Source code for mpOutrankingDigraphs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Digraph3 collection of python3 modules for Algorithmic Decision Theory applications.

New Python3.12+ compatible multiprocessing implementation of bipolar-valued outranking digraphs for Linux and MacOS. The potentially unsafe default *fork* multiprocessing start-method may be either set to 'spawn' (default) or to 'forkserver'. 
Copyright (C) 2023  Raymond Bisdorff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


__version__ = "Revision: Py3.12"

import multiprocessing
import os
from time import time
from decimal import Decimal
from digraphs import qtilingIndexList

def worker_func2(args,Debug=False):
    #in variables
    splitIndex = args[0]
    if Debug:
        print('splitIndex', splitIndex)
    oldrelation = args[1][0]
    oldMax = args[1][1]
    oldMed = args[1][2]
    oldMin = args[1][3]
    #oldPrecision = argd[5]
    oldAmplitude = oldMax - oldMin
    if Debug:
        print(oldMin, oldMed, oldMax, oldAmplitude)
    newMax = args[1][4]
    newMed = args[1][5]
    newMin = args[1][6]
    #newPrecision = args[9]
    newAmplitude = newMax - newMin
    if Debug:
        print(newMin, newMed, newMax, newAmplitude)
        #print('old and new precison', oldPrecision, newPrecision) 
    actionsList = args[1][7]
    formatString = args[1][8]
    Comments = args[2]
    if Comments:
        print('starting splitIndex', splitIndex)
    newrelation = {}
    for i in range(splitIndex[0],splitIndex[1]):
        x = actionsList[i]
        #for x in actions:
        newrelation[x] = {}
        nrx = newrelation[x]
        orx = oldrelation[x]
        for y in actionsList:
            if orx[y] == oldMax:
                nrx[y] = newMax
            elif orx[y] == oldMin:
                nrx[y] = newMin
            elif orx[y] == oldMed:
                nrx[y] = newMed
                newValue = newMin + ((orx[y] - oldMin)/oldAmplitude)*newAmplitude
                nrx[y] = Decimal(formatString % newValue)
                #nrx[y] = newMin + ((orx[y] - oldMin)/oldAmplitude)*newAmplitude
                if Debug:

    return newrelation

def worker_func1(args):
    # computing the genuine bipolar-valued outranking situations
    # with considerable performance differences counts between
    # the given *actionKey* performance record and the complete set of
    # performance records
    # in: args=(actionKey,perfTab);
    # out: relation, considerableDiffs

    # in variables
    splitIndex = args[0]
    perfTab = args[1]
    actions = perfTab.actions
    actionsList = [ x for x in actions]
    criteria = perfTab.criteria
    evaluation = perfTab.evaluation
    NA = perfTab.NA
    Comments= args[2]
    # init the variables to be returned
    if Comments:
        print('starting splitIndex:',splitIndex)
    relation = {}
    considerableDiffs = {}
    for i in range(splitIndex[0],splitIndex[1]):
        x = actionsList[i]
        relation[x] = {}
        considerableDiffs[x] = {}
        for y in actions:
            relation[x].update({y : Decimal('0')})
            considerableDiffs[x].update({y: {'positive':0, 'negative': 0}})
        sumWeights = Decimal('0')

