if initialMatching == 'random': RandomInit = True import random random.seed(seed) self.seed = seed else: RandomInit = False # store input data self.vpA = vpA self.vpB = vpB self.verticesKeysA = [x for x in vpA.voters] self.verticesKeysB = [y for y in vpB.voters] = 'fairness-enhanced-matching' k = len(vpA.voters) self.order = 2 * k if maxIterations is None: maxIterations = self.order self.maxIterations = maxIterations if Comments: print('Initial matching:', initialMatching) # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} aKeys = [a for a in vpA.voters] bKeys = [b for b in vpB.voters] n = len(aKeys) for i in range(n): ai = aKeys[i] bi = bKeys[i] copelandScores[ai] = {} copelandScores[bi] = {} for j in range(n): aj = aKeys[j] bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = Decimal() copelandScores[bi][aj] = Decimal() for i in range(n): ai = aKeys[i] for j in range(n): bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpA,ai,bj) for j in range(n): bj = bKeys[j] for i in range(n): ai = aKeys[i] copelandScores[bj][ai] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpB,bj,ai) self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: self.showCopelandRankingScores() t1 = time() self.runTimes['dataInput'] = t1 - t0 # test initialMatching t2 = time() if initialMatching == 'bestCopeland': if Debug: print(initialMatching) cop = BestCopelandInterGroupMatching(vpA,vpB) initialMatching = cop.matching if Comments or Debug: print('Best Copeland initial matching') print(cop.matching) fitness = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatching) if fitness[1] == Decimal('1.0'): if Comments or Debug: print('Storing given initial maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = initialMatching self.iterations = 0 self.history = [] self.maxCorr = fitness[1] self.stDev = fitness[2] self.groupAScores = fitness[4] self.groupBScores = fitness[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: em,it,history,fitnessG = self.enhanceMatchingGeneralFairness( initialMatching, maxIterations=maxIterations, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) if fitness[1] >= fitnessG[1] and fitness[2] <= fitnessG[2]: if Comments or Debug: print('Storing given initial maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = initialMatching self.iterations = 0 self.history = [] self.maxCorr = fitness[1] self.stDev = fitness[2] self.groupAScores = fitness[4] self.groupBScores = fitness[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: if Comments or Debug: print('Storing maximal fairness enhanced given matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = fitnessG[0] self.iterations = it self.history = history self.maxCorr = fitnessG[1] self.stDev = fitnessG[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessG[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessG[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 # compute initial matching elif initialMatching is None or initialMatching == 'random': initialMatchingL = set() initialMatchingR = set() aKeys = [a for a in vpA.voters] bKeys = [b for b in vpB.voters] if initialMatching == 'random': random.shuffle(bKeys) n = len(aKeys) for i in range(n): initialMatchingL.add(frozenset([aKeys[i],bKeys[i]])) initialMatchingR.add(frozenset([aKeys[i],bKeys[-(i+1)]])) # enhance left matching if Comments or Debug: print('==>>> Left initial matching') fitnessL = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatchingL) if fitnessL[1] < Decimal('1.0'): emL,itL,historyL,fitnessL = self.enhanceMatchingGeneralFairness( initialMatchingL, maxIterations=maxIterations, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) if fitnessL[1] == Decimal('1.0'): if Comments or Debug: print('Storing left initial matching maximum result') self.initialMatching = initialMatchingL self.matching = fitnessL[0] self.iterations = itL self.history = historyL self.maxCorr = fitnessL[1] self.stDev = fitnessL[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessL[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessL[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: if Comments or Debug: print('==>>> Right initial matching') emR,itR,historyR,fitnessR = self.enhanceMatchingGeneralFairness( initialMatchingR, maxIterations=maxIterations, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) t2 = time() self.runTimes['enhancing'] = t2 - t1 # storing the results if fitnessL[1] >= fitnessR[1] and fitnessL[2] <= fitnessR[2] : if Comments or Debug: print('Storing left maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatchingL self.matching = fitnessL[0] self.iterations = itL self.history = historyL self.maxCorr = fitnessL[1] self.stDev = fitnessL[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessL[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessL[5] t3 = time() self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: if Comments or Debug: print('Storing given initial maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatchingR self.matching = fitnessR[0] self.iterations = itR self.history = historyR self.maxCorr = fitnessR[1] self.stDev = fitnessR[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessR[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessR[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: # left initial correlation = +1.000 if Comments: print('Storing left matching maximum result') self.initialMatching = initialMatchingL self.matching = fitnessL[0] self.iterations = itL self.history = historyL self.maxCorr = fitnessL[1] self.stDev = fitnessL[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessL[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessL[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: t2 = time() if Debug: print(initialMatching) if Comments: print('Given initial matching') print(initialMatching) fitness = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatching) if fitness[1] == Decimal('1.0'): if Comments or Debug: print('Storing given initial maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = initialMatching self.iterations = 0 self.history = [] self.maxCorr = fitness[1] self.stDev = fitness[2] self.groupAScores = fitness[4] self.groupBScores = fitness[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: em,it,history,fitnessG = self.enhanceMatchingGeneralFairness( initialMatching, maxIterations=maxIterations, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) if fitness[1] >= fitnessG[1] and fitness[2] <= fitnessG[2]: if Comments or Debug: print('Storing given initial maximal fair matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = initialMatching self.iterations = 0 self.history = [] self.maxCorr = fitness[1] self.stDev = fitness[2] self.groupAScores = fitness[4] self.groupBScores = fitness[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 else: if Comments or Debug: print('Storing maximal fairness enhanced given matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching self.matching = fitnessG[0] self.iterations = it self.history = history self.maxCorr = fitnessG[1] self.stDev = fitnessG[2] self.groupAScores = fitnessG[4] self.groupBScores = fitnessG[5] self.runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - t2 #storing the Graph data self.vertices = vpA.voters | vpB.voters Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) mt = [] for m in self.matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - t0