        for g in criteria:
            sumWeights += criteria[g]['weight']
                ind = criteria[g]['thresholds']['ind']
                ind = NA
                pref = criteria[g]['thresholds']['pref']
                pref = NA
                veto = criteria[g]['thresholds']['veto']
                veto = NA
            xval = evaluation[g][x]
            if xval != NA:
                for y in actions:
                    yval = evaluation[g][y]
                    if yval != NA:
                        if ind != NA and pref != NA:
                            if (xval - yval) >= -(ind[0] + xval*ind[1]):
                                relation[x][y] += criteria[g]['weight']
                            elif (xval - yval) <= -(pref[0] + xval*pref[1]):
                                relation[x][y] -= criteria[g]['weight']
                            if (xval - yval) >= Decimal('0'):
                                relation[x][y] += criteria[g]['weight']
                            elif (xval - yval) < Decimal('0'):
                                relation[x][y] -= criteria[g]['weight']
                        if veto != NA:
                            if (xval - yval) >= (veto[0] + max(xval*veto[1],yval*veto[1])):
                                considerableDiffs[x][y]['positive'] += 1
                            elif (xval - yval) <= -(veto[0] + max(xval*veto[1],yval*veto[1])):
                                considerableDiffs[x][y]['negative'] -= 1
                        # # for debugging
                        # print(g,criteria[g]['weight'],x,y,xval,yval,(xval-yval),relation[x][y])
        # polarising the case given the outranking situation
        for y in actions:
            if considerableDiffs[x][y]['positive'] > 0 and considerableDiffs[x][y]['negative'] < 0:
                relation[x][y] = Decimal('0')
            elif relation[x][y] > Decimal('0'):
                if considerableDiffs[x][y]['positive'] > 0:
                    relation[x][y] = sumWeights
                elif considerableDiffs[x][y]['negative'] < 0:
                    relation[x][y] = Decimal('0')
            elif relation[x][y] < Decimal('0'):
                if considerableDiffs[x][y]['positive'] > 0:
                    relation[x][y] = Decimal('0')
                elif considerableDiffs[x][y]['negative'] < 0:
                    relation[x][y] = -sumWeights
            elif relation[x][y] == Decimal('0'):
                if considerableDiffs[x][y]['positive'] > 0:
                    relation[x][y] = sumWeights
                elif considerableDiffs[x][y]['negative'] < 0:
                    relation[x][y] = -sumWeights

    return [relation, considerableDiffs]

from outrankingDigraphs import BipolarOutrankingDigraph
[docs] class MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph(BipolarOutrankingDigraph): """ New variable start-method based MP implementation of the BipolarOutrankingDigraph class. *Parameters*: * *argPerfTab*: may be eithet the name of a PerformanceTableau object or the file name without extension of a previously saved PerformanceTableau instance * *Normalized*: the valuation domain is set by default to the sum of the criteria weights. If *True*, the valuation domain is recoded to [-1.0,+1.0]. * *ndigits*: number of decimal digits of the characteristic valuation, by default set to 4. * *nbrCores*: controls the maximal number of cores that will be used in the multiprocessing phases. If *None* is given, the *os.cpu_count()* method is used in order to determine the number of available cores on the SMP machine. * *startMethod*: 'spawn' (default) | 'forkserver' | 'fork' *Usage example* (11th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-11400 × 12, 16.0 GiB memory, Ubuntu 23.10, Python3.12.0): >>> from randomPerfTabs import RandomCBPerformanceTableau >>> pt = RandomCBPerformanceTableau( ... numberOfActions=1000,numberOfCriteria=13, ... seed=10) >>> from mpOutrankingDigraphs import MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph >>> bg = MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph(pt,Normalized=True,ndigits=2, ... nbrCores=8,startMethod='spawn') >>> bg *------- Object instance description ------* Instance class : MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph Instance name : rel_sharedPerfTab Actions : 1000 Criteria : 13 Size : 517128 Determinateness (%) : 66.83 Valuation domain : [-1.00;1.00] Attributes : ['name', 'actions', 'order', 'criteria', 'objectives', 'NA', 'evaluation', 'nbrThreads', 'relation', 'largePerformanceDifferencesCount', 'valuationdomain', 'gamma', 'notGamma', 'runTimes', 'startMethod'] ---- Constructor run times (in sec.) ---- Threads : 8 Start method : 'spawn' Total time : 4.06436 Data input : 0.00000 Compute relation : 2.79447 Normalize relation : 0.72327 Gamma sets : 0.54659 .. warning:: When using the *forkserver* or the *spawn* multiprocessing start-methods in a python script file, mind that both start-methods re-import into every multiprocessing thread the submitted program file. In order to avoid hence the program script from being recursively executed and producing loads of zombie threads before being killed by the OS, it is compulsory necessary to always explicitely protect the entry point of the main program code with the *if __name__ == '__main__':* test. This is not necessary when using instead the classical Unix *fork* start-method where multiprocessing threads continue in fact the main program code from the point on where they were launched. *Example Python script*:: from randomPerfTabs import Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau from mpOutrankingDigraphs import MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph if __name__ == '__main__': pt = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau( numberOfActions=500,seed=2) bg = MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph(pt,Normalized=True, startMethod='spawn', nbrCores=8) print(bg) """ def __repr__(self): """ Default presentation method for MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph instance. """ reprString = '*------- Object instance description ------*\n' reprString += 'Instance class : %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__ reprString += 'Instance name : %s\n' % reprString += 'Actions : %d\n' % self.order reprString += 'Criteria : %d\n' % len(self.criteria) reprString += 'Size : %d\n' % self.computeSize() reprString += 'Determinateness (%%) : %.2f\n' %\ self.computeDeterminateness(InPercents=True) reprString += 'Valuation domain : [%.2f;%.2f]\n' \ % (self.valuationdomain['min'],self.valuationdomain['max']) #reprString += 'Valuation domain : %s\n' % str(self.valuationdomain) reprString += 'Attributes : %s\n' % list(self.__dict__.keys()) #try: val1 = self.runTimes['totalTime'] val2 = self.runTimes['dataInput'] val3 = self.runTimes['computeRelation'] val4 = self.runTimes['gammaSets'] reprString += '---- Constructor run times (in sec.) ----\n' try: reprString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads except: self.nbrThreads = 1 reprString += 'Threads : %d\n' % self.nbrThreads try: reprString += "Start method : \'%s\'\n" % self.startMethod except: pass reprString += 'Total time : %.5f\n' % val1 reprString += 'Data input : %.5f\n' % val2 reprString += 'Compute relation : %.5f\n' % val3 try: val3n = self.runTimes['normalizeRelation'] reprString += 'Normalize relation : %.5f\n' % val3n except: pass reprString += 'Gamma sets : %.5f\n' % val4 return reprString # --------- main class def __init__(self,argPerfTab,WithGammaSets=True, Normalized=True,ndigits=4, startMethod=None,nbrCores=None,Comments=False): from decimal import Decimal from time import time runTimes = {} t0 = time() if type(argPerfTab) == str: from perfTabs import PerformanceTableau perfTab = PerformanceTableau(argPerfTab) else: perfTab = argPerfTab = 'rel_mpPerfTab' self.actions = perfTab.actions self.order = len(self.actions) self.criteria = perfTab.criteria try: self.objectives = perfTab.objectives except: self.objectives = {} self.NA = perfTab.NA self.evaluation = perfTab.evaluation runTimes['dataInput'] = time() - t0 # compute relation actions = self.actions actionsList = [a for a in actions] t1 = time() if startMethod is None: startMethod = 'spawn' ctx_in_main = multiprocessing.get_context(startMethod) self.startMethod = '%s' % ctx_in_main.get_start_method() relation = {} considerableDiffs = {} for x in actions: relation[x] = {} considerableDiffs[x] = {} if nbrCores is None: nbrCores = ctx_in_main.cpu_count() self.nbrThreads = nbrCores #from digraphsTools import qtilingIndexList splitIndex = qtilingIndexList(actionsList,nbrCores,Debug=False) if Comments: print(splitIndex) tasks = [(splitIndex[i],perfTab,Comments) for i in range(nbrCores)] with ctx_in_main.Pool(processes=nbrCores) as pool: #print(tasks) for result in pool.imap(worker_func1, tasks): #print(result[0]) relation.update(result[0]) considerableDiffs.update(result[1]) runTimes['computeRelation'] = time() - t1 