[docs] class BestCopelandInterGroupMatching(InterGroupPairing): """ The class computes the individual Copeland ranking scores and constructs a best determined perfect intergroup matching with a ranked pairs rule *Parameters*: * *vpA* : any VotingProfile instance * *vpB* : reciprocal VotingProfile instance See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,vpB,Comments=False,Debug=False): from time import time from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy self.runTimes = {} t0 = time() # store input data self.vpA = vpA self.vpB = vpB order = len(vpA.voters) self.order = 2 * order # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} aKeys = [a for a in vpA.voters] self.verticesKeysA = aKeys bKeys = [b for b in vpB.voters] self.verticesKeysB = bKeys for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] bi = bKeys[i] copelandScores[ai] = {} copelandScores[bi] = {} for j in range(order): aj = aKeys[j] bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = Decimal() copelandScores[bi][aj] = Decimal() minScore = Decimal('0.0') for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] for j in range(order): bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpA,ai,bj) if copelandScores[ai][bj] < minScore: minScore = copelandScores[ai][bj] for j in range(order): bj = bKeys[j] for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] copelandScores[bj][ai] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpB,bj,ai) if copelandScores[bj][ai] < minScore: minScore = copelandScores[bj][ai] self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: self.showCopelandRankingScores() t1 = time() self.runTimes['dataInput'] = t1 - t0 #storing the Copeland graph data t2 = time() = 'copelandMatching' self.vertices = vpA.voters | vpB.voters Min = Decimal('%d' % (4*minScore) ) Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('%d' % (4*abs(minScore)) ) self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) edges[edgeKey] = Min for i in range(order): for j in range(order): edgeKey = frozenset([aKeys[i],bKeys[j]]) edges[edgeKey] = (2*abs(minScore)) + self.copelandScores[aKeys[i]][bKeys[j]] \ + self.copelandScores[bKeys[j]][aKeys[i]] self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() t3 = time() self.runTimes['copelandGraph'] = t3 - t2 # computing the best determined maximal matching t4 = time() remainingAKeys = [a for a in self.vpA.voters] remainingBKeys = [b for b in self.vpB.voters] if Debug: print(remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) pairs = [] edges = self.edges na = len(remainingAKeys) for i in range(na): for j in range(na): edgeKey = frozenset({remainingAKeys[i], remainingBKeys[j]}) pairs.append((edges[edgeKey],edgeKey)) pairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(pairs) lmatching = [] i = 0 na = len(pairs) while i < na: keys = list(pairs[i][1]) if Debug: print(keys) if (keys[0] in remainingAKeys and keys[1] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(keys[0]) remainingBKeys.remove(keys[1]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) i += 1 if Debug: print(i,keys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) elif (keys[1] in remainingAKeys and keys[0] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(keys[1]) remainingBKeys.remove(keys[0]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) i += 1 if Debug: print(i,keys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) else: i += 1 if Debug: print(len(lmatching),lmatching) self.matching = lmatching t5 = time() self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] = t5 - t4 t7 = time() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = t7 - t0
#---------- class _InterGroupCopelandMatching(InterGroupPairing): """ !!! Not a satisfactory determined perfect matching guaranteed !!! The class computes the individual Copeland ranking scored based maximal matching resulting from the best determined spanning forest of the bipartite Copeland scores graph. *Parameters*: * *vpA* : any VotingProfile instance * *vpB* : reciprocal VotingProfile instance See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,vpB,Comments=False,Debug=False): from time import time from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy self.runTimes = {} t0 = time() # store input data self.vpA = vpA self.vpB = vpB = 'copelandMatching' order = len(vpA.voters) self.order = order # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} aKeys = [a for a in vpA.voters] self.verticesKeysA = aKeys bKeys = [b for b in vpB.voters] self.verticesKeysB = bKeys for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] bi = bKeys[i] copelandScores[ai] = {} copelandScores[bi] = {} for j in range(order): aj = aKeys[j] bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = Decimal() copelandScores[bi][aj] = Decimal() minScore = 0.0 for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] for j in range(order): bj = bKeys[j] copelandScores[ai][bj] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpA,ai,bj) if copelandScores[ai][bj] < minScore: minScore = copelandScores[ai][bj] for j in range(order): bj = bKeys[j] for i in range(order): ai = aKeys[i] copelandScores[bj][ai] = self.computeCopelandScore(vpB,bj,ai) if copelandScores[bj][ai] < minScore: minScore = copelandScores[bj][ai] self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: self.showCopelandRankingScores() t1 = time() self.runTimes['dataInput'] = t1 - t0 #storing the Graph data t2 = time() self.vertices = vpA.voters | vpB.voters Min = Decimal('%d' % (4*minScore) ) Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('%d' % (4*abs(minScore)) ) self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) edges[edgeKey] = Min for i in range(order): for j in range(order): edgeKey = frozenset([aKeys[i],bKeys[j]]) edges[edgeKey] = (2*abs(minScore)) + self.copelandScores[aKeys[i]][bKeys[j]] \ + self.copelandScores[bKeys[j]][aKeys[i]] self.edges = edges self.gamma = self.gammaSets() t3 = time() self.runTimes['copelandGraph'] = t3 - t2 # computing the best determined maximal matching t4 = time() from graphs import BestDeterminedSpanningForest bsf = BestDeterminedSpanningForest(self) if Debug: bsf.exportGraphViz(WithSpanningTree=True,layout='circo') dbsf = bsf.graph2Digraph() dbsf.showRelationTable(ndigits=0) matching = [] unPaired = [] gamma = bsf.gamma sortedVerticesList = [(len(gamma[v]),v) for v in self.vertices] sortedVerticesList.sort() verticesList = [v[1] for v in sortedVerticesList] if Debug: print(verticesList) while len(verticesList) > 0: sortedVerticesList = [(len(gamma[v]),v) for v in verticesList] sortedVerticesList.sort() verticesList = [v[1] for v in sortedVerticesList] for v1 in verticesList: if Debug: print('==>>v1', v1, gamma[v1]) if len(gamma[v1]) == 1: v2 = gamma[v1].pop() if [v1,v2] not in matching and [v2,v1] not in matching: matching.append(frozenset({v1,v2})) if Debug: print(matching) verticesList.remove(v1) verticesList.remove(v2) gamma[v2] = set() if Debug: print(v1,gamma[v1],v2,gamma[v2]) for v3 in verticesList: if Debug: print('v3',v3,gamma[v3]) if v1 in gamma[v3]: gamma[v3].remove(v1) if v2 in gamma[v3]: gamma[v3].remove(v2) if Debug: print('v3',v3,gamma[v3]) elif len(gamma[v1]) == 0: verticesList.remove(v1) unPaired.append(v1) if Comments: print(len(matching),matching) print('==>> unpaired:', unPaired) if len(matching) < order: remainingAKeys = [a for a in self.vpA.voters] remainingBKeys = [b for b in self.vpB.voters] for m in matching: lm = list(m) lm.sort() remainingAKeys.remove(lm[0]) remainingBKeys.remove(lm[1]) if Debug: print(remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) pairs = [] edges = self.edges na = len(remainingAKeys) for i in range(na): for j in range(na): edgeKey = frozenset({remainingAKeys[i], remainingBKeys[j]}) pairs.append((edges[edgeKey],edgeKey)) pairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(pairs) lmatching = [m for m in matching] i = 0 na = len(pairs) while i < na: keys = list(pairs[i][1]) if Debug: print(keys) #keys.sort() if (keys[0] in remainingAKeys and keys[1] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(keys[0]) remainingBKeys.remove(keys[1]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) #na -= 1 i += 1 if Debug: print(i,keys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) elif (keys[1] in remainingAKeys and keys[0] in remainingBKeys): remainingAKeys.remove(keys[1]) remainingBKeys.remove(keys[0]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) #na -= 1 i += 1 if Debug: print(i,keys,remainingAKeys,remainingBKeys) print(lmatching) else: i += 1 matching = lmatching if Debug: print(len(matching),matching) self.matching = matching t5 = time() self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] = t5 - t4 t7 = time() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = t7 - t0 #----------
[docs] class FairestGaleShapleyMatching(InterGroupPairing): """ The class computes both Gale-Shapley matchings -- group A proposes and group B proposes-- and renders the fairest of both. *Parameters*: * *lvA* : LinearVotingProfile instance * *lvB* : reciprocal LinearVotingProfile See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,lvA,lvB,Comments=False): from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy from time import time t0 = time() self.runTimes = {} # store input data self.vpA = lvA self.vpB = lvB = 'fairest-Gale-Shapley' k = len(lvA.voters) self.order = 2 * k self.verticesKeysA = [x for x in lvA.voters] self.verticesKeysB = [y for y in lvB.voters] self.runTimes['dataInput'] = time() - t0 # compute Gale-Shapley matchings t1 = time() gs1 = self.computeGaleShapleyMatching() gs2 = self.computeGaleShapleyMatching(Reverse=True) self.runTimes['galeShapley'] = time() - t1 # choose the fairest of both t2 = time() corr1 = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(gs1) corr2 = self.computeIndividualCorrelations(gs2) if corr1[1] > corr2[1]: gs = gs1 elif corr1[1] == corr2[1] and corr1[2] < corr2[2]: gs = gs1 else: gs = gs2 if Comments: print('Fairest Gale-Shapley matching') print(gs) self.showMatchingFairness(gs,WithIndividualCorrelations=True) self.matching = gs self.runTimes['chooseFairest'] = time() - t2 # store Graph data t3 = time() self.vertices = lvA.voters | lvB.voters Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] mt = [] for m in self.matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(k): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,k): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.runTimes['storeGraph'] = time() - t3 self.runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - t0
[docs] class FairestInterGroupPairing(InterGroupPairing): """ The class computes the fitness scores of the complete set of maximal matchings between two groups *A* and *B* of persons of equal number *k* and delivers, based on these fitness scores, a fairest pairing of the persons of both groups. *Parameters*: * *vpA* : any type of VotingProfile instance * *vpB* : reciprocal VotingProfile instance * *oderLimit* : preventing a potential CPU memory or time overflow * *StableMatchings* : False (default) / True limits to only stable matchings See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,vpB,orderLimit=6, StableMatchings=False, Comments=False,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy from decimal import Decimal runTimes = {} from time import time # check size of problem groupA = [x for x in vpA.voters] k = len(groupA) if Debug: print('groupA',groupA) if k > orderLimit: print('The size %d of the groups to pair is too high' % k) print('The order limit is %d' % orderLimit) print('Use the orderLimit parameter for larger orders') return t0 = time() groupB = [x for x in vpB.voters] if Debug: print('groupB',groupB) # from graphs import BipartiteGraph # verticesKeys = groupA + groupB # if Debug: # print(verticesKeys) # storing input data = 'pairingProblem' self.order = 2 * k self.vpA = vpA self.vpB = vpB self.verticesKeysA = groupA self.verticesKeysB = groupB t1 = time() runTimes['inputData'] = t1 - t0 if Comments: print(runTimes) # compute bipartite graph # g = CompleteGraph(verticesKeys=verticesKeys) # dg = g.graph2Digraph() # from digraphs import BipartitePartialDigraph # bpdg = BipartitePartialDigraph(dg,groupA,groupB,Partial=False) # bpg = bpdg.digraph2Graph() from graphs import CompleteBipartiteGraph bpg = CompleteBipartiteGraph(groupA,groupB) if Debug: print('bipartite graph',bpg) t2 = time() runTimes['bipartiteGraph'] = t2 - t1 if Comments: print(runTimes) # compute maximal matchings from graphs import LineGraph lbpg = LineGraph(bpg) lbpg.computeMIS() maximalMatchings = lbpg.misset t3 = time() runTimes['maximalMatching'] = t3 - t2 if Comments: print(runTimes) # computing matching correlations from statistics import mean, stdev from decimal import Decimal from digraphs import IndeterminateDigraph pairings = [] groupAScores = {} groupBScores = {} for matching in maximalMatchings: # computing groupA's scores groupAScores = {} for m in groupA: edg = IndeterminateDigraph(order=len(vpA.candidates)) edg.actions = groupB Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] mmatch = [x for x in matching if m in x] mmatch = [x for x in mmatch[0] if x != m] relation = {} for x in groupB: relation[x] = {} for y in groupB: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(edg.actions) for i in range(n): x = groupB[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = groupB[j] if x == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() #corr = edg.computeRankingCorrelation(vpA.linearBallot[m]) corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(vpA.ballot[m]) groupAScores[m] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) # computing groupB's scores groupBScores = {} for w in groupB: edg.actions = groupA Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] wmmatch = [x for x in matching if w in x] wmmatch = [x for x in wmmatch[0] if x != w] relation = {} for x in groupA: relation[x] = {} for y in groupA: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(edg.actions) for i in range(n): x = groupA[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = groupA[j] if x == wmmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == wmmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() #corr = edg.computeRankingCorrelation(vpB.linearBallot[w]) corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(vpB.ballot[w]) groupBScores[w] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) t3a = time() runTimes['GroupCorrelations'] = t3a - t3 # computing matching fitness scores aCorrelations = [groupAScores[w] for w in groupAScores] ## for w in groupAScores: ## aCorrelations.append(groupAScores[w]) bCorrelations = [groupBScores[m] for m in groupBScores] ## for m in groupBScores: ## bCorrelations.append(groupBScores[m]) ACorr = mean(aCorrelations) BCorr = mean(bCorrelations) fairness = abs(ACorr-BCorr) matchingCorrelations = aCorrelations + bCorrelations if Debug: print(matching) print(matchingCorrelations) avgCorr = mean(matchingCorrelations) stdCorr = stdev(matchingCorrelations) if Debug: print(avgCorr,stdCorr) pairings.append((matching,avgCorr,-stdCorr,avgCorr-stdCorr, groupAScores,groupBScores,-fairness)) # sorting the fitness scores from operator import itemgetter pairings.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(1,6,2)) #pairings.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(6,1,3)) t4 = time() runTimes['Correlations'] = t4 - t3a # index to stable pairings if StableMatchings: stableIndex = [] n = len(pairings) for i in range(n): m = pairings[i] matching = m[0] if self.isStableMatching(matching,Comments=False): stableIndex.append(i) self.stableIndex = stableIndex t5 = time() runTimes['StableIndex'] = t5 -t4 # storing results self.bpg = bpg self.pairings = pairings self.matching = pairings[0][0] #storing the Graph data self.vertices = vpA.voters | vpB.voters Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) mt = [] for m in self.matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.size = self.computeSize() self.gamma = self.gammaSets() t6 = time() runTimes['totalTime'] = t6 - t0 self.runTimes = runTimes # showing the faires pairing if Comments: print('Fairest pairing solution') self.showPairing(pairings[0][0]) #------------- class methods # def exportBipartiteGraphViz(self,fileName=None,rank=1): # """ # Bipartite graph circular drawing with Fairness ranked (default= fairest) matching in colour. # The *rank* parameter allows to select a lesser fair matching in the self.pairings list. # """ # from graphs import BipartiteGraph # BipartiteGraph.exportBipartiteGraphViz(self,fileName=('pairing%d' % rank), # matching=self.pairings[rank-1][0], # layout='circo')
[docs] def showFairestPairing(self,rank=1,WithIndividualCorrelations=False): """ Setting the *rank* parameter to a value > 1, gives access to lesser fitting pairings. The *WithIndividualCorrelations* flag shows the correlations with the individual pairing preferences. """ index = rank - 1 print('*------------------------------*') if index == 0: print('Fairest pairing') elif index == 1: print('2nd-ranked pairing') elif index == 2: print('3rd-ranked pairing') else: print('%th-ranked pairing' % (index+1)) fitness = self.pairings self.showMatchingFairness(fitness[index][0], WithIndividualCorrelations=WithIndividualCorrelations)