self.relation = relation self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount = considerableDiffs # valuationdamain sumWeights = Decimal('0') for g in self.criteria: sumWeights += self.criteria[g]['weight'] self.valuationdomain = {'min': Decimal(str(-sumWeights)), 'med': Decimal('0'), 'max': Decimal(str(sumWeights))} if Normalized: from digraphs import Digraph if Comments: print('Normalizing the relation characteristics') tn = time() Digraph.recodeValuation(self,ndigits=ndigits) # the multiprocessing version below does not deliver # convincing run times; further tests are needed !!! # self.recodeValuation(ndigits=ndigits,Comments=Comments) runTimes['normalizeRelation'] = time() - tn t2 = time() if WithGammaSets: if Comments: print('Adding the gamma sets') self.gamma = self.gammaSets() self.notGamma = self.notGammaSets() runTimes['gammaSets'] = time() - t2 runTimes['totalTime'] = time() - t0 self.runTimes = runTimes
[docs] def showPolarisations(self): """ Prints out all negative and positive polarised outranking situations observed in the *MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph* instance. """ Max = self.valuationdomain['max'] Med = self.valuationdomain['med'] Min = self.valuationdomain['min'] lpdCount = self.largePerformanceDifferencesCount relation = self.relation try: vetos = self.vetos except: vetos = [] print('*---- Polarisations ----*') actionKeys = [a for a in self.actions] n = len(actionKeys) print('Considerable positive and negative performance differences') print('Outranking situationa polarised to indeterminate') print(' -----------------------------------------------') count = 0 for i in range(n): x = actionKeys[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeys[j] if lpdCount[x][y]['positive'] > 0 and \ lpdCount[x][y]['negative'] < 0: count += 1 print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (x,y,relation[x][y]), end= '; ' ) print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (y,x,relation[y][x]) ) print('%d polarisations\n' % count) print('Considerable positive performance differences') print('Outranking situationa polarised') print('*----------------------------------------------------*') count = 0 for i in range(n): x = actionKeys[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeys[j] if lpdCount[x][y]['positive'] > 0 and \ lpdCount[x][y]['negative'] == 0: count += 1 print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (x,y,relation[x][y]), end= '; ' ) print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (y,x,relation[y][x]) ) print('%d polarisations\n' % count) print('Considerable negative performance differences') print('Outranking situations polarised') print('*----------------------------------------------------*') count = 0 for i in range(n): x = actionKeys[i] for j in range(i+1,n): y = actionKeys[j] if lpdCount[x][y]['positive'] == 0 and \ lpdCount[x][y]['negative'] < 0: count += 1 print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (x,y,relation[x][y]), end='; ' ) print( 'relation[%s][%s] = %.2f' % (y,x,relation[y][x]) ) print('%d polarisations\n' % count)
[docs] def recodeValuation(self,newMin=-1.0,newMax=1.0,ndigits=4, nbrCores=1,startMethod=None, Comments=False,Debug=False): """ Recodes the characteristic valuation domain according to the parameters given. *ndigits* indicates the number of decimal digits of the valuation. """ from decimal import Decimal #if ndigits is not None: formatString = '%%.%df' % ndigits #else: # formatString = '%f' oldMax = Decimal(formatString % self.valuationdomain['max']) oldMin = Decimal(formatString % self.valuationdomain['min']) oldMed = Decimal(formatString % self.valuationdomain['med']) try: oldPrecision = self.valuationdomain['precision'] except: oldPrecision = Decimal(formatString % 0.0) oldAmplitude = oldMax - oldMin if Debug: print(oldMin, oldMed, oldMax, oldAmplitude) oldrelation = self.relation newMin = Decimal(formatString % newMin) newMax = Decimal(formatString % newMax) # the normalized median is set to a strict zero value if newMin == Decimal('-1.00') and newMax == Decimal('1.00'): newMed = Decimal('0.0') else: newMed = Decimal(formatString % ((newMax + newMin)/Decimal('2.0')) ) newPrecision = oldPrecision/oldMax newAmplitude = newMax - newMin if Debug: print(newMin, newMed, newMax, newAmplitude) print('old and new precison', oldPrecision, newPrecision) actions = self.actions actionsList = [x for x in actions] if startMethod is None: startMethod = 'spawn' ctx_in_main = multiprocessing.get_context(startMethod) if nbrCores is None: nbrCores = ctx_in_main.cpu_count() splitIndex = qtilingIndexList(actionsList,nbrCores,Debug=False) if Comments: print(splitIndex) args = [oldrelation, oldMax, oldMed, oldMin, newMax, newMed, newMin, actionsList,formatString] tasks = [(splitIndex[i],args, #oldrelation, oldMax, oldMed, oldMin, #newMax, newMed, newMin, #actionsList,formatString, Comments) for i in range(nbrCores)] newrelation = {} with ctx_in_main.Pool(processes=nbrCores) as pool: #print(tasks) for result in pool.imap(worker_func2, tasks): #print(result[0]) newrelation.update(result) # install new values in self self.valuationdomain['max'] = newMax self.valuationdomain['min'] = newMin self.valuationdomain['med'] = newMed self.valuationdomain['precision'] = newPrecision if ndigits == 0: self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = True else: self.valuationdomain['hasIntegerValuation'] = False self.relation = newrelation
################################### # testing the module if __name__ == '__main__': from randomPerfTabs import Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau pt = Random3ObjectivesPerformanceTableau( numberOfActions=1000,seed=2, commonScale=(0.0,1000.0)) bg = MPBipolarOutrankingDigraph(argPerfTab=pt,Normalized=True, startMethod=None, nbrCores=1,Comments=True) print(bg) #bg.showRelationTable() #g = BipolarOutrankingDigraph(pt) #g.showRelationTable() print('*------------------*') print('If you see this line all tests were passed successfully :-)') print('Enjoy !') print('*************************************') print('* R.B. *') print('* $Revision: Python3.12 $ *') print('*************************************')