[docs] def computeMatchingFairnessIndex(self,matching,Comments=False): """ Renders the index position of the given matching in the fairness ranked self.pairings list. """ # converting to the frozenset formst pairing = [] for pair in matching: pairing.append(frozenset(pair)) pairing = frozenset(pairing) n = len(self.pairings) for i in range(n): if pairing == self.pairings[i][0]: if Comments: print('Fairness index of matching: ',i) break return i
from graphs import Graph
[docs] class IntraGroupPairing(Graph): """ Abstract root class for IntraGroup pairing solutions """ def __init__(): print('Abstract root class for intragroup pairing graphs') def __repr__(self): """ Default description for FairPairing instances. """ reprString = '*------- IntraGroupPairing instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Group size : %d\n' % self.order try: reprString += 'Nbr of matchings : %d\n' % self.nbrOfMatchings except: pass try: reprString += 'Partners swapping : %d\n' % self.iterations except: pass reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) reprString += '---- Constructor run times (in sec.) ----\n' try: val = self.runTimes['totalTime'] reprString += 'Total time : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['dataInput'] reprString += 'Data input : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] reprString += 'Maximal matchings : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['matchingCorrelations'] reprString += 'Pairing correlations : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['sortingFitness'] reprString += 'Sorting Fitness : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['storeResults'] reprString += 'Storing results : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['CopelandGraph'] reprString += 'Copeland graph : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['PairingsSize'] reprString += 'Pairings size : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['enhancing'] reprString += 'Enhancing fairness : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['leftEnhancing'] reprString += 'Left enhancing : %.5f\n' % val except: pass try: val = self.runTimes['rightEnhancing'] reprString += 'Right enhancing : %.5f\n' % val except: pass return reprString
[docs] def showPairing(self,matching=None): """ shows the intragroup pairing solution when *matching is None* """ print('Matched pairs') pairs = [] aKeys = self.persons if matching is None: matching = self.matching for m in matching: pair = list(m) pairs.append([pair[0],pair[1]]) pairs.sort() n = len(pairs) for i in range(n): print("{'%s', '%s'}" % (pairs[i][0],pairs[i][1]))
[docs] def showMatchingFairness(self,matching=None, WithIndividualCorrelations=True): """ Shows the intragroup faines of a given matching. When *matching is None* the fairest matching of the class is used """ #from decimal import Decimal from statistics import mean,stdev vpA = self.vpA groupA = self.persons if matching is None: matching = self.matching self.showPairing(matching) correlation,stdDev,groupAScores = \ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(matching) if WithIndividualCorrelations: print('----') print('Individual correlations:') for pers in groupAScores: print(' \'%s\': %+.3f' % (pers,groupAScores[pers]) ) print('-----') print('Average correlation : %+.3f' % correlation) print('Standard deviation : %.3f' % stdDev)
[docs] def exportPairingGraphViz(self,fileName=None, Comments=True, graphType='png',graphSize='7,7', matching=None, edgeColor='blue', bgcolor='cornsilk', lineWidth=2): """ Exports GraphViz dot file for pairing graph drawing filtering. """ import os if Comments: print('*---- exporting a dot file for GraphViz tools ---------*') #Akeys = self.persons #Bkeys = self.persons vertexKeys = self.persons n = len(vertexKeys) k = n//2 ## aKeys = vertexKeys[:k] ## bKeys = vertexKeys[k:] if matching is None: edges = self.edges else: mt = {} for m in matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = vertexKeys[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = vertexKeys[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] aKeys = [] bKeys = [] pairs = [] for edgeKey in edges: if edges[edgeKey] > Med: pair = list(edgeKey) pair.sort() pairs.append(pair) if edges[edgeKey] > Med: aKeys.append(pair[0]) bKeys.append(pair[1]) i = 0 if fileName is None: name = else: name = fileName dotName = name+'.dot' if Comments: print('Exporting to '+dotName) fo = open(dotName,'w') fo.write('graph G {\n') if bgcolor is not None: fo.write('graph [ bgcolor = %s, fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "' % (bgcolor) ) else: fo.write('graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",\n fontsize = 12,\n label = "') fo.write('\\nDigraph3 (graphviz), R. Bisdorff, 2023", size="') fo.write(graphSize),fo.write('"];\n') fo.write('splines=false;\n') fo.write('node[shape=circle]\n') fo.write('edge[color=%s]\n' % edgeColor) fo.write('subgraph cluster_1r {\n') for i in range(k): fo.write(' a%d [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (i+1,aKeys[i]) ) for i in range(k-1): fo.write(' a%d--' % (i+1) ) fo.write(' a%d [style=invis]\n' % k ) fo.write(' label = "Paired"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') fo.write('subgraph cluster_1l {\n') for i in range(k): fo.write(' b%d [label="%s",fillcolor=white]\n' % (i+1,bKeys[i]) ) for i in range(k-1): fo.write(' b%d--' % (i+1) ) fo.write(' b%d [style=invis]\n' % k ) fo.write(' label = "Persons"\n') fo.write(' color = white\n') fo.write('}\n') Med = self.valuationDomain['med'] for pair in pairs: inda = aKeys.index(pair[0]) + 1 indb = bKeys.index(pair[1]) + 1 fo.write('a%d--b%d [constraint=false]\n' % (inda,indb)) fo.write('}\n') fo.close() layout = "dot" commandString = '%s -T%s %s -o %s.%s' % (layout,graphType,dotName,name,graphType) if Comments: print(commandString) try: from os import system system(commandString) except: if Comments: print('graphViz tools not avalaible! Please check installation.') print('On Ubuntu: ..$ sudo apt-get install graphviz')
[docs] def computeIndividualCorrelations(self,matching=None,Debug=False): """ Individual correlations for intragroup pairing solution returns a tuple called fitness with following content avgCorr,stdCorr, groupScores """ # computing groupA's scores from digraphs import IndeterminateDigraph from decimal import Decimal from statistics import mean, stdev groupAScores = {} vpA = self.vpA groupA = self.persons if matching is None: matching = self.matching for m in groupA: groupB = groupA edg = IndeterminateDigraph(order=len(groupA)) edg.actions = groupB Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] mmatch = [x for x in matching if m in x] mmatch = [x for x in mmatch[0] if x != m] relation = {} for x in groupB: relation[x] = {} for y in groupB: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(groupB) for i in range(n): x = groupB[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = groupB[j] if x == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() if Debug: print(m) edg.showRelationTable() ballot = vpA.ballot[m] if Debug: edg.showRelationTable(relation=ballot) corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(ballot) groupAScores[m] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) scores = [groupAScores[m] for m in groupAScores] return mean(scores), stdev(scores), groupAScores
[docs] def computeCopelandScore(self,a,b): """ Computes fitness of swapping candidates """ from decimal import Decimal vpA = self.vpA ba = self.vpA.ballot[a] #ba = ballot score = Decimal('0') candidates = [b for b in vpA.voters] n = len(candidates) for i in range(n): score += ba[b][candidates[i]] - ba[candidates[i]][b] return score
[docs] def enhanceMatchingFairness(self,matching, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Heuristic for fairness enhancing of given matching """ from copy import copy from decimal import Decimal vpA = self.vpA persons = self.persons initialMatching = matching pairs = [] aKeys = persons bKeys = persons matchesVisited = [initialMatching] corrA, stdDevA, groupAScores =\ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatching) maxCorr = corrA for m in initialMatching: pair = list(m) pairs.append(pair) pairs.sort() if Comments: print('*---- Initial matching ----*') print(pairs) n = len(pairs) newPairs = pairs.copy() self.t += 1 if maxCorr < Decimal('1.0'): Enhanced = True else: Enhanced = False if Debug: print('the given matching is fairest possible') print(newPairs,maxCorr) return pairs,maxCorr,matchesVisited #history = [] while Enhanced and self.t <= self.maxIterations: Enhanced = False if Comments: print('Enhancing iteration : ', self.t) if Debug: print(pairs) enhanceFitness = [] for i in range(n): pair1 = pairs[i] for j in range(i+1,n): if Debug: print(i,j) pair2 = pairs[j] #if (pair1,pair2) not in history: #history.append((pair1,pair2)) rankDifA1 = self.copelandScores[pair1[0]][pair2[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair1[0]][pair1[1]] rankDifA2 = self.copelandScores[pair2[0]][pair1[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair2[0]][pair2[1]] ## if Debug: ## print('rankDifferences A') ## print([pair1,pair2]) ## print(pair1[0],pair2[1],pair1[1],rankDifA1) ## print(pair2[0],pair1[1],pair2[1],rankDifA2) difGroupA = rankDifA1 + rankDifA2 rankDifB1 = self.copelandScores[pair1[1]][pair2[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair1[1]][pair1[0]] rankDifB2 = self.copelandScores[pair2[1]][pair1[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[pair2[1]][pair2[0]] ## if Debug: ## print('rankDifferences B') ## print([pair1,pair2]) ## print(rankDifB1) ## print(rankDifB2) difGroupB = rankDifB1 + rankDifB2 enhanceFitness.append( ( (difGroupA + difGroupB), (i,j), False ) ) ## if Debug: ## print('Twisted') ## print('avant',pair1,pair2) tpair1 = copy(pair1) tpair2 = copy(pair2) sw = copy(tpair1[1]) tw = copy(tpair2[0]) tpair1[1] = tw tpair2[0] = sw if Debug: print(tpair1,tpair2) ## if [pair1,pair2] not in history: rankDifA1 = self.copelandScores[tpair1[0]][tpair2[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[tpair1[0]][tpair1[1]] rankDifA2 = self.copelandScores[tpair2[0]][tpair1[0]] - \ self.copelandScores[tpair2[0]][tpair2[1]] ## if Debug: ## print('rankDifferences A') ## print([tpair1,tpair2]) ## print(rankDifA1,tpair1[0],tpair2[0],tpair1[1]) ## print(rankDifA2,tpair2[0],tpair1[0],tpair2[1]) difGroupA = rankDifA1 + rankDifA2 rankDifB1 = self.copelandScores[tpair2[1]][tpair1[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[tpair2[1]][tpair2[0]] rankDifB2 = self.copelandScores[tpair1[1]][tpair2[1]] - \ self.copelandScores[tpair1[1]][tpair1[0]] ## if Debug: ## print('rankDifferences B') ## print([tpair1,tpair2]) ## print(rankDifB1,) ## print(rankDifB2) difGroupB = rankDifB1 + rankDifB2 enhanceFitness.append( ( -(difGroupA + difGroupB), (i,j), True ) ) ## else: ## print((pair1,pair2), 'already in history') if Debug: print(self.t, enhanceFitness) #print(history) from operator import itemgetter enhanceFitness.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(0)) if Debug: print(enhanceFitness) ne = len(enhanceFitness) _nbrOfSwappingRetrials = self._nbrOfSwappingRetrials if _nbrOfSwappingRetrials >= ne: _nbrOfSwappingRetrials = ne sortPosition = 0 ie = -1 je = -1 while enhanceFitness[sortPosition][0] >= Decimal('0') and\ ie not in enhanceFitness[sortPosition][1] and \ je not in enhanceFitness[sortPosition][1]: ## and sortPosition < _nbrOfSwappingRetrials: newPairs = copy(pairs) if Debug: print('sortPosition:', sortPosition) print(pairs) ie = enhanceFitness[sortPosition][1][0] je = enhanceFitness[sortPosition][1][1] Twisted = enhanceFitness[sortPosition][2] if Debug: print(ie,pairs[ie]) print(je,pairs[je]) pair1 = pairs[ie] pair2 = pairs[je] if Twisted: npair1 = [pair1[0],pair2[0]] npair2 = [pair1[1],pair2[1]] else: npair1 = [pair1[0],pair2[1]] npair2 = [pair2[0],pair1[1]] ## if Debug: ## print(Twisted,npair1,npair2) ## print(pair1,'-->>', npair1) ## print(pair2,'-->>', npair2) ## print(newPairs) newPairs.pop(ie) newPairs.insert(ie,npair1) newPairs.pop(je) newPairs.insert(je,npair2) if Debug: print('-->>>', newPairs) corrA, stdDevA, groupAScores =\ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(newPairs) ## if Debug: ## print('sortPosition:', sortPosition) ## print(newPairs,corrA,stdDevA) if corrA == Decimal('1.0'): if Debug: print('Current matching is fairest possible') print(newPairs,corrA) return newPairs,corrA,matchesVisited if newPairs in matchesVisited: if Debug: print('Cycling:', newPairs) sortPosition += 1 elif corrA < maxCorr: if Debug: print('No more correlation climbing') print('maxCorr: %.3f, corrA: %.3f' % (maxCorr,corrA)) enhanced = False break elif corrA >= maxCorr: if Debug: print('Correlation climbing') print('maxCorr: %.3f, corrA: %.3f' % (maxCorr,corrA)) maxCorr = corrA pairs = newPairs.copy() matchesVisited.append(pairs) Enhanced = True sortPosition += 1 if Debug: self.showMatchingFairness(pairs) else: Enhanced = False break self.t += 1 ## if sortPosition < _nbrOfSwappingRetrials: ## #history.append([npair1,npair2]) ## maxCorr = corrA ## pairs = newPairs.copy() ## matchesVisited.append(pairs) ## Enhanced = True ## t += 1 ## if Debug: ## self.showMatchingFairness(pairs) if self.t > self.maxIterations: print('!!!! Too many iterations (max=%d): %d\n' % (self.maxIterations,self.t)) print('You may adjust the *maxIterations* parameter') Enhanced = False ## nfg = [] ## for pair in newPairs: ## nfg.append(frozenset(pair)) if Debug: print('Given matching') self.showMatchingFairness(initialMatching) print('Fairness enhanced matching') self.showMatchingFairness(pairs,WithIndividualCorrelations=True) print('number of iterations:',self.t) return pairs,maxCorr,matchesVisited
[docs] class FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(IntraGroupPairing): """ Solver for computing fair IntraGroup pairings using a similar hill climbing heuristic as the one for the intergroup pairing problem. The enhancing is guided by Copeland ranking scores. *Parameters*: * *intraVp* : a IntraGroup voting profile instance with *2k* voters where the *2k-1* candidates of each person are the other persons * *initialMatching* : the matching from which the fairness enhancing algorithm is starting If *None*, a right --[pi,pi+1] for i = 1..2k-1 step 3-- and a left --[pi,p-i] for i = 1..k-- initial matching will be used elif 'random' a random maximal matching will be used with given *seed* elif 'bestCopeland' the best Copeland matching will be used as initial matching See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intragroup pairings <Fair-IntraGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,intraVp=None, maxIterations=None, initialMatching=None, _nbrOfSwappingRetrials=None, #RandomInit=False, seed=None, Comments=True,Debug=False): from decimal import Decimal from time import time from copy import deepcopy runTimes = {} t0 = time() = 'fairnessEnhanced' if intraVp is None: print('!!! Error: a voting profile of even order is required') return else: if intraVp.IntraGroup: persons = [x for x in intraVp.voters] else: print('!!! Error: the voting profile is not IntraGroup as required') return order = len(persons) if (order % 2) != 0: print('!!! Error: the group size %d is not even' % order) return self.persons = persons self.order = order self.vpA = intraVp # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] copelandScores[pi] = {} for j in range(order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = Decimal() for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] for j in range(i+1,order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = self.computeCopelandScore(pi,pj) copelandScores[pj][pi] = self.computeCopelandScore(pj,pi) self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: print(copelandScores) if initialMatching == 'random': RandomInit = True import random if seed is None: seed = random.randint(1,99) random.seed(seed) else: RandomInit = False self.seed = seed if maxIterations is None: self.maxIterations = 2 * len(persons) else: self.maxIterations = maxIterations if _nbrOfSwappingRetrials is None: self._nbrOfSwappingRetrials = 1 else: self._nbrOfSwappingRetrials = _nbrOfSwappingRetrials # set enhancing iterations counter t self.t = 0 runTimes['dataInput'] = time() - t0 te = time() if initialMatching is None or initialMatching == 'random': n = self.order if RandomInit: persons = [x for x in intraVp.voters] random.shuffle(persons) if Debug: print('Shauffled list of persons:',persons) # left hand initial matching if Comments or Debug: print('===>>> Enhancing left initial matching') tleft = time() initialMatchingL = [] for i in range(1,n,2): initialMatchingL.append( [persons[i-1],persons[i]] ) if Comments or Debug: print('Initial left matching') print(initialMatchingL) corrInitialL, stdDevA, groupAScores =\ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatchingL) if corrInitialL == Decimal('1'): if Comments or Debug: print('left initial matching is fairest possible') self.matching = initialMatchingL self.maxCorr = corrInitialL self.iterations = 0 self.matchesVisited = [] runTimes['leftEnhancing'] = time() - tleft runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = 0 runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te #runTimes['totalTime'] = t3 - t0 #self.runTimes = runTimes else: self.maxCorr = corrInitialL femL,maxCorrL,matchesVisitedL =\ self.enhanceMatchingFairness( initialMatchingL, Comments=Debug, Debug=Debug) if Comments: print('Fairness enhanced left matching') print(femL, ', correlation: %.3f' % maxCorrL) if maxCorrL == Decimal('1'): if Comments or Debug: print('left enhanced matching is fairest possible') self.matching = femL self.maxCorr = maxCorrL self.iterations = self.t self.matchesVisited = matchesVisitedL runTimes['leftEnhancing'] = time() - tleft runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = 0 runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te #runTimes['totalTime'] = t3 - t0 #self.runTimes = runTimes else: # right hand initial matching if Comments or Debug: print('===>>> Enhancing right initial matching') tright = time() initialMatchingR = [] if RandomInit: #persons = [x for x in intraVp.voters] random.shuffle(persons) for i in range(1,n,2): initialMatchingR.append( [persons[i-1],persons[-i]] ) if Comments or Debug: print('Initialright matching') print(initialMatchingR) corrInitialR, stdDevA, groupAScores =\ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatchingR) if corrInitialR == Decimal('1'): if Comments or Debug: print('right initial matching is fairest possible') self.matching = initialMatchingR self.maxCorr = corrInitialR #self.iterations = self.t #self.matchesVisited = [] runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = time() - tright runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te #runTimes['totalTime'] = t3 - t0 #self.runTimes = runTimes else: self.maxCorr = corrInitialR femR,maxCorrR,matchesVisitedR =\ self.enhanceMatchingFairness( initialMatchingR, Comments=Debug, Debug=Debug) if Comments or Debug: print('Fairness enhanced right matching') print(femR, ', correlation: %.3f' % maxCorrR) if maxCorrR == Decimal('1'): if Comments or Debug: print('right enhanced matching is fairest possible') self.matching = femR self.maxCorr = maxCorrR self.iterations = self.t try: self.matchesVisited |= matchesVisitedR except: self.matchesVisited = matchesVisitedR runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = time() - tright runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te #self.runTimes = runTimes else: # choosing the best initial matching if maxCorrL >= maxCorrR: if Debug: print('==>> Store left initial matching',maxCorrL) print(femL) self.initialMatching = initialMatchingL self.matching = femL self.iterations = self.t self.maxCorr = maxCorrL else: if Debug: print('==>> Store right initial matching',maxCorrR) print(femR) self.initialMatching = initialMatchingR self.matching = femR self.iterations = self.t self.maxCorr = maxCorrR runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = time() - tright runTimes['enhancing'] = time() -te else: # given matching if initialMatching == 'bestCopeland': from pairings import BestCopelandIntraGroupMatching cop = BestCopelandIntraGroupMatching(self.vpA,Comments=False) initialMatching = cop.matching if Comments: print('initial best Copeland matching') self.initialMatching = initialMatching if Debug: print('*---- Given Initial Matching ----*') print(persons,initialMatching) corrInitialCop, stdDevCop, groupScoresCop =\ self.computeIndividualCorrelations(initialMatching) if corrInitialCop == Decimal('1'): if Comments or Debug: print('Initial Copeland matching is fairest possible') self.matching = initialMatchingCop self.maxCorr = corrInitialCop self.iterations = 0 self.matchesVisited = [] runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te runTimes['leftEnhancing'] = 0 runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = 0 #self.runTimes = runTimes else: self.t = 0 self.maxCorr = corrInitialCop fecop,maxCorrecop,matchesVisitedecop =\ self.enhanceMatchingFairness( initialMatching, Comments=Comments, Debug=Debug) self.matching = fecop self.maxCorr = maxCorrecop self.iterations = self.t self.matchesVisited = matchesVisitedecop runTimes['leftEnhancing'] = 0 runTimes['rightEnhancing'] = 0 runTimes['enhancing'] = time() - te ## t4 = time() ## runTimes['totalTime'] = t4 -t0 ## self.runTimes = runTimes if Debug: print(self.initialMatching) print(self.matching) print(self.maxCorr) print(self.iterations) print(self.matchesVisited) # store graph data tg = time() self.vertices = deepcopy(intraVp.voters) Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] mt = [] for m in self.matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(self.order): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,self.order): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.gamma = self.gammaSets() runTimes['storeGraph'] = time() - tg runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - t0 self.runTimes = runTimes if Comments: print('===>>> Best fairness enhanced matching') self.showPairing() print('Average correlation: %+.3f' % self.maxCorr) print('Total run time: %.3f sec.' % self.runTimes['totalTime'] )
[docs] class FairestIntraGroupPairing(IntraGroupPairing): """ The class computes average ordinal correlations for the complete set of maximal IntraGroup matchings of an een-sized set of persons and delivers, based on these correlations scores, a fairest possible pairing of the persons *Parameters*: * *vpA* : any type of VotingProfile instance * *oderLimit* : preventing a potential CPU memory or time overflow See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intragroup pairings <Fair-IntraGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vp,orderLimit=6, Comments=False,Debug=False): from copy import deepcopy from decimal import Decimal from time import time runTimes = {} # check size of problem persons = [x for x in vp.voters] order = len(persons) if Debug: print('persons',persons) if order > orderLimit: print('The size %d of the group to pair is too high' % order) print('The order limit is %d' % orderLimit) print('Use the orderLimit parameter for larger orders') return if order % 2 != 0: print('The size %d of the group is not even' % order) return # check IntraGroup voting profile version if not vp.IntraGroup: print('!!!Error: the voting profile is not an IntraGroup instance') return # data input t0 = time() #groupB = [x for x in vpA.voters] #if Debug: # print('groupB',groupB) verticesKeys = [x for x in vp.voters] ## self.candidates = vpA.voters ## self.approvalBallot = {} ## self.ballot = vpA.ballot ## self.pairingPreferences = pairingPreferences = 'IntraGroupPairing' self.persons = persons self.order = order self.vpA = vp runTimes['dataInput'] = time() - t0 if Comments: print('Run time for input data: %.4f sec.' % runTimes['dataInput']) # compute maximal matchings tmm = time() from graphs import CompleteGraph,LineGraph cg = CompleteGraph(verticesKeys=verticesKeys) lcg = LineGraph(cg) lcg.computeMIS() maximalMatchings = lcg.misset nbrOfMatchings = len(maximalMatchings) if Comments: print('Number of maximal matchings: %d' % nbrOfMatchings) self.nbrOfMatchings = nbrOfMatchings runTimes['maximalMatching'] = time() - tmm if Comments: print('Run time for computing the maximxal matchings: %.4f sec.' %\ runTimes['maximalMatching']) # computing matching correlations tmc = time() from statistics import mean, stdev from decimal import Decimal from digraphs import IndeterminateDigraph pairings = [] groupScores = {} for matching in maximalMatchings: if Debug: print('matching:', matching) # computing groupA's scores groupScores = {} for m in persons: edg = IndeterminateDigraph(order=len(vp.candidates)) edg.actions = [x for x in vp.voters] Min = edg.valuationdomain['min'] Med = edg.valuationdomain['med'] Max = edg.valuationdomain['max'] mmatch = [x for x in matching if m in x] if Debug: print(mmatch) mmatch = [x for x in mmatch[0] if x != m] if Debug: print(mmatch) relation = {} for x in edg.actions: relation[x] = {} for y in edg.actions: relation[x][y] = Med n = len(edg.actions) for i in range(n): x = edg.actions[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = edg.actions[j] if x == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Max relation[y][x] = Min elif y == mmatch[0]: relation[x][y] = Min relation[y][x] = Max else: pass edg.relation = relation edg.gamma = edg.gammaSets() edg.notGamma = edg.notGammaSets() corr = edg.computeOrdinalCorrelation(vp.ballot[m]) groupScores[m] = Decimal('%.3f' % corr['correlation']) # computing matching fitness scores correlations = [groupScores[w] for w in groupScores] avgCorr = mean(correlations) stdCorr = stdev(correlations) if Debug: print(avgCorr,stdCorr) pairings.append((matching,avgCorr,stdCorr, groupScores,-stdCorr)) runTimes['matchingCorrelations'] = time() - tmc if Comments: print('Run time for individual correlations: %.4f sec.' %\ runTimes['matchingCorrelations']) # sorting the fitness scores ts = time() from operator import itemgetter pairings.sort(reverse=True,key=itemgetter(1,4)) runTimes['sortingFitness'] = time() - ts if Comments: print('Run time for fitness ranking: %.4f sec.' %\ runTimes['sortingFitness']) = cg tst = time() self.pairings = pairings self.matching = pairings[0][0] self.avgCorr = pairings[0][1] self.stdCorr = pairings[0][2] self.groupScores = pairings[0][3] self.runTimes = runTimes # storing the Graph data self.vertices = deepcopy(vp.voters) Min = Decimal('-1') Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('1') self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] mt = [] for m in self.matching: mt.append(frozenset(m)) edges = {} for i in range(self.order): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,self.order): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset({vi,vj}) if edgeKey in mt: edges[edgeKey] = Max else: edges[edgeKey] = Min self.edges = edges self.gamma = self.gammaSets() runTimes['storeResults'] = time() - tst if Comments: print('Run time for storing results: %.4f sec.' %\ runTimes['storeResults']) ###### runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - t0 if Comments: print('Total run time: %.4f sec.' %\ runTimes['totalTime']) # showing the faires pairing if Comments: print('Fairest pairing solution') self.showPairing(pairings[0][0]) print('Average correlation : %.3f' % self.avgCorr ) print('Fairness (stdev) : %.3f' % self.stdCorr ) #------------- class methods
[docs] def computeMatchingFairnessIndex(self,matching,Comments=False): """ Renders the index position of the given matching in the fairness ranked self.pairings list. """ # converting to the frozenset formst pairing = [] for pair in matching: pairing.append(frozenset(pair)) pairing = frozenset(pairing) n = len(self.pairings) for i in range(n): if pairing == self.pairings[i][0]: if Comments: print('Fairness index of matching: ',i) break return i
#--------------- class _IntraGroupCopelandMatching(IntraGroupPairing): """ !!! Not a satisfactory determined perfect matching guaranteed !!! The class computes the individual Copeland ranking scores based maximal matching resulting from the best determined spanning forest of the bipartite Copeland scores graph. *Parameters*: * *vpA* : intragroup *VotingProfile* instance See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,Comments=True,Debug=True): from time import time from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy self.runTimes = {} t0 = time() # store input data self.vpA = vpA = 'copelandMatching' if vpA is None: print('!!! Error: a voting profile of even order is required') return else: if vpA.IntraGroup: persons = [x for x in vpA.voters] else: print('!!! Error: the voting profile is not IntraGroup as required') return order = len(persons) if (order % 2) != 0: print('!!! Error: the group size %d is not even' % order) return self.persons = persons self.order = order self.vpA = vpA # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} minScore = 0.0 for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] copelandScores[pi] = {} for j in range(order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = Decimal() for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] for j in range(i+1,order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = self.computeCopelandScore(pi,pj) copelandScores[pj][pi] = self.computeCopelandScore(pj,pi) score = copelandScores[pi][pj] + copelandScores[pj][pi] if Debug: print(score) if score < minScore: minScore = score self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: print(copelandScores) print('minScore:', minScore) t1 = time() self.runTimes['dataInput'] = t1 - t0 #storing the Graph data t2 = time() self.vertices = vpA.voters Min = Decimal('%d' % (2*minScore) ) Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('%d' % (2*abs(minScore)) ) self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset([vi,vj]) edges[edgeKey] = abs(minScore) + copelandScores[vi][vj] \ + copelandScores[vj][vi] ## for i in range(order): ## for j in range(order): ## edgeKey = frozenset([aKeys[i],bKeys[j]]) ## edges[edgeKey] = self.copelandScores[aKeys[i]][bKeys[j]] \ ## + self.copelandScores[bKeys[j]][aKeys[i]] self.edges = edges self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.edges = edges if Debug: dself = self.graph2Digraph() dself.showRelationTable(ndigits=0) t3 = time() self.runTimes['copelandGraph'] = t3 - t2 # computing the best determined maximal matching t4 = time() from graphs import BestDeterminedSpanningForest bsf = BestDeterminedSpanningForest(self) if Debug: bsf.exportGraphViz(WithSpanningTree=True,layout='circo') dbsf = bsf.graph2Digraph() dbsf.showRelationTable(ndigits=0) matching = [] unPaired = [] gamma = bsf.gamma sortedVerticesList = [(len(gamma[v]),v) for v in self.vertices] sortedVerticesList.sort() verticesList = [v[1] for v in sortedVerticesList] if Debug: print(verticesList) while len(verticesList) > 0: sortedVerticesList = [(len(gamma[v]),v) for v in verticesList] sortedVerticesList.sort() verticesList = [v[1] for v in sortedVerticesList] for v1 in verticesList: if Debug: print('==>>v1', v1, gamma[v1]) if len(gamma[v1]) == 1: v2 = gamma[v1].pop() if [v1,v2] not in matching and [v2,v1] not in matching: matching.append(frozenset({v1,v2})) if Debug: print(matching) verticesList.remove(v1) verticesList.remove(v2) gamma[v2] = set() if Debug: print(v1,gamma[v1],v2,gamma[v2]) for v3 in verticesList: if Debug: print('v3',v3,gamma[v3]) if v1 in gamma[v3]: gamma[v3].remove(v1) if v2 in gamma[v3]: gamma[v3].remove(v2) if Debug: print('v3',v3,gamma[v3]) elif len(gamma[v1]) == 0: verticesList.remove(v1) unPaired.append(v1) if Comments: print(len(matching),matching) print('==>> unpaired:', unPaired) if len(matching) < order: #aKeys = [a for a in self.vpA.voters] #bKeys = [b for b in self.vpB.voters] remaining = [v for v in self.vertices] for m in matching: lm = list(m) lm.sort() remaining.remove(lm[0]) remaining.remove(lm[1]) if Debug: print(remaining) pairs = [] edges = self.edges na = len(remaining) for i in range(na): for j in range(i+1,na): edgeKey = frozenset({remaining[i],remaining[j]}) pairs.append((edges[edgeKey],edgeKey)) pairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(pairs) lmatching = [m for m in matching] i = 0 while na > 0: keys = list(pairs[i][1]) if Debug: print(keys) if keys[0] in remaining and keys[1] in remaining: remaining.remove(keys[0]) remaining.remove(keys[1]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) na -= 2 i += 1 else: i += 1 matching = lmatching if Debug: print(len(matching),matching) self.matching = matching t5 = time() self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] = t5 - t4 t7 = time() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = t7 - t0 #------------
[docs] class BestCopelandIntraGroupMatching(IntraGroupPairing): """ The class computes the individual Copeland ranking scores and construct the best determined perfect matching with a ranked pairs rule from the reciprocal Copeland ranking scores graph *Parameters*: * *vpA* : intragroup *VotingProfile* instance See the :ref:`tutorial on computing fair intergroup pairings <Fair-InterGroup-Pairings-label>`. """ def __init__(self,vpA,Comments=False,Debug=False): from time import time from decimal import Decimal from copy import deepcopy self.runTimes = {} t0 = time() # store input data self.vpA = vpA = 'copelandMatching' if vpA is None: print('!!! Error: a voting profile of even order is required') return else: if vpA.IntraGroup: persons = [x for x in vpA.voters] else: print('!!! Error: the voting profile is not IntraGroup as required') return order = len(persons) if (order % 2) != 0: print('!!! Error: the group size %d is not even' % order) return self.persons = persons self.order = order self.vpA = vpA # precomputing Copeland ranking scores copelandScores = {} minScore = 0.0 for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] copelandScores[pi] = {} for j in range(order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = Decimal() for i in range(order): pi = persons[i] for j in range(i+1,order): pj = persons[j] copelandScores[pi][pj] = self.computeCopelandScore(pi,pj) copelandScores[pj][pi] = self.computeCopelandScore(pj,pi) score = copelandScores[pi][pj] + copelandScores[pj][pi] if Debug: print(score) if score < minScore: minScore = score self.copelandScores = copelandScores if Debug: print(copelandScores) print('minScore:', minScore) t1 = time() self.runTimes['dataInput'] = t1 - t0 #storing the Graph data t2 = time() self.vertices = vpA.voters Min = Decimal('%d' % (2*minScore) ) Med = Decimal('0') Max = Decimal('%d' % (2*abs(minScore)) ) self.valuationDomain = {'min': Min, 'med': Med, 'max': Max} verticesList = [v for v in self.vertices] n = len(verticesList) edges = {} for i in range(n): vi = verticesList[i] for j in range(i+1,n): vj = verticesList[j] edgeKey = frozenset([vi,vj]) edges[edgeKey] = abs(minScore) + copelandScores[vi][vj] \ + copelandScores[vj][vi] self.edges = edges self.gamma = self.gammaSets() if Debug: dself = self.graph2Digraph() dself.showRelationTable(ndigits=0) t3 = time() self.runTimes['CopelandGraph'] = t3 - t2 # computing the best determined maximal matching t4 = time() remaining = [v for v in self.vertices] if Debug: print(remaining) pairs = [] edges = self.edges na = len(remaining) for i in range(na): for j in range(i+1,na): edgeKey = frozenset({remaining[i],remaining[j]}) pairs.append((edges[edgeKey],edgeKey)) pairs.sort(reverse=True) if Debug: print(pairs) lmatching = [] i = 0 while na > 0: keys = list(pairs[i][1]) if Debug: print(keys) if keys[0] in remaining and keys[1] in remaining: remaining.remove(keys[0]) remaining.remove(keys[1]) lmatching.append(pairs[i][1]) na -= 2 i += 1 else: i += 1 if Debug: print(len(lmatching),lmatching) self.matching = lmatching t5 = time() self.runTimes['maximalMatching'] = t5 - t4 t7 = time() self.runTimes['totalTime'] = t7 - t0
#----------test pairings class ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": #from transitiveDigraphs import * print('****************************************************') print('* Python pairings module *') print('* $Revision: Python3.11 $ *') print('* Copyright (C) 2023 Raymond Bisdorff *') print('* The module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY *') print('* to the extent permitted by the applicable law. *') print('* This is free software, and you are welcome to *') print('* redistribute it if remains free software. *') print('****************************************************') print('*-------- Testing classes and methods -------') from time import time from votingProfiles import * ## RandomLinearVotingProfile,\ ## RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile,RandomVotingProfile from random import randint seed1 = randint(0,99) seed2 = randint(100,199) ## seed1 = 1 ## seed2 = 1616 order = 10 Comments = True Debug = False # intragroup experiments vpG = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, numberOfCandidates=order, votersIdPrefix='p', IntraGroup=True, #candidatesIdPrefix='b', ## approvalProbability=0.2, ## disapprovalProbability=0.2, seed=seed1,Debug=False) ## vpG.showBipolarApprovals() ## t0 = time() fp = FairestIntraGroupPairing(vpG,Comments=True,Debug=False,orderLimit=order) ## t1 =time() ## #print('fp total run time: %.3f sec.' % (t1-t0)) ## ## cop = BestCopelandIntraGroupMatching(vpG,Comments=False,Debug=False) ## ecop = FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(vpG,initialMatching='bestCopeland', ## Comments=True,Debug=False) ## fegm = FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(vpG,initialMatching=fp.pairings[0][0], ## Comments=True,Debug=False) fem = FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(vpG,initialMatching='bestCopeland', Comments=True,Debug=False) ## ## print('==>> Copeland') ## cop.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(cop.runTimes) ## print('==>> Fairness enhanced') ## fem.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(fem.runTimes) ## print('==>> Copeland enhanced') ## ecop.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(ecop.runTimes) ## print('==>> Fairest') ## fp.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(fp.runTimes) #intergroup experiments ## lvA = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, ## numberOfCandidates=order, ## votersIdPrefix='a', ## #IntraGroup=True, ## candidatesIdPrefix='b', ## approvalProbability=0.3, ## disapprovalProbability=0.3, ## seed=seed1,Debug=False) ## lvB = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, ## numberOfCandidates=order, ## votersIdPrefix='b', ## #IntraGroup=False, ## candidatesIdPrefix='a', ## approvalProbability=0.3, ## disapprovalProbability=0.3, ## seed=seed2,Debug=False) #### lvA = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, ## numberOfCandidates=order, ## votersIdPrefix='a', ## candidatesIdPrefix='b', ## PartialLinearBallots=False, ## lengthProbability=0.3, ## seed=seed1) ## lvB = RandomLinearVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, ## numberOfCandidates=order, ## votersIdPrefix='b', ## candidatesIdPrefix='a', ## PartialLinearBallots=False, ## lengthProbability=0.3, ## seed=seed2) ## t0 = time() ## fp = FairestInterGroupPairing(lvA,lvB,Comments=True,Debug=False,orderLimit=order) ## t1 =time() ## print('fp total run time: %.3f sec.' % (t1-t0)) ## ## igcg = BestCopelandInterGroupMatching(lvA,lvB,Comments=True,Debug=True) ## print('==>> Copeland') ## igcg.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(igcg.runTimes) #### print('==>> Fairest') #### fp.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## ## print('==>> Fairness random enhanced') ## fem1 = FairnessEnhancedInterGroupMatching(lvA,lvB, ## #initialMatching=fp.pairings[10][0], ## initialMatching = 'random', ## seed=1, ## Comments=True, ## Debug=False) ## fem1.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## ## print(fem1.runTimes) ## ## print('==>> Fairness enhanced') ## fem2 = FairnessEnhancedInterGroupMatching(lvA,lvB, ## initialMatching = fem1.matching, ## seed=1, ## Comments=True, ## Debug=True) ## fem2.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(fem2.runTimes) ## print('==>> Fairest matching') ## ## fp.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## print(fp.runTimes) print('seed1:',seed1, 'seed2:', seed2) #### vpB.showBipolarApprovals() ## order = 6 ## seed = 0.7525016431335723 ## seed = None ## rigvp = RandomBipolarApprovalVotingProfile(numberOfVoters=order, ## votersIdPrefix='p', ## seed=seed, ## IntraGroup=True,Debug=False) ## ## ## t2 = time() ## fgm = FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(vpG, ## seed=seed1, ## initialMatching='random, ## #maxIterations=20, ## Comments=True,Debug=True) ## t3 = time() ## print('fgm total run time: %.3f sec.' % (t3-t2)) ## fgm.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## fp.showMatchingFairness(WithIndividualCorrelations=True) ## lvA = BipolarApprovalVotingProfile('debug') ## lvA.IntraGroup = True ## lvA.seed = 1 ## k = 4 ## ## if Comments: ## lvA.showBipolarApprovals() ## fp = FairestIntraGroupPairing(lvA,orderLimit=k,Comments=Comments) ## if Comments: ## fp.showMatchingFairness(fp.matching) ## #matchingIndex = random.randint(10,20) ## em = FairnessEnhancedIntraGroupMatching(lvA, ## initialMatching=None, ## maxIterations=2*k, ## Comments=Comments,Debug=False) ## corropt, stdopt, groupOptScores = fp.computeIndividualCorrelations(fp.matching,Debug=True) ## lvA.showBipolarApprovals() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') print('*************************************') print('* R.B. January 2023 *') print('* Version: Python3.11 *') print('*************************************')